#282 – Running Out Of Food/
- February 13, 2019
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show we discuss:
Feedback on the official start of the week
A new potential segment
Sam Harris’ meditation app
Paying what you think it’s worth
Cultural dinners
Subsidised food
Muscle gains and eating more
Watch today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show podcast at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B81C66vYMcA
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A conversation sometimes worth recording with mates Tommy Jackett & Josh Janssen. Each weekday, Tommy & Josh chat about life, creativity, business and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and friends of the show! This is The Daily Talk Show.
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0:03 It's a daily Talk 0:04 Show Episode 282 it's Hump Day. How it is Wednesday, isn't it? Is it Wednesday? Yeah, right. Okay. 0:12 Oh, yeah, we're locked in the weeks weeks going fast when you got lots of shit on For how many days have they been in the week already? Well, the same day Monday, Monday, Tuesday we're on the third day of the week wanted to bring up some of the bullshit that was happening. You want to bring up because you we got an email that was in your defense of what you thought so yeah, just quickly recapping Josh as always said that Monday start the week starts on Sunday and goes through till Saturday. Yes. I said Matt manda. Well, so Sunday is the week trip sent in an email, basically saying that I was right. 0:54 Yes. 0:56 I know I to bring religion into things generally speak but you will 0:59 always it 1:00 supports your want to support my admin. I will. Yeah. Travis said Tommy, you gronk Sunday is the start of the week, you'll find it relates to the Christian calendar, which most of us were brought up on. Yeah. I saw is just bullshit. Which is what we found a nice national, fucking whatever it is. This is this is the issue I have with Mr. 97. And I need him to get on the mic. What's your issue today with Mr. 97? Now my issue today is He's a fucking gronk. And he's he set me up? Because 97 What did you say? What? Do you remember what you said? What? In regards to the What day? Yeah, Monday. Yeah. And you started quoting you quoted the ISO. Right off Google? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. gives you a chance. Okay, straight off Google. Let's actually read straight off Google What? 1:54 You need to make sure that you both taught them the exact same thing. So you Right, yeah, sure. Start official start of the week. Okay. 2:01 All right. That Yeah. 2:02 official start of the week. We'd like to clean things up here. We're closing a loop here on the daily talk show. Ok. Ok. So 2:17 the posing Josh is because what he searched first, what I could say just a second ago, we've searched first day of the week yet, right? Okay. Yeah. And when you search 2:28 first day of the week, it says, Sunday is the day of the week after Saturday, but before Monday, Alright, thanks fuckin. This is for Eileen. 2:39 I don't care what they say about you. 2:41 According to the Hebrew calendars, and traditional Christian calendars, Sunday is the first day of the week. However, according to the international organization of standardization, ISO 8601. And what that means Sunday is the seventh and last day of the week, correct? 2:59 Yep. Contrave, I don't know how you run your business. Right. But are you working on him on a Sunday? Monday is when the kids get dropped off to school Fridays when they finish into the weekend. 3:12 Now, hopefully, Saturday, Sunday, and then back to it again on Monday. So okay, well, I'll 3:19 I'm sorry, what I said to Mr. Nice seven, because the thing is that the difference between first day of the week and googling that, yeah. And official start of the week, there's actually a different 3:31 a different. I mean, yeah, so yeah, okay. But I get it. I didn't know who like as much as you say these. And I am supporting who, who's treating their life like that, who's, I'd be surprised if there's many people like because it throws off what we actually have to conform to is like, shop, you know, a lot of shops on over I can die 3:56 this week. So if you were to say, 4:00 next, next Sunday, 4:03 this is a different this is a different conversation, because it's like saying, today's Wednesday, and he likes it and and so we're saying next next Thursday. And I've always got confused as whether next Thursday's Thursday in one week, or Thursday, which is tomorrow. And I know that a lot of people say next Thursday, if you haven't got to that day yet within the week. It is the next one, which makes sense. But and then how do you say the Thursday come a good say Thursday week? I say this Thursday? This Thursday for tomorrow? Yeah. 4:38 And mixed Thursday. For the next week. 4:43 They trade is gonna have an email to you might according to the Hebrew which a lot of us were brought up on, 4:49 somebody said. 4:52 But he can he trip? Please let us know. Have you got a problem with Josh saying next Thursday as in Thursday, and in a way, Tony? Nice. I'm one of the Bahais 5:01 do. Yeah, I've got a lot of behind mine, so I could yet associate with whatever their own. Yeah. Nice. I think 5:09 I think the jury's out on that one. jury's out on that one. I think you've got that one. Right. In, in regards to 5:15 because I get it wrong. I do exactly what you to Americanisms. Yes. I think they say men like that. They fuck it all up the next and we nearly missed finding out where what type of baby My brother's having? Is that what you're saying? The gender review is talking about? 5:34 Because of the like it base it on next Thursday or whatever, but they meant this Thursday, 5:39 you can never been more like you can always email to be detail. Like I write it when I'm writing work emails, and it gets to those moments. Are you like, are you lucky in Wednesday or whatever? You just got to put the date in there. Just do everyone a favor. Yeah. You don't want to have you know, Rocky up to a shoot on the wrong day. I saw a guy on Facebook yesterday, Instagram, Instagram stories. He's like off to South Africa. And then the next story is my flight was actually booked for another day. I forgot that I changed that. But then he then the next one after that was sorted. I want to fly it he must have status or something. So we could change 6:18 changes the scary ones. One of the booked in flight 1205. Midnight, like five minutes after midnight. And because it will show up on the next day. That's whenever I have a flight like that. Yeah, risky territory. Oh, the amount 6:32 of times I've just spent looking at my phone is like, clearly can read it. But I'm just going over it and my head is going Hang on, hang on, you're going to say it out loud because you don't trust it 6:42 trust itself in your head. 6:45 Is it 6:46 if you were at a line and you were forming a queue? 6:53 If you were associated with that line, what would you say? 6:57 Part of the line? I mean the line? Okay, yeah, 7:00 cuz in the US they don't say I'm in the line. When I say I'm on the line. I'm on the line. Yeah, I was on the line waiting for tickets now. 7:09 Yes. Series. Yeah. 7:11 Well, multiple us correspondent, Eric, please confirm that, or email, do you say because I feel like 7:17 it should definitely you're in the line not on the line. 7:20 I'm in the line. It's like, Hey, I was on the line for tickets to say it's sharp. I mean, in the line doesn't really make sense. Because you're being inside of something you said. I'm in and the line is the thing. Yeah, it is. That doesn't really make sense. When you say I'm in the line. I'm on the line. I'm on the actual line. The lines of thing. Yeah, 7:43 that's confusing. The thing is probably made, it probably makes sense. Based on we talked about cues. Yeah. So you're in a queue. Yeah. And you know, on a queue, yes. And so maybe that's part of the confusion. They say in a queue. I don't think they say q Well, fuck you. actually knew that Tommy was going to do that. 8:03 There's a suburb in Melbourne called Q. And if someone says, Do you live live in queue? And do you say and then you say, fuck you or 8:12 I love it. 8:13 Anyway, that's a real dead 8:15 we did get another we got a joke sent to us from beta. You actually said in the message to Josh which I 8:22 Well yeah, I got I get that. It's it's a very huge joke. Why do you send it not sure love getting your jokes. BK 8:32 I used to when I was a kid. That was 8:34 the main hang on it says from the bomb the email sent from Tesla. That's 8:40 Jackie Vega. Tommy's trolling BK. Tommy one said that BK had a Tesla. He doesn't he and he's now doubling down on the fact that he has it says I'm going 8:51 to bully him into getting a Tesla. But the thing is, he's always brave about having a Tesla 8:56 that he gets. He can never get one though. Why not? Is it been fields, he's got pressured into a big purchase to be pressured into to get me I want to do a show from bakers Tesla. 9:06 Coming in 2022. I know Bobby Bobby centers. A joke. Yeah. 9:11 What a baker say? 9:13 Did you hear about the monkeys who shared an Amazon account? No, I didn't. They were prime mates. Or primates. I think this is a new segment that I'll be doing of my regular joke. That's about as good as the fact you joke me. Know. So I've 9:34 I think we could make it a regular segment. So john, do you have if you do have a joke Josh joke of the week? Yeah, we'll have it eventually. We'll have a sting that will apply. 9:43 Will we? Yeah. I mean, we make a lot of promises on this podcast, there is a promise that I heard someone make on another podcast, Sam Harris. Sam Harris, neuro scientist. 9:56 atheist, just science lover. podcaster. Author, what else in the house. I just went down that rabbit hole. And I just felt like I had to keep saying things about him. I don't really know that much about him. But I like him. And he and he's he's very keen on meditation. He's a big advocate 10:14 not to be committed to 10:17 catch it. But I should meditation. I'm doing 20 minutes of meditation every morning. What are you taking? 10:23 And so he's released an app called waking up. And that's the name of his podcast as well as he he's done himself a bit of a branding incident where he's called the app, the name of what he's podcast was, and now he's changed the name of his podcast. Remember why we had to because he didn't want to confuse waking up his app with these podcast which was also waking up but he's now change it. Okay. 10:51 I think that's almost worse. 10:53 Well, he's he's, he's gonna swim through it. But he's, he's doing a good thing. Right? Because he's helping people meditate. And he's Abby's actually him running these meditation sessions, right? All like 10 minutes and just heaps of apps that do this way. Yeah. My mom's my mom's. She's quite big on a meditation app. 11:12 I just in time, I just remembered. It's my mom's 60th birthday today. Yeah. Happy birthday. Happy birthday, Lynn. I'll package this up as of this. Mr. Nice seven. This will be a snippet for Instagram. We save the confetti cannons for 11:30 celebrations, but we'll 11:32 bring on after you 70 mom was actually last night ordering her seniors calm. But getting real right. Like not before type of thing. Really? Yeah. 11:40 It says discounts. 11:44 What do you get discounts to train tickets? models never fucking quarter 11:47 trying. She doesn't even fill up her own Petris discounts, I 11:51 think, sorry, mom, some fast food places Really? 11:56 Seeing them as soon as he's preparing for six years in 45 years, or whatever it is. 12:03 Anyway, so. Yeah. So Sam Harris. I heard him on his own podcast talk about this. And it was timely because I just gone past my five day free trial. So basically has the 60 days of meditation that is available. So 60 different recordings. And I'd gone through the first five, and then the rest are kind of locked until you pay. And how did 12:27 you find the experience? 12:28 I loved it. The problem was, I went past the five. And then I just had to keep going, I listened to the fifth one. So many times 12:35 as I would a very different, like each day was working on a different sort of mind must Yeah, it's fully 12:41 starting. Like if you've never done meditation, which I've done bits and pieces, but I think it's a if you've never done it, or even if you have been doing it, you might as well go through the days, because it does. First of all, you're not worrying about like sounds and stuff. And so by the fifth day that you're thinking about listening to sound around you. And so it's like, first of its just starting to become aware. It's a bit of a structure. It's good yet. And so this is the thing I'm looking forward to getting through the 60 days. But the only problem was that I didn't have the money. In one of the accounts. I've got priorities now. What I wouldn't spend in a week on this app is probably what I'd spend on both these nappies cell phones to choose one or the other, by the nappies over this, but I was like, I'll hold off, I'll buy it. 100% and then the price fucking skyrocketed. How much should they charge? Or went from seven bucks a week to like 1695 awake, which is like this more than Netflix? I mean, it's, it is a good thing for you. So it's not as much as my gym membership, which is 20 13:44 Do you find that there's a, I feel like there's a disconnect with this meditation stuff. Because it's like, on a phone, I feel like the one thing I need to do is be on my phone last year, 13:55 you just got my papers on have just press it, put my phone down. And just that thing about meditation is if you say good enough, but if you've been doing it long, and like my mom's been doing it long enough, she doesn't need to listen to tapes and stuff she does sometimes. But she's disciplined enough to run her own meditation because otherwise you're just captured in thought. So the whole thing of him going sparking back in saying something triggers you out an email and he says, you know, you may have been often thought then yes, I can you write him. I was thinking about what I'm going to have for breakfast. And so it's all about sort of just bring you back, bring you back. And so the voice guides you through it. That's the whole thing about God meditation. Anyway, so it's skyrocketed in price. And then I'm listening to his podcast. And he This is like a new business model for him. He gets support through his website people make donations say off Patreon. He's off Patreon doesn't use that. 14:52 That's where the the the price rise came from? Well, 14:56 the panic I've heard and talk about this app in development for like a year right and he said there was so much work in is a complainer. Well, I think for recording them putting them out making sure that content rice, I guess they were It is hard. I think people just go oh, let's have an appt, let's create an app. It's not as easy as that. And it costs a lot of money to run is what he's been saying. Anyway, he believes that we've been paying way too little for apps, and subscriptions online, which I think we're primed to pay like really low, like four bucks for 95 a month for an app that if something like this a $15 app, people 15:35 in the reviews will be like this is so expensive. Yeah, exactly. But it's like it. 15:40 software used to be so much money. Yeah. And so no wonder all these 15:46 pieces of software are going to like software as a service because you know, monthly subscriptions, because otherwise, like how did they like Final Cut Pro? I bought Final Cut Pro 10. In 2011. I re downloaded it with the latest version without having to pay any more like, how is a business? Can you survive that? Or 16:08 is it Are they are owned by Apple? Right? Yeah, well, that's the only way but it's the individual businesses, that's always like, I'm not going to charge. Liesl, like I'm going to charge a good amount and what I think it's worth, so he's gone this one in, whereas like, I'm charging a lot of money. So if you want it, you can pay for it. But then he said, for people who cannot afford it, but really wanted, you can have it for free. 16:33 I don't know if you're in the category. 16:34 Well, here's the thing. I was I listened to this, I was like, is that fucking legit? Like, that's a big promise, I think about all the people that I was thinking about. For the people that do, all you have to do is email him email info at waking up.org or something. Anyway, he's just like a minimalist, and will give you a year subscription for free. And so I'm thinking, the thing is, if you don't use it, if you use it twice, and then don't use it, it's not like it really doesn't matter that he's given it to you. You've just basically done the trial. But if you stick at it and talk to people about it, that's probably a good sort of investment. I don't know if he does it again, after one year. That's a good investment on his behalf to give it away for free. Anyway, I emailed him. And he emailed back. I've got the subscription for free for a year. 17:25 Really for you. So it's like it timed? Well. It was 17:29 That's what he said he I don't know how that works, technically. But 17:32 it opened it up. Have you got your own login? 17:35 Well, so I put my email address. And so it's connected to my email address. What did 17:39 he say? And the response was it did you feel like you have to justify Did you say hey, Sam, I have the option of either buying your app or getting my son nappies. 17:48 I didn't say that. Okay, but I, I didn't get I didn't give him the sob story. But I'm sure people do. I'm sure it's just going through to somebody, but it came back and it says it's handoff from Sam which it looks like an automated email. When he says hello, we've activated your free one year subscription to the waking up app. The next step is for you to download the waking up app from your phone. But once installed, you should log in there with this email and we hope that you will share your enthusiasm forward with your friends and family. Do you think that you 18:21 would that would that now change your day to day spending in regards to positioning your mind if I can afford that app? Will you double think when it comes to buying a coffee and saying well hang on if I if you can afford two coffees a day or whatever? Can you afford the meditation app how what's the what's this guy is 18:43 this is the thing that most people are up against because I think anyone in their life has an example of where a priority is not right and may testing with I'm happy like in a few months when I've just got I can donate you can donate money to his Yeah, business or you know just he's business model on his website has a donation button. This is how he runs his business. Please do so you're you're done. 100% I will hundred percent put the money. Have you 19:12 ever gone to one of those restaurants where it's I pay what you think it's worth? Yeah. 19:16 What is it lentil is anything that is 19:19 around I went out of 19:21 business 19:22 gronk said we're going though almost about to close down. And so that they're still there but and you definitely like this is this is a vegetarian restaurant. There was one at the convent. Yeah. In Abbotsford. I think that's close to it. That's gone. But they're in prime, it's in a prime location in St Kilda. And there's a little box and it just says, you know, put in what you feel the meal was worth. What would you normally put it always put in 1010 bucks per person? 19:52 That's, that seems like a cheap meal, doesn't it? 19:55 Well, I think it's it's a vegetarian meal. It's a set menu. Amen. These things in bulk. 20:02 Order. If you probably bought it from a shop, you'd pay what $13 Yeah, 13 1415. 20:05 But I mean, yeah, I guess people like you see the people that are there. They're all kind of like hippie ish. People who probably don't work Yeah. Or just love vegetarian. People go there that have money and so I think they would be like giving five bucks or something. It's probably a bit 20:24 too long. I guess. It depends how much you can afford. Yeah, 20:26 I I was 20:29 when I didn't have much money. And I guess I had I had money but I was like not wanting to go and spend 20 bucks quite easily spin quite easy to spend 20 bucks on Tycho Idina these days. And where I lived in Albert Park, one of the most expensive suburbs in Melbourne, but I didn't know the prizes different scenario. Around the corner was a Hari Krishna temple. I am and so Hari Krishna is would all go there and they've got free food for the Hari Krishna. And so breakfast lunch and dinner. You can go there and it's a really nice experience. So there was a you went I used to go at not 21:13 every now right so did you have to sign up? 21:15 No, no sign up. Take your shoes off got started. 21:17 I know that you're with a requiring You said you had to be Hari Krishna. Hari Krishna and Hari Krishna is go there. 97 Can we just get you on the mic? It's really good having on the mic? did did did Tommy just say that you had to be Hari Krishna. He just said it was not it was a place he could rock up to and how he went there. That's really annoying. My son if you're gonna smile, do that smile. I'm supportive of that. It sounded It sounded like he was supportive. Yeah, 21:49 so 21:50 let me just move this conversation. Mr. 97 we should go there. Hurry. Krishna is the food 21:55 I think it's good. I thought I thought it would have been gronk behavior if it was rocking out 22:00 with dodge on my forehead or just the pain. Yeah, I do. And my fight Yeah, 22:05 I think it's good. And I'm calling them all 22:07 the thing it's a bit of a recruitment process. I'm sure that 22:11 it's all about pacing. Just everyone's small budgetary. And again, 22:15 it's all vegetarian. Yeah. And, and I had this dessert all it's, I don't even know what it's made of. But you would have loved it. They It was so good. I was like be buckets, like watch buckets. And that just be scooping and smiling and just giving you food. And I enjoyed it, like the gardens that the premises like the building that they would own would be five, not probably seven, 8 million bucks. Like it's a huge piece of land in the best in one of the most expensive suburbs of Melbourne. And it's just got this pristine garden. And this huge big old like, it looks like some old nunnery like an old sort of convent. It looks like an old conference yet a 22:55 different city and none arena commercial. 22:57 But it looks just it's this big old 23:01 Victorian style mansion. And in there is all these rooms and you can go in you 23:06 can make donations and stuff. What's like the what's the banter? Like? 23:09 Not a great deal. Hello. Hi. I mean, a lot of 23:15 did you go online? 23:16 A lot of Indians that are Hari Krishna was I think there was a lot of Indian people that were there. And so they a lot of them weren't speaking English. And they're all you know, they're there with their families and the kids and I kind of just was, I think it's super nice. It was really nice. And so you're respecting the culture and the and the religion that is and the environment that is in and so I just enjoyed it. I think they didn't mind it 23:41 they evangelical on 23:43 as in trying to get you in here on board and 23:46 not you know, 23:51 they didn't come up to me and say you need to join. It was nice. You just kind of got to hang out like the vibe of the people was really sweet. Yeah, really nice. So should go and do it. I've taken a few people that I've gone there with my mom the whole 24:04 year. So that's good. I think the 24:08 for me, it's the social, the social bit. That's 24:11 having to talk to them. Yeah, 24:12 like why not? Yeah, but it's not even like I love. I like deep conversations. But just the idea of a lot of people. 24:23 I don't think you have to have a deep conversation. 24:24 No, I liked it, like actually liked Bangla. I want to find out about your faith and all that sort of thing. that interests me. No, we did that brain. I actually went when we had our old apartment. We had a Hari Hari Krishna above us. And he invited us over to his house for dinner for deep for deep. Yeah. And he he was obsessed with you means brand. Are you Banda was strong. He was just like, yeah, this is you means it's great. Because it's like all organic or whatever. homeless. Yeah, yeah, it was like it was I think was a beetroot dip. So we're just at and I just remember it. Yeah, he would have been in these 50. And, 25:07 and it's I enjoy asking questions about stuff. Yeah, but I just feel like in the biggest settings, Nissan's always inviting me to things they do something called soul food, which is like 25:22 it's multi, what is it called multi religion sort of thing. They basically on a Sunday, they used to have a dude at the the library, the Victorian like the State Library in one of their rooms, and they would have like a person featured talking about a specific faith, whatever. 25:39 But you should we should go. It's an interesting experience. And I don't 25:45 I think it'd be the so there's a food truck. That's for people that cannot afford anything homeless people. What's the difference, though? But I don't think I feel like I'd be taking advantage of that if I went there. By bed. So is it a food truck at the same location? I'm talking about something different zone Island is like food shelters. All these father Bob's food truck. Yeah. It's literally across the road from my house. And you see everyone lining up. And so I mean, there this is the thing I 26:17 I can afford to each night now. I was just a bit strapped for cash, 26:22 then I thought as a great option now. Well, I remember when we were in Poland, in Krakoff there was a these places called milk bars. It's called, bro. No, milk. No, it's, I think it was I don't know when it was created. But it was it's subsidized food is really cheap. But it's high, high quality. Like it's like Melbourne cafe who's self government. And so you can go like brain I spent 15 bucks for the two of us to have like, and that's like, including drinks and like awesome coffees food. 27:01 So what's the vibe? Is it that people go there? 27:03 I think that's I think it's good because it I think it's like a bit of an equalizer. equalizer Is that right? Like just people from 27:12 what you're saying? 27:14 It I'm getting sick of it the different walks of life. Yeah, 27:17 so it's it's not set up for people who are just 27:21 homeless or whatever. So you have, you know, all different types. Yeah, I thought that was cool. 27:27 I guess the there's nothing really the equivalent, I guess. Small like not nothing government run that I could think of that's Yeah, that's all that I wonder how bad like, if there is another g FC? And I mean, we're talking about with nice and 27:42 yeah, it feels like it's something's coming. 27:44 Well, if something really bad happened, and nothing's happening that last time, like I said yesterday, but what happens with things like food, like what are you doing? What a pig can catch him by June will be cracking that is going off the shelf? But I mean, what how happens, or does the government come to help? I don't know if it will happen to that degree. Yeah. But I mean, yeah, I guess the way it's 28:09 just stopping over it's 28:11 Yeah, it's it would have to go to 28:14 Mr. 97 goes like the peanut company. The large company. What does it go? royal royal? Not too bad. How many? Not? Not just so this is what I thought I was like, Man, it's a big place for just nuts. And there's a title of the show. 28:31 But it actually has like black beans and shit. Oh, yeah. Miss 97 had five kilos 28:36 while black banks. Yeah, if the thing is people can be fussy when 28:43 they don't my leftovers eat a porridge even though you're like porridge. So you'd make a big vat of porridge. And talking about black bed 28:51 food. 28:52 The moment he's taken he's taking the bait know the wasn't even bet there's nothing on the hook, but he still bit the hook. 29:00 What I'm trying to do or what I'm trying to understand at the moment with food is you know how we've done some weights. We do weights, that's a thing that we do. And so, when am I meant to be to be able to gain muscle? I need to be eating more food than I need. Yes, correct. No, no, not necessarily. calorically need you I need? Sorry, do I need to have more calories than I burn in a day? Like what's the deal? 29:29 Because you can you can build muscle at deficit like a deficit calories and very hard for most people. So calories out versus calories in very hard to build muscle with lower calories in the new putting it and the problem is that this has opened up a huge issue for me, or he's just like I'm now being like, well, if I want to start gaining muscle, I'm gonna have to eat more. Yeah, problem is that I'm now eating more. scouse and my cough put on a kilo and a ha This is but the thing is I'm like You know what, I think it's must be muscle. Sure. I mean, is that risky? Like a minute when you're looking at one or two kilos either way you're in trouble because and that's I know you've gone from the School of thinking you know why like I need to get down or it's like it's here and and this is the benchmark and I've got to get it lower goes higher in fact, whereas like at the start of the way God can wind 90 and by midway god why 30:30 have I lost two kilos of muscle or two kilos of fat? Probably not it's probably just water. It's probably just bloat from eating shit on the weekend and then getting strict it takes years to build one bodybuilder was like, Dude 10 years to build it like 10 kilos of muscle like have consistent training. So when you're not this is this problem with scales ate you ate three meals a day for you. It's not for everybody. But I think you just got to have more protein. I don't want to give you advice. I can rato middle planet if you need 31:01 man. That's 31:02 okay. I know exactly what I need to wait. Yeah, we biscuits at night being a mom and dads and being like, you know what, this is going to push me over. But maybe that's the exact shock in the system that I need. 31:14 I think the thing is you can type is losing weight and my body changing. And I've been eating healthy five days a week and eating shit. The other three Yeah, and slowly lowering the sheet over the three days I think 31:27 I need to pick one I think I need to be like at the moment I'm not trying to build muscle because otherwise I feel like I'm tricking myself and saying you know what, like all the mentors that I had yesterday Yeah, this is a problem. 31:41 The sugars don't have them and it stops you from building muscle. This is the thing you could build heaps of muscle 31:47 the mentors packets 31:49 you know you've been caught in a corporate environment this 31:51 is the problem with this could never work in corporate we did a corporate video so I thought I had five that's me. I said to Bry I had 31:58 246 aight that's what you put here. Is it 10 lace Yes. That's not going to stop you from building muscle yeah all the way from I want to build muscle like if you could 32:10 is that going to help me build muscle no little bit of shock in the system now not 32:14 not there's no protein in that 32:16 Yeah, but I thought you know sugars opens up the fucking This was imagine when I was at 32:21 protein to fucking build any form of muscle. 32:25 But so I did. Yeah, okay, now I get that I get if 32:29 the focus is training every second day or training five days away. Like 32:38 the hard thing is to like do everything the hard thing is to do your diet new exercise. And you know all the sleep all at once. This is the thing I just 32:47 remember hearing someone said you know, the biggest The hardest thing about weightlifting or gaining muscle is eating enough food. I just stuck with me. I might you know what if there's one thing that I could win on eating enough food, you can then geek out in the healthy food trailer, what kind of food you having and the types and shit which is like the people who are obsessed with the types of food and sticking to the macros say 33:11 sort of. That's a good formula with training. But I get skinny if I don't eat, and I try it like it doesn't really matter. I'd like I just lose is one of the things he it's like the reverse. You know, you've lost weight. It's like people tell me. Oh, you're looking slim. Like that's a negative. Fancy bribe. Trying to bulk over here. Yeah. 33:34 Someone who's bulking jack post. We're having him on the show. You were having him on the show tomorrow. But now he's a he's a guy who's fucking busy bulking? Yeah. Well, he's adding a lot of muscle. Is he someone who was like never really muscle muscular? Is this a conscious thing? Or you think it is we should ask him? She's like, No, you just No, no, I know. I know that he's been making an active effort. Over the years 33:58 while we were in the competition together. The fit comic, the kind of remember was it was the first year was fatties. And then next year was something different, but there was like 10 or 15 of us. And we all try and build as much muscle as we could. And he was in the second year. And so I know he was training. Anyway, 34:18 it was mainly just a taste for tomorrow. 34:21 JACK Josh has been admiring your physique. Yeah, 34:23 and we want to talk to you about your physique. Tomorrow 34:27 there'll be tomorrow to Delhi talk show. Hi the daily talk show.com if you want to send us an email like BK did, yeah. Or like Dude, I think there's probably nothing more to discuss in regards to the Monday Sunday thing i'm sure trading closed CASE 34:41 CLOSED case who was 34:44 I don't give a fuck. I don't care enough. The real thing is it is it on the line or in the line. 34:52 What are you doing over us bro? You in the line are on the line. Have a good one guys. See you guys.