#919 – Fashionable Merch/
- November 20, 2020
We chat about Tommy’s first brown out, promotional merch, dialling in The Daily Talk Show merch, and being fashionable.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
- Our Fat Fridays order
- Tommy’s first brown out
- Promo merch
- TDTS merch
- Fashion
Email us: hi@thedailytalkshow.com
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY.
Episode Tags
Josh Janssen: [00:00:00] Yeah, it's the daily talk show episode 919
Tommy Jackett: [00:00:08] happy fat Friday. What is happening? How's the vibe.
Josh Janssen: [00:00:12] It's good. It's good. Uh, I, uh, am eating today. Lazy. Daisy butter. Do you say pecans or pecans? What'd he say?
Tommy Jackett: [00:00:23] Well, I guess there's a third option. Pekins
Josh Janssen: [00:00:26] pay same. Pekins on the weekend.
Tommy Jackett: [00:00:30] I have done that pecans. So I think I cons
Josh Janssen: [00:00:35] might be the American sort of a why, but yeah, this is the buttered pecans and butterscotch toffee milk from, uh, from, Hey tiger.
So I'm going to try this as a part of the Christmas range. What have you got?
Tommy Jackett: [00:00:49] Uh, well, I was at, I just went down to, uh, the establishment and I, um, was vibing. I mean, it's, it's sunny in Melbourne. It is that Friday vibe. Like it is. It's feeling much more normal, even though people are in masks, but Victoria has had over two weeks of zero cases of coronavirus.
So it feels like it's gone and that's around. Feels like it's gone. You know, and so, um, it's like a hemorrhoid really. It's not easy
Josh Janssen: [00:01:22] sometimes,
Tommy Jackett: [00:01:23] but it's fucking still there. It's just doesn't feel bad.
Josh Janssen: [00:01:26] Okay. So what,
Tommy Jackett: [00:01:28] what,
Josh Janssen: [00:01:28] what have you got?
Tommy Jackett: [00:01:30] So I, I went to a bakery and I was speaking to Jess Lucas on the phone, GM Jess, and I said she could she's on us.
I call it a lifestyle. Others would call it a strict diet. Um, but Hey, it's working. She's having success, which is the main thing. And I said to her, if you were me, what would you eat? And she said, I can't, I couldn't eat anything. I was like, no, no, no, no, no, no. If you, if I had to just eat what you told me to, what would you get?
And so I went in and I know the guys at this bakery and I took some photos. I was like, man, do you mind if I take a photo of the pie area? So it took a photo of the pie area, the sweets area, the sandwiches area. Wow. And jazz and just circled. Exactly what she wanted. Okay. And I bought that.
Josh Janssen: [00:02:16] Is it a sweet or savory?
Tommy Jackett: [00:02:18] Well, I am the PI of the two fucking angry. It was the most amazing chicken and mushroom pie. Can
Josh Janssen: [00:02:24] I, this, what the, um, what it's going to be?
Tommy Jackett: [00:02:27] Well, this is the sweet, so you can get the sweet, give that much think Jess Lucas thinks, wait. Yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:02:32] So I would go smiley face, but it's not going to be smiley face.
Tommy Jackett: [00:02:36] Well, do you know what she said to me? Oh, I would go with smiley for acid. It's not that kind of a, it's a French patisserie. It's
Josh Janssen: [00:02:43] okay. Sure. I could imagine doing. Those pink, fluffy coconut
Tommy Jackett: [00:02:49] things,
Josh Janssen: [00:02:52] jelly, jelly cake or something, or?
Tommy Jackett: [00:02:56] Nah, I reckon you could get it on the second. Trying to think about a bakery.
Think about a bakery.
Josh Janssen: [00:03:00] Well, it's not the chocolate eclair.
Tommy Jackett: [00:03:03] No, no.
Josh Janssen: [00:03:04] Is it a hedgehog?
Tommy Jackett: [00:03:06] Nah, that's it. I remember
Josh Janssen: [00:03:10] lemming it out. Lemon slice,
Tommy Jackett: [00:03:12] not one more, one more. Come on.
Josh Janssen: [00:03:15] Is it a tart?
Tommy Jackett: [00:03:18] That's not the answer. You need a definitive
Josh Janssen: [00:03:21] question. That definitive definitive answer.
Tommy Jackett: [00:03:25] Okay. Come on.
Josh Janssen: [00:03:26] Okay. No, no, no, no, no, don't go yet.
I'm still going. Is it a, what else do they have? That would have a three, two, one. What is it? Actually, I can't think of, I can't think of anything else.
Tommy Jackett: [00:03:37] It's fucking vanilla slice
Josh Janssen: [00:03:40] ice. Of course. Wow. It's huge.
Tommy Jackett: [00:03:46] It's fucking ginormous. I saw it and I was like, Oh yeah, but then I got it. And I was like, Oh my, Oh my, this is fucking ginormous.
Let me take a bit. Here we go.
Josh Janssen: [00:03:53] Oh, this is good. Um, there is so much crime.
Tommy Jackett: [00:03:59] Just
Josh Janssen: [00:04:01] great guys.
Tommy Jackett: [00:04:03] Everything you vanilla slice should be complicated the way cause it, you can't cut it in half too hard. Um, not too sweet though. Like perfect. I love that. Anyway. Totten in Blaine or Baldwin. Sorry. Awesome. Um, just one thing today, I woke up and I mean, last night, that's another story, actually.
You, so yesterday Arva, I'm doing, I've just got into an edit. Premier pro opens up and I've got my headphones in. I'm strapped in, you know, got the air con on. In fact, I'm going to turn it back on. Cause the acorn on blowing on me, you got my headphones on I'm in the zone. And then literally it sounded like this
Josh Janssen: [00:04:48] I'm really,
Tommy Jackett: [00:04:49] and what it was was the air-con turning off and slowly sort of lowering its pushing of air, but in my headphones, because they went, there was no sound in them anymore.
I could really hear the zoo of the air con. Anyway, my computer had switched off, completely meet, edit. Oh, that's so annoying. Like, and it's plugged into the wall, so it's not a laptop. So that's, I could hear a laptop in another room going, playing something. And I was like, hang on. What's going on? What's happened.
Then I turned on my camera, which is plugged into power and I was like, that's on. Okay. It's not completely on what the fuck, press my computer. I'm like, Oh no, the computer's dead. I'm fucking needing to deliver things.
Josh Janssen: [00:05:35] I've got to say it. Wasn't not only a power thing that you thought the computer had shit.
The bed.
Tommy Jackett: [00:05:40] Yeah, because the light on the air-con was still on. Still on. And I, and I turned it on when it's blowing the air, I was like, okay, this is all fucking bit weird. I've removed. This is the fucked up it. I removed my quadruple adapter. It's not that I've hurt. Paddleboard. Last that went out of my head, remove the power board from the wall where my computer is plugged into the power board, plugged the PA the computer straight into the wall, turned it back on.
It worked. My computer worked really. Then all of a sudden my computer went off. I've
Josh Janssen: [00:06:16] been having this issue with, I don't know what this is, but I've had an issue now, um, bedroom where it doesn't like charge. Like if we have to, like, if we have the laptop plugged in and the iPad, the iPad doesn't charge.
It's another story. I don't know what the deal is with that. Do you know what that is?
Tommy Jackett: [00:06:35] Well, I mean, it might be connected with what I'm about to say, but have you ever heard of. A brownout and not getting your Brown ran out or a Brown eye or a full moon back in the day.
Josh Janssen: [00:06:50] Some people old doing a poo Browning.
Tommy Jackett: [00:06:54] Okay. It's not,
Josh Janssen: [00:06:55] or make, let's
Tommy Jackett: [00:06:56] say it's got nothing making dirt. It's got nothing to do. Is
Josh Janssen: [00:07:01] that Bora
Tommy Jackett: [00:07:02] Bora. He says you make dirt. You makes very funny. Yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:07:07] So, so what's a Brown out.
Tommy Jackett: [00:07:09] Well, I called my brother because what was happening was I turned the lights on. It was like on, and then it was flickering. And then the, um, the fridge was turning on and off on and off, I was like, we're still eating power.
Josh Janssen: [00:07:23] The appliances. I feel like this is a sort of thing where shit gets broken. So it's like,
Tommy Jackett: [00:07:29] dude. Worried real worried reward. I've got a computer here that it's got work on it than I needed to do. It's my only work device.
Josh Janssen: [00:07:36] I was a panelist as a kid, uninterrupted power supplies are this real fear that I was going to lose power and not be able to use the computer.
They're quite expensive, but it's a big sort of, it's a box that sits between your power and your, um, computer. And if the power goes out, you have about 15 minutes. It starts beeping. You can shut everything down.
Tommy Jackett: [00:07:59] Yeah, so they didn't lose losing anything. So I call my broker's, he's a, uh, uh, electrician and I check the power box.
Nothing had been shorted, so it's like nothing needed to be turned back on. It wasn't either a Brown out. He tells me, sends me a Wiki Wiki link. A brownout is an intentional or unintentional drop in voltage in an electrical power supply system. Intentional Brown outs are used for load reduction in an emergency the term Brown outcomes from the dimming of.
Incandescent lighting when the voltage reduces a voltage reduction, maybe an effect of disruption, of an electrical grid, or may occasionally being posed in an effort to reduce load and prevent a power outage known as a blackout. So the difference between the blackout and the brownouts blackouts gone brand.
So you still have some current, but it's very low. So I was in the middle of my first Brown out.
Josh Janssen: [00:08:57] I wonder what happens with people that have, um, solar panels, I guess they wouldn't experience that.
Tommy Jackett: [00:09:04] I don't know. I mean, that's something Rob, Rob ward would be across these house. I'm not sure if they switch over to only use the solar power energy.
I thought it's just
Josh Janssen: [00:09:14] remember. .
Tommy Jackett: [00:09:16] Mixture into a grid unless you're completely off the grid properties.
Josh Janssen: [00:09:21] So I remember there was a, I don't understand it. I'm not to have to an answer into it because I
Tommy Jackett: [00:09:25] know why. Well, so what happened was you said something malfunctions. The only thing that malfunctioned was Michelle Laurie in my room.
And so, well, my fan is named Michelle LA Rochelle. Lori gave me the fan. And so it's a Dyson and on, and the Dyson's lights were still on, but it w it said F four, what do you do if you see a four? I don't even know what that means. It never says, therefore it either says one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 for the speed or 40 mins.
Josh Janssen: [00:10:01] Did you Google it?
Tommy Jackett: [00:10:02] Yeah. So I Googled it F four is a fault function in Dyson products where you need to disconnect it from the power source for 60 seconds. No more, no less. And then plug it back into another. No, I didn't actually took it out. So I took, yeah. Anyway, I plugged it back in and it works. It lost its fault function.
And so what a nightmare, but I tell you what things happen for a reason. Josh Janssen. You know, um, bran out, cause me to call you to say what, what I w what can I look up? Cause you're the tech guy and looking up shit, you see, go Twitter, I'm on Twitter
Josh Janssen: [00:10:46] bullying and things like that. Couldn't find anything there, but you didn't find something right
Tommy Jackett: [00:10:51] to I'll tell you what I found in Blaine, the kiss FM street team, giving away prizes at the bullying Plaza, which is about.
Five minutes walk from my joint.
Josh Janssen: [00:11:01] So did you find it because you searched bullying literally said Blaine
Tommy Jackett: [00:11:07] saw it. They're like, Hey guys, where the bullying Plaza from 5:00 PM giving away free prizes.
Josh Janssen: [00:11:15] It was like, so how far away is that from your joint?
Tommy Jackett: [00:11:18] Yeah, five minutes, dude. Just literally I'm like, this is amazing.
So I went for a walk first, stinking hot. 35 degrees or something. And then I get to the baleen Plaza. I say them sitting up, I'm just like, I now know what it feels. I used to work on that straight tape or the straight team for the radio stations. There will always be people hanging around that new that will come and it's ready.
I was, the guide is like, I literally was peeking around the corner. Just like fucking
Josh Janssen: [00:11:45] within many people there.
Tommy Jackett: [00:11:48] Well, what's the point? I reckon. So they pulled out the front of Domino's in a parked across some car spots. So they had a good spot PA system set up the car with the graphics, Jason PJ on the side, they had a spinning wheel, you know, like, uh, um, wheel of fortune wheel, um, Had a hand sanitization station.
It was fun. It was awesome. And so I was about to the second person there and I went up and I, I span Spanish and, um, it was either, you know, you could get wind some merch or you could win some pizza, two large pizzas in a, you know, two sides. And so I, I span it and I didn't win, but she said, Oh, you can have some merchandise, you know, if you want, I said, Well, it was a phone charger or a drink bottle
Josh Janssen: [00:12:41] with like a Jason PJ
Tommy Jackett: [00:12:43] master vain.
I don't know. I didn't get it because I said. Oh, I'd prefer the pizza. And she said, all right, you can have the pizza. And so I know how it works. I'll do that same shit. Someone would just ask and be like, all right, man, he got, and so I got myself, I got myself dinner, the house, no power didn't want to cook.
It was too hot. The acorn had gone,
Josh Janssen: [00:13:05] but there was there power out there as well.
Tommy Jackett: [00:13:08] The power was gone, the power was gone. And so it, um, Things happen for a reason, black out a Brown out into two large pizzas into two sides.
Josh Janssen: [00:13:20] What size, what sides did you get? Can we get that? Can we get that claim? The things?
Tommy Jackett: [00:13:26] Ah, thanks, Casey.
Josh Janssen: [00:13:29] I actually remember, I went to the car show many years ago and a gold FM was there. And, uh, I remember I was shocked. Because I was there when they had sort of the outside broadcast section and no one was in there, they had the PA system and there was, uh, someone talking and I was like, just blown away with like, how, what are they doing?
Wait, hang on. I'm looking at the microphone. There's no one, there how's this happening. It was a prerecord. And, um, but I entered the competition and, uh, You I've got a, got a call. Uh, I was, I was under 18 or whatever, so I got a call, um, maybe a month later or a few weeks later saying you've, uh, you've won a brand new tires for your car.
And so I'm a dad where yeah. Yeah. Mum and dad were right with that. That was it. That was
Tommy Jackett: [00:14:21] good. That's three, 400 bucks. Isn't it?
Josh Janssen: [00:14:24] Yeah. It was
Tommy Jackett: [00:14:25] a lot of value. How did you win it? What did you have to do?
Josh Janssen: [00:14:28] You just had to fill it out the details. I'm sure no one was doing it.
Tommy Jackett: [00:14:32] You've got to be in it to win it.
That's exactly right. You've got to spin it to win. It was
Josh Janssen: [00:14:37] anyone else waiting in line.
Tommy Jackett: [00:14:39] Um, so by the time I had ordered my pizza. Oh, and get this for luck. Uh, I hadn't charged my phone the previous night. So my phone by the end of the day was like rat
Josh Janssen: [00:14:51] shit. It was like, so sort of irresponsible that you didn't go for the.
The battery. I
Tommy Jackett: [00:14:56] know it's the thing I needed most, I didn't need the calories from the two large pages, but
Josh Janssen: [00:15:02] which by the way,
Tommy Jackett: [00:15:03] ah, ha uh, barbecue chicken with pineapple Amy's request and then a vegetarian, which was nice. Um, and so anyway, I. I got the, the, the thing that said you can get your pizzas. I went into the Domino's there and they said, Oh, you got to get this online.
I was like, Oh no. So I download the app. I'm at 2% battery. I'm putting in the details, sweating and I'm sweating. I was sweating and I secured the order. I got it. That's
Josh Janssen: [00:15:33] great.
Tommy Jackett: [00:15:34] And since I
Josh Janssen: [00:15:35] not doing, um, was it just because of the promo was online?
Tommy Jackett: [00:15:38] Oh, he's just a co you can actually free delivery or whatever.
It's it's awesome. And anyway, that was, that was fun. But I was saying this morning, I woke up and about that sort of pickle where I, um, got no t-shirts. Got absolutely no t-shirts that are clean. There's some clean right now because they've just been washed, but I need to dry them. Um, and I have a, I don't want to say the name of the brand because I feel like we've already given them too much, you know, too much credit lines.
I will say you could probably gauge who it is. Yeah. And don't cut too wide. Cause you'll say it the logo, because I've had to resort to wearing the merchandise, should they centers? I will say that the reason I am apprehensive about going down to somewhere like the bakery, which come to think about it, I'd forgot I was wearing it.
Josh Janssen: [00:16:27] You'd look like a pharma guy
Tommy Jackett: [00:16:29] on the back of the shirt. It just has this huge thing that says. Your balls will. Thank you. In large text
Josh Janssen: [00:16:36] glasses. Were you wearing wearing this when you got your pizza thing? No. No, no. That would have been perfect. If you had that yesterday, it's just like, you are the ultimate prize pig because it's a t-shirt that you definitely won.
I thought I
Tommy Jackett: [00:16:49] had another contest, but I went down to the, yeah. I literally was self-conscious about wearing it to the coffee shop this morning and then to the bakery. And then I actually have just forgotten that I'm wearing it, but I was thinking about promotional t-shirts. Okay. So there's a class of people, category of people that would actually vibe them and like them and wear them.
Majority, I don't, I'm talking, I'm talking so that disposable, they're not disposable, but they're highly just, they don't care about the quality. They're just sending them out. Although this one is quite fucking comfy and good quality, but they are just giving out. Right. They're relying on people that have run out.
Of clothes in their wardrobe. And they're relying on people that keep promotional clothing and keeping them wardrobe for when they did grants. And haven't actually done the washing because I'm actually forced into a corner. I can't walk around in a no top all day, man, but
Josh Janssen: [00:17:46] that sometimes promo stuff had done right.
They get you on the quality. So if the quality is really good. So for instance, I've got this code pen, this, um, you know, like a CSS, like random sort of coding website did a video on the founder and he gave me hoodie. Now. Who are you so comfortable? That I just, I all the time.
Tommy Jackett: [00:18:10] Yeah. Okay. So there's
Josh Janssen: [00:18:13] what about four?
He had the frame IO t-shirt wearing for awhile.
Tommy Jackett: [00:18:18] Yeah. So it is the Collie. So you have no real affinity to the brand, but you're willing to wear it based on the quality I
Josh Janssen: [00:18:26] bought. McDonald's socks.
Tommy Jackett: [00:18:28] Yeah. They, I mean, they they're good though. I think they're a good purchase in a bit hipster, you know, pull them up tight, pull them up higher with you.
Three quarter pants. But so you've got, but what about all the other stuff? Because what you're saying is not every brand, think about the amount of promotional gear giving away, given away. And a lot of them are crappy t-shirts.
Josh Janssen: [00:18:48] So what are the, what are the brands that you would wear? I remember, um, for my 18th birthday, A friend giving me an Apple Chadstone.
T-shirt she got it because she was one of the first people to go into the store. I think it was the first hundred people got a t-shirt.
Tommy Jackett: [00:19:04] Did you look like a staff member? This is actually a thing too, dude. It's like quite hip to get. Staff clothing of places or
Josh Janssen: [00:19:12] budding, you can buy the Bunnings hat you can buy, um, spotlight, sorry, not spotlight.
Um, I Kia have taken the Ikea bag, you know, the sort of blue material, you know, that sort of plastic sort of material. They've turned that into a hat, like one of those sort of like bowl sort of hat things. Yeah. Yeah.
Tommy Jackett: [00:19:31] Bucket hat. Back-up hats F full hipster at the moment. So what other,
Josh Janssen: [00:19:37] so what other brands like Coca Cola?
I feel like is a brand that people would, yeah. Sort of were
Tommy Jackett: [00:19:42] strong enough. I mean, I'd probably get around in a Footlocker sort of look like a coach,
Josh Janssen: [00:19:47] just
Tommy Jackett: [00:19:48] look like I'm about to bloody referee a game of, um, you know,
Josh Janssen: [00:19:52] so you're talking door forms then, like
Tommy Jackett: [00:19:54] what does it mean to both? Because you can almost, yeah.
Other than, because there are probably some brands that do call looking merge on purpose, but it's more just. So, um, grant smiley, who we had on the show about a year ago, over in LA, he, um, is just about to open pony fish Island he's venue in Melbourne. Awesome. Unique spot on the Yaron, sort of midway on a bridge that sort of steps down to this little platform area.
So it's like nowhere else like it in, in Melbourne whatsoever. And they've just done a Reno, but he's just posting photos of their new uniform. And the uniform seek like the staff's uniform crisp, like good quality looks like great colors.
Josh Janssen: [00:20:40] Why second dimension, more colors,
Tommy Jackett: [00:20:41] right. Colors. I think there was some like pastels, like real summery vibe.
Josh Janssen: [00:20:46] It's different style pastels and pistols
Tommy Jackett: [00:20:50] styles. I, it sounded cooler to say pass down.
Josh Janssen: [00:20:53] Yeah. Um, um, you know, so what other brands like let's think about brands that we would wear?
Tommy Jackett: [00:21:03] Oh, uh, you were talking about the big power players out of last night, which these people sell cars. They sell the, you can't, you can't get, yeah.
They're not giving away much. Okay. So you're taking it away from that.
Josh Janssen: [00:21:16] So yeah, it has to be something like a, um,
Tommy Jackett: [00:21:20] So your Coca Cola is probably on in line. Um, Uber, would you, I've seen people rocking Uber merge. Have you seen that?
Josh Janssen: [00:21:27] Yeah, I think,
Tommy Jackett: [00:21:31] yeah,
Josh Janssen: [00:21:32] I'm on the fence. I think, you know what? I owned one to a friend that where's that gone. Where's my tissue. Can't yeah, I had an Uber
Tommy Jackett: [00:21:43] and Uber t-shirt, as he said that he's he's t-shirt that he was wearing just
Josh Janssen: [00:21:46] disappeared. No, I did have a friend, uh, worked at Uber. In the early days and she gave me one.
Um, yeah. What are the, what other brands?
Tommy Jackett: [00:21:58] Um,
Josh Janssen: [00:22:01] no, no, sorry. Um,
Tommy Jackett: [00:22:03] shift boarding brands. So cool. Rip curl. Maybe
Josh Janssen: [00:22:09] they clothing brands.
Tommy Jackett: [00:22:10] Yeah, but that's what I'm saying. There's a few surf board brands out necessarily there. McTavish so these are some sort of bespoke. Oh, I've got one, um, evolve skateboards.
Josh Janssen: [00:22:22] Oh yeah.
Tommy Jackett: [00:22:23] So skateboard brands, the just throwing a cheek T to get you, you know, get you wearing their brand. Do we think that
Josh Janssen: [00:22:31] 2021 could be the year that we actually sought out? The daily talk, show merchant a proper way, having something constantly up. That would be fun.
Tommy Jackett: [00:22:39] Yeah. Yeah. That'd be great. That'd be great. I mean, what do you think about uniforms?
What do you think of at uniforms? Oh, that's what I was saying.
Josh Janssen: [00:22:47] So big media company, it could look nice. Like these ans color long sleeve numbers are actually quite nice. And so putting like
Tommy Jackett: [00:22:57] six months of the year.
Josh Janssen: [00:22:58] Yeah. So BMC on that could look. Okay, but it can also look super sort of daggy. Like I've seen a few years sort of production companies where they have.
Their own t-shirts and there you've just got to reign in the, um, like making sure that things are I, and if it's not an iron t-shirt it just looks like, I don't know if they'd just do it for the shoots. Like everyone's got to wear your company t-shirt and then it's
Tommy Jackett: [00:23:28] just the bottom of the fucking wardrobe.
Josh Janssen: [00:23:31] Nothing's worse. She wants nothing worse than a crinkled. T-shirt. That's then tucked in. It's very fucking confusing. What, what, like, do you care or don't you care? You don't do you know what I mean? Because it's like
Tommy Jackett: [00:23:45] went back to queer eye for the, it's not that it's just called queer eye now. Yeah,
Josh Janssen: [00:23:49] no, but I feel don't you feel that the, um, it's sort of a bit confusing where it's like, if I see a creased t-shirt tucked in, I just assume that they got food on the bottom half.
Tommy Jackett: [00:24:02] It's 50% a commitment it's like. It's if you're 50% there, did you ever,
Josh Janssen: [00:24:08] did you ever tuck in shirts or t-shirts as a kid?
Tommy Jackett: [00:24:12] As in what way? Like
Josh Janssen: [00:24:14] also when I played golf, so when I played golf, I'd have my polo and I would tuck it all in and then I would do put my hands up and then it would sort of pull out notes sort of.
So you'd have like a nice even around the sides that you're sort of pulling at it, that type of thing.
Tommy Jackett: [00:24:29] That makes sense though. Suits. And, but, but I mean, it's more
Josh Janssen: [00:24:33] t-shirts I can imagine you sort of having a really long and then like tucking in half of it, like the front of it, and then having the other sort of just,
Tommy Jackett: [00:24:41] yeah.
Yeah. And now you're right. You're spot on. I was definitely exposed the belt buckle with a tail with the middle.
Josh Janssen: [00:24:47] I could imagine down that sort of like, um, Yeah. The, the buckle that would sort of close on itself, it
Tommy Jackett: [00:24:54] was, I called was a brand that did them skating. They're like a skater belt, but no, not those.
It was more as I got a bit older, I think there's been some looks that, you know, just showing sort of that belt buckle. I mean fact, this is getting out of my territory. What about
Josh Janssen: [00:25:11] the daily talk show? I like the idea of doing different eras. So we say, okay, February where starting merchant again. The theme is nineties.
And so it's all nineties style.
Tommy Jackett: [00:25:25] I can imagine what you want is someone, the thing is he can't do that because you want to create something. This is, but it's cool.
Josh Janssen: [00:25:32] Like, imagine it's not imagine like
Tommy Jackett: [00:25:35] the nineties
Josh Janssen: [00:25:36] fucking everything, have you on the seen seriously, we've been through this, the, the Michael Jordan doco, they all look really cool.
Tommy Jackett: [00:25:45] Literally. There's just been a article out recently. It was like, The 10 worst suits worn by NBA players. And it was all the suits that were from those
Josh Janssen: [00:25:56] days. But think about like, um, I couldn't imagine a, um,
Tommy Jackett: [00:26:01] so one thing I'll say, which I've just looked up is it's, it is the young Tik TOK girls at the moment, like, um, Tammy exposed, uh, some sort of high waisted jeans.
That's what it is looking like. But I mean, it's not us, we're not doing Tommy tops for boys, but what about
Josh Janssen: [00:26:21] girls? What about like, um, A polo shirt. That's like got a bit, a bit of sort of patches to it. Like imagine, like I could imagine a different type of color, like, so you have like one color and then sort of a pattern color, or you could have like a pattern and, um, uh, a, a pocket.
Yeah, it would be nice.
Tommy Jackett: [00:26:44] Would you buy it if you were ever to buy minutes?
Josh Janssen: [00:26:47] I think I worked at so what would, what do you think is appealing for the daily talk show from a merchant perspective?
Tommy Jackett: [00:26:53] Well, it's all about finding what's what's in at the moment.
Josh Janssen: [00:26:57] What do you think seeing
Tommy Jackett: [00:26:58] why? I dunno it's but I know it's not nineties clothing necessarily think will Smith think fresh Prince of Bel air, like, but it's too out there for majority of people.
I'm sure there is a bunch of people that would probably say you're a fucking either. I wear nineties. Not everyone, waves nineties, not everyone's wearing suspenders and shit, but what about like, I can't pull it
Josh Janssen: [00:27:21] off. She was there's that new? Um, there's the, uh, new show ad or like a new season? The crown isn't it?
I think, um, grace was talking about the new season or whatever, and we're going through all of princess Diana's, um, clothing. She had great style. And a lot of it, the
Tommy Jackett: [00:27:44] nineties, well, she, that was in the nineties. When did she die?
Josh Janssen: [00:27:50] Uh, 1996.
Tommy Jackett: [00:27:52] So you're saying that was nineties, but she was in the nineties. And so that's how she was wearing fashion of the times.
I'm saying that all comes around now times if you look
Josh Janssen: [00:28:03] out computer. So if you type in princess Diana fashion, I'm not joking, you know, like these, um, these orange short shorts that everyone's wearing. I like this sort of the scheme sports shorts.
Tommy Jackett: [00:28:20] Oh yeah. I mean the heart, the heartbeat is you top in any fashion stuff and it's bringing up female fashion.
Josh Janssen: [00:28:27] So type in princess.
Tommy Jackett: [00:28:29] Are we going to do . Are we going to do a range of princess Diana inspiring
Josh Janssen: [00:28:37] the daily dose?
Tommy Jackett: [00:28:38] Why not?
Josh Janssen: [00:28:41] Like the signature will probably come after. I guess if we, if we include sort of a. And Hey day lighting to where like a signature or whatever in it. But look at the fashion.
Tommy Jackett: [00:28:51] She good colors. Like it is six colors. These colors are in. Definitely. You can look at it,
Josh Janssen: [00:28:57] say looking at this, I would think that she was at the fucking polo.
Like this year she probably was dead. Um, there's a conspiracy. Um, but, um, yeah, she, she hasn't skipped a beat when it comes to, uh, To fashion all of this stuff. If you look at any that Harvard, that, that top here with the Harvard, and she's got a call shoes, the white socks and the short shorts, like this is all, this is 2020.
Tommy Jackett: [00:29:26] What we need is a fashion advisor, a hit, a merge. Amid
Josh Janssen: [00:29:31] of fashion emerge.
Tommy Jackett: [00:29:32] Hey yeah, we need that. That's what we need. And next hire head of fashion, which styles, the team daily, and also creates the merge. Like at least the look book
Josh Janssen: [00:29:46] we should start, like what would happen if we sort of elevated the daily talk show merge to be Yeezys?
Tommy Jackett: [00:29:54] Well, you, I mean,
Josh Janssen: [00:29:55] like that's sort of like a really sort of. Fashion.
Tommy Jackett: [00:29:59] What if we need to go, we need to go into more debt and be absolutely out there. Like crazy.
Josh Janssen: [00:30:05] I think that we need some, yeah. I mean, isn't he doing? Okay. He's not in debt anymore.
Tommy Jackett: [00:30:11] No, but he was in serious, serious debt with Dondre his brand.
And then I don't know, Dondre. Well, yeah, he, that was his fashion label. Dondre, look it up. Don dot Kanye West Dondre Dondre is the upcoming tension studio album. Is it Dondre? I can see anyway, he had a brand and he was in serious debt, but he came out the other side. So what I'm saying is go into debt to come out the other side, not advice.
It's not financial advice whatsoever, whatsoever, but now I get it. Yeah. If you are a fish, if you have. You finger on the pulse. That's what every good, um, job description outline in a resume as in a, a, you know, a job pitch is like, have you got your finger on the pulse when it comes to fashion? Are you up to date with the latest trends?
Are you across the Adobe suite,
Josh Janssen: [00:31:05] but surely we can do something where it's actually. Really cool.
Tommy Jackett: [00:31:10] I want to, I want to what you outlined was not cool. A polo top with a patch. No, one's wearing poly tops. I haven't seen someone wearing a polo top unless they're felt like so hip into a company.
Josh Janssen: [00:31:24] I am, I understand the friction, which, so when I'm thinking about, when I think about who's modeling the clothes, it's Georgie boy. And so that's the thing. I can't imagine you in a polo, but I can definitely imagine JB and a polo.
Tommy Jackett: [00:31:39] Yeah. I think it's more, what would the grog, so maybe we need to put out another survey.
What kind of merchants? It's great. You'll
Josh Janssen: [00:31:47] have a signature item.
Tommy Jackett: [00:31:49] Yeah, that'd be good. So if you wouldn't have something, you want to make sure that you're going to be daily wearing that thing. Yeah. And so, I mean, I'd like that to take away a lot of fucking questions for me. You know who I am. I, what am I doing with my life
Josh Janssen: [00:32:05] classes?
I could take classes or whatever,
Tommy Jackett: [00:32:09] the blue,
Josh Janssen: [00:32:09] blue,
Tommy Jackett: [00:32:10] blue light glasses on. Oh yeah, you can't wear them. Can you?
Josh Janssen: [00:32:13] I could, it would just need to, um, there just needed to be prescription. Uh, anyway guys. Uh, joy, enjoy the rest of your Friday. What we can say, TJ, you
Tommy Jackett: [00:32:21] find that Friday, I'm going to eat the rest of this Viola slice and get back to
Josh Janssen: [00:32:25] a Tesla.
Look really good. All right. Uh, enjoy your Friday night, everyone. And we'll see you tomorrow. Have a good one.
Tommy Jackett: [00:32:31] Say guys.