#782 – Tommy’s Back On Instagram/
- July 6, 2020
We chat about Tommy getting his Facebook back, Mr. 97’s weekend, privacy and knowing where people live, wasting Friday night, and what’s happening in the US.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– Tommy’s got his Facebook back
– Mr. 97’s great weekend
– Speaking different languages in Australian accents
– The pressure to post on social media
– Privacy and people knowing where we live
– Josh’s AirPods replacement
– Dispatch
– Buying from different supermarkets
– Living with the parents
– A wasted Friday night
– A documentary on The Great Depression
– Lost at sea
– Things celebs miss
– The White House YouTube channel
– Being a musician in the military
– Military condition in the US at the moment
– Podcasting from a bunker
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 782 Uh, guys what's going on? Happy Monday. Great to be here. It's even better for me being here. Why? Because I had a great weekend. That's good. So did I actually did you what was the highlight of yours? The highlight of mine was getting a text message from you. Josh Janssen at about 10pm on Friday night saying you've got your Instagram back. Do you know how I knew? Wow you knew before me I went to bed at 830 and didn't wake up until 730 the next day So you knew before we had the fact that you know the reason I knew was because rod from beach house by Gary didn't Insta story.
I don't know but rod he's been tracking yet Rodney before your eyes gone up. It was one of the greatest The greatest moment
something bad happening where you wake up and you have a flurry of messages. Just congratulate
rabl clapping I kept having it was probably
it was five messages who from kind of remember it just felt good that that were there when else in life would you get messages like that entity? What? I got more followers, did you so I came back and it turns out there's all these gronk that weren't following me from the gronk squad. Do I need to do some sort of exit? It works. I just got a new one just couldn't really follow it through. Yeah, so there was a bunch like, and it also I don't know if people like unfollowed me and then followed me back. But I got a couple a Dwight's good relations. I think he's, I had a couple of people on the case. So backtrack, hacked. Had to verify my Facebook. Then your Instagram is all gone. He got taken down can put sorry, we can't
reverse this decision. So a couple of cats got on the case. Rob Ward from quad lock Jules lon from tribe they all have Facebook account managers but on their ad spend here's the thing I had to send out some thank yous, but I can't be sure which person actually did it. I'm leaning towards Joe's lawn because I had to send him a new email address was a team effort there wasn't this is a thing. The send flowers to everyone Well, thank you to everyone I know I was on an email chain with Susan from Facebook and then Jules was on with jasmine and so anyway, in someone internally did it and I'm just saying thank you. Thank you. It's bloody but it's nice. It's back. And any any any changes that we're going to say to your Instagram you can get looser post more, I closed it. I don't want a
big download big dump this morning
at the bell
for people who don't work at the offices
The toilet brushes used and it makes a ding a lings. We'd like to just pretend that that's when people are making, making sales. There's actually it's about as exciting
because it's why you so funny. He's had a great weekend. What do you do? Well, Saturday asked, we got a hater for my room. We came into the office and picked up the old heater from today's office. Yeah. So we got a warm bedroom now.
We also went to Bunnings and got some succulents, which was exciting. Yeah, great. And then and then on Sunday, we went for a little walk in Darwin parklands. Nice. And then we cooked dinner last night, and we made salmon
with meto mayonnaise, and no one in my family likes Mayer or salmon. Right? And then for the main we sell fish meat, chicken on rice with a salad. So how did how did that go with the family?
I mean I overcook the rice. Yeah, and what are the easiest
like rice is hit or miss for a lot of people rice cooker or no that just in the pot just saying it right as well. Misa means Oh, is he saying that right? I don't know. It sounds a bit Bogan, but yeah, because I know you like you Japanese cuisine. Yeah, it was definitely not how you said in Japan. Okay, so But you say you I feel like I probably Japan. So he saw me So yeah, that's not that's no
it's not. That's probably how I say it. Sure. I can't speak Japanese. But you need to put on an accent for Japanese Tim. Tim Ferriss. Have you heard him speak? I won't know. I guess everyone like whenever you speak in other language, you've got to change the way that your mouth moves. So you definitely can't say it like I spoken Australians. And it's like I'm German. Yeah, I go into a bit of a hog. Yeah, there is it Yeah, Avi gets do good Duncan to try and do that with an Australian accent.
Guten Tag.
Yeah. The gates dia. Yeah.
So it's I've actually been told by Jim, if you're a German listening tell me how my accent is, but I have been told, yeah, I did say, inshallah Gong. And I don't say that very well, surely Gong, which is sorry. Yeah. Which I said in Vienna when I was passing someone in surely Gong. You were just saying sorry. But, but it's not the right word. Someone says, like, no, it was fine. But then like, I know, a friend who was with me. So are you saying that wrong? I don't actually know what word you're saying. I certainly don't. One of the things I noticed from not having Instagram to then getting it and then feeling like a
so there's
so when you have a kid, there's all this shit you want to be doing. But then there's in the moment with the kid that is just the there's pulling your attention you can't like you as soon as you should have got
into your phone. It's like, you feel the separation they feel the neglect almost.
And so, you know, come a weekend I used to love doing some work and you know, like I enjoy it feels like it is you go to the cafe on Sunday, Saturday when I came as well. And everybody ordered these toasts. I wasn't going to buy him toast, because I thought it's too much too affluent. We're not that affluent. And he ordered toasted by himself. So he got the test anyway. But there's like a, it would be the, it's the feeling you get when you know you need to post something or you think, okay, I want to post something. But then you don't have any time to post it. Because you're distracted. And you're like, oh, and so you just are in this tension of I need to do this thing. But I've got something in the way right now. Yeah. And but then I was in the middle of that. And I was like, this is just a perpetual feeling when you have a Facebook or Facebook or Instagram account when you like I should be posting. But I don't really know what to post at this moment. And so there's this
It's horrible. Yeah, my Instagram. I was looking back. It was so strong, like, three years ago. Yeah, really good quality visco. Yeah, sort of shots and then you just started posting screenshots from FaceTime. Yeah.
You were doing a mix of anything, maybe to try hard. Was it back then? But there was anything you were just throwing up anything. Plus, it's like you're a good photographer. So there's great photography plus dirty, dirty. If you go back, like two years, it was just good stuff. Like you wouldn't see a screen grab. Yeah. But I was feeling like these platforms. Do they really alter people's feelings? And it's because there's no plan. Because if you would have set, set a plan in place and then be okay with that, so it's like, I post every second day, or I post once a day, and then you're good with that. You don't have that feeling. It's when you've got no, it's the last minute thing so you know, you're thinking something
Something around that and but it's it's linked to the creative process as well not just posting so it's like, well, food should be able to like am I got a great photo of the food that I had on the weekend? You posted? No, because you don't do that anymore anymore. Yeah, it's like, well, I just think, don't you boys thing I know. I'm just yeah, I mean, I wouldn't. I wouldn't push. I mean, anyway, but yeah.
You posted something of grace. Yes. Yeah. Oh, at the beach cuties. Yeah, it was nice. Yeah, that was your and so what did the quota? Definitely. And so what are you going to do? I don't know. I don't know the answer. But I just was trying to communicate something I think a lot of us probably feel like the tension of I've got a post and then you try to write the caption. You're getting distracted. Like, I just I could just let me do this. Have you had that question I can get I think captions come pretty natural. To me. I feel like captions are the heartbeat. Where's the friction? I'm much better at captions. Now. I don't give a shit as much as mine. But I'm pretty cool. I reckon. I'm pretty quick with that.
With the posts Now, like I do a lot of the throwbacks I go on Instagram. I'm like, we haven't posted for seven hours. Yeah, I just come to the rescue. I guess it's the distraction. It's like if you if I was there is no excuse if you're by yourself on the couch. Yeah. That's why people batch these things or it's I'm gonna go and
you know, don't when I get home or I'm going to spend 10 minutes. Yeah, doing it. I think if you don't have a plan that they have created a manipulating platform, but like something that will dictate it for you, it will dictate your feeling. And so then taking control is like, I'll post when I want and I'll be okay that I don't do anything outside of that. Have you? When you go to the cafe do you put your name down on a piece of paper I have been Yep. Tommy time three. Okay, you don't put everyone's phone up. You know, I use a lot of the places long street cafe. We now just party of three Tommy just put your name down. I know the other gronk you
The thinking about how much for private privacy concern that is? Well, I, when George and I, this was, first be back, this was weeks ago, four weeks ago, when we just moved back into the office. We went to a place around the corner, and there was a list of names and numbers. And I said to the guy, when I was writing my down, I was like,
man, if I just like, knew someone on here, and I thought, Oh, I don't want to come now, because I've seen that John's here. Mm hmm. Or you want someone's number. And he's like, I hadn't even thought about that with the paper system. Yeah, it could take photo. I was thinking I could take a photo of this cafe. Yeah. And then I could social engineer, contact them and say, hey, it's Josh here from the cafe this morning. You actually underpaid? But I grabbed it, I could. I can actually just put it through now for you. I know this is where you can come back in. The other option is just just pay by credit card. Now.
Yeah. Oh, you can hide a you know, like, Here send this number some money. Yeah. Oh yeah. Okay. Especially if it's a small business as well like, yeah, you could probably get away with it. Yeah, it was just 1630 It's fine. It'll be that. Yeah. Yeah, I think like there's a few issues, but I believe that hasn't happened yet. But we'll just call it a dark sheet you can think of that hasn't which I do. Yeah. Which I do, too. I think about dark stuff. And I'm like, how is that not happening more, but if I can think about it, some other Yes. I'm actually thinking about this. Here we go. Do you want to say, Yeah, I was thinking when this fires, right, some, imagine if it was like 50 people that band together and at, you know, 9am they poured petrol all through sort of the suburban like around, you know, Abbotsford and South Yarra. Yeah. And they Eritrea at 930. Everyone leaves it.
Yes, Doc, don't fucking do that. But you can
Think adoption. And it's humans tasks that humans don't do this stuff. Well, I there's a, there's a great YouTube channel that I was watching, you know how you can land on one of those websites and it takes over, especially if you're on a Windows machine takes over your whole computer says you have to call a number. Yeah, to get it. unfrozen basically says, You've got a virus, which is fake. And so anyway, there's, there's a guy on YouTube actually want to get him on the show, because he hacks the scammers, so he calls them up and while while they are taking control of his computer, he's taking control of their computer, and then over weeks, gets all the information about them and puts these massive because they have a bunch of phone numbers. He bombard them with phone calls to the point where they have to shut down the whole call centre our bit. That's great.
I feel like it'd be fun to get someone like that on on the show. hack the hacker. I mean, there is also
The worry though, because there is real underground subcultures of hackers where they're on.
They Doc's people, or they swipe it also. So this one person who was going down a rabbit hole trying to source who hacked someone Snapchat. This podcast, I was listening to one of the they got someone on who was an expert that had like a back end system to type in mobile numbers to see if it's linked to anyone that is under investigation, real high up in the government.
The guy said, Great, so you're we're gonna go after these people. But here's what you need to do. You need to change your mobile number. You need to
you can port it to Google numbers. So you never actually have a number. I don't even know. Google numbers isn't available in Australia. Now. I said that. Yeah. So it's like a digital. It's a good fit, like I would love was it called Google numbers or Google call Google call in so that digital number. Yeah. And so it was, you can
do fun things with that voicemail. I think there may be discontinuing it as a product. But it was going back eight or nine years ago was a cool idea. Because you could set your voice with Google Voice. Yeah. And so he said, change that. You need to get all of these things wiped. So you need to call all these databases about you tax, your tax information is everywhere that you sought to do it. Your addresses here, you need to change it all up. And you need to go down to the local police station say that you think that you're going to get swatted? Meaning someone's going to call through a serious incident that's happening at your address and the SWAT team will come but nothing's going on. I was really sick. I was thinking next time remember when I moved house and I said, I'm not gonna tell anyone where I live. And then I started taking photos. I made it very obvious where I live. Yeah. And now everyone comments about it. Yeah. Sealing windows Jesus.
Just have the front of your account.
counted I am on the front of you all join me as I
was thinking not much of an issue at the moment. But as we get potentially bigger or just sort of more people are listening.
George is going off
eBay has gone into some form of witness protection, the success of Hump Day watch.
One thing I'll be annoyed to have to do at some point is changed my mobile number. It's an orgy of this number so heightened delete that you'll need to change it. Well, you think you're gonna get that famous? Well, I it's just all I'm doing is wanting to when I move next, I'm just not going to really post about it with the idea that it's a bit of a safe space. So yeah, it's so then say if something did happen. So if someone said right now I'm going to come and fucking kill you. I'm going to come to your house or whatever. Yeah, just go to 240
You'd think that people would potentially know where we live or like work it out pretty easily. It'd be nice to have the safety mechanism where it's like they don't even know what suburb it would be nice i think i think that but then there's heaps of people that there's a lot of famous there's a lot of famous people where it's like Mother's Day house you know exactly with it and they don't have an issue but 2020 semis In fact, it's going being examined
the sorry back on the mobile number thing, the only reason I'm annoyed if I ever have to change my number
is that it's an easy number ish. It's easiest easiest to remember. You know, they secondly, all sort of Oh 491 What about Richard Wilkins number one of the best numbers?
You remember it?
Yeah, I guess if you I mean, Dickies famous, doesn't need to change anything, a very good phone number and you could find out where he lives. It's in the paper. It's
It Well, he's
where does Richard Wilkins I've done this to heaps of people? How much is their property worth? Oh, that would be like 9,000,010 million bucks. You think differently I was gonna say inside Richard Dawkins. $5 million family. That was this 2020
up is the bar looking at the sun up on the bar. Anyway, you can easily find out where these people live.
And I had a good weekend to thanks for asking. What did you get up to? Yeah, my air pod pros got replaced. Oh, that's exciting. Was the hot
So was he had?
Absolutely no so that for people who weren't aware I got air pod pros. They stopped working straight away. The left ear was playing up and what I thought was that it was my left ear that has issues after doing that fireworks co wouldn't getting a bit of a blast. And so it's been a bit
crackly so I thought that potentially the crackle was in my ear. I got Brita test the air pods. She was getting the same crackle. took them to Office works. I'd had them for three weeks when I took them. And the guy at office work said
we it's a 15 day policy, Apple has a 15 day policy if it's outside of that has to go in for repair. Right. So, like, I was gonna give pushback I used to be the, the Ombudsman guy, I would say, you know, I'm gonna contact the a Triple C or whatever, but I was like, I'm gonna go along with it. Yeah, went along with it. He said, we actually walk up the air pods to the Apple repair place. It's very close by. So I'm going to give you a tracking number for your pay. You solve up this software to be able to manage these issues. So you might not get all of the tracking details because we walk in up rather than Korea said fine
He said it will take around three business days. So I gave them two weeks. I rocked up to Office works. And I know I hadn't received any notification. It was there. I said, Hi, I'm here to collect my air pods.
And they said, they went back 10 minutes came back out. I said, What do they do out there to be?
Nice thinking.
He's back. And so um, yeah, they said,
Did you get Did you get a notification? I said, No, I didn't. I said, Tim, told me that I wouldn't necessarily get a notification because it gets called not.
didn't throw Tim Cook's name out there, though. Tim, the guy who served me originally. And so anyway, they said, Sorry, you just gonna have to wait until it all comes through. And I said
I was speaking to my mate who works in consumer law. Potentially Why?
And he said that I should have just had a replacement than in there. He said, Ah, and I and then I pulled out my receipt, which is like, I brought it back within the 30 days. He's like, Oh, yeah, if it was 30 days, you should have just gotten a replacement. And so anyways, like, Well, the problem is now it's, it's off to get repaired. So it's gonna be a bit hard. I said, Okay. He's a solution.
What you do
is you replace my air pods now.
And then when you manage us back on the weekday, you can sort out all that other stuff.
And so that's what we did. And so did he say, Oh, yeah, that makes sense. I'll get you new ones now. Yeah, he was like our Yeah, yeah, just speak to the manager. I think Sunday's are a good day to go to office works The Hangover or
over. Now because the manager is not there. So I
And I think there there's obviously the tension and so the other thing too is he was like our look managers in during the week and I did sort of I positioned my job that I could have been an essential surface
I just said and Luca I'm absolutely flat out during the week sorry flat out so I never said that I was a nurse, but
it's sort of a it's a busy time, you know, because it's a busy time
I'm exhausted
so you got brand new ones I wanted I work fucking great. Now what happens with the old ones like who I mean, isn't my problem. So there are there must be some scam with Apple, you send stuff back that's been broken and then repaired and then it's like cleaning back for the next person. Eat. I mean, it's an interesting one to sell. And then and I ordered a Sunday. I mean all the time. If I worked at office works, it was like hands up who wants hundred bucks, airport pro used 100 bucks.
In like internally it's like we get to sell them broken air pose. Okay, so it's like when you take your phone back and try to back in there is an interesting thing that I they do they send them overseas and refurbish them and put them into countries that you know
are a bit you know, what are they more than? Is that what they do? Yeah, that's definitely the mobile phones stuff I saw an interesting is what happens to all that traded in Apple products.
All there maybe they give them to like Cogan because you can buy refurbished phones through COVID You can also buy refurbished phones from Apple there really only in the US Yeah, you can buy refurb through
phone so you hear all the like MacBooks and stuff and everything on there.
So just looking at dispatch from Apple, so we got
Apple TV, 4k.
Is it worth saying the 4k bit is that just the new one? That's just the brand new Apple TV now wouldn't bother
It was enough. You could either choose the 4k one or not do 4k TV? Not sure it's a big fucking
looks big 60 inch Coggan you want to say all these things to 16
how fast as you can well, I know it's red.
And so, wheels we got me put that order in comfy chairs, like three days or something for the order, though like you'll get it in three to five days and the laptop will come in two weeks. We got it in a day. How does that work? Well because the the apples the TV stock would have been local and just their dispatch next level. Like being able to get it on Amazon, Amazon in the states you can get something delivered within hours get your toothpaste, brand new toothpaste go into the shops. It's full on definitely. Yeah, I mean I am finding comm Brady's been giving me more tasks around things like twice
Toilet paper and tooth paste. I mean to be fair, they're harder tasks in the sense of dye to buy them yeah, like that's I mean they you know people are panic buying that should still well and so I am I've changed my route not to reveal where I live but I walk up Smith straight to Collingwood after being in Abbotsford in the office and so yeah I've changed my direction could food works food works is not really that great either. horrendous What do you got against them? Just I don't know about like expensive firstly really expensive. Yeah, they are a quickie mount star like the last like a using that easy like quick. You know, it's it's the customers it's like fuck, I forgot to get the tuner with that shit. Yeah, totally grab and then you like, go there and pay six bucks for a counter tune. Where did you get all of your own groceries from last night? Well, so we went to IGA to get them and then IGA don't have cheap frozen berries. It's like a
bucks in a bag and so then we drove to Kohl's and then got frozen berries from Kohl's and there's a two bag limit. And so I bought eight of them
bought eight Yeah, there's a two bag limit you just go through in different transaction. Ah, that's a
plenty of stock is fine. And then anyway so then oh my god. Yeah, yeah, no, but that we get through base we go through a bag a day. Okay, farmers. That's fine. But anyway, but we forgot to buy chicken. So we went back to college.
And so what's the experience? was Christ with you when you did that? Yeah, she put through a transaction. Okay, so she's part of the problem. And so what do you do? What have you learned about your relationship going to the supermarket? I think we're good. I think we grab when we go to the supermarket. Grice loves to pick up like little bits and pieces. Like if there's a bliss bowl, she'll grab that which I quite enjoy it because I get I get when on the way out of the supermarket.
So what did you What did you? What did they tell me tell you what was the What was your order? What's the, um, I think your site cost 4040 bucks and we had that. And then we had to come back and buy chickens like any hacks that Grice has when it comes to shopping.
Now since she loves scanning flybys,
he loves us loves the rewards. Yeah, she must be the same whenever there's weird shit in the pantry. It's because you get she got it for flybys. Yeah, it's like, oh, I had to buy this like, packet of roll ups or whatever. Yeah, roll ups on you. You taking a trolley or just a basket? Now we just hands not basket. Did you bring your own bags? Yeah, just go to the doctor's bag. Just the one for everything. Just one or you just carry it to the cart. Most of the time. We just carry it to the car. See in our hands. Okay. How's it all going with grace living at your parents? That's great. I mean, now now that we got the haters, she doesn't take cold at night anymore. And mom and dad
Love it. So good banter like family banter. Yeah. What are you talking about? Well on must be Saturday. I think we're going through her Spotify playlists sussing out what music she listens to. That was a scrolling through. I'm really happy, right? Yeah, no, he loved it. He pulled out a couple his honour them. Is it interesting saying you, your father and the relationship he has with your partner? I think it's great. I really like it. It's sort of sweet. Yeah. But you know, introducing girlfriends to your parents pants, the parents. It's always an interesting one just to sit. It's interesting watching an adult like as you become an adult, seeing how people are as people you see how tweaked Your parents are? Yeah, you're realising that everyone's flawed and they're not here.
You know what I mean? Like, we're all fucked up to know what's really fucked up. So I wasted so much time on Friday night doing wasted my whole not. So how much
time I recommend without laying out
over an hour and a half an hour and 45 minutes what we're looking at. So
you had a recommendation. Yes. Eurovision yet Will Ferrell fire saga the
the the the actor who she's in hot chick Rachel McAdams. McAdams love her. Hello. Good to see you did you get so
we were watching it as a so after you left I think I think we was saying let's all do it as a team. Yeah, we will watch it together I text message. Yeah. And so Jess had said let's do eight o'clock. And
then she left. And then when she left serve said oh let's actually do 830 Now we had 830 before so we had 830 and then just came and then we did eight
and then I said Are we doing it right 30 Let's do 30
So anyway, so Jess had left she was under the impression we're starting at eight o'clock. Yep. And so she messaged me at 10 to eight and said, Hey, I'm I'm ready for the watch party. I don't have seven and Grace's number. Can you set up the group? Yep, yep. So I set up the group. And then service took a while. It took probably 15 minutes to get back to us, God and he said 838 30 gonna do 830
then 35 840 He's like, I'm having ice cream with the family. He positions it's a great position because he's like, he's a family he turns into a family.
he commits to something what pisses me off about it is you committed to what you said I'm gonna do it. And then he makes out like I'm the unreasonable like, Where on earth guys? I'm fucking have an ice cream.
Let me enjoy it.
My screen with the feminine boy fuckhead don't say you're going to go to the loo like you've wasted. I didn't care about my time. You've embarrassed me in front of Jess because I keep saying now nice Evans very reliable, he fucking comes late to the meeting. It's like, he's the light guy light loader is what she is.
And so anyway, we end up with Jess messages and says hi. Like, she needs to get to bed at some point. So it's like we're gonna start at quarter to nine. She was already I hadn't say on Friday that she slept much that week. And so anyway, we started and then the real waste time waste time.
It was one of the worst film shittiest movie. And so worst films I've ever seen. You know what? I blame it on saves. I never set it up to be the best film on Earth. It's a light hearted funny film. It's a light hearted funny film. I think you might have
absolutely not the thing. The thing is, I feel like you need like
You need to be on drugs you know you need like for a recommendation for something to be good enough to recommend on the show. I feel like it has to be at least 8.5 out of 10 movies a year. Watch more. I watch two movies and that was what you sent me like I said I like Iron Man they go Iron Man john wick and the thing is, you talk to so highly of Eurovision that I was like that's what I'm gonna watch. I think I said it was funny. I said it was enjoyable. It's like a light hearted film and breeze undiagnosed. OCD says that when we start a movie, we have to finish it up. So we had to fucking watch the whole thing. And so I was just like, I couldn't believe it. I was like, how does this get made? It's ridiculous, isn't it? Can I add to this quickly? Yes. So I was also going to be in that watch party, but I said not 832 like, I'll be asleep because I fall asleep in every movie. So
I'm gonna start early and finish before everyone. So efficient, went home waste wasted at Manhattan at seven.
watching, watching and then half an hour in. We paused it and we looked at each other said,
Is it good? Is it good news?
And unfortunately, we didn't continue to watch it. Now he literally said was the show. This was the movie he was talking.
Why do you think? Where's the disconnect? But it's not this is the thing.
If you listen to critics, they shouldn't be listened to. They shouldn't be film critics. This is just a gronk saying this is a good film. So you loved it. I thought it was funny. I thought it was stupid. I thought it was. I hadn't thought of that as well. Yeah. And he said, You can't go into it thinking it's gonna be a great movie. Maybe I hyped it too much because I enjoyed it. Like we didn't have anything. Yeah. If anything, we weren't gonna watch it. And then we're like,
That's probably the only thing we can watch right now. And so I didn't know why. Because there's so much garbage on Netflix. And then it was like that was in the top rated. But don't you think Australia? Don't you think though that when you say, Okay, this is welfare Oh, it is silly. Even if you were selling it in like that I was expecting and command quality is actually not bad on what six out of 10 that's pretty bad. 6.6 but anchorman two is way better than anchorman one. But I also think that if, like if you don't like films, there's not going to be tranquillisers. I think it's a generalisation. But I actually watched I watched a documentary on the Great Depression and felt happier about everything after watching that on the weekend than I did watching Eurovision yeah no joke it's very interesting. Yeah, but a lot of similarity or soco on YouTube. Now it was a longer one. It was on curiosity stream, I believe. Do you know what your question
Rush was a yet the big crash. What the great 2020? I reckon 26 1929 Oh, close. Yeah. And so they it's very interesting. A lot of people had finance because they'd all bought the Model T. There's a lot of similarities to
what's happening now. I feel Yeah, there was a it affected the the middle class because they were all getting into the stock market. And they think it dropped 25% in one day, but it over time lost 80% and a bunch of people were doing things like they were taking cash out of there till because that was they were sold that they could never lose money. And so people were like working at shops, and they'll take the money out of the tail, put it into the stock market, and then take out the winnings. And so you imagine you've got people doing this at scale. And then all of a sudden they lose it all. So a lot of joy. Yeah. And there was the the president of the time was the guy
I'm Hoover. And he
he wasn't providing much welfare support, or that sort of thing. They have these massive sort of tent cities in Central Park.
Very interesting. Yeah. I can't remember what it's called. But curiosity stream is very good. It's like a if you like those YouTube style videos that go through and deconstruct
different things that happened I also watch one on a guy who, who was lost at sea. What do you reckon the longest time someone's lost at sea for, as in in not in a boat in the water in about, oh, you
made eight months or something now, like five years now? Well, he didn't have it. So.
No, it was it was for 430 something days, but he it's a long time he was a fisherman ended up travelling something like 5000 miles had to he got sued by the
Parents, the family of the guy who was on the boat because they accused him of eating that kid anything. He said that he threw him overboard. He stopped eating here though eating like the blood of turtles to stay alive. Let me as a way that you guys are describing it as like he's a fucking cruise ship. It was on like a fishing. Sorry, but how can you not get to land in 400 days? It's a lot it's broken. There's no it's not a sailboat. So yeah, I mean, I guess you're going from like the swells. And
Tarik like I could do it. Yeah.
So he was a very experienced fishermen.
You'd be not good enough.
Not good enough. Wait, he kept catching fish. He was a good fisherman. Not not necessarily good. driving the boat through
the water problem. Yeah, but he Yeah, that would have bottles that I would use as
rainwater. He was sued for a million dollars and
For the kid, yeah, for the game, it was a young guy in his 20s, the one that he ate, or he didn't. He didn't make me throw the ball yet, but his lawyer ended up coming after him too, because his lawyer believed that he deserved some of the cash in the book that he got a book deal. I said the lawyer was coming out of that. So yeah, very interesting, man. That was another YouTube just going down a rabbit hole. Right?
guys watch any good tacos? Watch. Watch Savile. Oh, yeah, like that. Sorry. Yeah, yeah. Seek fuck. Yeah. I love it. Just Louis going back when he's old work. I think it's so cool. And you also get that little bit more of an insight because you're um, he starts the whole Jocko in his in Lewis house and he goes to that box. Yeah, a box of memories and I felt that it was a bit of a different side to Louie that we haven't seen before.
On Stan, if you want to watch him, just to finish off crystals written through in the comments.
Saying that Chrissy Teigen, do you know who she is? JOHN legend john Legend's wife. Canadian Lip Sync Battle? Yes. Lip Sync Battle. Yes. She was on that. She she she's awesome on Twitter. But she was speaking to like, I guess the answering questions around what it's like to be famous. One of them was like, what's the normal thing? Chrissy misses being able to do and so one of them was grocery store, but she still tries. Do Chrissy and john pay to cut the line at restaurants? These are two very famous people. I make no, I make reservations and don't give them the option to say no. She calls him up and says, hey, it's Chrissy Teigen. I'd like to make a reservation for two for john legend. Do you have any availability? Sounds like
but if you say but if she just says I call people sorry, world. Orlando off the Janssen. Yeah, so.
Do celebrities travel on planes? This is an interesting one. Like, maybe go boat.
there is a terminal a mile from the airport that you pay membership for. They do the same security privately and take you to the plane in a car fact that's good. That'd be from home from lax. So you don't have to go on a commercial flight still. It sounds like it. Yeah. That's
the first class. I see you still playing? I mean, first class on domestic is, well, you weren't I mean, that's probably International. If you're coming to Australia, you flying on the Big Bird up front. propped up in your in your little bed flat bed is done that
they made on living the dream. Living the dream. All right. Any other news? America turned 200 and something 270 some of you are the the Trump stuff like if you have a chance to watch him. See Kanye
praise. Yeah. But it's weird if Elon Musk backed him as well. Really? Yeah.
The White House their YouTube channel. Yeah, you see they've got a huge it's very funny. It's very funny. I've got the What's it called? Well the the the rocks with the President's behind them with a
Mount Rushmore yes Mount Rushmore so they did the Fourth of July celebrations there and
it is pretty funny. The whole thing like watching what's the go with that place? What Mount Rushmore isn't that the weirdest thing carving into? Wasn't it in? Richie Rich. It's been enhanced to films it's been such a weird thing to do is walled me vacation it is such as which was good anyway, so I'm
just watching Donald Trump go on stage, they have this very patriotic song play. And obviously that decided how we're going to play this song, but hadn't really thought through how long the song was. And so it had
You know, they introducing the President of the United States, you know, Donald Trump, and he comes and walks out and he's onstage, and he's at the lectern. And then he goes to talk. And then you can see on his face that he realises like our fuck. It's gonna be disrespectful to cut the song short. And so they just play the whole song and he's just sort of standing there. Just like, I just don't understand from a logistics perspective how they get this wrong. Surely that's okay. Then the song goes for six minutes. Maybe he's too tough to talk to like this too. You know, he's got too many people around him shielding him. So it's like the event organisers like fuck, I haven't been able to tell anyone in the team because it's too hard to get through. Yeah, there's always someone saying stop right there.
When that makes sense, and then you just like looking at milania Trump and just she never wants to be there. You can say that like it's a forced forced for smile. Yeah, people just like you because you say like, it's so shortly
Have any thought like its minimum viable smile? Just smile just for as much as you have to and then realise
seriously, they had the
they had the film it's a bit pause to be honest like the whole thing's a bit puff, isn't it? Yeah, they had there was a great bit Did you say Leon shokran? Didn't Insta story. It's like one of the like one of the console military personnel who I don't quite understand how how do you start off working in the military and end up being one of the singers?
Do they see you seen? Yeah, like it's okay. You're you're on the guns, you're on the nukes and you can be the leader.
Maybe it's just going back to your roots like saves in the future. goes back to singing in the choir. I need to find it because it's a great bit where it's just like there's no one right? Obviously because of the
COVID and stuff there was certain restrictions that was still there. Yeah, but he was
a guy says, given it always in these military hafeez if I can like pointing the microphone to the crowd, he's like, yeah, that's, that's what we want.
I'm literally on the Australian Defence Force website. And there's you can apply to be a musician. Really? Yeah. Could you imagine beyond question just fuckin Yeah, I'm joining the army. As a fun dude, there was something about it that reminded me of bad coin. Like, it's 75 what they tell you on that? Yeah, yeah, generous superannuation, superannuation. So Amy's brothers gonna do the Army Reserves.
Training and stuff. I don't know if I've ever activated the reserves in the Australian so I think they did recently for the fire stuff was that not the Navy, just the the actual look it up but maybe I thought at that time, she didn't think that happened. She
Just thought the military was pushed out to help. It's interesting that I can make it's like good money part time. But if there was a war you have to go to war or the taxes pay tax free 70 k? No, no, this is on the Army Reserve tax rate. Yeah.
They I mean, it is interesting the got no interest in the military stuff like you go into the states. They bought the planes first. You know, all that sort of thing. Very sort of patriotic. You go to a baseball or basketball. You know, you're expected to
sort of, I guess you stand national anthem in Australia. You stand Yeah, people want to stand but we would do the whole like a hand on chest type of thing. I was wondering the difference, like
old mate, Donald was doing sort of a, the, you know, what's that called? salute, doing a salute. I was wondering like when you can do a salute, but it's um
there's a brain. I will
watching it. And she was like, it reminds me of when we look at North Korea. And we like it, you know, dictatorships and we're like, this is, this is wack. It's like, I don't know, if it's just the
I don't know if I would have had that reaction. I'm sure that Obama did the same sort of stuff. But I feel like the mix of patriotism with Trump, and all of the rah rah, and then also the rhetoric around like, I'm, like how he talks. It sort of feels like this combination, where it's like, is this is this all gonna crumble? You hope? You hope, I hope, I wonder what the military conditioning is like in the States at the moment. They've got a big problem with COVID-19. And the political landscape. I wonder if like, I mean, we're talking about the power of America. And I was saying, surely their military is fine. Like, if China were to attack them or something crazy happens. It's like they're still strong.
In the Defence Force over there, yes, yes, yes. And you'd like the it's such a massive industry as well, like so many people are employed by military. Well, they do. What's the military thing here? They're putting a heap of money into the Defence Force in Australia. 200 billion or something. Really. Just last week, there was a whole bunch of talk about it. So they're still spending money to weird isn't it? I feel like and then off, it's just Colombo watching all these tacos. But all of a sudden, I'm getting real weird about this world. I think just the whole thing, just like this is like, the simulation stuff starts to become more of a, like the Kanye thing. And, I mean, I sort of,
I sort of want
Kanye to be like, is Kanye worse than Trump?
Yeah, it was so fun. For me. I feel like Kanye
would at least really tight like tie the knot or submit health.
fucking ridiculous allergies. So I feel like it's just like we need Blitz go peek ridiculous. at it, I would be able to wrap ease and all grow, you know, speech or imagine imagine how good the Fourth of July style Hands up, put your hands up I can just like really performing, he won't get it. I was thinking like how the first thing I thought of was, How funny would it be my dad, some other old guy to dinner party talking about Kanye West
or like your grandfather or something. So that's what I was thinking just like the whole Trump thing. But you do think about that you like say
and then you also think about freedom. And then you see the numbers in all the COVID stuff and it's like, Is this just the biggest role like this idea that you're free and you can do what you want, but all these people are dying. Like a really free it's interesting like watching the
I don't know anything I'm just like,
you know, making some claims based on a few things I've watched. But it is interesting watching the documentaries and then being like I you can see all these. These things have all happened before. I mean, the states have been positioned that position themselves, think about knowing of them and when you kid, just like, you know, the land of opportunity, all these things that were like, built in people's minds over there, and how, how the effects of what's happened recently, has just sort of toppled that and gives you a new perspective on them. They've got a massive branding problem the United States but then you also look not to go too dark and we'll finish on this but the watching the Great Depression stuff. That was what helped Hitler coming to power that sort of destabilisation with the US
shitting the bed. They then called in all their cash from Germany. Well there's a bunch of lines or whatever they call
Hold it all in, put Germany in a real tough position. And then before you know it, and they go on the backfoot Yeah. And so yeah, these
were in a lot of trouble, and a lot of trouble. But we've got a podcast and we do it every day. And we'll be here throw it all. Is that crazy to think you save those world war three? Just doing the podcast? That's fucking weird. Yeah. Yeah, it would be real strange, but it's just like, ah, I mean, I'm sorry. Mickey's strange enough doing it through like, but imagine doing it in a mess if you had a rule and oh, yeah, that'd be good banca. I mean, it depends what happens to internet.
I'd be boondock cheap, bunker edition chats.
I would just be fucking pissed off with the acoustics to just fucking real no Wi Fi. We've lost signal. Yeah.
We're not loving the funk is gonna have to have a rendus acoustics you'd need to sort of get out the blank the whole thing. Yeah, but a sort of
Expected nice on and get these Mac from the Persian rug shop or you need a lot of rugs. Yeah a lot of right surely I guess in wartime there'll be fuckin things will still be on sale.
sandbags though that we could use to I will not be when they be used. It's sort of like the whole, you would assume
it's like masks. I mean, you would probably get them before I started I would probably use them before we get them. Yeah, exactly. I think it'd be long the list. All right. Well, to daily talk show.
Hope you day's been brightened up by Oh, yeah. Now it's all gonna be good. Like, it's like getting on a plane. What does it actually mean? If I just assume you did? Because chances are you won't.
Chances are you will? Well, not there's a low, low chance that you'll die on a plane. Yeah, but if you go in with a bit of sort of expectation of death, and then you come on the other side. Yeah, exactly. All you can do is because most planes will over deliver and keep you alive. Definitely. Yeah. Okay. That's it.
Our podcast Yeah. So daily talk show. So tomorrow guys have a good one. See you guys