#551 – Send Us Cash In The Mail/
- December 19, 2019
Today we chat about accidentally snitching on your neighbour, sun protection, receiving and opening other people’s mail, and sending cash in the mail.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– The hottest day on record
– Snitching on your neighbour
– Skin cancer and checks
– Opening other people’s mail
– Josh’s old property
– Sending cash in the mail
– Gold vs the S&P 500
– Bodhi’s last day at daycare
Send us cash in the mail: PO BOX 400, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Email us: hi@bigmediacompany.com.au
The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
Episode Tags
It's the daily Talk Show Episode 551. What's going on guys? It is December 19, at 3:28pm here in Melbourne. Guess what time it is in New York City.
It's like, very early in the morning 11:28pm pm. Damn it. I was gonna say that. I know when you feel in your heart you should have said the other thing. I didn't think I should have said later at night so but I went the opposite way. I might been Harlem who lives in New York City. I saw that he was doing some Instagram stories. It is potentially snowing in New York. I mean to confirm that No. 17 looks better. Yeah, because a lot of people try and go to New York for a white Christmas and it doesn't deliver really. It doesn't necessarily snow around Christmas time. could get a blizzard later in, you know, January or a friend of mine said lives in London. And he said I said it's been snowing. is it now? Not yet. He said but like February
blizzards and shit like it gets real bad so that's like no any Christmas. I'd love a white Christmas never had one never I mean, one year it snowed in Australia or in Victoria on Christmas at like Falls Creek or something which is if you're not from Australia that is pretty outrageous because it's yesterday. hottest day ever. I didn't say that. Yes. He said on TV you saying that be hairy to the park? Okay, it's the hottest ever as a national average across Australia. Wow. When was my only hot 40 something Yeah, well, when they posted the
the the images where the it shows the colour of the country and it's so red. Yeah. Is that actually a true representation of that like a heat map? I think there was a bit of an eye on that and how he posted that photo I saw it was like
super Australia just raid because it's hard as foki
one baby that didn't sleep too well.
Was my baby. I don't know about you babies had you slept last night? And it says, You were a bit tired when you came in this morning. Yeah. Were you up a bit light? No, no, I went to bed at
10 o'clock. Did dad have to come in and sleep by your bed and hold your hand for a bit? No, I had to do that for buddy. Really? He was like he was just getting out of he's caught every few minutes to do that now. Yeah, but he was being so cute because he was tired. He was coming in and just like, tomorrow morning, we'll we'll go down, make smoothie, have some toasts and maybe do some dancing. I was like, so I was loving it. But just like Matt, you need to go to bed. And so the only way I could put into sleep was going into his room and bring your pillow and lying on the ground and having my hand into his cot.
Yes, I know you fall asleep. I was so tired. I was not not a proper sleep. But I just did it. So he would start the sleep like drift off. And then he did and so but it was
It was like he didn't get to bed till after 10 nowhere con, we've got a con, but for some reason he was just hot and restless. We've got like evaporative cooling, very suburban, you know, you look around the roofs and there's a bunch of these evaporative units on top. I'm in a bit of a bit of a actually I just put my foot in that my next door neighbour. I am on the weekend, was woken up by his truck going in about 6am on Sunday morning his truck going his truck, so it was like he owns a truck like a vertical is a monster truck. It's just a big SUV car, the stars Welcome to the sound of his truck. I woke up I saw his truck as I was going and I saw just drive out the drivers. That's odd. It's not a work day. So I wonder if it was him and I'd heard them partying the night before. And and then I woke up again when it arrived back and I saw not the owner step.
out of the vehicle, but he's brother step out of the vehicle with a man that had Mac is as like a cheeky Mac is run. And then I saw him yesterday and I said to him, mate
Sorry brother. Yes on Sunday so what do you mean? The car sorry ma'am. I was wondering where your car went I thought it was you and so then I looked again the soul your brother good at and he's a DJ. Here we go. I say
this is my this is this is me. This is what I do. It feels disgusting. I don't ever want to have I didn't ever want to be a part of
it. You were you were hoping that the he he was just getting some early morning backers and he's bro was doing it for him. Not I know I made no connection to that. He might have taken his car without asking. And so that's what it happened. So what why were you saying it?
Because I wanted to because I was like I was chatting to him about he's huge and I was chatting to him about the weekend. The weather is but we literally
Saturday night was probably and I wanted to find out I had no i didn't connect it to I promise you I did not connected to they could be so what are you trying to find out?
Nothing will just chatting and I mentioned I saw your brother like I just told him I was like I saw your brother Nick off I thought it was you I literally said that to authorities you and then I looked at again when he got back. He means make fuckin stumble that matters. And so after you dumped Tony's Brother, what happened? He was just like, oh, he's like the little bastard. I asked him where he got that from? And he said UberEATS that
licence? No, I did not. But he's he probably didn't want his brother driving his fucking work vehicle. I mean, you don't want your brother driving a car. It's a you know, you don't want that shit. And so anyway, I feel like it's gross. It's odd. I didn't mean to read on his brother
ratted on him. I was asking 97 about 2020 he was talking about his driver's licence. You get your l
Yeah, got my LLC pays. Yep. asked to happen in 2020 Yeah, walk No, because I've done the hazards test, which is an online perception tests. Yeah, I remember that. And so I've got 12 months from the date that I did that. So some something Oh, no, I reset the rule. Yeah, yeah remember a bank?
It's completely Sorry. Sorry. As in it's a it's on the computer. You do it at vicroads. Yeah, yeah, we're on an old
ad so slides and it's horrible. But the 12 months between the hazard perception test and actually getting your licence these new that wasn't when we well there's a heap of new rules. I didn't know. First of all, the hazard thing. It's always funny. I feel like when you're in a the classic thing to say the big cliche is when you're in a suburb and you're driving along and people are jumping out at you and there's a stop sign you'll feel like a moment bloody hazards. Do you ever say that and then never okay. I've said that a few times. Anyway.
Some rules around having paper plates what 97 was telling me Was he can not have his
phone mounted.
Like despite Is that true? Yeah, you can't have your phone on you. So red peas are the first ones green peas at the second one red peasy can't even have your mates in the back. Yep you don't have anyone to read you can have one person in the car one person the front and then the others you can have more than one if they're over a certain age remember that I mean that's and then there's curfew so you can't be driving late at night unless you point
I can how long you have to do this for one year isn't it or two years on your own pace now one year on your read pages and yet minutes three years on your green page so curfew? So it's it's pretty like it's pretty like if you want to work like you've driven here might even if I can call me and say hey man pass a curfew. Can you drop me a fish probably like midnight. I thought the
curfew is specific also to if you're working like it's a different if you're going from A to B and you actually have a job you have to stop wearing a uniform so that I know
it is crazy to think that in the states you can get your licence it what 16 full licence, kids a drive, you know, like the the high school movies in the high schools in movies is like kids rocking up in, in cars and the young as fuck yeah, it's always funny, you know, Miley Cyrus's TV show Hannah Montana. Oh, yeah. Yeah, her little brother in that film in that TV show. I don't I can't remember. But he was like, over 30 years old when he played the character. Well, and what's his name? Can you look him up? So it'd be it'd be 45. Now, yeah, he's quite old. how old he plays. He maybe was in his late 20s. But he played a match. Yeah, he played. He played like a 13 year old. He was playing like the younger brother of Hannah Montana, who was like 15 How amazing was it?
The kids that had got puberty first like to be kids that just like with a beard or whatever, and they're just like everyone else you're speaking like this all the boys. And then there's that one person whose voice had broken super hairy and it was a guy been my brother was friends with his had a big 10 no joke is always one. Yeah, there's always one. That just yeah, I can probably more likely to lead to bonus as well. Yeah, I think it's probably a correlation serves any any word on the age of also Shannon says he was the older brother sorry. And 42 years old now. Yeah. And so she and he was only meant to be a couple of years old or something. Yeah. So he was a he was a 29 year old playing a 16
you see that like
a lot of those like Kids TV shows or whatever. They tend to be older. It's like 20 year olds playing 15 year olds
I think there is some some of these like
even Julian Haig, who we've had on the show a bunch. I feel like he's look he looks very Hollywood, that sort of jaw line. Very beautiful. They end up playing younger, useful or beautiful like a some. They play you know, 1617 year old jocks and he's 2930 have you worn a polo shirt since you finished school?
I think if I even wore politics, yes, public school system, there's a lot of polish it happening. There was our word polo shirts at Sandringham, would you have flicked to the colour? Oh there was flicking the colour. Young is so 16 in the referral and just this flipping it. sunglasses on the head is the idea of detection. Yeah. Is that what it's for?
Not the absolutely not his old style. Josh Bray was saying that I had a because 97 and I were on a shoot
Yesterday, and he was going crazy that yesterday or the day before.
day before Tuesday.
Yeah, that before Tuesday, and
97 was,
I mean, I completely get it. It's an annoying trait that he has, which is being extremely son smart, but I respected. The thing was sound smart. Like, why don't you do it at home? Because it doesn't you have to reapply. So he's like something anyway, yesterday. So, ya know, Tuesday, so no, it's I know that Gemma is a big advocate of being smart and lots of things. So I can't be bothered with her slamming.
podcast, it's all about that stuff. But they, but I just think maybe potentially, there's a timing because it felt like at the critical moment, 90 seconds like I'm going to use right and it was like a smoker's break. is like I just need to apply some sunscreen. Yeah, well, I applied it to light as well. I should have I should have done one more in the car. Before we go.
Then one when I put it on do you think that am I ignorant to think that I am my says Be careful with the sun smart chat JJ and the melanoma or no, no, no thank you but I have a feeling maybe someone can let me know. Is this a myth?
Being skin type that isn't sort of skin cancer? I gotta have a saying I like small I've got no mom. Okay so interesting because I was looking at my baby boy skin sounds like a mole on his little cheek and one on easy yellow, very cute. One on he like tiny on his back. Little, little beautiful spots, haven't even been exposed to the sun. So they haven't really I don't think they've come from San exposure.
He's very marvellous. And then I look at like, my wife has malls, and I thought that I was like, and one of my good nights kill so many malls like shitloads
malls, and I was thinking, more malls. Does that mean? more chance? mullis less chance and that's what you're supposed to
have the sort of you find something nice So Jen, Gemma has the answer Jim says myth also
what you would call a freckle is technically a mole. Okay, so pretend you're either lesion on the skin is considered a mall. So you I mean you freckle up selves. So the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life is like a little dog. I think likely I definitely Yeah. And now I've got a tendency to get burned really easy. Like I've I've got like a UV app on my phone or whatever. So it's like a widget. And so you enter in your skin type like fair skin or freckles or whatever. And so it tells you the current burn time that you have and so like mid day it's roasting a chicken. Yes, what's 15 minutes
quicker than my fucking frozen burritos
Yeah, I wonder if in the future will say like workplaces being in lawsuits around people who have come down with I come down with they've got skin cancer as a result of working at doors and they're able to, I think h&s stuff around it right definitely. I mean I saw yesterday I picked up buddy from daycare.
40 degrees still at 5pm or whatever it was. And this bloke sport burger walks in and he's just in full bloody What do you call it PPA protect personal protective equipment or you know, he's just like, long sleeves look like a
jacket over it. And I said back in the day female. I mean, when does heatstroke come in? Well, I think they just
yeah, there's too many other things that could go wrong stuff getting flicked on to your skin, sun exposure. Skin Cancer like is obviously we have this in Australia because of the ozone layer layers. Fact.
Unlike the US
Los Angeles, what's the skin cancer? Right? Like? What are they? Because obviously, like there's been a bunch of talk I've heard Jim talk about it. Shameless talk about it. It seems like everyone's releasing their version of 50 s, SPF or whatever it is.
Is this an Australia only problem? I think is quite big in Australia based on the hole in the ozone. Zealand's got it as well. Okay. Because of the ozone. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if you can completely put it down to that because you could still probably get it. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer about the age of 71 in five Americans, Americans, how many Australians well, so I was I think it was on might have been on Gemma's podcast, I think it was two and three Australians. Two and Three, two and three, some sort of melanoma. Yeah. some form of melanoma. That I think is a difference, right. melanoma is like, Why thank you. Yeah. That is probably should get some form of doctor on that. Have you ever had a skin check?
tapes. Probably three. But I had one. I'll get one. Got one before I went to make it awesome.
When we got married I got one this year and I'll get one again next year just after summer. Yeah, also good. You've got miles. Yeah. Not that many. Not that many. My face. Like it. What's interesting is the ones that I was ever like, I'm gonna get this one checked. She looks at it for two seconds and goes, I'm like, it's a show. And that's all good. Like, yeah, no, that's fine. And so it's like the, the one that's
probably for me, it's like I've had these ones. And so if I just checked them, so it's 100%. But the thing is, it's admin. It's also confronting, it's confronting because you have to feel like you are going completely numb and you just put a lot of people would start the wheels turning as soon as a book in for someone to look for cancer. So essentially, what's going on? I needed. I needed we had one sips. No, I gotta go do it. You should
actually states, right? Yes. Right. I was thinking about it that's in the race and Tommy's doing a book.
Just getting that fried food. I was gonna, I was thinking about it last night. I got a book in like twice a year. And just get it checked. Because I've got like, like freckles on my, like shoulders and stuff. And they Yeah, I don't know. They're just, I mean, I don't really look at them that much. So what I was checking if you were to put together a sort of a list of 10 things every adult should do well, there was like once a year, but there should there be a dentist skin check.
was gonna say blind spots. So my passport expires in November, this year, next year, and so six months is normally like the cutoff. So if you've got less than six months, left on your passport, most I think like places white except you like to go to the US or Asia and stuff.
So get that done. Well, I just have to get done by sort of fib Hmm So it was yeah it wasn't john Michael he says dentist skin check JP checkup I check all annually. optometrist that's an interesting one. I mean that free you can go get them like spoke building likes to think so for these things for an eye when specifically do you need to think you have an eye problem? Like it make more sense for you to maybe not you've got glasses it I mean, the very good brain gets it all done. She's like, trying to think of the interesting ones that she gets. Jemison tests Gemma says her best mate is a dermis Scopus. Maybe we do a skin check on air. Oh, that'd be fun.
You gotta get like, I get down to my undies. Why don't we do it in the sauna?
Good working conditions. Too hot. Yeah, well, I think they'll probably end up trying to batch your idea.
Did all your goal would like touching skin with
laser as well?
The 10 year things in one day, the bucket list and the thing that you guys are putting off doing.
Have you gone on some sort of payment plan or something for that? $400
That's true. You can do a payment plan. I think so.
How about whether I should say this? I will
I open some mail accidentally. That wasn't my It's fine, dude. Everyone does it. Oh, it's a fucking offence. Yeah, it's a federal offence. Federal like,
for one where the feds when they come into. It's recorded. So it feels like it's Yeah. Especially given we're trying to say isn't if you're just getting mail if you're being a rattling through mailboxes. But my point is we're trying we're currently in negotiations trying to organise access to a male facility to do the show. And so I feel like
potentially being the guy that accidentally opens people's mail. I think it's like, okay, so anyway, I opened up some mail. And it was for the previous 10 into our apartment. And it was from a law firm.
And the information on there was that they had. So I did some good. I can't I don't know the her first name.
But I'd say I googled her previously, because we received other mail. But she's originally from England, and she must have been living here and then she's gone home of Sandy, they understand why they don't want people looking at other people.
Really, the penny dropped.
It was an accident until I
previously I hadn't opened the mail previously. So let me let me roll back. So what happened was, previously we've received mail for this person and I'm like, ah,
Simone, blah blah, I'm going to Google to see where they live for like if like what their deal is.
It is in the mail while too much admin. Yeah. So but we did do a brace and she did do that I just sent in them is that like, I'm pretty sure that's not my problem.
So I am I found out about this person like six months ago, but then sort of had let it go and then I got this mouth accidentally opened it was writing it and saying,
Hi, hi, Simone, or whatever name is your
way from blah, blah representing National Australia Bank, whichever bank it was. There's a outstanding debt of $289. If it's not paid within seven days, there's going to be like legal proceedings.
Wow, this poor girl. So what do I do? So good.
been a part of me part of me was like but the thing is that if I've been It
may sound finds it now I got what the deal like could put people trace back to me and say could be she could be back in the UK was so that's what she is a she is hundred percent so I think yeah so I started
the annoying thing is I never sort of
wrote down her name and all the other mail is back and so now I just have an initial have a first name and then the last name ah very much when it was an accident when Amy and I lived in bhandar
we were only there for six months we're in this cute little apartment and we would get mail every now and then I'm sure I can't remember what was done with it I'm he loves to RTS it and get into I'm saying with me I'm too much too much admin. Yeah, there was it was addressed to Zoe foster
And this is Hamish Hamish his wife.
Amy has since worked at from listening to staff and reading stuff that she used to live in bhandar. So there could be a chance and I forgot to even ask her I knew this when she came in on the show. I forgot to ask her did she leave and this is specific address interesting. And so we might have lived in the same apartment. exact the same apartment. I was also just thinking about how many times I've not changed my address for how matching male especially I've mentioned this before my domain name registrar
like that has been back in my list of field South addressed address for like 15 years. I haven't lived there in 15 years.
And not only would I be getting the registrar renewal, but that's the that's all the hallways records public so they get all the sales letters and sheets are either
reckon there was someone in list of field set off giving like they would know Josh Janssen, can we do a video covert long lens you going up fully into introduces I hi guys and Josh Janssen was a previous resident here. I understand you've been getting quite a bit of my mail over the years. I've just come to collect it. Yeah, to see. Just have a conversation. So you want to be pranky?
Yeah. Which I don't know if you get your mail. Could How would you feel about if I went back into nice. Now we have 97 and I filmed it. And you just say Hi, I'm Josh Janssen.
Even better, because I'll feel like I'll hand it off. Yeah. Just if you might not recognise me I was 122 kilos. The only problem is I'm going to ask you questions about the house.
I will spin
I love that I can like talk to him we can hear in the car can you make mentioned that? Why don't we get Can we do this before the end of the year? Absolutely not.
Absolutely not only though dies New year, new year new thing it's a great piece of content to go out I know it's a great piece of content for new off got another one we could get Jim or another thing is all we have to do, to be honest.
is have the time to do it.
My only concern is the bit like is it they might offer they might say here will show you around your old place. Now. I'm happy to do that. I'm happy to do that. Because then but what if they don't have your mail? They would be they'll be like, Oh, we have gotten so much previously.
Definitely. What about what about this, I have a bottle of wine.
Sorry, I'm not expecting it. So I've just realised that I haven't changed my address. This is where I
Grow up Yeah, and I just wanted to bring this and give it to you as a token
yep 500 Oh, was that we got a free gift so we'll definitely be gifting
perfect This is good so I think I'll yeah I'm happy
as Josh Janssen a folder Really?
So the name of the champagne is called Jan's Jen's and
this is from my family property give me some Jan's
some champagne.
When was that made? But it made like 1970 why it's not it? No, no.
Yeah, we could have made at the fucking house list of field. Where was it listed for this with South? Yeah, yeah, like this. Okay, well, it's gonna be fun. Anyone on the Instagrams 97. Before we we head off, Shannon says put a bloody mail direct on your gronk oven.
Pressure previous tenant.
She also throws them in the bin. Tanya, can we can you quickly look up serves the legalities around throwing mail on the beam? Yeah, it's knowing Oh,
would you ever seen cash in the mail?
No, but what about developer? I think he told us on air about the ring is should I need to That's ridiculous. Now I remember I used to
I had one on TV that would give me 20 bucks as a check. Calm bank. I mean, checks are okay, cuz they say it's trackable. If you dude, we got cash from somebody for our wedding couple of years ago that came in the mail. Amazing that we got it.
Two days ago. Amy's dad since her two cards one for her birthday. And one for Christmas. I thought you're gonna say one with a credit card. The other with the pin. Yes.
That sort of thing. So, so a Visa gift card. Yeah. And the next day, you'll receive a code, but we open them our managers like, before you read it, tip it upside down and shake it like it's a funny thing you do as a kid because you think this cash and there's no funny in this and it's all I can hear is we want cash, same cash. There was cash in there, but we'll Imagine if someone has just chosen steel. Why don't we test out whether it makes a mail gronk send cash to you. I bought 400 Abbotsford Victoria 3067. That's some cash to you. Could we be a foreign currency collector? Was that man well, because it's a pain in the ass getting rid of your foreign currency notes. This is a good idea they can set because I'll make is more of an incentive than sending us actual Australian cash. We accept all currency. So
looking your
wallet right now what have you got? Yeah Have you got a 10 we love USD
here's the hundred dollar euro note we love those Patreon Okay, so I'm gonna say it again slowly. p o box 400 Abbotsford Victoria 3067
if you send us cash will accept it please thank you notes and coins just notes just now I don't
want too much admin too much admin I have to like what do you do with
have small nights and USD one dollars and stuff so we take anything All right, Shannon says What about a five yard Monte Carlo Casino chip? Yeah, we take the casino Cheers. Yes. Anything that would be considered currency. Yeah. What some other things? gold, gold here we take out
old jewellery
Yeah meltable
and all the way can melt Yeah, yeah gold seriously expensive. And is it though? diamond rings told me about to look at a kilo of gold that's talking to my jeweller made at the wedding I was recently. so expensive. So how about this? I was talking to Derek just put it on p o box in the 80s as it's not he's Ryan.
Thanks, Derek.
How much he's gone 30 k kilos per kilogramme super expensive. Is that expensive? Oh yes. It's very expensive. Look at the look at a bar of God made its $47,000 and then look at the say I wonder if you can do it like the Dow Jones you know saying like Google stock. Yeah. Look at the price of gold six months or the past 12 so this is the thing
at an Airbnb that I was staying in Italy it was in Serrano, that small mediaeval town.
The Airbnb host was saying that an
Ozzy financial dude stayed at his place. He's like if I can castle thing
and the guy said invest in gold, you got to invest in gold. And he did he put a bunch of cash in gold apparently didn't go well. depends on when you buy it's like when he tells her stock where is it that tips? So this is this is per ounce yeah we just need to say just give us a price up here rounds from 2009 and then a price paradigm time ago 2019 it's 10 years yeah, it's a lot that's a lot changes have got to be got from 20 January 2010 not gonna do
I just do that.
an ounce yet. 1000. So that again $1,104 Yeah, announced the answer. And now I guess 1150
No, so there was a spike during snow what we are 2011 and 2012. When? Right, you went up to 1800. And now what did I decide? I said 1150.
Yes. And what is it now? 1400 and 70 Okay.
So is that good? What's gone out of the box? 300 bucks. What's
an index fund?
Do you even know what you're talking about now saying word so an index fund, so it's taking so it would take like a bunch of businesses or like a so it's like fortune fortune 500 investing into a blue chip stock that's like safe investments. I don't know a blue chip stock your bids basically take I think it could but I think it's like, an index is like across the board.
And so
that's what fucking Warren Buffett suggests. Right? Take a invest in an index fund.
types from the top 40. Top 500 fortune 500 companies service what's the index fund? What would that have look like?
At least talk? It's not a note the
s&p 500 has before does it simply mean it's that this the top 500 stocks in the US stock market? Yeah. Thank you.
So in 2010
I don't know what the units are. Just give us a number.
Give us a number. So from 2010 Jan 2010, and then just give us a number for December 2019. Okay, so gold in 2010 1123.
And then the s&p 501,152. So they're around the same Yeah, and then and now.
Gold, 1400 and 77.
The SMP s&p 500 is 3190.
You should invest in the s&p 500 s&p 500 do not take any of this financial advice. liable for anything. Yeah, we don't have the number to reel off. You know how they reel off that number. Like it's 58343 source know we're operating under barefoot number
that's pretty much
what we do. That's a huge that's a great return, guys. So there you go. That's I reckon there's a good little 2020 investment option. Yeah. Anyone saying anything in the comments sips legit underscore a underscore made gave us a thumbs up. Thumbs back up at you might actually think that's barefoot.
Derek asked what about kids teeth? What does that mean price wise? No, no, no. If we're collecting them. Oh, I want I want my
kids. Hey, kids.
But we only
right now we accept them in threes. Yeah, three, three to four. So you get a batching you get a batch either that or just fact game three of the male bodies last day daycare today and he's moving daycare. And so he's been we've been winning offered by only having like heroin the hair. He's first I carry started their over two years ago. And his last day is today. Does he sense that attending? It's a sad time because I don't think he does. Really? Did you tell him? You tell him? I don't think so. I don't think he gets it. I think if he dumped a you wouldn't believe it. He wouldn't really know what's happening. Need like?
Is he saying is he saying like, oh why? No, no, not not. Why am I going left? He just loves that one. And you know, he doesn't like new one. I think he's just got more homeys the other one he's gonna hate to homeys he's best friends. I said to him last night. Who's your best friends in Leo. He's a good boy. And cruzi I like him. He's never gonna say laio again.
No seeing him this Saturday, Sunday.
We're going to book in dates and so we can catch up with these mates. were friendly with joy water hanging, just the park with Leon leave, just brighten insecure, like a park like just gonna hang out. Anyway they've written a nice little lamb send off for him on the app where you can access all the photos. Look at him. He's so happy for his last day but he doesn't know what
it's making me. Really so if you think cities facking birthday or something.
You want to know what they said about him.
Good afternoon families. So this has gone out to everyone. Like a newsletter out love writing a newsletter like today we say we say we today we said research. We should write it back and lay out today we said to say goodbye to one of our good friends. Bodie is today's he's last day. We wish him all the very best and we'll miss him for sure. Today we focused on working on our attention span through reading different books.
Children enjoyed reading by themselves. My god I think I'm realising it's it was on the bit at the start I kept going we applied sunscreen on on our own before we off to rooftop adventures great hope it's SPF 50 definitely would be we made the most of the nice weather before the heat hits us again tomorrow. Yeah, it's actually going way off. By the way the whole thing that children spend time cleaning the yard fuck. I've got amongst workhorses, rescuing animals, digging sandpits, as well as practising the balancing skills on the plank. This afternoon will continue to finish off our Christmas gifts after children have a great rest.
I thought it was all about body. Read before Do you know what reminds me of match reports? match reports are just real just a footy? Yes, I applied who supplied rivals six 742 to nine 750 hours of great game. Yeah, everyone put in, you know hundreds solid effort. It was cold.
out there but all the boys with the wild came through time through
rather off the bed required often very hard down the wing is semi John's
he's 45th game five games off 50
You know, he says punch drunk master and brought to you by
make more sense. Alright.
break the news to some okay he's no longer broken. Now I told him but he just doesn't get it. It's not my fault.
That's the daily talk show. Hide the daily talk show.com p o box 400. Abbotsford Victoria 3067. Abbotsford it's about a BB o t SF are the same cash,
currency international people if you want to send your currencies over. Definitely I'd love for the post office to close this down. Yeah, baby. So do you think that would do
Dude, what was the legalities? So no, you actually can. You actually can't throw away someone else's email because it's considered a mouth. in the mail, no archiving? No. It's considered. It's considered email tampering and fraud. Mo template,
I suppose is the only organisation or body that's allowed to legally dispose of mail. What about
sending cash? Is this legal? Is it cash? Is it? Are you thinking like the competent 10 grand account any more than money laundering? You do it on a small scale? Why can't using cash? Money Laundering? That's not it's not money laundering. Do you know what money laundering
moving around cash? No, it's not. What are you moving around cash? What do you think it is? No, they wreck. It's not money laundering. Money Laundering is money laundering is cleaning dirty money making it so it actually can go into books without being
seen as is fucking illegal cash. That's why you buy cafe
deal drugs, run the money through the cash business. Money Laundering doesn't only happen at cafes, by laundromat, cash business, are you saying it's all of a sudden?
So they are supposed one send bank notes or coins internationally. So we're fine. Okay. Sophie in Australia sing coins if you're overseas sing Can you define for a bus?
Hang on, you explain what money laundering is?
Because I just money laundering is basically hiding your financial situation through moving around money. And it can happen in a number of ways, whether it be through moving into different jurisdictions. So why would always push a ban on it? I don't know what I'm saying is having to be proven wrong, but laundering is okay. How about this?
Where's the place where everyone sends their like hides their money into the banks. Hey, I saw
All the Caribbean or like, that's all I could say In fact, in 100 grand in the park, they do it do it electronically. Okay, so you're saying taking physical. Yeah, but we're not. You're saying you couldn't send it physically? Yeah, that's what my fucking dude watching. No they wouldn't that was literally wasn't that Wolf of Wall Street? Yeah, yeah, they take the cash and they go to another and they put it into a new economy. I get that like but look at money laundering, what does it mean? If you're if I if I sold something and I said you could you could leave it you
would see the definition go the concealment of the origins of illegally obtained money typically by means of transfer involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses. So
well done.
I feel like you were saying that I was wrong. I mean, you were saying it was wrong.
This is the funny thing. This is actually the funny thing. I wasn't saying that he was wrong. I was saying
I was saying that it was right. I was saying like, you don't have money to Craig's episode when it comes out exactly. But money laundering doesn't require opening fucking at 79 doesn't require a cafe and I'm definitely not a
money laundering
legitimate business doing just master but one great service. It's all about the community. Anything else before we go?
I mean scooted Derek says result. Yeah, it was a great result. Today was a comprehensive look into what money laundering actually means. Enjoy the rest of the day. Pair box 400. Abbotsford Victoria 3067.