#885 – The Hirsute Guys/
- October 17, 2020
Pete Shepherd joins us for Weekend Banter to chat about hair and regrowth, the surprises of shopping online with Woolworths, why Jess doesn’t like baths, the admin of voting, Pete’s exciting announcement and what Georgie Boy has been up to.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
- Hair and regrowth
- A Hirsute guy
- Woolworths Online
- Baths
- Voting admin
- Pete’s exciting announcement
- Georgie Boy’s prank calls
Email us: hi@thedailytalkshow.com
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY.
Episode Tags
Josh Janssen: [00:00:00] it's the daily talk show episode, 885.
Peter Shepherd: [00:00:09] What's happening. What's going on guys. It's weekend.
Josh Janssen: [00:00:16] beautiful job,
Peter Shepherd: [00:00:17] Jess and JB in the house. We
Josh Janssen: [00:00:20] do. And can you tell me, he's standing in for TJ who is on. Uh, annual leave. Uh, Pete, can I just say, uh, your hair is looking extremely shiny? What sort of conditioner do you use?
Peter Shepherd: [00:00:36] It's long. This is actually straight out of the ocean. So I had a swim about an hour and a half ago, so I think it's just salt water and there's no other, there's no other trick.
It's just a lot of salt water.
Josh Janssen: [00:00:47] Hi, good money for that type of hair. That's salt water. Like you can get the spray.
Peter Shepherd: [00:00:53] It's out of control. It's out of control. My, I haven't had a haircut in almost four months and my head feels like it weighs like 15 kilograms. It's so annoying
George Martin: [00:01:03] for months. For me, my hair would be twice that length
Peter Shepherd: [00:01:07] pretty long.
I think it's well kept under the headphones. It's like, it's very long.
Josh Janssen: [00:01:11] It's great. I mean, you seem to be able to shave though. Paint. What do you think you'd look like if you didn't shave during that time,
Peter Shepherd: [00:01:20] you may shave my beard.
Josh Janssen: [00:01:21] Yes.
Peter Shepherd: [00:01:22] Yeah, I think I would be like real spotty, probably a little bit ginger, like, it'd be shocking.
It would be awful. It wouldn't look like a nice, thick, luscious beard. It would just be this spotty mess of a thing.
Josh Janssen: [00:01:35] I've seen the, have you seen on Instagram, they selling those a little wheel. Things like pricks, you, and apparently it grows, grows hair on the patches.
Peter Shepherd: [00:01:45] No, that's it right
George Martin: [00:01:49] here.
Jess Lucas: [00:01:50] Pop in. Or
Josh Janssen: [00:01:51] I just don't know.
I just don't buy any of this stuff because even like some of the, um, the biggest names in Hollywood have tried to fix their hair problems. Ashton Kutcher, he had a, um, he went to a doctor to try and fix his hair growth issues, even the best, you know, all of these people who have, who have the most amount of money can't fix.
Hair loss issues. So what hope do we have
Peter Shepherd: [00:02:18] actually mine? Are they not a solid
Josh Janssen: [00:02:22] solution?
Peter Shepherd: [00:02:23] I think, I think so. I don't know. I just remembered the name. Ashley Martin from TB.
Josh Janssen: [00:02:27] Yeah. No, I don't know. Like they're all, they all have their risks. So apparently, uh, when. Uh, with one of them in particular, it plays with your testosterone.
And so then it like lowers it a bunch. And then for, for a year after you go off it, you're all fine. And then you start to lose it. And so
Peter Shepherd: [00:02:49] JV and Josh, are you at risk of going bold? Is that something to be mindful of in the future? Just you obviously excluded
Josh Janssen: [00:02:57] you go first. You know what I think.
George Martin: [00:03:01] My dad does actually got a solid head of hair.
Josh Janssen: [00:03:03] Nice.
George Martin: [00:03:04] So I think I'm okay. Uh, it is a bit gray that's okay. Okay,
Josh Janssen: [00:03:09] great. That's cool. I mean, yeah. Would love to go gray. Yeah. I don't know. I've always had a farm back hairline. Uh, when I was 14, the hairdresser asked if my dad it was bold. And I said, yes. And she said, have all of the crazy hairstyles while you can.
Yeah. And so I dunno. Yeah, it is.
George Martin: [00:03:29] My hairline is slightly receding though. I reckon like it goes pretty far back.
Josh Janssen: [00:03:34] Maybe we should do what, you know, when you're a kid and you, um, you growing and you put a line on sort of the, the doorframe. Maybe we should be doing a little permanent marker. Just to see how far back it's going forward.
Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Um, I mean, what are the things that you have to worry about Jess? We've got the whole hair loss thing and remembering your Mike technique. I'm on today's show.
Jess Lucas: [00:03:59] Just like it's super patronizing Justin.
Josh Janssen: [00:04:01] No, but I just, we just can't when you like this a little bit, a little bit. Um, yeah.
Now what are you, what, what's your biggest concern? If it's hair loss for us? What's what's the what's on your mind.
Jess Lucas: [00:04:14] I'd probably have to say hair loss in a different way. Like thinning of your hair. Like the ends of my hair is really thin. And I'm trying to grow it out. I'm trying to look after it. So I haven't really touched a hair straightener in like over a year.
Um, just like special occasions or like special work things and that kind of thing. I know baby steps. Um, what else? Um, I mean, just like, you know, your general waxing kind of things like you just need to be, you know, on top of that.
Josh Janssen: [00:04:44] Yeah, no, no. When I was a kid, I didn't have eyebrows as a fun fact. Really?
What do you mean? Just didn't have eyebrows. I'll put up a photo on Instagram just for a very long time. I never had an eyebrows. And so glasses, it looked great wearing glasses because it covered the fact that if you took them off, no eyebrows
Jess Lucas: [00:05:09] pretty thick set right now.
Josh Janssen: [00:05:10] Yeah. I made the thing nowhere near sort of the thickness of say Tommy jacket or someone like that, but they're, I think they suit me, uh, In that regard, but no, thank you.
George Martin: [00:05:24] Really nice.
Thick, like, um, yeah. Mum used to wax them for me.
Josh Janssen: [00:05:32] Wow.
George Martin: [00:05:34] Yeah, yeah, yeah. In there and under like under there.
Josh Janssen: [00:05:38] Ah,
Peter Shepherd: [00:05:40] yeah.
George Martin: [00:05:41] Well plucking hurts like, mm. Like handle will pluck my eyebrows. Like just like, you know, and that, that hurts, but waxing isn't too bad because it's just like one go of that. Yeah. Um,
Josh Janssen: [00:05:55] and so how often was your mum doing this?
Was it sort of like, okay, we're going to go get new school uniforms for the year GB. We need to do it eyebrows
George Martin: [00:06:05] whenever I go back up to bar and it's, we have a, like a facial day and she'll.
Josh Janssen: [00:06:10] Beautiful
George Martin: [00:06:12] and she'll, um, do my eyebrows and like, give me, get all my pours out and stuff. Um, but yeah, no, it was probably, yeah, a couple of times a year.
Josh Janssen: [00:06:20] I reckon when I was at school. Oh, wow. I
George Martin: [00:06:23] cause my friend who had bigger eyebrows, he shaved his at school, shaved him down the middle. And that's a bad, bad thing to do. Cause then they just go back thick and fast.
Peter Shepherd: [00:06:34] Then you've got the monitor brow and you don't want that at school?
Josh Janssen: [00:06:37] Yeah. Pete, do you remember the first time you shaved?
Peter Shepherd: [00:06:42] Not specifically other than it was probably only a couple of weeks ago. I,
I get that, that Harry. No, I think I probably did it just cause I wanted to, and not that I actually needed to. I just cause everyone, I feel like I was, I was probably a little bit of a late bloomer in terms of puberty. So I probably shaved. Before I needed to, just to sort of feel part of the crew and yeah, I'm pretty sure I do.
I definitely remember having little bits of tissue cause I cut
Josh Janssen: [00:07:09] myself,
Peter Shepherd: [00:07:10] you know, so you've got to get the little tissues and dab that and
Josh Janssen: [00:07:13] well, I won't be like hearing about, um, you actually need to shave if you want it to grow.
Peter Shepherd: [00:07:19] Yeah. Yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:07:21] Yeah. And so I remember doing that. And I distinctly one of the only times this is, this is no joke.
I've mentioned this on the show, but he probably remembers one of the few times that I prayed to God. Do you remember this JV? I don't remember that bit. Okay. No. So the first, like the, one of the only times I ever prayed to God was pleased. God. Give me pubes. Cause I just remember, I remember like it was, it was such a thing in school where like I really loved playing golf and I remember my friend at the time Laughlin would just Dak himself to show his pubes and run around the golf course.
And I remember I was just horrified at the thought that I didn't have pubes. I
Peter Shepherd: [00:08:12] feel like there was a lot of pressure growing up. I remember like one of the biggest insults at the school I went to at lace was you could be called a
Josh Janssen: [00:08:18] Skinner,
Peter Shepherd: [00:08:20] which meant that you didn't have pubes. And it was like, you don't want to be called or found out to be a Skinner.
It was, it was a lot of pressure.
Josh Janssen: [00:08:27] I know TJ still uses that phrase today. I'm not even joking. And I believe he used it at his school, but yeah, there was, um, But I remember when it came to shave, I shaved my chin. And rather than doing the motion where you sort of extend your chin to give it a flat surface, I knew that you had to do something, but I wasn't sure what it was.
And so I scrunched up. My chin like that. And then I was, I remember using my mums disposable, you know, like the orange disposable razors, and just like, without any fucking with anything, just, just like, basically just cutting into my face, going. I hope it grows. It's a bit of a nightmare. Jeez,
Jess Lucas: [00:09:16] because the skin is, I don't know.
Why, why do you think it? What, what did you want to impress?
Josh Janssen: [00:09:23] I think it was just you, you couldn't level up in life. It felt at the time. And so like anything, because it felt this was my perspective anyway, sex and like, you know, a head that's what we like, it used to be hate, like,
or do we, but it was that thing of like, getting head was like a huge, I just remember just like going to parties and you just hear stories like, yeah. Like Adam just got head. I was like, what the fuck? Why is everyone getting, I want head, but I just remember, I was like, I can't get head until I have pubes.
I think it was like a fair assumption. I don't think that like I was ready.
Jess Lucas: [00:10:11] It's funny. Cause I feel like from the other perspective, the girls would have just seen like, Oh,
Josh Janssen: [00:10:15] fuck sake,
Jess Lucas: [00:10:19] that they would've seen yours. I would've been like, yes.
Josh Janssen: [00:10:21] Yeah. I was, I was just ahead of my time, you know, but yeah, I bet I do.
The funny thing is that I had no, no hair on my chest or anything. And now I'm a pretty hirsute guy. And so a hairy, but only a hairy person would know it.
Peter Shepherd: [00:10:42] Outrageous word to just casually use.
Josh Janssen: [00:10:45] Yeah. It's a good one. Um, and yeah, no. So I guy, I like to think that the one time I did ask God for help, God, he or she, whoever God is helping answered,
Peter Shepherd: [00:11:01] answered.
Josh Janssen: [00:11:03] Yes. Just Googling it.
Jess Lucas: [00:11:07] but do you reckon it's because of it, like, it looks like a hair suit.
Josh Janssen: [00:11:11] Yes. I
Jess Lucas: [00:11:15] liked it from,
Josh Janssen: [00:11:17] I don't know. It feels, I feel like people are either, uh, they like her suit man, or they don't just, are you bothered by hair or are you okay? Okay.
George Martin: [00:11:34] Yeah. Don't you love it.
Jess Lucas: [00:11:35] They're on your face.
Josh Janssen: [00:11:36] Sure.
George Martin: [00:11:37] Chest. Yeah.
Jess Lucas: [00:11:38] Yeah. Yeah, whatever.
Peter Shepherd: [00:11:40] What about back, Jess? Does it get weird if this back here,
Jess Lucas: [00:11:44] the back hair is contentious? Isn't it? It's like it's um, I don't, I ha having these conversations with you guys. Cause I never know.
Josh Janssen: [00:11:53] Look I'm, I'm fine
Jess Lucas: [00:11:54] with it. I do
Josh Janssen: [00:11:56] look at this. I definitely have hair on my back.
I'm a hair back guy, but. I understand like Bri has her feedback is that it can tickle her face at times if she's being the big spoon, which is annoying, which I understand is annoying. Um, but again,
George Martin: [00:12:15] it's just
Josh Janssen: [00:12:17] how much, how much do you actually want someone spend spending? Do you really want your significant other Jess spending more time than you on.
It, you know, all of these things upkeep?
Jess Lucas: [00:12:31] Probably not. No, I would probably prefer them not through if they had the back hair. Um, okay. This is a contentious question as well, shaving up here.
Josh Janssen: [00:12:42] So you're pointing to your, like the collarbone region. I mean
Jess Lucas: [00:12:48] like your,
Josh Janssen: [00:12:49] like the full chest.
Jess Lucas: [00:12:50] Yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:12:52] Nah. I mean, I just feel like, yeah, I don't think it's necessary.
Paint. Have you ever even had to worry about that?
Peter Shepherd: [00:12:59] No. I think as the huge man in this conversation, you're probably the only one who has to worry. I've got, you know, little, a bit, like we talked about with my beard or nonexistent beard. I've got little. Bits and pieces of like little black hairs here and there, but it's nothing that's even remotely worth saving, nothing to write home.
Josh Janssen: [00:13:18] About. What about UGB? I feel like you'd be a secret hirsute man.
George Martin: [00:13:25] I've got about, I've got, I think three nipple hairs
Josh Janssen: [00:13:33] to them, as well as just waiting at
George Martin: [00:13:37] Handel pedal, get rid of him every now and then. Um, So I've got those. What else have I got? That's pretty much it. I think I've told this story before, but Hannah's mom got me a, um, some shaving cream for my 21st birthday, just a little tube, a little tube of it. And by my 25th birthday, it had all been used and she got me a
Josh Janssen: [00:13:59] new one.
Yeah. I mean, I'm, I'm I don't do a close. Shave. I don't do. I don't ever use a blade because I get the craziest amount of irritation. I've tried everything I've tried, uh, oils have tried everything. Uh, what's everyone doing when it comes to shaving. Do you just use it a beard trimmer to avoid that?
Peter Shepherd: [00:14:26] No, I'm a, I'm a, like, I think pretty stock standard, but maybe not like just the Gillette shaving cream with the Gillette sort of three razor.
I think it is.
Josh Janssen: [00:14:35] Thanks. Are you just up or down?
Peter Shepherd: [00:14:38] I go down Hort, like down the cheek, but then when it's the neck I go up, I'm sure this is riveting conversation.
Josh Janssen: [00:14:47] You're asking for any grown, if was at Rodney and groans.
Peter Shepherd: [00:14:51] Uh, yeah. Yeah, I have, I've definitely had an ingrown also.
Josh Janssen: [00:14:54] Yep. Oh, I reckon I have them every single month.
I have grown and I like, aye. Aye. Aye. What was that chess? I think it's just genetic. What do you think it is? Well, so I think like, um, I pulled out like Tuft of hair, another good word. Tuft probably used with hair. Isn't it. I'm sorry. I pulled some hair out and, uh, in one follicle I had like four hairs coming out of the single follicle.
Um, and so I think that. Is a general thing. Maybe this whole praying thing that fucking, I doubled every hair in my follicles because it's just, I think that we've spoken previously about my issues with folliculitis. Haven't had it for a while. Thanks. Um, you'll cross folliculitis stress.
Jess Lucas: [00:15:44] No, what is it?
Josh Janssen: [00:15:45] It's a it's infected follicles. Look at, look it up and look at
Peter Shepherd: [00:15:50] Google.
Josh Janssen: [00:15:53] I've never had, I've never had it that bad probably cause they always lead with the worst on Google images. Always just be careful. So imagine, imagine sort of like a pimply sort of pimples on your head or whatever. That's, that's something that I have had to deal with, which is quite annoying.
I've had, I have had antibiotics before.
Peter Shepherd: [00:16:12] Have you GV, have you managed to sort out your situation that I heard the other day?
George Martin: [00:16:18] Yeah. All good. Thanks Pete. So basically for people that don't know yet, I, I scrubbed my scalp and can only be described as a pastry falling on
Peter Shepherd: [00:16:30] board. Oh,
Josh Janssen: [00:16:40] it's like a sausage roll. Yeah, no, I feel like my mouth doesn't I guess it does. Yeah. So go on JB and sorry.
George Martin: [00:16:49] I think it's all clear. I pretty much want a hat every day saints, but I just need to remember now when hairdresser's open to give it a bit of a scrub before I go in, because I
Josh Janssen: [00:16:58] think you have to warn, it's always an issue when you have to warm the hairdresser of anything.
Peter Shepherd: [00:17:04] Yeah. Have you ever been, have you ever been from the hairdresser? I was sent home when I was a young kid because I had nits.
Josh Janssen: [00:17:11] Oh, well, yeah, a
Peter Shepherd: [00:17:12] lot headlights. So I remember getting there. I had pretty long sort of mop top as a kid. I must have been, I want to say 14 or 15, you know, in that awkward self-conscious kind of adolescent age.
And she sent me home because she couldn't do it. And I was absolutely crushed. Like I was so embarrassed.
Josh Janssen: [00:17:30] You had clean hair. Remember that was the whole thing. It's like the people with the cleanest hair. Yeah. Get lies. Yeah. I don't know if that was just some propaganda to me. I don't think that didn't
Peter Shepherd: [00:17:40] help.
I felt terrible. And then my mum had to, you know, do the washing thing and you get the comb and it's a whole
Josh Janssen: [00:17:45] process.
Jess Lucas: [00:17:47] Yeah, my mum got fly spray and she would just, I'd never got them. Three sisters got them and she, Emma has really, really thick hair and she, they weren't dying. So she literally fly sprayed them and we'd go through and like crush them with their fingers.
Peter Shepherd: [00:18:00] Oh my God. What a cringeworthy chat isn't there?
Josh Janssen: [00:18:05] Can I just, can I say, um, uh, we, we used our Woolworths online. Oh, yeah. Bri was saying Kohl's online. They need to do some work on their mobile experience. She's really struggling to order things. Yeah. Anyway, so all of this stuff on what was online, I am so old.
So first of all, we get our shoes. We got six. So she's
Peter Shepherd: [00:18:30] pushy. I mean, as the acting TJ, I just really have to, so I say how much
Josh Janssen: [00:18:35] I love where she does. Good. She's a great, and so I did, I did, so I did send 'em, uh, I did a FA I was FaceTiming with Bodie and I showed him that she's, there are some issues with the potentially the amount of plastic.
I'm just going to say, like, not even in the OCI itself, but the actual, the wrapping per, or she. Ease significant. Yeah, it does. It does have, uh, I was sort of, as I was showing them to Bodhi, I was like crumpling them. Cause it has this sort of tactility to it that I think would get kids pumped up because it's like, ah, like it's a packet of something it's exciting and it just grabbed me and he was very excited about that, but I'm a Woolworth's shout out delivery person.
Lovely. Uh, he actually came up. To our apartment door with everything he said, he said, um, well my truck be okay. And look, it was in my best interest to say, yeah, it'll be fine. Come up. So hopefully he didn't get tired or anything. I don't think in these times, like, you know what, they're not giving you a, Woolworth's a ticket to a Woolworth's track,
Peter Shepherd: [00:19:48] but so he got in the elevator and went up
Josh Janssen: [00:19:51] all the way there.
Uh, cause Bray was on a, um, a meeting. And so I'm like, I'm going to go downstairs and get it all. And so it classic the one time where the one time and where I was like my opportunity to bring them all up. It's like, how have we ended up with the guy? Oh, thanks so much. And just like grabbing it embraced, like off it's was like, Oh no, he's here.
It's great. Oh, did you ask him? I was like, yeah. Anyway, so we, um, we got them, but that's not the best part of the story. The best part of the story is that Woolworth's you get like a, they call it a personal shopper or whatever. That's that's gotten all of your, um, your groceries. Yeah. The yes, the, the personal shopper just gives you gifts.
So we're like, hang on, we didn't order this and it's got a sticker on it. And it's like with compliments from no way from your personal shopper, have not sure. I wish I did. But what we got and I use them, it's sort of disgusting how I use them actually. So I haven't, uh, so, uh, what it was was a, uh, an odor, like a foam that you spray on furnishings on carpet, and it just makes it smell amazing.
Nice. Alright. Have you guys used this stuff before?
Peter Shepherd: [00:21:11] No, but it sounds like it would be useful for your couch.
Josh Janssen: [00:21:15] The couch, the couch is all fine now, but I actually, I used it, uh, uh, last night because I was like, I haven't, I've been really bad with washing and it's just so easy. Like how are you guys going with washing?
Peter Shepherd: [00:21:32] Okay.
Josh Janssen: [00:21:33] Jamie surely you're not Hannah does it? Yeah.
George Martin: [00:21:36] Hannah does it. Yeah. She's, she's in charge of that. She does it on own weekends,
Josh Janssen: [00:21:42] but
George Martin: [00:21:42] personally, yeah. I've been wearing the same shirt, like three days in a row.
Josh Janssen: [00:21:45] Yeah, sure. And so I'll give you that. Yeah. The thing is it's got nothing to do with his head if that's what you're implying.
Peter Shepherd: [00:21:51] No, no, no. I was gonna sit in that solid, like, don't worry. Keep going, keep going.
Josh Janssen: [00:21:55] Good filtering. But the, no, my, um, I have, uh, what's, what's my type of shirt that I wear. I always talk to Reno,
Peter Shepherd: [00:22:04] Reno
Josh Janssen: [00:22:06] spoken about Merino wool in a while. So all of these, so Jess, this, this top here is a Merino wool shirt. This one's quite a thick, thick one.
It's really nice, but the, the Moreno tee shirts I wear and you can wear them for what's funny
Peter Shepherd: [00:22:26] is lost it. It's
Josh Janssen: [00:22:27] funny. She's like, do you remember how much
George Martin: [00:22:30] a year ago you were saying all this stuff and now you're bringing it back. It's quite funny.
Josh Janssen: [00:22:35] Yeah.
Peter Shepherd: [00:22:35] We still wicking
Josh Janssen: [00:22:37] and moisture wicking. It's a huge thing.
And so when I traveled. I only had a few tee shirts because it was all Moreno wall and you can wear them for like 30 days without washing them. They do a phenomenal job. That doesn't seem right.
Jess Lucas: [00:22:51] Well, just moisture wicking actually mean though.
Josh Janssen: [00:22:54] Don't ask. I don't know. Where's it going? I know, but it's, it's used by, you know, like it's very big in sort of the, the nomad lifestyle.
It's like, you have a few when you rinse them and all that something anyway. I haven't been good at my tee shirts. I can wear them a lot, but I don't have the same style when it comes to shorts. And so my shorts, I see they're used by white earlier than any of my tee shirts. And so, uh, I had a walk with UGS and so before the warm breeze, I don't have any shorts to wear.
And so I got the odor, uh, spray foam and foamed. My shorts instead of washing them and it smelled like mango. I was like, this is why does anyone buy the wash? Like this was, this was up and ready within 10 minutes.
Peter Shepherd: [00:23:50] Was it? I don't understand.
Josh Janssen: [00:23:55] So if you imagine, so this is the thing, if it's good enough, if it's good enough for your account, if it's good enough for furnishings.
Yeah. What do we like really?
George Martin: [00:24:06] You're never watching those.
Josh Janssen: [00:24:07] Yeah. That is true, George. But the other thing too is what's between couch and your asshole
Jess Lucas: [00:24:17] clothes. Underwear.
Josh Janssen: [00:24:19] Yeah. Yeah. And so that's the whole thing. So it's like, if you think about it, if you're sitting on a couch, we don't do anything for the couch.
But if this odorless spray, if this is a thing that works, if it works on the couch, the, the reason why we do it is for the thing that the shorts are heat getting hit on as well. And so by spraying the shorts by spraying the shorts, I got rid of the odor completely. Like, not that it smelled, but I was just like, w you want it to smell like laundry?
I was like, fuck. This smells like laundry.
Peter Shepherd: [00:24:59] It feels a little,
I mean, I have a lot of questions, but the personal, the personal assistant, the personal shopper, I was at my local little grocery store. On the weekend. It wasn't a cause or it was, and I sort of was, there was a lady with a trolley with an iPad and I was kind of like, Oh, can I, I couldn't get around her.
She was taking up a lot of room. And then I realized, Oh, she's one of, she's. One of them, she's a personal shopper with the person's order on an iPad. And she was packing their bags. And I was like, why I'm in here? Like a sucker. I just need to send it to her.
Josh Janssen: [00:25:38] And I've seen, it's very interesting. Cause it's big in the U S they actually have.
Uh, car parks just for shoppers. So it's not even organized by the supermarket. So there's like, just like, you know, you've got Uber and all that sort of thing. There's just people who, you know, on an app have to do it. And so they get these prime spots, you know, how, you know, in Australia we've got like, um, pram, you know, spots for prams in the States have.
Uh, spots for personal shoppers, but the level of detail, I remember seeing a personal shopper and just checking all of the avocados and I thought, Oh, they're like, that's the sort of personal shopper that you want. That's what you want. And so I thought it was a very good way. Can I just say very clever of Woolworth's I'm sure that they have, um, Do you reckon, do you think, um, Jess I've stopped saying, do you reckon, because Jesse pick up that.
I say I reckon a lot. So I'm trying to change that. Not use the word reckon. Do you think? Okay. Hold on, Jess, Jess. Yes. Do, do you think that Woolworth's would be doing this internally where they have a sampling team? Or do you think that there's an agency that's alongside Woolworth's that is looking after the sampling of sites, the odor spray, the odorless spray.
Jess Lucas: [00:27:04] Yeah, I was thinking, I actually don't know the answer to it, but I, I was thinking that your, um, your shopper teams in like ad agencies would be doing something along those lines or, um, adore beauty does it. And so it's a, it's a matter of like you, they must buy the stock and then they would get samples as like an add bonus add on or something just to friggin promoting.
I only now buy things on a door beauty. If I get a really good gift.
Peter Shepherd: [00:27:30] We get a Tim town.
Josh Janssen: [00:27:31] Do you get it too? In terms of still? Yeah.
Jess Lucas: [00:27:34] Him. Yeah. Um, but yet,
Josh Janssen: [00:27:36] how do you know what the gifts are going to be?
Jess Lucas: [00:27:38] We, you can say it tells you page and it says, if you spend X amount, you'll get this in either the haircare or the skincare or whatever, or this brand.
Um, so I wonder if that's exactly what's happening there. It makes sense.
Peter Shepherd: [00:27:52] It's really good customer service and it creates a conversation like this. So it's like, it's obviously. It's working,
Josh Janssen: [00:27:58] but it doesn't feel like, so Jess, what you're discussing Bing is a JW JW pay a gift with purchase. Yeah. But the, but I feel like this is slightly different than a GWP because it's, it's completely random.
You don't know that it's coming. But the other thing we got was a bag of magnesium. This isn't even a joke.
the magnesium, they've got the perfect combo, but because I was like, Oh, we've gotten, we've gotten someone else's order. And then we saw the stickers of saying with compliments
Peter Shepherd: [00:28:40] that can't be a coincidence. Surely, somewhat.
Josh Janssen: [00:28:42] You think a Gronk. Has specifically asked? Well, they would, if there were a hardcore Gronk, cause they would know that we don't have a bath and that the magnesium is a, um, easy in like a crystal thing that I need to put in a bath.
George Martin: [00:28:56] could just be that it could
Jess Lucas: [00:28:57] have, like you feed in there.
Josh Janssen: [00:29:01] Jess, I feel like you would have been a bath bomb gal at some point in your life.
Jess Lucas: [00:29:05] I don't like sitting in my own filth.
Josh Janssen: [00:29:07] You don't like, Bob, just, you don't like sitting in your own filth. Please elaborate here, Beth. How I can just imagine that just the water goes black as soon as, as soon as just here.
I mean, yeah. What do you mean sitting in your own filth? I
Jess Lucas: [00:29:25] am just not a massive, I'm not a bath person.
Josh Janssen: [00:29:28] That's probably the answer. If you're on a diet and someone says to you, do you like baths? I reckon skip the, I don't like sitting in my own filth and just go with that. I'm not the bath person. Yeah. Um, so you've never been a bath person.
Jess Lucas: [00:29:45] I've had them before. Like I had a few when I was boxing with magnesium, because I had to cause I was just sore all over, but yeah, it's just kind of a,
Josh Janssen: [00:29:55] I get hot
Jess Lucas: [00:29:56] a lot for me to, yeah, I get really hot and then you have to stick your legs out and then it gets cold. All of a sudden you're like,
Josh Janssen: [00:30:03] For the problem.
If it's,
Peter Shepherd: [00:30:04] if it's getting cold you're in for far too long, Jess, I think that's the caveat on a good bath is it doesn't need to be more than like 20 minutes. I think you want it to be hot. You want to get sweaty. You want to go start to relax a bit and then you get yourself out of there. I think, correct.
Josh Janssen: [00:30:18] I get irritable with hate.
And the worst thing is that I find that Barthes normally happen in like fancy hotels. Hmm. And it's just, it's that class that, you know, isn't it, which bit me being in a bath chat bots,
George Martin: [00:30:35] like hotel bars. It's a bit
Josh Janssen: [00:30:37] not what they feel to be. I did, to be honest, I don't like the smell of bleach. If I smell bleach, I feel like too many things have gone down.
You know, like if, if it's, if it's, if it's as if it just smells fresh, it's all good. But this, this smell of bleach, I don't like shitty motels smell like bleach, like brain. I stayed at this one place, uh, in the state. It was just like, Ciggies like stank of ciggies and then bleach as like shit has just, and then as soon as I went into the bed, I was like started itching.
I might, I think there's fucking bed bugs, which is just a nightmare, you know, um, GB, before we started the show, you're on a phone call. And I said, well, who are you speaking to? And you said, Oh, keep it for the show.
Peter Shepherd: [00:31:27] Like a very important phone call.
George Martin: [00:31:30] Well, I was, you know, I'm like you, Josh, I'm terrible with admin and hate admin.
And so I literally only remember to do this just before the show, but I thought, Oh, good test. Because the other day you were talking about, uh, the voting, the elections coming up and you had to change your address. And so last night I went on the. Australian electrical commission commission was that easy?
Yeah. And I'm putting my details. They only took five minutes changed my address. Um, and then just then I gave someone a call at the Victorian one and they're posting out a new. Um, and you belt belt.
Josh Janssen: [00:32:08] Oh, so they will, yeah, we'll give him an a
Peter Shepherd: [00:32:09] plus. That's gotta be around, even though
George Martin: [00:32:12] you're meant to change your address by I think the 28th of August or something.
So, well, pass
Josh Janssen: [00:32:17] that for those playing at home. We're in, um, October. So.
George Martin: [00:32:23] And they let you see that it's 10 days.
Josh Janssen: [00:32:26] Should I contact them still? Do you think? Yeah.
George Martin: [00:32:28] Before five, o'clock give them a call
Josh Janssen: [00:32:30] now. Could I do it
George Martin: [00:32:32] or you can probably do it tomorrow, right? Okay. Great. 29
Peter Shepherd: [00:32:34] TV. Do you, do you get that like over overwhelming sense of just satisfaction?
Having done that phone call
Josh Janssen: [00:32:42] it's
Peter Shepherd: [00:32:43] isn't it great.
George Martin: [00:32:44] And it only took like five minutes. I thought it was gonna be such a hassle, but she was lovely. And she just gave him, my old address, gave him my new, your new address. And so she would post out the news.
Josh Janssen: [00:32:55] So I need to contact Vic roads first.
George Martin: [00:32:58] I still need to do that too.
I haven't changed
Josh Janssen: [00:32:59] my really. So you haven't your license isn't right. But the electoral thing is okay. That's good to know that you
George Martin: [00:33:05] can do my old house getting so much mail, like, Oh, I haven't changed.
Josh Janssen: [00:33:09] I was thinking about that too. Yeah.
George Martin: [00:33:13] I went over there a few months ago, six months ago, I reckon. And, um, for a year
Josh Janssen: [00:33:19] ago it doesn't
George Martin: [00:33:20] matter anyway, knocked on their door and they gave, they kept all our mail.
They had it all there ready for us
Josh Janssen: [00:33:28] and a big
George Martin: [00:33:29] handful of letters.
Jess Lucas: [00:33:30] And that's a major adult thing to do is to redirect your mail when you're married.
Josh Janssen: [00:33:34] Yeah, you've
Peter Shepherd: [00:33:35] got to do that.
Josh Janssen: [00:33:36] So that's why I like having the PO box, the PO box. But in my old address, when I was a kid, I, you like, I was doing signing up to everything on the internet when I was a kid.
And like I had so many, I used to have like a hundred domain names and, um, I never paid to have them private. And so my, uh, home address was always on there. And I would say that because the thing is that it's a big spam problem, because what happens is the domain registrars. So it's like, if that way you get you domain name from it's a bunch of registrars, there's a bunch of dodgy, dodgy ones that will send you letters saying, Hey, you need to renew your domain name, but it's basically a transfer.
Form. So it will go from whatever, you know, if you're with venture IP, the other P other domain registrars will try and get you, get you to transfer it. And so I, I think that the, uh, uh, the old address where I used to live would, if I was to knock on their door, even though I haven't lived there since 2007, I think I could knock on the door.
And I say, I'm Josh Janssen. And they'd say we're being waiting for you. Yes. Yeah.
Peter Shepherd: [00:34:57] Well, they'd punch you in the face and be like, yeah,
Josh Janssen: [00:35:00] yeah, speak. You're gone.
Peter Shepherd: [00:35:05] No, it was just gonna say, speaking of change of address, I've got a, I've got an exciting announcement.
Josh Janssen: [00:35:09] Oh, here we go. Oh, I've got the applause ready?
Go for it. Well,
Peter Shepherd: [00:35:14] in December, I'm going to be moving in with trace.
Josh Janssen: [00:35:18] Oh, this like
Peter Shepherd: [00:35:18] fridge. Oh, thanks guys. Right. It's a big deal, actually. Pretty similar to sales. I heard surfs talking about him and grace being there six months and I are just a bit past them. I think we're a few weeks beyond them. So we're approaching
Josh Janssen: [00:35:34] sort of seven months.
And so what, so your lease will be your 12, 12 months app. So you'll be able to leave. No problem.
Peter Shepherd: [00:35:40] Yeah, my lease is December late December, so should be an assigned a 12 month lease. So the plan is to. Head on over there, which should be good.
Josh Janssen: [00:35:49] And so what's a, what furniture will stay, what will go? How, how is it all getting sort of transitioned?
Peter Shepherd: [00:35:55] I'm glad you asked. This has been, this is basically what's keeping me sane on a weekend I'm project, managing Tracy and I project managing the move. So it's just like every weekend we just chip away. So we bought a new King size bed. Which was pretty exciting and got rid of Al that's all I'll get, I'll get rid of my bed and she got rid of her bed.
And then I've got, actually, maybe we should do something with it, through the show, but I've got the couch that you have Josh and TJ, the Marine, and it's not gonna, it's not gonna make it to the new house we've already.
Josh Janssen: [00:36:26] So what are you going to do with it? It is what is a great couch.
Peter Shepherd: [00:36:30] Yeah, I might sell it to a Gronk.
Josh Janssen: [00:36:33] Great. What are you, what are you asking?
Peter Shepherd: [00:36:35] Not sure yet. I haven't thought it through. I only just decided to talk about this now on ass.
Josh Janssen: [00:36:39] I get it. Yeah. And so, um,
Peter Shepherd: [00:36:41] pick out of the couch, why becoming the cash would be coming and that's available. The TV will be Cutlass, a few bits and pieces in it. TV unit will come.
Yup. Yup. Yup. That's a good one. Most of the stuff Tracy already has, and then we're buying a few new bits and pieces. So we bought a new Island bench. We bought a new bed. It's all.
Josh Janssen: [00:36:59] It's very exciting. One bench,
Peter Shepherd: [00:37:02] uh, is a maid.
Josh Janssen: [00:37:04] Wow.
Peter Shepherd: [00:37:04] Oh, well, Facebook marketplace it's it was
Josh Janssen: [00:37:08] easier and cheaper than didn't Facebook marketplace.
I don't know if they go together. It's like you find crafted by someone and
Peter Shepherd: [00:37:15] it's custom made. So there's furniture, makers, sometimes
Josh Janssen: [00:37:19] themselves, some bloke. No,
Peter Shepherd: [00:37:21] it was custom made for me. Okay. That's good. So there's furniture. Yeah. Cause that advertise themselves on Facebook marketplace
Josh Janssen: [00:37:27] and you've done it yet.
Peter Shepherd: [00:37:29] Yeah, it's brilliant. Oh, the news. So you reach out to them, you give them all of you, give them your measurements. I'll send you a photo. It's just like a wooden. Island bench,
Josh Janssen: [00:37:38] how big? And he made
Peter Shepherd: [00:37:39] it, it was super, it was like really reasonable. He's a ripping guy.
Josh Janssen: [00:37:43] W uh, how big are we talking?
Peter Shepherd: [00:37:46] So it's one 10 high.
We're talking one 10 millimeters, high millimeters centimeters, centimeters. Almost, almost pulled that off. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:37:54] And then about 1.6 hundred mils and
Peter Shepherd: [00:37:58] 111 hundred mil, then about 1600 long, I think is about right.
Josh Janssen: [00:38:01] Yep.
Peter Shepherd: [00:38:02] So pretty long. And then. Probably S probably 600 deep and then as shelf a shelf on that, like, like the width.
Josh Janssen: [00:38:13] Okay. Yep.
Peter Shepherd: [00:38:14] And then a shelf on the bottom for the parts of the pans. And it's great. It's I mean, it's really changed the game kitchen. No wheels. No, we didn't go with wheels.
Josh Janssen: [00:38:24] Was it, was it, could you have gotten wheels? Was it a
Peter Shepherd: [00:38:28] Oh sure. I mean, it was custom made. I could have asked for anything. I think that's
Josh Janssen: [00:38:33] true.
I like that. Um, I love that JB. Before we started the show earlier today, you contacted me and said, Hey. Well, first of all, you said very just loosely man. What's the deal with that? Recording people without them knowing. And I was like, ah, like I think, I think the Loring Victoria is if you are one of the parties in a phone call, you can record the call.
And then, so you then slacked me a little bit later and said, now I've done some prank Coles. Am I allowed to play them. And so we've decided that we can't play them, but can you just talk us through what blow by blow what you did, what the jokes were and give us as much detail as possible. I think
George Martin: [00:39:24] nothing more disappointing than someone describing a prank
Josh Janssen: [00:39:27] call.
They might listen to it right there. Great. It was a montage. Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
George Martin: [00:39:35] It can be a little, I mean, it may
Josh Janssen: [00:39:38] have an email. George, what about this? Um, if there's something, no, so this is what you can do. You can send us, uh, you can call us, uh,
Peter Shepherd: [00:39:55] uh, starting a new podcast.
Josh Janssen: [00:39:57] So what are you going to do is you can, you can call us and on to big media company and say, I am after George with your phone number.
Um, and the big media companies phone number is plus 61. If you're in Australia, (039) 981-0408. If you leave a voicemail on saying I was after George. And you leave your number. George will call you back next week and play the audio through the phone. I love this
George Martin: [00:40:32] of this. And then if it's okay, I'll call your reaction
Josh Janssen: [00:40:37] with permission.
And so JV, explain what happened just as a taste for people. Well,
George Martin: [00:40:43] so Tommy's on annual leave this week, obviously. Uh, and I went
Jess Lucas: [00:40:47] in with him
Josh Janssen: [00:40:48] on his day off.
George Martin: [00:40:52] went in with good intentions. I was actually looking out for Tommy because he's on annual leave and we're in Melbourne and there's not much going on here.
I thought, you know, service did a great job on the show the other day, you know, Pete's here when he comes back next week, maybe there won't be any work for him at the media company. So I called a few places and basically. Said I was Tommy and asked, uh, how I would go about getting some work. Um, so I called, I can say who I
Josh Janssen: [00:41:22] called,
George Martin: [00:41:25] I called channel seven.
And I asked if there were, if they were planning on playing, uh,
Josh Janssen: [00:41:32] ultimate sprint cars,
George Martin: [00:41:34] ultimate sprint cars, if they were going to play that this year on
Josh Janssen: [00:41:37] Saturday, which was Tom, which was the show that Tommy hosted.
George Martin: [00:41:41] Tell me, it was a presenter on that show. So I was just saying like drinking, is there any gigs going around for that show?
Are you going to be playing that?
Josh Janssen: [00:41:48] And you say no word, Tommy. Yeah. I was telling me,
George Martin: [00:41:51] yeah, that's Tommy.
Josh Janssen: [00:41:52] Yeah, that's what we called then
George Martin: [00:41:53] I called and then I called seven 11 and basically asked if they could give me any hints on any products coming in so I can get ready for the next viral video. Mmm. Yeah.
And then I called fitness first in Brisbane and asked if I could, uh, have a job there. Cause I used to be PT and I'm moving up to Brisbane, everyone on the phone. It was very lovely, very helpful.
Josh Janssen: [00:42:20] And so you spoke to it and so you spoke to me and then I called a bunch of my mates who deal with prank calls a lot.
Uh, one of them is marshy. Marshy is the. Uh, audio superstar behind Hamish and Andy is, is the main audio guy that's that producers, their staff. And so I said, what's the deal marshy. He was saying it was a little bit risky, probably not worth the risk. Uh, but he said you could call. Like, what they normally do with pranks is they call up and ask for permission.
And so you said, Hey, I'm happy to call and ask for permission. How did you go with asking for permission? So,
George Martin: [00:43:01] so the first one, I called seven 11 and
Jess Lucas: [00:43:05] went to seven 11 though. Was it just this or was it,
George Martin: [00:43:08] it was night. It was like the head office. So lovely lady who I talked to on the call. She was nice, but she didn't give me a name, so I couldn't ask for her back.
So I basically just had to.
Josh Janssen: [00:43:19] Just did you size?
George Martin: [00:43:21] I just said, Hey, I called up about an hour ago, pretending to be Tommy. It was a prank call for podcast. Uh, and I just call him to see if I get permission basically, but I don't know who I spoke to.
Josh Janssen: [00:43:32] Yes.
George Martin: [00:43:34] He was like, okay, well I'll
Josh Janssen: [00:43:36] put you through to
George Martin: [00:43:37] customer service and we'll just hope for the best, I guess.
And then she's like good luck with it. And then a guy answered and he. Pretty much shut me down. He said, Hm, nah, they're pretty strict about this sort of stuff. So it's probably going to be yeah, no. Um, and I said, okay, that's fine. And then I called. Channel seven. And she was just heaps confused and put me on to a few different people and ended up talking to them for like eight minutes or something.
I was like, it's not worth it. But then she, um,
Josh Janssen: [00:44:04] who did you speak to there? I can't remember her name
George Martin: [00:44:08] like
Josh Janssen: [00:44:09] sport or whatever from the hearing, the audio and the people who run the switchboard at these networks are used to FA idiots like they get. So, like, I remember just when we were recording at channel 10, When we had Scott Tweedie on the show in Sydney and, uh, sitting down and just within the 10 minutes that were in reception, the types of calls that were coming through to reception, just like, no, sorry, you can't, you know, you can't speak to this person, know that we can't give you a direct line to, to Asha Ginsburg.
That's what I think. I actually,
George Martin: [00:44:48] I think I actually called seven West media, which was. Based in Western Australia.
Josh Janssen: [00:44:54] Yeah. It's
George Martin: [00:44:55] that I have, cause I was trying to call the ultimate sprint cars.
Josh Janssen: [00:44:58] Sure. And so then, so what did, um, what did they say?
George Martin: [00:45:02] Yeah, she was really nice and she said, um, she asked about the podcast and she said she would tune in.
Josh Janssen: [00:45:06] shout out
George Martin: [00:45:08] to 75 star, five star. She loves podcasts. And
Josh Janssen: [00:45:11] what about fitness?
George Martin: [00:45:13] Fitness? First? The girl was really nice. She was, um, she loved it. She loved the idea and she said, she said yes for sure. But then. She's like, Oh, did fitness did, is it, can you hear fitness first? Like the branding in there? And I said, yeah, sort of about that.
And, um, I can't, I don't really have, like, I can't really give permission for that. Okay. That's fine. But, um, but she's going to listen to, so, uh, Yeah,
Josh Janssen: [00:45:38] couple of listeners,
Jess Lucas: [00:45:39] we've got two new subscribers,
Josh Janssen: [00:45:42] perhaps
Peter Shepherd: [00:45:42] a new strategy to grow the audience, get JB on the phones,
Josh Janssen: [00:45:46] but like it's essentially sales at this point.
How do you feel GB about doing at least a prank a week with an influential brand, and then you call them up straight away and say, how's the prank for one of the biggest podcasts in Australia as a daily talk show. Yeah. Is this something to do
George Martin: [00:46:05] happy to do that? The calling back bit was more nerve wracking,
Josh Janssen: [00:46:08] definitely.
Oh yeah.
George Martin: [00:46:11] I was Tommy and I was just like, you know, being silly, but when you calling back and you're like, Hey guys, sorry. I was just pulling a prank on my friend
Peter Shepherd: [00:46:20] higher process. Sounds so anxiety inducing to me, GB. I can't stand phone calls. The fact that you did that for fun just makes me, I've just, I don't even know.
I can't understand.
Josh Janssen: [00:46:31] It was, it was a good job. What about this JB, if you work towards it's episode 1000, playing your first ever prank in the show. So you can, you can work from now until February next year on getting the best prank, get permission, and then you hold onto it and you can present it on empathize and just that sound.
And it gives us time to work out the legal stuff. That's great. I love that. Okay, good. That'd be great. Um, well, good, good work. I know you played in a lot of it. I mean,
George Martin: [00:47:06] that was probably boring for people just hearing like someone describe,
Josh Janssen: [00:47:09] I prank that they can give us a call and they say calling for George zero three nine nine eight one.
Zero four zero eight. Give us your phone number and JB will call you next week. The prank. Great. Thank you, Pete, for cohosting and filling that TJ. Thank you, Jess. Thank you, JB. Uh, enjoy the rest of your Saturday, everyone, and we'll see you tomorrow. Have a good one. Take us.