#944 – Big Cup Company/
- January 25, 2021
We chat about Tommy getting woken up by a cat, mosquitoes in Geelong and we announce some new TDTS merch – Big Cups!
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
- Josh is hyperactive
- Tommy’s run in with a cat
- Dash Cams
- Iced Lattes
- Mosquitoes
- Reading update
- Big Cup Company
Email us: hi@thedailytalkshow.com
Send us mail: PO BOX 400, Abbotsford VIC 3067
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY.
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Tommy Jackett: [00:00:00] Very low barrier to get into the drone spot.
Josh Janssen: [00:00:07] We've committed to do the daily talk show for 10 years. I had guys just like to check the temperature in the room. I told you my squeegee story.
It's the daily talk show episode 944.
Tommy Jackett: [00:00:23] How are we?
Josh Janssen: [00:00:25] What is
Tommy Jackett: [00:00:25] going on? We're just being silly. Yeah, we have a threw me off. I intro what is happening? What is going on Gronk
Josh Janssen: [00:00:30] apparently, um, uh, Jess was saying that I'm hyperactive today.
Tommy Jackett: [00:00:34] Um, so you've, you've, uh, one of the first nights at your new place where you come into work the following day and you're into this new routine, which we had a meeting this morning and, um, it was nine 30 and he got here like a few minutes before, because it took you an hour to walk from your new place.
And it's six minutes, I think, which is a big walk, but the reason I think you're hyperactive, unless you were having monster energy drinks on the way in is because of the endorphins. This could be Josh Janssen actually happier. I'm not saying, is this a sign that Jess thinks you're just a sad sack and you've actually just done a bit of exercise and felt good.
I think.
Josh Janssen: [00:01:16] Do you know what I think it is? It's when I have my own day. Like sorted. Like, I feel like I don't, there's no nothing that's I don't have any responsibilities for anyone else. And I can just focus on what I need to focus on. You'd love being
Tommy Jackett: [00:01:30] a dad. And so what does that mean though? Is break that down.
Cause you've got a partner. So you do think about someone else. Of course. Do you just mean a work
Josh Janssen: [00:01:39] day? Yes. So I mean, like there's, there's nothing today that I have on that I don't want to do. This is the feeling, this is the feeling that I had. Uh, a few months ago when I was on a project and you and I got in the car and I said, I was like, man, having George is so good.
I just feel so good that, uh, tomorrow I don't have to edit this I'm on cloud nine. I was like, so fired up. And then the next morning we had a whip and Jess and I were speaking and she said, um, uh, so you've got that edit now. And I, I went full sold. What do you mean? I thought George was don't know George's is out today
Tommy Jackett: [00:02:20] and it was a remote meeting, so it was just silence.
Josh Janssen: [00:02:23] I've got to go. I think he's frozen. I think Zoom's not working and I'm this hyperactive and I have a cold sore. Yeah. That's I
Tommy Jackett: [00:02:30] mean, that's that is seeing, you know, Saying the best. What is thing saying God having a cold sore Sachs.
Josh Janssen: [00:02:39] What is the saying though? Say Rose colored glasses. No, no. There's like saying the
Tommy Jackett: [00:02:47] right side of life.
Josh Janssen: [00:02:48] No glass, either half full sitting there saying, seeing the
Tommy Jackett: [00:02:52] roses instead of the stop and smell
Josh Janssen: [00:02:54] the roses. No, it's not that one. Either seeing the, something over the something, seeing the high at the dailies, Oxford. And what are we trying to say?
Tommy Jackett: [00:03:03] Well, last night I got woken up. Just Brody bang at the door.
Oh, he's preparing he's. No, no, no.
Josh Janssen: [00:03:15] He does. You worried about how often
Tommy Jackett: [00:03:18] he is a dog or he just likes to sort of get into being a puppy? It's funny because kids like to be babies as well. Anyway, I got woken up by this cat. We don't own a cat. I'm not a fan of CA like it's a fine, but I'm not a fan of them.
Josh Janssen: [00:03:36] Anyway, just so you're in bed and it's meowing and it's at your door.
Tommy Jackett: [00:03:40] It must be because it's so close and it's so loud and it, and it sounded like it was distressed, but, and I still don't care. Still did not care until I needed to go get something from the car. I had like a button eyes and I wanted to, I couldn't sleep.
You know, when you wake up, you're like, I need, like, you need to clear your sinuses. Bri has some
Josh Janssen: [00:03:59] serious sinus issues. Where do you reckon you go for that nose? Doctor, ear
Tommy Jackett: [00:04:04] and
Josh Janssen: [00:04:04] nose doctor. That'd be there. Isn't it. It's sort of.
Tommy Jackett: [00:04:07] That'd be the best. It's a lot they covered after. Well, they cover that, you know, out the top,
Josh Janssen: [00:04:11] you could just call it a sinus.
Tommy Jackett: [00:04:13] Yeah. Except they don't do assholes. Um, no, sorry. It's something from the car. I didn't check the time. Um, because you know, it's annoying if you're having to get up at night and you didn't, it, it could be four and then that's really annoying. And so from my calculation, it probably was like 3:00 AM. It was still the middle of the night.
I opened the front door. Fucking little pussies at the front
Josh Janssen: [00:04:38] ran runs off. You've told this whole story. So you could say you're
Tommy Jackett: [00:04:41] happy, go down to the car. And I realized the cars open, like it's, I, I just left it unlocked, lifted, unlocked, but the cat had run down to the bottom of our driveway and was just looking back at me.
I was like for one Gronk, whoever the owner is, you will have to leave your cat out at night. I mean, it could have got out. And then I anyway, got my stuff from the cutaway and back to bed. I have been trying to work this out. There's something out in my backyard. I saw a shit and it wasn't Bodie was an Amy.
It was no, it wasn't made this thing, looked like a dog shit. Like, and I'm convinced because our property, you can't, you got to get through the side gate. And then I was like, that's a dot with something being in here, someone taking their dog into our backyard and just let it crap. Um, it's a cat scary.
It's the cat dude.
Josh Janssen: [00:05:34] You need security. Like how good a security camp. I feel like you have over the last six months, you've become obsessed with the idea of security cameras.
Tommy Jackett: [00:05:43] I'm just, I don't know what to fork out. How much should I fork out to get some, but it would be solved if I had security cameras, I would know.
Was it a cat or was it an intruder with a dog? Cause cats just jumped the fence, but I don't know. Cats. Well, but if you've got a cat and you've made you've come in thought a dog's entered this house is your cat. Nah,
Josh Janssen: [00:06:05] no, but it was me. Aling didn't sound too
Tommy Jackett: [00:06:07] big. I mean, cats mowing sound feeling like they sound sort of like, well, I was just thinking about the, there a fee line and the soft it's like a female's voice is usually quite what is a fair line?
Feline is a cat. Isn't it? A feline.
Josh Janssen: [00:06:26] So when, when I said, Oh, you know what, mountain? Yeah. I was like a feline. It is
Tommy Jackett: [00:06:30] a Fe line, but it's think about a cat, a dog roof,
Josh Janssen: [00:06:35] a cat. Is there some
Tommy Jackett: [00:06:37] difference? Is there a connection in male cats don't sound that aggressive. They're not going
Josh Janssen: [00:06:42] male. But you were saying that a feline has something to do with female
Tommy Jackett: [00:06:48] that's right.
I don't know. I don't think there's male and female cats, but I was like, they're a bit fam cats or fam, even if they're boys that you're again, soft nature. Like they're not like a rough people say, like it
Josh Janssen: [00:07:03] has more sort of independent. Yeah. They're like, uh, the cats
Tommy Jackett: [00:07:06] have testosterone, male ones you think they would feel on you think that would.
Josh Janssen: [00:07:13] what ended up happening.
Tommy Jackett: [00:07:15] So I'm convinced that this cat I saw last night, was it shit. And it shot like a dog, like a big,
Josh Janssen: [00:07:22] so just so you know, relating to, or affecting cats or other members of the cat family is a fair line, uh, resembling or suggestive of a cat.
Tommy Jackett: [00:07:33] Yeah. Look, people love cats. So, you know, I'm just not a fan of them, but.
I'm onto this cat, I'm onto this cat. I want to know where it's from. I want to know who it's own is R and R and I want to, I want to take it. Yeah,
Josh Janssen: [00:07:47] well, it'd be good to, so my dad, when we had possums, Near our house. He painted at the tail because he was, he thought that it kept coming back every time we would catch it and then let it go.
Tommy Jackett: [00:07:59] Well, the possums all look the same. That's the thing you can't have. Do you, unless it's got a pink tail from me, dad. Yeah. You don't know. I mean, it's probably more of an offense to paint someone's cat than it is to spray the tail of it. Possibly. You probably can't do either. It's not right. Um, on the way to work this morning, driving down our street.
I see this car window just smashed out and it's like, they had a hook and they smashed the window and pulled the window. The whole sort of that it's like safety glass just on the ground. And I was like this poor bugger. I know this house horrible. So I drove, we drove past it and so, Oh, well guy lucky my wallet didn't get stolen out of the car that I had left open.
Um, now the street now, the car young people had to do got this sitters on habits. No, no, this, Oh shit, this is in bullying, bullying. And so there's been some, some absolute Grong who's gone around smashing, so you
Josh Janssen: [00:08:59] really need cameras at this point.
Tommy Jackett: [00:09:02] And they cameras because with dash cam
Josh Janssen: [00:09:04] would be, so if you had a dash cam that would be handy too, that you could have on like motion sensors, because you can do that.
Well, most
Tommy Jackett: [00:09:11] of the dash cams are they like there. Well, some of you can probably have running all the time when you're driving, but then when you stopped, it just turns on dirt. If you want a good two hours to kill, watch dash cam footage, you're into it. I've watched Simon. I had to stop watching it because all like Ozzy dash cam drivers,
like just the it's it's the reaction you give when you run up the back of someone. Or someone does it to you. It's just, but Bodie was yelling
Josh Janssen: [00:09:48] it's it's not, uh, not a good look. Absolutely not. Um, with my, uh, walking it's 40 degrees in Melbourne. Can we just talk about the hate for a second? Let's get me a hot day.
It was hot yesterday, only 35
Tommy Jackett: [00:10:01] mate. Yesterday. I was walking to the pub. And I was like, I'm fucking dry down. And so
Josh Janssen: [00:10:08] I'm so I'm like, so dehydrated, like, so I've been working towards hydration for the last two days. I think I'm still, I'm not joking. I think I'm still dehydrated from the Grampians three weeks
Tommy Jackett: [00:10:21] ago.
Josh Janssen: [00:10:22] Yeah. Yeah, I know, but I'm drinking heaps, more water, but also, um, with this hot weather, I've got to change my coffee order. I can't just do my normal coffee. Are you getting, what
Tommy Jackett: [00:10:35] are you gonna actually drink? Hot coffee this morning, but it's, if it's morning time, I can do it. But yeah. So dude, I'll tell you what, if you live in Melbourne, you haven't been to the Fitzroy gardens, man.
It's beautiful Bodhi. And I just wandered through there. It was very hard on Saturday morning. So he just, he was on his scooter and I was walking. It was just magic, these old trees and there's a little cafe there and it was hot and I was sweaty. Um, and so I got to, yeah, what's a good,
Josh Janssen: [00:11:06] well, I feel like there's so many different sorts of Isilon.
Like when you say an ice latte, you could end up with ice cream. Well, I
Tommy Jackett: [00:11:14] said to her, what, when you say ass latte, what does it look like? She said, no, she knew exactly what you're thinking and what I was thinking. She said, So a long black on ice, or you have just a lighter, a shot of coffee, milk ice, or you've got the one with ice cream.
She said that you've got the one with ice
Josh Janssen: [00:11:32] cream, but then there's a one. So I don't want, I don't want the normal cup because it gets soggy. So I want the plastic cup, dolphin
Tommy Jackett: [00:11:42] killer. You want the dolphin killer
Josh Janssen: [00:11:44] recyclable. They do put, um, a paper straw, which is a whole nother issue.
Tommy Jackett: [00:11:49] I literally was thinking, I w when I was ordering it, I was like, I really hope it comes in the plastic.
And there's something about the ice clanging together. As you walk, you feel very. American like that your husband, you feel that America now, but I reckon the Americans are onto that fucking, like, like, they're thinking about the ice drinks that they have food here. Yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:12:18] I feel like maybe because we went to LA and then a couple of months later we went into lockdown.
I feel like every situation that I've been in. I think, Oh, this reminds me. If I lie, let's just bang out. I was walking on a straight, this reminds me of ally, but I think it might be the way I think it's the weather as well. But, um, yeah, the, I wish there was a universal way to get a cold coffee that where you don't have to over-explain.
Tommy Jackett: [00:12:47] Yeah. Well, it's, it's also the venue that you go to because. They can just stuff it. And so, I mean, I've got the old one with ice cream before I was so devastated and I enjoyed it, but I didn't
Josh Janssen: [00:13:05] want to eat it. Do you want them to have many mosquitoes near your joint?
Tommy Jackett: [00:13:09] Um, at our place, we've got, we've got some at the front door.
They're always waiting for this. They like, this is where they come in. I'm going to kill them is a real big problem at, at my son's daycare. And I, and he
Josh Janssen: [00:13:21] ends up with mosquitoes. Have you seen his legs? Oh, yeah. Yeah, dude. That was what I was like as a kid.
Tommy Jackett: [00:13:28] Could you say your mom classic, um, to call them school sores?
They weren't school sores. That's a pretty serious thing. School
Josh Janssen: [00:13:35] sores, I would say. Yeah, like, um, your, the school saw kid because he keeps scratching your saws. You scared because I would get like I would. And so last night, like the last two nights, we, I don't know where they've come from, but we've had mosquitoes in our room.
And I just, I actually woke up, I went to bed at maybe a, it was like nine 45, 1130. I woke up and the bottom of my feet were so itchy because they'd been fucking like sucking in my feet. Like I've got real veiny feet.
and then I was just wondering like, yeah, as a kid, they loved my blood. And I wonder if there's mechanisms because then I don't like spraying shit around. I ended up putting on some, um, some, some stuff. What is it called? What's the mosquito stuff I can read, read. And then I also took an anti-histamine because it was it's going to fucking stop all my.
Um, the, the bites. Yeah. Yeah. So like, if you get a bunch of butts yeah. If you get like an insect or something to bitten, you just take an anti-histamine Docker. When you think about it, you think about what is the, uh, when you get a rash or something, or you've got the w what's it doing? It's sending.
Histamine. Yeah. And so what do you want your anti-histamines?
Tommy Jackett: [00:15:02] Um, several specific factors can attract mosquitoes, including the carbon dioxide. You inhale your body odor and your body temperature. I think it's a
Josh Janssen: [00:15:13] temperature cause I run. Really hot. And so Brie doesn't get bitten nearly as much. So
Tommy Jackett: [00:15:20] a combination of these factors likely makes certain people more attractive.
So maybe you're a, maybe you're a tree. Well threatened. Yeah. I'm hot.
Josh Janssen: [00:15:28] I'm hot in the mosquito. You
Tommy Jackett: [00:15:30] inhale carbon dioxide, your body odor. You still have gone for your fate, but they love it. Um, it's a real problem. I remember this kid who was like you to hear those things. When you're young, it could be like a.
Oh, you know what I've styled, but this one kid was like, Oh, it wasn't that. Cause he was telling me it's something that he did, but he's like, mate, I can, I can hold my hand and get them like when I'm mosquitoes on it. He's like, once I let it suck the blood until it pull up,
Josh Janssen: [00:16:00] I was wondering how
Tommy Jackett: [00:16:01] long you, how long can they suck for?
Well, it's, there's nothing worse. And I, and I don't know. I mean, you think here about malaria and things being transferred through mosquitoes. Isn't there something in Jalong at the moment. I know Jess was there over the weekend, put it back. You've
Josh Janssen: [00:16:17] gotta be, you gotta be careful of mosquitoes, I think at the moment.
Tommy Jackett: [00:16:21] what does that, we're pretty fortunate here in this country in terms of the disease from mosquitoes, but malaria is a real big issue, but there is nothing worse than smacking a mozzie. And it pour and it just a big bit of blood and the like who's is that, is that, is that Trevor next door as well as you know, it's a small, dead caucus.
It's it's fucked the worst, man.
Josh Janssen: [00:16:51] Yeah. So it's, it's saying there is, um, something happening health advisory.
Tommy Jackett: [00:16:56] Uh, Atlas look out.
Josh Janssen: [00:16:59] So it says how health warning on mosquitoes and a Ross river virus in Southwest Victoria or not? Residents and visitors in the surf coast, Jalong and Bellarine peninsula areas of Victoria are being warranted to protect themselves against mosquito, born diseases, such as Ross river virus and Barmah forest virus.
Ross river virus has been detected in mosquitoes in Anglesea all the, um, Which fucks with it. They
Tommy Jackett: [00:17:37] just take him out. Oh, Ross river. Yeah, dude. That's no good man. Anyway, you've um, I feel like, like when I'd go to your apartment where you used to live, you'd have the doors wide open. And I would think to myself, I wonder if these guys get mosquitoes, I should've just asked you
Josh Janssen: [00:17:50] didn't get a huge, so on certain sort of weather days when we lived in, um, so we used to live in Abbotsford before the last apartment.
It was a, um, on the river, on the river and there. You would get mosquitoes because it's near water. And so you'd get a lot at, at, at that
Tommy Jackett: [00:18:07] point, your place now you're working.
Josh Janssen: [00:18:09] There's just that I've just got to work out where it's like, they're not as, so at the, um, do you leave the doors open? So there was one.
So there's one like bathroom sort of thing that you can sort of like crack open. And I reckon that because it's got like an unsweet thing, I think that's how it's getting old. Say the
Tommy Jackett: [00:18:25] Bray can't breathe from your sheets or
Josh Janssen: [00:18:30] we have to pick one. No, we've got two toilets. So I, um, uh, we've set, we've separated at the shitting versus the general getting ready, which is nice.
Uh, no, we, no, we both know we both. There's something. If you can avoid brushing your teeth or keeping your toothbrush next to a toilet that you're shitting in, I think it's good hygiene, but it's a luxury.
Tommy Jackett: [00:18:55] It is a fact of life. Everything we're talking about is a luxury. No mosquitoes. Kelly is,
Josh Janssen: [00:19:00] did you end up, um, Rating.
Tommy Jackett: [00:19:04] What, as
Josh Janssen: [00:19:05] in, in general, I just know that you had, I bought it
Tommy Jackett: [00:19:08] yeah. Around us. Yeah. I've got that. I read the first bit, that book. Wasn't what I thought it was going to be.
Josh Janssen: [00:19:13] When you say first bit, do
Tommy Jackett: [00:19:14] you mean the blurb NASA? There's it's an interesting layout. So it's like, it's a picture book. It's almost, almost it's, it's almost like a quote book.
So you ha you see Instagram. Yeah. You see the book and then half of the book. So there's like, it's like a sandwich. The center contents is this Brown paper that is quotes and has kind of like some imagery on it. And so I've got up to the quotes bit, I read the first bit, but then I'd even just, it's interesting.
These people who release books that. You hear the content they've said the content and it's almost like they've had a ghost written or, or they've just written a keynote, give the keynote and then write that that's the book. And so I'd read a lot of it, but that's when my plans changed to go overseas. Oh, sorry.
Two plans changed going to Sydney and I had big plans for my rating, but I've started writing Georgie boy. Gavis awesome books. And so, yeah. I'm going to get through all the George's books at some point. But, um, yeah, the
Josh Janssen: [00:20:14] excuses are interesting. I mean, you pulled up, pulled me up on Friday because I was pissed off that I didn't have a big cup.
Tommy Jackett: [00:20:24] Oh, you're talking about your water and you're talking about wanting to drink more water. And I, all I hear is I need a big class
Josh Janssen: [00:20:30] like it, so I was looking online. The size that I want. I had it once in the U S America, you know, they do a big 32 ounce, like big, like, so when like the diners
Tommy Jackett: [00:20:44] 32 ads, like, you know how much is in that?
Josh Janssen: [00:20:46] I don't know. I know, I know the physicality of it. It's about, I did look it up. It's it's close to a liter it's over 900 mills, 32 acres. It's fucking huge. But one thing that I do like about the U S. Tell me, man. He's the, um, he's the water situation like there because they're, they're sort of, they get tips and all that sort of thing.
They're very good at making sure your glasses filled, but also they're not giving you like George and I were talking about it in Australia, you get hipster glasses, like it fits like it's like a shot of water. Whereas in the States you can fill up on water at a diner. And so anyway, I'm trying to find the perfect.
Cop there was a cup that, um, one of my favorite, fast food places in the U S is called Dickey's barbecue. It's great. And it's like, um, they have the big yellow cup, uh, and like a big slope. Yeah. And so you can take it like you are. I think you pay a dollar and you get refills once, something like that. And I even went on to eBay and found a supersize me cup, like a.
McDonald's one from back in the day. And so I nearly bought that, but I was spending 15 minutes. Like I'd already spent many, many hours at home trying to find something. I found some salute, but I'm trying to find a local solution where I can just go to a fucking target or K-Mart and just pick something up, like a big, like, I want it to look like, like one solution I found, um, at our house was a vase using a VARs.
Just seems a bit silly to use
Tommy Jackett: [00:22:24] a, uh, I mean, it's the, it's not problem.
Josh Janssen: [00:22:29] Yeah. So that's what you were saying. You said you pointed out the fact that I had a very large two liter bottle next to me. It was on your desk. Yeah. As I was complaining, but there's something nice about, and if anyone else agrees, let me know drinking out of a large glass.
Oh, is
Tommy Jackett: [00:22:46] it? I mean, office places is usually. You've got your glass. I had my mug when I worked in chip and I haven't really like, I've had your mug when I worked here. Like I just seem to like everyone else's cups,
Josh Janssen: [00:23:00] Tommy jacket
Tommy Jackett: [00:23:01] move. Oh, is that just a bottle? Well, I dunno, I think I just, this was in the car.
Where's it come from? I don't know, I actually don't know your car came from Micah. It, um, I'm definitely more onto it. Like I filled up a bottle of water before we left to take. And when I took her to the gardens, cause kids, they need water and they can't sort themselves out like you get to provide, but
Josh Janssen: [00:23:25] you also don't want to have to keep refilling.
So there was a, um, Uh, there's, there's a YouTube channel that I watch. So, uh, queen Gronk, Gemma once told me about this. Do you know, um, Whitney Paul? No. Do you know the
Tommy Jackett: [00:23:40] Hills Whitney from the Hills? I guess I just know her as just Whitney. I said,
Josh Janssen: [00:23:47] but I don't even know, but when you in the Hills, so Whitney had another show.
Do you remember what that was called?
Tommy Jackett: [00:23:54] Meet the porters? No, the
Josh Janssen: [00:23:56] port, port the port, no. Um, Make the portrait, but I think, uh, no, the city. Okay. So she moved to New York and so she's in ISO, uh, Whitney and her Timmy. I think it's funny. Timmy's like Tommy, like you can't laugh
Tommy Jackett: [00:24:14] now. Timmy,
Josh Janssen: [00:24:16] Timmy, Timmy is as childish as Tommy.
So don't you?
Tommy Jackett: [00:24:19] Yeah. Timmy's, Tommy's more childish than Tommy.
Josh Janssen: [00:24:24] No, I think that you've just revealed a massive blind spot. Timmy's Tommy. It's not, it's actually, uh, led a difference and it's got the why at the end. Right?
Tommy Jackett: [00:24:35] So there's Timothy Tim. Timmy.
Josh Janssen: [00:24:38] Yeah. There's Thomas, Tom,
Tommy Jackett: [00:24:41] Tommy, Tommy, but like Joshy. Yeah.
Joshua, Josh Joshie.
Josh Janssen: [00:24:46] Can we start calling me
Tommy Jackett: [00:24:47] Joshy now? Um, I think, uh, who called, does anyone call you that? I've
Josh Janssen: [00:24:52] had it a couple of times,
Tommy Jackett: [00:24:54] but Joshie sounds different to Tommy because what Josh
Josh Janssen: [00:24:57] Joshie, I think, um, I've definitely, I feel like any
Tommy Jackett: [00:25:00] time in any one, like no one on the birth certificate is called Joshy
Josh Janssen: [00:25:05] maybe.
And you think people are called Tommy on their birth certificate. Okay. Anyway, um, Timmy, Timmy, Timmy, Timmy, and we have been watching old episodes of the city. And they show. So Timmy to me was, I I'm a producer on the show, was he? And so they ended up together, but during this time, like when they were doing the city, they weren't together obviously.
And so Whitney was dating all these other people. There's a huge, like, It is such a good, such a
Tommy Jackett: [00:25:36] good show. And so you've been binging
Josh Janssen: [00:25:39] this. Yes it's. Um, so we bought it on iTunes. That's it? TV shows or whatever, but then we, you can just watch the reactions, which is just as good, just watching them on the home, on their own.
But what we've been doing is watching the whole thing and then watching the reaction. And it's great content. It's, it's very good. But anyway, the reason I bring this up is because I'm always jealous. They have really large cups that they just sit and watch TV and then drinking water and it's got ice.
Tommy Jackett: [00:26:10] So they're, see-through, they're not brand.
Josh Janssen: [00:26:11] Yes, they glass, but they're beak. Yeah, because the problem is that if they're small, this is what I do. Like if I'm at home and I need a glass of water, I fill up the glass of water. Scarlet and then refill, because I know that by the time I get to the couch to the couch, I'm going to want to drink again.
Yes, exactly. I do the exact size, like just a big fucking clap that is even thought about like a big cup company,
Tommy Jackett: [00:26:39] big meaty cup.
Josh Janssen: [00:26:41] But I think that, um, if we could get, did I just say George, it was that one on my views on a delay. Um, the. It would be great to have the daily talk show in a message,
Tommy Jackett: [00:26:55] a big cap, like, is that what you you've?
This thing has gone full circle. You're like you get your cup because now it's a branded cup.
Josh Janssen: [00:27:04] No, I'm just thinking about if we're going to be the cup company, the big cup company, we might as well
Tommy Jackett: [00:27:11] brand them. Let me look that up. I haven't looked it up. Big cup company is if that isn't around big cup company, do you think we
Josh Janssen: [00:27:19] should start it?
Um, we
Tommy Jackett: [00:27:22] just do big queries. There's already a business called company and they're in, um, they're in, on a
Josh Janssen: [00:27:31] big, is it domain name available? Big cup.
Tommy Jackett: [00:27:36] I think they're in box Hill. Big coffee cup cafe. I know your probably I know the problem you're trying to solve. It's it's spot on. So or do you want them to be like retro?
Yeah. Big
Josh Janssen: [00:27:50] cup company.com is available. Is it?
Tommy Jackett: [00:27:54] And so they just sell big cups.
Josh Janssen: [00:27:56] That's what we could do. Yeah. You get a big and the tagline could be
Tommy Jackett: [00:28:01] big thirst. You need a big cup,
Josh Janssen: [00:28:04] big hydration for big goals. Yeah. Yeah. Like it, we could put a rum dusk quote on it.
Tommy Jackett: [00:28:11] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Be here now. Yeah. What can we
Josh Janssen: [00:28:15] do?
What do you think? Aura, Josh Dan's in quota. So big cup company. So guys, if you've got a big cup company today, a big cup company.com, you can buy the only new merch for the daily talk show, which is the daily torture cup. Yes. With our
Tommy Jackett: [00:28:31] logo. Yes. How long is this going to take you to see it? A few other things I'll do, but I'm
Josh Janssen: [00:28:36] planning my day and you got tomorrow off.
Tommy Jackett: [00:28:38] So yeah. Yeah. Now I'll drink out of a big cup. Okay. There's there's a few things. Yeah. Look, let's forget all
Josh Janssen: [00:28:46] the barriers. Yeah. Well, I know what you're going to say. Why not have two smaller cups, but it's a pain in the ass. Nah, I'm all for a big
Tommy Jackett: [00:28:53] gap. There's something indulged in about a guy just slipping at a bit.
Josh Janssen: [00:28:58] Yeah. You don't want to. I think the point that Jess was making is all of a sudden, you have to worry about your laptop,
Tommy Jackett: [00:29:04] uh, as it's on your desk, we just do daily
Josh Janssen: [00:29:06] backups. No, we will be backup footage. We're not
Tommy Jackett: [00:29:14] animals anyway. Right? Big, big, big can company, company.com. It's a
Josh Janssen: [00:29:21] great demand is good. All right.
Uh, it's a daily talk show. Enjoy the rest of your day with Cinemark guys. Have a good one.
Tommy Jackett: [00:29:26] Hey guys.