#773 – Rhys Mitchell’s Home From L.A/
- June 27, 2020
Rhys Mitchell is back in the studio. We chat about his TV pilot, conspiracy theories, living in LA when Coronavirus hit and of course we finish with some improv.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– Rhys Mitchell’s big reveal
– Tommy recaps his hacked Facebook story
– What it was like living in Los Angeles when Coronavirus hit
– Why Rhys decided to come home from Los Angeles
– Rhys on selling a pilot to Comedy Central
– GB’s solar facts
– Rhys’ very strange UberPool story in Hollywood
– Conspiracy theories Josh has been reading about
– Tommy shares his dark thoughts
– GB shares his dark thoughts
– What the world looks like post Coronavirus
– Tommy shares a Melbourne based conspiracy theory
– Using the Citizen app in Los Angeles
– People are panic-buying again
– Getting sucked in by the news cycle
– The problem with news articles
– Improv: Setting the scene
– Improv: Josh calls action
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY.
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It's like Talk Show Episode 773 Mitchell is in the studio. He's
doing a big reveal spin on the chair and how you deal with.
Well, I gotta get closer to the mic. Yeah, well, thanks. Yeah.
Well, it's nice. Have we had you on the show? Since you've been back from LA? No. Because we've been isolated.
That's right. Yeah.
So I know we had you on before you went back. Yeah. To You know, just take the world by storm. Yeah. And then the world had a storm and fucking shot itself and then you came back. So I was speaking we were on text, Instagram, back in the day when I had an Instagram. I got taken. Well, he got deleted. What do you mean Facebook deleted my facebook account and my therefore Instagram account. So if you've been wanting to get in touch with me, right. We've been texting But anyway, we will always wait a sec, just to hollow it out. Did you get reported or something? I wasn't great. It was a, like a hacker trying to get in and then it just prompted me to try and reset the password and confirm it wasn't. You know what? I wasn't hacking in blah, blah. And they fucking took it.
I think you were just spinning conspiracies.
No, like, what I was actually worried about was somebody that hacked in, posted something really vile. And then I'd been taken down from that, but it was it, but update on that. It's been escalated within Facebook. I got an email last night, so I'm fucking happy. It should get done. But we were texting and I was like, Dude, what's, what's it like on the ground in LA right now? This is like, just when COVID was going mental?
Yeah, what happened? Like, how was that vibe? It was drained. I remember hearing that. You know, like everyone was rushing for toilet paper here. I was being told in LA everyone's rushing for bullets. You know, that's what people were like really getting ready. prepping is what kind of the feeling I don't know. I just started my household.
fun night walks, I just hit
the decline. Center
business meeting. He's just started sinking status and
that's kind of how I felt.
I'm a visual artist
in the background to be honest. Having the old black background you look like a puppeteer or something. I feel like you've come to a school in your bed to do some sort of Yeah, puppet mediaeval. Yeah, Lyman sex ed. With puppet, you know, and so on the LA thing. We're always planning to come back to Melbourne or when this shit hit the fan. Were you like a good year out of here?
Yeah, we decided that it was a good idea. I like I don't have health insurance that. I mean I do when I'm not working. Yeah, so I felt like with no job, no health insurance. It was kind of like it doesn't seem like a sustainable smart idea to stay And I'm lucky enough to be able to come here so I just left to go like one last flights before they put people up in hotels.
Yeah Do isolation for 14 days though. Yeah,
it would you have liked it. would you have liked the whole hotel thing? Or would that have been hands
on the hotel? I think it was a roll of the dice. I really yeah,
I've gotten something fancy. Yeah, that would be nice.
still blows my mind that there's people still coming back like guys. You've been warned for like two months is leaving me? Well, cuz Yeah. So the government was paying for all of that paying for. For the for the accommodation. That's right. And then they were saying could 200 bucks and nice that you'd be having
us it's like, at this stage. We all know what's going on. So if you're going for holiday, and then coming back, you probably don't deserve the hotel.
What was the flight like home? pretty tense. Is it true and it has has been, has been so it has been mad hazmat? Yeah, hazmat suit.
It was a few people in similar outfits. To be able to Li x and I was like seem smart. I mean, it was kind of scary. I always seem to sit near people that are like coughing and cough no matter what the flight is. So that was terrifying. But I was just like sanitizing everything. I'm like, wiping everything down. Yeah, it felt kind of tense. But also a lot of people kind of everyone was very confused because before we like you know, we really saw what was what was gonna happen
when we had you on when we were in LA but then you were slightly speaking to something that you couldn't speak about the classic actors move or anyone in the Yeah, I
got something going on.
Got to eventually get something right if you decide
to come home how long it's got a vision board.
What happened to your vision board? It's all here. Look at look at you. It wasn't it wasn't 10 logo
that I want to sell is vision board. Tough,
That'd be silly. I meditate on bullshit. That other stuff.
Yeah, meditation is the key that is like the real vision board stuff. And what it is, is actually
taking a bit of ownership.
Can you do that auditions though? Like they say, you walk in, he just go into a meditation. gotta show him my vision board.
Um, so you were saying that you you were working on something which I knew what you're working on. Yeah. And that's, you know, no longer working on that longer. That was annoying because it was something that you'd landed at. Can you tell us more about
what it was and then I'm sure that if it's an issue, we'll cross that bridge, but I think it's fine because I I sold a pilot script to Comedy Central. And I was developing a show that I'm writing with my friend Paul W. Downes and his partner, creative partner and last partner, the chia on yellow. Yeah, it was a call comedy series about myself and Paul living together, which is all based on truth. And when we were writing a pilot, we developed a pilot of Comedy Central, but because of the current situation, it's not moving forward like that was, you know, we're gonna keep pitching in and stuff. It's it. I'm really proud of the script we wrote with them.
It I mean, how that's so close, because it is such an arduous process is like, I mean, you, you get paid to write something, and then you write something, and then you film something, and then maybe they will go with it. Yeah. And I mean, how far can you actually see? If you were to sort of on a step like half how many steps away from actually having a TV show on Comedy Central, you know, it's like, Wait, how many steps down? Do you think you were?
It's so hard to say. But I think like that was
definitely the biggest step toward my dream that I've ever taken. You know, like, we were in the dorm If it was good enough, and if the if the situation. I mean, we were developing it with them and had this hadn't have happened, maybe I'd be shooting right now, we would have shot a pilot and then we would have discussed a series. Yeah, so all that stuff was negotiated. Should they have picked it up?
What did you learn from the process?
don't invest everything into like, one dream. I think diversification is is essential for being in entertainment or just being a human. You know, what a mess if occation is for insects.
I can remember sometimes
I think it's good to be like, try to diversify and you know, offer yourself as many opportunities as possible. It's not over with this project. It's maybe just the beginning. It might be the best outcome it might find the most appropriate home or we might make it ourselves. But it was a bit of a bomb because like it was looking Like everything I've worked towards, like those two years, and when I moved to LA I was living in a car that is, you know, like I was living in a walk in wardrobe. So I felt like such Ah, yeah, I was like Harry said without magic with no magic. You're in LA but I was in this magical city. Yeah. And then, you know, it went from that to like, I felt like I worked really hard and then to be able to like pitch my shoulder pitched it. So many networks was really cool. Any funny experiences sitting in front of you know, I saw Tony Hawk in the Netflix lobby. Yeah, sometimes I was like, Whoa, man, we were big into Tony Oh,
yeah, he's Yara can be bit starstruck, saying Tony.
Bringing the PlayStation game back.
I reckon though. I tried to listen in but I don't know that that's actually happening.
Yeah, Chad mascara. I've seen this a Chad mask guy like a you know, like Pro Skater?
Yeah, it was
going to
be coming on PlayStation five. Why didn't you soundtrack I mean, that was so good. Yeah, that No, seriously It was amazing. I can't remember terrorists yeah it was really really good Yeah, grind like you would you will use someone who would use the cheats
I think I did try a couple cheats ha ha. Hack verse hack or hacker verse hacker. Oh yeah, it's a thing they like gamers these days like do you want to hBh and you work on all of the hacks and I was like I just liked it. I used to unlimited grind I just grind for days. We'll just get out of being so good. Just grinding we can seek my
now I just grind my teeth from stress.
I've had a sore jaw.
I feel like everybody I know does what do you get it? Yeah, I grind my dentist to get a mascot the mouth got my boxing mouth got in bed. know I've already got a deviated septum. What does that do for you? Just you know it's not great I did the COVID test because I you know, just to be safe when I had the sniffles not trying to shove the thing up my nose because it goes all the way up to your brain basically goes like up here up to your eye and I couldn't get it up because really hurt so well
how do you know if it's deviated? Because I reckon remember when I got punched in from the side we were at the party I
was there.
I got my nose broken. Yeah, I passed me from behind. Yeah, and just poured with blood. On one side like I have an issue with sort of breathing out one side definitely deviated. How do you get it fixed? Is it worth? Is it worth it? Yeah,
surgery Get it? Oh, no, I don't think it's worth it. Unless it's a real issue.
It's annoying. And it's probably seen as like a not because it's not vanity or cosmetic surgery. Not like it required. Yeah, surgery. They're gonna discount you.
I'm not a medical professional.
I just wanted you could play one. Yeah, and yeah, maybe Yeah, what role a few. We're in a medical sort of
Definitely be a patient. Let's
say as i said before i look at Nick, I'm like, there's no way they're gonna be like they're not gonna look at me and be like, that's a doctor
and be like, go get your dad man. Like they're not gonna. You can be a naturopath. Absolutely, like a vegan natural.
But I think it'd be somebody like came off a motorbike and he was like riding it illegally or something. That would be my role in the show.
Yeah. I mean, we, one of my favorite things to do when we're together is doing a bit of improv if you're lighter.
Yeah, we have another scenario actually. Here we got the hospital after following a skateboarding grinding accident. Yeah, yeah. And I've, you know, come off. Actually, that happened in real life. Yeah, my first time I actually took grinding to the straight. I landed terribly hard on my toxic spine. Oh, I couldn't sit down properly.
Again, that's your like tailbone
Yeah, from when we
The good old days good old days I really wish I'd won still imagine martial arts films if we still had titles. I always thought about that like when I was a gymnast I used to think if we had titles gymnastics and sport yeah would be fucking unbelievable. Did I swear on this? Yeah sure
a kangaroo the other day and while I just stopped it honestly so so Chris up bodied, fallen asleep in the back and I was driving through the back streets of Gotham. And these things were ripped just like this fucking stand down with a look and their tail was thick is my neck. Yes, just hold on the back. But balance on it when they fought. Yeah, they go off on the back and kick
and punch that unbelievable look like rabid dogs.
I just look like a push teen all day long and just like are on the juice and just like unbelievable traps. You'll never get advice from
Doom in the back of mice.
Yeah, she might
go back and watch for my eyes. What is it back? Am I
like am I from Mars, look at Can you Google traveling, but if you just Google Biker Mice from Mars and you grew up in the 90s, or you know,
age 85 to 90, it's Yeah, you remember Biker Mice from Mars. I don't remember but it's almost like Ninja Turtles, but they're mice but they're really
sick. What about straight shocks, straight shocks, a straight shot? shocks. Ondine mostly shocks.
The guys in bond
guy, they look like centaurs it's too much sun or something.
You know, there's like Jim bond, Bond, tight bond bond type age. I just like do chin ups is it's like a mini Venice bait. I was there. I loved it. I lived across the road. That's our guy doing handstand push up there. I was quite impressed by handstand push up. Yeah, like
honestly Oh, wow. It was a it was like an urban myth at that. That so there was a poll. It's like a light pole right at the exercise Park. And up high. You can see some sticky tape. And it looks like here and supposedly this guy this local Vlad, I think he's name is definitely Vlad. I think it is. And he wears, like, short, like, speedos. He's super tan, buff. And he's and he's well known there. I'd stopped and spoken to him a couple of times, you know, European guy migrated to Sydney, Atlanta on Bondi Beach, the best, best places in the world. And supposedly the urban myth is that someone had taken his. We've taken too long on the chin up rack, the chin up bar, and he went up and cut the guy's ponytail off and climbed up and put it around the pole and hung up the tone to this. Look it up. Can you see my computer on
NASA? Sorry, George. Yeah, it's only people called Vlad that do something. Yeah.
Let me just look it up Victor Vlad. It's something he's a Russian dude. But anyway, fast forward. Maybe he did this in this was karma. They do. Rope climbs on the cliff at North bond die so they throw rope over the top. They've got the sun pole at the top they can hang it on. And all the buff shark guys with no neck sharks doing pull ups on this rope. He fell from the top broke both of his legs. Oh, Jesus, that was his title.
It was Dimitri maskavich
44 has been waiting a bunch of fitness not to train doing chin ups and push ups at the gym, next to North bondo for more than a decade. Yeah. And the group attempts to break a rock climbing speed record.
cutting of the hair along brunette ponytail doc types near the top of the lamppost remains as a warning to potential folks Oh my god, but you know what he should do? So I was talking shit do all these phones ponytails together
fashion and climb them up.
Cool. I stopped this bike to ease really nausea. He sounds
intense he mean cutting someone's hair off and then tie it to a pole like Yeah,
he's the poster boy for melanoma like that guy's just in the sun. nine hours a day. Geez, I don't know how much sunscreen that puts putting on it probably lathering reef oil on Oh, oh, quick sun fact. I heard you talking about sun facts the other day.
Yeah. 153 million kilometers away. Yeah.
It you know how it takes eight minutes for the light to travel from the surface of the sun to Earth. Yep. But it takes 200,000 years for light to travel from its coal to the surface of the sun.
Oh my god.
is white said the last but again.
It takes 200,000 years for the light to travel from this core of the On to the surface versus eight minutes from the surface to you. I don't think at the distance thing. I think it's just saying that light is as old as modern humans. Yeah. Wow. So it's gets to the edge of the Sun before infusing, saying also that maybe there's no more light or flame or hate within the sun. And so we're just seeing residual. Yeah, from years and years ago, the sun's
not working anymore.
Well imagine that the court mentioned internally. It's not working. Sure. And it could turn off tomorrow. Yeah,
I don't quite get it. generator. It is generator right.
The other one, right. It's a lot of shit here on there.
Yeah, the other.
The other one was if you have a 300 kilometer radius of solar panels in the Sahara Desert. Yeah. The sun will power the world forever.
Why did they do that?
But also the way that you said that enough. I believe making it up as you went.
I don't I feel like we all wait. This is like a think tank of like that. Like everyone else is like isolating or something so I got who they could
you know what I mean? This is the best I could do this Think Tank. Jesus Christ.
Josh wants to do improv What the fuck?
On the tiles.
Sport you're saying sports people if they had tails, what would it be like?
I love that we've gone back there. I actually love the idea of just like putting solar panels in the desert. Yeah. And I always go back to the tiles but I think that's a really No, I think we should
but I just jumped to why haven't they done it? Look at Elon Musk, what he's doing and the batteries. He's like, I feel like it's not it's not against you, George. But why haven't they done that? Or money? I guess coal companies? I don't know. Yeah, there's I mean, Ilan does think we should fuck he's doing more Hey once
we should pop it into the internet, there'll be an answer there.
Yeah. Pull it up George. Look at that. What can you look at the biggest solar farm or solar? You know
like he is doing energy now.
What did I do? He likes selling energy selling I think
I caught a current affair the other night.
We're open source
and I knew there was there was a journalist and covering tries wasn't that good that we're walking on the top of IKEA and there was hundreds of solar panels. But I think it's not to power the IKEA
to cook the meatballs.
Jays Do you know JB Can you look up IKEA soulless solid Wow.
I can imagine so in the city there's a we were talking about this a bee bee hive or we need more of them roof hive on the rooftop in Bourke Street. Wait a minute, I think
I feel like every if you have a little bit of a rooftop that you know using mega base Have you seen center?
user in a beehive? No.
Yes. I want to say 10,000.
Wrong. How many
80,000 That's right. Yeah, he blew up.
I got attacked by bees recently. Are you allergic to bass? No.
I got a great bass story actually. Really? Is it like the same from my go?
No. satisfying in movie history. Yeah, I used to make me weep.
Yeah, it was really like
it Yeah. But back in the day, he really did ad and so yeah, and he got it was horrendous. For Yeah, it was an open casket to see sir all the stun was really fucked up. Task actually. Yeah.
Didn't need to do that. He was stung to oblivion that child. Yeah, but that was um, that was such a sad. So what's your story? So I mean, I'm in an Uber pool right? in LA. And this guy, very strange guy. Like
Like just a little bit closer to mic
items all over his car and he's driving he's like driving just chatting. The people on the back have headphones in. So they didn't know what they didn't. They had no clue of what was happening. And
so Paul is you're sharing we share with people you've never met was the two in the back together or
they said there are three really three deaths that
you're on. You're on a bus
pass is not really the point of the story. Before you share with people that are going in the same directions a lot cheaper.
I always use Uber Eats at the same time like could joy that would be I feel like a health and safety issue.
Ladies and gentlemen raise Mitchell from over.
I do not endorse who by no affiliation is drive for
a job. So I'm in the car, this guy staring at me, we're just chatting and he goes, he's like, you know, you know, I died. And I was like, audience Because I was clinically dead. And I was like, oh, okay, you guys, I went to another realm, an alien realm. And I realized this is a simulation. And I was like, oh, guys like this is an alien simulation that we live in. And I keep looking back to the people in the back, like, are you hearing this? And they're just listening to their headphones. I'm like, you have no clue you're in a madhouse right now. And then he goes, You know, I had cancer and I cured it. I was like, how and he's like, beestings I was like, excuse me, like I i strung down my spine with bass. And he goes up in the glove box. a scary thing. I'm putting this in a scary guy, because it was too surreal. He goes open the glovebox, and this guy did not look healthy by the way.
Did you? Were you like I was like, it's gonna be fine, but he's in there.
Yeah, of course. I was like, why? Open it? Open it. There was a fucking clear box full of bass, live bass. And you guys, you know, I'm looking for something. Buddy.
Anyway, his fine jumping buddy. Yeah, you wanted me to like come to his house and steal his spine? Oh my god, would you?
How would you control the bees?
I don't know. I'm sure he has a technique. He's driving around with a box of bees. I gave him five stars.
So it's so
dangerous if people are allergic. I couldn't believe it. I was like, is this a good idea? Like what if people
could he couldn't hear the buzzing
not until I open the glove box and then it was like an orchestra is just full of fucking bass. Was it? It was like a Honda recall. It was just like you'd never expect that car you look at that car and go Oregon's
car. So when you came to the house, we were staying in LA. from that location. We got a Uber. I caught it from my phone, and I walk out the front. There's a guy in the front seat and the guy in the driver's seat. Yeah. I say Dumas's. Sorry mate. Did I call her Paul? I knew I didn't, but I was just like, maybe I fucked up somewhere. So God knows just got my buddy along. I just showed him the ropes. And this guy was an art probably 75 year old doing the front set get a good I know, I was speaking to him, you know? He said, cuz I was like, oh my god and then I was like, when to get the guys I said get to this and small chat.
He said you didn't American. Get a?
He said that.
Oh, it's not it's an Aussie. Yeah,
it's an art anyway. Yeah. And we just got in the car. We're like, what did you think of that point, Josh?
That is all extremely inappropriate. It's probably illegal.
Definitely illegal. The base stuffs pretty illegal. I reckon to the
Yeah, I feel like it's a little bit more cowboy. That's true. It's a lot more legal than
a guy. What a human would have. We had another guy. What he had his own Instagram account. What did he do? Ah, was a magician. No,
that's right. I mean, it's the classic, you're in Hollywood, and there's someone there that thinks they're about to get a show with Comedy Central.
vision boards are the thing that can make it happen. Now, if you had a vision board, you know,
yeah, you would have Comedy Central wouldn't have gone under
your fault.
No, I mean, how many people did you make? That would try chasing the chasing the stardom dream, although
I feel like that's why a lot of people like, yeah, a lot of people go there for that, but yeah, well, yeah. And you know, it's like that idea of actors serving actors in cafes, you know, yeah, sort of thing. But do you It happens people do. It does come true. Sometimes. Oh, yeah. But yeah, I've been in Ubers where they give me their headshots and stuff. I'm really sad or whatever. Yeah. CD a
CD player.
Yeah, Honda. That's sad. I'm sure that own data See? Just the sound of babies.
What it is right? What if this is An alien simulation could it could really could be the sun is just a big generator that's already burnt out. If
you do that, then you like everything else is fucked. Like I was getting into conspiracy theories last night
to make you feel that can make you feel like you're in a simulator.
The thing is I didn't know it was a conspiracy theory I don't even know like the thing with conspiracy theories. They could be real well, they're just theories. I huh. And so
people don't think they're a conspiracy that people who believe the theory
Yeah, and there's a bunch of conspiracy theories that have been correct, right. They've been like reality. And so anyway, the one that I was reading last night, do you know about the fireworks stuff? What's going on with this? So there's fireworks that have been going off from like 8pm until 3am. Every single night in New York, in all different, like residential sort of areas. And they like commercial grade fireworks that would cost like $20,000 per shot, right? I think it's like two grand per minute to use these. And there's some guys in black SUVs they're giving kids and teens and all that sort of thing, all of these fireworks. And apparently, there's they're trying to create unrest. It's someone within military or police. And then there was another video that someone posted on Twitter of about 10 police cars, with their sirens on it was new world the demonstrations that happened and that would go in just back and forth back and forth with on the straight middle of the night. No one else was there with their sirens blaring. And people were saying that they're trying to basically create unrest and Things are gonna go bad.
So it's not it's not to try and say we're here Don't fuck with this
well you could look into so I guess at the very lowest level if you like a cat, let's not make it a conspiracy theory can my mum has a really good way of scaring me like, I feel like when I was a kid, she would talk about like things that have happened like I did he, what's happened down the street, like and it's, you know, it's like a beat doc. And it just, it's like it's almost an adult conversation. You shouldn't really be in it. Like it was just like, like, I remember named David Hill someone got shot. And it was like a big deal. Like I just remember like guns. Were beat like, scared of guns, although she's trying to teach you a lesson about gun now I think that she was just fascinated by just gossiping about whatever was happening. So like, is he that person, like, got killed? I remember there was a SWAT team that was outside our school when there was a whole gunman type of thing. Anyway, the conspiracy theories Give me that same sort of vibe. It's almost a little bit like the sun thing where it says Like when you're sitting in bed, and then all of a sudden you imagine the solar system, and then you zoom out you like where you are. Oh, yeah. And it's really fucked up. Shit.
I completely agree. I know you're saying I was listening to a guy
talk on a podcast. There's like a little bit that goes on YouTube even know if it's podcast but he was it was almost like he was clip. Yeah, it's a weed podcast where it's like jump cuts. It's almost vloggy stall. It was quite entertaining. But the point being he did, he did it. He said, Imagine if we now shifted this episode. And it was all about us talking to Bodhi when he's 25. And talking about this time, so we're in the middle of the shitstorm. And it's like, yeah, we just came out of being locked down in their houses.
So should we go dark with the stuff that we talked about so that in the future we can then reminisce on it?
Well, what are you
what are you scared of If you got real dark, real doubt for a second, what are you scared?
Well, I mean, what are we? What are we time, it's like, we can be on a path where everyone's head down in their own bullshit, trying to, you know, win in Hollywood trying to build a business in Melbourne. And then all of a sudden, after 31 years of existing and never thinking about washing my hands to the extent we do today, like germs on surfaces, we can be completely shut down, the economy can fall out, everyone can lose their jobs within a week, and everyone's staying at home and we're told and it becomes law and you can be fined and so what are you scared of them? What it what's scaring you at the moment? No, I mean, not. No, you have to be like if you go deep. Okay, what's scaring me?
Because you know, when you wake up at like, 4am, and you're in this different sort of vibe, but all of a sudden, everything's becomes a little bit scarier. And you're like, Oh, this is it. feel good about this? I know it's strange that it seems to be like when you're like safe at home in your bed warm?
Yes. Like you go into that dock. Oh,
like so I thought, Okay, this is doc thought about just no longer being here like, imagine passing away and I think about Amy and then I got the dark place of like, what her mind is doing when I'm no longer here. And then I think about how life is ridiculously easy to just be gone. And it's literally a lot being unplugged from the wall. Yeah, it's like switches outside. It's like, I was trying to fathom what life is like with without being alive for myself. And then it's like introspectively looking at that is like, you realize how not useless but just, we just we just, you know, a brain sending electrical signal throughout our body to be able to move in our mind is just this thing that's happening. Thoughts flash up, it's like we are just and that's how you can go into like, I think I have gone to the you can see how this is a simulation. Like you can see how it's like, you know when she just is like, ruined and people have bad lives and people are winning it's like a game. And so you can just see the trivial nature of life.
Well that's why we just need a box of bees and we can say,
box a baby I know what you mean. No, it's very destabilizing how quickly things can become so unsettled
and unstable. And so that's where you that's where my I get dark is looking at the unstable nature and how we convince ourselves that it is all good. Yeah,
yeah. JB What do you have? What am I scared of? And what do you what do you feel what it like go dark? This is the dark episode dark episode. I did
not know I sound
going into escape from the hellscape
that we live in. I want you to come on for fat Fridays. Make a push
And fat Fridays
this might not be something I'm necessarily scared of but it's a dark thought that I have. It's um, whenever like stuff like this is happening or like doesn't happen often but this year just crazy thing after crazy thing. I think back to like December where I think I knew two people that died I was like, wow, they've they just missed out on all this stuff like
just like
somebody that will have no idea no idea that's happening
Yeah, so I still don't know what that thought made for other contestants very interesting to think about that. Yeah. Like this is the most bizarre experience Yeah, we may ever have. Yeah, we could get why we'd
kind of this is the beginning this is like a taste of what fucked up sure
is like gonna change forever following this. I did a podcast I did jack Rollins podcast in two days right before I left and we're like, I wonder like he was like dragging this like this Coronavirus. There's gonna be a thing and I was like not an Iron Man like, I was like a week off going to LA and it's just so bizarre now knowing what we know. It is so yeah, I wonder how things will change forever following this like the way you interact with strangers when we shake hands as much
I wonder about that nightclubs. I mean, we're just talking saves saves has never been to a nightclub,
nor have you really have you know, I've just I've worked at them.
But I guess they have filming that won't be this. Like he's not going to have the experience of what we had at a nightclub, not those, like bribe but it's like
honestly there is
right here. It says you could have had six months ago that you will never be able to ever have again based on what's happened. It won't be it won't be the same. It won't be the because everything could turn back on. But it doesn't. You've got the residual. You know, damage. It's done the trauma trauma that everyone's experienced or Yeah, feeling about being in public being
labeled a potty Pash like kissing someone on the dance floor. You You'd be like, Oh yeah, you've been screened.
Durkin, that's what's gonna happen. Like, I feel like um, in some ways we've gone back to a version of normal Look at all this stuff that I'm who's the the number one tennis player that could covert? Chuck ovitch It's like he was partying a rat like you can and he regrets it because he's like, I didn't read it wrong.
fucked up. And so that's where it's like, I mean, another conspiracy is that horrible one Daniel Andrews, you know, like the premier of Victoria. It's getting worse in Victoria the numbers are spiking. He was in some issues within parliament of stalking and he's tamers like, convenient time taking away the focus on Daniel Andrew.
Main it's um, but that's a conspiracy theories.
Where did you read that was a conspiracy, Jimmy.
He didn't he wasn't sold on it. But someone did it. Probably. throwing it out there. Good. I mean this is the I think the the one you mentioned is like seems legit doesn't really status you could see why someone would be trying to do that like rocks being piles of rocks being left on street corners in Los Angeles when they're when the protests were happening and stuff Yeah, you could say this government or you could say there's like an Tifa far left groups wanting to incite sort of violence to see change far far right just like let's let's get these
yeah who know Abel in trouble. Exactly. Someone wanted some. I mean, you don't you don't put bricks there unless you want a bit more you know, breakage breakage.
So one video of this guy walking around smashing windows of the of this building. Yeah. And people saying Oh, look at him. He's got police boots on. Oh, yeah. Yeah, not actually loading he's uh, he just smashing it and then he walked off. Very weird video. I don't know.
Yeah, you saw that UFC fighter like grabbing spray. Oh, My
God, john Johnson is my favorite UFC fighter.
What did he do? So
he, you know, he's, he's out there protesting and he sees he's probably six foot two, six foot three, sees these kids vandalizing and he just walks up and grabs the spray can and they probably knew who he was at that point. He's one of the most famous UFC fighters. And he'd kick your ass and they were just like, yes. Yeah, it's funny, but he doesn't want that shit. He's a black man who cares about these issues? And these fucking idiots were just spray pounding on the wall. I was.
I landed on a clip. Last night that was it was on Joe Rogan. There was a guy talking about guns. And he was saying basically, the legislation around guns and making it harder to access. He's like this is going to affect poor people. And he created this argument of like a like a person who doesn't have money, or who has two jobs doesn't have have time to do the required training now that they were requiring of people blah blah blah. But it was fascinating because it was this weed argument where I'm like, this is an absolute nightmare like this whole gun situation in the US this idea that it's like we all need guns and like the only way to solve this is to add more.
Did you say did you take out anyway? You know? Did you hear any shots? No,
I left before
I left before now but even just in general.
Not really. I you know, you hear police by helicopters all the time. All the time. You can call this line that tells you what what they're doing. Really? Yeah. Oh, you're gonna be on that isn't it?
What's this? Is it called citizen what's the app
called citizen is scary. Yes. It's like it's like you know, a mile from here there's been a stabbing on a mile from here it's like
an ad Roberts Facebook for just fucked up things. Until you say Like you just scroll through, and it's like, You don't
look at a map because you like in your house. And it feels like just being here like in Abbotsford or whatever, like you're just at home. But then you hear like, you know, you look on this thing and it's like, around the corner has been a stabbing with literally Oh, like live. It's like live. And I'm not exaggerating when I say that, like, it's really, you had the app before my girlfriend has it. And we were just like, Can we just not look at it right now? Because it
who's the play? Like you said government is that law enforcement is that I think trying to take
lessons put in reports right, or from new sources. I'm not too sure because I didn't have it. Because my iPhone was set to Australia and iTunes so I couldn't but I think Yeah, but yeah, it's really it's scary. I mean,
that's how you just shoot at home. I think it's scared and panicked by like I was thinking about there people are panicking buying toilet paper again here in Victoria. I was like
a luxury item. The ones that I should
definitely the ones just locked into the news feed and Facebook You know they're in that echo chamber of the world's fact the world's fact Coronavirus is on the way back out. They just constantly, you know, I guess I was doing that early days of Coronavirus because I was like so confused about what was happening in where this is going in uncertainty about the next week.
Funny thing about the I think the new cycle with all this Coronavirus stuff because once you get off the new cycle and you're not consuming every day, I caught myself like watching something on the news. And Daniel, Andrew says, I couldn't be more clear about this. I couldn't be more clear. And the thing is, it's like I actually don't know the specific I don't cuz like I know sort of a little bit of what we can do. I don't fucking know exactly. Who's open like can you go to like, restaurants pub? I don't fucking know all the stuff like it's not that clear.
Yeah. Well, you know, so I looked at so they went back In some of the restrictions, or they prevented the shift forward in opening up, so they just said, we're not gonna open up, it's gonna be longer now. And I've read a bunch of news articles. The problem with fucking news articles is some hipster journalist is trying to sort of like, throw some funny headline out there like, well, you won't be having that baby any day soon. It's like,
what does that mean? What does that
fucking mean? And then I get in. And so I was so annoyed because I was confused after any an article, and then I jumped on Twitter. You don't go there for being less confused, usually. But I was less confused. I saw Daniel Andrews Twitter account, and they did a side by side point comparison of he's what he was what the restrictions are now. And he is what will be moving forward and what won't be moving forward. So side by side. It was clear as died. So if we looked at that, you'd say yes, yes. And Daniel. This Andrew
It would give it a lot I reckon. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
How are you Mitchell
you get to first let's take it all in. Like I was listening to the podcast kind of forgot I was here in a good way
can we finish on some improv? We'll make it we'll make it a positive scene just to lift them it's hard to lift now we can yeah
we don't want to also spread any like we don't know what's going on so you know we don't want to scare people anymore or will make
them feel turn comedies Yeah. Who knows? Yeah, it's a scary time can we can we do something on the beach? I thought right like fireworks but if I had fireworks I would be like, this is awesome. But now the other thing is they're saying this is really scare tactic shit. Now they're saying like, they're preparing. They're doing the fireworks so you get prepared for the sounds of guns. Oh no Who said that? Someone on Twitter. It's scary. The one on
someone on Twitter. Bobby Joby 73 some fuckin
okay so improv
can we do can we can you work out like it's like a linear step to the side of the big guy it's like could be the guys be dealer or something around and you played the beta you play what we need to set it all up we play the guy the Uber driver B drive bay guy, and you have to do an American accent Okay,
okay, and so you're the bay guy. And okay, you got a prob beautiful Okay. Can
I be the Aussie that's moved to LA that is looking to see my mom loves babies back home and she just wanted me to get a little bit hive and I've
it's good. How about um I think it's true one I think it's to be specific. Like you're he's already passionate about Bayes. Well, how about your in laws? At a Trader Joe's and you have a jar of honey. Okay, okay, yeah. And
so confused George what that What the?
So try to Joe's is the location. You are the big guy you are standing behind. Tommy Yeah, Tommy has a big jar of honey. And GB is the server and I am orchestrating the whole thing. And
already has that mean
directing. I'm just watching Oh, my name is improv.
I know but how about this? We take the scene out of the trailer Joe so it has to finish between the man and I and you're waiting you but because he
wanted to drop in to get something from is that we're just doing a script.
We'd like the same because you're gonna jump back into
what we got to be.
I feel like so it's almost overwritten.
It does feel a bit like that. Okay, so I
think it was Saturday. velopment deal
so what was the deal with the development deal? By the way? How does that how did the whole thing just you know, we wrote
wrote I like it notes. Did you ever get cashed very positive experience? They lovely people that were really good to work with you get cash.
Do you get money for that like today? So writing a pilot? Yes. Okay, so you wrote a pilot.
So do they? Do they write back to the IP now? Is that how do they own it now? Um, well, that Yeah. Yeah. Like they're, they, they're involved in the development, so they own a portion of it, but you can still pitch it to other networks and stuff. Absolutely. That would just be like attached to it. Yeah, that was really helpful and really supportive. I mean, it's, obviously things happen that were much bigger than entertainment. So like, I don't, I don't feel like I lost you know, this is such a Trader Joe's conversation. I'm just gonna keep grinding
on my board because I don't have a career anymore.
Okay, guys, I stopped the saying j Bay. TJ is just walking up to JP and races behind him and
Are you good? I'm
trying to find another honey. Do you have? Do you have the Menorca honey that's made down in Orange County. Excuse me, sir. I'll stop you there.
Honey is not a food, but it's a medicine. I mean, I was gonna say that to manuka honey for the the amount that you want to get nose is about like, two grand Excuse me, sir. I don't want you to ingest that. Mommy's needed to live. It's not for a human.
It's for sale. It's where it tries to jobs. What are you talking about?
I'm talking about stings. I'm talking about Steve. I'm talking about stinging your spine. You want to reach optimal health. You don't eat the honey. You have beasting your spine.
Or just like this one. This is this Wi Fi thing.
Is that 4950 Give us well that it's actually the lives of 80,000 bees that you disrupting. So it's a lot more expensive.
Thank you. I'm witnessing bee terrorism
and tell you what you've paid and you've walked out and then what are you gonna get anything? Are you just happy?
I just come here to talk about the benefits of stings. All right.
We're closing up now so you guys can both leave.
Sure. Hey, you listen to me, buddy. I meant when I said back there when he told him I don't want you now, honey.
I just want honey toast.
Come with me. I want to show you something. Were to my Uber pool.
Hey, how long are you gonna be? I've been waiting here for 10 minutes and it's not just
a moment, sir. Just a moment. It is a pool. So I have to deal with more than one person
tiny crack a window.
Though it's boiling, the bees will get out. What? Come on bass
I've been glovebox
that there
is the elixir of life. Oh my goodness, they live bass.
What are you doing with him?
I told you in Trader Joe's. The organic market. These bees. They're sent here from the gods who are aliens, by the way that run a simulation. They're here to heal us.
I was clinically dead
for five whole minutes.
And when I met the alien Overlord, he told me we must protect the bees. Queen Bee was sent here from the aliens. Bianca. Yeah. Beyonce is the Lord of the bees and we must bow down to her And we must use bs to reach enlightenment and open Hey man, I'm gonna be like,
yeah, I'm gonna go Sorry. I'm gonna make toast.
Okay, well give me five stars I really need this job
and saying well then the bees get out and sting you and you're allergic and it's like the same in my gut
kind of a walk to saying that
Well, I think cuz you a lot of it was taken from inspiration. I think the second half was applying that exactly what happened?
Yeah, cuz I didn't know where else to go with it. I didn't really how do you think so?
Any Anything you'd do differently?
I think next time like, I feel like we overworked at the top and then I got lost and I was like, I'm just gonna lean into what actually happened. Okay.
I think all right, let's do a 32nd one. Not thinking about it all at all. All different characters. Okay, we're in a hotel. You're from California. George. You are from Germany. TJ you from Australia, and I am Eastern European on and
I'm at the you should be the desk but what's that called concierge? Are you okay? Okay, we're just checking to hotel.
Yeah, okay good. Yeah. Are we together yet with you?
Hi. Hey going, Hey, Aria wouldn't talk about it. Just one at a time, please.
Yeah, well, I'm American. So I'll go first. I'd like to book a room suite. We're fully booked out at the moment with everything that's happening to see me a little.
No, no, sorry, ma'am. Look, I've got a presidential suite. If you need a room, you're welcome. Oh, yeah,
I need a room can stay in here for a conference.
You can stay in my room. I've got this two rooms in there. So I'm actually just checking in that tool. But can I
stop it there?
Listen, I beat the Germans once I'll do it again.
I mean, you started with a strong that we started speaking German, which I respect
has to translate to you yeah, yeah, he's doing the England Banco I think
I set you up. He's being efficient like the Germans are, it's for you spoke English. I was saying the kind of goes when Yeah.
Okay, it was problematic. I think as soon as I started listing nationalities on you I'd gone wrong. mean we can do it I feel like you're an actor where How would you normally do it? Can you can you set up a scene for us? Um,
it's kind of more fun having someone else do it? Yeah, because
it's really a unique approach. Hey, go JB. So what what am I doing come up with the same kind of thing. Okay, five seconds. All right. You've just hired a Mercedes. Okay, and
you're driving around, but you've got no shoes on. Okay. And the the car dealer is disappointed. You're the driver.
Yep. Tommy's the car dealer. Okay, got my shoes on. Wow. Wow, fill that really pose. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, man.
I said you have to wear your shoes. Where are they? My shoes. I said you have to wear the shoes if you get to give this a test drive,
I don't wear shoes. I don't wear shoes because I have a serious Bunyan issue and I find the constriction of shoes only heightens the issue and causes issues with my joints. So I i've been advised by my my podiatrist who is sort of also a avid beekeeper who has told me to go barefoot and stinging the joint as much as possible. I can't I can't see I can't I can't really wear shoes even when I'm operating a machine. This is
$150,000 car. What? Do you have any intention in buying this?
I'm interested in learning more about it. Well, it's a 12 It's how I feel so good. Yes, sir responsive to my barefoot.
Well, you know that it's
the city activity of it is incredible.
It's not safe to be driving barefoot. Well, I mean, my feet are perfectly designed, but in the state of California, it's illegal. And so I'm going to have to ask you to step out of the car.
I can't really because I don't want to step out onto the road without some sort of protection.
Where you choose before the car if you can't get there, so in Australia,
I travel without them. I travel a lot, you know, just an overnight bag.
Just a box for a base address.
Right? This is very good guy.
It was it was kind of it was it was interesting. I mean, it kind of like landed flat which I didn't mind. flat footed, flat foot hard to set up sayings.
No, it's fine. It's what I do when you're at a improv training place.
Well, you know, I
haven't done that in so long. I think a good thing to do always is like have like one or two Just as a rule for these little games, if you have one person who wants some more something like what we just did, and someone who is just getting in the way of it, so you just have that opportunity for conflict. And also you always say yes. You know, that's like the number one rule of improv you say yes. And and then add to the idea.
Yeah. And so you was doing a lot of No, but
no, buy. Oh, no, because
Okay, yeah, yes. And love it. Anyway.
We, we like we ended on a slightly strange but positive night and they got snippets on social media. Yeah, I mean, right. confused. That's the thing is like if you edited down so it looks like really punchy and like, we're all really on a more incredible performance. Yeah, that'll be good for us. But if you just put this out, roll, people will respect us too, because we're being honest.
I think I'm excited to say an edit where we take all of the improv together and create a narrative because I think that all of those stories,
that's a cool idea.
I like that. All right. Can it go for 20 minutes? It'd be short film you could
enter into a festival. attach my name to it in like an
animation is Trump fest still around?
I believe so.
Wonder what the signature item is this year pop it in. Does
Trump fit? Yeah, that's what he means signature item. I have no idea why
I always do that. So they know that you made the film within the timeframe.
Like close to the foot in a bullet out of a box of BS facemask All right, ready?
Yeah. candle.
God I mean there's been any sitting back Yeah. The back of Assam.
What about why don't we just just get a pick up of you saying the only thing that honey is good for is making candles. Yeah, in three to four The only thing that honey is good for is making beeswax candles. And now just going to pick up of TJ Are you saying candles? candles? candles? candles? That's ridiculous. Yeah.
candles it's ridiculous
Okay, you went off script I'm happy with that all right all
right so we just want to fully one
and I think there's a cash prize What are we gonna do with the cash I my debts
it was actually on the item No,
do you reckon I will say this and we could win like right debit respectively? Yeah.
Plug food truck fest what's next g When did they announce or they don't announce it?
truck fest had a real financial issue they really went under really bad to get it like a company to basically get them
going again. Well, welcome to our world
gap now know why the TSI isn't isn't out yet.
Great a signal trying to look forward to next improv. Yeah, okay. Well, I think conversations hit an all time low. So let's wrap it up.
So deadly talks. I race Mitchell coming on the show. Got sunglasses yeah go look like it
look like an out of work actor walk around.
You actually fit right in.
I am and
as in
in Abbotsford today the talks I said Am I gonna say one bye