Oh God yes, the sign.
The infamous, “The Daily Talk Show” podcast sign was a HUGE step in solidifying our new visual identity. As the show stepped into the video realm, we had unintentionally created our own ‘brand identity’. The infamous pallet wall on Easey Street. Tommy’s white T shirt. Josh’s minimalist black outfits.
However, there comes a time when we need change. A time where everything must evolve. The change of studio was a big start, with a refined backdrop and a brand new space to get our creative juices flowing.
With me coming on board as a designer, I presented an opportunity to bring a breath of fresh air into the podcast.
Step one, figure out a solution for the sign.
It took a few days. Designing for manufacture is never an easy process. There’s communication, logistics and files to deal with. If there was any gronk to do it, it’s me.
Five weeks after my arrival, our new sign and branding was up on the wall. And holy sh*t! What a presence! We like to think of it as a modern day Mona-Lisa. It’s the first thing you see whenever you walk into the studio.
The Geeky Specs
At nearly a meter wide (950 mm to be precise), it’s a visually dominating feature in the room. Our good mates at Display Lab Inc, a local Melbourne sign manufacturer, had the entire thing built in less than a week.
Obviously, our anal nature and niche ability to overcomplicate the simplest of tasks, ensured we got the exact shade of blue! Clearly due diligence pays off.
The letters for our sign are CNC routed from a 10mm gloss acrylic. The machine took our Adobe Illustrator file and converted it into an XYZ axis code. Now it goes to work cutting through the acrylic, 2mm at a time. Once all is said and done (5 passes later) our letters popped out and we’re ready for paint!
Using the Pantone Colour Matching System (PMS), Display Lab Inc absolutely nailed our color scheme! The Daily Talk Show uses Pantone 2925 C as our main hue of choice.
Once the paint dried, a specialized acrylic solvent was used to attach our letters onto a matte black Perspex backing, complete with four mounting holes drilled into the corners of the backdrop. Clearly, we thought ahead!
Since we’re in the podcasting game for the long run, and video has become an integral part of The Daily Talk Show, our sign had to be perfect. There’s no way around it! We wouldn’t have it any other way. Mounting to the pallet wall in the new studio was a seamless. All it took was four anchor bolts, four screws and five minutes of time. In no time at all, we were set.
At an approximate weight of 10.5 lbs, The Daily Talk Show Official Sign is an absolute beast.
It fills up the room, completes the shot and hopefully, it leaves a warm feeling in your heart.