#734 – Sharing The Juice/
- May 19, 2020
We chat to Fordo and Kate Meade about the Megaphone sponsorship, a merch run and COVID and dentistry.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– Weight and iso
– Fordo’s PayPal offer
– Kate’s Gronk offer
– Merch
– A moving Megaphone tour
– COVID and Dentists
Email us: hi@bigmediacompany.com.au
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
It's the daily Talk Show Episode
734 how are we guys? What's happening? What's going on Tuesday?
How's it all cracking? Oh, just before we hit go on the show we had been for them call and I said hey, let's just actually talk about it on the show. So let's just get photo one. photo. Hi, photo you're live on the daily talk show.
My favourite show
what do I win? My you? You win? What does he win George?
I want to I want to go squad t shirt that's a bit bigger than the one you sent me. I don't know whether I put on the wire or what's going on there. What's that? What what size was that photo? Well, let me have a look at him a comedy is somewhere I know I should probably be at work but I don't know. Got 75 black t shirt that's all that you cleared at yours recently told me I need to sign on and I But whatever it is, I'll let you know I need to go one bigger because it's just you know, do you find that thing we just feeling like Hang on a minute. Now I'm feeling bad about myself because this T shirt doesn't fit even though I didn't even try it on to begin with but well that I mean,
I so like I haven't weighed myself in in a while. And I decided Look, I'm gonna do it. I'm just gonna like I need to do the front, confront whatever I'm at, based on ISO. And so at my heaviest my heaviest I've ever been. I was 120 at my sort of slimmest I was at five. And so I said to him, like I'm gonna go on the scale today and see what the deal is because I want to be the healthiest I've ever been at 30 and I turned 30 on September 14, and I said I reckon I'm gonna, I'm gonna be 95 kilos is my guess. And I stood on the scales and I am 101
I really that's what Uber rates will do I've been well maybe it's my
oh yeah I had to I mean that's what kind of prompted my you know turning the health around it was my when I got to know the UberEATS delivery guys you know on a personal basis when you start you know, offering them to be the Godfather if you newborn Hang on a minute, we've become far too close. But I was heaviest 97 lightest 82 but comfortable 85 and I'm now close to 90 so I'm like you know, looking good.
joining our live 24 hour live stream you looking good man. You scrub up nicely. What is it for you? What are you? Are you eating more and moving lessons? I mean, that's the that's the
Yeah, I should all my what it is told me that the alcohol thing I was really good at going when I did Hilton seat missing I was like I cried Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and then I and then I gave it a red hot not Jonah fraud I that the ISO thing has made me drink on back to drinking every day now like I just need a cup of coffee to rape Juan at the end of each day you know even though the author thinks practically Oliver kind of stuck around with me so I did it all out on the bat to start doing breakfast radio, which is going to be a shock to the system. So I think that'll be a that'll be a natural point where I can say right I will I'm not going to be doing that from from that time on solid is that the guy not between now and then I'm gonna stay awake? Well, it's a slippery slope. It's either it will make you go further backwards or pull you into line. I wish you luck Mike, can you just can we focus on the positive or may not want you to think negatively and the reason I was reaching out this afternoon I'm trying to reach out right when the podcast started. I need to know the full story of the megaphone because I must have missed the first reference to the megaphone. And now I'm listening To the third the references and when I heard this business opportunities for people associated with a megaphone, my ears pricked up.
Yeah, it's moved very quickly. And so I bought the megaphone when I was personal training the boys the other day on Thursday. Yep. And it was a Thursday, Wednesday, I think was Thursday. And then I spent $39 on the megaphone, and then about 15 bucks on batteries battery.
And so what I decided was, it would be good to be able to make some form of money back on, I don't know how it really went from there. And so it's just escalated.
Well, throwing, well, Ben, we throw out our PayPal details, which are simply our email address, hi, at the daily talk, show calm, and we were just saying send us money, help us recoup the costs. And then people started sending cash and then it evolved and then it became who will wants to be the naming right? sponsor of the daily talk shows megaphone, and then we got our first bid, which was 50 bucks. And then and then the second bid. We've got a website, Mr. 97. just knocked together the daily talk show calm forward slash megaphone. And so you can see
that where's that at at the moment? What's the heartbeat?
Well, so this was interesting. We had we've got a call Kate made who's on it. Ice Ice radio in warble is that where were you headed? Yeah. And so um, she has done a she did a bid for 120. And then I was archiving my email last night, and nearly archived an email where she has given another bid for 125 which has a whole nother story to it. So I knew we need to call her after you to work out where he lives with that.
Yeah, well, she obviously needs a welfare check because she's bidding against the bill. Now,
there is a lovely story behind it, Ben. And so technically she's the next
in it.
You can buy Ben for whatever business you like for yourself or somebody else for your new breakfast radio show and now you need to sort of get the word out there about the smaller Sydney. Yeah, I thought that would be a good opportunity. So many
hundred bucks Ben if you do it for over 500 Tommy is doing a special deal where he'll make you a video so he could do a video of of your new Breakfast Show. Yeah, I've seen Tommy's videos out there with a basket
on more interested in the megaphone, not on the megaphone for up my alley because I I just really liked that. That that loud noise. How could I can you know for my first week of the new Breakfast Show, starting in two weeks, right? And in case you're missing at the moment the the free pipe I'm getting I haven't handed over any cash though. But how would I say I own the megaphone for the first week if I record radio show?
It's gonna let's we're gonna have to so if I've learned anything about sales, where I've gone wrong previously is I put a number out there. Yeah should ask, what's your budget? What's your marketing budget? What do you got?
I'd be willing to, I'll be willing to pay 250 bucks for if I was getting, you know, I'd need what I need for the i'd need it for a week. So this week at my radio show, and are they guaranteed plug in the first five minutes of each podcast? And I'd want it just for the five days, so call it I want to plug the show five day. Yeah, that's 50 bucks a day to turn 50 bucks. Okay. Yeah, look on Helena do look. Wow. Do you think
to wait, when is it starting then?
When do we don't want to waste time?
Well, the thing is that megaphone is going to be worth a lot more than so that's the risk that we have to take is whether
this is a scam
or not all about risk, taking a very big risk in turning down $250. So I know
what about 330 to 330 x GST? That seems sort of more aligned with I think what the market value is now. And that's not even considering where we're going to be at in two weeks.
Hmm. I think you should take the 250
Well, how quickly can you get us to 50 via PayPal?
I can have it. I can have it via PayPal within 35 minutes. That's good.
real good. real good.
Yep. I just want to make clear because because I know you donated anything so the new breakfast radio Scott Shostak on 2g Bay on June once within for them. So just in case you turn They offer really, June one two GB it's really worth your while now because you've given it away for nothing. You really should recoup some money just like you want to do with the megaphone and the battery so you'd be mad attend. Could
we do it? Could we do a concert? How about this? How about 250 plus the daily talk show gets one mentioned on your show.
You've already had mentioned
that we haven't had
time. Listen, listen, listen to the base $250 is going on.
Now it's I can
definitely tell you,
you have a one to five you have naming rights sponsor, even if other people buy it. This has been this was a deal, you know, career and you learn two things early days and you go to warrant them in the future, even if we're getting to Grind awake.
And also might it's it's a really good I think precedent and price early on to say you know what? This turns 50 bucks. He's got a pro awake and he invested early and he went hard early. Tough luck it encourages other bidders and buyers out there to have a go back around and sit on the sidelines. So I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll get the money into the PayPal it Mr. 97 sent me the details right now taken to me. You'll see it pop up by the time you finish the shark. Also, he says yes, you can
choose to do it for you.
My technological abilities are a little bit lighter than boys to play doing the thing. So I
feel like we got what we wanted in the end.
Yeah, you want a 330
It's a pleasure doing business with you. Thank you
guys, this is a business. This is how you do business. This is how you monetize podcasts. The future is bright from June one through to five. And so
Nicole to export like we need to get the world Yeah, look, yeah, let's get
in fairness in fairness, we can't mention fordow and what we're going to talk about from June one because he doesn't have rights until then, who has rights is Kate made and Kate made kind of, as you mentioned, the photo has thrown another Spanner into the works because it's a second bead. And when we say bid, we mean paid cash exchanged. The BD is not like I was thinking about what I kept saying donation I thought not really yeah, is that small? Yeah. That what is the what is the term because bien bien could they aren't getting out bid at some point, but it's a rocks window, redefining bid, essentially.
Well, how are you defining how to just think that that's a lot of rah rah, let's get let's call them Kate anyway. And finally,
a bid usually is in a process and at the end, there's the highest bidder, whereas everyone along the term is
just unmuting. You can't sorry. Hello. Hi, boy. So are we are we good? Thank you. Thank you for your your pay palling. Sorry, I declined your call earlier. I was actually on another call. And as I ended that call, you called and so did it even ring.
I know I went straight to voice message I thought okay, where are we?
Okay. And so can you can you tell us the the idea because you bid 120 bucks, and you got the megaphone. We have been yelling type made. Everywhere I go with a megaphone. It's been getting A lot of run time Why do a second bid?
Well he's the thing I got sick of my name I suppose that sir
No I but
the moment that I saw this mega fine and the whole Okay, you can buy it you can have naming rights. I was like okay to be the number one ticket holder of any club like this is it you've already got a Queen gronk I can't have it. Yeah, it's one body food. Yep. machine. So I just thought I've got to have it. I've got to take it. I've got to grab it. Yeah, get on it. And then I realised Okay, so I'm doing the women of inputs are really running a business or anything at the moment I'm kind of in a state of not creating anything crazy at the moment. If I hear my name one more time for not actually achieving anything or doing anything. I'm gonna go crazy.
Like you remember I said what you do.
I got the guilt up because I then realised the power of the
real Jews
yes oh and all the back end and all the power of it and I thought my name and say how I'm coming out. That's what happened today we talked
a lot of juice
saying my order the way that I come up on a
I cry. I remember what it was like starting out and I'm not saying that I'm rolling around in money because I'm not that way you
know I've given you my life
but I remember when you start something so I'm already a huge fan of you guys, number one but number two when you're starting out You just need one or two people to believe in what you're doing right. And I feel like you know what I've done when I've come in big and hard trying to get these big megaphone from you is I've probably stolen the idea of you know, like booting up from scratch and everyone getting the opportunity and just come through like, I want it like a toddler.
There was someone who offered 65 who had to send an email saying, Hey, man, sorry. Sorry, buddy. You sort of you were a bit A while ago. I'm sure.
Okay, so yeah, so last night, couldn't sleep. I was thinking about the dude. By the way, I had to get up at 330 in the morning, swayed 350. Sleep, okay, this is what I'll do. I'll make another donation or one up myself by five bucks. And you guys can pick someone and amazing gronk then he's doing incredible work that just needs a little leg up. That needs the juice.
Very generous. you're handing out you're sharing the juice on today's show, so she's
sharing the load
COVID side by side airing definitely
Kate. Yeah, I asked you what what time did you actually make the purchase? Because on the email I'm 23 I am, you know,
yeah. No, I but I, you know, I've always not, you know the night when you cannot sleep and you start going, Okay, if I fall asleep now I'll get three hours. If I fall asleep now I'll get two hours. I have one of those nights last night. And I and I thought it is crazy times crazy. Unprecedented time soon. I feel like you know what I'll do.
And also like, I feel like everyone was if we could get people doing bids at that time, I reckon. There's a heap of shit that I do. Like, we're all more vulnerable at that time. I think that we should start like a 2am club where we try and get people to make bids at 2am Because I feel like it could be good for the megaphone.
Why do you think Telly marketing TV size works so well we end up buying lots of the pans and the nonstick stuff. Hello. That's so true.
It's like not what's that film that has she's selling the mops and it's like the story of how she became the
it was like the original shopping online shopping. Sorry, the original TV shopping.
Such a movie. I can't really I this is the equivalent, we've we're just re we're reigniting the telly marketing,
like TV TV. This is the new and so how do we use this? Okay.
Well, to be honest,
I mean wish.com has become the new Daniel's hasn't like that's like, the amount of shit that I get sort of advertised on which to me
so much.
And so how do we how do we do it? TJ I feel like you had an idea.
Well, any any sort of just, we want to do this right? We want to make sure that we find the right person, any sort of not rules but just sort of guidance that you'd send us that we can sort of take and run with Kate.
I think in my past experience, always look for someone within your community that has the same values of you that wants to get out there and just do something awesome for the world. I mean, that's what you guys are doing right? So there will be someone already that you're thinking of that you know, it's just a little game changer. It's a gesture right and when they're big and successful, not that I am not that I am forward later on
it's also the mega routes right like that. Like we can always say like I can be on the sidelines, yelling in the megaphone, like it was us. It was me.
Bz Brando can it be a purse No someone who wants to say thank you to somebody could be anything like that all we business No,
I, I think you know, I think you and I think even me talking to you today, there's already maybe a couple that are popping up in your mind already that you're like not what they're doing awesome work. Give them a little bit of a, you know, like bring him up but put a light on them for a bit. I think that's great.
Well, thank you. I think that's very odd cat Yeah, it's super super generous
and proud to be a gronk
and so I mean, it's also I just love like it gives us a reason to me like it now this like nice gesture sort of rubs off on us, which is squaw win. It's a win win win is what we're talking about here. And then we'll get to fordow in June with that that big cash you know that big
am money.
Yeah, that was a good luck in first off I was a little bit like trying to take the money you could go Hi boys, you know high up. I go to
Cuz you're very good at negotiating anytime
he was very brave to ask for the breakfast but shout out. That would have been real dude.
You've already got been on side and in undecided commitment, it's the beginning. It's really working on that relationship. So you're getting to see now was it 2500 exam? You know, babysit and
I will be calling as a fake listener every morning. Great idea. Let's just do it. Yeah, definitely just congratulations made, you know, a big supporter of the talk show.
That's great. Maybe I can do the cold brew the megaphone and see if he picks it. I call using the megaphone. Right. Well, hopefully you get down during the day when you Don't sleep much.
Oh yes. So basically when you guys get off this off the one I'm talking for a nap time now that's good.
That's good. I could get around that little little nap All right, thanks, guys. We'll keep you updated with how it goes.
Right on boys CSI
thanks again for having me. This is great.
I fired up is this is good. my lunch guy at lunch boys.
light lunch few Vados. Rose eyes nod. I've been so excited. I literally haven't. If you're watching the YouTubes I haven't switched to us once I've got my hands full. I got the megaphone.
Good. Yeah, okay, now we need to get to business. finding somebody and I think it's, it might be done today post show with the announcement tomorrow. And the rule being even if someone does Trump that 125 we still we still value the the honouring and generous giveaway of the megaphone via
gronk. If we didn't
would be really,
taking advantage of a charitable Yeah,
well I think that we could all just have a thing let's not make any sort of de se brash rash, rash decisions, rash, rash decisions. Well, let's just what's a rash that can you look up the meaning of a rash decision where it's come from? So it's Yes, it's a decision to wrap my arm
is my decision to rub your my arm on your rash and then I get a rash, rash decision.
Brush Brush works as well. Yeah, maybe this brash, self assertive, noisy and overbearing. We're
talking about a night it'd be it'd be you coming in and saying, No, no, I got it. This is who it is. It didn't happen. So we're talking about chillin
Yeah, I think that's the right thing. Now I was just gonna say on the rash thing. We haven't given my folliculitis much love lately. I went to the I went to the pharmacist yesterday and I thought you know what, like, I am a hate admin but I've got like, I've got these little pimply things on my head I need to get it sorted out, went to chemists warehouse, there was the guy like there was someone behind the counter at the pharmacist I said, Hey, I just pull off my baby. Oh my God, I've got these like red dots on my head like I think it's folliculitis and he's like, Ah, you have to chat to the pharmacist wishes he wasn't the pharmacist so then I had to while I was waiting, I felt like a bit of a dickhead when he said like wait for the pharmacy. I was just waiting. There's like six other people around. It was really hot because I had my North Face jacket on. And I was sweating heaps. And I was just like, I was going up and down the shampoo aisle looking at like tea tree shampoos or like, can I find an antibacterial one? Can I just anyway, I just said to Brian, I was like, no, it's taking too long. Let's Let's go. And so we left and went walked down and there was another pharmacist only a few doors down. That was sort of like a little smaller operation. walked in. He was great. showed my head and he's he's an announcement. There's no shampoo, there's nothing topical that I can do. He says I have to go to a GP I have to get antibiotics.
Interesting. It's worth doing to say
so annoying though, isn't it? Anybody I just feel bad like
now you don't need that. Would you rather cop the folliculitis and take no
no no I want it gone. It's just like he had its shot and I you gotta somehow I want to get and the other thing too is but why don't just come back. Now I think the thing is, I'm going to be wearing hats. I'm going to start wearing my brain. I'm going to go cold turkey on all of it. And really give my scalp you know, some breathing room.
Yeah, try that. That's, that's a good first approach. Just to give you an update, cash has hit the account, cash real as he The campaign for them has fundamentally increased June one to June five, megaphone naming rights sponsor,
so to speak of his until the ending in between in the time in between the limit. Oh, the current bid is still at what it is now. So it hasn't hit 250 until the end of that week.
But, uh, we booked out, like, how long are we giving
Kate's generous offer?
125. So I think what we do is we're going to give a bonus day. That's what I'm doing now. So whatever
in this day that is considering that no one comes in and pays 130. And so that is even considered. A bonus day is an extra if someone comes in because if someone
else needs them, no, but so yeah, so the thing is that if someone bids 130 they get it now. Until someone else out bids. So a bonus days someone bids we give a day. And so that person holds off. Yeah. Great,
great, great. So this person that we're going to decide today that gets Kate's just, you know, kind gesture will have it for at least a day from more than a day. They're gonna have it for like two or three days. So this is Yeah, this is, this is nice. This is where we, you know, don't say we don't give back.
And if so
it's time to just listen. And this is not really what I was hoping for. I don't
say you guys.
Anything else like if we're just a blue sky? Think through the megaphone, the future of the megaphone. Why?
I mean, one Moscow a pot, a posca pin, or some kind of sort of permanent pen that is white, that you can start just writing like a cast. You know, when you break your arm as a kid or you see someone who has and they get older. writing on it. I'd like you to start just doing your handwriting microphone.
Kate Bordeaux has just sent me a photos just sent me a confirmation as well. Yeah, great. Yeah. Contracts a contract and that's not even a PayPal. That's a direct that's even better. Yeah, he's, yeah, he's just gone straight through. He's good and he's gone. He's with the same bank as that. So that's gonna that's gonna hit accounts right away. This is good. Yeah, what are we gonna do? So this is the thing so we've got this cash coming in TJ Can we put it into like an innovation POM or like a domain names Paul like where do we
put his money? I mean, funds are pretty low. It could just be seen as cash.
Like, can we just use a cash flow? Can we do like a 10% innovation it could we get 10% of whatever it is that we have. Would you given that it was everyone's idea, I'm not gonna take credit for the idea, but I bought the megaphone and So, could we do a Josh Janssen Innovation Fund, which is 10% of megaphone sales, and I can buy something which I think will bring value to the show.
Yeah, when do you want to do you want to do it when it hits a certain point? Because then it's like, Matt, you haven't got
well, so what's the
dollar mark? You get
it? give me give me two seconds. I think the we're about 600 bucks once you include. Yeah, you haven't you have that box? So you can fund for 60 bucks. Yeah, I could start looking at new merge. The other thing I was thinking, what do you think about maybe Georgia boy can't do it because he's busy with the hump day. But I was thinking of doing a I've never used this word because I've never worked in like, like retail stock take. Could we do a stocktake of our gronk teas and crewnecks and put up for because a few people have asked about the Merge and we're very clear on not wanting to print any more than we're doing exact numbers. We got a few extra t shirts and a few crews. Should we put gronk squad come up with the exact amount. And so for those grommets that missed out, they may have been waiting for money to hear the cat like whatever it is, so they can get the that stuff.
Do you have to love that? And then and yeah, so then you're on you're in through Shopify shop. Shopify, they've
got inventory. Yeah, yeah.
Inventory that's also their their inventory as well. Like they they revolutionary in terms of their invention. So I'm with you serves.
Well, so we'll do that. So we need to count the stock.
JB is that we can't wait. We gotta take the I don't
have a T shirt. I haven't taken the T shirt. Okay, well, so. So we just need to find them.
I got photo as well. We got to sort out for Well, he needs him.
For for, like ESP 330 if he wants a T shirt thrown in? Oh, yeah, I
did like I did appreciate that to the hospital JJ
you gotta
eat the breakfast slot was just that was great.
As much as he said no. And he tried to sit aside that not businesses. This is how I do business. Sorry, but we're getting akiza
guy to getting on the under promise and over deliver. And so I feel that he's saying Nanana and he'll play a 32nd sting in the
show the show brought to you by the daily talk show.
Yeah, it could be something fun. Could we? One thing that I'd love to do actually, this fact this reminds me of a story. I completely forgot about this. So I just had the idea. What about if the megaphone was to move around Australia eventually. So the megaphone goes on a tour. And what that reminded me of is I remember When I was at FIFA angels, there was a breakfast show a regional Breakfast Show that was doing a torch style tour. And they got like a physical torch like a flashlight. And they passed it around Australia. And it got to me and they got me to take it to London for the for the final beat, but I was so busy that I didn't do the fit like I fucked it. I think I lost I ended up losing the torch. And so I just remember getting a call from them saying, Hey, we heard about the torch. Can we just call you and pretend the torch
Can you believe now
the other option is great that we gave to this idiot who lost it.
Yeah, I think that putting so much Work that it was too much for them to handle. I remember Sam Kev was the one that's like, Hi, these I'm sure remember who it was what the radio show was.
Your Jules Lund is probably definitely pushed you into doing it as well. Right it Yeah. It was turabian or
I don't know. I feel like it was
a rookie shows.
Yeah. And Tim Beck Well, they they weren't. I ran when I was something like that was to get in trouble
for it couldn't have been a big breakfast. Yeah, yeah. It has to have been a small
I can't believe it was seemed like such an easy winter. And also just a great opportunity for me. Like, I would look like a hero.
Yeah, ya know, we can go on holidays. But the megaphone can via AWS post DHL or whatever service we choose.
It could go and read Australia. I mean, it seems like sharing a megaphone is a nightmare from the 19 perspective. Yeah, well,
it's right Dan, you could do the full operation before you start like I saw someone giving you money. money on YouTube. And they legit laid it all out war gloves masks, sprayed it with sanitizer. Put the money back into an envelope and that's how they sent it out. It was a good precaution mate. I fucking shook a hand. someone's hand last night. I revulsion
I shook
her hand last night was it marks the butchers? No,
no. By the way, that was great. Go check out this video from yesterday supporting local business a butcher
will send it out on WhatsApp to see Jake Hayden Dibs dad. I just lost it. I don't know. It was just I
went out first. May
I fact it? I can't believe I did it.
And what did he what was? He shook
it. He didn't fully know his time. Not only Not one bit. No, no, no soft, nice hair. Like I remember it so vividly. Like, as soon as it touched I said, Oh God, I've just shook, shaking hand
It's like a one on one protection, isn't it? Like, that's risky. It was a little bit of fun, but maybe you fact yourself forever. You'll never know. Was it worth it?
I mean, it was soft exchange and if I don't get sick, I'm happy with it.
Yeah, you don't want to die. You can't be the guy now. This is the whole thing. It was a thrill for the night. But you don't want to be the guy that's doing that all the time now. Absolutely not.
I tell you what, Mom, mom, mom's got a bit of a cold. Dad had it she got off dad. And Mom said Tim, you should go get tested covert. He doesn't think he has it. But toxic masculinity he's not doing any of that he won't get tested he said I'm not No, not I don't have it. And I said how do you know you don't have it? That's the point you don't know that. You don't know if you have would you go get a cold? Definitely. Now till I worked out Here's what you gotta watch out mom. I just spoke to her before went and did the drive thru at Chad's done to get the swab up the nose. So she's been tested, finds out in two days. She has to quarantine for five days. This is what they really tell you. So yeah, so remember because I almost was like, I'll make a video I'll go get tested when they had an open to any gronk with no symptoms, just everybody's being tested. They've done 260,000 tests in the last month in Australia. And sorry, sorry in Victoria alone, and so mom now has to quarantine and so I'm glad I didn't go and just do it because you wouldn't have been able to leave the house for five days.
Well mum did that and she entertained and she was her biggest concern. Because it's such a long wait, the car battery because you're stopping and starting all the time and actually have jumper leads there because people are running out of battery just waiting. I've got medics made Because I've got everything. I've got a recess to your Tesla Sam's
did she take your dad's long? No, she she,
she took the Mazda, three Mazda three, like the I 30 equivalent, the Mazda?
Your mom turn the car on and off.
Like if she's, I think it's stopped for a long time. Maybe we can ask her what the balance was like, have we ever had her on the show before?
Let's see if she sciences Just don't tell her because she might freak out.
So quickly. You just speak to She. She saw I saw her on Saturday night for Brady's birthday. And she said Tommy jacket has added me on Facebook. I said yeah. And she says, should I accept? Yeah, what like Why not? She has this isn't content is it? I don't think so. She took she took a few days to excel. That's harsh. She's I only I she said I only add people that I'm friends with. I just like mom, it's not the content just except it's absolutely fine. And then she did side like, you know, you say you're just sort of quiet on her iPad. And she says I've accepted Him.
It's not content yet Lynne but yeah.
Let's see if she answers. It's 12 1237
she might be in the dental surgery.
gotta leave a message. It's probably because she's. She's probably got patience right out front.
Hi, I'm just about to say patient. I'll call you back in a minute.
Okay, all right. Thank you. That was her. That was not a voicemail.
I thought that was Scott. That's like,
I'm sad to say patient. I'll call you back by that. Yeah, that was lovely. It's always it's nice. It's my mom usually answers with Is everything all right? like something's always going on. Like she's always a bit worried.
I'm always facetiming I always faced Ivan like I literally didn't have her own favourites. I should call her all the time. But I think that with the when you once you get older, and your parents start asking, do you have work work like that work work, things become like a big joke at our place. Like if you got work work on
That's good. That's
who is who is in your favourite sieve and then we'll get George's favourites. This is on your iPhone Mike. We'll see I've
never I never used favourites before
because you don't make a name right
now but I FaceTime a lot so I use FaceTime heaps, but I just don't
I just don't want your favourites or I've
just favorited Christ
richest man he literally we're talking no no no before the show about getting joint bank accounts and you haven't yet really
i just i just i just i just i just i just favorited no i favorited it like probably maybe three weeks two weeks ago as I've never heard you say you
just name Did you not just say you
know now so I just use my recent calls. And you just go my favourites anyway
yeah, it's not about going to your favourites to make the call like I do the same but I haven't favourites list and say don't complicate it so joy only one yeah.
I got no one of my favourites really like oh
wacka seen this.
This is like the right words. Yeah, this is the
favourite so automatic. Like I just thought to do it based off who you call the most as opposed to like, I'm gonna favourite you.
How many favourites Have you got TJ 24689 952-468-1012 I think 10 or 11
what's the what's the point when you got 12?
Well, because you can see the mole so what the people I've got emails from Tommy jacket, nice on the rocky blahs Rober till Mr. 97 Peter shepherd. Derek Meyers. Gemma wants Harry launch George Martin. Again, that's why
I'm adding George. Yeah. George. Yeah, it was. It was a contentious I wasn't in Josh. No, sorry Josh wasn't in mind. But he also has wrong spelt wrong for many, many years. It was almost to be honest. I was like, always got one up on you. Amy jacket Josh Janssen, Joanne jacket monocle jacket race Michel pant jacket. Tim jacket. Matt bought Batman campton which is conspiracy Jamie That's my list. I don't call Matt that much we still live together love him but haven't we could we speak maybe once every couple months he lives down the coast. But everyone else regular regular
yeah for me I think till till I used to call every sort of second day haven't called till in a couple of months I should say how he's going it's a good little lamb good good little audit. It's a great check you
haven't checked my favourites and if you haven't caught one of them in the last three four weeks
called snip
facility has definitely caught him call him Academy.
Cut a little cut. No, you get George you have to add hand for Hannah first. The deal? You partner first gronk squad second.
Did you remember going into in crime go view, no SOS view. There was no source or whatever to be able to see if someone had hidden them. Space top friends. You could sit still say them.
Now I happen to right click inspect,
is that what you're doing? And this is prior to that inspect it was like a view element. I right click View, you know, source I think it was cold or something. Yeah, basically we could get rid of all the seat like the styling so you could sort of see what's being hidden. Yeah.
I am not the life hack guy, but I've just discovered a life hack. And this is for Mr.
Lin's calling.
Oh, come back with
Mrs. Janssen. You're on the daily talk show you okay with that? Yeah, I am. Okay. Okay, good. I will talk to you about the COVID-19 thing. Yeah. What was the experience like getting tested?
What was the experience like it wasn't that bad? Really. The worst part was lining up in the time worrying about that tree was going to go flat. Yeah. Told us
Was it what is that the Mazda?
Mazda three.
Yeah, we
mean Tommy jacket here best friend on Facebook to be connected efficiently? What a we turn the car on and off? Was that it or you were
you had to do it everywhere saying that you had to turn the engine off. And because it's an undercover top part. And so if you lose, then you would see the people doing the testing.
Did you have to wait Casey was saying in the comments that she was the worst part was needing to wait, or having time.
There was a toilet, you know, one of those
portable, portable toilets. Yeah, but I didn't need to use it. It was reassuring, not with reassurance not with it.
And so you isolated for five days post test or is that?
No I had to do because I'm you A health worker, I tell them that and they saved my kids results will be within three days. So I went on Friday, and I actually got my results on Sunday. So I
stay at home until I got the result.
Yeah, that's Yes. And do it yourself. And then if you then if you actually have it yet, it's another 14 days.
Then you have to
erase it. Oh, you work at a dentist, what are the what are the different things that you're doing now at the dental surgery, just stay
stay safe. I'm not well, I'm actually hiding in a patient may come in. So if they do, I'm going to hang up quickly. When the patient arrives, they have to wait in the carpark because I'm not having people in the waiting room at any period of time and I don't let patients cross over in the waiting room. So when they arrive, I check the temperature. sanitise the hands and then pretty much recording Started away in the surgery everything. Infection Control is always mixed so that's not such a big thing. The dentist the nurse and now windshields which they didn't used to do they just used to wear them. And it was a wearing shell accepting. Bye. And then when a patient comes out I make them put their hand in a freezer bag so that when they touch the keypad of the machine, they're not
thinking did I did I take the freezer bag?
I tell them they can because it can come in handy. Oil says the rubbish bin not next.
I can put it in mine and leave it how do you
how long do you think I this will continue for?
Who knows? I don't think we'll ever go back to totally normal because when HIV first read its ugly head infection control changed tapes in dental surgeries. So we went from wearing gloves and masks to, you know, for infection control. So I think things will be different forever.
What year did you start dental nursing 75 1975. And so the with the Wasn't there a case or something that happened with HIV that then made the sort of the dental industry get
shut down. There was an account, I think it may have been a dentist that infected a patient I keep, I can't remember really. But I think that was the case and then changed.
Thank you for the shot.
All right, well now have to go and take my gloves off and put the gloves on because up take some time. So we're not doing good things to the environment because there's so much plastic and rubber and everything going this is a choice to die or the environment.
That now needs to be solved. So it's Yeah. Anyway.
Everything is Yeah. What was that? Ah,
just make on Facebook will probably like something of yours later Lin actually in Right, right.
Okay. What was that? Yeah, my keyboard and mouse and everything in the reception area I put
on Josh, you
know, just I just liked your post from four hours ago.
Anyway, what is she posting four hours ago.
I love little rings. I love little penguins. They must be very happy without the crowds watching them every night. This is very funny. And then it's a 10 us bulletin. It's the guy who
is calling the penguins as they walk along. Anyway, look at it.
Keep it coming. Keep it coming by.
Yeah, thanks for having me.
Again, Lynn Johnson.
Glenn Lehman was great.
It was great, good fun commentary on the day. stuff that's interesting. Yeah, faction
stripe as well.
Yeah, maybe we can get some. I love it. I used to love getting there. I mean, back in the day like think about bone Street Dental, the big sort of open area where it's fun to go and sit in there and sort of watch the big screens or get some mints. I wonder what he's going to happen in over the next say year 12 months with the the ones that sort of have that they've created a environment for clients to sort of, you know, hang out before or you know, it's going to it's going to be different. Very different. Wow.
Well, they reckon the I was reading an article the end of the a three ad and all the BPM jets because they're like, not gonna be able to have that amount of people in applying. So I love the three it I mean, but it is a bit of it. It had a few problems. I've noticed a bunch I've said it to you each time we're zooming in the morning but I've been seeing more and more planes fly over the same a day in Melbourne a bunch of in New Zealand flights.
Yep, Jetstar have seen, I did see an article that red plane spotters would be devastated that they're missing out on all the unusual planes. It was not that that's a long airline, but long headline. But basically they're saying there's all these unusual planes flying in the skies at the moment. And it would be ideal for plane spotters, who could be out looking for them. And they must be moving aircrafts around or it's like, you're seeing less and there's more interesting ones flying at the moment, because maybe they're just taking them for a run. But yeah, interesting.
I mean, I go through moments of, you know, like, we're talking about, you know, what's it gonna be like, are we gonna, you know, like going to the pub. And so I think then you hear the delivery guy. That closes down 12 McDonald's because he's got a COVID-19 how easily she can get closed down, right? Like, I feel like, we're on Man, we're kidding ourselves if we think that this is just like, if one person can function up
like it's well, so the rule Yeah, I guess yeah, so what was going to the pub isn't? Isn't considering is that the rule around if you do get it or someone who has been in contact with you like the reason they have this app, so if mum goddess I would need to quarantine because I've been around mum. George I've seen you in the last couple of days Hayden Deeb and Ryan john. I was in the car with last night. I've seen
like definitely because you basically
like, Is that what you do? Or did
you throw in a hat too?
gave me the ball hat. It's
considering 11 people in Australia have had been diagnosed in the last 24 hours. confirmed cases. It's like very low chance. But it's not to say that what you're saying isn't true. Because that yeah, that that guy who was just a delivery driver rocked up to Yeah, all these different ones. And then I
also think about like, it all just started with one person. Hmm. I think about that like so it has to start somewhere and then it spreads man. Like I'm a bit of a dummy the way I'm saying this, but like know, that when you if you think about that, you just need one gronk to really go out and amongst it, and then all of those groms to see other people. I know this is what they've been saying on the news, but it's pretty crazy.
But the guy at the end of 12 matches closing down the driver. asymptomatic, didn't didn't feel It didn't feel that he had anything and got tested and yeah,
I've got a sore throat you should get I think I've had I've had I've had it for two and a bit days now.
I think you should have slept on
it. I don't have any hasn't slept with a heater on because he's rooms fucking freezing. He needs the salt.
I'm not comfortable with you not getting tested. Can you get tested?
Yeah, dude, can you? Can you just go?
I don't know. What do you have to walk? Yeah, you just go.
needs water. Exactly. Okay,
everyone. You need to get tested. Okay,
get them. This is why they have testing chats and shopping centre or shopper shoppers doing chats, perhaps Yeah,
I guess I hadn't seen anyone there.
It doesn't matter. That's not the point. The point is, the
boy really wants to go to the pub.
I think is left
in the battery. All right, we're about to finish up,
saves. We don't need you for five days. I'll do all the outdoor activity work. I know that's probably why I'd be pissed off, you'd be pissed that you couldn't go to the local park and do some chin ups. It'd be fine, wouldn't you say? 10 seconds of admin. Have you given us a review on Apple podcasts? We'd really appreciate it and just go and click that subscribe button as well, I guess.
Alright guys, great. All right. It's a daily talk show. We'll see you tomorrow and i'll i'll WhatsApp over the TJs video. Check it out.
And also give us an email or however you want to get in touch with this. If you think you have somebody who has a business or something that they want to get out there through the megaphone. suggestions as well. Let me
say tomorrow guys
say guys