#763 – Painting The Picture/
- June 17, 2020
We chat about Josh’s new shoe laces, Georgie Boy’s Hump Day Replay, stealing someone else’s copy, Tommy and his stripping business, our radio names and painting the picture.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– Fashion and Josh’s new shoe laces
– A Blairgowrie update
– Stealing someone else’s copy
– Dummies.com
– Tommy’s stripping
– Radio names
– Painting the picture
Beach House Blairgowrie: https://www.jelliscraigshortstays.com.au/accommodation/Blairgowrie/House/37-Ultimate-Bay-Beach-Location/
Email us: hi@bigmediacompany.com.au
Send us mail: PO BOX 400, Abbotsford VIC 3067
The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily talk show. Good morning everyone. It's 763 Yeah, that's the episode number not the time. Yeah, what time it is. Hump Day. That's what time was 763 would be 803 763 Oh yeah. Oh yeah, that's Smar 763 is a true true true it's like a full coat a lot
it's just all the time like I Amy's mom when we get up and stay with her every every Chrissy.
I'm always asking what the time is. And she had so annoyed because she has the biggest clock on the wall that is in. It's not number what is it like the so it's like this big metal clock that actually has an arm that ticks around. It's Roman numerals, numerals to remind you had Wi Fi and I'm like, absolutely not so much Isn't it like I've just I've done
sided I'm not engaging with that bullshit.
Man love your hat. You wearing it for tonight? I really liked it. Yeah, sometimes today sometimes I just feel like hiding away but just go through law. Real law like celebrities wear the hat real low real low like celebrities get real down here. And I think it's just like I know when I feel like wearing like that it's not because I think or feel like a celebrity. You just feel bad about yourself. Now it's almost the version of pulling your your pants up above your belly button makes you feel less fat. Sure. And makes you feel sort of like a bit more into like, I've always been a above the belly button kind of guy. I would definitely if I I feel like high waisted jeans you wear your jeans above the belly button up with these acids.
I feel like
I would be getting wasted change. Remember when the jeans was so short. I could almost see everything, buddy speed.
used to wearing ties or you would have to usually be hot pants. You're talking Daisy Dukes? No, no that low, like low hanging jeans. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Yeah, I think Christina Aguilera as well that era, you know. Exactly. And so I feel like the the high waisted Jane is actually a good thing. Yeah, don't you think? Oh no
it's a it's a pace it's a point in time so absolutely knocked over. It's a point in time so like, isn't it funny how like fashion, it just comes in and out who's deciding that and how do we all get onto it? And a winter? Yeah. Why'd you masterclass? What do you need to know who's tall? What's Devil Wears Prada. Is it about her? loosely? Yes. What's the magazine that she's at Vogue? Yeah, there's a documentary called the September issue that she really an asshole she say mom, because in the movie The trailer is like cutthroat. She's She's quite direct. Yes.
But she's the Anna Wintour of us. I would like to start wearing sunglasses. No, I don't mean the fashionable one. I'm in the
solder on the way. What do you mean? Oh, I see this all the time. So asshole insider out. What is he
thinking? Were you confused because I said insider and you're talking about ourselves? No. So what are you saying? Are you wearing the Sonny's inside or outside inside? Yeah, that was Yeah, that's the whole board so wearing them all the time. I think you can get away with it because you wear glasses all the time. If you see me with Sonny's on inside. Immediately, you're thinking fuckwit transition lenses. transit. You have a pair of transition lenses. I've got a clip on this. About my uncle who isn't pants up high and he's
talking about the assets yesterday I talked about my struggle with doing that my shoe licence. Yeah. Dr. Kay she sent me a DM said these have changed my life.
Ah, let me guess she's purchased from Instagram add these little clips that you clip onto each side of your where your lace would go in and they look really cool too. Well there's a specific brand so they called doctor guy was saying you have to get if you get them you have to get this specific brand. What's the brand called lock licence? Yeah. And so I bought some I got like a the daily talk show blue as well as black ones. Bree
was not a fan. She was like are No, don't do that. And then she asked me is that because it was $27? Oh, she said it like that? No, it was a pack of two I think and say Amazon, or
places calm. So if you click on there, you end up at a place called it's like a sport or something. And the distributor start following sports not just want to say that it's locked.
licence. Oh yeah. Can you get old? Yeah, the wacky colours? Yeah, this looks great. Oh, yeah. Oh, so it's it actually is a hole lice with a
that an athlete would wear or something? Yes. Yeah, yeah.
Definitely keeping these kids in prep that are rocking these as well. But don't you write reviews? Yeah, I think that they are one of those things where it's um they're actually going to be very handy and I think that we'll all look back and be like
you know, doing your life is a bit silly, isn't it? Well, time it was looked at
you think it would be here you think it would be more of a thing because Back to the Future the automatic shoe that night? Yeah, but why is that not here? Because our heaviest fact because I had a whole battery
applying at the time. Just outrageous. Yeah. To be annoying. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's true.
I would like to get if I was to get other shoes getting a shoe with the lights that turn on would be fun What about solace Kobe rose shoe I would
I'd never had a PE I always wanted one so they have like a wheel at the back on the heel Heelys oh yeah Heelys scope down the road with all the rest was soap shoes. What assumption I got banned. look them up soap shoes. They had a grind literally like think rollerblades where they have like a built in sort of arch in the middle. That is plastic so you can grind on poles. These are shoes with grime. There's a full documentary about them. They're very much like 90s kids would understand them before they ban them. But our huge main conspiracy Jimmy got around them hard to end them. The school was actually
an international like a gardener who bear sounds like Dr. Dre
Full ban that is a bunch of stuff that's been banned in our town and you see So pray was cleaning out the kitchen the other day of the office. She wanted to
know I had a gun do
I just feel like it just it seems quite like
it wasn't working. That was a working day and we are like she killed. Yes, yeah, there are ants in the kitchen now but I think that's what's not
they don't have and so there's a there was a game that I bought that I don't think we ever spoke about that I got for Christmas. Remember we had that big blow up or I spent 200 bucks it was post before the Christmas episode. Oh, yeah. Massive random shit and I use my card or whatever. And then I need to get reimbursed. Yeah, yeah. turned into a big sort of we were like to do the show. Yeah, but we still have that board game service. Do you know where it is? No, it's not in the cabinet. It must be
In the cabinet, can you go to the place? So there's a it was like an equivalent of a doctor dreadful. So for people who aren't aware Doctor, do you remember Dr. dreadful never heard? So it was a young? Yeah, thank you. So a lot of people listening have missed out. So it was in 1995 sort of era. Thank you SERPs service. It's just handing over the guy, the sort of version that I found. So doctor dreadful was a game where you could make sciency things that were disgusting. And the idea was that you could eat them. Yeah, so you could make worms that would look like jelly worms. And then you date them or you can hike like a pot of like bubbling drinking incipit and it was toxic looking. And it smelled like asthma and the smell. No, it was like gross. It was a lot of whack, but it was good. If you search on YouTube for the doctor dreadful and they're like iconic. Anyway, so they banned them because of
asthma attacks I believe. Well, yeah, yeah, that's that. Yeah, I think something in it. I never got hit by it and I've got asthma, so maybe dodged a bullet. And so this was at the AWS post. How did this How did I get to this anyway? The back of the kitchen so this was in the summer it was like, What the fuck is this? We never got to this. This was on Christmas day we did an episode. This is the totally disgusting science, stuffed with seven disgusting and revolting science projects. Make your own digestive system, glowing snot, fart powered explosion and more. I'm sorry.
Powder explosion, right. And so I wonder do you actually eat any of it?
Do you know what naturally don't see dyes if there is less of those kinds of toys? You go to the supermarket when I was doing a buy up for a fat Friday of like nostalgic, breakfast cereals and stuff. Not the same. A milk not the same. We're living in a healthier world for
Sure in comparison to when we were around, like the disregard or the just looseness I reckon I could get through I reckon there wasn't as many rules in place like now it's, there's a general set of like, it's like drugs that can get passed and and aren't allowed like LCM hard to find the ones with marshmallow in the yoghurt base now. Ah, yeah, but like it's almost like is it maybe it's not healthier but it's like marshmallow seems more naughty. yoghurts more like a natural cereals are just a nightmare in general there's no good cereal. That's that's
a trench grind a good cereals. You just notice cereal? As in from a health perspective? Oh, yeah. You know, we're all like trash. One 100% accept the fitness one. I'm jacking there's one special case one good fitness a special case meant to be it anyway. It would be good to do this. It's we can we can play play a little game science has never been so fun. It says on the bottoms. And so I got this
I always imagined it was 20 to 95. Regular Yeah, I wonder.
I always feel I always create a very sad story about people that buy these types of things that always pose. Well, it's, I think you pointed out that there is all these random gifts in so people at Christmas time or at a birthday time, have relatives in the state or wherever you go to the post office. It's a one stop shop. Buy it. Write the card, send it, everyone's happy. Yeah, I think that that's the big one not sure on
the thought that counts as they say. Yeah, you bought for someone. Oh, was it just a great present? No, it was. It was one it fell into the category. It was for me to be honest. I wouldn't have gotten it. I wouldn't have bought it. If I'd known that it wasn't to eight. The reason I got it was because I thought it fell into the doctor dreadful category. Yeah, being good. Today is a very special day today.
Georgia boys Hump Day replay. I'm sorry number 11 I've seen him working away chipping away. It seemed quite good this week. Yes. You seem quite relaxed, chipping away. I don't know if it's higher levels of anxiety mean it's better I haven't caught out yet. I don't have the data yet. How many episodes you in there Georgie boy. So this is number 11.
And yet it's good. I think I'm happy with Donald. And so what are you drinking today? Well in the spirit of writing things in from last week, I thought I just drink some water
clean is that gloss? Yes. Not a good one to hold up. Is it
So yeah, so I just having water today.
That's good. But yeah, I think I hope you enjoy it. Okay, here we go. It's Georgia boys. Hump Day replay episode number 11. Enjoy.
This week, things got a little bit loose. Who wants to drink
Happy Friday night drinks. Oh, is filtered out. Drink it. Well look what happened yesterday dude what smells like carrots Tell me found a loophole in Mac is mcflurry pricing and wanted to expose them I got a big flurry Wednesday night after our day session of drinking bit naughty got the brand new banana caramel mcflurry and boy was I not happy with what I'd got all the ingredients that were inside of this mcflurry I just soft serve which can buy separately a pie caramel sauce, which you can buy separately. expose a bye bye.
Thank you
if we could get it onto the project. It's definitely gonna go viral. Yeah, I know Josh isn't a part of it. But
at least George's in there. Get the project, pedestrian TV if you want to ship it out like anyone and everyone.
Record bugs fade, or they're not around anymore.
And the project Yeah, this one's gonna go.
All the McDonald's thing. I haven't actually tried it but I saw it on pedestrian. Yeah, I've heard people talk about it. It's awesome. Did 711 the Reebok thing now McDonald's? I just don't get it. Georgie boy though. I like him. He's good. Josh took me through a shoe last tutorial. So you grabbed the bunnies. You like this and
you go like that? I'm done.
If it was on my fault, or I was sitting on a bed, doing it, it'd be AZ jam and Rick wanted to get into the beekeeping game 600 bucks a year to rent them to Ronnie. That's good. Why don't
you get 80,000 days right.
Thank you. blocked Josh. Lie and they give me 80,000
Babies in my house. Oh
my god is 10,000
bc babies can be the scariest fucking thing is you know what everyone said? they don't they don't sting you. They don't get a stinky wahala
I saw a wasp still pollinating. shitter I had a bee that approached me when
the big week coming up with rice moving over Sam's girlfriends moving from Perth, which is very exciting. have you planned anything? Are you just giving yourself this week to plan stuff? Are you not planning economics plan? Do you reckon grace would be into hotsprings? Might ease What do you mean? It's quite nice. I can hide like you're taking your top off. It's a sort of
squeeze bar is not a sauna. As far as
what I'm saying it's a pool is
what I use. But what I'm saying is it and Tommy's obsession with going bar led to some crazy food ideas if you just put an Ag in the microwave with nothing other than just the eggs
It will blow up. Could we do mug caps jar Pilipinas kettle to try poach puff pastry or frozen pastry water in it and put it into mine and it worked quite well. I was just another frozen thing that you ate frozen. I quite like frozen.
peas are a great source of dietary fibre, vitamin A ion, fall light diamon, vitamin C and magnesium. They also have a high level of vitamin K.
One of the major health benefits is blood sugar control. Grain paints have a low glycemic index, so blood sugar does not increase dramatically after eating them.
for yourself a bowl of frozen pays for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Great point Georgie. The fact is they're selling it on value.
If we could get it onto the projects I seem to take over the last year I made one of the fish
Keep them out of the box that will
be pissed if it goes viral. And I have now folded Georgie boy
who's the guy with the mod?
I don't know. But watching what's going on, I think will be good for my brand.
Thank you to Tony Smyth for bringing the energy wisdom. I'm very, you know, close with dementia Australia, it would be up to you to raise awareness and funds for dementia in Australia. Plus, I think it would give people an insight into who I am, who I actually am rather than this person that everyone thinks I am based on a show I did seven years ago where they saw four minutes of me every night, and here are a few tdcs quotes from the week. It doesn't actually matter about your personal opinion. You actually need to zoom out and be like, this is like human rights. What am I feeling right now? Why am I feeling uncomfortable and then where does it fit within
progress of the world and associate Hi, maybe it's not gonna taste any good. Yeah.
Anyway, I was like, bringing
that's it for me. I've been dodgy dude. You're not Australia. Love you
I'm just gonna be happy you said I love you at the end. She missed that last week. confusing for the listener
out of that what's confusing about it? I just like the N bit bit
it's that guy but it's sorry if you're listening right now it's worth watching this is why we play it here. And you can jump on and watch on YouTube. It's fucking great man. Well done. What was confusing about it?
What was the quote better which would not mean the project but the project Okay. Sure. Yeah, yeah, you do need to sort of say you eating the pays for it to make sense. Yeah. It's like you're
was essentially upset that he was not on the project. I didn't get to be honest. But I wasn't on the project. That's the funny bit. But I think the funny bit was yesterday, I was sitting on the couch. Yeah. And I didn't realise that JB was recording something for Hump Day replied to that reenactment, I thought was an actual call that you having? And I was like, What the fuck? Is he still trying to get from a brand?
Is what stage I up to. I know Josh is in it, but it's good.
It's good. I respect that we were ripping into SL. It's good. But it didn't go far. Well, how many views did it get done? I haven't looked joining on Instagram. But he did say to me, you there was a point. When you're making it that you're so fired up about. It's like night and day. Can I get a bit with you in it? It's like because I think like it's gonna go viral.
Out of the joke way of asking you do you
Would you be okay if something went viral? Because last time you weren't in the thing, and I Ryan, john being the host of the daily talk show I had to get her at, you know, Michael Jackson Yeah, yeah to get into the manga retraction I was like it was apology not it was not apology. Well, Don George
serves any update on so Grace is coming. Yeah, next week. Oh, yeah. Well, so I got an email from rod last night he listened to our episode about one of my plans when when Grace is here, so rod is the owner of the house in play gallery which he has kindly offered for you to stay at the FMA and how's this as well 10% off for any gronk Oh, that's good. So how to pay but how to gronk so you got to mention it when you book and then he'll or where to people find the blade. So you can get BHS but blade Gary on Instagram, and then you can also incidents little bar you can click off to Airbnb, you can call run.
come in at big meaty, calm, he's the property.
He's locked in for a three year deal with them.
Anyway, so yeah, I got an email from rod yesterday. And it detailed a bunch of things that you can do whilst we're down there and so it was like hot springs. It was like where the best walks are, where the beaches are. He's like, oh, there's even like a picnic basket. If the weather's good go to this page. He's even done a map of where the house is and where everything is situated in relation to the house. So he's lucky baby. He's done the whole itinerary of things that I could just pull from. I think that that's like what, I'm sure he's done that before and he sends it to everyone. It's great if it is.
In Bay. Yeah, I did it sort of by the house, but you should say this email. It's great. It's all si Imagine if you worked out that someone else that had an ad
They had taken your copy amount because it's interesting because it's like a b&b. They just there's no set rule of how far they have to go for you. There's probably like the base of like, you need to make sure it's clean fresh stuff for it like outlines that you need to bring stuff but then you get ones that are going way above and beyond it's like they're trading and as a business with within itself. The gym and stuff. Yeah. For for our fishing that actually reminds me talking about the stealing someone's copy of the Airbnb manual to how about this for a story. So before before Tommy and I properly got together with our businesses. A client contacted me who I hadn't worked with before, but they said hey, we want to
we want to do a video.
And they they basically asked me to sort of give them a bunch of details and give them pricing. And so I wrote out they were very simple.
vague around the specifics of it all. And so I helped them and was like, This is what I think you need. Like we'll do this video and then we'll do that one and I sort of wrote it out all out very clear for them because I felt like this person's not really sort of grabbing the project and running the reverse brief where they get you to do the brief for them exactly that I have to think and so anyway, I did that, but they didn't know that Tommy and I were connected. And so then Tommy got an email with Hey, we want a video down Can you quote and then they'd copied and pasted all of the copy that I'd written for them around what they should do. That's right. Absolutely dogs. The the one beat from that story, which makes it even more layered is that they contacted someone in Perth till Yeah, that's right then thought about me because you weren't around. That's right. So I went I went to me, I quoted gave them the copy. They then went to till till then says speak
To Tommy, and then Tommy, Tommy then because this was this was when I was overseas for three months or whatever, we'll coming back Joining Forces. And Tommy had the call with them being like, also my business partner, Josh Janssen across this because he wrote all the fucking copy. And the best is that I got on the phone and I teased that says, like, Oh, I'd love to talk to you about the project. And then I waited maybe five minutes after she'd gone into detail about it. Then I revealed that I had been a part of like, we even worked on that together. Yeah, that's right.
I was like, yeah, so what you've got there is from Josh Josh and I were working on that together all the embarrassment but it's I think it's just lazy at that point. Like he said the wrong thing to do because I reverse Bert like is wrong definitely the wrong thing to do you can't just rip it cuz you Did you hear anything back from the Josh was like gone like 750 bucks. Yeah, that's that
charging them for the time and they paid it well, because they have embarrassed because they were. No What happened was they they then said, Yeah, we'll go ahead and we'll do the video with you guys. Yeah.
And accepted the quote that I'd initially sent them. Yeah, but then they were, you know, a big rate out like a massive like a retail they're honest. They're in so yeah. And so they
Yeah, I don't want to give away too much now that never go What's it?
It's, I guess it's not like I mean the thing being caught out is fucking like being the one that catches someone out like that it's a good fit, like how many other opportunities do you have of doing that and and it's so low level. That's why I was okay. I mean, you could easily like I avoid awkward situations because you'd say that's gonna get real awkward on the phone. But I kind of like the energy of that one. Yeah, because I was like, Ah, it's it's come back to me. So it's like, you know, the whole thing. Yeah. So you can play the whole thing. Yeah. So yeah, I mean, we haven't had any big ones that
People have stolen IDs. We hear it in agency world or whatever, where it's like you like pitch for an idea. And then they go to another company and get it done cheaper TV, like back in the day scripts and things like hear about, I'm sure if you type in saves TV script left at Cafe, and then like it's been leaked, and so it hasn't even been in production, or something's been written. Like I remember a good friend of mine. He's dad, pitch to show and TV station like he'd already had a couple of TV shows on this was back in the 80s 90s. And the show got taken. He pitched it into the idea they took it developed without him. I happen with a mate of mine. high up in the entertainment industry with IBC went in pitch the idea was happening. And then it's like, no longer happening. Go cold and then release their own version. Yeah, not ideal. So annoying. There's no like how much what can you do about it?
That's the the IP thing I also push back on anyone that's spending too much time talking about something like you're talking about something that doesn't give you ownership over it like you need to you're not actually execute like it until you execute it to meet hard to. To take ownership. Yeah, but then I mean, there's How many? What's original these days? Like what is an original idea? Yeah. Well, I remember one of the first books I ever read from start to finish filmmaking for Dummies. Oh, yeah. Is that a part of the for dummies series, or is that Yeah, yeah. I was actually on the for dummies website the other day.
I was I was on it all
night. So I was googling something and then I was like, off. I'm like, I'm learning about it and you can't help but judge your experience based on like, I think it was working out how to set a voicemail in Skype.
That's very specific question. Yeah, all these are for website dummies. dummies. Calm calm. Fuck yeah. Learn learning made easy. Do you think that I've got a branding issue because some of my stuff is quite good. I think I've got a strong brand. Like I think about them, they they're simplified. They're there for the foot of everything barefoot simplifies finance for gronk. So they can understand they do it for everything, but they don't have it's not like the personal brand. But one individual behind it writes all of them. They have a lot of lot of articles like any topic you can think of very specific ones about labour that voicemails Yeah, very specific. Yeah, well, yeah, I always wonder about ones where it's specific to like our
outlook 2014 for dummies, like a book about like an email client, and have like pictures of it all and you can learn through that Galaxy Tab how to add skills.
context I just typed in cleaning air pods. I can think of one offensive thing. How to jumpstart a car. It then jumps to how to pry the rose rosary like with rosary beads and some rosary beads on your desk though oh yeah yeah old school mom always gives me stuff and like back in the day not to feel too guilty throwing and why would you put them back in trouble? It's like if someone gives you a Bible, what do you do with it? feel a bit I mean, if you even if you're not religious, and the bookshelf is still could sort of get a bit another book.
How to tell whether your vehicle needs a tune up. How to Calculate percentage is a chin up, chin up like it's unique. But what is a chin up? Actually, could I turn up my 30? No. Is that what you know? That's just like, you know, replacing the or is that just a
chin up chin like it's like an extra 10 guys and I think it's just you know, brake pads.
problem is it's the electrical factor.
Then you've computers and cars I need to be plugged into then that's where they can do some digit like they they can tune a car without touching it other than having the computer cords plugged in. Sure, and then they can dial a few sittings
next minute you get a Ferrari well it's a lot
of fun but I feel like after every service of my car got a Ferrari yeah if it's just that it made it differently like when it comes to putting air in the tires yeah can help us off but like I just driving Simon yeah
yeah full tank of petrol you like I feel good? Yeah.
Yeah. Do you think it was based on you just feeling and thinking that like if it if it's got something I do wonder if I was to fill up the tire with a Braidwood? I think it's a bit of the IKEA effect. Yeah, she's, she's medica. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. But well, I was gonna say about the for dummies thing. This is sort of in the intellectual
Property round. Yes. There's I've mentioned it before, I believe the poor man's copyright and how to
prove that you are the original owner of an idea. I mean, how do you do that? Like songs are a big one What would you do JB? How would you sort of a poor man's version? How would you do it? I mean, you'd probably write something and put it in a safe or how did I know when the safe put a date on it?
Email yourself Oh, that's very that's very close. Yeah, you've done this before I just don't get it I was pissed off that I didn't get a still not like yeah, it's something you know.
poses Yeah, so you do you put it in a Manila what happened to Manila envelopes still around? What's manila envelope? manila folders? What's that? A Manila Manila or colour? I thought Manila. manila folder. Yes, Grant. No, ma'am. Can you give me money
manila folder I need to put some stuff in it for school. It's a it is a brand that's the Dawson
folder is a file folder design a manila envelope is just gonna yellow and I'd never heard of a manila envelope. I just imagined a yellow envelope. The problem with manila folders. They don't hold anything in them. Yeah, they just don't lose that you could put 100 document I used to have I used to so I used to have
on my desk at my PT studio there was like a tiered sort of holder and it would have manila folders in it. Can I guess what else you had? What else you had a stamp? nano stamp my real fan all day. So my dad I remember back in the day like in the 90s having a stamp pad. Oh, yeah. Oh, but even like paid and it was like, it was like as a kid you'd want to play with that but also the carbon copy paper where you could write on something
And then it would like transfer transfer transfer paper so let's try that so there's transfer paper but then there was also the stats I had one for my stripping agency oh these banks yeah is a great sort of at the front you know girls nights we'll do a you know stamp at the front door show I was actually
What a fucking lock
pretty cool was it tacky? They're not no it's not cool. Was it tacky then the stamp?
Yeah, everything that was the Do you think it was less tacky than what it is now? Which having a having an event dragon harder to put on an event now ordered strippers, how would you do it? would you change it would you do in a little event broad like how would you? Yeah, what's the
what's the version now have a stamp, scan on you find little barcode. It was just a stamp to get in and I think it was just a branding piece. It's like stealing the stickers still had no real relevance. That's a cool show about me would give you
UJ did the girls not be held up? by how many how many Ottoman stepping glasses taught no class a sock tie hot who dude May I stepped on glasses same night with the sausage rolls now are different not different not it's a bit like injuries. If I'd done it like the thing about the looking back on that shit for me like so cringe but it doesn't feel like that in the moment. Anything you're doing that you look back on and think it's cringy Why would you be doing it? If it's in the moment you're feeling completely like that? You want to get out of it. That's why I did get out of it because I started was a last year and you ever did. I could point shoot. It might have been in New Zealand, no. Tasmania, when we remember was there a real moment of like, I'm done? No, ma. No, it was at the start of that. It was 30 shows Previous to that when I was over in New Zealand in
Picton caught the Picton ferry from Wellington, where you're wearing like matching. I can imagine all like actually culturally appropriate outfits. That's what we're wearing. What sort of like YMCA wearing village people? Yeah, fuck. I'm sorry. Like it wasn't even thought of then Ryan just got a new costume and put it on. I just gave it to me as you How many of you were there? Four of us on stage. But there's one moment where I was on stage a hangover from the first night that we got there. And we just did a bonding session got drunk on Jim Beam. And then the next day did a show. And I just remember just going up looking away from the crowd just thinking what the fuck have I got myself into? I was just like that that moment it was just burying it. So with canaries, it can have bad crowds. Is the river a bad crowd?
When you're doing that, like, how much is rowdy and some aren't rowdy? Good. Rowdy is easier because you know that people got brought the vibe rowdy in a fun way. I mean, won't be rowdy in a negative way.
Like Yeah, yeah, she'd be quite know that but I reckon it was probably the last show. Yeah, definitely the last one of the last shows
we'd packed down and so I'd talked about I think I've talked about this before, but like
there's a weird vibe when you're doing these shows in small towns. And you feel like some dudes that are seeing these young blokes come into town and screaming for all their girlfriends. Like they're a bit pissed about it Intel they're just like ah these fucking idiots and so we was I think it was like hyper aware that ready for get bashed? He could have like someone's coming out you know? I can. I can comments about you know, because you tend
And we're j strings here. And some of them have bogans that saying stuff and we definitely had people say shoot in the path yell and security man, but this one night we'd pack down we'd pack down the show and we drive down look like our life
imagining one of those like yeah like the the signs that you have in a conference that you put like has a stick that holds it up and then you pull it down and it sort of
floats and umbrella badness.
They're all banners came out at halftime. Well, nowadays you did image sales, you have a big What is it with them? Here's a tip if you've got a business here we had businesses that they spend all the money on a decal Yeah, like for their for their car or whatever, you know, doing a rap or their truck.
And the Instagram, Twitter and Facebook logo is bigger than there.
It's like, Oh my god, there's someone from Instagram. It's like oh no, they just
Want us to follow John's going service on Instagram?
I reckon bring it. Maybe not even have the logo on the right. designing for dummies on line. It's hard I feel the patent. It's an easy mistake to make you grab a PNG off in stuff Google and you just drop it into none of a match. Anyway, finish the story. We're driving off in our van. There's like six of us in there. And you know sound guy MC in the foot for the four guys calling me and and we started getting a sound Oh, yeah, it's a full on PA system or did those PA systems that we have the sound Oh, strip. Nana, okay, it's just the sound I get paid the same as the strippers. Now he was definitely not okay. What were you getting paid? I can't remember. Hundred I dig deep. I actually can't remember it was cash. It was all cash. And then we'd make more money if we sold like fucking phones.
Those of us who
know his own Polaroids, and he'd still Polaroids at the
end of the show, there would be like the guys up up on stage and some of them would like the other guys like that. We need that fucking Damn it, it's gonna make us look better for the photos.
So, I was 19 I was just having you know, I was having fun. Anyway, you you'd have people come up and see
and get a fighter charging 10 bucks 10 bucks cash any DVD so you could get more cash so we can make more money. I think it might have been like 150 a show plus any of the merge sales and what about destiny? Anyone? Because he he like Vegas? I will finish this fucking show.
No, there's so much to ask. Was there any sort of someone suggesting that that would give more cash for other things? I had 10 bucks shoved in my j string ones by an old grandma. for potential for something else are you talking about? No
Want to
say? Did anyone like it not saying that you did that but did no I didn't. I didn't do it. It was when we had it. So the business that I had in Melbourne was the Spanx. The number that we had for double eight Spanx. It's pretty proud of that. I got that.
There was PayPal texting that we've been taking on that. Yep. Wanting escort service. Well, I'm sorry. Go on. So you're in the you've you've got the sound Oh, yeah, we're all in the car. We're driving off and then all of a sudden, we're getting followed by this car. Like oh, fuck, there's definitely some boyfriends of the girls who are at the show when they're angry. You know, build that story. Like we're gonna, we're gonna have to fight. And so we're driving we drive down this route, and then we pull over we're like, Fuck this. Let's fight him. And then we can pull over roll the door open and then the Carver girls hanging out the window. Yelling I can swinging something in their hand. I don't know. But we're getting chased by girls in the shot.
Nice. I mean, it's at that point. It's like good that you wasn't a bunch of aggressive guys.
Anyway, getting chased by women in Cass. That's nice. I listened to episode one yesterday. Yeah. Did you know? All I listened to was the bit that was put on Instagram. And what I did like about it, actually, you'd never give advice to a new podcast to start the way we did. But we haven't changed much. What do you mean?
Within the first four seconds, unsigned something about how you've just enjoyed the show? Yes. It happened about you know, 500 times. But I was like, at that point, I was like, listening back to you know, now how many episodes now? 760 something. So
I guess the only bit of advice is like be yourself. But then you wouldn't advise people to start a show like that. For the first one. I reckon like just do the like low energy to you reckon?
Yeah, a whole bunch of stuff, but that's what you're gonna start. You're gonna fumble. Yeah, that was a bit of fumbling. Yes. The funny thing was,
so I mentioned it was probably only two weeks ago about going to London and a regional radio show. giving me the torch. That's right. Yeah. Yep. So Episode One, I mentioned it. And I have a memory of during that time, I told the story better. So if you enjoyed that story, go and listen to it on one but a bed of a Heath and Naomi with a guy's names who had a radio show. I remember he didn't know me. Yeah. And then I went down a rabbit hole of trying to find a phenomenon rather normally lives in Texas, does he? What's he done? He doesn't really follow any radio people. I feel like he's, what's the story, Josh? The story I tell was it was like he was in the talent pipeline. He was meant to get, you know, the big the big Metro show. Didn't happen. He did however, find someone that he fell in love with in Texas. Yeah. And so he's moved there.
And he doesn't really talk about radio now. And so it's a funny story when he's imagine he's got some sort of corporate job or whatever. And when, you know, he comes in to do consultancy, and they're like, are this, you know, I forgot his actual name, but it's like, he's john. Yeah. What's the fun fact about john? And he's like, well, in the mid 2000s, I was on a radio show in Australia and my nickname was normally I tell you what, they do have a Wikipedia page. The Heath Ledger show. Yeah. What was his name? normies. Naturally, the normal personalities. Where is it? It's near the end of this second paragraph. Special. Oh, here we go.
Hey, pay the piper. Look, and yeah, Lucas normie. Durrell Durrell.
He's on Instagram. He did a funny post. If he had to have a wacky radio night. What would it be?
Buster Murphy. Wow, buddies. Bastard.
Buster sounds to Buster Buster sounds like a producer instead of low status. Do you
like it? Do you like Target I always go with J dog with a double g but I don't think that I think it's 250 kilowatts that is Yeah, that is I think it is J dog that's lower than anything like
that. What do you think you guys think? Why don't we all do it for each other? You got to come up with your radio names. Okay, so Tommy jacket I reckon is
Beauty, handsome. Well, that
I think they just do it off. Like, I remember there was a time talking
about us doing like maybe TJ because it's about if the names float Tommy and Josh go together Josh and Tommy whatever. But it's like Tommy and candy.
Like should we be doing TJ?
Candy? TJ Now what did you put Jim and what you pushed? Tommy?
My bucket name Yeah. Tom now I think he has that. Absolutely not.
Now, Tom, so, Tom big Tom. That's funny.
Yeah, I mean it's it's rich because we give everyone else nicknames but you and I don't we just say they're jay jay jay Yeah, Jay Jay and Jay Jay Janssen and jacket.
It looks like a fucking law firm.
Yeah, you're counting a
34 seconds on this
While you're at
so what do you like?
What do I like? Yeah.
meditite Yeah.
What about love code right Tom? Tom the guru oh yeah hey guys hope you're enjoying your Saturday not it's Tom guru here on the decks that's fine tom tom guru tell that was one thing that like I realised how much of a narcissist I am because I was listening to episode like I was sitting on the couch this fucking arms crossed just like what are we talking about just listening just you can play connected that
but there was I'm trying to think of the bit that I did like I feel like I'm very consistent because there's a whole section
where and this is going to become the show where I just talked about what happened on you know what you said what I said that's what I was very wary of that I was like factor there's a lot of in the Discord. I was just doing a blow by blow that's like and then I said this, and then I said that, in fact wasn't funny when I did this
and No, but I was talking about
mood FM and how I like doing the painting the picture. And you gave a lot of pushback with me painting the picture and I want to bring it back.
I want to give it a go now. Yes, please. So you know, I just it's it's very basic. It's that idea of you're in bed right now. You're going to sleep. Yeah, you're relaxed. You're having a really nice snuggly night in your under the donor. Or maybe you're going on that jog that you wanted to go on. was stuck in traffic as well. Beep beep to you.
It's the daily talk show.
It's nice, isn't it? Like if you if you're running right now give me a smile that seriously? I'm talking to you. Smile bigger, bigger. I know.
It wasn't it. Just trying to connect with the person. Well, the thing is that, like they're just doing the dishes right now. That's you, isn't it? You're doing the dishes right now.
You hit at some point, you know, the funny thing is nusseibeh listening now. It makes more sense now than when we had three leases.
I mean the funny thing is with dishes that probably wondering how the fuck do I stack the balls? If that's you? Hi. There was one I remember what you said if you're on a plane right now send us a photo. Yeah, not many people want to find they only got one or two in Well, why don't we so Rain Man did all the work in regards to the survey. So we can just look at the highest percentage of how people listen as a way of getting the the most amount. Do you like that? I did the most amount of why is this so it's like, I can tell you how most people listen to the show like what they're doing. And you just generally connect to what you can then say the picture. Yes. So you're driving the car fact. Exactly.
Yeah. Why if you are at work doing if you're, if you're at home, yeah. You know yet. you're meant to be doing something and say now I bought into it, but it's time
Fun. Okay, he got nothing, it just gets a bit boring. What Josh wanted to do was at the very start show, okay, mention it. So 38% of people listen while exercising 51 in the car 23% on public transport 32 at work 59% at home, and 53% while doing household tasks, so it's not an equal percentage because you can select more than one show
that say this is now
five called a lotta Yeah. So based on that
household tasks at home, very high, over 50% for both of them and in the car. So I think that if I was to do what it's like, if you are about to do the vacuuming, if you're just doing a bit of tidying up, if you're working out where that last bit of dust is, enjoy the household chores, get them done while you're listening to the daily talk show. It's great to be here. It's Yeah, but it's just if you're a parent and you know
your partner's putting the kid to bed and you're cooking dinner and you just feeling like you've got some alone time you've got a series welcome if you're cutting an onion right now that's when I do it just think about when you do it yeah and someone in someone will be doing the exact same thing i mean i think the working out one's great like if your heart rates up is really feeling it in your chest and your throat keep pushing
children cry God
never heard anyone say that before was that if you feeling it? What was the feeling you three you know when you get the little I mean, you know, you know when you get that Tummy Tuck off fuckhead What did you What do you say? You get like, I don't know like hurting your throat. I don't know. Yeah, I get that. It's like the like it can I get reflux?
Like, fucking hating.
Carry lying down.
It's coming back up.
Speaking of food, I'm hungry. I'm gonna go Yeah, maybe you're actually just having a bite to eat as well. You bet to just switch off because dinner's ready. Thanks for listening The other thing is
you could be like you just feel if I get one he will then follow with one if that's what I'm gonna do one after so well you're just feeling it if you are lifting the weight feel like it put yourself in the muscle feel the look at the bicep when you're doing it. Yeah, but actually say the problem with that is it's so specific. They have to be doing their arms whereas
Yep, it is its ultimate connection. If you get on something it'd be bespoke. For squats in you might imagine banging it for squats in and fucking
Yeah, I'm not comfortable yet if we had any emails, yeah. So we got we got one from Fabian from Berlin. And it's just on the stuff that we talked about yesterday with people naming their kids at off and he says
There is a big sensitivity in Germany around that. So, yeah, thanks. Thanks, Fred. You might be in Utah right now, you might have been listening while you know, on a light walk. What's the weirdest part? If you're doing something very weird right now? Well, you might be in the shower. And you don't have a UE BOOM to amplify the sound. So you're using your phone and I'm getting wet, and you can't really hear properly. So you have to rewind when you get out and re Listen, have you done that? I do that all the time. what's crazy is when you we've seen somebody who's listening at the time that we've seen them. Like even so I was also filming with Nazim in his name, and he ran up to a car we were doing voxpop with barefoot investor and I'm shooting he runs up to this car and I had headphones on and because he was strapped with a lapel I wasn't close to it. I could hear the guy say my I'm fucking listening to your podcast right now. The dude hadn't hit you know he's my blow up because Nazim celebrity runs out
It was, who was that legend that we bumped into with the Oh, Matt mock fact. We were the we were at the Sydney Airport. That was great. And we were on and he was releasing to us. Yes. And he came up to you said we also had one that did that walking up Victoria, Australia. Yeah, it was walking up straight and he had Bose headphones on or whatever. Yeah. And he, once I saw you, and he's like, D stop you. Maybe, you know, when he looked at he looked like he was a guy that was listening to those
and then actually saw the person that's listening. Wow. Anyhow, it's Tommy jackets.
What did we call that wasn't straight, handsome. Now what was that? get any of that? No wonder.
I'm Gary Tucker. I'm buying it around. Yeah.
It's a daily talk show. If you if you're listening in an interesting place. Do an Instagram story now to know what we haven't done in a while. Yes. What is it? 10 seconds of admin 10 seconds of
admin, take a screen grab right now of you listening to the show posted on Instagram as a story and we'll regram it. What a deal. That's right get out of the kik app because I know that you're doing a workout right now get the photo could be working out extra points if you're working out if you've got a sweat
and tag the daily talk show we will regram it or if you're going into a song title because he's gonna get you another What about hang on say we don't get off we can get someone in a spiral sprint and not to get smashed by spring hot springs. Yeah, that would be a sauna without a roof. Say nice cooler with them. Now I think the sauna Oh, no. A really good one is the gym. Not many. I was actually thinking about this. I said this to Bray this morning. Because all the gyms are reopening. I had a moment where I'm like, if I still had my fitness first membership because I paid for a year
and went like five times or whatever but I was in contract. If the pandemic had happened, could I have called
up and being like this is what I would have said I'm I
can't use my membership. I want to be using it. I can't go into your gym I want to cancel right now. I'm sure they've done that. I can definitely I think that's it. Yeah, I think that actually giving people money their money back yeah when they yeah I don't know. Anyway sounds like something that they would do Hello hoping people just proven hold
knife and sitting by a pool right now on the YouTube channel that one so I jump in place. Yeah if you are I mean it's whether we finish up so nicely jump into the pool right okay. All right sorry talk show. See you tomorrow everyone have a lovely day. Take us