#568 – 2020 With Bree & Amy/
- January 5, 2020
Amy and Bree join us for Weekend Banter! We chat about our highlights of 2019, and what we’re excited for in 2020.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– Bounce
– Reverse Baby Monitor
– Cool aunty and uncles
– Highlights of 2019
– 2020 consumption
– Overthinking
– Bodhi’s 2019 highlights
Bree on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breanaphillips/
Amy on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amyhucker/
Email us: hi@bigmediacompany.com.au
Send us mail: PO BOX 400, Abbotsford VIC 3067
The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
It's the daily Talk Show Episode 568 what's happening guys? What's going on? We can Banta
my headphones is so loud I'm just I don't know whose headphones those words I just turned down a
special episode. We've got our better halves here. And what do you call the kid is era? I mean you calling me fan so if you got
a great gift with purchase and
you say hello drunks
What's going on? No. Can you hear me now? Can you now?
So we've got Bodie here as well. My son. This is his first feature on the video podcast because he was on remember our house last year, that was before we started
recording, he couldn't really say anything at that point. And I have on two places. So we've
got chocolate spreads. happening here, buddy. Don't be shy. Just say What's up gronk gronk
night he's actually quite tired because today we've been bounce.
trampoline. We've been there before I
went for a birthday night.
Far out. I feel all did you dunk
now? I am sorry. I got this. It was a kid's birthday they put it on that Clara and so there's 1015 other kids and the parents are there too. And I started jumping yeah and they're like oh sorry you can't be jumping. You have to pay the jump. I wouldn't hang on what are you talking about? I will hear the kids party what kind of jumped with my keep the light not you have to pay for we span Really Really? I was I absolutely not. And I jumped a little bit more.
down on my conspiracy Jimmy just a print the wristbands Did you have
a month I probably could have but what I ended up doing was just cause just rebelling slightly. Hang on Mason, the babysitter has to step in, but he came in this is one of the Well we can't have Johnny Johnny come Yeah, yeah, he's just came for the chocolate and now he's
he's jumping right into the tripod that's fine. Yeah. Okay, I see what he's doing he's he's running away from nice and he knows exactly what you
feel free to manhandle him. Okay yeah
tiser him so
we've got a little setup
anyway sorry not cut off but it kept Boy Boy so they ended up coming up to me I reckon they spoke because I got told off by two people and I kind of was like this is a bit silly. We're here for a kids party like how is not included that the adults can just jump around with the kids Yeah. And so they came on like he's a pair of socks in a wristband. We've found some we can give it to get that I reckon now thankful because then all the kids were chasing me and stacks on and, and so they didn't really have to do much because that was
like he's a whistle. The guidelines,
and everybody was so cute because all the kids were jumping on me and bow He was jumping say,
No, he's my special daddy.
And he was blowing kids off and my wanting to look after my dad. Were you wearing your hat backwards?
But no, I didn't have my hat. I left my husband.
Oh, hey.
Oh, he's really in front of the camera. That's okay. That's right. Yeah, he's watching the screen. But
this is actually funny. I'm really enjoying
nice it would make a great dad. Yeah, he wouldn't
tell his ovaries would be exploding right now. She was you can turn your mic off nice.
Sit down.
I tell you what, like finding he's stopped. I know he's, he's having a nap still. But, but we need to stop it. Yeah, because he's he wants to sleep at night. Is it a midday nap is that when kids normally have naps?
About now so which is why so ready.
And so what does it take for him to go to sleep? Like if you want to set up a nap time? What does he Nate Jackson's doctor,
for medication. No.
But so he gets so tired. He doesn't want to sleep. That's the thing. And so I know that feeling we can't we like we gotta keep him up because then like he's for the last week straight. He's been on a better bet he won't go to sleep. So you try and 9pm Yeah. Oh, that's great. You put him into bed at seven. And then he's starting to get he gets out. And then he comes. Yeah.
One more cuddle. I just want some water. I just want to go to the toilet. I just
want some cheese.
Is there anything to do with like a reverse baby monitor or like a FaceTime so he can see you guys and you can wave. You'd be trying to
put Cat Boy on something.
You just don't want to give them the screen. You're talking about the whole kids and like being an adult and going somewhere and not being included. Our friend Abby was telling me that When she went to Disneyland, she believes that if you with a kid, you can go in the fast line designed for one person and she would do it constantly. Most people, obviously if you've got a kid, you line up because you got more than two you can go on the Express line or whatever.
And so they
won't it wasn't a robot so who's gonna question you sort of thing? She also had a son had a wheelchair pass that she got so they Yeah. Tell him you've got to solve
this during was he did he's foolish, but I don't think it was that bad. So and then all sudden, she was like, Are you sure? And he was like, Oh, no, actually, it's bad.
But yeah, I mean, you definitely looking for opportunities to leverage, especially in that place. Disneyland. I mean,
yeah, unless you have a Fastpass even we had the Fast Pass when we went and it was still
crazy. What did when did you guys go It
We went to Disney World in 2015 and Disney Land in 2013.
Disneyland was the best thing ever. I loved it. I always wanted to go It was like the park that was created by Walt Disney. It was really good Disney World.
Florida one bed like it's a little bit more like they've got Ellen DeGeneres doing like a, like a whole show. Or she was there you know, but it's like video, but it was like, the 90s so it was like it's a bit weird.
When did you When were you there? What year me?
I'm bad with us. I'd say maybe. Let's go with 2012
Yeah, anyway. Oh, disneyland world. Yeah.
So john, what were you going for? Was it for like with friends? Or what was the range? My auntie took me
for my 21st but I was older than 21. I think 22 or 23?
Yeah, you travelled the us with your idea.
Yeah. And a bit of Canada. Oh, that's fun. That's beautiful sunshine. is can you
imagine travelling with your Anzhi? Josh? Helen?
Yeah, Helen scrying Are you good morning?
Good morning. Yeah,
I've got a lot of Auntie's.
I I'd like to be nice to so what would they have? Who would I they'll be me going to Disney
with like Carrie,
with Carrie. Nah.
So you don't know you don't like Carrie. I love Carrie wouldn't travel with her.
Every so we like and what do you like carries a sweetheart. It's my dad's sister. She's similar to my dad that you think loves plants? Yeah, good. She's a social worker. Sweet, very sweet.
But I just couldn't imagine what's the trick with us?
Or we went to like what was it said with island which was where Anne of Green Gables was written and set and we stayed in the kindred spirits in and every block this bed and breakfast and every night at like five o'clock. You came down for supper and they had home cooked like chocolate chip cookies, which was massive and And you sat around the fireplace and chatted with all the other people who were staying there was like super sweet but everyone
now me going with row. Rupert my brother's son. Yeah, I can imagine that like he how old he zero like one nearly one. How old were you when you went? Like 2020 2020? Yeah, so how old was he when he's 21? I'll be old maybe like 50 so it will be a similar Oh no. See, my my auntie was a lot older. So by the time I was 21 she would have been
but you'll see that you said that you would go with it and I have kids
Yes. Oh, okay. One of the fantasies Do I have
any have kids now? Yeah one on TV almost like a grandma room regards to age
but this this Auntie that I went with didn't have kids so she'd kind of like spoil you and like just put everything into that's what brain is planning on being? Yeah,
we want to be.
Yeah, so it'd be like taking like your nieces and nephews
strapping Land Disney World. Yeah, maybe you could start off with the Gold Coast. See where?
I mean I'm not a theme park guy, I think why I don't think he needs it. I think he would love I think like NASA you're trying to push astronauts stuff on. I really think that's definitely something that's
cool. I'm just I just thought space books were cool and I just want him to learn all that space. Space books not pushing a
direction kids still think space is as cool as it was. Like, I remember thinking was so cool.
We're at the time where our Minecraft
he loves dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs a fascinating
and how they've just discovered that like, they had them covered in feathers and close it to birds and reptiles. What really
when did this come out? Party Can you pull that up? Calm that I you? A
couple of you like it's pretty recent to that with feathers. Yeah, that's
well, I chicken someone said the other That's like, you know, the sound of a dinosaur I think was a meme. Ah, no one's ever heard the sound of a dinosaur. They're making it up.
And it's so true.
So Jurassic Park it's the movies that are doing this stuff. I mean, movies are crap. A shaping we saw an ad for we should we watched the David day last night. Oh, yeah, that's a bj it was old school and said there was pre roll ads. And so we watch the pre roll ads and news previews of movies. Like it was like Back to the Future box set. Not that it was just like revamping it. But then one of them was like some movie that came out in 2011, before time, something like that. But in the future, like the shoes that they're wearing, like, they still had to build in the movie, they still had to build the shoes that could suck in, you know, like, and have the jacket that tightened
so that they made a version that you can buy. Yeah, it was like and that was it wasn't motorised or whatever very heavy impractical I think we did this nice once before but do it again. I've just got the airport somebody
he's watching Peppa Pig
right dead. Can you look up what movies predicted an invention in the future? Sure.
Yeah. Well, I think I like a lot of futurists love sci fi, because it does a quite a good job of representing
ulted carbon that was amazing. So good.
I love that. What's it about
Netflix specials JPN future
they not a good future.
They've got good parts. That's why I was like, that's a good parts.
What the concept is cool. They call them sleeves. And so your body is body slave. So it's just, it's just a vessel. And then there's these chips that go into the back end. And you can move it around so you can leave for a long time and you can go from body to body to body grow iPhones. Essentially,
but the weird thing is that, like, we were watching it at one point and Tommy's like I don't like because you can, the only way that you can really kill somebody is by destroying that chip. He's like, Why is everyone not wearing like, neck things to protect them?
Yeah. No one's right. Touch it to you by me, what was the highlight of 2019 for you?
Do you want to know something? I'm in the bathroom and I was just gonna ask me to ask me what the highlight of my year
because she's extrapolated from the common question. What's the highlight of the day? Yeah, and the second question that you asked was a highlight I'm gonna follow up
but I want to know that to start with from both you and Bray highlight of the year 2019 now that we're in 2020, yeah. Wow, crazy.
Um, so you have should have a good answer. It's
well, it's a bit I was thinking it is a very boring and 70s honest. I think with with all of the The work that you've been putting into yourself, you
can't give me that.
No, but I think that from from you not drinking, meditating every day exercising and really working on yourself. It's really benefited our relationship. And I think I've really been hard. Yeah, I think out our relationship. It's been a real highlight this year. I'm
just going to call that one for you. That's
a great one.
Yeah. But it's still a compliment for me.
Yeah, which I actually didn't want to do.
selfish. I really love my job. I'm good. I'm really happy that I feel like it's been a long time since I've found like, I've locked a lot of jobs that I've had, but it's been a long time since I've gone. Since I've gone, it walked into a workplace and it felt like I could stay here for a while
really long time. The sandwich presses to cook rotten fish
now this is actually that
person still there?
And every time they use the sandwich breath Oh,
yeah, they still cooking fish.
He slowly works it back into rotation. Yeah,
rotten fish.
That happened and the office smelt for like three days.
But it was an accident, right?
Yeah. How do you
probably wouldn't know either. I like that so your job and then also Tommy and all of his improvements. What about you brain? Don't feel like you have to mention. Previously it was a good one for me. My improvement was last year.
Okay, there's a couple of things. The first thing would be
professionally, I love my job. It's exhausting. But it's we work for a startup. It's a chocolate company called a target. Going around him. I'm sure some people already know about it.
Can we put a affiliate link or something? Can people get it? Can we give a discount? Let me do a discount Seriously? Oh, no. The free mini bar.
Yeah, well, my chocolate
Christmas is gone really well
been a lot of growth. And I think there's that thing where you sort of feel like you've got that imposter sort of syndrome and that you can't do it. And I think this year has been a lot of proof that I can do it. And I've got a really good team and we've really supported each other, we still really small, but we've changed a lot. Another thing would be I did a marketing course. And that was for eight weeks. And that was really good and challenging. And a lot of it was putting yourself out there and having really open discussions and in the final week we had your presentation, and that took a lot for me to so to speak publicly and confidently. So that was another thing. And then I think the last thing would be retained Like just getting back like we travelled for four months together last year. And we're staying at George's parents we got home which will super grateful for. And then we moved out in was it
march, march of 2019 or whatever she
was still living there and 28
Isn't it crazy now? That's why it's like that right? Just to think about how much I hated that. Because I'd have to get up at like five in the morning. Drive and stop
the commute. We were so grateful that you know, I'm so lucky that we had your parents house. Yeah, that was so lovely to have us there and all that sort of thing.
Unlimited waggon wheels pretty good. Yeah,
pretty good. And Tim Tams good. I'm
getting barely sometimes
because I hate it.
But I think routine for us, like just getting back into a groove like I've gone back to my old gene that's really good. Just being able to walk to work. He's
45 I'm at fielding function
is Josh coffee, a part of your team like getting him
Is that actually every word
that in yeah I've worked at the gym at six o'clock in the morning then when I finish at seven I go via the coffee place on the way home I get two coffees I bring it home and
I'm not in bed I
know Yeah, I should
say how many we got a we're on the muscle meal thing like that's one of the habits that we're getting into. Yeah, thank you 45
they sell and how full our fridges that's good. Does that crazy looks like a quickie, man.
It's $50 for 20 meals so that's like a Monday to Friday thing and a really good
they sell them at Bodhi downstairs a buddy's old daycare at the Kwik e Mart but the little convenience store
very delicious. 97 you had one the other day? yes great before the gym.
I went actually went into YMCA and the block that I know that asked him if he can microwave it because they don't have a public market. So he took me out back into the staff area and gave me a fork in
Grab the food de Marco.
It's good, good quality stuff. Um,
and then what about you? What was the question? Well,
I caught up with Jules last week. And he was, um, he was pumped interview. He's like, you should write down. He's like I did this. Spend some time writing down all of your achievements, because you don't usually think about
Yeah, go to smigel get a notepad
or your notes a founder to write down on paper.
But it's a good one. Have you done it yet?
No, I've just been thinking about them.
That's actually a good idea. I should do that because I get it by the end of the year. I'm so foggy and I'm not clear on sort of what I've done, or what I considered an achievement like because it's just been everything feels so full on.
You guys actually living in your own apartment again?
Yeah, that's true.
Yeah, that was a consistency thing is definitely like just doing the show regularly and all that sort of thing. I think that's
collective ones for the show this amorphous Yeah. The old office. It's a 97 coming.
500 Episode 500
elebrate off
a live event. Yeah, you did that making money from the show? That's good
all these things that when did we get the camera the say 200
that was only like does this year that was this match was I mean, we didn't even have a video like we we had yours from your all business and have our own
is the NASS I mean, I'm going very hardware specific.
It's like you you record every single day, which is crazy. Every time I talk to someone about it, like that's massive you've had
in Australia, on your podcast.
Amazing. And it's another thing that you guys do really well I think, which is a compliment is that thank you very much. You do research and things like that you don't really like prepare whole bunch of questions.
With it being a positive. Yeah, still good.
It's really good conversation. And it's really interesting. And I think that's really good. You always make people feel welcome and celebrated. And I think another thing for you guys too is also you need to make money as well. So then you're trying to run the video production side of the business, which is really hard because you've got that sort of going, you've got the podcast going and you've sort of got the branded trying to do more branded content side of the podcast and monetizing that as well. So I think it's a
it yeah, it feels like a lot any longer. I think
that's but I think people would be surprised at doing it for themselves that it's a lot of money a lot just as whatever it is for you. Like just
any any hired Mason full time.
Yeah, that's a big one
about like, consumption. I'm thinking about 2020 and the books. I want to read it Saying, Amy that you've been posting more about podcasts and you love Adam Grant
like I do. as that sounds like he's smiling like the whole time.
Yeah, it's almost a nervous tic. Right? Yeah. Cuz like you'd be smiling you're all good and
we do that for the nation.
When you work in customer service, they always tell you if you're on the phone is smiling and you do that by smiling you got all that
hasn't stopped. We should just try for the rest of the episode for fun I will anyway and so now what do you like about him?
I'm, I'm drawn I think a lot to people who do psychology because like it's an interest Yeah, and and organisational psychology is so it's, it's so interesting because like we all work we all have jobs and just you're really putting me up
close your eyes. cuz then it's
it's actually something I when I was saying that event I realised I can get so in my head that I'm actually not smart but I don't smile because I just trying to get the information across so I made sure to really
I think it's a good It could be good quality,
but it's kinda sad that you need to do a poll. It
sounded like you're a bit
strange is it
smells like a lot.
Yeah, my son's got the perfect so yeah, it's Yeah, it's
really great. We love him. Very big. What's been the highlight? I'm sure you probably asked you before but do it again.
I think Episode Episode 500 was probably so much fun like that was a scary is that was sort of em saying and and being up there. It's something that I've never done before. 10 more Number one, reel them off. Just really attending highlights. Just think about the things you've done just little things.
Yeah, the shameless dieting LA.
What about that? I was
just going over there meeting everyone that was Dr. Holly Holloway.
mean, you produce the show. Yeah. That's doing that every day.
Right. table. I know. It's quite boring. It's big. Right? Everyone's impressed with their table.
Oh, yes. Social media stuff.
Yeah. Oh, yeah. Social media. Yeah, you're smashing that. You Hey,
oh, yeah. That as well.
Yeah, I'm actually considering getting getting it done. Again. You really know what's going on.
Don't forget the whole thing. Maybe just like tips or something. It's We'll have back to
back to Rachel. Yeah.
Alright, so there's a few. It's I mean, is it was that hard for you Mr. Nice having to reel those off?
I mean, when you're holding Bodie a little bit
know but I mean, so much so much awesome stuff has been happening and probably Yeah, I mean, I guess like maybe meeting all of you guys as well. That's been a massive highlight as well. It's like Why not? I mean, cuz Yeah, I mean, I mean, I wasn't I wasn't doing too much at the start of the year. So to have more direction and clarity.
Yeah, that's been a massive highlight. What do you think you would be doing? And this isn't this isn't like trying to sort of say look at what we've done for you. But what the fuck would you be doing if you weren't doing the show direct and like you know, like it be grandiose about it. Like if everything went to plan, what would you have been doing?
I didn't have much of a plan.
Probably. You're building people's websites.
Yeah, I wouldn't have done think I would have continued doing that. It would have been too much of a headache.
Have you stopped this because they're paying monthly subscriptions went? Yeah, I've handed that over to her. One night. Okay, great.
Yeah. Have you told the client
yet? No, I did. I sent I sent emails over.
What else would you be doing?
Because before you started here, full time you were working at like a digital agency, sometimes doing some,
I probably would have been spread across multiple people and industries, just sort of learning and doing bits work here and there for them.
I'm sure to be honest, someone else would have seen what you could do and you would have been offered some sort of full time favourite work
for you know, there's a lot I think it's so much about timing. So when you want an internship or you want to be a part of some other people thing that they've got going on the wind always happen, and it has to happen at like a right time. It's like when someone says, Oh, I just need like a video person, like some young video person, just like it is. It is like stars aligning to get the right person win that he's that he's open to working for nothing and creating that relationship. And so it's like, I feel so lucky to have you nice. I love it. Yeah, I mean, I love you guys as well.
It was you guys. Like it's quite back to somebody.
Like, I love you guys. Easy but great. I love you is hard.
My lucky
love the chair.
Tell somebody you love them this email. That's not your family, you
know? 2020 this is coming out the fifth of
July. She's a good actor.
She cannot she cannot kind of act so not really acting.
But what what are you hoping you could tell somebody you love them this year?
There maybe it might happen. This might
be special moment. I'd like like to capture a place
in regards to like habits and consumption. I'm not not as any sort of habit but consumption of content. What's everyone wanting to consume in 2020? So I mean, I feel like he got into more podcast maybe at the end of the year or like, got focused on a few specific good ones.
I think I just started sharing them because I've been listening to a lot of different ones for a while and when I say a lot of different ones, I mean, mainly objects but but
no, this is the funniest thing. You know when someone in the live close to you has gone on to a new podcast. And they just obsessed is when they actually dropped the name out of the way. I was into this podcast. And I want to tell you something, and they've actually stopped telling you what podcasting is. You already know. So hang on, let me use this is from Dax Shepard. Here was that Shepherd
bells has Well, maybe I shouldn't start with that. Yeah, yeah, I think I don't know. I think he's definitely
know he's like, in comedies or something. You
know, he sees his name on it never knew his name, but I know he's face. And then yes, he's, he's married. He's named Kristen Bell. But this is a cool kind of podcast.
It is really cool. But I think I just decided to stop posting like when I got some stuff out of something, because I really appreciate it when other people do that. And I always read it, what they get out of it. And I think it's real interesting. So I thought, why not?
So you're going to post more this in 2020 do you think
if I Lack of not real, I guess goals around that. I'd like to, I think improve a lot on my thinking because I'm an over thinker. And yet, yep. So you know, you can wander that direction for me. Oh, yeah. What does by over thinker or by improve my thinking,
thinking or know what's improving thinking for an over thinker?
For me? I'll answer both questions for me, I guess if I would have an interaction with someone, and they could look at me funny or whatever. And I'll walk away going, they, they think I'm an idiot. And I think this and I think that and create, like a whole world around. Yeah. Yeah, create a whole world around that experience. And then and think it was something that I've done and really try to work that out and then go back to them and go, Hey, if if I offended you by these, that's not what I meant. And I'll go, Oh, no, it's like you've created these whole nuts, right? And they're like, I just saw something in the distance and was like, worried about that. Second
I just got there and shit going on hundred percent on a day where they just you know
call them on a day when they're trying to smile in every word. What was that was so fake when
when I'm creating these world it's super self centred because I'm making it all about me all the time like they're thinking this about me this is about me and so I guess what about when I'm trying to put the focus on other people more? I mean I if I can
be for an over thinker What about when you get it right? And so you start sort of having these like, wins but you start affirming that
I still don't think it's a win because I'm stuck in my head and making myself suffer if that makes sense like the way that you think I love it because you'll go but I need they said that they're doing good. So why why are you overthinking all this stuff if they've said that? And I'm like, Yeah, but they all the signs indicated. To they're really pissed off at me and you're like, take them on what they said, if if they're lying to you, they're being dishonest. They don't want you to know. And what's the point in you making yourself suffer? And I think that you're very good at not allowing yourself to suffer in your head. And that's a real strength.
And one that I'd like to work on.
When Yeah, when when do you need to overthink or when does it serve? Yes, I
think when safety is at risk, I think that's probably something that's good to make sure that you are right about, like if one of your friends if you think that they're in danger, like at home or whatever, and if they're telling you like, No, no, it's all good and all and signs are pointing to things not being good. I think it's probably good to overthink that a little bit and be extra vigilant about different things.
I think one of the dangers of thinking is not listening to yourself and what you think about something so you actually having those thoughts We're getting signals, but it could be even a feeling about something situation. And then you don't listen to that. Yeah. And so then there's a point where it's like,
I guess in between you and I,
two people who under think also under communicate, I wonder
well, that's what I'm saying they've their own under communicating with themselves
as much as another calling it then. Because Yeah, I feel like we reflect what we're doing internally. So if you're an over thinker, you're probably an over communicator. Yeah. Yeah. If you if you could have both if you could have get to a point where you're taking maybe not under thinking but taking things as the presented to
mindfulness is literally the answer I think for because mindfulness is such a guru know if it makes sense All right, big room. No.
No. am actually in my
Where you are ever thinking, having the ability to step back from it? Just to actually observe the situation that's going on with, with no emotion? Yeah, at least attempt to. That's what mindfulness is. It's not even meditation. It's before it's like mindfulness.
Every kind of weakness is like, is like the, the opposite of his strength. I'm not doing that role, but like, if you're if you are like an over thinker, then you probably very thoughtful and considerate because you're thinking about Oh yeah. And so it's about how do you maximise on the strength of that and minimise the weakness like how do how do you make it work for you the best that you can? Yeah,
so what?
I want to be an under thing called still being me, but without it affecting me. Yeah,
we'll see my boss siren always because I'm always like, I hate overthinking. And I get into situations where I'm like, Oh, I don't know where to go next. Or I've really, really thought about something just like off and on. All these different things with her and I'm like, I'm sorry, I'm overthinking it. And there was once where she said to me, don't apologise for it thinking, like, that's one of your strengths. And that's what makes you so good at what you do. But then she was also like, that's one thing that's always going to be annoying for you. Yeah, just to control and to bit she was like, but don't let that go. Because that's, I like that you overthink and that you care and that you're passionate about what we're doing enough to really think about it, hopefully, beautiful mom. So I think there's going to be different ways of handling it or whatever that is, because sometimes I can get into a situation where I feel stuck. And then there's other times where I'm like, Okay, if I just remove all the bullshit and think what am I thinking the way I am and sort of trying to pull it apart in pieces?
Because I think it can, it can definitely serve but I think if it's what if you can try and like I'll even be like if I talk to someone, I'll be looking at the visual cues if I if they say something, if I say something I say there is cross store, things like that. I adjust. Like I'll do all that sort of shit. Which I, which
I think that's, there's, there's a strength in that in as well, because I was thinking about I do similar stuff, where like, you know, I've like, oh, have I hit a nerve? Okay, let me backtrack and work backwards or whatever make you feel more comfortable. And and I guess the strength in that is that you, Adam, Adam calls this high self monitoring. And when you're constantly kind of observing yourself and and changing yourself and I think I used to hate that about myself because I thought I'm such a chameleon, whatever someone wants, I'll give it to them. But at the same time, I think that it it's actually a strength in that you'll, you're always kind of testing the temperature of the room, and then I will to respond to that. Yeah. And I think that it's a quite a peaceful quality because it means you're not going to. If there's like a room full of really quiet people, you're not like, well, I'm going to be myself at all costs, and I'm loud and I'm decent going to make you all feel really anxious and whatever.
So I think that's another Is that another mask or whatever? Yeah, certainly serving could say even like if somebody if I like glance over at something while someone's talking, and I think they probably thought that I wasn't paying attention or then verbalise The last thing they said, or like ask a question that's very specific to that thing to like bring it all back or whatever and these things I think just happened naturally. Yeah, but I'm an anxiety out of it right
the show and even like when people I really appreciate it when people like a direct about what they've done, like Oh, sorry, I hope you don't think that I wasn't paying attention to you. I was just looking over there because there's a clock there and I have to run in 10 minutes, but I've got heaps of time or whatever. And it's that's always helpful
throw the Apple Watches annoying notifications. Like I kept looking at my watch, but it's,
yeah, you do that a lot. But you and you also tell people what you're doing. Yeah, I think it's good like I'm doing I'm just looking at I'm just looking at my watch.
There's one thing that I do want to start like for both of us to do less of in 2020 and that's being on fo
burridge gelada
Well, we're already past UberEATS Yeah,
but definitely be on fri means less because I waste so much time just aimlessly sort of scrolling or not able I'm doing like work stuff just constantly connected. And I find it really hard not to switch off and go to sleep because like, I know I was speaking to someone on Friday night and we're sort of all helping it social media at the moment because it's been with the hallway that we've had a few people that have had melted chocolate and I dropped it melted chocolate because I literally was like replying to these methanol super lovely It was no it was no problem but then in my dreams I was just dreaming about it and I was just kept waking up and I was like oh god it's
it's I'm exhausted. Can you do it? How can you
I think we actually need to take out from our
no she's not mode, make everything.
Got night Mark and I still Look at it,
maybe you can look at it. The point is, it's a little less strain on the eyes, but I get what you're saying.
we went into a habit for a while they were we were reading before bed, it was just really nice Nori screens, um, you know, my books and fiction books for me because I just sort of love to escape Josh is all about nonfiction. And it was really not, especially when you find a good book and you can't put it down. You're sitting by every night. I was like, looking forward to like reading it. I want to get back into those habits.
And being on my phone, you know, it's always important. It's so hard to
break. It is so hard, so addictive, but my sisters writing The Artist's Way at the moment.
Yeah, that's the it's quite big. Yeah.
And what's quite funny is because it was written a while ago, I think before maybe before tech, not like fine technology. Technology was invented. But what it talks about not writing, which I thought was so crazy, because I'm like, because that was the Entertainment.
Consumption right like consumption. There's always been a thing. That's a bad thing. I'm sure. Like, we'll look at phones and think how silly it's like detach from the headsets, like so. Take your contact lenses. Yeah, yeah.
It's so funny because it was I just don't have a newspaper with breakfast and all these
things I look at like,
even when I'm waiting for the coffee's. In the morning after the gym, I'll flick through the newspaper like a good thing. This is not
Every day,
every day, every night ends. I think Sunday really comes in hard. I think
I'm all about the horoscopes
around that Taurus.
Sagittarius. I'm a bull. Apparently, I'm busy.
Do you think I'm stupid? Yeah.
Sagittarius Ask your Virgo. And what do you make? I don't know. Suddenly he was november
november november one
197 the other day and said he was going to be finding a new job I'm gonna send it to him
anyway plans for this she must find another job or
his job will go to a new level.
new code
What is your been your highlight of 2019
not capital.
Oh yeah, well, I guess we can lean into it. He can bring the mic a little bit down. Yeah, yeah.
Hi, birdie. birdie. What have you liked about this year?
What's your favourite? What's your favourite character?
Can I come Yeah Can you can you do for us the super Gecko muscle? Here we go. 123 Okay.
Yeah, buddy What are you excited about for the year?
It's your third birthday coming out this year if
you could eat anything right now if I could give you any food What would you like?
terrorists terrorists.
I thought he was gonna say he's gone. Oh, really? Yeah. What do you think?
did I have them well there's I'm capturing muffins.
You can make him and then I have those. back some
of the old school like you definitely I do is I just ate the whole window rush eat rice.
edible little images we could do the daily talk show was
like cupcakes. I
think it was like them. Alicia. Thanks, Mark. bringing me thank you for a great year. Thank you for supporting us. Yeah, she saw
your things that you're grateful for. done it before
you wrap it off. We just did work stuff. posted up my list.
Right here. So
yeah, so you could say,
Yeah, get one. And if it's not your spouse then
so this is personal.
So you're doing okay. Yeah, like
I mean, this has been very work heavy for us.
Our relationship?
I'm not, it's very good. I think we've connected more and found that spark again. More six. She's good and six tember we had that full month where you hear it so much. No way
it doesn't happen every it's been
nice that I think us and getting your house and no we didn't buy a lot of people do end up saying what you bought but not try now just moving into a house and Bodie and just, yeah relationships and lovely.
That's very nice. That's nice.
You don't have to say anything about me.
Well, I want to I'm just trying to think of which one not trying to think that Well, I mean, you look at like a you could look at the thing of the phone thing being bad but and that we enable each other but we're very aligned. Everything that we do we do together. Yeah. So when we're on the phone can have flown the same time. So I think that's good. I know what I like is like I walk home and then braze driving like she's like, basically get too hot home at the same time and we I think we spend a lot of time Yeah, that's nice nice.
Your routines a good
Yeah, actually yeah, we've got that aligned
What else? They all sort of was crying
dance. It was great. We went to
but there was a couple of good hikes but we want to do more hikes more walking and shit. That'd be nice. Oh, that was actually was really good when we went into
this now
I was gonna say when we went to church all Park national park with three day deal.
Oh, yeah, that was fun. That was fun. See what else? Yeah.
Chocolate with me last weekend. Oh, yeah, actually,
that was that was fun. Yeah, yeah, doing stuff because I think we'll talk about love languages or whatever and braises
she likes when I do acts of service, which is which is good. But
anyway, yeah, no, I think active like doing shit i think is
Yeah, yeah,
I barely can you say bye to the gronk squads. I see your gronk
The Daily talk show,
just at least the daily talk show. Okay,
we're crossing to Bodie in 321.
No, we've got a slight delay here.
We just happened we just lost our just there. All right. So daddy talk show say tomorrow, guys.