#809 – The NFL Guys/
- August 2, 2020
We chat about the impending restrictions in Victoria, TikTok bans in the US, being Baseball poser and getting into NFL.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– Impending restrictions
– Banning TikTok in the US
– Britney Spears
– Birthdays in lockdown
– Being a Baseball poser
– Getting into NFL
– Ellen DeGeneres
– Amazon staff, work conditions and anti-trust
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 809. What's happening guys?
What's going on weekend Banta Welcome. Welcome to the Sunday morning service.
I came in a bit strong deny
that was gonna do it for a Sunday. I appreciate the energy. I mean, Joshua said you're clapping as well.
Yeah, that was me clapping Yeah.
What have you done this morning? You've just literally rolled it literally check
Yeah, yeah 1010 minutes ago just woke up.
Just woke up
there's some jobs that you can push to the the ambilight like the last minute me when I was a preteen I lived in my studio, so I lived out the back. It's one of those ones you'd end up pushing at 645 or seven o'clock client. You know, you'd at least brush your teeth do the courtesy was
a lot easier now that like being in lockdown
Oh yeah, yeah, I mean, I'm in my trackies I had a shower. I feel good. I feel good about the impending stage four that's going to be enforced today, potentially.
Oh, you're messaging me because now you'd have something make you stand. You started you start with a screen grab a guy you went to school with I'm guessing that was good information.
Now, I met this guy out one night we had a huge night together if we got really close, organised and lots of plans for the coming weeks and night never happened. And so anyway was the excitement of reliable
yeah reliable guy. So you screengrab this is what this is what the Victorian Government saying you know, new people in high places and there has a lot of that in the last 24 hours. Brady was getting messages from friends news.com Today you the top article is extreme measures, stage four The total shutdown is imminent.
Yeah, yeah. Victoria Bryce's for stage for lockdown. That's the age. I mean, this is
when do you say should we spend the whole
era suddenly? Now what are they saves? At least fucking bring it to the table might wait. Josh and I brought a headline. Where's
your head? I mean, I was I was on ABC, it was that imminent. You have restrictions coming, but you know, it's hyperbolic is you know,
spends more time on the verge surface. Can you explain what's happening with Tick Tock?
Oh, yes. I mean, I'm still wrapping my head around it. But so, Trump,
it's been it's been a bit of an envoy around the platform to talk about what it is.
Yeah. So So apparently, tic tocs. us has been wanting to ban Tick Tock for a while I've a privacy and security concerns. And so it's been banned in like the military and all the National Security places. And so Trump said on Air Force One yesterday that he's going to be banning Tick Tock. And so there's no information in terms of what that could look like at the moment that we're thinking, potentially a sale of it from the Chinese parent company to a US company, and Microsoft was actually in sort of talks for acquiring it. So, okay, apparently that's being cancelled now. So
it's also the acquisition of sort of Trump has taken the acquisition off the table, because that's what it turned into. Bill's early July that Mike Pompeo did that whole message out to the US saying, Hey, this is basically spyware. And so taking them a month to get all that stuff together, but yeah, he's going to sign either an executive order, or based on what he can do with all of this sort of emergency stuff. You know, he's got a few more powers.
Yeah, you know, I mean, we like we like to think Trump is wrong. But what if it's a good call? What if, like, we don't understand the spine?
I don't know. I'm not saying that.
I think that no, I know you're not Yeah, like, most people will be like Trump has lost his mind he's banning you know, we're banning social media platforms. Imagine if you like, it is dark is shit like Tick Tock the spyware they've just like, I mean, look at the little comments on it. But it's
also I mean, if you think about it in the broader context, the look at like, said there was all the the anti trust stuff that was going on in Congress. Was it Congress Sam's or like, wherever they were doing that shit? Yeah. Earlier this week, Tim Cook was up. Yeah, Jeff Bezos. They were all sort of having to explain themselves because they've gotten so big. That it's seen as being a bit anti competitive.
Yeah. Did you tweet something of Tim Dylan or one of his tweets, About Tick tock, Josh. Last night was it you gotta find it so, so funny anyway, it's, I mean, it could be. I mean, there's a few casualties that will come out of it. I mean, there's some superstars that have risen out of America. Tick Tock stars. What happens to them? I mean, that's the whole there's this so Addison Ray's a big one. I mean, she's wrapped a bit I heard a I heard her wrapped about in a song before I even knew what she did or what relevance she had. Dixie D Emilio. And she's like, and she's got her dad's looking after her business like some of these kids if it'd be like Bodie becomes a tick tock star and I step in and CEO just like some let's let's go to the sky maybe let's milk It reminds me of the not to make this all about topical news and stuff, but it reminds me of what's happened with Britney Spears. What has happened? Oh
thanks for asking. No. So, Brittany, when she had a meltdown, I only know the basic basics. I'm definitely not an expert in the Britney Spears stuff. But I'm on her stage. Brilliant. Exactly. I heard from a guy went to school with that. know her dad has sort of what is it called, like custody and not? I don't know the exact language, but it's basically like, she can't make any decisions on her own as an adult. And so she's been doing some Instagram dances and a few different things, a q&a session where people think that she's trying to give signs that she wants help.
Yes, she's captive in her own house and dad's running the show. I mean, God, I mean, it's a great sort of narrative, but is it real? Like is it
she had mental health issues, so maybe it's just like when I looked at it, I was like, Brittany's not doing too well. I need to straightaway go to thinking that she was held captive.
Yeah, I know. That's another thing. I mean, he looked back at this week, you'd think you haven't been doing too well. I mean, we've had some nice comments, nice messages coming through, but we're not thinking you're captive by brave. It's, it's it's her fame as well. It's like, she became famous at whatever, a young age. And so, I mean, she she matured, like as she matured.
I mean, she's very in her. That YouTube documentary she she spoke about, she thinks that you stop ageing, or you become the age that you were when you're famous. And so if you become famous at 19, you're basically going to be 19 for the rest of your life.
Yeah, I mean, technically, both physically and mentally because a lot of these people get the surgery to look like they're still non team when they're, you know, 50 that's a bit of both. A bit of both. I mean, tick tock gave me some time. This weekend I watched the funniest fucking video. It's a good it's something I would I reckon I would get done by if Bodie did it to me, I'll definitely go along with this guy calls and he's probably like, 18 he's in these cars parked and he says, Dad, dad, dad, I've just been pulled over. I've told them that I was rushing home because you have fallen down the stairs. Can you lay at the bottom of the stairs? And they're gonna follow me back to the house.
He has the stereo on with it with a
call siren.
And then he rushes in dead dead dead. And he's dead on the bottom of the stairs like
the dead take one shoe off to make it seem legit. And then
a little prick. That is so funny. Such a good troll, but he's been which if you're sanko do your job. Yeah, definitely.
Yeah, it'd be lovely. pactual what are the ice
pack? Yeah, I mean, I would I think I would really? I would play into it. Yeah.
I think I'll just be winded, but I'm just
gonna feel like you're in real, real trouble. The lockdown stuff you and I both gonna have our birthdays in lockdown. Yeah, I think it's gonna be six weeks. Right? Well, that's what that's what they are. Like they hung out with ones
have a lot of sauce.
Yeah, nice calm day. You said six weeks, which I thought was a long time. I mean, that's like, what what date is that that would come out as we went in.
So my birthday is September 14. I'm turning 30. And it would be like,
Oh my god, you just tember 16th 16?
Yeah, yeah.
Oh god. I mean, it's one Different who have a nice big birthday party it's the one party you will attend to your own that has more you know that has a quite a few people who could do a big party for you Josh as in 21st
are you 21st is November
yeah November one so November one can we celebrate everyone's on my birthday?
Oh, you know actually
saw? Oh, yes, it's because we've been locked in. Yeah, so your party? Actually not might you need your 24 Yeah.
Yeah, I know what he's trying to do. He's trying to pump up the numbers. Let me get a beat to get it. I get it. But no, no, it's gonna be all about you. What sort of cake Do you want says
real. I want one with blue icing. Real
awesome. Good for the asking. Yeah.
No, I reckon. Yeah, no, I think I think it'd be nice to have a nicely decorated cake or Josh chalk Underneath with a bit of icing on top blue yeah
the daily talk show blue or Yeah,
we yeah we can have the daily torture logo at the top of it as well feel
like you don't see your blue birthday cakes after sort of the age of five five
yeah no no no so I
had to say fine before I said I feel like that was you felt the exact same thing.
Well, I had I had ice cream cakes as as a kid for my birthdays from carousel and you could get footballs and you could get anything you get a story drawn on and and so it was all like these goo this like, you know sugary goo that they would put on and it was the best bit about it and even like it was almost like the the outline of the cake had like a race you know, like a pipe down yes blue colour and so I liked I ended up liking the icing on the ice cream tastes more than the inside of it. The inside was subpar. It was just like beautiful. Chocolate bit of villanelle and a bit of like
crazy glare over again. Yeah, yeah, yeah, just frozen on the inside.
Do you want to stay? saves Grace was sending me screen grabs her. Her mum had gone to a French cookbook encyclopaedia and was taking photos, which felt so old school. It's been so long that I have I think I've ever been texted a piece from an encyclopaedia to prove a point. Did you did you real proud of real good? No. What?
What? What did it say?
Of course of course you didn't only care about the federal stuff, but it was interesting. I think that it was more too in favour for me because it did you know profit earholes can have Jim in them.
Yeah, really? Like a donkey? Well,
Well, The not to harp on about we've done too much of this content but the bakery where I got to know next to Josh I named the show after
the second day
I met I made the decision to go the Eclair over what look like what it seemed like in a clay but just didn't have the chocolate and had like, a whole line of jam plus the cream, same bun. But that's called the donut. That was just like they they called that donut.
Interestingly, my imessages have like, disappeared. It's very nice.
You you've had a lot of that because you're doing audio is slacks gone. Your slack is gone because
I'm turning off notifications. Left right and centre.
Oh, Josh, actually, I had yesterday when I opened a message from Amy. All my messages seemed like they were gone.
Yeah, so I'm one I'm only able to see Up until yesterday at 150 like I can't see Maybe it's this audience. I was testing this audio messaging function yesterday because,
again hard
Well, yeah, so Grace has gotten into the baseball. And she's actually like, because when I when I said I was going to do bait like get into the baseball stuff, Grace living with says she's got time at the moment and the 40 is not really on. And so she's like, okay, I'll take up baseball. I've got a team. I think there's 2040 games in
the foot. You missed the mark. We're doing twit they're doing 25 games in 30 days or some bullshit
not sure is more is there is more 40 there's more fully than there's ever been on the never
wait, right. Oh, this is good. So she's just doing baseball. But why is she doing baseball? A lot of sport. Just love sport. I
think she loves
it as well. Too much.
Just Just the doctors just attackers.
And so anyway, I mean, they're not playing every night. So
yeah, I feel like Why isn't anyone talking about the footy? That Yeah,
it's called talkback, right. Yeah. It's called the right side. who's really just talking about? I don't know who's winning. I haven't been watching any of it. My dad's been watching it. My dad I speak to him I I can hear my brother in the background just blowing up.
I haven't seen the neighbours because normally like I can see across the road. There's some footy fans, but I haven't seen them doing that.
Oh, Amy's coming number three in her tipping comp. At work now that she's killing it. She's killing it.
Well, so But anyway, so the Major League Baseball stuff. I watched a whole game yesterday. And so it was the Astros in the angels. Yeah. And so it went from 11:10am until after 3pm
gs 11. Ready 40
Yeah, three yo is nearly four o'clock.
My goal is in the four and a half hour game.
So I wasn't completely across the scores and so anytime I had an issue I would audio message grace and saying, Hey, what's up because she gets right in because I felt like a bit of a pose. Because I've been saying them being the baseball guy. And she's messaged she would message when there's a win or something exciting happens and I'm just not across it. Like I just haven't. This as hard as the baseball guy should have. And so I'm, I'm really subscription is Grace using she's using. We are using cacao or something anyway. Yeah. And so yeah, no, it's great. It's a bit what I'm saying is I'm I've gotten into baseball. It's happening.
Right now. I just took that you're a poser from that.
No, no. Well, I watched the whole I watched four hours of baseball, and I understood and that's a solid effort. It also I could get excited because I knew what was happening. Like before when I was watching and I had On the background, I just liked it. It was high definition, all of that sort of stuff. 16 Well,
that's quite nice. Were you reading as well as I did,
I did do some reading. But I still had the audio on I could understand what was happening.
It's been quite, it's quite a we'd like if you think about it was a four hour game. And there were nine home runs across a four hour period. You're looking at like half an hour, you have to wait half an hour for a home run, which is quite a long, like get a payoff from sport like it's quite, quite boring. So says you want to move to a different sport. I yeah. So because we, we we were listening to it and watching it like he used to like I went and got a haircut. We can't hop back in the car and I put it on and we're playing through the speakers and stuff. And especially it's great to have in the background. We're like kicking the soccer ball outside and listening to it. It was great. But then when we got home, is it
easy to listen to? How do you think I would go like if I was to go to bed with a playing I guess time Likewise, it wouldn't that wouldn't work with say like a 3am game. If I wanted to just listen whilst I was
doing it tonight at 3am just sleep
all hot, slightly wise, you'd see old people walking around with a little headset on listening to the AFL, on the wider the AFL. I get it. I
get it. It's, it's easy to tell what's happening. It's just you don't know what is happening to which side because they're like, Oh, this person's playing.
I don't know who it is funding this, this different types of sports, this broadcast on radio. And so if you just looked at the past, it's probably not baseball, football. I don't know over in the States, maybe there is NFL, but it's fast. It's like, you know, passing and after Jeremiah and off on to Josh Jensen or Mr. 97th come through with a tackle. And it's been changed over to the other side. You know, it's like, it's fast. It's you get it, you're painting a picture, whereas they just it's slower. For hours, but maybe they're static for you, maybe that's why you want to do it.
And so but services is the the NFL is what I want to get into.
Is it started?
Well, no, not yet. So I went and watched the highlights of, I think it was a hyoe state of Michigan. And it was insane like this. This is this is like college, university NFL. And it's like they've got like 3050 60,000 people in the stadium. Like it was ridiculous. And then they've got like, you know, they've got all the trumpets going the coaches have got their cool little headsets on with a little boy behind them just dealing with all the wires and like giving you slack and stuff like it's great.
Why don't I go wireless? I know.
Other things
it's just even like right camera views and stuff like it's very they got that spotty camera. It's great. Well Watching it when they're like running and stuff. It's Oh,
what about if we only NFL
is different to college though? Isn't it like it? Well, I guess it's just Yeah.
What's the college? Phil VFL?
Yeah, there was a College League of NFL like there must be an NCAA NCAA. Yeah. So that's what about
what about we all NCAA? What about we all go for the team? That Rob gronkowski these called the gronk. And he play I'm trying to work out who he plays for.
In Toronto. Yeah. So Tampa Bay, Florida buccaneers.
buccaneers? Ah.
That's that's who I'm What's his name? The really good good black quarterback? Oh, yeah. Brady, what's on it? Tom Brady. Yeah, he plays with him there.
And dude, like Like back back in
a like there's something really in that Tampa Bay Buccaneers. It's is that Florida? Tampa Bay? Yeah. Yeah.
I mean, and the good thing with Florida too is they've got very sort of an open legal system where you can see like, so if any of the players were done drunk driving or something, we would say the mug shot
to hear the full story. Now I go for the Buccaneers, Tom Brady's there. I mean, he's one of the only guys that now in the in the NFL. He did. Actually, it was a little transfer this year. Dude, and he's done 19 seasons at the Patriots and now he's moved to Tampa Bay Buccaneers three days ago, three days ago his first practice with the Buccaneers. And so as a as a collective gronk scored we follow the team the gronk plays for the Buccaneers. The Buccaneers, okay. Oh my baochen Lin says they shoot cannons
every time there's a touchdown
around me I think that'd be shitloads 1015
surely because I've watched the Super Bowl on my time, so I've never understood the actual get like I watch it for the ends. Yeah, I've been actually, Mike Miller who's a gronk listens to the show. I, I was at his apartment when the we watched the game on the big projector was great.
I think we think it'd be quite easy to get around. It's quite high energy. It's a good energy. I mean, there's a bit of concussion and brain damage going on, but we don't want to it's a good Yeah,
And so it's a pretty sick as well.
So one of the things that I liked about baseball is the that I actually liked that it went a little bit longer, you can have it in the background. The other part of it too was I did like the one of the few sports outside of golf, where they were the equivalent equivalent of like a Business belt. They're wearing like a leather belt as if they're like going to some sort of meeting like that look, but they all wear hats. And so it's very easy to wear a baseball cap and make it very clear who your team is. What do we get in the way of sort of merge?
What do you mean that they do sick Guernsey's or jerseys whatever you say? They've got the jackets like think about the college football jackets. like think about it's it's that it's that to remember East Bay that's where I used to buy all my stuff when I was younger. Never heard of it.
Like a online now it's online. It's like for us stuff.
The only things I bought online as a kid were fireworks and a fake ID literally as
a kid. I was like 17 like probably 1617
now but still Dude, I wasn't buying anything online at that age.
You can get Josh I could get any NFL salon right Probably it's pretty military isn't it? There's like army service Gorn brothers hats.
Oh, that's the Tampa Bay Buccaneers yeah yeah, that's
my I'm across here is majestic athletic buccaneers, champs crew sweat, sweat black. It's like a sweatshirt that is sick. I love the the flag
masks. This is great. Also the game goes for three hours and 12 minutes chunk. So as long the average length, so it's just like it's a decent if you had pre game and you know, the thing of the bed right? It was definitely four hours.
So in this high paced, there's a vintage store called restated vintage. And they do a vintage Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Leather Jacket.
Oh, it's a look. It's a low.
Can you link me baby? Yeah, it looks great.
Me. We Oh, we could just pull a jazz near and They logo
ratio jazz into the hospital hospital vibe.
Okay, great. And so are you up for them? Because I was thinking so when I got into the sport it was a real stress reliever for me because I was like, just focused on the game. It was Yeah, I could just it was like bro You said I'd so good that you just like sitting there and watching it look Yeah. Just kidding. If I can cheat on for doing fuck all yesterday
you know because I think think about this when if we're following the the Buccaneers and then they imagine if they made it into the Superbowl. Like we could do a whole show Party, which I probably won't I'm not sure if they're the team.
But has it still yes to a Super Bowl party because we're across the sport. The first game is on the 14th of September.
Oh my god. We're doing it NFL we're doing an NFL buccaneers playing that day.
Yeah, yeah. They're playing. You will lie inside
jasp is on YouTube watching right now. That's his team. He goes for them. Right?
Under 10 normally let's how many touchdowns you'll get in the game under 10. Okay, yeah,
a six point touchdown as well. I'm happy with 9000
they're also goals as well. And so when you'd like the thing what do you get for that?
Yeah, I'm not sure we need we need someone on we'll
have to look into it.
Yeah, we need some rice could be she's very good at sort of explaining the sport stuff. Yes. tutorials where it's like this is the scoreboard This is what you're going to look at. And once you once you understand the scoreboard it's a lot easier.
Would Gracie girl get into the NFL do you think?
tonight Not sure. That super, super keen on it.
Would you get into it?
I mean, there's some news impressive.
So what's what's Why do you think that she was really into baseball over NFL? What's the appeal on the baseball?
I think the head smashing might be something potentially. Okay, I'm actually
I'm gonna start sending guys photos of NFL players with their tops off that prop market. And to Bray and to me just gronkowski with these top off just has this college in it.
It's quite the current message.
He got to see this is Glenn's just sent a very big group message. six points for a touchdown. And one extra point if you kick the goal, I believe. Right. You have to go. You have to touch him.
I don't know. Yeah.
And then that's when you do it for a fee for field goal. Those are the two common scoring.
Yeah, yeah. So if you're just running you punt it through yet three, but if you get a touchdown and then do a punt,
so that you get to know who we should get on. talk about this with this. Brad banks have definitely Brad blank but also BJ Mueller. Oh Jay Yeah, be fuckin across. I'm pretty sure he's got a fuckin NFL podcast.
Yes. Now I like the rah rah of the NFL like a like this is the Hollywood nightmare, but you know who um, you know who Scott Twiggy's co host Scott who we've had on the show, living over in New York, his co host used to play for the NFL. I remember his name but he was you know, these these fellows are on big money. Yeah. Big money. I like handwriting
because of the concussions. After fucking memory, memorise it before I get on Scott cuz I'm fuckin
it took a baiting. No, no, they some Yeah, yeah, I'm all across it. And then I love to get gronk on this show. I reckon we could drag it to him that we've got the gronk squad in Australia.
I feel Definitely pretty litigious. Yeah, yeah, we're so sorry disappointing about this. I mean, maybe I'm entering into the new cycle or taking it too much at face value. But, yes, all the Ellen DeGeneres stuff you've been following us. Oh, sure.
workplace, all I saw is Ellen's fed up and she's she's throwing the towel on me.
Why is this so much about like, it's very interesting. For whatever reason, there's always something there's always an Ellen story who's running mad.
Ah, well, I mean, this. Yeah. It's it's the snowball effect. I think the smoke effect first.
Sounds like it's a real theory.
Now. I think about the amount of articles that have been written about tally, and just anything she does. I think they work out what gets clicks. And they say, okay, an incident with one of the biggest torture hosts in the world, and I reckon it's going to received a shitload of attention. And so if it was doing no good for all new sites, they wouldn't run it. Because it's not that big of a deal. It's like Elon treating people like shit. You know workplaces like the story about that every corner you go to about someone from Hollywood, but obviously I think people are so invested in Ellen. She's the sweetheart you thought she was really nice I always surprised if it is true that she but she's probably a high performer that's just fucking yelling at people. No, not not a right pressure. Not a right but it's like, not that fucking I mean, it makes sense that these people do this shit. Yeah, not them.
Can I just say the apple news who uses Apple news? I can that's so long ago.
So talk and it it was
but but not even like not even from a notifications perspective. The the actual lamb the the way that it presents the new You said they've come out. I think it was about three weeks ago where they, they went to like a paid subscription model with Apple news. And so you could pay a subscription. And then you get all of it and you get magazines. And, you know, I love the subscription. And so I tested that I did the trial, but this is one of the first times right cancelled a trial before they stung me the fee because it was just so confusing. It's just like, random article. Like, it's just there's no, it feels like there's so no sort of like editorial thinking behind what they're going to show.
Yeah, is it Do you think they you trying to, it's like, I mean, people, content directors curating what people are ingesting, or viewing and reading. Is that Is this just like some algorithm that's not doing well? I've just put some Yeah.
I think it's actually I think it's happy. So when you go on to a news website, so you go to New York Times, you know, the context in which you're viewing and consuming that content, just like if you're to go to any news corp site, or you know, a different type of website. And so what happens with Apple news is you'll get one story that could be from the age and then you'll get one from like, new idea, or at some sort of like, magazine pace, where the journalism is a little bit different, or it's sort of the context is completely different. And so the whole aggregation part of it's so
difficult, yeah, like it's, you're just
mixing and matching. And so is this something in who was telling us about flipbook? So Jace Hawkins that uses Flipboard I'm trying to remember who it was
for Flipboard Thank you. Oh, yes.
Someone wanted in a minute. It just it's like the RSS feed Yeah. On like the iPad. You You, but it's the difference between the RSS. A straight RSS feed that sort of makes it look shiny feels like an apple news product. But I use flip book, flip books that was called Flipboard. Someone or someone recommended it. What about this stuff? Australia with the Facebook and Google paying for news that they're putting out on their platforms. Maybe Cambodia is released a draft mandatory code of conduct that aims to succeed, where other countries have failed in making the global digital giants pay for news syphoned from commercial media companies. I'll Mike frydenberg, Treasurer of this country said Google and Facebook would be the first digital platforms targeted. It's about a fair go for Ozzy news media businesses, it's about ensuring that we have increased competition increased consumer protection subtle, a sustainable media landscape, he says, which is interesting. I mean, I don't know how that's gonna play the game. She I negotiating with these big swingers?
Because the thing is that where we, as the Australian media are like, just like more broadly speaking, people who are making content like we are giving Google, Facebook, all of this content, we are putting a think about how much like Instagram is getting is basically to pay work for free. That's essentially what it like, if you can frame it that way. It's like, Hey, we come on our platform and just like post all the time, there's definitely a value transaction going on. But I think there's also the broader thought around, yeah, what does it for companies that are worth so much and have so much, maybe there should be some form of redistribution or trying to sort of, you know, bring that that cash that they're making and spreading it across to creators as well.
Yeah, I mean, it's like, you become you're, you think you're a user of the platform, but then you become a part of the platform. It's like, you are their business model. That's what people think. Now I have control because I have a page, and I can post, but then you end up.
It's like, you know, if you don't pay for the product, you are the product. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. But you know, this is happening with Amazon as well. People aren't happy with the work conditions. with Amazon. The hard thing is like they get paid. I think it's around $18. It's above, well above minimum wage and things like that. But the, the tricky bit is, so people say Jeff Bezos, and like, he's someone who's got heaps of cash, they can afford it. They talk about like, the CEO, made X amount of money, but like, the reality is, it's like Jeff Bezos is an owner of Amazon as well. So that's like, yeah, getting getting I'm tired. I boosted it that way. But um, yeah, I think that the hard thing is it's like, Okay, well, what are the competitors doing in the retail space? retail in general? Is fact, Amazon's actually doing better than most retail sort of organisations. And so people are looking at what Amazon's doing and saying, hey, they've got heaps of cash, you should be paying more way more than what the average worker factory worker would be getting. But I get the broader question that I was thinking about it, it's like, okay, so say if that does happen, so Salif. I feel like it's very hard to think like a billionaire because I'm like, it's very easy to say. And if I had, if I had Jeff's money, I'll just pay everyone really well. Right. Like that's what like, I feel like that's what everyone would say. Well, that's how I feel anyone so why the fuck is he holding on to some you don't need that much cash. But then the thing that I go to is it's like, the biggest question is what happens when Amazon can actually automate all of this stuff. So at the moment, they're using people and they have people but it's like when Uber, people were complaining about Uber saying, drivers aren't getting paid enough, like the long term plans for all of these businesses, is that people are people are less and less putting in the equation because they're automating it all. And so I feel like, yeah, they're thinking short term, how can I make more cash now? But the bigger question is, is it's like if if we can get a robot to do the thing that you're currently doing? Like the reason why Amazon is treating them like robots, is because they're eventually eventually moving to a place where they're using robots.
You think it's that is a money ply like they like or they think safe If robots are doing half the jobs that we've got, like as a business, do you think that he's actually we want to increase our profits by a third,
I think that, like profits obviously become a factor. But it's, it's efficiencies. It's, if you can make if you can be more reliable through something that is like a robot, why wouldn't you do it? Yeah. It's, it's, I mean, if I taken that, have you read any more on that Amazon stuff?
No, I mean, so much of the stuff in the news about the Amazon stuff has been around them crushing third party sellers on their website.
So that's the whole antitrust stuff that and I think that Yeah, the people were not the workers were annoyed that the conversation was around that and not working conditions. And so yeah, explain the the anti competitive stuff.
What's the What what they were getting questioned about was whether they use the data from that platform. So from all the third party sellers to inform product decisions to come out with their own Amazon branded stuff, and then, you know, underpriced and crush all the third party sellers. And so what Jeff essentially said Is he can guarantee that they do or they don't do that, and that it hasn't happened in the past. So it's a bit, it's a bit so
imagine, imagine some sort of coder who's working internally and sees that there's this dumb little phone, Dingle dongle that's doing really well over a store here, and then they somehow work out how to just, that's internally at a small level, but yeah, the company. I mean, that was you. I remember you telling me about that Josh, probably a year ago.
Well, because there's two different versions. So there's the Amazon basics stuff, which is like it's not just like a fucking coder. It's like a this teams that are developing new products for Amazon. And so, obviously, through when you're developing products you want to understand about market fit. And you know whether people want to buy these products. And so what they're talking about here is it's like, Okay, if they see that iPad accessories are doing really well, and there's a specific style, where it's gotten a certain rubber finish or whatever it is, or you know, a certain style, Amazon can then make their own. The other part of it is around seeing what people are buying. And then so for instance, one of the exam tools, which is a very, very American example, was a guy who was selling products for, like guns, so it's like accessories for guns which he could sell. And what was happening was, they were selling heaps of certain products. Then Amazon would go directly to that company, and, and buy in bulk and then sell like basically distribute the product. And so they'll go in distributors or whatever and getting a better deal and cutting. And then put you in a position like if if they know how well certain products doing, then obviously, if they can then sell that product directly, then that's, I think that's what that antitrust stuff was about.
I mean, imagine a factory that has robots in it, that are using information from the back end, understanding the products and it's taking upon itself to build a prototype based on a 3d printed model that they've sort of looked and scanned a product that's been out there, and then they're selling it like, at what point does it just become that automated, where it's like they have factories, just making sure Without a person needing to even be there to look at it.
And so then it becomes like a more philosophical question, which is like, what do you do with a massive group of people when the work that they've been doing for 1015 2030 years, when that's no longer around? Dude,
it's I mean, America is good. What's the unemployment rate in America at the moment?
You feel like it's across the board, right? Like you think about think about the amount of jobs that are in Australia that could be disrupted. And then what, what can what is our responsibility as a society or governments and things like that to provide support? Yeah,
I don't know. I mean, look at look at what's happened at the moment with the support the government's giving us that's been a knee jerk reaction or Reaction based on something external happening but I mean they they can what's what's in motion now for the future is up there you go. Good Taiwan jobs Bodie gonna have when he's
our age well
yeah, I think that that like that's there's definitely interesting stuff around even like universal like salaries or whatever,
you know like Visual Basic in
India Basic Income like being able to give people enough cash so they know that they can live and then you know I don't know. I mean I feel like we're seeing versions of that now. Hey buddy. Buzz Lightyear here. Buzz, birdie.
cheeky monkeys.
Monkeys. Hi Mikey.
Finish up here. Alright. Say something.
Okay, it's a daily talk show. bony monkey say Say hello to all the Bronx.
To loud Alright guys, it's a daily talk show. Thanks guys. Enjoy the rest of the day and we'll see you tomorrow. Have a good one. Say guys