#357 – Josh’s Health Assessment/
- May 29, 2019
It’s Wednesday and we’ve got a new studio desk! Tommy tells us about who he wants to be when he’s old, and we give Josh medical advice on increasing his testosterone, fixing his back pain and getting rid of his folliculitis…
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show we discuss:
Old Tommy
Our new desk
Having a break
Our building’s alarm
Increasing Josh’s testosterone
Fixing Josh’s back pain and head
Herbal medicine and natural remedies
Watch today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show podcast at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DKm6QldRe8
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A conversation sometimes worth recording with mates Tommy Jackett & Josh Janssen. Each weekday, Tommy & Josh chat about life, creativity, business and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and friends of the show! This is The Daily Talk Show.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 357. Let's do a quick roll call. Mr. 97. Yeah,
there's only seven president three day deal. Present Josh
present. Do I need a nickname Tommy present
now? Sasha Tommy in Josh okay. The Daily talk show. I mean nickname is
gronk so you've got that. Would you say? Yeah, I don't know. I mean, we've never had nicknames JJ TJ but Tommy is a nickname Tommy I guess it is. Yeah, Joshua. So Josh isn't gonna bite we could
say our name directing you ever grow out of Tommy
I don't think so. I want to be an old motherfucker. Who is you know rockin young kids clothing but all the fuck and still be called Tommy I think there's something endearing about an old boy named Tommy. Tommy. Hi, fi bless. He's rusty cell Who's he was played AFL. And he was a college. And he was a bad motherfucker. He could like so he was an old dude who used to come to the gym where I trained and he was the loveliest got good. I told me how he might friendly is all hell. Every morning. he'd leave rotten me he'd get up and he'd go to the beach. He's a fucking morning routine for you. He'd go to the beach across the road from his pad in St. Kilda, he'll do 1000 push ups a day. He would do so that seems that. You
know, it doesn't might not for you, as 1000 doesn't actually sit like I know it sounds like I'm a bit if you broke it up. It's like you know, every hour for 10 hours. I do 100 pushups. He
may have been the myth that it was 1000. But he did hundreds a day. I know that because I saw him doing that the gym but every morning would swim in the base of freezing cold winter. He'd be across there. And he passed away
doing that
now he just passed away. It was old. But he was such a lovely guy. And I love the user be great as a silver fox. Good looking cat. All the facts and still called Tommy so you want to be I want to be the old Tommy the he had a Benny Benny. He had a better body than all of us in this room. Really? I mean, yeah. Not super hard. For some Yeah. Yeah.
Do not who will never never get used to calling you tell me. Stephanie from letters.
She's Thomas baby. She Yeah, she was following protocol. With
May. Only maybe one.
Where if you're watching. This is a different look to what you normally experiences which, which is why I wanted to do the roll call because I feel like we are in a new space. Yeah,
we're in a new space. I was expecting having a back on my chair to help with my call. It feels hot. How do I look? Do I look around?
I mean, this is a thing. We're feeling like I'm gonna lean back into my sight now. That's nice. From if you've ever watched we've been when you look fun leaning like that.
What I'll put my window. Yeah.
I've been on stools, right. And so now we've got a new desk. We're at the heart of what a normal desk is 700 millimeters. I like the
idea that maybe I I'll put my Oh, there we go.
Go down. Yeah. So anyway, it's all change. But this is the first iteration of what is our new podcasting space with new arms and stuff. And so we spent five minutes before this.
Will you always have pushback? And I think even missing 97 is gotten into the pushback of me trying to get everything set up. Exactly how I baby wants it straightaway. Yeah,
well, because it's like, I guess this is a in any creative endeavor. any endeavor you want. The end product is what we want. But right now we have to settle for something that will get that will be in alignment with that in product. Not why all for you know, so it's I think we've done well, I think
we're getting better at compromising.
I mean, compromising but also just getting shit done solving problems fast. Yeah.
Well, because at the moment, we have one camera, but this whole desk, everything that was set up is specifically designed for multi camera. Yeah,
I'm fucking pumped boys. did say you met Dave. Ella. He sent me an email today. So I got that same, you got the same? You mean that's an email list? Yes. You mean I've subscribed and he's sending me emails? You can tell because it's obviously
the second to two weeks off. He's taken a break. And he's not posting on social media or making videos. Well, I don't know if he's not interested in videos yet. So I'm sure he's kind of, you know, you're always filming. You're always on eBay saying. Thank you. For us. We're only going deeper into it. With the launch of more content in the future. July July, one big announcements. Can I announce it now? Oh, no, I don't think so. But what I will I mean, you could take from whatever that society is, you know, you can have announcements, understand what what we can do. When do we get a break? Lucky. I just was thinking about Matt, and I'll think about how hard he works. How much great stuff he produces. Do we get a break? I mean, not that I want one
sound? I could do.
Shame. And I know I actually I'm good. Like, I'm, I can fucking work. I'm good. I can show up. I can get stuff.
I think we only owe it to everyone to not have a break. Yeah, no, I guess that. I mean, you could see it as like earning your stripes by showing up constantly and not fucking around. If we do I think that the two years once we've done two years of the show, maybe we could do something where there's a couple of days where we get someone like screw to Derek, or one of the gronk of the show. As a feeling. Yeah, yeah,
I say that. I mean, you're talking about a day that's taken two weeks, and he's got a 1.4 million subscriber base on YouTube. And he's got two and a half thousand Patreon subscribers. I wonder
if it gets easier once you build your audience
I think it might get harder because you putting you know the pressure on yourself of this massive audience like think about every time that post the video is 234 hundred thousand views a week. Imagine fucking having all those people in front of you. Yeah, all people then
all my Trump's inauguration that would be fucking now on there. You know?
I can't say the word is no grill or you know inauguration. No reaction is ever ideal inauguration inauguration. What do we have those for our nobody thinks
we have a set we have it on rocks up to them anyway.
The old mansion. Yeah, in in the middle of the Botanical Gardens talking about old mansions. I was watching a YouTube video the other day of the old Big Brother house that has been deserted.
You know how I saw that was a guy that was sort of on radio when I was on radio. Who has been Norris he was a contest in in in that big brother house. And I saw him post yesterday were friends on face. He
was a one of the twins.
Gay dude who married another guy named been that would be complicated to Ben's. Yeah. I can imagine your partner having the same name as you.
We would love it. I want you to talk on narcissism.
You would hide it dude. I'm the one Josh Yeah, exactly. Yeah, which one's the superior Josh Yeah. Anyway, so been married Ben and I think I remember Ben
Yeah, lovely sleep on him. I mean,
real sort of spiky chirpy dude, Lovely. Lovely. Anyway, he did radio up in Cannes I think up that way. MCI Townsville Tommy and I saw him post photos of this fucking rundown all but I love exploring abandoned abandoned buildings. Maybe one of you it was the last time you do ship it in the abandoned nice Marina. The Roadrunner is the Aboriginal word for deep watering how little fun fact that murder is a town next to an Am I still be there. We're going up there this weekend. It's a town next to shipping. And there was an abandoned hospital. And so yeah, I went
to it wasn't a time that you guys took the big
bottle of from the hospital. big bottle.
Ah, no, that's other criminal activity. I was involved with you were tweeting about that. Yeah.
But now this hospital had nothing being in a band of steel but being in an abandoned building. I think is a standard thing is just trespassing, right?
IKEA I mean they're pretty lacks on it. But if you believe like you I think there's more of a problem if you're in a new construction site. It's actually for
New Year new
construction side of a new property. Yeah, you be in more trouble because you can because it's not abandoned.
It's not abandoned. It's the opposite of abandoned the
opposite. It's occupied baby. And so yeah, I mean, I've been caught in an abandoned building before and they just let me off they're just like get out of here. This level of danger they were the the old hours PCA building out in we're here in Melbourne is a really well people say that it's it's
weird. It's not I mean, it's it's not actually will pop
up every time you see houses out there though.
It's like pass q out further. There's into the tram on anyway, we went there to to build a full skatepark in this abandoned building. It was It's cold. It was so cool. So there is I mean, it is yet abandoned. hospitals. I mean, you just don't see it as much anymore like in the city. Yeah, we went to these old industrial site that's now being turned into high rise building. But we were looking through there and you go there and do graffiti. So you do like mural on the wall? Yeah.
Well, that's what we went murals on the wall. How many colors of paint? Do you need to do a mural? What do you want you just doing a just doing a silver piece with a bit of black outline where you want to go full color?
I feel like railroad should lack make sure you got the outline covered feels
like should be a minimum amount of colors to be counted as a mural? No, God's won't. I'm just thinking, because otherwise, I'm trying to differentiate between you just tagging versus creating an actual piece of
that you've got no idea. May Yeah, that's fair.
I'll take that. The I remember doing a debate in school, which was specifically around his graffiti art. Should people who are over the age of 70 have to read go for their drivers license? What do you think?
I think it's fair enough. I mean, Melvin's a pretty loose system cars, you just pay your red Joe and it's Yeah, fine. You could be driving an old piece of shit that you've been constantly renewing read over 20 years and it shouldn't be on the road. I really, yeah. So if I bought my like a my veil Commodore or the 27 year old cow, and I bought it, it was in good condition. But if I just kept paying the registration insurance, you're not getting asked to come back in.
They could still be unroadworthy. You could get pulled over and get down. Yeah, yeah.
So that's what I mean you could get down but in Sydney brain sleeps. It's a different process. Like you need to after a few years all the time, take a great get your car back in getting green sleep or if you sell it, you have to get a green sleep. The problem when you sell things, I'm talking about the drivers. Yeah, and so what I'm saying is it's loose in that respect drivers. I think my mom's 70 she's on me she's a baby. Yeah, she's looking fucking
I mean, we're not talking about a retraction like it's not based on she's not attractive level now
she's dead but I'm just saying she's a baby babe could embody many things. She could just go to hell
rise got high lives just here to just here to renew. No little wink. Probably cute smile.
She probably my mom was telling me about an old guy that was trying to pick her up. He's dead now. She had nobody was an old rich guy in LA. She was just telling me him and yeah, God rest his soul. He was very buoyant. Yeah, flamboyant. flamboyant dude. Rich Man. Lots of jewelry but she was just telling me in front of my dad. I hadn't had that conversation. Yeah, you know I like
what did your dad think I had to Tim by revises laughing smashing No, no, no, he was
even said to my mom, he said
Mom said hey man, I'm married. And she said but he doesn't have to
I can definitely relate to that. Just a bit of a chicken what do we think of this new format guys so far? Can you bring your mic down a little bit because
no one can see
yes like touching of like the mic. Okay. Yeah, yeah,
yes, we can see during
was good. I was gonna do I was gonna do it. And then I thought three Yeah, yeah,
Remember when we were filming? Craig Harper's episode Josh and my 90 seconds over there. I look over and he's got this bottle. It's like he couldn't be any closer to the mic undoing.
Who's doing it as Mr. Is it is him? I Mr. Is Mr. Is Mr. segment. Yeah. During I think all you have to do with this.
That's just might leave him alone. Okay,
but what do we what do we think of the format how we're sitting? Do we have any feedback guys? Right? I do. I like it. It's seems more like a cafe conversation
kind of
Yeah. Well, don't get sitting across from people and I can
let you in. I yes. The experience now. I think in fact, about
two weeks. We look good. What do you think? Yeah, Tommy looks good. Thank you.
97. I lost when there's some truth to it? Do I not? Be honest?
No, your head just looks a little bit uncomfortable.
This one the way it should do that? Is that
don't mean this is the thing. Don't think about it. Just fucking do it.
Remember, I think I need to just be up more. I think that's what it is. But a good metaphor for your life. Just be up more up more more. It does sound like a side of a joke. The bit nicer when I'm talking to Tommy does it feel pretty natural for the camera perspective? Well,
this is a thing, we decided to spend five minutes setting it up. And now we're spending five extra minutes.
Well, because people who are watching on YouTube, they deal with this stuff. So in the comments. What do you think? It's not that it's definitely not the final? The final version? Yeah.
I mean, all you don't ask people what they think. And we just do
this. There is a bit of that. There's a bit of that, too. I think it's you can ask people what they think. But you got to be okay with the answer. But then I'm also comfortable asking people what they think. They tell me. And then I say, Oh, no, you're wrong.
But that's most of the time.
Yes. What looks good. looks bad. didn't even notice.
With I definitely notice now as I spent five minutes on it this morning, I got a call from you. Oh,
my fucking brain fog.
I never get a call from you Really? Like I think that you should have your mornings and evenings and what sort of thing and some family time getting shit done. So
we don't really think it's a good practice to sort of disconnect in and if we do contact, it's like slack or text message. Me we speak so much. Yeah,
so you call I called. And then I just say hi, mate. And
he's like, what's the what's the card for the what's the pin card for the alarm?
Something I've put in hundreds of times. Yeah, I just had this fucking Brian fat.
Know what rattled me wouldn't be 100 it'd be about 50 times or you know,
what rattled me was the birth year that Stephanie had latitude 1923, which is 1928. That number is just somehow just fucking embedded in my brain. Yeah, I'm just and I just went to this thing. I was like, a priest, and I just fucked it. And I was like, I gotta call you. Yeah, he first because she would know. Well, I just spoken to her. And so I was like, I'll just call it back because I know she'll answer, which was a silly idea who she's never told me. It was my second ride into the island. I called you and you're like, yeah, it's this. I didn't. I was pretty quick. Thank God.
But I was thinking about it on the way here. Yeah. I'm just like, I can't wait. Because I feel like it's not my MA that makes this sort of mistake. Yeah. And so I was literally walking up to the door thinking how funny it was going to be. And then I came in, and you weren't there yet. And so the alarms are beeping, I put in the code. And I was like, I think it's still active. I don't know. And so I call I call you i say, i you are you in the building? You said no. I said, Okay. So you put the alarm back on. You said yes. Yeah. I'm like, Ah, so I must say, What have I done and I opened the door and the siren say going now what I'd done is because I was so in my head about it, I forgot to press the button to deactivate I put in the code. Yeah, I didn't need to activate it. The poor fucking next door neighbors.
I mean, that's the second time The first time was Mr. 97. And three days back, walked in. The alarm was off. They turned it on and walked upstairs, and then hear it beeping. Yep. And then Luckily, we arrived because they're like, Oh, it's the worst thing. It's like, seriously piecing it. MBC like I feel sorry for the junkie that Rob tries to break in here and turns on that alarm and shit. Shit. Because of the sound so scared just shaking on the stairs. It is so piecing. And so we've all fact it I'm glad with.
Well, yeah, I tell when I called you.
I felt like you felt so relaxed. You
might it's fine. It happens to all of us.
Never say it. Like, there is some truth in when you fuck up. Anyone if you fuck up, and then someone else facts up the same way. Yeah, the amount of empathy that you have. It's great. If, for instance, if I tripped over something. Yeah. And then an hour later, you tripped over it? Yeah. I think they'll be like, Oh, it's fine. It's fine. It's fine. But part of it is making the big deal. Like oh, it's fine it away like it happens. Be as a way of self expression of feeling a bit dumb from it. Oh, 100%.
You know, it's, it'll be like when we both test for our testosterone levels, and we're both so low but ready, Dylan? Messina is skyrocketing you and I will be feeling empathy for each other mate. You're better you're you're good. I've got your back. I know what it's
I feel like we should all thinking about it. Something in taking our bloods yet soon. And then getting it retested. Because what I was planning on doing I caught myself the night after that episode googling how to increase testosterone. Yeah,
I can tell you I was listening last night, box jumps explosive plyometric
training box jumps here. Well wait, what is it called? plyometric plyometric
metrics, explosive training, okay, like,
I could just sprint.
I just don't like jumping not to form I could ski. You can be good, then. It'd be like just doing the bird. What do you think box jumps are skipping? Why? Why not? It's not plyometric. It's
saying how fucking high jump when I skip
is because you don't know how to skip. you're skipping like your four years. I
was in school primary school. I skipped way more than you did.
That's fine. I at least know how to ski while on a
Way Asian you were doing the rope. Yeah. Doesn't classifies skipping dude. Far out.
Did you guys. Was that something in Canada? Jump rope? Yeah, yeah.
Probably. It's a setup. Right?
We have jump ropes. Yeah.
And so why is it funny that I skipped or do you guys think
you're spinning? This it? Yeah, you use both. So there
you go. It's like you do multiple and see how long you can stay in the
I get I get what it is. But we're talking about exercise. You suck a bog down? Sure.
You're searching Google m? What was
your? I just remember Tim Ferriss talking about a specific type of not. Yeah,
what one? I not a specific time and not
maybe know what it can you look it up?
What 97 nuts? Yeah,
because I think there's a big issue in San Francisco in the tech scene where men have low testosterone because they don't have vitamin D. that they're not exercising that cortisol levels are high and stress and they have their phones right knee they're nuts. Yeah, I didn't know about it. Well, that's that's more for quality of spam. That's another test we could do. That's different. I mean,
I've done the fucking real life to my
child did the first time you you gambled and you know loss dependent.
might have been dead.
I mean, yeah, so I've already got I've already won that just because I was first to market.
What was the not Brazil,
Brazil nuts, manganese man races. And so there's things like
that different.
trivialise, which is a I think it's derived from some kind of plan but it's a supplement that you can take that naturally increases testosterone but I mean, this is when we get into sup
talk we're talking about Magnus and then magnesium Bry Bobby segue Bry
that would you're trying to do there between the Magnus and the
manganese, Megan manganese.
Anyway, magnesium Bry bought me a gift to this morning magnesium spray. So I'm going to try it on my back in the evenings while you're back because that's my my back hurts.
Okay, so it's for pain.
Yes. What else what else to use my relaxation I have
fucking nada is magnesium Yeah.
I didn't know that mean so angry about
it just seems like a you because you made it out. Like I should know that. spraying it on your back is a real thing. Yeah.
missing it seven would know about it.
Yes. Actually, not just India, because I've ingested before we told the story of how it took three magnesium and got woken up by direction which was mine. Yeah, well, the thing is, it factors my dreams a little bit. Okay. It's like how I show you something before bed. But this this Bry you guys across this spray stuff?
I mean, if you're real problem with all this natural back in
your mom do nice. Bry she used she also meditates like an hour a day. And does yoga every other day. Every day. She's always trying. So I mean, that's energy as well. Which is the first things and then she does all the potions and shit that I mean we do it we have these things. This bottle and I only get it because mom gives it to me. And it's
someone who has pushed back you've gone to more Chinese doctors and I have
my mom fucking is that taught? I grew up with it. I grew up going to Chinese doctors are can
they could fix my scalp? Yeah,
probably but I don't think they could fix your back. You need to actually do some exercise. Well, there's
a there's a book there's a famous book. It's like how to fix back pain or something like that. And a lot of people Joshua fields Milburn about it. Howard Stern talked about it, Nick Iglesia the comedian talks about it
all in cahoots with the person running it's important
it's like a like an old it's like saying someone's in cahoots with Jesus on the oldest Bible probably probably. I mean
we've got these drops that are made of God knows what I just know gosh, oh golly. One of the ingredients because it's very potent but the little drops and you have them four times a day body loves them so your Did your mom get them fine she gives them to me Yeah, and they're like an ethical like an anti viral China it's like a Chinese post Chinese medicine potion there's a Chinese medicine on while I don't have a child I mean it looks like a traditional Chinese medicine shop that says natural it's like they've got all these little filing cabinets and in the filing cabinets is a bunch of little herb. Yeah, so if a dispensary on Victoria Street where we are there is a place so you can go in and get a bunch of you know, back in bark and sawdust and all but bunch of shit and then this guy that we get these drops off he cooks up these big batches and so it's like these dark color actually might I spilled some this morning so is
that and one Why do you have to drop it from a distance?
I know that's about it because then the things about this why is it
is it a show it's a dropper it's like a dropper that you can get an ice off ice up
yet to drop it from a sauce I saw you so please I didn't fucking come up with it. It is a miracle dropper so ya know, the drop is anyway so I drop it onto my tongue but I dropped one drop off fucking I've got a white jumper on and he's coming down and I looked in it it got the little bit of rope from God. And so I just washed it thank you it's all good each pig
or the Lord whichever
one was looking out for me probably know but so yeah, I take this every morning and you know you've taken them because sometimes if you've taken a shitload through the day, and you've got a flu or something you know when you sweat a bit more you've already just smell it. Yeah. Zunes are like fucking
Yeah, I was just like you could smell it through your pores. Really? That's how
pardon it is it's all the garlic and stuff Exactly. It's the gala well on today's which it's not yesterday, the day before Monday was a two day for me If you still don't really get what he's talking about. It's literally a fasting diet. Yeah. Um, and so it but it's a fasting day restricted to 500 calories. So it's the idea of like, rather than going full fast if you stay within this 500 calorie range if your woman 400 cows, it's basically got the same benefits. Okay.
It's a low calorie diet. Yeah, it's a low calorie diet.
And so I'm doing to awake and the brain makes like an apple cider vinegar. potion that we drink. I like it. Taste like it tastes like the juice that you get in a thing of gherkins.
Oh, that's what's table drink that shit you know I can buy that is just drink the juice what what is it like
to buy pickle juice drink? It's so disgusting.
No, it's good for like body cramps like muscle
is it Yeah, so I'm definitely the apple cider thing I'm definitely it's something that I actually enjoy so the other thing that I'm thinking of doing green tea or fuck I thought you're gonna say write the book but
more important books Definitely. Definitely coming Stacy June when I was in ship she got me on to drinking olive leaf extract now that shits fact because but that's made for consumption. You know like it's made for a medicine rose. Apple cider vinegar is actually something for salads. It's mature once its normal use case apple cider vinegar.
I don't know what use it for everything like getting rid of dandruff and stuff because it's going to neutral. Don't put in your hate. Hit up
97 was suggesting actually okay.
It's like a neutral pH on your head. So it kills like bacteria and stuff. But do you have bacteria like have you
seen I think that what I've had previously a doctor has said that I had to fill the kilometres Okay, which is sort of a fungus on the scalp which just looks it's fungus just has a bad rap. Yeah,
would I know I've had fuckin fungus on my foot it's more
do you think than scalp What would you
like least I've got foot
he's in his foot any day of
the sorry the back of my head it almost seems like a little bit of acne like I You and I both
don't notice it did you talk about it like everyone knows
the guys I said to the guys I might look my head does it look red? And they said yes did it What did it described? What it did look quite red
just underneath your Yeah, just a scalp.
So there's something called cradle cap. Yeah,
so I've had cradle cap shampoos a cradle cap baby.
Definitely has babies baby vibes but barely had cradle cap
a little bit of it. I think I said this is what the woman told me it was like you can sue some woman's doctor you can see some scamming I said it like you know who but it was just a lady it calls it a scalping I mean this is as good information as you blokes fucking offering and putting episode of into your new hit. She put olive oil in it instead of just massage around the scabs because it was it doesn't happen anymore. Yeah, but so you just trying to go
Well guess what? 97 if you had another guest of what he suggested Canada
it's similar to
trying to recruit whatever the fuck is
now I would probably abuse episode of vinegar. They think it's going to like
plug your stuff and you have worse well you definitely would you you would definitely be making sure I wasn't double dipping.
It double dipping when you into the coconut crew. stash? Yeah.
Yes, you gotta share. No,
no. You have to pass. Yeah,
Chuck a crew for anyone that doesn't know Mason and his mates they after the gym. Big sweaty session with the boys they in the car. Fresh ready for work that you have. I just put coconut oil. Is it coconut oil? Yeah. Okay, it's coconut oil. Will you get like the buttered version? Like a coconut?
Yes, or not a fixed one. So what can I expect?
If it's called then it hardens up. Oh, yeah. Okay, so has it solidifies when it's called? So it's rock hard at the moment you still use it when it's cold. Oh, yeah. Because you can just mix it into your hands. Oh, yeah. And what
do you get together? So
it sounds a little wet. It's very very loopy Do you ever do you wipe it out? Like if you had access is the next sort of like would you rub it on them? Yeah, yeah, elbows or something?
I just I mean just on my forums at whatever
it does put it on to the skin. And I need you to to which I didn't really I sort of don't look at that as being I'm like I get it you try it's moisturize if you body rise to natural Missouri's the hair thing is just what gets me what
it's called. I The thing is we've discussed the bamboo has Friday did a story last night of missing 97 bamboo hair.
They are you mean the one we're slipping up the glasses
and it says bamboo hair in the
fucking rain. Yeah.
Loving how happy
he said was like his he's great at what's what's missing 97 laughing at and I've actually videoed it but it wasn't funny because she knew that was filming but the first time she's like it's not that funny because it was a very because what this the same yeah same did like the intensity in which Mr. 97 was feeling whatever it was feeling Yeah, yeah, they saw a very small snippet of it Yeah. Which was you had created an app for her using a USB cable Yes.
What was laid up how did that even happen? Well, I was I was getting ready to go to bed and so I grew up I grew up my phone charger outside of my bag and then we're just talking about like trips to New Zealand. Dylan I were just talking about that and if we could go and then I just sort of wrapping it around my head as you do and then there was like oh, let me take a video of that
so yeah, so you can say then be becomes a bigger thing are you guys going to go to New Zealand together a friend you leave
no no now we are we're just we're just testing it out see see how much like flights were and stuff
to keep in our options and you could find
yeah to 50% and usually
what that's really that's what I said what a lie I want to go jets jets a problem with kids now is my way carry on. Yeah,
what are you trying to take a backpack that Doyle Yeah, exactly.
Yeah the liquid I wonder if it would count as a liquid or know how you have to put phrase it
the direction we wrap up Yeah, it's a wrap up. I just wanted to quickly say the the vitamins and all that sort of thing reminded me of my mate nice on I want to give him a nickname like pillar of health pillar without your diabetic nice on over it doesn't really have a ring. But he's got type two diabetes based on poor diet and that sort of thing. And human I have traveled a lot together and experienced his lack of care of eating and one of my favorite things is he said he wanted to get some multivitamins. And the multivitamin that he ate is a children's multivitamin.
called Flintstones.
It's true. It's lovely.
Lovely at them. I would actually say the nutritional value.
They are they just super low doses and so you'd have to eat fat get half a packet, which
he does. He treats him like lovely. So it's like oh man, I need to get my multivitamins kids section to remember Yeah, baby fat and snacks on the box as well. Tablets little orange runs tchotchke one he's gonna real. Did you get Did you ever do when you're a kid? Yeah. Did you use kid toothpaste or adult toothpaste?
I can't remember but I use kids toothpaste from Bodie. So I know about it now, but I cannot wonder what I
remember. Yeah, ones like intensity.
Definitely not minty. Like definitely not super Monday. I can do a comparison. I'll look tonight,
because I got a little too because brain I changed his pace. And then it's just like we could tell that like it's we love co guide or whatever the red one. Yeah. I know. I know. Yeah. It's very good. And we tried to change I was like, This is fucking shit. I ruined your day. It's like the equivalent of having dirty glasses. Yeah, it's a daily talk show. Either daily talk show.com tomorrow hopefully we have from Trello which is getting Express hosted from Sydney right now. Yeah, the GoPro fusion and
I can make an announcement. I already made the announcement but it was a preempted announcement. But you know put it out there and you will it into fruition because we're doing Episode 360 from my old radio studio where I used to work there's been an upgrade so you're not actually getting the full experience that I had it will be better
Yeah. And we'll be in there and there's been one there's been one proviso
yeah that we don't she can the company that I used to work for which
I don't I don't plan on it we don't plan plan on anything.
We definitely want it's gonna be so much fun I'm so looking forward to fucking taking the boys into we're like I wanted to go in on a coffee on a show You haven't?
Yes. What sort of any? Use
it I never used it. Not it's like to cook I think maybe it's not they can't see
the cans of coke.
Yes, there was a vending machine. That's right. Yeah.
you know what I used to do? I used to stash cash above it. So you know like according to boxing speed at 40 cents or whatever it was. I just whacked that above and so I know a new type machine there's a rich
there's certain things that rich people do that's what it that's a rich person.
person is my made this is a rich person thing to do body fat and I'm talking about you. I said to him now he said to me, I I went and got all my coins from my car and I took it to the bank. Have a guess how much coinage this motherfucker had in the center console at about
$1,000 of coins.
Did you just cry? Can we
just Tommy though. Yeah.
Amazing. Right? That must be altered dollars. I don't know. But that's really told you. He told me because he was I think he was surprised to see God. Just like a big book. You know, like a fucking big
should never You shouldn't have more coins than what your whole cast worth as a general rule.
No, he's got some great tools avoid a lot more. But I can imagine
as a rich person,
just checking checking the gold in there and not touching the gold. I'm just a gold safe.
One of the things Jerry Seinfeld talks about which I really like the idea if I was to ever become super wealthy. He has one thing I'd like to do. He before he gets to a restaurant. He gives his credit card details over. So he doesn't have to deal with any of the payment stuff. Even in the US, like all the tip and shit is done. He teaches he just walks out. I mean, you would he's a billionaire. He's like, Is he a billionaire? Yeah, yeah, it's got like a fight at least 500 million. He's got a billion. That's good.
How much is Jerry Seinfeld worth?
Jerry Seinfeld's network was $1.2 billion. Yeah,
it's because he syndicated the fuck out of that shows over 100 episodes and just he's got that syndication money coming through. It's a lot of it's a lot of money. So many episodes, and he's a great guy seems like the right guy.
Anyway. I don't know why you have to do a testimonial of Jerry at the end. But
no money doesn't make everyone a great guy. Money can make you a fucking ass off. And he seems like a good guy. He just seems like he doesn't put up with my shit though. He's like, he's a bit like he's the eccentric billionaire.
Tonight who's being a billionaire for what he's done like it's a weird thing to make a billion dollars out of to know who he is an actual eccentric billionaire. Steve Wozniak,
is the guy that helped apple. Yeah,
so he was the sort of the tech head behind apple. But he would actually get a $2 notes are a bit more rare in the States, but a good amount for if you're doing the bit tips and all that sort of thing. So he would actually go to a stationery shop that would do binding and he would get like the the sort of gluey type of one that you'd say in a notepad and he would get the $2 bills in a notepad and he would have his notepad and he would just tear off money for
people i thought was cool. I mean, it's a good way just be generous if you go billion but I mean, you don't need a billion dollar 300 maybe not. Anyway,
so now the talk show, talk show.com his email address, please
send you billions if you got billion send them
if you're a billionaire, email the show. Send this cash and we'll sit Mr. guys say guys