#093 – Fridge in good condition/
- May 24, 2018
The Daily Talk Show — Thursday May 24 (Ep 93) – Josh Janssen & Tommy Jackett
Tommy finds out his son Bodhi is left handed, bogan haircuts and a great price for a fridge.
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It's the daily talk show. I'm just Jansen I'm Tommy Jackie This is a conversation sometimes worth recording Episode 93 you come in really quickly after our side I realized just watch it it was actually I listened to it No it's because I get excited I know it's almost like maybe cuz I'm bored of it already yeah I'm just laughing we
just couldn't get through it otherwise it was banging on about doing the status I at least let me say it because
yeah I feel like it's almost a yeah
it's not good we're talking about podcast again I know and that was my fucking fault
hi hi aging close to 100 some good feedback coming through we thought would just give a few people shout out for riding in yeah we
yeah we've got a few emails hi the daily talk show.com you are listening the Mac I love you I just get an email that says top three words used on the podcast fuck yeah podcast and ship it and he's he's got
a point
right fuck yeah we love a good podcast from ship it isn't
it's it's true it has been like ship it in it has been a big part of the yeah the story but but we got it we got an email from Sean
he writes I want to wish you and Bray and enjoyable holiday. I heard you say in an earlier podcast that you would be were wearing clothes like a euro. please don white pants. I imagine. No matter what you gonna be no matter what. You're going to be spotted that you're on holiday. Stick to JJ. Where you'll be right. Thumbs up. Yes. Ya know. So I think I'm just gonna wear I don't know. Like it. The funny thing is, I'm going from winter to summer. So this whole getup that I've been wearing this top, like for last two weeks. I know.
It's like pretty good, isn't it? Like, it's like, there's no I mean, what's pretty good about it. It's a black doll. It's great. That doesn't like smell walk. I haven't noticed you smelling. Yeah,
that's exactly so you notice anything that and that is the one annoying thing is the deodorant. I use it and roll on deodorant. And it's and when I turn around my like, inside out. I can see that it's gone a bit sort of crusting, but a mate of mine was saying that Mr. Pitts is really good. It's like a bomb. I think it's all natural. Why don't you spray because it asthma. I get real do. Yeah, I hate it. And I find that
Yeah, when I spray it on notice after a few days, like in the bathroom. There's like a film of like the powdery ship it just feels confident doing with
it just feels a bit
like the ad we do it across the front. Like the links effect like
body top off. links on the mirror links. His fucking gross Sean had a question for you. He asked you about whether you gonna be sharing the time lapse that you took that not you go. Yes. Right. Yeah,
I'll put them at it's. It's all client works. I've kinda I'm focusing on creating the video. This was from the outback Queensland. Have you started anything? Yeah, yeah, 60% in
Really? Fuck I've been saying that. You
know, I'm, you know, I say she submits in. In editing can sometimes be the analogies. We're actually creating the pieces for the puzzle. And now just putting the puzzle together. Yeah, sure. So it's like finding the best fit the interview the best footage, the right audio, blah, blah, blah. And now it's just like, it can be pretty fast. putting it all together. Yeah.
So yesterday, we were talking about people who have same names as us. In fact, I looked on my LinkedIn, you can say who's viewed your profile? Tom jacket. Looked at your profile. Yeah,
a guy named Tom jacket. yesterday. I looked at your profile direct. He's listening to the show tonight. Big shout out to Tommy Boy. He's told me jack.
Surely it'd be furious about you, Kevin. My name? Yeah.
It's it's it was poor form. I apologize.
No, I we can we can I feel like we can start shifting it around. So you can do the intro? Yeah, he can remember the line. Yeah, but we are we. Yes. They were talking about search engine optimization. Yeah, digital chubby. Yeah, how to rank on the old dogs. He got real hard and bloody Michelle's popped in she was saying Google is irrelevant. Now. They got slightly strong
business. It's slightly slightly strong for Michelle. But I get where she's going. She says if you're trying to reach an audience though, a search engine, sorry, through a search engine, then you've probably lost the fight 100% agree on that. Which is like
the the types of people who are searching for video production company aren't necessarily the people I want to be working with. Because they they essentially it then becomes this commodity like hiring a cleaner. Yeah. And you and then it's, you know, they doing the whole I need for quotes to get this thing across the line. Plenty of businesses that have built their business purely out of Google? Absolutely, I reckon, yeah, I, I get a lot of emails through it. But, um, you need to have some sort of methodology of going through them to decipher and
maybe the point around you trying to reach an audience maybe that's not how I get it. That's not the way to create the audience. Yeah,
because it's, it's a bit impersonal, lying to people that will be there. Yeah,
I think it's just a secondary thing. Yeah, I think like you have, just like, you have social media. Yeah, like that. And that's why I know, like, that's why Google is going anyway, right, to Michelle's point, you know, what he's about that word of mouth. And the thing is that Google for a very long time, they tried to do it with Google Plus, remember, Google Plus, it's like this social media was gonna die. Still competitor, it was shaped but the idea behind it was it was trying to add a social element to Google so that the your Google Plus friends, they'll visit websites? And so that would all like play into in someone could you know, it's looking at you connections, and what sort of thing and helping serving you with content that is
most relevant? I got YouTube as a platform. Yeah, it's fine. Yesterday,
second largest search engine in the world is YouTube. Yes. And then. So Michelle, went on to say, you and Tommy have got what the majority of YouTube is slash bloggers, etc. Haven't each other, you already have the magic and the spark needed to create a pairing necessary to grab an audience that's like, super nice. And one of the concerns that she does have for us, Okay, here we go. She said, I'm still sitting here pondering as to how you going to monetize the show, or whether you are ever reached the point where you formally say, fact this, we can't make money without compromising ourselves. So we're just going to keep doing this because reaching out and connecting with people is worth doing yet.
Two things here. We're talking about the podcast again, some nice compliment coming through. So bear this one at the it's the like, I think the fact is, I think we've made a choice already. I reckon we, I think we're already
I think we've already said, fuck it. Like, we don't need to monetize this thing in that Well, I mean, when we get people like Bernie Mac, sending through his interactions with Sandra, Sally, which we spoke about on the show. It's magic. Yeah,
I don't think we even spoke. We didn't speak about being Mac yet. And then he's Twitter interaction. Yeah, that did happen if you go back to 2012. So search be Mac on Twitter. You can see the interaction. That's pretty hilarious. But yeah, so I mean, that's my view on it. Yeah,
you think? Yeah, I'm not fast. I've got a job. Yeah, I make money doing something else. And we wouldn't do this. If we didn't like each other. It's like,
Michelle sent us some books, which I'm saving mind for my trip. And the the thing that she was talking about is she makes more money from it, right? shoe shine tax tax returns the the money that the tax man gave back because she made so little on it. And the point is, it's like most authors don't make money off their books. It's a whole other thing. It's about having a book rather than that being the thing. Yeah, yeah. There's
always people talking at events that have written a book. Yeah,
you're not gonna be rich. I don't think the aim of the game is to be rich, doing a podcast, maybe reaching connection, having fun doing what the fuck you want. define what what is your purpose or what you're actually wanting? Yeah, it's money. It's probably other ways to go about it. That's what Michelle was saying. She's like, you know, what do you want in life? money, fame, fast cars. Then she says, Craig Cobb was such a good Listen,
we had Michelle on the podcast if you're wondering
what episode was that? 60. Maybe I can. Yeah, I can't remember blend
70 maybe. But it was one of the milestone episode. Yeah, but Michelle's been listening since Episode 20. She found you through the Obama
video that you made. She bought a T shirt Obeid thing does never gives up. I didn't interview this week about them. What was it about? It's a so when you're doing like a journalism degree. These schools have like an internal news program. One was called Mojo and this was from Monash I think yeah and some kid came and interviewed me about
the videos I made site fact Jesus doesn't this is I just need to get a new bike TED or something yeah
it's good you can use it if you can get backlinks to our website through
you should have said that Michelle Michelle does give a shit about
the so yesterday I went to pick up Bodie little boy from daycare and fact he's great he's such a good kid and what are you gonna get rid of these mullet now
I'm growing that we have now he's 15 months all we've never gave him a haircut and he has grown a natural mullet that he's very impressed What is
that like what's the desire to allow that to keep going well we
just can't be bothered cutting
it there's no real reason what's wrong with having them out with just being like just a bit of a cleaner sort of corporate look this now I want to give him a real funky hair care if we get even a cat who keep the mullet shave the size down keep the top bit of a mohawk indoor Malik just in
case people were didn't know that his parents will bit Bogan is is
that the parents I think they tell us that at daycare. You guys are such cool parents well we don't worries match their parents. Like you know body has had a few incidences with other kids and the reaction from the parents is full on yeah
and our reactions is but let's go
like what sort of thing like
a kid you know like him in the face because he was trying to type a toy whatever
Tara was freaking out there. It's free cat that the child's a little aggressive fucker.
Oh, yeah. Or that they're being you know, attacked. Like bodies being bitten. Okay.
And it was like, I didn't give a shit. Yeah,
it was as long as he's fine. As long as it's not an actual chunk taken out. Yeah, he's a kid going to daycare and this shit happens. I'm sorry. dishes that out? Yeah. But I got the yesterday and the he started speaking so much. And the woman said to me the daycare lady.
She said, Oh, he's he's definitely a left hander. And what we've been noticing in you don't even think about this. Because, you know, what do what do you write with my right hand? Okay. So you're right handed. So we've been watching Bodie, and as he sort of started developing his motor skills he's a been grabbing things with his right hand and then he's left hand and and could start say it slowly go towards left. And now he's like picking up pins, could you course correct now so that he's multi handed, whatever you can course correct. Any kid? No, but may not cause correct in the sense of so he's right handed, but just if he naturally hasn't left hand if we start him young. You like how I've brought me into the circle. I'm happy to help develop him. But But if we. What is it? What's that thing? Cold? Yeah. Where you can do with two hands. Yeah. And
be dead. Yeah, I mean dexterous. Not multi handed.
We're also to multi handed, I guess.
But he throws things with these writers. Well, but he's got real power and on with these layers, and he can write any it can run his writing novels. Yes, no, but he's drawing with pencils. Yeah, if he's right, with his left hand, and the woman said, Oh, he's gonna be really creative. Yeah. Sean, thank you. fact, I have heard all this stuff around, you know, left hand people or right handed people. There's some meaning behind it. So I did. It is a bit of a quick search. And of course, yeah, Article articles out the wazoo. Can I
guess that it's just a self fulfilling prophecy. So what's the thing of like, Okay, if he's left handed, everyone's just gonna think he's creative. So maybe more likely to put him into art class.
Maybe Craig half is left handed. So if there's someone to model yourself off a little body, but in
fact, it has the the whiteboard lessons, because left handed people tend to smudge the board. Yeah, writing you need to be you need to sort of make a sort of a stronger effort to be away from it. Well, there's
a few things like caps and is it ceases or so there
is I mean, why don't referencing Flanders from the simpson Flower Flower This is the founders flower flounders. is the issue show Flanders is that Ned Flanders yeah yeah he had a left handed shop I'm excited because I don't know any Simpsons references normally even though I've watched them all anyway so what it was that this is
what bit what being left handed says about your personality number one left handedness and you health so they talking about things like locking higher risk of psychosis Sean I mean where this comes from lift these makeup about 10% of the general population but Raisa students have found that in populations with certain mental disorders that rate goes up so
I can
you'll have hair your handedness my determine your health so they're talking around increased risk of dyslexia and ADHD fucking bit depressing
so data is going to be a left handed I de de mala this
really painted the picture
lefties here speeches differently people who use the left hand features or speech speeches yeah so maybe who use their left hands when listening my more easily here slowly changing sounds than those who use their right hands maybe we need to get him that learning thing
what he is and so what's very topical. We never do topical. Not left handed lefties make better artists. So based on what what did they say?
Okay, South paws have been bragging Do you know it's half pulsar. So like you would fight so if you've punch with your right hand. You as your pal punch. I'm nervous. South pouring. Boxing is the person who punches their power punch with their left hand. Okay, so slightly opposite South paws. South Pole. South Pole. Yeah. Yeah,
it's interesting, because then if you snowboard with your right foot forward, that means you're goofy. Yeah,
and natural. It's bit fact when he said you're a goofy motherfucker. Yeah,
it does have that chef ports have been bragging about the Creative Cloud for years. But it is true about Is it true being left handed means you're you're more likely to be autistic or innovative. According to research published in the American Journal of psychology, there is some evidence that left handed people have the upper hand in at least one creative facet, they're better at divergent thinking, a method of idea generation that explores many possible solutions to determine whether lefties were more likely to pursue creative careers than righties the folks behind the left hand it's club fact is groups so yeah this is a pro lefty group dedicated left hand research and product development
This is why I said they just get it I just think that they're
serving more than 2000 left handed right handed an ambidextrous participants and found that lefties tend to find advantages and be drawn to careers in the artistic music sports and information technology fields very fucking broad but it's we take this on as readily we believe it like
oh it's creative I'm I'm now telling you that it should be real creative well said this is this is that self fulfilling prophecy right literally like we and that was you know on a very early episode I think talking about feminism and stuff like that and the point is it's like you know if we if we tell people how you can do this job this is the thing they might and they end up doing it like oh well like say chicks just want to be nurses but the reality might be that that's what they saying that's what I say die to die that's what they fuckin like you know when they're a kid there the nurse that type of deal maybe but um no on this on this subject the I saw Ray I had a call about the industry's most likely we're psychopaths mainly
yeah I saw you saw it yeah
and so the top lists
Media TV radio yeah
it's basically like I feel like I'm sort of very close to picking all the psychopathic thing but fucking jewels land is on fire he's gone from radio yeah media to being like that actually is not say he's a founder He's so good he's all good but yeah see I lawyer Media TV radio salesperson surgeon journalist police officer clergy person so clergy so like priests more likely to be psychopaths
totally the show the but I just on the left hand thing. Wrap it up this I know somebody who experienced teachers at the school trying to make the kid use their right hand it well that's exactly what I was just trying to get. The thing is I Oh no. No. You were saying encourage them to use both Yeah, no, this was stopped doing that. Yeah,
that's fine. You use your right hand what I mean so you're already getting Isn't it funny how empathy and all these things developed where all of a sudden you're like this is just bullshit like you're already like painting this picture around like left hand is united like we need to support this let it keep be who they are.
is more to the point I think you've lost your mind if you're trying to tell keyed Howdy. What hand they should use extra. That's fact the other thing I did pick up on as I was leaving is that I'm going to and it's big for me watch how I talk around Bodie because he's starting to power it really is there as much
as I just realized arms with fuck now
because you have I was watching the this YouTube video go check it out what is it called
Tommy jacket quit his job or something like that
it's about quitting your job
yeah and it was an interview with me about how I quit my job and the first like three seconds so I can I fucking
straight into it
yeah be good to I think that naturally I noticed like if we have guests on maybe we swear less I think that will as we go We'll just try and you know like we're not censoring ourselves we're not filtering ourselves but we will just say fact
while watching yourself back is a while to really see how you are coming across and I like to be myself and whatever that that is. Yeah
I'm okay with a mallet with a mallet when his boat is the extension of this kid with a mallet. So when he's Bodie know just just close the loop on the haircut. Yeah.
When he's already getting a headcount Episode 200 with Sandra, Sally will
it. I mean, he will go mad, and I don't think he'll go mad in the sense of getting the heck up. Yeah, I couldn't imagine him enjoying it one bit, but I'll take him to dude who cuts my hair? Who has like a family thing? Yeah,
knows how to deal with mullets? Yeah,
I've got a photo of my first haircut from this woman
like so you just can't let him keep growing well there's
nothing It looks fine Do you think it looks bad? It's a little bit bargain maybe have you seen a cute kitties
He's so cute baby so cute. Let you see his face then you're like what the fuck is behind
the party at the back the front he came out with George Costanza here meaning hair around the side of his head and
he was Georgie stands for the first probably nine months and then he just he's he just started exploding and it's not even that long now that's the thing it's like takes a long time it's all long of the backbone yeah it's like
it's like george costanza if he was to have a mullet
it's so here he's right despite the the mullet he's he's he hasn't mallet he says to me I'm in trouble. Yeah thing then he becomes but as you said he's liked by the by the daycare people. Yeah, I love him. He's not he's not fair. But the yeah the talking like what you're saying in front of the kids is interesting, isn't it? Well, my brother's pulled me out quite a few times. And Jules has pulled me up in front of his kids. Cuz I mean, they, they swear. But then I've never sort of understood that filter. Yeah. And it's very much a learning curve when you have a young kid. Yeah,
around that because I'm like, Okay. I really understand what Tim actually I had
to give a shit about someone else's kid. I had a mate who was watching our live you and I did a live streaming you were eating with Bodie on your lap is in psychology. He swears a lot in front of his kid buddies. Bit young, young, but now it's amazing. It's literally been three weeks where we started
to use it. I picked him up by by by by any standards Thanks. Bye bye. Bye. Bye to or no on No. Oh no. So it's it's it's very quick for them. It's amazing watching his development because he can understand what what we're saying but can't talk to us. So where's my nose? Where's daddy's nose and he points to my nose and can you go put the bag in the room and he looks and he can seem just processing and he picks it up and he's walks into his room and puts it in there it's crazy it's it's like when people are waking up with these left hand or right hand and probably I might amuse us right
now but they I me put it put it quite nicely it's like when you learn another language and never have tried four times but you can understand people talking but you can't talk to them in their language because that's another ballgame of actually speaking fluent French to somebody but hearing you getting a sense of what they say it would be nice to be able to I wish I knew multiple languages
unfortunately I did by that
course to learn Italian How has that gap that's not so good How long is your flight overstate how long is the flight
yeah how long till we go? How long is the flight
I don't know it's to Europe so it's time Melvin yeah it's two flights 20 hours maybe like 12 hours on the fly to Singapore or something nine in fact if you're really man you'll be able to learn it looks it's gonna be a disaster before we go I wanted to talk about you know the whole gum tree thing you see I mean we're in the house and it's the misuse of saying and it's not even because you've previously been messy it because you're packing up boxes because we got Simon yeah it's so unlike like not liking the vibe is Bree freaking yeah well I said to her job Jonna work from home to that fact. Because Because boxes boxes everywhere. I mean, it isn't it's not a fun place to work not boxes and shit like you sort of feels like it. You sort of in this sort of no man's land transition is all coming to an end yeah but we were buying selling stuff Gumtree it's like a bay sort of feel. It's more like a directory, a Facebook marketplace or staff of people outside of Australia. That doesn't that don't have come true. Yeah, and just that experience again, you know, like it on a previous episode, I talked about the guy who bought an Ikea shell from us. Yeah, like, Oh, no, you didn't buy it. We gave it to him free. And then we're getting messages. It was missing a screw. And then we had to organize for the screw as like, hang on. How's this turned into a full time job? I'm dealing like,
and so have you put stuff up in the making? Yeah,
so we've been selling a few things sold chest of drawers, brains been a champion. She's been doing a lot of the selling of stuff. I tried to sell DVDs, 130, 30
odd David Hayes for 250 bucks. Anyone? No one, no one wants them. I had a bunch and I was going to do the same and we ended up just giving them to the salvos, because that will sell them they're so annoying. What about
so much money on them? Yeah.
What about like, Final Cut Pro and all that I've got like the old boxes from like, 2006.
I was thinking like, it could be cool installation where you take because there's so many DVDs you could like put them onto some art piece where you like, cut them all up and join them all together. Or you think you some really rich guys got a lot of time on his hands. That sounds like a lot of fucking work. You can keep them for our sacred big project. Yeah, it could make to it. But do we need that she didn't realize I don't know. Maybe it will just clutter things up. But yeah, as Tommy mentioned, there is something big but we probably want to announce it until I'm back until November or something yeah, will say that was a pretty good taste. But anyway, I said so breeze being stressing about the fridge so
I laugh because I've heard two conversations The fridge is just like I went into so breeze work had a games night and I heard like full conversations that she had with from people about the fridge and I was just I just it was one of those moments where I was like Bray, no one cares about the fruits like you do. And it's annoying for people. So I know the history of the fridge you moved house previously your fridge got damaged. You got a payout you boys get somebody get Pat, we got the insurance insurance of the moving company. They got us a new fringe. So we went from having a fridge that was that we paid $900 for it to they replaced it with a similar size fridge. But that fridge was worth 20. $100. Yeah,
it's a rip of fridge. Yeah.
And so the thing was, though, I'm just sick of having shit in the house and store. I don't want to have to, for us to we've got like a two meter by two meters. Storage Unit. We're paying for it. Yeah. So I don't want to have to deal with the the fridge and so he's where it was left. And I thought I'd been worked out because the conversation went a bit like this. Bray said, are we selling the fridge you said yes, we're selling the fridge. And then she said, Well, Just promise me that will get a good fridge like this next time. We get one and then you said Yeah, sure.
That's the end of it. You sell
them the fridge was I was on the fridge for the problem is that with a price that we're wanting? We're just not getting what the thing is. Also? Well, you need is. 900 bucks. Yeah, we're not getting on how we put up for 900 Yeah, Russkies friend of the show you know so he's he's looking for a fridge but using it like a smaller apartment and so he was like I don't want to be spending like five 600 bucks but the we've had interest for 700 text yeah I think I say this is my vibe but brains like let's just give it a let's we had it set at 900 she's now put it down to 800 and then we'll just play it out but Bray said I said I mentioned on the podcast and she said Haven't you mentioned it yet? Haha. Like I like for some reason I would. Anyway so it's a silver fridge so this is a promo for the free Yeah Here it is. It's a it's a great fridge it's it's got one of those lights which keeps the produce fresh and I have that works it knows Bri describes it as it knows when you're sleeping so it saves energy and it's uh yeah
it's it's siloed opens up now it's you know
it's a really big fridges got like a great phrase a compartment at the bottom which I like but yeah the reason that we're not keeping it is because fridge is a fact one that you store them like you have to make sure that you keep them open like that and yeah so where if you're in Melbourne yeah I want to look special deal $800 for anyone from the daily talk show who would like you have to work out and how you going to get it use the promo code type my fucking free Josh my fucking to be a long one. But while we wait wait yeah so yeah, that's the fridge so hopefully we sort that out because we move in what's today Thursday we move on Saturday and then it's like we've been here this is like we've been here for over three years it's pretty good this is like the longest with urbane that applies for so be sad to say go but there is something fun in that journey of like finding a new place yeah when we come back just not the movie into it I don't mind it but the thing is maybe I don't mind it because I'm not stressing about it not packing the impact well I'm like I I just you directing traffic is that what you do now I was good like you say when we sold Chester drawers I said to Bray like a big rang the doorbell and I just like quickly ran into like the home office site and sort of working away so I didn't have to interact and then I got so we have it hello we can get that I heard the conversation of like how we can get this down and I came out my god you guys need a hand high and then I just ended up lifting it which I probably with my fucking back I probably shouldn't have been bought bodies'
crib caught. Yeah. What'd he call it? his bed. And we bought off a capital that lived near us. So maybe five minute drive. And I went over there to check it out. We bartered them you know Gavin hundred 50 bucks less than what we what they put it up for is
great. She was happy with it. And then they're like, oh, who help you down. So we took it down to the car and not to be the car will have to take it apart. No, this was
the whole thing. Okay. I don't take it apart like that every and that's probably why we're not selling like we're a bit slower on the selling. Yeah, it's just like everything is prefaced with you need to take it out. Like even if it's fucking huge. Just have a big car because I can't stand trying putting it together as had enough. I don't have to pull it apart.
Well, then there was this apprehension of them taking it apart. Oh, okay. We've got a track we can get it. And so anyway, we got into a house and it wouldn't fit through our front door. I actually
had to take it apart anyway. Well, he left it with us and we're at the top of our stairs and I was like my just guy all work it out. The point is that I didn't want to take it apart because
they didn't know how to take it apart. And I didn't know if I could take it apart. So that was more than when I was like the version we nearly broke the thing so you get it in. I ended up being able to take some of it apart. Now I can do it with my eyes closed because I've done it so many fucking times. But it's
Yeah, we nearly nearly ruined our marriage
and agree. Well, this is here. This standing desk it's gonna be not me. Yeah. And because last time it's 2.2 meters. It's super heavy. Last time Bray and I were tearing it she cried.
It was pretty funny though.
We laugh at it now because she was going she said my
bag It's like she said sorry. I don't know what happened because it was quite stressful because we had like turned over it's like so I think to get this out. We're gonna have to go through the fucking Belkin like unless we take it apart. I feel excited about you know, that's fact you have
this is getting annoying for you. But I think okay, it's
a daily talk show everyone. Please send us your emails. Hi. The Daily talk show.com the reviews do help on iTunes for the podcast app. And we are also I'm getting more and more active on Instagram or trying to anyway we have our the daily talk show Instagram. Yes. And we also have our personal Instagrams, Tommy's is just Tommy jacket and I'm Josh Johnson. Have a good one. Everyone say guys.