#191 – Walking The High Line In NYC/
- October 9, 2018
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The Daily Talk Show — Tuesday October 9 (Ep 191) – Josh Janssen & Tommy Jackett
The High Line is a former New York Central Railroad, now 2.3KM park, and the perfect place to relax in the afternoon in NYC. While we walk along the park, we chat about wacky radio stunts, meeting two personal chefs, buying DVDs, watching movies in overseas cinemas, Amazon’s minimum wage and we do a live vox-pop!
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worth recording with Josh Janssen and Tommy jacket. It's a daily talk show live from New York City may
that you're not in Times Square with a million people watching
so but
we are we are live from New York City and where we're at and about which is why I think you amped up the idea, man pop anything. You have that the presentation of the intro, but rightfully so we are at the Highline, which is like this amazing walk above New York City. It's only about because it's on an old train line that runs sort of straight down alongside the Hudson River, which is what we're looking at to now. It's a very new york scene right now it's converted into a park is and we're going to have a bit we're going to walk down. Let's watch our first episode where we're actually walking on.
Yeah, you've already warned me about my breathing. One thing I will mention over it I don't have headphones on so if you turn away from me, you can hear me I can't hear you. I can hear me really well. Yeah, so we were on the High Line. It's actually there's a big area directing this used to actually be a station wire.
So what you're describing is we're going underneath building, so it must have been like a tunnel. They must have just had buildings above the train. They just thought this is good real estate. Let's just build above the train like so. I asked him today. Yesterday in the cab. Yeah. What was that? Like trying? And what what was it for? Us? It was cargo. Yeah. So cargo trains used to run along this. And now it's just an awesome hipster tourist
attraction. I feel very radio is doing this. What we're doing right now. Do what was the closest thing you did to this? You days?
In as an outside broadcast? Yeah. Say the ones that actually stand at the depressing ones. Like the time that we drove an hour and 10 minutes to a trucker and did it from this. Like, it was like a Harvey Norman. But imagine having Omen first year of trading. So it's like just this store that sold random electrical gear. And it was just no one came it was freezing cold would sit up the sausage sizzle. So the best probably time that we did this stuff was the house party. Yeah. To that we went on just before I finished up on air. So we did do it from different listeners houses every Friday, around sharpening. You ever I think we've already got we would be able to do the same now and get more people to their
houses. Can we can we do that? Once we get back to Melbourne? We need to do some form of something a little bit more gimmicky. We don't have enough given if you asked me.
Well, the thing about this podcast is I got this guy just eating well. He's just cracking open a pop tart. Good on him. That's
that seems very American. So you don't think it would suit the podcast?
But I've always felt like you've given push back to having this translate. Really like a radio show? Yeah, but I like I like
to say that but I've been googling sound boards. wacky sound effects very soon. That I would just be. I could actually imagine right now. So I'm wearing like a bag with a mic. Like a record audio recorder. We have. We're all cabled up. We're walking quite closely, we'll put a photo up on our Instagram of what it what it's like. Yeah, but I could imagine even just having a bit of an extension. That's like a brace that I could wear that holds an iPad. Just sort of with my finger. Just tap any sense in a moment.
You basically becoming a human Cyborg apart, man, part machine like pop machine. The Cyborg
thing interests me though, because I wonder from a fitness point, how much is fitness can actually matter?
Well, well, I mean, if you've got bionic legs, and I never stopped running Exactly. I guess not much. But no, I don't know. I think it's like saying, If I could just take a pill, I can eat whatever I want. Yeah. But then the, you'd be removing feeling from your body of having like a weight, what you're feeling like so very true. There has to be some sort of counter result from just using something that's not your own body. Maybe you wither away
with the excess of the idea of exercises that you're I guess exerting energy to which is good for your mental health. Yeah. So if all of a sudden, but maybe it's the feeling of being able to like if you run and don't have to exert much energy because you you've got fake legs. Do you get the same sort of endorphins? Maybe you do?
Yeah, well, or I think you wither away. I think something slows down. But I think about it, your heart is a muscle. And so every time you go for a strenuous walk, it's beating harder and, you know, keeping it strength. And then
so I think it would wither away. So maybe I'm heartless it'd be the equivalent of sort of being on one of those motorised cars or whatever. All the time. Yeah.
Okay, so,
so it's, should we talk about Trudy and Steve? Oh, yeah. Yes. I think the thing about America I guess it's anything you've been away for last three months. You pick up an Aussie accent pretty like you hear them in your ears. They stand out like dogs bowl. Yeah.
Well, talking about a dog suppose this guy
had a very interesting looking dog.
I just saw a guy with these hands down his pants touch he's not that's
the stuff that you do that I'm always thinking that up on you
know, but he had the most the most interesting goal.
What was that thing? It was like a dreadlocks sort of thing. I didn't actually know that he was Australian did you pick up straightaway even but
I yeah, that because he said something to me. I always Snapchat ease dog. That's right when
I say Snapchat and Instagram storey because no one knows. What is.
Snapchat, Instagram storey. He's dog. And I was saying Look at this. Look at this mop on the ground. Because it literally looked like end of a mark like in a giant end of a mop. That was dreadlocks. Just plunked on the ground. You couldn't even see these things hit eyes or face or nose. And it was a dog underneath this mop of hair.
Just think how much a dog would be worth like having a freak show dog? Yeah, that'd be so expensive, don't you think?
Yeah, I reckon there's a lot of freak show dogs in New York.
Yeah. Amazing. Like I want a free show. Josh dog by field. Like it's a good it'll be a premium right? Yeah, it would cost a bit of a premium. Josh really hard doing a podcast and being able to overtake people. Are you finding that? Yeah. Do we get a slot down? Well, so this is
Steve, Steve. And so when I was filming their dog, they said you can take a photo or some answer. I got it as I Ozzie's and then we got a bit of banter. And I immediately think like, people sort of looking like they're having a long lunch. And I've got a dog like that. That's really p cocking moment. Yeah. My bike could be really rich.
Yeah. Add rich, rich person.
Yeah. And that was super lovely and friendly. And I think Ozzy's are like the thought of, even if you just for another guy who's His name's pants. Yeah. What's with this? I don't
know, New York City. You seeing a lot of it?
I think Ozzy's translate really well overseas, except the pubs. But it was really lovely. Because I was so up for a chat with you guys doing here. And, and they asked us what we're doing. And I kind of wanted to get in there and say, What do you guys do?
Yeah. And I got it. Well, you did. I wasn't comfortable asking like I, I think I wanted to ask I asked what they I was the one that asked, then you were the one. So I asked you what you do? And I said where chefs?
Yeah, and you know, my thinking is like, they seem like they probably well off. They're both chefs. They might own a fancy restaurants. And so we asked, Well, I asked, so what restaurant Do you work at? He said, Can you recommend anything? Yeah. And they and they said our private shifts in
another word for unemployed. Normally
themselves the complete opposite.
They we've got Pavarotti.
We've got Bry doing an excellent job trying to get photos. Yeah, but because we are such quick walkers every time she gets ready for the camera, we've already walked past. So yeah,
they turned out their shifts, private shifts for two very rich people. I see that they celebrities. And I said
no. He said celebrities were a pain in the ass.
Yes. So these just the two Uber rich people, but they were telling us that unlimited budget for cooking. I get to have freedom in what they cook. And it's it's a dream job for a chef
you would think do you think the these rich people who don't know anything about Uber rings, and they can just you just get Jimmy grant ordered?
Yeah, but when you've got unlimited money resource, Steve probably knows his gear off. Yeah, he's probably got me on the spit most days just in case. boss says, by fire first class tomorrow, I need a notice of lucky. I sat. So it's amazing how many let's just look at this is we look up I lift my there's just some. So there's some amazing artwork, young this
visually, it's hard for the podcast is to really take it in. What I'm saying is some form of sort of
What's that? What's that bit? What's the chicken name with the she holds the Statue of Liberty, the Statue of Liberty. They've done sort of an artwork of that words. It looks like a clown. So what you have to decide, yeah, they've really taken the piece. Yeah, it looks good, though. Taking the Statue of Liberty. But the know so you're meeting interesting people in New York specifically. There's do seem to be a lot of Australians.
Yeah. Well,
there's some of the best bars and restaurants here. f5 are owned by Ozzy's. Yeah, we do it. Well, we've tended to do this trip. Go like not not go for anything fancy. Yeah, go dingy.
Yeah. Which is a I think you get the real. The real experience. I think dingy food in general. tastes better. Like I prefer sort of a hole in the wall versus our Can we start walking this way?
Let's go back yet.
But so we were we're currently it's like what, quarter to four? right now. And apparently they're closing the park at four o'clock. Yeah. So the they've got all these sort of ranges? I'm guessing you'd call them. Yeah,
just sort of Outlook base
out and about telling everyone to get off the Highline.
Yeah, it's, it's quite rude. Actually. There was no, there is some event it's a mile long opera. Which is probably you could probably guess, for a mile long.
That's what's happening.
Between today's date and as a week from now. Yeah, just doing opera.
Do you know the thing that I haven't? Haven't done on this trip? I want to know if you want to do it going to the cinemas when you're in a different country? Or in a different city? Yeah, you're not a waste of time.
If you are there for quite a while. Yes, it's fine. But on this trip, it's too short.
You don't see any novel appealing going and I guess it's it's a very similar screen. You know, you're not really getting much yeah, it's for me I see it as an excuse to get some American candies. Yeah, it's a bit of a pig You know, I'm
saying that I've been in London Yeah, when I was there for not that long and I was a win in Auckland when I was there years and years ago. So I've done it more than I haven't in the scheme of trips.
But I think that like I remember it was a big it maybe used to be a bigger deal because I feel like there was a large gap between when us films came out Yeah, and when Australian when it came out to the Australian cinemas Well yeah, well I don't think there is any more right maybe a little bit on the only small but DVDs used to be the big thing I my brother went to the US for a basketball tour. And he came back we got a universal DVD player so we could play any of those right there
will region Yeah.
Oh, I do. Well, they still I think some of them still are but they've definitely I think it's a lot more open than what it used to be. But yeah, we had a universal Region DVD player and my brother James just like got like dozens of do like a lot of DVDs. What did you get? Did you sandlot which was called The Sandlot kids will do it?
But I think it's I think it's just called sandlot here in the US.
Interesting there is that is it. That is an interesting thing, because in different countries, there is different titles. Yeah. There's one with Tom Cruise. Yeah, end of day. And then stop repeat. It's like, there was two different titles America had a massively different title.
I wonder how they should we should turn.
The there's a whole collection thing to another. So a guy I know Dave Lee. He's got this. I'm Dave Lee down under YouTube channel. Yeah. And he posts all the does these big YouTube big YouTube videos where he shows all the blu ray, he's got the biggest blu ray collection, the biggest DVDs, he's got older, used to just do Disney DVDs and doing reviews and all that sort of thing. Anyway, he has a basically different versions of the same film. So for instance, he's like, I want the cover art of the American the American version of the office, or sorry, that's a terrible example. Because in America, besides the American version of Star Wars, yeah, has a completely different coverage. Or there's in the UK, there's a specific style, so it will have multiples of the same blu ray or DVD.
Like these were collectors items. And I'm sure there's sort of a niche tribe of people collecting this stuff. Yeah. Do you think they'll go down in value based on DVD players becoming extinct? Or up in value? Because it's like, you can't even play these other thing anymore. This is This is unbelievable what I think
I sort of I see the appeal. I like the physicality of just like having a book or something like that. There is something cool about having a DVD and having the option apply it but do we need like do you own any DVDs if you didn't have all of them
with me kept? I think three that I've made she's whittled away and she's thrown out lots. There was what was it? It was? Know what I was thinking? The people I feel quite sorry for is the guys in Times Square. The rappers and we've spoken about this. The dude's handing out mixtapes Yeah, and it's gone from being the Sony enemies type of legitimately a tape for type player to handing out mix CDs where they still call them mixtapes. Yeah. Oh, he's my single, but not referring to them as he's my DVD. He's my mixed DVD. But they are in trouble. Like, I couldn't believe they'll still do doing
surely they just need to yell at me. I've checked out my Spotify.
USB, yeah,
yeah, I mean, even even us base is a bit of a pain in the USB dongle on a MacBook Pro. It's all getting a bit hard drive.
Does it come with a dongle? I've got a MacBook Pro. Yeah, I've got the brand new MacBook Pro. There's no dongle. Yeah, I don't want to
the Yeah. What were you gonna say you didn't talk about this massive hole. And
how do we not say this before now? We've walked further.
Now I think we've walked further. I think we literally just maybe missed it. Oh, Holy moly. Yeah. So it's like it. That's one thing about New York is it's just everywhere. There's construction. There's people with hard hats, this stop signs and a lot of pickup trucks. Like it's actually given it to like a urban area. There's a lot of like,
solid trades people. Well, this is like most people who have asked Where do you live? You have all said Brooklyn. Finding guy said the Bronx. Yeah. And I was thinking about that in terms of everyone coming to this city to get their money. This is like, if you can look up in the sky, and it was there was a representation of where people are earning money. It'd be like, a storm cloud, just over Manhattan. Because I think like there is so much money. Oh, yeah, we found out from a local Yeah. I said what's the average wage? And I think, what do you say? Hundred and 50,000? Hundred and 50? grand? Yeah. rent is between five and 10 grand a month?
Yeah. Yeah, that's for a two bedroom. And he was talking about the fact that he's actually Korea. He's got some Russians over to his house. Yeah, and basically created a third room because what happens in is depending on if you've got a two bedroom versus a three bedroom can be the exact same size but the three bit bedroom will require an extra couple grand a month in rent.
It's, it is absolutely outrageous. And do you think what I said to you yesterday about what the minimum is that people are earning there so it's high. You just need to be making more money to even survive here creates a mindset shift where people then are able to work and earn that money and charge more does
flow on? I don't know could you look at the homelessness look at the poverty like I think that's I think one of the things that I would struggle with living in New York is being okay with making bank and seeing the people around me not being able to have that opportunity.
Well I mean, people are ignoring the with the homeless. Yeah. More so than I've ever seen here.
What do you like I feel a bit helpless. I mean, it's very it seems a bit rich to be complaining about how you feel about you know someone else's reality. Yeah, I definitely struggle with that. I mean, there are some movement I think slowly maybe towards fixing that because Amazon last week just announced that they're going to be bringing up their minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour which is it was it that I didn't I was like it was very very low five minutes for being told five minutes
five minutes and
wrapping up the podcast great to have produces
like ranges that the know the we just talking about the 15 the okay we're getting told the nearest exit the nearest exit
we're staying in the hotel down there Can we walk to walk that way? Just quickly all the quick will be quick Yeah.
So this is what's great about Tommy is he's just got an ability to talk absolute shit
no, we're not saying okay, I may have stumbled across my upon my stumble my words I had just been I accidentally said we're staying in the hotel what what I meant to say was we're getting a drink at the hotel at the rooftop bar at the standard in a meatpacking district
works it's right though.
It's the truth we are going for
you beverage you do have an ability to just interact engage get involved. I don't know if we've spoken about it yet but you in Central Park just grabbing a frisbee and just getting involved now.
The the Frisbee thing there was a guy that and if you've ever used in a robi which is like a it's like a ring it's a frisbee with a hole in it a massive hole in it. If you are a frisbee diehard you probably wouldn't call them a frisbee really just a Robbie's they are much easier thing to throw but what I love about them is that you can throw them so far and this guy was throwing this big mass the dude top off wishing absolute hunk was throwing this thing and I thought yeah, I walked over to him and I said May he had his headphones you know that point? And he saw me coming in from behind trying to grab this thing. And then he saw me I said can overthrow and he threw it to me said yeah, just gonna throw it flat and then he said hang on hang on hang Throw it to me. Yeah. Because he was testing me to see if I
had the chops. Yeah, well because it was about 80 or 90 metres away he's that he's frisbee or What did you call
it in a Roby? Ready through that thing is the furthest I've ever thrown the Frisbee. It was times it was Central Park 5pm. Like, no wind, just an enormous green patch of grass, like bright or like so healthy. Surprisingly, for this city, you didn't Matty Lloyd and picked up a bit of grace. Can you just can we all just appreciate my AFL references a solid? I'm pretty sure it's the second Mehdi Lloyd reference to that exact moment on the show. They can appreciate it. Thank you so long ago,
but so you are comfortable with just getting involved interacting? Do we have to go down here? Do we just
we're just going to just Can we just walk down to the next one.
work the first time didn't work.
Sometimes it just capitals. It was a second shot.
The confidence really makes a difference. But yeah, so how many? What is probably the biggest? Have you ever had a big rejection, where you've gone? For a situation where you think hang on like this is like you're grabbing someone's frisbee or vortex or a favourite movie or Robbie Robbie? Like aerobics. Okay. Yeah. So you grabbing someone's a robe, he can be pretty risky, especially given the fact that he had the universal sign within an office context of don't speak to me, which is wearing headphones, wear headphones, and so forth. Yeah, Masekela don't don't bother me. It's also don't fuck with me. Yeah. Sorry. Have you ever had that? Can you think of any moments where that sort of Tommy jacket style has backfired on you?
I mean, it backfired me at the airport trying to get into the Qantas lounge, you actually tried. I tried. I tried this, this strategy that we spoke about, which was tell them that I had a card that was given to me by someone from the PR department. That was a pass into lounge and he's the thing I had every engine's going up, which is not a good sign. I mean, I was negative. Before I have a negative self talk. It was negative self talk, because here's the thing, Amy plants the seed in my mind. What if they've changed their process? Like, what if there isn't any cards anymore? Yeah. Last time I use this was 2012. And I got into the lounge. So I ended up using it. And she she knew she knew, she said, here but here's the thing that he's where I almost could have got away with it. If she was a you know, more kind person. You helping out the needy. Yeah. Well, they still use the cards, because they're still having a flow on from all the old cars that shows like most of them are digital now. But we still need the cards. Yeah. And I felt a bit like a dq. And I then said, I've been having this out for so long.
And this is the trip I was really having to use it on. And what did she say?
I'm sorry, dow. And as I walked off, and I was, yeah,
a bit of a half step, where you like, it's like when you're, you're in Bali, and you're trying to get a good price on something and they say, you know, they give you the price. You know, I got too much too much to turn around. But you just sort of a half Swing, swing. Swing is by the time you actually fully turn around. Yeah, they going to have said Oh, no, no, yeah, yeah.
It was. Now there was no,
I was definitely committed. Yeah. Oh, we're here.
So we're outside the standard. Can I just say I'm so wrapped the the other day you're worried about the wind, don't don't worry about the wind, TJ, I'm so pumped. Because the, when we put when we got into New York, there was a big race around for us to find these wind screens. And they're working just fine. Fine, on top of a microphone. It's been one those things I've had on my list of things to get for a while. And I hadn't realised
this is a perfect opportunity to do a box. But know to have the like, have this setup that we've got going on. We've got a producer following us. I am your friend. And we've got microphones and I had audio equipment, people looking at us. This we could walk in this could be the ladder, the ladder trick where you walk up to somewhere with a ladder in your hands. So am I going to get through and do better?
worse. So you're thinking we just we could get into the standard just with having these marks? It's a new blogging setup. That's
it, maybe not now, because I know the anxiety will bring for you to be here. So maybe
what Bruce is
saying you couldn't even get special access. I
mean, Amy, Amy was him. I mean, I'm he told me not to do the last thing quick and was just had, we've had
trolls on a shoulder. So I think what I think before we go, let's do one Vox pop, I want you to lead with Yeah, what can we let's think of something that we can, why don't something that could potentially be a little bit topical. Maybe should we say what do you listen to podcasts? Or something like that? So Tommy is just given Tommy the the job of it. And I'm just sort of moving away? You can you start getting closer. We've got someone tuning that not to ask you.
What are you gonna ask?
Me guys just doing a podcast? Do you listen to podcasts? Every so often? Who do you listen to?
I couldn't even tell you right now. So to check out my phone first.
What app do you use? What apps do I use for podcasts?
No idea. That's how that's okay. Is that using an iPhone?
Yes. You visited in New York City. I live here. So you're allowed. You're a local here. Yeah, we need an answer to a question we've had because we're not from here, obviously. Okay, as much as I sound American, sometimes. FedEx trucks. They're everywhere. And they're pulling over and there's no parking in New York City. They're all getting fines and this one truck was getting a fine. And he got his camera. Ready. There was a moment right I thought I saw
like gonna be going up and giving the fine and I got my camera out like this is gonna be like United Way someone gets dragged off
like that. But what I said to the guy was like, you're gonna get a fine, he said, and then he was doing business. Right. That's what I said to you. I said, I bet you it's the tax. It's the cost of doing business in New York City. Is that is that what happens?
Yeah, it's it's I guess they assume some kind of operating costs. Yeah. Right within their budget,
right. Since it delivering shit loads of stuff every day. So it's just the you reckon FedEx till they drive is don't even worry about it.
Yeah. I don't know for sure. But that's what I would guess. Yeah.
Yeah. Well, I know ideally, I wanted to move to the US mainly for Amazon Prime for someone who lives in the US. How often do you use Amazon Prime and what is the the one thing that you get? The most often delivered?
groceries? Yeah, I guess grocery Yeah.
Amazon Fresh.
That's exciting. Is it Amazon Fresh is that we're like oh, yeah, we get excited. Where? Where are these? We get excited about dumb shit. You guys ready? Yeah, that DEF CON but there's nothing there. It's like really sad. Like you can get sort of like a book. But it's like three times the price. I thought
they partnered with one of your major chains out there. Right
there was there was Book Depository there. Amazon's owned by Book Depository, but it was
also a factory and it's it's I mean, underway, but it's not like the states.
Yeah, I'm sure it's coming. I know they bought some warehouse space out there. Yeah. And I'm pretty sure they partner you work at Amazon. I do not work. This is not.
This is really convenient. And
that's about it. If you go to business already, anything you'd like to give a plug on out.
We get 300 listeners per episode. So this is a huge opportunity for you. I'll
shout out to a family member.
It's my wife Ariela.
Thanks so much. Have a good one. Awesome. Thank you. Bye. Hey, guys. What was your name? Aaron. Aaron. Thanks, Sharon. Good job. very sweaty, but that's okay. I'm sweaty. It's all good. It's the daily talk show our most extensive Vox pop that we've done, I think Yeah,
I'm so glad I got that question answered. Well, pretty
much answered. And we actually had Bray as well filming Bry did I do a horrendous job? Was I covering the camera the whole time?
She said yes. Stop recording. Oh, it's
a daily talk show everyone hi the daily talk show.com if you want to send us an email, or get on our Reddit it's Yeah, I can going off reddit.com forward slash forward slash the daily talk show. Have a good one, guys.