#686 – Formal/
- April 17, 2020
We chat about basil’s pump up, home schooling, our gronk surprise, and the TDTS formal surprise.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– Basil’s pump up
– Homeschooling
– Our Gronk surprise
– Kick ons
– Formal awards
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
It's the daily Talk Show Episode 686 what's happening guys? What's going on? Welcome to the daily talk show formal. This is a beautiful sight to be seen. When
we did make it that's Gemma watts, aka Queen gronk. This is a beautiful, committee baby. If you're listening to this episode, I suggest you jump onto YouTube because you can see a plethora of Bronx, which you don't normally see. What's a word if there's a flock if there's a gaggle of geese?
A collective noun of drunks heard of gronk herds what are the other what are the nouns got to be original? You're the smart one here Gemma. Oh, seven is Oh yeah, true. I'm the pretty one.
Right That's Surely you've got something just in the middle of posting on I do to base I'll be with you guys. This is this is
Big This is the first, the first the daily talk show formal. We're in isolation and we've all dressed up. And I can and I must say everyone is looking absolutely amazing. Stunning, stunning, stunning, beautiful. Stunning as TJ we've organised a surprise, which will happen a brand mid show service. Can you give us an update on how many minutes until we have our surprise? At the moment the eta is for 430 will be a surprise.
And if I disappear, guys, I may be knocking on your door as a stripper.
Probably won't. It probably won't happen. I mean, you're
having a hand show Baker. Please unmute. She's She's currently doing pray hands.
How are you?
Good. Thank you. I am done so much effort. Gosh.
It's paid off. Yeah, definitely. I mean, that's the thing, effort a and he
For the first week he was looking after his internet the second one a and where have you got this? This? This number from? I've just unmuted you. You don't have to accept the the unmute.
Can you tell us about the search? All this is just just just a Monday to Friday number
what is it a pink bow tie in a cream shirt? Yeah. Well I sort of
pinky coloured jacket which
pink? I must fess up a little bit I only saw when
he got
his hands on boys.
He's got no pants on definitely get away with it.
Are you rocking the shorts? We appreciate it. I mean, I think that most people, TJ Have you gone for the whole look or have you sort of copped out when it comes out? I even I even wore a new pair of underwear probably happy
Yeah, I'm fully looked from the packet Wow. Oh wow. Oh
yeah, no pants and I even I said I wasn't gonna drink but I am I went to Dan Murphy's he's quite he's quite influential if anything he's a bully a peer pressure bully and I bought a bottle of red and I also got sweet 16 water juice which is a Woodstock bourbon can which I haven't had one of these in probably
is it bring good memories?
No, I used to drink these and walk the streets of Sandringham for no good reason and intense like a great night escape bowl, looking up at the stars and seeing you know, like what do they call like? satellites drift across like wow, the you know, the world's my oyster. Look at me now. I'm called a Brighton spritz in your honour, TJ Oh yeah, yes in a Brighton spritz. Let me read it off another and other Nick Ray well
Pear fig and painter Grigio. Okay, sounds good. To can but it's a pear fig bit is not just a juice. So look, if I have the answer for you, I would give it to you. However, given that it has come from a Can
I do not know. I do not just have to say in the YouTube comments Joanne jacket t Joe's mom has just said morning Shannon.
Good You
really do is also says morning grumps. Casey says a gaggle of grunts a gaggle of proxies. It does rhyme it's it is kind of nice. Hey guys, in terms of your there's not I mean, we've got like 80% females here, and I'm sure that your dresses don't have pockets, but I've found a I'm thankful is my wife sleepy but I found this lippy, which she doesn't know she's lost. This is Mac what colour is it? It's
It's actually quite an auction. I put some on. Is there a way of telling the exact gem? Is there a way of telling me Oh, yeah.
Gemma, it is a Pantone cream machine modesty. Oh, I'm shaving cream Shane. Well, yeah. So Bodie, we walked into the walk in wardrobe. And he used Amy's current lipstick, which she loves and grown on the carpet and snapped it. It's not like he sent me the date house plays I can earn Oh, yeah, yeah, I mean, she'll be this is a good one. Has anyone found anything? Sort of? I can imagine. Derek. I can imagine Derek pulled out you know, any dirty tissues direct.
things. I cleaned out my shed the other day and I found to make an office for Fiona and the kids and all that. And everybody except me. And I found a dead rat. My thought they'd rent in the corner. I found what makes you
mummified well, by default, I guess it still looks like a rat, but it's dry and weightless and sort of harmless. Like,
until you picked it up
or screamed and ran away and then came back showed the kids scooped. It could be a science experiment. How you going having the kids and homeschooling? Is it? Is it Canada's homeschool? It's called homeschool? Yeah. If I'm doing it here in the studio, wait so that there's no teachers, you're doing it yourself or That's it? Yeah. Why is that? Is that is that what's happening in Victoria? Yeah, there's no no kids at school.
Zoom though. And they? It looks at my kids haven't used the zoom yet. But the teachers send them emails and give them things to do for the day. The teachers do lectures and classes and shit. Oh, no,
no, no. Maybe the private schools probably do. Look, they're all at different levels of eight schools that teachers have been madly over the holidays in the extra way.
madly trying to work out what the fuck to do and I've and I've done it so far. I mean you can see on Facebook, the parents are freaking out gone. I haven't heard from my teacher yet or I haven't done this or is this supposed to be it feels like we're left alone but they're gonna in the next few weeks it'll pan out something in primary school is it just the more you The more you pay the more they will take care of the business take care of it for you.
The posh schools shut down before the state schools so they probably had that extra week to work out what to do. Yeah, they wanted everyone to be able to get down to the holiday house before they could put that you know band in forced
nation. TJ before we get started, I thought it would be good to get basil to give me a bit of a pump up basil would like to pump us all up. What do you got? Oh, God. I don't know. I mean, how embarrassing to have your heart read out on a live stream.
Now, hello gronk life has their ongoing battle the one right so it is such a good choice. Thank you. Thank you. I mean, all my other suits a wheelie at my folks house in Bendigo. So this definitely doesn't do up. That's fine.
Absolutely could have gotten away with it. You've also thank you, basil. You've also got that I can't be fact 16 year old you know learn how to do muy Thai another year which you'll never get around to. You never know how to do.
I recommend doing as soon as a good indicator that you're not living your life. You show Josh you know, do you know the rule? Do you know the rule? Sometimes? Always.
Yeah, sometimes always, never.
Never, never mind. Sometimes I used to be able to never
have you change if you got your buttons done. Now. I am a definitely I was, you know more lean individual the time that I had this suit fitted and
And I've since Yeah, just been living that good life in Berlin. And so basil, give us a pump. I mean, give us some optimism you're an optimistic guy wouldn't be thinking about it. I am and I'm even more optimistic when I've had a couple of rums, but I think everyone your superpower is 20 times more powerful than you think.
Brie asked if you'd been drinking.
sorry, was that jet? Well, that was my first thought as well. He's paced. I want the end of the time. Yeah, yeah, very much so but at the start, like at the top of the show, I cracked my first beer when we went live so all of the all of the the love at the top was like was pretty sober. Um, but yeah, we want for them trust in brain trust.
I was towards the deep end of the totem pole. You know? The way just like fact that I like that.
Standby everything that I just I just wish there was less spelling mistakes. But you know, that's that's about it. So I was wondering about George, did you just
did you transcribe it? or How did you get because that sounds annoying. He added in some emojis for you to, obviously those appreciate how how you're like that'd be something you'd said when you said your superpower is stronger than you think you'd probably put in the Yeah.
GEORGE You look stunning. You look like you work Attica. Oh.
Thank you very much. What are you drinking? Just beer. I panicked and got beer.
Set up to the side there.
Yeah, pretty much.
Jimmy. He's backing down from an event that he had last night at the restaurant. Yeah. And can I introduce you to some boys? Yeah, sure. My formal date.
Oh, yeah, this is this is my version of the the coconut curry. These are the boys. I went to school with Reservoir Dogs Rob in the middle.
We can see there is
a rubbing back this is one of George's boys.
So, Robbie, I took off my Sundays because it was too much you might want to do it the same day.
Yeah, let's say your eyes a contrast anyway.
Yeah, beautiful. I reckon you're gonna love this Joe Brown isn't gonna do a QA
I reckon Rob Eric, can you introduce me to Josh speaking? Um, I think I think I actually did yeah. Oh my god. Look at his eyes overall back into the back of his head.
Shelton an episode in particular on crime. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that to George. Yeah, he did. Was that why you history? Was that while you living in Byron, Georgia? No. So this is camera camera. We went to cameras go together.
The next one down here is Larry. He's it's 2am where he is he's in Kentucky and you are listening
Larry, Larry with Jesse his wife, I get the middle of night. So we didn't actually get to go to formal together the three of us
because Larry legit
because well Robbie just stopped going to school pretty much so they sort of expelled him. What time did you When did you finish Larry? What what you know that was that was Rob. Oh Rob Sorry. I'm best
halfway three years well, they kind of just said look at you not gonna finish
Yeah, didn't have a choice it. Yeah. And I mean, I did I did have a choice. I could have, you know, knuckle down and actually did some work, but that's a good option for you. Yeah.
Yeah. Did you do a like a apprenticeship or something? What do you do Robbie?
What was well, I went to kind of like a TIFF. I guess after that.
Camera. See it just said like filmmaking and stuff like that manage your joystick kind of filmmaking stuff.
I went to afters A few years after that, and said, Robbie, is it true that you're actually currently in prison?
Yes. Sorry. What do you think?
That was a really sad story is like yeah, look, Josh had been hard done by I'm on. I'm currently. Yeah, it had to work six years.
I could have gone either way, but now I believe in Robbie, I could tell based on his time, but it was okay.
Really quickly. So so we didn't get to go to the formal together the three of us, because yeah, Rob was me school. Larry was at boarding school in Aubrey. So he was he actually helped me attend George. Okay, this is
what actually happens in boarding school. Because like, I have no idea about boarding school. what's the what's the deal, Larry, what do you do?
actually pretty fun to get to hang out with your friends all day and live with them when you're like 15. So you have to mischief. And so you isn't like sleeping in the same sort of
mischief. And what's that was like? Yeah, it was it was kind of like there was like an office with little half old dividers. So everyone had their own little room, but you could just there's no doors or anything like that we normally have Did you get to boarding school?
Yes, a little naughty. My parents got sent me there for a
to be less naughty. And so you Larry were naughty. Robbie was naughty. And so George. You're naughty, naughty?
Boy, I wasn't so much naughty. Just to clarify, I was just disinterested in the school curriculum
for all of us, I would say.
So this is your 10 right. So yeah, we had our formal I went and we said Larry
You got to come. You gotta you gotta somehow get here. So he was in boarding school and he told the teacher that he was just going to go to the toilet or something. And snuck off got on a bus busted up to camera like five hours. He was like a missing person was great. What do you got a camera? Man? That's a pretty. That's an app for the after party to hang out with us, I guess is 15. So that's an that's an absolute effort. It was
put into to the boys. Yeah, exactly. You say to me, yeah, yeah, well, I wasn't sure what we were doing. You guys are gonna have to drive the show because my pre So Josh is
he's had a bottle of wine to himself. And so he seems quite loving at this point. So I'm all for it. I'm here for Josh. Absolutely.
But why am I ordering is that a cause? You haven't saved I'm having a boy I feel good. So we got an update on the surprise.
Tell them to bill. So still still for 30 again, okay, yeah, well, what would sort of take us out to that surprises? Queen gronk sort of laying down some formalities for the formal.
Take it away, Jen. Okay, so just with the formal stuff, if you want to smoke you have to go outside there is a designated area just around the corner of the building. Unfortunately, we don't have any teacher supervisors here today. So that's really cool.
We were able to wrangle that general research a little bit later, but thank you to everyone who sent through your diet trees plays Also, if you haven't watched those, you're making formal committee video Please watch that because this is a heavily borrowed and also best dress will be announced a little bit later on. I have done a really nice thing and taken myself out of the running for obvious reasons. I think you all look right and let's just celebrate and have a really good time. Cheers, everyone.
Before I get lunch cheers I got Josh. Why? Why are you saying go Josh, where's your drink? Are you done for
a bottle? opening my Woodstock guys? Wait, we do have an update the surprises three minutes away. Oh my god well there was a surprise happening three minute run excited I'm gonna unmute everyone.
that's the official sound of a gaggle of
muting everyone so you just have to unmute I'm muting. You gotta get me I'm chetta Hayden for a minute. He's got a lovely little hat on
everybody. Yep. And if anyone wants drugs, go to that guy.
Anything I've got some dogs.
A Wedding Singer. What
would you perform something if you got your guitar? Could you do one or both?
For me now I've never played one double ever don't request one.
Now I don't even know what that is. She calls me from there calm. Just gonna cover then Josh. Nice. This G and T real Flemmi. Really? What do you think?
That's really? Yeah, it's you. It's slightly annoying if you have less cheese today. I haven't had any cheese. Okay, are you nervous because this is your first formal day and grace for the first time during the show. I'm gonna take my glasses chaperoning.
Great I'm just I've just unmuted grace and grace and Mason This is the first time you're meeting as your you're getting out of your parents video Commodores
myself yet, definitely. Take it away. My son, Graciela Stephanie.
Very deftly yourself. Thank you.
I love you. You sent me a photo of your the chase but it's just before could have gone
It's, uh, I don't know if I was meant to mention on the show
myself at
pod is going well.
Yeah, the surprises now one minute away. Okay, we've got one minute to work with Josh his questions
or any favourites? Like obviously, when I speak to saves, I don't want to make it about me. And so I don't sort of ask him how the questions are going. They're actually really good questions, any feedback on question like, ones that you like ones that you don't I realised that I spelt IO wrong which I got trolled in on Instagram, which sort of made me a bit sensitive. So I haven't done one since I spelt with an A.
So that was quite good because then we talked about travelling and where we've travelled and things like that. So I was a good one. Otherwise, I'm not sure. And so you were talking about safes where you were we talking about going on your first sort of trial.
Way to pay again was a wat why why not why arriva? No no no trip. Okay, that was our trip but we're gonna go to the Bahamas. So was that in
the Bahamas? Really? Was it the Dyson's ago? Yeah. What's it? What's the honeymoon vacation?
Oh, oh, watch
hairband. Yeah. Oh, yeah, cuz I went that couple years ago. Really? Yeah. Why don't you do something saves? I guess saves like some of you haven't done Christ in something service hasn't done would be nice. Yeah, I'm Grace. I'm like South Africa. I'd love to do that and Safari. That'd be fun or like Eastern Europe haven't done much of Eastern Europe. Jordan like a lady thought you're from there. Yeah, he did.
Many years beautiful Slovenia. I've got the like, yeah, a few of my friends went there. Did some shit from a food perspective.
I've got this like as vanilla slice. So does this cream cake, which I had for breakfast every day. But they were um, their actual The food was lacking average. Yeah.
She was nice and doesn't eat much she's quite picky now. I think that will be I feel like he'll change I feel like he's developing. What's one thing that that you think rice that people don't get from the show that you've learned about? Through facetiming?
Um, this is a hard one. He's quite open on the show.
Um, I don't know I just like that. He's kind of open with his feelings and stuff like that. So that's quite good. Yeah, he's laying in. He's lady in the year of Lady. Sorry. Sam's How far away are we from that surprise? Well, apparently it's here. Apparently surprises here. The surprise surprises. Yeah. But really if we factor
I mean, let's just head to Shannon say how Shannon's going, Shannon how I I'm good. Thanks, Josh. How are you? Good. Thank you. That's good.
Is anything Have you had a knock at the door and?
Me personally? Yeah.
She looks at a window, Josh. Yeah, sir. She's laying there. So what I found Oh, there is Oh, here we go. This is good.
I just I just, let's not let's not mention it. Let's let Shannon talk about it. There's someone at Shannon's front door. Shannon key go get it. Live less now. Okay. Oh, no. Yeah, it's alright. They dropped it off. Okay. He
dropped it off. Anna, is that the person? That person Hannah? Yeah. Yeah, great. And so I want Shannon to mention what's happened. Okay, Greg. In the meantime, we'll sit here
You got a good and a good thing right away? Yeah Josh is Brian Hart he's broken the seal. Can you tell on? Yes, maybe we can. But you find because you you're not aggressive You don't seem threatened. You say I feel good. I actually think I feel good.
These little glasses onto these glasses. All right, Shannon's it sounds like she's venturing back in. Hang on a sec. Here we go. Here we go. This is really surprised me as Jaime Schweich really
responded to my text.
We have context to this surprise
contest. We had this idea that we're like, wouldn't it be great every single week to send someone some dominoes. I mean, I do love pizza and
gronk she give you a dry chilli It is literally what I have every product I this
is a nice touch. Right
Hang on. So the Domino's special hang on this isn't up
yet since organised painter to controversial pizza yeah okay hang on this is really nothing in this box so
they did that to us the other week yeah
I'm actually an empty box What the fuck is that for? I hope I'm going
Is that normal? Is that normal not to be able to go sorry sorry guys I'm gonna mute the 12 year old child who's got into the liquor cabinet sorry about him
Oh What flavour is this? 97 hang on you need it you need a guess what is it ty schematized are you Do you have any allergies? Shannon? Are you vegetarian? No.
Is it seafood? No, no, no
He's not a monster. He's a baby.
Okay, can I tell you what it looks like? Yeah, you can show us too. It looks like Has anybody heard this before? It looks like popcorn chicken. Oh
no sounds good. anyway here we go Domino's so service watch it out but it was four minutes from your joint four minutes robots
up now we're on time from store to door was five minutes from store to door all right Mr. Domino's
was at the library saves what is it's a chicken pommy pizza. Oh Ha. That's what I made. It looks like popcorn chicken on a pizza. What's the guy's insists?
Yeah, we just lost our deal with Domino's.
He can't lose a deal. If you don't have one.
we taught you a Sunday just in case and then says also a garlic bread. Because you can't have a pizza without a garlic bread. Absolutely not. And this is just the best. Yeah. And there is a stripper on the way so
I've got a tequila ready for this trip off. No one understood the tyronn joke when I said about Tyrone's come no biggie. But Josh, no.
You have no filter, dude. We have any personal joke that there's a big man named Tyrone that's cheating on or he's he's sleeping with all of our partners. And, and Josh likes to bring out personal jokes that nobody gets and then likes to say on the show. Why doesn't anyone understand this? It's because it's a personal joke. And you know, Tyrone's very triggering for me. Okay, let's, let's just go around the room. Let's unmute people. Crystal, how are you going? Hi, I'm alright guys. I feel like I've caught me
To alarm. I'm sorry.
You okay, there's a lot going on. Yeah, there's a lot going on. How should I bang? You had a 4pm appointment to a meeting, didn't you? Yeah, so I was just doing like the two laptops, zoom on by trying to you know, get it all done regular working woman. Any highlights from your week?
Um, I've really been enjoying the self ISO life. I don't know if that's like a you know, Pacey thing to say but it's not.
You. I'm used to working for the media company that you were. Yes, we're still on. It's a major news publisher. So news traffic is sky high right now because everyone's home just consuming, consuming content. So we're very busy.
Is there a push for video content or like what's the what sort of articles and media companies are pushing for
You want like a gentleman like a
deli? Do
you do some sort of his serves his relation? Like is the relationship between grace and serves? Is that? Is that media worthy or what what sort of status is Grace or serves need to get to before it gets covered? Yeah, look without giving too much away it. I do work for a media publisher that writes a rap about people's relationships a lot. So, I mean, a few more followers and that probably be we probably be following it pretty closely. Right? What's the number
10,000 10,000 10,000 that guy? It feels like a good round number. But
regardless, yeah, I mean, we can't do that. Can we? Yeah, there's a bunch of facts with politics these days.
To be honest, what's so the whole CAC thing? Can we talk about that for a second? Absolutely not you just
lost it saves a video.
Looking at filter of savings, you just say taxes revert
old. My Don't think too much about it. This is your problem. Sorry, Crystal. Me.
Joshua. Next we throwing in sex for a second. I'm gonna throw it back to Queen Queen gronk for the moment. Oh, just as I was typing.
It happens. No, we don't want to ruin an Insta story up so do that. No, it's okay. I'm gonna do a whole thing time maybe postcards. I'll repost hashtag FOMO Lara for a second. Lara was trolling McDonald's. I looked at their LinkedIn large Do you work at a coffee shop? Yeah, I do all the time. I just feel like
I know what I'm talking about. I feel like you should have put that as a disclaimer. That's not why Mac is sucks Mac is just
generally Yeah. I mean, it's true. But I think I knew that before but I think once you got into coffee, then you were
So good coffee is and then you realised macros is even worse than what you thought it was. And so Lara what coffee Are you roasting when you when you make a sort of a latte? I actually I went for a really small coffee kiosk in Hawthorne. So I don't actually know. She keeps the packets black. So the whole I don't know who gives it to me. I just get a bag when I asked for it. It's really suspicious, but it's trolling McDonald's. And you're you're taking coffee from black bag, but it's delicious. It's like what's the secret? It's like a secret grading secret recipe. I don't know. But it's great works well does well. And so what's your as a brewery? Would you count yourself as a barista your beer? Sir? The the kiosk all I do is make coffee and it's just me. And it's at a train station. So you're really busy in the mornings. Oh, and so is it is the train station.
Would you say? Has the train station been quiet since everything has happened? Well, yeah, actually.
I work for like, you know, it's just one lady that earns it. I've stopped working because she doesn't make enough money and pay me so much. Oh, yeah, but she's still running she's earned a few and she's still running one by yourself but any of them that oh the other girls are out um she's just not making enough money for us sir.
This is a bit inside baseball but he's the is it is Josh is it better is that he's slurring. Now that
actually sounds like he's Wi Fi is dropping as fast as Internet. I'll just get one and a half is unlimited. So
yeah, yeah. Can I just get everybody to put their hand up in the air so you can see it on screen? Can we just get everybody put their hand up on a on a participation? Hey, guys.
Can I just get everybody who is in a relationship to pull their hand down? So no hands up if you're in a relationship
right if you just want to look around the room
These are your options. These are your options for the nice classic way. It's It seems that Grace has a hand halfway
she's talking about Jesus Christ. Okay. In the in the chat hyden hit me up.
So yeah, jump into the jump in the Zoom Room comments and take it away guys. You
know, just in terms of former like we
A lot of us are quite far from ever being invited to a formal. I just want to unmute Olivia Brown. Olivia Brown. Welcome to the daily talk show. I like that.
URL e 12. Youngest youngest youngest person listening that we know of.
Olivia had
Why, um, all right. I survive school in the last few days. So yeah, that's good. So you're working you're you're doing homeschooling Have you actually got teachers on zoom? Yeah. So we're not like technically on zoom, we're on. Team. So we on Microsoft Teams, I was rush. I have 13 teams running for all my subjects and all the activities I'm involved in at school, like student leadership and all that. What's your favourite subject? Olivia. I'm in year 12. I like all my subjects pretty much equally. Yeah. Did you do any good 12 subjects in year 11. No.
That he's not missing. She's smart to do what I'm doing that because I just reduced my learning it one step at a time. To be honest. There's better better than me.
is that true through the music? Yeah, definitely. I've done five
Well, it would be five this year if you continue that this week. That's set for mid August. Um, but yeah, I've done four of the school musicals at this point in time. I didn't do the one in year seven, because I was an introvert and fallen crowd, which I regret, but it's okay. What's
now an extrovert? Yeah, I've more just like become comfortable with myself and just don't care what people say. It's good lady. That's Mr. Nice. Lady. Yeah, your light is production. Olivia. Um, this year, we're doing Greece. And last time we have a live band, which six out of and we're doing two acts for the first time as well. That's my language. Do you have a year 11 sorry, 12 formal that was meant to be going ahead, but you're not anymore. Yeah. So that was scheduled for May 29.
that's gonna happen.
Sir yeah I've just dressed up in what I'd wear to that anyway. Well let's give let's give a levy a clap might not get to do a formal this can be the only formal that you attended this year. And I'm sorry about what so I played Vince Fontaine in grace What was she a beach so yeah who was
awesome it's the best roll
this year I um the last four productions I've done cost and I've done various roles are the first one we did was super cool. We've done trek we've done Alice in Wonderland we've done with robots we've done them all them this year I decided to take a step back especially because I'm doing the 12 as well. I'm now part of the tech crew so I think I'm like the only girl in tech crew so there will be
nine guys and I'll just learn a different skill and watching or sound or what are you doing? Oh probably be on microphones sir putting locks on cost because and I'm the
I get off sir. Yeah, because of appropriateness that Yeah, the guy down the bra. This right. There's a guy who has done Mythbusters has done a whole series on Adam. Adam Savage. Yeah, have a mic up the cost of Hamilton, which is great. Yeah, that sounds fucking unbelievable. I can't wait to watch that to be up if you want to watch that.
I was just thinking that I imagine the daily talk show the musical look at all you characters here right now. Absolute characters like Hayden Deeb you are definitely right in there. We we need our Portuguese whereas he was powered by power Can you can you have a buddy?
I'm good. How are you? Good.
I buddy. How are you marching? It's important to point yeah.
Yeah, you are.
So um, so yeah, but yeah, TJ was saying I just wanted to type out a say something in Portuguese because I think it's, you know, we're all a lot of us are Ozzy's here or in America is at least speaking English. Can you just bring a bit of sex to the show?
Say this
say the sexiest statement that you can import the gays please
give me a sentence and a translator. Okay, Josh throwing the sentence in touch NERC in India kirkin is a big one which is fucking in the kitchen
Is this literally the only sentence I know? Or the other one so
cuz I think like it Brazil bang sort of. do count Brazil as South America. Oh no. We're getting
Okay, and so I feel like in Australia, we're pretty dumb. And so we think that South America we assume Spanish how much like what other parts of South America and Spanish?
Well, the rest of Brazil speaks Portuguese. And so what other countries are speaking Portuguese in South America?
And so how would you set so one thing you were saying you can speak Spanish as well? Was that right in the chambers finish? It's very similar. Very similar. People get like, people always tell me like always speak Spanish. But it's all about this I've got the sentence is it can lead into so the next movement of the show which is throwing to Gemma who is going to announce the best dressed of the night. And so I won't understand that. Jim is not even here, by the way, feel free.
Guide it's all about timing right?
selfies may may need toilet may may actually upset anyway Can you maybe say just pad the repetitive a bit?
Tell us actually tell us how you came across the daily talk show in Portuguese it's it's beautiful because I want to understand it and I'll really want to know
comments as to Matt D Avella. Right.
Do you guys have man like it Nando's is Portuguese which is from South Africa. Do you know about Nando's?
No. So Nando's is a restaurant whether their chilies come from. So there's 1400 farmers in South Africa but it's sort of Portuguese inspired Peri, Peri, Peri, Peri, meaning anything to
temperature in the room.
tell you how are you feeling? Yeah I'm I'm a mild right now and you're extra hot now yeah you're having a meltdown
right man get it Nando's what do you what sort of your standard pricing
what do you get? What are you gonna Nando's normally? What's your Nando's? Ah the medium one
yeah my medium miles I think it's called it's called the next the next one up haha yeah so the really fact it but they have a off the menu temperature and then they have a menu temperature and so from a menu temperature point of mouse
alright sorry I know Jim is back finally I'll unmute Gemma. So what's gonna happen now is
PayPal is about to throw to you, and then we're gonna announce the award
For this evening, so high power, feel free to just in Portuguese type how he's going to do it in Portuguese.
You're going to
hang on
there just what what are the awards? I have been given absolutely no brief. Oh, that's actually your job that was you're
talking about and that's the work that
we should do. Yeah, that's definitely your sort of theme. You took yourself off the award. So I think it's up to you. We just let let us stress Shaw. Yeah. Best Dressed worst dressed.
Most likely, most likely to be in prison in 10 years there.
Best Dressed and you have, in fact, that's it for formal right. Well, I'll have prom. I think that
Should be a male Best Dressed female best dress. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. Awesome. And then the power couple. Okay, wonderful. Then I in that case, I've picked all of them, but important that I know what order we're doing these awards in because interestingly, I don't actually speak Portuguese. No, but that's okay. You just he's gonna throw to you. You'll interpret it as you do. And then terrible idea. Here we go. Okay, pay pal. Just kind of throw throw to Gemma. Salmon real sexy. You can talk slow, you can whisper whatever you like. Just throw an ASMR basically, all you need to say is
an hour about her now. We're now about to announce what's your gaze is Emma, the king and queen of
cases that way you went? Yeah, I did. Okay, great.
That was real quick. Everyone's gonna be super shocked by who I choose Kenya. Okay, no king and queen and Best Dressed male and female. All right. So take it away. Pay Pal.
Okay, I got
the key set up or hey, yeah, yeah, it's um being with your
hi pal. I want to know what you said you like
what was the exact translation place?
That I was going to Jim is gonna be announcing the king in the best dress. I can't be perfect. Oh great. Okay, wonderful. Um, there's no way we can get a drumroll sound effect is there john? clapping that give us a clap. I guess that's fine after that's
got that ready. Is that good? Absolutely.
Right. Yeah.
We have limited voice.
Sorry. Oh, that's nice. What could be this
Yeah, that's right. That's right. Yeah. Okay. I'm so thrilled to announce that the king and queen of the daily talk show 2020 FOMO
is in grace.
This is huge.
Everyone's gonna be so sure. Oh my god. Yeah, I never expected that.
Would you like to say a few words? Yeah.
Wow, that's that's, that's a lovely award to save Gemma.
Yeah, I don't know.
Now you've got this go.
On behalf. Would you like to thank Oh, yeah. Okay. Great. Yeah, on behalf of grace and I just also say what I just described
I was gonna lady into that. Just let him go, Josh on behalf of Bryce and I who looks absolutely stunning. Joe, I'd like to thank you for that award. And for everyone joining us tonight it's been it's been amazing. Cheers to that. I'll drink to that.
I will continue.
I mean, I know the show is not about me, but I guess if the Tempe segment
I'm going to announce I'm gonna leave Best Dressed fame out to last because I feel like that is the hotly contested award this evening. So I'm going to announce the best dress male, the best dressed male of the daily talk show formal 2020 edition is
Hayden Deeb unmuted.
Slow in that Josh. Sorry.
Thank you very much.
I'd like to thank all of the Middle East.
I'm here to represent them all.
Usually got certain things strapped to our chest. But I'm
everything was like within like an arm's reach of me. I got two minutes before I jumped on. So thank you very much. You're
very close second.
Nick Allen looks on Danny. Nick, Nick, Nick out of unit to him to be honest, you look great. Thank you appreciate that. Well, you're not
always the last time you wore that outfit. About a month ago. This is a new one for a work event. So I just say with the headphones as well, like, looks great. Yeah, you look like
the best sort of way. Yeah.
Right. That's the whole point of the formal it's ever gonna look. Can we just find out Shannon? How's the
Tommy going?
Can you hear me? Yeah, we can. How's it going? Oh, yeah, it was delicious. Thank you. And so the fun facts about the Sunday. Here we go. They use them. They use actual ice cream.
As opposed to Yeah. As opposed to what so that they don't use some sort of soft serve. It's 100% Oh, like out of a tub. Do you mean? Yeah, no, I just remember. Don, the mesh. We had the guy behind Domino's. I know specifically we do. We get the thick shake sibs to where we get the thick shake on. Now we never did. So now that you just got that personally. Yeah. Domino's dominoes thick shake. A fun fact about the thick shake. I'm just trying to work at Hasbro
We got shake. Wow. It's amazing, isn't it? I'm definitely no one's happy about Jimmy You are the MC can take over. I can. Thanks.
I just muted Josh take away Jim. This is the big one. This is the one that we're gonna be talking about the rest of the year.
I personally think it's the biggest award anyone can win ever. Pulitzer Prize. Who needs it? I'm typing the daily talk show Best Dressed female any day of the week, but it's not about me. It's about the best dressed female of the daily talk show 2020 formal and that award goes to
Emma Lang. Emma.
numbers beautiful.
Index. I know I've got the Spanx on so I'm not going to waste
the fight 10 in the specs was going was
a lot working for you.
The fake tan big on the earrings I think that was actually a strategic move based on this being a zoom call. Allah is popping. I was just worried that I looked half naked but it's alright. I do
same thing I might maybe look foolish the person who looks the most naked photo.
Bronte Bronte I mean
you I ramble system what's wild is it looks naked with earrings
yeah that that wasn't supposed to happen but that's okay. Yeah it's a new it's a new it's a new thing. I also think dress because in that case Yeah, yeah man for it cowl neck, spaghetti straps. Big close to my skin colour to maybe that's what now I think we can actually see the dress. I think that's probably know exactly what it looks like a short dress. It's cut on the bias and it would be probably a meaty length. What does it cost?
I'm not going to go into it I tried to explain to Chris what a ham was yesterday and that's a cost on the bias what that is, I'm googling it.
For a dress to be caught on the bias. It's the way that the fabric has been carved and is caught particular basically means cutting the fabric on a 45 degree angle. So it changes the way the fabric seats so it's common we'd like silks and satins and blends honey that Josh buckwheat
How are you hiring anyway? Me? Yeah. allegan new puppy today so she's running? What sort of puppy have we can you
know no joke scenes talk.
Strictly no dogs inside the house Josh? inside.
But Hayden and I are going to go and get a lot of organised to the puppy to carry the rings down the aisle. What sort of ring what are we talking?
What sort of ring
I haven't thought too much about that I just I'm into pretty yummy thick and unethical
all right I'm just reading the chat sorry I was reading the chat sorry about the Portuguese you guys could
ramble said cock ring that's awesome asked me to the formal so I feel like I've gone too formal with someone and then I hooked up with someone else in bond and to be honest I am Shannon as well and I didn't want to be led down when I deleted the messages and so did Laura Laura screenshot you sent me a screenshot of those messages
they say the message?
Right is that a bad mood? Yeah.
I didn't get asked to go to formal with you hurry God I think that's worse getting retracted a message and
me Who did you choose? Who did you ask next?
Whoever got back to me first that is
a notification you diliman
I sent in MailChimp.
But how did you get this going?
out last week nice.
Harry, I pre spread the filthiest rumour about you in the year 12 common room
come from me, and everyone's gonna believe me because I'm committed. It's
true everyone.
Thanks, guys.
Oh yeah, we're gonna keep on kicking on right after that until
Nine o'clock. It's currently Oh my God, I'm five o'clock
457 it was nine. When I went and filled up my drink before my mother said to me, how's your date Harry going? And I said, Oh, it's going really well, Mom, thanks for asking. He's really, and he's wearing a burgundy tie. What a match is my dress I love. I just have to go outside and say to my mom, oh, he hooked up with someone in front of
God. Well, I asked Bruce for permission. I thought
you didn't know. Because he was sitting there and he said Who is this? Sorry.
All right, I've muted both of those fuckwits so good to kick on. Thanks for all of you coming I appreciate it. There's
just joined us for kick ons by the way.
Thanks everyone the morning for you might and before we go, can we get a shot of everyone like holding up their drink? Oh yeah.
Gentlemen, hold the bottom. Absolutely. Total. Hey ruski now TJ, you do ruski slash
set bourbon. What is that? It's like lemon. Tastes like lemonade.
wakes. Friday.
You believe it's not about
ketones happening. Thanks for everyone who has listened watched commented, got amongst it. You can be a part of these drinks by signing up for to be a VIP gronk the daily talk show.com forward slash gronk Awesome. All right. Thanks. So Jay it's a it's been great. It's the TD Ts a formal if you have a video or photo of you dressing up into DTS formal gear, please hashtag TD Ts for more tag wise. Yeah, definitely tag, the daily talk show. Also, if you're a VIP gronk
You should have gotten the stickers as well, which is fun. brambles got them on his
feet great bow tie. Great bow tie Rambo. Love you man. Don't talk show cinema guys. Hey guys.