#643 – Virtual Drinks/
- March 20, 2020
We’re joined by a bunch of you gronks for virtual Friday night drinks! We chat about tonight’s virtual drinks, mental health during this time, Josh’s new acupuncture mat, and what we’re grateful for.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– What we’re drinking
– Tommy’s new iPhone
– Coronavirus lazy Aussie’s guide
– Tonight’s drinking game
– Mental health during this time
– Josh’s new acupuncture mat
– What we’re grateful for
Email us: hi@bigmediacompany.com.au
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
It's the daily Talk Show Episode 643. It's virtual drink skies. What's going on? Is is I've got my Harada. Right, everyone. There's a lot of coronas going around. It's, we're all drinking right now. It's great. Did you say that? Richard Wilkins, as was posting about how many people sent him. coronas? Yeah. So he's has it he's has he's funny because it's like when we went there, it's a garage door and that's how you get in. And and so people have been dropping off slabs of Corona to his front door because he has coronavirus if you don't know who Richard is. Yeah, Harry's lights have just gone off. This is the problem with Harry's place so Harry's student accommodation has what's the deal with you
with your wines, not the bloody
things turn off after about five minutes of not moving saving environment and I turned it off. Now it's to help with global warming apparently but I rather suffer the consequences of global warming and have to jump up and down.
So this this is a live stream to YouTube. If you're listening to the podcast app, you can't see what we're seeing right now. Obviously, there how many people we got 348 12 1719 and there's a special lady joining us pretty soon. She's just told me she's pulling over. Well, this is great for one of us this Queen gronk Queen, Queen gronk
Did I do it write it up?
A little bit because it's definitely not coming through the microphone. No, that's okay. I'm sure this is it. press a button. This is our first virtual drinks. I'm happy with the turnout guys. This is really it actually ticks the box for me. Because my biggest concern is the greeting to the hug the kiss the handshake there. What am I going to Am I gonna do the bro sort of handshake and then hug? Yeah. Can you tell me? Oh, absolutely. Talking in Did you drop your There we go. So
the attention isn't on me.
I know. I know what are you drinking Jim? scotch? Alright, is it a full glass of scotch or is it dry? Okay, what's the dry bit
dry ginger ale.
Okay. Oh.
And I'm I'm drinking a back page painter Nova 2018. Where's that from? That is from back beach. I'm guessing it's probably
okay. Or it could be Sorento, or according to your state from premium fruit sourced from single vineyard, low yielding vines. I'm pretty sure there's 99% 95% percent of people are drinking saves. Where is your drink? And do you have a I didn't Before
this is what this is about Mum, mom is sorted out. It's a mini Martini to go. Ah, it's a little mix. This contains no alcohol. I meant to add shake with 45 millilitres of vodka over ice. And so can you do that now first? Well, so the thing is I've got mum also gave me more vodka. And so there's Mandarin and then there's black currant. And then there's lemon vodka.
Gotta get off the flavoured vodka man. So it's a lot of
look. It's just sweet drink. It's just sort of saves is your mom gonna give you your first condom?
And so which one are we going to start with Sims? Well, I've just opened the black current one. What does it smell like?
Yeah, right banner mixed with vodka. Okay, great. JJ. Yesterday, I did say that. We would play a Corona drinking game. So Anytime that I would say the word coronavirus saves has to have a car great, perfect. And so that first time let's start it from now so I'll give him one off. Should we should we do it? She is first we haven't used I think she's the camera player. Right a good thumbnail right here ready again. three to two G's Cheers. Cheers. icontact cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese cheese real good.
You have to sleep after you do the cheese otherwise, bad luck. It's as bad as not making eye contact.
The so I went to a computer shop we served and the reason that we're late is because I confused the suburbs. And so I thought that I was meant to be chained to one could I was going to one place and ended up in another but then we the first one we went to. They were so loose when it came to everything like they didn't have any signs any care of seems like Like sterilisation and so with my phone I was like showing my phone out I was like all my torches on. I am I was showing them the the specs that I needed for the computer. And I was like specifically holding it so I didn't have to touch it and then he like picked it up and you just start like scrolling. And it was a little bit from one to find it. And, and so based on the one day of not being completely isolated, I feel like a factor. So sorry for the delay everyone now you've definitely got a virus. Yeah. Straight please. Little swig. Oh, he's gonna get through his whole mom's Martini pack in Australia.
You know how we used to live in St. Kilda. Spencer straight? SP in se but then in Melbourne, there's a Spencer street SP and ca Yeah, so choosing the city. Amy's best friend was coming to stay with With this, and she got a cab to 75 Spencer straighten city solenoids and it was Yeah, that was yeah cab and then has to fucking turn around anyway,
who else we got here? Get over us? Yes Should we do around? How do we what do you think serves?
Yeah I mean we can we can unmute by the list okay all right Can we make Mr. 97 pass out by the end of this by asking everyone how they're dealing with the corona virus
so what
should be not doing? Yeah, I felt like that felt like directive. Yeah no I get it
what's been happening today what's going on? Are you hopping in inside all day? Just editing actually I went into say George and pick up my phone. That was the only time that I got out. That's when George and I went got these bees, but I've got a new phone Dude in the car
I've had to live in for a living. Yeah. Thanks, Doug. How is it? I haven't turned it on. I don't even have it. It's in the car still left in the car.
We can attack hates the selfies. It's got a real good camera pass it. I don't have one. I'm still in a seven because I'm 400 years old. Okay, while you're here, Pavel. Oh, no, that's not powerful. It just has your name under
Gemma, Gemma. Yo. thought you had your name is Pavel for some reason. That's
may classic watts.
Gemma, you're an influencer? Oh, you're the closest to an influencer of a friend that I have.
And you make me laugh every time I see
what's going on with the coronavirus and your business beauty industry.
I mean, I feel like I actually feel guilty because I'm I rk I'm sure that will end eventually. But um, yeah, I'm in a good position in that beauty historically, booms whenever there's a recession because it's something called the lipstick effect. If you go But it started in like the Great Depression
hang on I had a Whippet and he had the lipstick effect but it's not what you're talking about a
very different very different on notice people like they're not obviously not buying big ticket items but they still don't want to feel like absolute shit so they just go out and buy beauty products.
So my god sorry Jim I'm just gonna stop here. My Messages work Tali Smyth is in the building
she's on there she is.
Hi. Hi.
Hi, but I can't say her
up. Extend your page and I reckon
Have you heard is there been dramas with big Have you been following the big brother news?
Well, not not even I think happy Harry was happy Harry gone. Because he's the one hang on I'm gonna unmute you Harry was the article that you sent me.
um you know the forums and there's all sorts of shit but seven of factors Already I forgot to hit record on the live eviction apparently TV blackbox who's one of the biggest reporters of TV history has reported that he has an inside thing. I just forgot to press record. Isn't it gonna wreck the show? I'm sorry though. gonna destroy it non destroyed
Do you have any inside telling?
Is this what I've been asked to join from my
brother drama.
Are you are you talking? Are you for real?
Yeah, you look like you're not doing match. Let's be honest. Yeah. Bloody pyjamas. She looks great.
I'm so isolating
Yeah, but so you're not so self isolating you were going to the blind. What can you actually give me? Oh, can you actually give yourself your own time what's happening Are you just have a gallery or grid view Hold on.
You're still not all back Sam. Wash your hair not blonde. What's
going on? I got a haircut.
I am
back to right.
tele sibs and I was having a discussion we were looking at one of your Instagram photos and we were admiring how you nail the self timer she
went outside
yeah we thought you know
when I put my camera and
then I want you to run this through
house right so I had to find a new spot Don't
stand outside
this guy smokes away next door
he always say oh bought a train.
He must be super relaxed. Okay, so I put the camera was
saved. Can you confirm I know you spent looking at it. Yeah, I can't confirm
when it was like this.
Yeah, that's it. Oh my god.
Yeah. Now to have your first rodeo by any stretch
of you, when did you start self isolating Telly?
Um, so I wasn't taking it seriously until my trip to Mauritius was cancelled. Mm
hmm. And then I was really pissed. And then take it seriously. Okay.
Have you got a housemate? Are you on your own nowadays?
Yeah, I have a housemate which is annoying because like if we get stuck together I barely know.
Yeah, so this is the issue that I was thinking of. It's like with if you've gotten housemates, like, I wonder what the protocol is in regards to like, you know, all the roles and
like, be like wherever you are right now. You can never late like we'll get some
Yeah, sure. If you think that tele Li is going into full lockdown.
Like as of immediately wherever you are, right, the second you have to like what what are you Not the
Yeah, I feel like I want to get crystal to talk crystal. I'm just using your microphone. Hi,
Hi. Crystal wrote the book. What is it how to win every every argument how to win every argument you're very good at researching
when I was fighting with someone on Instagram
or actually Telly posted about your book crystal I'm pretty sure
yes she
did. And so crystal what I saw that you've done a bunch of research around all of the corona stuff what's drink Mason drink you don't
drink to that.
I also spent pretty much all day trying to explain to my dad exactly what's happening and what's going on. As far as I know, and as far as anyone knows, there's no lockdown So we don't need to panic about that. And I will give a bit of notice if there was to be one. So tell you right there, they're not just gonna say stop where you are locking itself in, you can't leave. But the best thing to do is try to see as few people as possible in terms of like being in the same physical spaces as different people as minimal as possible.
Yeah, perfect. I can get around that now. Yeah, I'm thriving. Chris crystal, are you taking it seriously? Like if there's a bunch of people that are still at pubs, getting pissed? What's your hobby? You see? Are you serious about it?
Yeah, I'm taking it seriously. I don't know if you guys have seen pictures of Bondi Beach lately. The weather in Sydney is really nice. Right now. The beach is absolutely packed. And that is just a bad is a bad time. Yeah. Don't do it. So he can be one and a half metres of space between you and like the nearest stranger. I think
Like I just updated it actually, I think it's a two minute two by two metres. It's really, for me four metres square per person. So if you have 100 people it has to be
25 people in 100 metre square building, essentially what I was thinking about it's a real easy rapport building. Like when I was at the computer shop, I reckon I got within a matter of someone and so like, I'm cool with you, you know, things are all good. I have opened a door for someone. And so I'm a bit of a hero and all of this is a guess what I'm
what a legend
should do as a human did that but so so crystal. What I'm curious about though, is around the all this pushback in regards to panic buying, because all of my buying is panic like I'm always buying when I'm panicked. It's the only time I buy anything. What do you reckon? Like, how much do you think we should grab? How much have you got personally at home right now?
We just did our normal shop. And then a normal shop
look like, we know what a normal shop looks like definitely
what I ate every return. Right? We've been through this a normal Shop Plus like a few extra cans of things. But most supermarkets now have limits on what you can buy anyway in terms of non perishable, like posture, can beans and toilet paper but the funny thing is there's no issue with supply. It's just a massive demand. So because everyone's going crazy and buying lots of stuff. That's why the supermarket's are running out but that's why they're also able to like restock overnight because they're just getting more things in to restock during the day. We're all buying it and then they've got to restock again at night. So it's not a supply issue at all. It's just
because Is it because people are worried that like, okay, it's gonna be fine now that the admin involved if you look at like what happens in like, France or Italy or places like that. There's all the like, lining up the only letting X amount of people in at the time. And I don't like Kohl's normally. And so the idea of having to go to Kohl's and then line up and then not try and not get aggro about dumb shit. Like I feel like I can sort of relate to the people that are like freaking out, like, you know, punching on about toilet paper, not because of the toilet paper. But just because you can get pretty worked up I guess on the associate as well.
Yeah, but like, if you had to you would write at the end of the day, if you have to line up to get into there letting people in, you know 50 people at a time you will.
There there was a guy I listened to. He was an Ozzy Ozzy dude in Italy, and he went down into a basement winery. Okay, a wine bar and It was all fine before he went down and when he when he came out he had no reception down this bar. And when he got out they had locked the city down. So they did a pretty drastically. So I don't want But why are they losing internet? I guess that's the losing reception risk factor. You've never been out to some good bars where you lose reception. Ah, okay. No, I thought you meant that he went out there when you know we've been locked out and I've lost my internet losses into it beforehand. Now he's underground cellar and make sense and comes out and they've locked the city down. We had the lien in Melbourne. A couple of weeks, a week and a half ago. Whatever. Glen, you're um, you're in Florida. How is it in Florida at the moment?
It's a it's not too bad. I'm sure you guys have seen video from over here similar to bond by there's a lot of the vacation destinations that are still packed the spring break. So they get in the we're getting the whole floor earning the Florida man
is that a dog in the back? asleep.
Yeah, he wasn't thrilled. But I woke her up
like a fake dog.
It's his real promise.
And yeah, cuz I heard someone talk about all the idiots at the beach in Florida is that it is Yeah. Can you confirm the idiots are at the beach?
Yeah, there's plenty of people at the beach. It's it's spring break this week here in Jacksonville. So we've got a it's busy on the beach, but it's not packed like what you've seen on TV.
So you um, you've got a green card, do you clean? Are you dual citizen, a green card? And so anyways, and so when these things happen, do you think about Okay, maybe I should, like, you know, come back to Australia or is that even a consideration?
Not Not for this. I mean, I this is where my job is, you know, all that sort of thing. So, right now what So I have a job. So yeah.
Are you saying this is where you'd be happy to die? Is that Florida? A lot of people choose to die in Florida, right. A big
retiree? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Who knows in the next few weeks? I guess we'll do it often.
It's pretty dark. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry to bring you down. I'm gonna mute you. Now Glen Talley texting me she's just said Who the hell are all these people?
These are the ones that read out as well. Definitely
what Tony wants everyone's Instagram following number. Tags any interest in gronk squad babe
I just thought it was just us. close personal party. close personal party.
We've even got screwed a Derrick hang
on like maybe different pants. Maybe I did some more makeup. I don't know.
This is great skirt. Ah, hey,
it's like you forgotten that the show is recorded even when Yeah,
feels like a personal party. You
What I love is I can see you looking up as you talk to me. Like we're actually
like, Oh my god,
I get that all the time.
I Telly you I kept we've got screwed from Australia so he's screwed Can you explain your background please?
He's background my actual physical fucking background
my phone guys so it's like there's a lot of you in different places
you in a shoe shop with
this I mean Imelda Marcos his closet when when the guys first stream with the three of them at home, have a look behind them
in a cache and
many times I've been in kadesh
you've never been close he was. So
I've looked behind them the white shelves and I think That must be the trend in in streaming, and then the net that night
when built in shelves,
Jimmy Kimmel, or one of those guys, and he had white shelves and I thought, fuck, how am I gonna compete? I'm gonna show you something.
So I can we say it.
Wait, can we get back to yeah
here we go, here we go. This is a great strain this is Ollie he's using a green screen matchy matchy sort of I guess he's actually just in Collingwood or and he's exactly yeah, yeah, that's how you want to know about services hair service. Do you think that you'll get your head around? I'll do with the unmuting by the way service just so we're not doubling up. No, I'm going to bleach your hair. Yeah, but I think I got a doll in the Like it's all like sort of like stringy now and you can easily pull it out.
Yeah that's what happens when you bleach your hair Welcome to being a blonde that sucks Yeah,
so do you think that that will tell me if we are completely locked down? What's the chance of you just letting your hair completely go?
Oh fuck let me go natural.
I mean yeah I've loved would have a choice would I?
Yeah I guess so.
But you know I could pull up the bag so
I saved Are you worried about your head going the colour of Corona? Oh yeah my nose a minute already finished coronavirus I'm slightly tipsy already and by the way, pebble says they've been decreasing the Netflix quality for us in Europe hard times.
That still be twice as fast as ours.
Yeah, when the the NBN is very upsetting says you're meant to have your internet fixed tomorrow. I played happened. Fingers crossed George. Yeah. How are you, man? Good. I was just thinking why don't you go blonde Josh? right if I do anything to my hair, it's nice and luscious at the moment though now, so Julie's coffee spread just show us right yeah, I'll go get the sprite Hang on.
Kelly's just asked what the drinking game is. And I said, if we say Corona virus
I think he has to drink.
And so tell he wants to join in because you know that you do get pretty smashed together. And it's a great comeback. You know what I mean? Having blackcurrant vodka. Can you unlike you might Martelli. She's just yelling at me. Sorry. They go. They can talk. You're backing Telly.
I was thinking myself.
I said why are we all in the same spot like I sledding together? That'd be great. So
we'll teach you TJ was saying that initially, that we could Oh yeah. I mean I guess the problem is, I mean, do you think tele Are you feeling that your mental health is a little bit challenged at this time or like how you were actually feeling emotionally?
Um, now my Monday choose I was pretty bad I was popping valleys like that would take tax time. had to go get more and he banned me so he wouldn't give me 50 because I already had 50 like couple months ago so only getting
20 which is selfish.
Do I've never had a valley what's what's the
muscle relaxant? So if I feel an anxiety attack coming on or like anxiety building, you take it before it gets to an attack level and then it kind of like calms you down.
glass of wine in the valleys just
I'm pretty sure that was the one before the value. What are you waiting now I can confirm. It's a great combo.
Namaste Donna.
I love your drinking and Tommy Yes.
It might I need if I can curb that drinking. scooter. Where'd you get event amazed from?
His bakery.
Oh yeah, grind is still open one
is actually called hyper rolls, you know, on a diet and the old lady there she was just stuffed a bag of doughnuts.
Oh, nice. I know the exact class. She's given me doughnuts too. It's annoying, but you feel like a pork? Yeah. So this is what I'm using at the moment. It's bonsai boosts Pro. Pro couple hair tonic. Sounds like you like that helps flick your lightest doesn't it? No, sorry. I just know it's um, this is just for for boosting my hair. Bree thinks that by the end of it. I'm gonna sort of have lashes here. It's ya know, to answer the question before about bleaching. I used to bleach my hair a lot as a kid Any more could sort of be detrimental to the to the overall health of my hair. If we do go into full lockdown sibs, can you do it at home? Like could you and mom, dye your hair? Just give it a crack? Give it a go. I don't know. I don't know if I want to. Shannon's saying no. Let's put it on. Can you can you cut to Shannon and her son? Yeah, sure. Hang on. Where are we? I'm unmuted. Hi, guys. How are you? Good. How are you guys? Good. How's Queensland
is still sunny 30 degrees, and it is not nearly five o'clock. So pretty warm.
Like close to locking Queensland down. What's the deal in Queensland?
Not everybody just runs their own race up here, my friend.
pretty wild. Those people everywhere.
Yeah, it's
alarming. Right? Like it's, it's Yeah, it's a little bit scary at times because it's like, Is everybody Taking this so seriously.
I mean, I've got a question about Queensland Why is this so many assai bowls available at breakfast it
lovely coil because it's
great for Queensland.
I'm sorry, I don't know. Um, I guess cool
cool sort of ice cream like cool down situation but
i think you know, ice cream people just like fucking eating the ice cream for breakfast. It's like
a healthy alternative.
It's like a brand isn't it? Like I feel like in Queensland, the sign it's like a specific brand would you ever go Is it like the equivalent of smashed avocado in Melbourne? You will eating bowls?
Yeah, correct. Especially Gold Coast cocoa scene, you can usually get into trouble pretty much everywhere you go.
I mean, I'm definitely is anything One Hands up if anyone's like, drastically changed their diet since being self isolated anyone in the group actually doing hands up anyone's change it? Yeah. All right. Yeah the worst not the better. Yeah. Rachel, what do you have you changed your diet?
And, and so what was the what's the reason for the quarantine?
How annoying. Were you on the flight? Oh, he just just before you left, you heard the news.
Sunday afternoon
on Monday morning.
And so what happens Rachel Are you employed or what's like a do like what's the deal with work and things like that?
Yes, I'm working from home thankfully, I'm an
analyst. So
yeah, not ideal, but it could be worse. I'm not sick.
So yeah. it quite is it different so selfish because I've I know, there's like a bunch of different terms. What I'm doing, I guess is social distancing. quarantine obviously is something that's put upon you if it's put upon you, does it give you more sort of rights in regards like work or like does does your employer have to, like, handle it or what to do?
Um, not that I know.
I obviously work knew that I had annual leave because I was away the week before. But um, yeah, I've been told is the official word. If you've got back from overseas, the word is quarantine. If your social distancing or staying at home, it's self isolation. But if you've come into contact with someone, or you come back from overseas, your quarantine
days, and so how's your diet changed?
Um, I'm just eating a lot at home. I'm not eating out.
I haven't been getting any Uber Eats or takeaway which used to be a regular occurrence. So thanks. Happy I guess
yeah. Yeah, we've made I've definitely been spending so much less. Yeah, well the thing is the way that I because I initially did that, I was like Bray, we're gonna have to like we buy all the black paint to justify my black beans purchase. But then now the narrative that I'm sort of really gotten on board with this, we need to support small business. So until I need the black beans, so she's like, we've got all these black beans and like the black beans are actually not for now. The black beans are for June. Right now I just want to support the pizza place. Man. I tell you, we supported small business yesterday, we were on a it's probably one of our last video shoots in a while.
Maybe who knows. But I so I put a tab behind the bar, because we had all these people arriving to be a part of the video across the day. So there's like 15 people and I was like, I'll be nice as a cafe at the bottom of the building that we're filming at. And so I put the card behind the bar. Make these people if they heard One person finished filming and it was offered to have a drink before you come out. So like have a coffee before you come out and do the filming. One person did the filming and said, Do you mind if I go back and get the drink? She went back in and got a $9 50 smoothie. This is something you're the guy that on if someone's paying, and it's a coffee, all of a sudden it's turned into a smoothie. Like I feel like this is not this is Kami the last maybe one years, maybe you know 16 when I realised my friend's parents were paying it all out and got the fucking spaghetti mer and not at all. Now it was animal they were animals. They spent 150 bucks. Yeah. What's happening? George, have you spoken to your mom? Yeah. What's happening?
Yeah, I think barns are good for now. But speaking of small business, Grace, God bless book. Oh, yeah. We get grace up. Oh, yeah, definitely grace. I mean, is hilarious because it's all about supporting local businesses. The bookstore is in Byron urine. Why is this? I'm pretty sure that Amazon probably have closer fulfilment
from George's mom, yeah, that's great. Thank you guys. That's lovely. Okay. And has the book arrived yet or not? 48 days? Monday, Monday, Monday, it'll be the
segmentation are they going to slow down? Like the post? Is this gonna happen? Who are you asking? I'm asking. I mean, I started talking to Siri so I should probably should have left it she would have answered it quicker than you. I'm asking you guys. I mean, let's let's jump to Emma Emma's got a daughter there now. Okay, here we go. Where's Where's Mr. Oh, there we go. I'm gonna unmute you.
Hi everyone.
Hey, man. What's happening with the you work at a uni? what's what's the deal? Talking about, you know, Harry moved from regional New South Wales to Melbourne. He had all of this opportunity looking for it and looking forward to all this opportunity. And everything we've heard is it's a bloody shambles. JOHN. How? What's the deal with universities?
Well ad D leads because we're on a trimester. So we're actually in week 10 of our semester so we're almost at the end. So the good thing for us is we're just cutting out like semester a week shorter, and then what we're doing so next week, people can physically be there but we're prepared to go online so today I did my first class that was half virtual half actual people there but
our my daughter's school is the only school in Queensland to have shut down so they shut yesterday.
Loving is horrible.
So I'm not quite they apparently homeschool starts on Monday, but I have to work as well. So we'll see how that goes.
I'm happy to take it. I could do an hour. I could teach podcasting when I want for kids. I'd be happy to do that.
Yeah. Okay.
I'm happy for that. Yeah, I won't
blow up. Actually, you could you imagine if I was a teacher? No. poor kids. No, it would be a bit of a non Yeah, I just think that even screwed up when we were doing what's good. What's good to doing? He's the turn the corner. They're just walking on who's gonna unmute turn the screen. So
he's very busy.
When he wouldn't have been able to hear that. Like, hey, scoot, why can I unmute himself? like can you try to unmute him here? Yeah. I reckon he's turned off. Now. He's muted himself, I reckon. Have you unmuted if you muted yourself? I can't. I can do it. It doesn't matter. Well, yeah. Russ case says.
Yeah, what's
up saying? Someone's trying to unmute you do you really want this
Really um, that's a good because this is the thing scooter was trying to are you changing cameras? No cuz so I bought a PC today for big media company because we're going to start doing streaming only grown up. Yeah and um but I tried to talk like workout and how to use the PC through you. And do you think would you think would you consider what I did was I'm blowing up or because that was I'm curious to the experience on the other side because you just asked him for honest feedback. You've been a hothead all week. I haven't been amazing.
On the phone yesterday. He called me and he was in very high spirits. I'm good. I'm
good yesterday.
That sounds sarcastic, but everything I say does, but you genuinely sounded really trippy.
Thank you. You're welcome. What do you what do you think, Josh? No. Well, because you were I was asking you. This is what I was talking to 97 About which I do regularly, if I'm not in the room, and it's I think it's come from the days of dealing with computer stuff with my parents if I'm not in the room, and I'm describing to someone what they need to do if they can't do it, I just put my hands up and go look, it's literally one button, but I'm not there and I can't press it for your
own is a mouse grabber. You're a mouse grab, huh?
arm comes across, and grabs the mouse,
ghastly sociated with the irritating waiting favour on the deuce actually drivers, but no saves you saves. How have you been feeling about Joshua's behaviour this week? You bet you've had a couple a couple of things where you've been slightly annoyed. But I mean, maybe you've been more annoying as well.
I axed a few isolated examples. What some examples Yeah, I need examples if I'm gonna develop as a person. No, you're not you're not gonna develop at all.
Polls for every vote. Everyone has happened. Now. I want to wait Have you think I've been to anything? I think everyone is a bit on edge I definitely think there's everyone is needing to find a new normal because there's not fucking normal at the moment whatsoever coronavirus drink. So it's even this phone like doing this remote is weird everyone is drinking
if you insist
you were giving a lot of pushback and before the livestream wanting to cry It's just Nick job crisis makes it about 40 I don't believe in Belinda Walsh's grace and Gemma The only drink is a Friday night drinks. I bought I've just finished my hand and grey said
I mean I'll drink for anywhere. What do you want it to be? on
this track? No But yeah, it is it's a new time. And so I think there is just an everyone is slightly on edge or in denial that things are different. I've been Standing up so like, yeah, there you go. There's the reason you've been angry. angry. I think
now I think I've been chosen a little bit and you might get a little bit a little bit loud. Yeah, just on the fader really just blowing up that was that was a very low instruction Robin. So I mean, the interesting thing is how do we deal with weekends? Do we have any tips in the room hands up because the what I don't know, bro, you saying to me? Hey, can we go to heritage wall our favourite cafe tomorrow if we sit outside
you can
not tell you. What do you think? heritage? Well,
the fact that I'm spending my Friday with you fuckers is gonna
die off like this is the end of the world.
Christo, what do you think? Can I go out to a cafe tomorrow?
Yes, you can. And you support local businesses.
Just as far away from everyone else yeah exactly exactly
okay perfect all right well
anyway we might as well do it now before we go get Toby happy con like yeah try
your card to pay as well no cash cash oh you don't touched it I got a good call I
came out from I mean those The only three Mac is driveway to get a check eat me flash drive wine back is this and this young 16 year old you know like just so innocent brings out in wearing gloves looking a bit worried with coins in her hand to the waiting bye because they fact my order and they gave me coins and I was like I literally nearly said Yak No, I told the misuse of gloves is interesting. I've constantly see you go to a, you know, some food establishment and they're using the gloves for the cash and the food that sort of defeats the purpose really. There's no point it just moves the virus from one surface to another Grice I've just unmuted you because you're the one that's gone the hardest on the drinks How you feeling?
I'm fine I
just had a gin and tonic it's just a large class though.
I started drinking it for because that's what time I thought this was beginning I'm sorry about that
you don't need an excuse to drink Come on.
Oh no I meant for yesterday
Oh, here we go. What's good to saying hi Gemma I'm
Korean Korean What?
covered covered we covered the enjoyment I'm alone and then get an army the scope what do you what are you saying?
I'm I've been using the German alone all the time. I love it.
What's the German line? Yeah, what I said to my
piece gonna get us through there. She said not the way you're going, mate.
what's what's the deal, Jim?
Oh, hang on my audio. Hang on. I'm What are you asking me?
Yeah, what's the job I mean, man
alone. Mesa fragrance has and when I was doing Christmas presents for all of the women in your lives I got into scooty day just take a sneaky photo of his wife's like bathroom cupboard and then from there I worked out what like fragrance family she likes. And then I picked a perfume for her. And I don't want to say that the word she used was genius, but I think that might have been the way that she Gemma.
Do you have any beauty products that you could put together a little packet of swing around, pick it up? 1.5 metres away, please.
I'm not leaving the house ever again. I left the house yesterday and I got so much shit on Instagram. So you're so you're up but yes,
I do have so many.
It's more for my wife. I mean, of
course. She knows she knows.
products on tap. I live around the corner from me.
Sorry, go mice. What was that? Telly said she's got heaps of beauty products for you tell me. Oh, amazing. Can you Sorry. Can we just have a moment? Mr. 97? Can you mute everyone's Mark except yours and tallies and just have a little chat all right we'll be I'm just gonna go get another drink all right Hey,
what's going on what's been happening?
Have a good
yeah not too bad. I mean we just
fine but I know you look like
this is like that show love is blind who's watched it but your hand up surely half of you have watched it? Yeah,
definitely. Is that the one on Netflix? I think
yes. Watch it it's the best time to watch it and I'm Jessica. If you guys watched it I'm the mascot is Jessica. Yes, I am. I'm Jessica. Trust me the more of these and I'll be fitting into my dog.
Perfect. What about maps? Surely you've been pinching that
not so much. I don't really believe the bullshit the shit no one's really in love. I like a love story says you know like, oh, like I love story. How you Karen
Yeah, it's my mom's birthday today.
Oh, my mother in law
Okay, I'm gonna stop it there
says when he given your mom your birthday present present well so I, I sort of forgot about it until like three days ago and I ordered her silk pillow.
A silk pillow I think right skin for your hair. I'm thinking about getting one. I yeah, I've just paint like so I just got a Has anyone heard of this? I just got one of these. This morning I ordered it standby was going into my text messages. Do you know what they're called? service? Remember? Are your your little acupuncture things? Yeah, so I've got a Shakti mat. Anyone know about Shakti mats. Anyone own a Shakti mat in the audience. Raise your hand if you own a Shakti mat or Shannon Do you want in Scotland? shadow day? Yeah. What's it what's the deal with the shadow?
Have you shows yet
no I I just ordered it I'm waiting for it I'm waiting for the Shakti okay you
haven't even thought it okay yeah I have the mat and I've got the there's like also a little like Nick Domi yet that you lay down click it really bad shoulder neck pain. It's quite intense your first time or the first couple of times but it's it's strange it's it's, it's different to acupuncture and it's different to acupressure where it feels like these really sharp needles that could potentially pasty skin but it like it never does. It's really strange is like so relaxing. And I do it for 15 minutes before I go to sleep every night and I found that it really really helps with my sleep every night.
And then skin irritation because we know about my folliculitis and conditions. Do you think that
doing a headstand on it? I wouldn't go into a headstand. But definitely, definitely have a lay on it. And some people say, people that have problems with their feet as well, like you can just stand on the mat. I personally can't stand on the mat. I think it's too much pressure. I don't know whether it's because it's like, my full body weight, obviously, going through the bottom of your feet, so it's too much for me. So you can wear socks to sort of alleviate the pressure of the like little acupressure needles, I guess you would say. But yeah, like definitely lay down on it. And they say that the first like, two three minutes is like a bit of a burning sensation. And then after that it really, it's it's so good. And I think you'll really really enjoy it. Just give it a cup. Like give it a couple of guards don't just don't want to be like me. Do it. A couple of guys. Yeah. I think you'll really like it. Yeah, great.
Okay, perfect. Thank you. Hey, Jake. I want to know what the conditions like in regards to plants and going out and buying plants. Can I unmute you? I think you can have
just 1.5 metres go get your plants
will be happy, good sales at the moment you built us a beautiful terrarium which was, which we just don't have to touch which is great. Did you go and buy bulk buy plants before? You know potential lockdowns or things like that.
I'm actually gonna plant buying like going cold turkey because actually many of my credit card got too big.
So I'm buying from a friend's and there's actually a sale on enrichment by one of the things for pet friendly plants so insanely rich man, I think it's my jungle home, but I could be wrong.
But yeah, it was a pretty good what's a pet friendly plant? What's
your pet? When
plants kill your pets?
Um, I don't know actually because I don't have pets so don't really worry about it. But um, I know some of them can be really dangerous in particular Like orchids and stuff, I believe, but um, I don't look too much into it. But I think if you had cats and other things like that around, it's a pretty big deal. So, yeah. Get amongst it. Do you think
like, do you think all the shit that we worry about like that Matt that Shannon's talking about people thinking about plants that kill their cats like, the scheme of things, what's going on at the moment? how different the world's becoming?
Like, I mean, joshy by gimmicks all the time. Well, I said on that point around things changing I wonder about whether things are going to start happening more in regards to like, criminal stuff, because I've never touched my phone, not a phone touch or when I'm in my car, but I just started using it because I'm like, what's going to work? I mean, Dodge is fine. One dodge and I had a beer today and I drove back but I was thinking no one's gonna pull me over and then do breath is probably I mean, that's slightly No, but I had one before but I was just thinking, yeah,
well yeah they they announced that they weren't doing any more breath tests
and bought a dog bought a car and now he's getting
absolutely bought I think they didn't do I think they did anyway I just got that for him better advocate so I could be wrong.
I'm all good news is you're gone. I was just gonna say how do you think the first live stream Friday night drinks has gone? I think it's great. I love it. I think I love the idea of what we can do service write this down. I think we could do questions. We could do weekly questions that we ask a bunch of people and they can put their hand up if they've got an answer, not trivia, but just like, have you changed this or are you in isolation or all that sort of thing and saves? Can you read out the email from Dr. Kay that we got a bit of an update someone on the ground doctor care issues, East Coast of the US working in the pharmaceutical business you So she said it's been a while since I last read him, but I haven't missed a single episode. It's day eight since I went to work, and yes, they ate since I last went to work and CrossFit. My wife bought $600 worth of groceries last week, including dog food. And today we finally went out to the local butcher butcher and bought 13 kg of meat. I should have made a watch Game changes. Josh, I'm catching up on the two books. Being a gronk. I read both both book samples on Kindle first, which is only the first chapter, then I decided to purchase you're not listening tiny habits is just regurgitating the idea of suck it up and do it in a very nice way. Tommy, I'd love to see you do a home workout session instead for the adventure club. Mr. 97 can be your demo person. At last coming from the pharmaceutical industry, I seriously recommend everyone to stay inside and minimise any inter household contacts. I'm working on a treatment option for the disease right now. And nothing is better than just staying healthy. Any drug will have side effects. Yeah. And on. On that note, don't go to heritage war tomorrow. Because really, I mean, that's someone who's fucking working on a cure like working on a what he call it. A vaccine. Yeah. And she saying, don't ya don't go I haven't been out. I've barely been out. I've been good. screwed. I mean, you love a bit of tech. What have you done in your background? Have you added all of us?
Hang on. It's gonna meet you. What have you down to? I see. Um,
yeah, look, I just took a photo and dropped it as a background. Sorry about that.
It looks great.
Like up in classes there. But
yeah, who just hands up who's taken who's been on a zoom call already today for their work.
In Progress. Yeah, we
got 123 Nick tallies thinking what the workout was zoomies.
I'm gonna unmute her. Kelly, what do you think is like I don't have a
real job. So yeah, what the fuck I download this conversation.
The house party app has been going off
what's the house party app?
It's like this but you just your friends and you all FaceTime each other in one screen and just talk it's like this, but it's an app like a house. It's a house party when you fart. I don't know.
Tell me when Yes, if you if this house party app if everyone gets drunk, they talk about how they saw drunk and it's like oh my god this Oh
yeah, for sure. I got my tickets out on it last night and I was in bed at 10pm
All right, kids.
Boys at know me people here that know me all. I of course you fucking this guy. I'm like, Oh, that's so weird.
That's what
so we're just we're also planning. So we were going to go to World Expo at the end of the year. Daily talk show. That's done. Yeah, that's done. You didn't have the cash either. So I feel like how many Any This is the mean.
Can I just quickly interrupt because I want to get a better photo than what Tali got? So Can everyone just put their glasses up real quick?
Ha 124 coming as you were
a world expert. Now the interesting thing is I will say, yeah, there's that meme where it's like, people to remember to put on weight for Christmas. It's like, you know, babe, don't don't blame Christmas. You're fat in August. I feel like coronavirus from a business perspective. Yeah.
10 that you tried on me yesterday?
did not try that. No, but it's an actual theory that I have. Okay, it's probably a bunch of people who had shit businesses already. Yeah, that are like our fac Mike coronavirus has taken out my business like Matt, you've never made a profit. Now I agree. And so the funny thing is World Expo we were like, like, we're not gonna be able to get a World Expo. And so it's very convenient to be like, yeah, we can't go to World Expo. Because of Karina not because we spent all that cash in LA, if this live feed stops its own if this live streaming stops it's only because we can't afford it and we've gone belly up somewhere maybe that's maybe when people would start throwing in a few bucks to the show. I want to know are happy Harry Yeah, your lights going off again. I just I heard let's just do a quick hang on to finish this off Josh because I'm just I am conscious of people's boredom and so you're in real corporate on same day you're gonna say conscious everyone's time here today I
have a whip around what's
the thing about these reactions? Now the thing about the zoom calls is you don't want to drop off you don't want to quit but you want to quit and everyone's like still there you're like shit when this thing finishing that's literally made every single party I'm actually loving this. I can do this for another two hours now but I think we could use fun.
Yes, I am. I'm very relaxed.
Yeah, what about we just quickly before we finish This could take 10 minutes to do is Ross keys frozen or is he just doing my you? Self timing for us? We've got Sean drinking a Canadian Club and dry and it's probably 7:30am and that's a fucking solid effort. Am What about we go around the room and just someone who everyone has to say what they grateful for? How about that? All right. I'll call it happy, Harry. Yeah. are you grateful for?
I'm grateful for this. I've got a bottle of juice at Woollies yesterday for $2. And it was last one day. No, it wasn't yesterday was the day before $2 and it was last one there. So I've been living off juice.
God, it's multivitamin. multivitamin
though has
Yeah, yeah. All right. All right. All right.
Thanks, grace. Grace. I'm just I'm muting. Sorry, mate. I'll look after them.
grateful that the sun shining outside and it's nice and warm. I was sitting in my backyard before this.
I think that To be honest, Christ, I think that's the thing that I've been forgetting is that self isolation? I could go for a nice hike or something. Yeah, I was
reading this book.
I nearly bought a PlayStation, actually. But I won't do that. I can't thank you guys. Thank you, George, what are you grateful for me?
still being able to work, still being able to talk to people I love and live with people I love.
And that's nice.
All right, George, just on that the stuff you're doing for us. You're not getting paid. That's all. That's all free work, obviously. Yeah,
that's all for that fit. Okay,
work. But have fun
doing doing free work.
Thank you, George. Rachel, what are you grateful for?
I'm grateful for my balcony during quarantine and the donut my neighbour bought to me today on crime, what sort of lead
it was Cherry cherry. Nilly, that's
what I was looking for.
Was it like a jam? How would you describe the cherry
from a local bakery? business?
love us. All right. We got a you
know, What, are you grateful for me? I think he's muted him again. Oh, hang on. Sorry. Let me unmute.
There we go. grateful to Jetstar for getting aside from Bali, so that's good.
You're in quarantine. And
This is a great Jetstar integration. Check on it. What was the what was the vibe like on the plane?
yeah, well, the plane was packed.
I was pretty cool. I think people which is related to getting hired because you just don't get any news filtering through over there. The only news you're getting is social media. Just, it's just bought it really started allowing anyone really had an understanding of what was
Welcome back to the great land.
Glad. Well, glad to be back for a long couple of weeks. I
will do this every Friday at the very least. Glen, what are you grateful for my dog?
doggies. Take a photo and take that to me then unbelievable.
Yeah, that is it. I'm grateful to still be working. Like I told you guys, we laid off 100 out of 105 out of 185 yesterday, so it's crazy isn't working and hoping sports. We'll be back soon.
Yeah. So Glen, you work in the event slash sports industry doing analytics, like showing stats.
On screen broadcasts. Yeah, we were one of the first ones to sort of really feel it and then all the bars of bars and restaurants are starting to lay people off here. All kinds of things so it's really starting to snowball and going the
Obviously, like there's there's always the talk around the US being pretty piss poor in things like annual leave and stuff like that. Yeah, in times of redundancies, is it a similar sort of time?
Um, we, we've done the best we could financially, everyone will still keep their benefits, their health insurance and that sort of thing during this time. But, um, and we have a full intention of bringing everyone back. Yeah. What is that code? You use the word of the day?
Like Alan Joyce from the cuando. Se yeah, that's pretty much he's, he's had some hard conversations.
I've heard a few times. Yes. Yeah.
So what does Phil actually mean?
I think it just means that you're not working and you're not being paid.
And is the idea that you're doing void. Okay, stone point point. Okay. It's fellow it's just close to farewell. But the one before farewell. Pretty, pretty clean. Thank you. You and we've got Lara, we're going around asking people what they grateful for. What are you grateful for? they're
grateful for wine.
Right, right. I think I'm
grateful for
where I work sort of everyone's really community minded and everyone's helping out a little guys and helping out small businesses. And I think that's pretty great. I'm keeping people afloat, and yeah, pretty grateful for that. And the sun rising every day is pretty great.
It's pretty Yeah,
yeah. I feel like when it gets to the sun rising where I can,
I can learn
grammar Well, the sun.
That's okay. It's like the water and shutter. And you know, there's heaps of our Yeah, yeah, Alexander. I know your internet connection was a little bit choppy. And you Netflix's Can you hear us again?
George Alexander.
I can't say that. I can. I Xander What are you guys Fall
in I have been
sorry. I've muted him
I think he's saying internet use internet.
He's just had
so many Friday night drinks that he sounds like that. Yeah, Alexander the internet connections a little bit poor there. But thank you for joining us, Nick night. What do you What are you grateful for?
I'd say be grateful for it's a lot more socially acceptable to drink early on a work day working from home. So
we started with a
we had a group after work drinks three through a hangouts meet
and following through, so
very good. Thank you. Kick on party. That's what this is about. And what are you grateful for?
What are we grateful for Gail? School being shut down.
Yeah, what I would have What about you, Emma?
I'm grateful for hot spotting my phone because we've got internet works happening a couple of streets away so we haven't had the internet for days. So thankfully I can hotspot my phone.
Yeah, I mean I think that it's gonna be it was interesting on the first day on the Monday with Optus all of a sudden the I couldn't. When I was calling Optus phones it was saying that the line was congested, which is so Doomsday like right like whenever I'm doing all this stuff was very 1999 Do you remember that happening? I don't remember early 2000s. Just I remember phones being congested, like music festivals. If you were at one. You couldn't make a phone call. Gemma.
What are you grateful for Dell?
health care workers still going to work every day and getting it done? Yeah. teachers as well. I don't like government teachers. Don't have choice. I've just got to roll in, get it done roll out.
screwed up. What are you grateful for?
Three things mainly, whoever left this cider in the fridge. Okay, it stopped me having to open a bottle of red wine and then make a mess of myself. The old lady who gave me the extra doughnuts At first I thought it was bad and now I'm glad and lit great leadership in this time of crisis. I've got a prop for you.
You're not talking about Scotty for marketing. I
know I'm talking about
what is that?
Junior School Council. My daughter just sent me that through to tell me that she's got on the junior school Council. That's
a great leader.
Is she having to do speeches about Karina what's the deal with Junior School council? What are they expecting?
Get a badge.
Yeah, that's nice. Is that the school canteen?
I want to get home
That's about it. All right. Jake here, Jake. Matt, what are you grateful for buddy?
I'm grateful. I'm not Callum who's gone viral today for doing a bit of personal time in Marxist work that's been live stream to his work on ranking was you know, he was visiting porn sites and inquiries evidently according to the email, but he's gone viral and his boss's response was pretty chill. So I think he's a lucky man, but I'm grateful. I'm not him. What sort of industry is in? I don't know. It just says he was doing inquiries. And Callum just been noticing that you've been working from home, it's good to see you're doing that. Sounds I'm about that. And he goes, and we've noticed between inquiries, you've been visiting porn sites, so just letting you know that you are scrape like live streaming to the office, but if you click this button, you can turn that off. It's like,
helpful for them.
Your boss
on Netflix has just come out Burke Kureishi, his latest Netflix special he talks about he him looking at porn and it being streamed to the TV and his wife's looking at him swipe through the different porn.
Something with getting a live stream to your stereo something so the noises are coming out of nowhere. That's pretty bad.
All right, Crystal Andrews. I hope that hasn't happened to you. Today. Woody.
Grateful for a workplace that allows me to work from home because a lot of people don't have the choice recently and a lot of casual workers at the moment feeling it a lot of uncertainty about whether or not they are going to be paid, whether they're going to have shifts if stores or cafes and like clothes, so I'm feeling pretty thankful. It's
I mean, not everybody, some people are just being forced to stay at work because the business is trying to hold in there. And so then there's the people that won't get the money. Totally. What are you thinking? What are you grateful for?
Firstly, I have had porn go through the Bluetooth speakers before at a hotel, which
was, and
I actually I haven't really love hate relationship with social media I have for many, many years because of my job. Usually, despite what it probably seems like my social media platforms, I don't like it. And I really struggle with it. But I feel like in times like this, where we're all segregated, or we feel segregated, and it's a really beautiful time where we all come together, even just this conversation right now, like this wouldn't be possible without social media and the internet. And so, yeah, I feel really grateful for the internet and social media bringing people together even though we are self isolating.
Yeah, no, I appreciate that. Shannon, what are you grateful for? And I'm just gonna let you know my camera is about to die. I can change the battery, but I'll change the battery while Shannon is talking. So
much like Jim, I'm super grateful for, yeah, doctors, nurses, just people, again, teachers just working around the clock as if, you know, nothing's even happening. I've got friends that are, you know, doctors in emergency departments in Sydney that are just getting just absolutely smashed at the moment with people and, you know, they, they go into certain situations where it's so highly possible for them to just contrast the bars at the moment and you know, they they put their own personal safety to the side and that's stuff that's just on a whole nother level for me. Having family and friends that do that on a daily basis is you Reminds me of what I'm grateful for, especially having kids as well puts me into whole, like a whole nother perspective, right when you when you have kids, it's it makes it different. It makes you a lot more grateful for those people that so selfless and worth around the clock for us to be able to, you know, have that sort of support and that medical treatment when we need them. We're just so lucky here in Australia to be able to just rock up to a hospital and be seen like that. That's something that I'm really grateful for. And then
you have the Nivea of a child right now just
like Yeah, all good What's going on?
I also think like it's, it's interesting because the health care stuff you don't necessarily see until you need it as well. And it wasn't until even
when we were doing some filming for hospital
a few weeks ago. And then you realise it's like oh wow. Like people come in. They seek they see him for the first time. And it's like that those people are still there every single day
and they see and they see like sick person after sick person, right? So if you're a sick person and you go to the hospital, you're just one person seeing one doctor and you know, you might go home but they might be there for like one of my girlfriends is a GP, as I said, in Sydney, and only the emergency department at the moment and she's working like 20 hour shifts. So you can imagine how many sick people she's seeing at the moment in a 12 hour shift, which is just crazy.
spot on, Shannon, Sean.
Hey, how you doing by the way?
I'm good. Thanks. Okay. You've been working on a gronk coin as well. How's that? How's the gronk? coin? Yeah,
yeah, it's going well, I'm just working out without getting too technical, but we have this site called gats. So basically, every time someone sends tokens to each other, there's someone has to pay that gasps. So I'm just working on making a private note without getting too nerdy
What are you grateful for Shawn?
I'm very grateful for a boss. He's been very honest throughout this whole period. So we're all we've all been made aware of where we stand as we should be great. It's easy for people to in this time just close up shop and
just run away.
But he's been very football portfolio and considering everyone, so that's great. And then also we get Disney plus is launching in the UK next week. So 30 years of Simpsons is perfect timing. I think
isolated yet or
haven't lived in the UK?
No, not really. They basically said if you can work from home work from home, if I think they've just they're shutting schools from today. Unless you are Unless your children are honest, you work for like hospitals and doctors. Yeah. Then the schools will be open for those guys, but
that's a good way to do it. I can't do that. I can't do that here. But then how annoyed with the kids where they have to go to school when all they might say going? Yeah.
Anyway, Hey, stay safe over there. I just want to give a caveat before we let this man into the live feed ramble. He's nicknames ramble, because we could let him go for 15 for an
ramble. Welcome, Matt.
Hey, guys, how's it going? Good. How are you?
Good. Just enjoying a beer.
Love it. For the viewers that ramble
it I don't actually know I got it. From some friends. It's just go boss. cobia
What nights
was the internship I was that?
Ah, the good one. They actually give
you BS.
ramble a lot.
Oh yeah. We've given you an As batches Rambo was starting an internship with us, and it's actually full on the worst possible time hasn't it, buddy? we've just gone full remote.
I honestly feel so sorry for you guys cuz it's like, we're so ready to start and we feel sorry for you ramble. So
yeah, we'll Banfi
going Holly What are you
what are you grateful for? resume ramble I'm fine over here. Yeah, what do you
just tell? He says is Rambo hot? I can't tell.
Hey, Derek Derek's just put his thumbs up
there. He's a dish.
Yeah, he's considered a surfer vibe. Yeah, this is good a BMX
I guess I really gotta get a haircut because my hair the back sort of turning so now it's kind of getting a bit disgusting.
Natalie likes guys with long hair. So
Holly slightly more age appropriate also has a girlfriend yeah please
Sorry I got my cat on man and she just bit my under
he's rambling
grateful for though he found me wasn't
on I was happy to have my beer but I think I'm grateful for this at the moment like I don't work wise it's not too great but I am still earning some sort of money which is good. But like my family and my girlfriend's family have just been really
Jesus Christ. Sorry, give me like
a skunk
Rekha. See, I don't know what she's doing anyway, um, yeah, just grateful for the fact that you've got that stability. So if we do have to go into a full blown lockdown, I I'll be all right. And be safe and financially. All right. So yeah, I guess that's what I'm grateful for. And the fact that I can still ride my bike. That's pretty important.
Good, good one night. All right, we've low keys walking right from the camera, but look Cooking like
yeah cooking for the kids cooking.
We just had chicken schnitzel and now eating strawberries, right?
Yeah perfect chicken schnitzel de la fin chicken because when I was a kid I was really wanted it is a thing.
Yeah, it's RSP ch
good. Ethical. You know my gripe with schnitzel if you don't get an even it's hard to you know you want even chicken throw out you know what I mean? We're using flour as well because I know flowers good for sort of crumb. Did you make the crummy? Did you do all the cramming?
Now I just bought straight from the show.
What are you grateful for Luke?
family, family friends. I mean, you
say that?
Of course it is right here.
Now, it's important. It's a good one. Do you have mayonnaise with issue So
one does a nice Yeah, that's great.
Do we do whatever I'm having for tea?
You know, that will be here for six hours. definitely gonna do that though. Funnily enough, it's it's changed orders, but um, I think the final one is pebble.
two balls chisel. Can you hear him telling us what he's aiming for the engineering?
CFO, I think he's on a phone call.
Yeah, he's just muted. While
he's doing much better hearing that than seeing what he was searching on the internet. I mean, the funny thing is, it's a daily talk show was great to listen to when you're doing other shit. Yeah, sort of been grateful for all you gronk coming today. It's. It's cool. It's really cool. What a weird time. Yeah, we'll do this. We'll do this every Friday. I think that'll be fun. But if you have any suggestions as well 97 Have you stopped added the text messaging. I told Tommy about the text messaging sort of the bill. How much is this? Now? It's actually it'll be less than 100. But it's it turns out it's 11 cents per text message. And he was in fourth with grace. He said that 40 text messages to Christ.
Grace is shooting me. You got your number? I think
grace, you're unmuted talk to
Sorry, sorry.
Nice, rude finger with a love heart tattoo. So I
mean, Holly, she's in another state. It's logistically very difficult.
Also, I've already been there so I get first dibs.
the cat's mouth. Okay. is true, the rumours have been confirmed where we've muted everyone. Thank you for coming. It's a daily talk show. If you want to be on one of these calls, you just need to become a VIP gronk go to the daily talk show.com forward slash gronk. Thanks everyone for joining us today. You love doing the show live on Saturday and Sunday as well but we just will keep the the grid stuff we'll try and work that out. But we'll do that every Friday as it drinks. Otherwise you can watch us on YouTube as well. youtube.com forward slash the daily talk show. Love you guys. I have someone say everyone