#945 – Jumpy Josh/
- January 26, 2021
We chat about our chewing gum for Chewy Tuesday, Josh being jumpy, the death of Larry King and we have an update on the big cups!
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
- Chewy Tuesday
- Josh wants to be less jumpy
- Big Cup Company update
- Death of Larry King
- Different career earnings
- Register your interest for a cup!
Email us: hi@thedailytalkshow.com
Send us mail: PO BOX 400, Abbotsford VIC 3067
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY.
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Tommy Jackett: [00:00:00] Very low barrier to get into the grown squad.
Josh Janssen: [00:00:07] We've committed to do the daily talk show for 10 years. Guys
Tommy Jackett: [00:00:10] put it in the calendar. Just
Josh Janssen: [00:00:12] like to check the temperature in the room. I told you my squeegee
Tommy Jackett: [00:00:15] story.
Josh Janssen: [00:00:19] It's the daily talk show episode 945. Happy Joey Tuesday. You know what? Today we have a extra. Which is, uh, brought to you by, uh, Wrigley's the brand and, uh, they have the strawberry flavor. Do you know, what's really big at the moment?
Tommy Jackett: [00:00:38] Um, what's really big winning QR codes. I mean, you know that I was the face of QR codes.
What do you mean? I got paid to be a presenter in front of a green screen. Um, this guy sunk about 200 K into this app. That, um, it was going to revolutionize the game, but wasn't actually going to do it was going to read QR codes.
Josh Janssen: [00:01:04] Can you say my framing? Can you just make sure that it looks like right. Um, and so was it a standout job or how did you.
Find out about
Tommy Jackett: [00:01:13] it. Maybe I think it maybe was a standout jobs, actually know a guy who owned a production company got onto me. And then I got him a sidekick for me, a girl named Erin, and we did it, but that thing sunk. I mean, the phones now take QR codes.
Josh Janssen: [00:01:32] It's very easy because you just, in the photos, I had a situation over the weekend where.
Um, I went to a place and they had text your name to this number or use a QR code. So I use the QR code, the QR code, create a message, um, a text message that you can send, which is a bit sort of weird. Yeah.
Tommy Jackett: [00:01:52] It's yeah. I mean, it's, it's good. Uh, quick response. Is what they call is what it's called. And so there's a QR code on the chewy, which wins
Josh Janssen: [00:02:02] anyway, uh, open the camera, smartphone scan, the QR code to enter.
And so today it's a strawberry flavor. You
Tommy Jackett: [00:02:09] got 30 seconds to give you a spiel on this chewy. I think that's what I'm bringing it down to a 32nd at the
Josh Janssen: [00:02:14] start of it. It's um, it's, uh, interestingly, uh, it's supported by the FDI,
Tommy Jackett: [00:02:21] the drug Federation or
Josh Janssen: [00:02:24] something. The world did I? Yeah, the world dental Federation, a world
Tommy Jackett: [00:02:29] dental Federation.
So w FDI, what does that do? I don't move, but what does that mean? Why are they the FDI? And then they're the world dental Federation. That's a great question. Do you DF,
Josh Janssen: [00:02:43] do you mean w O w
Tommy Jackett: [00:02:45] D dental Federation, but why aren't they
Josh Janssen: [00:02:48] called the DEI world dental Federation? Showing, Whoa, this is so good. That is really confusing.
FDI. I didn't even think of that. Well, w federal dental, so FDI may be FDI world dental Federation. This sounds like a scam. So chewing sugar-free gum, like extra is proven to benefit dental health as it helps neutralize plaque acids. Which
Tommy Jackett: [00:03:18] it would, it could do that. But what is happening, maybe brushing your teeth is enough because people, I mean, I've always said, why isn't there a gum that does the brushing for you?
Like completely does it. We're saying, how can we send people to the moon, but we can't even a long time. True. They've just done. Elon Musk has just sent up a heap of satellites, have hitched a ride with one of his, um, his ships.
Josh Janssen: [00:03:46] Spaceships, uh, you know, grow and transfer. Yeah. They, um, they, yeah, it's a good advertising, um, TV show.
They did a segment where they got the business name nine out of 10 doctors. And so then they could say nine out of 10 doctors for anything. Yeah.
Tommy Jackett: [00:04:04] Which is quite funny. And so there's no slogans on there. It's um, what's the, you know, you've got 10 seconds left. It's really
Josh Janssen: [00:04:11] good. I ride
Tommy Jackett: [00:04:12] up groundbreaking stamping.
Groundbreaking segment.
Josh Janssen: [00:04:17] No, you don't want to go
Tommy Jackett: [00:04:18] out is good. It is good. Yeah. Yeah. I've scratched it up. Um, I want you to order something, you know how you can order, you can actually order, um, like ginormous worms, edible
Josh Janssen: [00:04:34] worms just slipped to me. I'll make
Tommy Jackett: [00:04:36] like, like gummy
Josh Janssen: [00:04:39] bears. Well, yeah, they'll make you fucking
Tommy Jackett: [00:04:41] yourself.
I want you to get.
Josh Janssen: [00:04:44] So you can get sugar-free ones and yeah, I feel like you would definitely shoot yourself from it, like the huge, like, but there is a whole, what's the, um, what's the thing on YouTube that people watch? No, no, no, no. There's a specific one. Muck,
Tommy Jackett: [00:05:02] muck, muck bang, bang, bang. Yeah,
Josh Janssen: [00:05:06] we could, I mean, fat Fridays, we could, we should re categorize them all as mapping.
Tommy Jackett: [00:05:12] But you know what it is. I muck bang. Isn't.
Josh Janssen: [00:05:15] Do you know what you're saying? It it's just someone eating in time meal in front
Tommy Jackett: [00:05:19] of you. It's like a full spread, like had ordered the menu. It's not it's, it's just an interesting title. I, you know, I saw a, um, a porn star. That's a YouTube as well. And I was like, surely that's what does that mean?
She's a YouTuber. Yeah, she's a porn star as well. When you said you saw her, I saw her doing a mock bang and like, whatever the. Name, if it is. And it was like the title of the video. I was like, she uploading porn on to YouTube. Think about the name, the monthly, about a porn star, posting a muck. Bang. You definitely think there's something I didn't even know.
I got to see if they actually it's a Macbeth. Is it a muck bang? Yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:05:58] Yeah. It's a muck bang,
Tommy Jackett: [00:05:59] Mark bang. Bang. Is that my phone or yours? This is mine. Yeah. M U K B a N G Korean and also known as. Uh, a muck bang Korean and also known as eating show is an online audio visual broadcast in which a host consumes large quantities of food while interacting with the audience.
It became popular in South Korea in 2010 and has since become a worldwide trend, which if there was one thing I think about those weird things that you could just get into that become. Like, if you could choose the quirkiest thing that you'd become Uber famous for, what would it be? I mean, a Mark bang for you.
This is you easy. Yeah. You're loud and talking shit. Your love get around. It frustrate him. Right?
Top, top six. Best Mark bangs. Uh,
Josh Janssen: [00:07:00] Mike bangs. I want to in 2021 getting better. That's something not being as jumpy.
Tommy Jackett: [00:07:10] Yeah. You are pretty jumpy. Why are you jumpy? Like
Josh Janssen: [00:07:13] to knowing though everything Brie, um, was putting a book. On the shelf and it was starting to fall when she said watch out and I blinked my eyes and put my hands up and she thought it was the funniest thing ever.
Tommy Jackett: [00:07:24] There's a video of you and boxing asleep Republic mattress and the box of the mattress, just like you had to rip it at a point. And that dish went and I've got the video of you
Josh Janssen: [00:07:39] blinking a lot. It
Tommy Jackett: [00:07:40] almost look like you got ahead. Severe back injury from not from the box, the box was just doing its thing.
It was you reacting to overreact Dean to the box, but it
Josh Janssen: [00:07:51] felt like walking on Victoria straight, if a junkie puts their hand, like they'll just go to scratch their head or whatever, as I'm walking past, I'll jump. Even, even just like an anyone, an old lady. Yeah. Like I really do. And the thing is then what I do is I'm like, I realize how stupid I must look.
And so I do a big Twitch. Like I'll like, I'll sort of pretend like I'm cracking my neck or like, Oh, do it like a real quick look around. So, so they don't think that I was reacting to them, but I am, I'm a fucking scaredy cat. It's the
Tommy Jackett: [00:08:24] war. It's the slow walk. Um, and you know, it's a trip and you turn it into a run.
I do that a lot, but so you went okay. Back to you want to get, so maybe it's about putting yourself in the situation daily. Where your training to react less. I sorry, if I just start just fucking jabbing you to the face, but not hitting you and you trust in me that I won't hit you. And then you become accustomed to no flinch.
You're not the flinch guy. I saw a
Josh Janssen: [00:08:56] cockroach one while moving just one, got a glass container. Put it on the glass container, moved the glass container as you do to the end of the bench and then got a lead and went, boom. And then I looked in it fucking wasn't there. I was like, where's it gone? And then, so anyway, I do that, I put it down and I'm looking around.
And then my fucking Apple watch vibrate jumped out of my skin because I thought that it was on my wrist, but the jumpiness is doing my head in. Have you been, I've always been a jumpy guy. Yeah, I remember. Um, I've always just been scared. I remember, uh, visiting my cousin in St. Kilda for, um, the house, like when we went over.
We were at her house when she found out that had been broken into, and it was like, there was class and there was like, shit everywhere. Like all of her drawers had been taken out. This would have been, you know, eight years old. And then I also remember a junkie trying to get into her car and she, um, used her elbow to lock her door, you know, like old school, like a locker.
You could just, I mean, that's that sort of thing, you know? So
Tommy Jackett: [00:10:14] there's a version of. It's not bad to be scared because it's obviously giving you a
Josh Janssen: [00:10:20] fight or flight sort of thing,
Tommy Jackett: [00:10:23] doing things that will put you in a position to, you know, getting died or get in
Josh Janssen: [00:10:30] trouble. I thought the torch would help though.
Yeah. But it's in my back, but it's a pain to get to. But
Tommy Jackett: [00:10:36] you would be the American ho who would carry a handgun, just
Josh Janssen: [00:10:41] shoot someone accidentally. This is an elderly lady. Who's trying to scratch your
Tommy Jackett: [00:10:44] head. The problem with that opening, uh, owning a firearm.
Josh Janssen: [00:10:48] That's why I couldn't have, because it would just be too, it would be too tempting.
And before, you know, it it's like, I'm the guy that shot the neighbor's dog.
Tommy Jackett: [00:10:58] Cause he thought it was an intruder. No, no, no.
Josh Janssen: [00:11:00] Cause it was barking.
Tommy Jackett: [00:11:03] That probably happens. Do you think, has it ever served you though? Have you ever
Josh Janssen: [00:11:08] have? I have, uh, yeah, I'm trying to think. Um, uh, I do think like, because I'm walking up a punt road getting to work nowadays and I was thinking, you know, it doesn't take much of a turn for a car.
Just wipe me out.
Tommy Jackett: [00:11:23] Hmm, but Hey, I mean, if the cap it's, you, you didn't know it was going to happen like
Josh Janssen: [00:11:31] near misses with, um, cyclists on paths you were driving. No, no, no. Walking
Tommy Jackett: [00:11:39] a cyclist nearly hit you.
Josh Janssen: [00:11:40] Yeah, no, not today. Not today, but I've had multiple times going along. Uh, the Yarra river, ah, yeah. Where a cyclist will come behind.
If it's,
Tommy Jackett: [00:11:50] once their problem happens twice. What are you, where are you? What are you
Josh Janssen: [00:11:53] doing? A lot of cycling.
Tommy Jackett: [00:11:56] And so are you anxious about, maybe it's like go in those situations, your elevated, like if you're walking, so where are these it's at? I mean, you're at home when he
Josh Janssen: [00:12:08] I'm just, I just like, um, Yeah, what is it?
I don't know. I mean, like I would avoid, I feel that my, like, I'm someone who, especially since watching, I think the videos that I watch doesn't help. No, because I'm watching, you know, preparedness videos, you know, all that sort of stuff. Like, um, uh, bug out
Tommy Jackett: [00:12:35] stuff, you know, maybe you need to start martial arts.
Like not for anything other than in a confidence, not for ego of beating up six dudes. It's it's about you being confident in your own skin that you could handle yourself if something like that.
Josh Janssen: [00:12:53] Yeah. I dunno. I dunno that. Cause what if
Tommy Jackett: [00:12:56] you got really into it? What if you got really into, uh, some form of martial art?
Have you ever done martial arts before? No.
Josh Janssen: [00:13:06] No, I think the, um, so when I think about martial arts, I think about the amount of interaction that's involved. Is it like, so the thing with hobbies, anything
Tommy Jackett: [00:13:17] call it quits then,
Josh Janssen: [00:13:19] but just like the, like, I dunno, I've got a funny relationship with coach. PT figures.
So the idea of having to like, take someone really focusing on me and then critiquing what I'm doing. Yeah. I could probably deal with a golf coach that's about it, but I just, I don't know. It's just the, um,
Tommy Jackett: [00:13:43] Yeah. Is it the power? Isn't the power that they, they know better than you
Josh Janssen: [00:13:49] and I don't no, if I've got a good sense of what my body's doing, which has maybe a good indication of why I should,
Tommy Jackett: [00:13:56] it's like dancing, you need to, so I can get into dancing.
So he
Josh Janssen: [00:13:59] control. So, uh, Jesse you
Tommy Jackett: [00:14:02] outta control when you dancing?
Josh Janssen: [00:14:04] No, I'm in control. I'm in control. So when, uh, Jess and I have been doing some fitness challenges using the Apple watch, so you can set up competitions who closes their ring and then you get a point for every percent over or whatever. Yeah. And, um, I won the last two, the last two competitions actually, but the last one, it was the final evening and I had to do some more exercise to win.
And so they've got a, um, on the Apple watch. One of the exercises is a, a dance, so you can just click dance and, and do what you want. So I, um, yeah, put some music on loud on the Google home and just dance around. It was when I just got my torch. So I was like twirling, the torch around as I was like dancing.
Tommy Jackett: [00:14:51] But that doesn't mean you have body control. No, no, no, no, no. It means you're moving your body. It's out of control. I've seen you dancing. It's good. Not sounding as bad.
Josh Janssen: [00:15:01] Also just an update from yesterday. Big cup company.com. Trying to work out a supplier. You wanted, you were pain for us to do that. The way that I'd sold it in about merchant general the morning.
Yeah. Yesterday morning, before the show was there's this drop ship thing. It's very easy, blah, blah, blah. Turns out that the suppliers that we use, they don't have. And so drop ship for, for people who aren't aware. Basically we have a supply out when. At, rather than us having to fulfill the orders, they go straight from the printer or whatever, to the Gronk, the buy something anyway.
Tommy Jackett: [00:15:42] Double handling it by Gronk is dangerous where handling then sending it on. And
Josh Janssen: [00:15:47] so the problem is, so if you've got a big car company.com, you can register to buy a cup or, you know, show your interest in a cup. Yeah. But the, um, the limitation at the moment, the 32 ounce cups that I want. They, they there's no drop shipping, so we would need to buy them in bulk and a hundred and then would sell them at that.
Then we'd have to fulfill
Tommy Jackett: [00:16:11] no interest. I mean, if you could register your details and there's enough interest, it just has to make
Josh Janssen: [00:16:16] sense. They're awesome. It's uh, their stadium cups. They are like, you will, this is a sort of cup. That you will fill with ice. If you're a DC girl or guy, you know, you'll have your day say, fill up your day, say with some ice or some real crisp border from the fridge.
This is, this is perfect. And it's got the daily it's it's yellow. Do you like the color? I don't mind it. It's got the daily talk show. I don't know if it's a, if it's not an official brand color, but it reminded me of the cuff that I liked. And so anyway, if we get enough interest. We can pull the trigger.
It takes about three, three to four weeks and we'll have it here. I was talking about the potential idea of episode 1000, doing something with that, what we can to make it easy to fulfilling. Um,
Tommy Jackett: [00:17:03] it's all about the interest B cup company.com
Josh Janssen: [00:17:08] security, your cup today,
Tommy Jackett: [00:17:09] secure your, the
Josh Janssen: [00:17:11] daily talk show cup. But it's the biggest thing, is that how big they are?
Because the thing is, I was thinking in the meantime, I still need a cup. Otherwise I'm going to fucking die of dehydration. If I don't have a cup and, uh, cups aren't cheap, seriously. Like, uh, the ones that I was looking at, uh, just buying that a plane. So it's like, you have to buy them 24 of them don't need that many cups.
The cups are a liter. Like they're being those who answers better later, just under 900 something mills. Um, But you have to buy 24 and then the shipping is ridiculous. So before you know, it, you're spending 200 Australian dollars, 2,424 cups. It's a lot like having just moved. I don't need that amount of bulk,
Tommy Jackett: [00:17:59] but you do not need that.
We went to a cafe this morning, JB and I, um, and
Josh Janssen: [00:18:04] there was, um, is it the local, are you going to, you're going to sort of the name
Tommy Jackett: [00:18:09] of the cafe if I wanted to. Okay. The water was. The water was, George said, Oh, they've given us sparkling water. I said, no. I just think it's been in that thing overnight or for a long time, you know, in a glass it's George, the best description is the cup by your bedside, that you haven't touched in days.
And it, and it starts to have bubbles all around it. And you're like, look sparkling. It's not good, but we still drank it. But that is like the amount of water that I've left next to my bed. Then I've just drank and it's got dust on it. Have you ever drank water? That's got
Josh Janssen: [00:18:42] dust on the top. I'm very funny about everything, but fun.
Funny about water. Like, um, if I get a cup, I, I rinse it every time. If it like, get it out of the drawer, rinse it. You rinse. Yeah. No soap or anything, but I just like, if there's any bits that have fallen in, I do it. I do it
Tommy Jackett: [00:19:07] every now and then it has to qualify though. The rule, isn't just rinse every cup I ever use.
But then what do you do when you're at a cafe? You just bite the bullet. Yeah. I hope that I've done it.
Josh Janssen: [00:19:19] I'm trying to think of what's the best cafe you've ever been to for water
Tommy Jackett: [00:19:23] experience. Any cafe that's served, sparkling water is winning
Josh Janssen: [00:19:28] as a, like for free.
Tommy Jackett: [00:19:30] Yeah. Dr. Mo Dr. Moss. Oh, that's right. Yeah. He used to go there.
Around the corner. They'd
Josh Janssen: [00:19:35] sort of small glasses. Yeah, it's a nice add on isn't it. Amy
Tommy Jackett: [00:19:38] works for a high-end construction company, sort of luxury home builds. And one of the latest builds that I've just handed over has a fizzy water on tap.
Josh Janssen: [00:19:51] It's great. Oh, the company I worked for had that you would press the hot and the cold and that's how you got the physio.
It's real fun. Living
Tommy Jackett: [00:20:00] a good life. Have you got that? It's expensive, but you got to change the canister. I think I reckon it's ended up just paying
Josh Janssen: [00:20:07] or it's literally just a way of making it a little bit cleaner than the soda stream. Quick, easy. Our fridge has fizzy
Tommy Jackett: [00:20:14] water, your F your fridge that you have.
Yeah, that's good.
Josh Janssen: [00:20:19] And so it's got a, um, on the back compartment, like on the back of the door. Oh, bottle bottle. Yeah, fuck. Yeah. This is the future people. Yeah. We've mentioned in a big cup.
Tommy Jackett: [00:20:32] We've still got a, um, a soda stream here that hasn't been used. It was the best purchase we'd made. Like everyone says,
Josh Janssen: [00:20:40] I mean, you would like it for the guy that you are, the, the guy who's practical.
Yeah. You even struggle using the shit that you buy. Because the thing is, so it's a classic move from me to buy something and then fade out. But you've faded out on some of our biggest office purchases. Like the Moccamaster
Tommy Jackett: [00:21:00] it's based on the, how the coffee makes me feel. Like sometimes I feel like a, just an instant coffee over a Moccamaster coffee.
Yeah. People would be repulsed by that. No, that's how I live. Don't judge me. And so the, the type of coffee that comes out can be a bit too strong. People like the process of it. I'm just, I just want it quick and dirty, you know, that's the instant coffee for you actually, Williams vibes it has is fucking straight inched.
Dan, just looking horrible tasting. Great. And so I can always drink it, but yeah. Anyway. Well, uh, I think we need to revive these purchases. If there's something you need. That's why I was thinking
Josh Janssen: [00:21:48] like, yeah. What are the things, what are the things that you're being like, especially moving you start to realize this stuff.
It's like, Oh, we're going to use a food processor. Oh, we'll make, we might make little balls. The funny thing is I went on a, um, there was an article in the paper where a dietician goes through the common mistakes that people are making. And we have a lot of chickpeas and I was planning on making a lot of hummus.
Apparently dip is a trap because people are eating too much dip. And so I was planning on making a lot of dip. And so that's gone out the window. The problem,
Tommy Jackett: [00:22:27] if you made a lot of dip, it's going to go off. How often
Josh Janssen: [00:22:30] do you use
Tommy Jackett: [00:22:30] tahini? Never no. Yeah. That's that is annoying because you sometimes use it.
Sometimes I was pointing to Haney. The problem with tahini is you open it and you only need a little bit out of the thing. And then by the time you want to use it, next time it's gone
Josh Janssen: [00:22:47] threatened. I just remember seeing a netball or on a morning show making a big salad. And she used, um, Tiny. Why do I say
Tommy Jackett: [00:22:59] the, um,
Josh Janssen: [00:23:00] uh, Larry King died?
Do you know much about him? What do you know?
Tommy Jackett: [00:23:06] Some bad stuff happened over the week? Um, he was, uh, one of the greats in the interview game. Um, I don't know too much about him, but he just was there, you know, he's a classic, like even he's look with the big microphone in front of him. Uh, you know, I don't know how good he was.
He had great guests on his show. And so for me just was in the background.
Josh Janssen: [00:23:30] He did a show on CNN, CNN for years. And, um, later in his life, he did like a bunch of like online streaming stuff. So he did a, had a chat with Seth Goden, Gary V2 really haven't seen it. And, um, yeah, you can search on Vimeo and watch the Seth Goden one, but he was on, um, Uh, Mark Marin, uh, released an episode over the weekend of WTF, his podcast and that, um, uh, he did in 2013.
Tommy Jackett: [00:24:02] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, did he die of COVID?
Josh Janssen: [00:24:07] Well, the way they reported is he had COVID four weeks ago now he's dead. He was, it was 87.
Tommy Jackett: [00:24:13] Yeah. So rattled him. It definitely rattled him inside. It's funny how they report it. Well, they probably can't say that it was COVID if it wasn't, if it, if it, if they want to conclude that though.
So they do draw it together. Like they tighten the neat little bow really,
Josh Janssen: [00:24:34] but it was yeah. Interesting. Um, yeah. Uh, Mark, it makes you think we still have a long life ahead of us. So I have this, um, I don't know if this is just me, but during everything that was happening in 2020, I got the sense of like, life's basically over when, just the whole time I was like, I don't, like, I was a bit dark on life, just in that.
Oh, you know what, like some bad is going to happen. Did you not feel that? I guess if you have a kid, you don't think that way. I think
Tommy Jackett: [00:25:06] you think more about what would happen if something happened to me? So the thing
Josh Janssen: [00:25:10] is that the thing, like, if you're having kids, you're sort of planning to at least be there when they're like 18 or whatever, but I've.
Yeah. So, you
Tommy Jackett: [00:25:22] know, I just had a moment of talking about his purpose.
Josh Janssen: [00:25:25] No, just like, Oh, what's a work with what's happening with the world. What's a, but then you see someone like Larry King, it's like, it's fucking old as, and then you like look at when he was. Like you look at old footage of him interviewing like really old footage.
He's like mid fifties.
Tommy Jackett: [00:25:43] So is when he switches established. Exactly. So there's a lot of year long career, very longer. Yeah. He's had some good looking sons. I saw
Josh Janssen: [00:25:51] his kids. Just how many people? Cool. He's interviewed
Tommy Jackett: [00:25:55] thousand, 50,000. 50,000.
Josh Janssen: [00:25:57] Yeah. That seems bullshit. Doesn't it does the same way. Gee raid that.
Don't I heard it somewhere. Another interesting and another interesting thing. I've been writing a book, which is all about, I can't remember the exact title, but it's about screenwriting and stuff. Yeah. Early 19 hundreds. When, um, film started becoming a thing, actors, they actually had multiple roles in the one field.
No, so no, so they weren't just acting. They would have to like. Get the scent ready. Like they would actually be painting the set and shit. It's like our production company. I literally thought this was like podcasting
Tommy Jackett: [00:26:33] build the set. How's the show, edit the footage. And so George,
Josh Janssen: [00:26:37] the other thing is the studios.
Uh, they wouldn't, they wouldn't actually credit the people who were in it. So if you were, if you were a fan, if you wanted to send mail, you would have to be like, Simon the cleaner in this film, like,
Tommy Jackett: [00:26:52] so they use the, the role, the
Josh Janssen: [00:26:54] character characters. So you wouldn't know because the thing was that the studios knew that if they gave too much power or clout to the stars, that would require too much money and that's what ended up happening.
They started doing it. And then, uh, the, the amount that actors were paid started to double every year.
Tommy Jackett: [00:27:14] Oh, definitely. Yeah. Well, I thought that was a lot of pressure on them. I mean, there's,
Josh Janssen: [00:27:19] it's not that hard though. It was. Uh, but the thing is that it's tough. Doing acting is hard,
Tommy Jackett: [00:27:24] very hard. I think the fact that, that it doesn't look like they're acting for someone like Tom cruise or
Josh Janssen: [00:27:31] so maybe, maybe that's the wrong word.
So you have physical, like what, what you do is not hard physical, any physical labor for me is hard. Okay. Yes. But performing. It seems, it seems different. I
Tommy Jackett: [00:27:47] know what you mean. Is it difference to it is driving a truck harder than acting? I think the is the truck a
Josh Janssen: [00:27:57] manual or an order, but it
Tommy Jackett: [00:27:58] w it's a manual.
Okay. But it was driving and, uh, Melbourne to new South Wales. He's dropping off oranges. He stopping through all, who's going to stay the night in a motel there you on in terms of time. Spent it's quite straightforward. Just drive the truck, get there, but it could be tough. Les rara. Let's wrap her up a bit less pressure.
I think we're trying to, it's less pressure. I think when you, I think we knew a Tom cruise and there is millions of dollars, millions of dollars riding on you. You see, you hear Tom cruise blow up. Did you hear him? The COVID blow up and he's like, Few meet these casts that weren't wearing their masks. I mean, COVID safe.
If you don't
Josh Janssen: [00:28:45] have food, what happens to you?
Tommy Jackett: [00:28:47] What do you mean?
Josh Janssen: [00:28:49] Yeah, truck drivers. I don't know why they call them, call them lorry drivers in the UK. Do you know why
Tommy Jackett: [00:28:56] is a Lori? The, the thing. So maybe it must
Josh Janssen: [00:28:59] be, if, if they're driving it, it's a lorry, but what is a Lori? Can you look up the app? It's very it's you're out of
Tommy Jackett: [00:29:05] it now, man.
What's it. Laurie.
Josh Janssen: [00:29:09] Can you spell it?
Tommy Jackett: [00:29:12] Truck? L R R R R Y. It's a, what is the difference between a lorry and a truck? They say that a truck is any type of vehicle that transports loads heavier than 3.5 tons than a lorry is a truck with a self-contained unit for cargo and a cabin. Okay. But I'm not saying that truck driving isn't hard.
Well, I'm saying is the pressure of, um, track driving more dangerous unless you, Tom cruise is jumping off the building. It's all relative. A lot of pressure though. I think there is usually your, your paid, uh, your, your, the money you earn is a reflection of, I don't think that's the amount of pressure or,
Josh Janssen: [00:29:58] or teaching, like, think about like how many things there are already
Tommy Jackett: [00:30:02] a lot of jobs.
If you're the CEO of a business, there's a lot of fucking pressure on your shoulders. If you're in any management position, you're on, there's a lot of pressure on your shoulders. Doesn't, that's not, that's not excluding things like teaching where there's a massive issue with. What about like how much they get
Josh Janssen: [00:30:19] massive at birth?
My point, my point is that like you can
Tommy Jackett: [00:30:22] surgeon a heart surgeon. Why do they get paid so much? Because they've got tools in on someone's heart. And they pulling it out. They get paid a fuck load based on the, the high stakes of that occupation. I think it's, I know what you're saying about, but you have to at least think that there is it's.
It is some directly yeah, yeah. Portion to the difficulty or the pressure. The
Josh Janssen: [00:30:47] thing is if that's why radio stars. Get paid a lot of money because they sell advertising against that. And they, the, the idea is the radio station makes up the money. But, but yeah, I guess there are a bunch of those occupations where it's still is.
You've got to say that if the future generation is going to be in charge of the world, then you could argue that one of the most important jobs is obviously. Teaching, but it's harder. It's harder to draw that connection because you don't realize that the kids are fucked until they're older. It's a long game.
Tommy Jackett: [00:31:22] Yeah. It's
Josh Janssen: [00:31:23] like, why is why doesn't Jimmy know how to spell.
Tommy Jackett: [00:31:26] It's why you get paid so much to go out into an oil rig where you, the likelihood of you dying is in the probably 40%, 20% just making it up. Cut ass. I started too high and then I was coming back, but there's a higher chance of dying on an oil rig.
And there is of coming a whole, uh, produce a podcast.
Josh Janssen: [00:31:45] Did anyone send you that, um, video over the break? Uh, the guy posted, I think originally on Tik TOK, but it was on Twitter where, um, he was imitating. Podcasts and saying, here's, here's an example of, you know, a podcast where nothing is said for, for a minute.
Have you seen that? What's he saying? Is he saying that he just says, Oh, you know, like, um, As, you know, like, as I mentioned, I'm like my other podcasts and then the guy's like, Oh yeah, you got a podcast. Like, it's just, fuck wait, was
Tommy Jackett: [00:32:17] it, uh, Asha Ginsburg, God, it wasn't even any reference. One of the point I will point out it's almost making fun at us, but it's the podcast industry in general.
It's say for instance, say like we are. Talking about talking about a product like these extra Wrigley's and then you preface that they could be a sponsor one day. It's like, I mean, it's, it's putting it good, good things out into the world. Cause maybe it would happen, but so many people online, like, Oh, They're not paying for this.
No, never fucking go for it ever. Wrigley's didn't want to have anything to do with
Josh Janssen: [00:32:56] it, Adam and Simon pay. No, sir. No pay. No,
Tommy Jackett: [00:32:59] sir. I know. Which is, which is fair. All say no pay. That's
Josh Janssen: [00:33:04] our motto now. Uh, so, uh, B G cup company.com. Register to get your cup. If we get enough, then I can justify the TJ getting the, the delivery.
And so I'd like to get it done in the next. A few days. So I can, I'm sorry, within three weeks. And we could, we could do pickup I'm thinking price point will be about $10, which
Tommy Jackett: [00:33:28] I, you think it's too low way too low, way too low for the half day to full day of effort that it's going to take. So sorry, the ship.
No, no. So
Josh Janssen: [00:33:38] if you don't, what about like no shipping $10 pick up. Um,
Tommy Jackett: [00:33:43] you probably won't see Josh cause he'll be hiding the toilet if you come to the building,
Josh Janssen: [00:33:47] but George will answer the door. Yeah. And he
Tommy Jackett: [00:33:50] has to go then dressed as a
Josh Janssen: [00:33:52] big, big gap. Right? What's the cost in getting a big cup costume? I think we can
Tommy Jackett: [00:33:59] find one on the Haiti
Josh Janssen: [00:34:01] company.com go to the website.
Uh, enjoy the rest of your day guys. And we'll say tomorrow, have a good one.
Tommy Jackett: [00:34:06] See you guys.