#112 – Forgot Password/
- June 20, 2018
The Daily Talk Show — Wednesday June 20 (Ep 112) – Josh Janssen & Tommy Jackett
All of the subscriptions Josh has, helping parents with tech, selling DVDs, a stollen motorbike and our mate with a massive chest.
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Cross face
conversation sometimes worth recording with Josh Johnson and Tommy Jenkins. Episode 112 What's up? There's a bit annoying if you can hear in the background we're in my office
just it's an awesome okay. breezes yelled so there is noise it's it adds a bit of atmosphere she says but this is a live episode we're in front of a live audience is three but the biggest live crowd we've had someone just walked past I'll count that as for this is actually huge he feeling the sort of a thickness
of the show
I've thought about us doing this on stage because we talked about doing like an open mic esque night over the mic vibes where you kind of have a bunch of people on stage yeah we have other you know guests and I think you've had How much will it change it because we don't record this we don't video this yet you see about adding that extra element on like I pick my eyes and I'm if I'm if I can grab pig
pig Rob is a really funny slur though he's he grab grab grab. I was thinking What do you use to kill me a rat a rat? Half the time it was because you turn the hump me or do some weed she was when you know you're flying a drone and you had it pointed down Oh no, no, I'm sorry. That's
the only time of Humpty yeah you're right then but then the other time you were rat is when you had sun burn. And you and you were wanting me to fucking touch it? Yeah What do you say? Fuck off me rat yeah it was an old school you seven slam
the best slam there is really no it's the I would worry about the the one concern I have about the live show is showing off yeah
what I guess the JJ putting on a little home home show
I only ever get I just feel bit triggered to perform. No I was gonna say I get it would just trigger the reminding me of when I was a kid and being in the car and mom saying that are showing up and say they say embrace does it too. She knows my trigger points. You'll say you are you said that thing you want you you know I said that in confidence. You just showing off so I'm good. I don't know. Maybe I'd be good. Maybe it also you'd have to bring a certain level I'm really annoyed because I'm not annoyed. I guess it's just part of being Josh but I just got a subscription renewal for for strive. Which I can I can make this decision for you. Do not renew you don't fucking use it. Yeah, well, it's a bike riding app. what's already come up. hate it. Yeah, it's just do ga falling subscription. Oh, no. This is a great opportunity breeze given me state. It's only $99 a year
early. I love it. How you paint the only $89 a year and I'm about to go away for four of those
striver premium fifth of August I register. So if I can remember to turn that off. Okay, great. Put a note in your diary, fifth of August. Or do it for the well, you can I could do it. Now. I could close it down. You know, we're doing a podcast. The other thing too is the the other things I'm paying for not using at the moment. The Atlantic What the hell is the Atlantic it's a newspaper newspaper, New York Times
and what you meant to you meant to read those. Yeah,
so I've got a couple of episodes going into a stage where I'm like, you know what, I'm going to be a little bit more thoughtful with the media and I'm consuming Well, I yeah. And you thought that's the really healthy outlet to consume? Well, it's like, instead of a reliable media. Well, instead of using Facebook or Twitter or Instagram is my news source. Maybe I could just raid, sort of, sort of more editorialized basis,
I had the idea of doing a video of you pinning up on a wall with what with you know, like post it notes are all the subscriptions you had and you weren't keen on it never really stuck with your so I was like this is gonna be so great to be able to see what would happen to your spending and how much we can cut it down and I mean,
that would be handy features to do anyway. If he wants to do it. I went to work yesterday. Yeah,
one of the big big to be three what would they be? What are the how many shopping centers LD will work calls? Why are you the type of guy to say LD first? No, I just was reflecting because there's already said well Where's meaning? Like the big three certain markets there was a big, big, big to serve maggots. Well, I went to work yesterday was about a bunch of stuff for dinner, some pumpkin, some other things to roast onion. bunch of other stuffs and corn chips. homeless. Have I Got ya. you interested? Yeah. I'm interested
to Thomas. Yes, it was.
I think it was ever
before you just just in regards to home. So Thomas Thomas. kind of say, Thomas, I don't know how to say it. Anyway. The, you know, hey, you can get the big one kilo tubs brain I used to buy that. And like it would last a little while. Yeah, read on the tub. A while back. You've got to consume within five days. Yeah, the whole thing? Yeah. So there's no like the idea of having a kilo of commerce in five days. Even for me is a stretch
the light so you bought some pumpkin, some homeless I took an order the fraud and I put them down. Oh, yeah, bags of 50 cents now. So they've removed or plastic bags for 100%. But I know I know. I sort of let people in on my thinking processes very quick. But I had a moment where it was like, Are you kidding me? Yeah. But I immediately then counted that with telling her This is such a great day. I'm so glad it started. But I honestly think it is right. It's really and I honestly have not have known about and been behind the initiative to get rid of these plastic bags. But the little part of me that are selling me was just like, Are you kidding me? You're putting me out here. I think it's great. Like we could call that the hair cut effect which is when you make it a haircut and it looks she is and you want to say something and you go decide to share company instead. You know, you want to sit you have to say something else system so I might great
haircut, but it's fucking shit. You know that right? And so it's a similar thing. you've just done a bit of a switcheroo? Yeah, you've taken a negative thought which it was stupid because it is I did that last night where
I've been staying at my mom and dad's before brain I head off he's worth time let's be honest, I'm not comfortable with that
you're in transition
because you're flying first class next Tuesday with points with points no but I do you just do a homeless burb or no Riley's eight is it Riley that's eating something smells good
What are you eating? What what's wrong
What are you waiting their
spaghetti spaghetti with my with my calls but not spaghetti squash okay great I'm glad
she says it's great to just discovered that this morning or I will have to do another take it home in the bag at the body produces the know so but yes, I'm not living with my parents. I'm just like saying there for three days. Anyway. Brain I've been getting up at 5am every morning to get in so she can go to the gym in Abbotsford at 6am. And so it means early early night I need it I was asleep and we die princess I've been editing I've been editing a lot and or being trying to I mean I'm procrastinating I can tell but I but I was I got into a flow editing anyway. Didn't get home to mom and dad's where we're sort of just temporarily still you know him
Yeah, he Josh is not actually living back at home now. It's
nothing wrong with temporary anyway. And mom will tell you that to make it very clear voice is gone through said I mean, even us keeping shit there. She's not comfortable with. It's like, now I get it. Once you've flown the nest. I don't want you to flying back. It's a sort of, you know, once you've done that deal, but get home and mum says on Josh. We need some help. It's 830. I want to be in bed by 830. But I'm like, okay, whatever. Mom says we need some tech help. I'm like, okay, yeah. What is it? I was fine at that point. And then she said, I got a new iPhone. And
it's asking for my email password. And the thing is, I'm happy to help mom and dad and mom will quickly point out, you know how much we've done for you? Yes, yeah, we really has done a lot. She's done a lot. Schuster mom and dad used to drive me to the Victorian College of the Arts two days a week so I could do film costs. And I spent four grand over two years on the court level they've done a lot along with just raising, you know, but mom will bring up the VC i think is the go to that. She knows how to cut through to a Sam. I don't know what it is. But that's that's the stick that she likes to talk about. Yeah, it's not the fact that like they I lived with them. And they brought me up for 18 games. It was the two trips to ACI every week apparently. But anyway so she says to me that the the password
yeah isn't working. Yeah. And so I said no, you just need to put in the past like your last password and it works and she goes I don't know what it is. And the reason this was so upsetting was because dad had forgotten his password probably a year ago and it was such a pain in the ass and I in that moment said the one thing that I can help you with is if you forget your password just write it I don't get if you don't want to use last pass you don't want to use one of those password managers which is what I've been suggesting yeah just that's the that's the one thing I kind of that's the one thing I kind of help help you with right The one thing I kind of helped you with ease remembers and so I was so angry about it and and mom was like you know don't worry about it yeah and I was like no and so I was in the mind was like okay I won't worry about it now it's going off to bed I might look I thought about it might know what she's they're about to go on a trip and like they're going to be she's not going to have an email struck and be able to access right now so then I had to troubleshoot and sort of that and took like half an hour I've got it all sorted but it was a I was so annoyed and I reacted yeah I've been listening to a
book at the moment I think it's like the power of bad disliked or like they know how to deal with the mom and dad executive but what I don't know why but there was something in that book which sort of inspired me to be like you know what I don't need to be an ass all right now and since that annoying thing where you being an asshole initially yeah you said you like this is like like I'm was planning on going to bed right now. And now I'm going to spend an hour sorting out missing just because you didn't remember the password that that was the one thing right. It's inconvenient. And
I understand that. That's like an asshole thing. And so the thing that the annoying thing about that is once you've said it even once you've fixed the password and you've done the 45 minutes you get it out of the credit because you're still the asshole
well because the act of the star Yeah. So now thanks for being with family relationships is trigger points. Yeah, it's from growing up. It's from and I get it technology. I wonder if technology as in this kind of shit you're talking about as taken apart families
are broken. iCloud has done it alone or everybody you know the Apple store my main message me he's like dude What a fucking awesome store they do like they run workshops for people to when
was this I hope that if this wasn't between two thousand nine you might be sitting under a rock goes last right. I know.
But I appreciate because I look I go into an apple store. And my friend who has a business and he appreciates as a well oiled machine. And that's what the stories of the Apple
Store and everyone if you're in your car right now, and you haven't burst out laughing at the store. You're an imbecile
myself, but you say it's an optometrist. So they have those things like that you know you can do courses that you can learn well I movie yeah
and I didn't respond to him but i've i've seen that happening and it is people 50 and above yeah they're
those people who are running those courses fucking patient and that you would get so triggered I'd probably end up yelling and you would but the thing what know the thing was though that in that moment I shifted it and I actually went out and apologized I said sorry like I'm just a bit tired sorry about that and what was their response oh so like it wasn't sort of like on I understand it's like yeah basically yeah in fact that we've done so much for you
which is
she's not reading the same books I am the the reality is we owe it to our parents in a big way we do and we let this should get the way I just buddies or body Oreos me
he owes his mom if he put his mom through hell yeah and he wouldn't survive without it. So there is a bit of that and i and
i and i get it and it's a and so I'm trying to be and I also just think they're gonna be dead at some point okay that's a bit rough isn't that true is that the whole thing like I think nothing will bring you back to reality like mortality which is like actually you know they getting old and so I don't want to be like even if they've got like 40 years left either in their 90s dark place to take it in your head does take you down was the only way that I could reconcile all this reset mom's password without shooting up
should we didn't follow us on this past week thing
we know that it won't be once but then I did the backend work to now so I can sort of that in the future but the other thing that was funny was then dad he's got he's just quit his job and he was you know trying to save everything he's trying to say he had a you had like an old work email address that had all contacts and stuff that he wanted and so this is ruined me before I lost all of my notes because there are attached to my work email well the day before I'd spent half an hour This is what's turned in basically mum and dad have kept the whole
all of their technical issues until I can I arrived everything famous
You are my support guy remember how I even said I am like what I am for my mom I'm comes to me when she has something you were that person for me yeah so I get it when you send the tech guru was had Melvin gate.com it's true man probably paid for the fucking decal have a
good year. I think blog actually did that for me chat blog. But, ya know, so. But it was funny because dad was he was showing me this account. But he wanted to. He was asking whether he said if I delete this Will I lose everything because I don't want to lose it. And as he was doing it, he had on his iPhone. You have the screeners had delayed account and then add underneath it said by deleting it too late off, you find you get back and get it back. And as he was pointing to it, he excellent. You
know, wasn't used to
cuz he's like, it's gone. It's gone. But
I'm like, Yeah, why didn't you press that button? It's gone. And the latest press the lady guys know how it's helping. Hovering my finger touch my phone doesn't care. Still a good thing. What like he was. He's a hoarder. He looked he had he actually just sold
thousands. I think he's just sold a couple of thousand dollars worth of Time magazine's resistant and he had like old school like
magazines. So all they had like a cigarette commercial like
and stuff like that. But he is a massive hole. So I knew that I backed up all his important stuff like the day before, so I knew that whatever I'd lost really probably been this tiny, tiny little bit of information. So but
who's buying these magazines are the hoarders Yeah, the
cars that's exactly that's the feeling I have with minimalism. Ryan getting rid of stuff there's this this level of growth in this world cheese I'm just piling on this thing that I know that doesn't give me value and I'm giving it to someone else so they can pacify all their problems so maybe the the blender that we gave you yeah we got that that was very useful you might sleep that night pretty shadow
worked at work I really good blender is a issues with the
total It was a cause one apartment fire but that's all fine now it's a it's a breathable it's one sort of is lovely but maybe this show you what you're saying is that the minimalist movement it should be less about selling to get money for your items and scaling down more a big bonfire. We just lighting it all IP that is fucking Bernie it there's so many on whether there's all of these bits to it too right? Which is like there is that the guilt that comes with it which is like actually I've bought all this shit and I don't need it anymore I guess you try and sort of sell it first then donate or just books of those things because books are easy books are easy to deal with I feel like everyone wants a book but I've got like a couple of hundred DVD
and so does my James Yeah
Do you think James wants them maybe what does not want them well he was troubled past where he was talking about yesterday that he's apparently preparing for some sort of Apocalypse where everything goes except he's done
his point was what if Netflix shuts down
and there's wouldn't you just go to village cinemas he's like now but village cinemas would be taken down I might well if if village cinemas taken down like what what have you got set up that's gonna DVDs David a player blu ray Yeah, you would need to have you'd want you'd want one of those sort of universal ones why I mean you're you're wanting to sell them yeah well I tried to sell them but it's
ended up going they started off with a box to sell yeah and then they ended up in storage actually went to move them the other day. And Bray had written on a text DVD days for storage. And then underneath that just said low
so we understand we understand the ridiculousness of it. Because we're paying now for storage for the DVDs. It's sort of a bit of a vicious cycle
we need to get rid of get rid of them yeah, I didn't I don't need them Yeah,
man you've still got that that coffee you you you you basically talking about? I actually for some reason I looked up sticky
yesterday when I was doing the podcast because we like talking we talked about it. Yes. I was just checking the spelling and interestingly, one thing that I'd never really realized is a sickie the definition of a sticky is actually a sick too high that's not like were you talking bullshit when I thought a sticky could be like when you're actually sick but you should only really use the term sticky is if it's you having a sickie to then go watch baseball.
Well, yeah. sickies usually before that you the word pulling a
pulling pulling a sickie is an Australian term and then probably the which talking about like the storage and the moving the I got a notification on Facebook yesterday and we're still a we're still a member of our apartment block Facebook group and even has one yeah so someone had that like their cage broken into four whatever it
shows the vigilantes group Yeah,
it's a little bit the people keeping an eye on shit. But it got me thinking about the when you sort of still in a world automate like you sort of, well, I know someone who got got rid of their business and then still has access to the payment portal not to take any money, we can see the cash flow of the business were sold. And so it's like, oh, how they doing? Yeah, yeah, super interesting. I my version of that, I was thinking about my keynote, cuz I was gonna go, I don't need this anymore. And I went to sort of get out of the group. I'm like, I'll stick around. Maybe I'll see. Like, if the people who are taking over our apartment jumping, maybe there might take a photo of, you know, some wall that's in our apartment, I can have some sort of nostalgia
might you would never speak to him in the first place it This is my conundrum. At the moment. Do I go. And because we've had some people moving above us? Hmm. Few things you can hear them piecing. So he had not like just water into a ball that's right above our head. And so what are you gonna do now? There's nothing about going to say that. But I was like, should we just go and say hi, because we have not seen them. schedules are so different. But I was like, within a small block, should I go and say,
get a Oh, with your style of apartment? We actually get 150 others. Yeah, there was a heap announced but the guy who was above a spray seems to make friends with everyone. And she made friends with the guy who was above us. And he invited us over really interesting. the fascinating thing about apartment blocks is saying, how differently people furnish the exact same
place. Yeah, true. So we
have this really. And so Bree was came just to basically say what I had. And we had real minimal shit. We just all like Paavo IKEA stuff, just nice and minimal. But nothing fancy. But it looked it appeared fancy. Fancy. My
budget? Yeah.
Fancy on a budget. We had like one nice coffee table, which is minimal. I think it was. Yeah. Which Bray said was marble. But we discovered that it was a composite. It was sort of a mix of marble and plastic bag travel. Yeah. Well, what would it turned out because braised Bray was really pedantic about? This is our first nice thing. Where did we get back from again, West down. So instead, yeah, it's an it's a nice sort of furniture play. So these are sort of rip off in July. So this was like our first adult like, you know, good adult purchase. But Bray said to a dad, you know, be careful carrying this includes marble, he says it's true, like to be marble. And so you could actually see the line of like, the very theme marble on the top on the right, is this plastic.
So they did it about the guy who got his motorbike stolen from my apartment mark, so he keeps his motorbikes he's got two of them had two of them and just you can basically it's like a cat box underneath our building, but doesn't have like a insurance or anything so it's open anyone can see our cars and anyway, one of them went missing and I knew this by a sign that he put up saying Did anyone hear anything or seeing anything on this date around this time my motorbike was stolen as our poor bastard system oh I think I talked about this authority did insurance job to start with no
anyway man we've done hundred and
truth i saw i i thought i thought in my head he done insurance job. Then I spoke to him he told me fact I didn't have any insurance on the bike. The bike got stolen and he said it's probably going to farm because of the kind of bark though was a bit of a farm but anyway my neighbor knocked my other neighbor not the one who got his motorbike stolen. never told the story by the way, knocked on my door last night at a beat couple of BS in his hand came in had a beer
because you're wondering why I'm getting so friendly with my neighbor.
I'm wondering Did you find the bike from yc given you bs No, no no this is not that same now this isn't the other neighbor this is what this is the one above
yeah not the guy who had his motorbike stolen but he came in any way we're talking he's like Mike Did you hear about the guy who got his mailbox dollar to he would happen I said no. He said yeah, he was away last week Interstate and got a call from the cops. The cops it might we found a motorbike. So where was it? It was across the road down the little side straight. There's like a dead end street literally 30 meters from us. The motorbike had been shooting 30 meters from where it was stolen for nearly three months
the cops feel
like we passed it you probably did I think if we were to look back at the footage of me being
the dad for Bodie in the minor thing I wouldn't be surprised if I feel like we work with a yellow no no it was a white one anyway so he said okay to the cops Can you can you get it and they said can you just pick it up when you get home he said no problem got back stolen
know for guy that is motivated stolen from this place that it was sitting you know what do you always talk about the that the house that's close to rob Taylor's the one down the down the road it's got all the security cameras I wonder I wonder if
they're pointing out that they could it's a good point but maybe I know is that now insurance they found it but it's gone it's a bit of a joke isn't it he at least has to walk straight to see if it's been just wheeled around and other cool yeah maybe that's a tactic that they use a wheel it leave it for a couple of months then we'll it to another section labor for a couple amount of full they were in
Victoria or whatever man that the thing that I think about is just security cameras I just I love a security camera What is it what's the feeling gives you what just gives me a sense of security
seriously like I like if I had I'm sure I've said this on the show before if I owned a house I would have a lot of sort of external security cameras I'd have it all set up and you'd be able to go back a few months and when you're looking for you're on the defense of criminal
yeah the thing is when you're in apartments half the time you don't have to be thinking like this but when you're in ground floor in a house
I don't think I'll do ground the ground floor makes me uncomfortable you'd never
leave in like a house What about the house the house sitting house that you're in yeah it's quite a rant is being
yeah where it that didn't have any cameras It was good that that yeah I was definitely like this could do some cameras seriously been like put one there one there so to set it all up what I've made my good friend Brendan and he's installs security systems really well actually it's funny you mentioned because remember will actually talking yesterday about middies media are the electrical yeah they do CCTV stuff and and James who sort of prides himself on this Blackie bloke being a block he prides himself he's just a big motherfucker he's he looks like a gorilla these chairs Why is his chest so big? I love a fucking bench presses hundred and 50 yield. And so that but how does actually make it I don't understand like the muscle growth. Is that all muscle though? It's all it's this the size? It's not. I'm not talking about like necessarily the muscle. It's his whole rig is bigger. He's He's in his misery. morph I don't know what you're talking about. So like, looks like Jimmy Neutron Yeah. Real sort of the Hulk Hulk vibe. Yeah, 100% of time.
That's just these bill he's always been a solid unit. Yeah,
looks like a quarterback. Yeah. Guess what
problems ever being a black you'd like. Yeah,
it looks like why he was. So middies is sort of this random shop and he was talking about how he liked their branding being bright pink. He said it sort of it sort of worked for that sort of sharp
is a good idea to go like you thinking you're right. The blight there a blog blogs. tragedies. And chief going in there. Getting the electrical supplies from a bright pink logo.
It's great. It stands at Yeah. And now we're talking about middies Exactly. Can we get a sponsorship to deck at our office with CCTV I don't know anything is a possibility. Well, the to close the loop in regards to the to the to the way you live at home.
regards to the small world stuff. You know like the this idea that you sort of have keep your foot in one toe like I'm doing with the facebook facebook group. I will. I was thinking about it. I was like where else have I done this. And I did it with school for the last when I finished school. I didn't just leave. I was like the one that was back in the sense of I was I was teaching media they would have I would come in as a guest speaker and all that sort of thing. And I was thinking about you and your experience being someone who dropped out of high school. You're still a slave. Josh, whatever you want to call it. You did you were you hang around. Or did you hang around where you just out of it? And I never got invited to the reunions? I think that's wonderful. Not really any give a shit. Yeah.
No, I get that. But I think Yeah, it definitely was it. I mean, my vibe was I'm at Holy shit. Thank God. But and I didn't want anything to do with it. But I went to the parties. That's what I did go to all the kids from all the schools. I had some awesome parties. Man, I I went to a hipster parties and probably you seven and your age. But then as soon as sort of the out like the real strong alcohol stuff. I just got out of it. Well, that's where I pioneered and went hard. Yeah, man.
It's it's a strong,
strong word. But the the point on the school thing is, I remember this one moment where I was I sponsored an award for the awards night for the year 12. So media flakes, my business I gave it I gave a check for $100 to the winner of the Media Awards. The funny thing was that my business was so small that there was a time when I gave him the check. I didn't have the money in the bank when he was like, Oh, you're waiting for an invoice to be paid. So there was not worried that potentially know. And I remember the, the other awkwardness of it was I was
they didn't tell me how long to speak for. I was speaking before. So I was that's probably the worst, worst thing to do with Josh. So they said, Hey, we want you to do sort of a, you'd be the former student to come in and talk about, you know, what your life's been like. And I just did this sort of motivational speech which I think was meant to go for, like 10 minutes and they'd had no time and no one telling me and I said hi, how long did I talk for they said 4545 and I knew that had gone too far. When I was at a keynote presentation. And there was a point where I had a photo of me on an elephant from a phone like a holiday that I just went to Thailand and I was like guys that was made this this could be you this like you know live Dream big you know, enjoy the next year and maybe you might be doing something that's a little bit questionable in some sort of Southeast country just quickly do you look back on that and think that everyone there was thinking this this kids a bit special I knew I knew that was the case because there was one lady who's who was a little bit tweet she was lovely but sort of definitely she was on my level in regards to vibe and she came out she goes that was great that was so inspiring and enabling that's totally cool and but you know that it was sort of everyone else was a little bit like they just wanted it was worse enough to watch all these kids get these awards but then they had this this kid who has made who is you know, just just probably 19 years old it's the former life of Josh man far ahead I wish this was all I wish was a reality TV show Hey thanks for everyone who's been sending some emails yeah when when followed up with a bunch of great stuff is that one yeah it's you'll just have because this is the thing we share that inbox when they sort that out but arena yeah thank you she she gave some awesome
perspective on sort of being out and about as a woman and how she feels
yeah and that in the community and I think that as she mentions all of this stuff it's definitely I have noticed that my right eye in regards to these things I feel like what she's talking about I'm starting to think more about these types of things so when breeze going out walking and all that sort of thing I'm definitely like more cautious and trying to be accommodating and trying to make sure that I'm thinking about safety in a bigger way than I think what I was hundred percent Maddie Malton he sent through and he's got a friend that he wants on the show.
I watched the video. Yeah, I cried. Really? Is it said well, because I saw this. It's not sad. It so just just quickly he's made has Tourette's. And CHANNEL SEVEN. Did this story on these three guys who have Tourettes, and I was just fucking swayed. I just I can't I'm a big softie now that I've had birdie Yeah, but I just I was just thinking just putting myself in a father shoes I cried when the dad was crying I'm just about whether whether if he could do anything What would he you know turn it off and anyway it's but it's a happy story. It's not like that wanting to look at these people with all we've got this problem we want you to be feel sorry for this right now these are people with Tourette's who are owning their life you owning their existence and Matt his friend was one of the guys on there and we definitely want to get him on as a guest at some point he's full of energy yes it looks like an absolute legend James and yeah that sounds like I'm the guest stuff is really exciting me like we've been doing so with me going away at next week we're going to be doing four shows a week that are just like this Tommy and I chatting
I'll be remote but it will just sound like this There won't be any sort of change hopefully and but then every Friday there will be a guest episode and because guest you know you've done radio you know it's like with trying to do guests remotely especially when the to house the two hosts paying separately was okay when we do it with Trevor long because he's a pro and where
we are because we had ice Oh, yeah.
And so that that works that worked well bit know. So we've been frantically over the last week trying to record chats, and because we don't normally pre record the show, but we just want to have different guests and we've had some epic people. Yeah,
they really it's really Sonic. So we've
got on Friday. I can tell us that we've got Jeff j our it might not know the name but you definitely know the voice or you know he's old protein cookies body trim. Yeah. And he he was big into the morning TV and sort of the the mid 2000s as the infomercials. Yeah, we've even talked to him about this he had his own studio at his office that just pumped at infomercial well he he's got a pretty amazing story dude who had a company where you know doing over $30 million a year in revenue and he got kicked out what's it all that all sex addiction drug addiction bit of alcoholism alcoholism that and I lovely guy very much the full YouTube Yeah. And so we've got him him on Friday. But yeah, feel free to send name out. Hi, the daily talk show.com especially I haven't received a single email yet in regards to where you're listening. Because yesterday I said if you're listening
it has been one day and it has been one day but if you've he was sort of a dumb idea. But can I Josh wants you to email us where you are right now. Are you looking at the window of what is decidedly so on the way home? I specifically said do it if you are on applying. And you're looking down on your account that nap Yeah.
If you want to try hitting home. I think we'd
if you're with your phone right now. And you can send us an email if you've got Apple Mail. If you've got if you're an iPhone. If you are Apple Mail, send us an email high at the daily talk. show.com just say hello. And you know what from now on if you want to stick out because I'm gonna have the stickers really so yeah, putting your postal address and we'll send you a sticker or something. So it's a daily talk show. Hi at the daily talk show dot com is the email address and thank you to everyone who has been reviewing us on iTunes. There's been some new ones that have come through La la la people asking about the squeegee story but you have to just go back and find it but it's a talk show. Have a good one.