#003 – Toe Thumb and free stuff/
- January 18, 2018
3 in a row! The Daily Talk Show! This is huge! Living with a toe thumb, regional radio, flakey people, Josh’s Mum on the show…what more could you want?
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okay yep
the daily talk show Josh and Tommy Yeah What did we talk about on this app
we we did a good solid interview about your toast them so you you if you know nothing about what a totem is is very interesting to somebody who doesn't have one yeah and we were also talking about being liked to things or canceling plans guys got into a bit of technology discussion yeah
we we touched on exercise as well and Strother and how how I got a little taco made all about my exercise for the use and that's coming up right
it probably looks into more of Josh has excellent exercise habits but to finish off we had your mom on the show very quickly wouldn't call our first guest but she's been mentioned every episode we're at number three enjoy it. Thank you James. Out subscribe. Yeah. And what is what's our What's our URL? The Daily talk show.com yep and you can subscribe man
it is Thursday. The big tank Hey Tommy. Josh, we started
yeah we started the daily talk show told me and Josh Josh and Tommy tell me why you want to deliver it
might I'm a fucking idiot. What have you done? Look behind you look down the ground that's a good Yeah, like my lining gear. And so I borrowed a bunch of lighting yeah would it be from Josh see the box I can't add new light stand so you bought that new light stand in a box? Yeah, I I got here. And I went to take out everything from the car and the left light stand. No, I listed on the roof and drove here. It didn't come home.
Man is another worst is that what was it a kilometer? Maybe a bit more than a kilometer. Yeah, there's lucky coming down the street. It's only like 40 kilometer limit. And I was creeping along. So I
drove here with the lights and imagine what would have happened if it had hit someone or I'm off and if you know what I thought I was like, I just would have been annoyed that I would had to buy you a new idea. Would you have gotten embarrassed in that scenario? Like if you'd actually if it phone went off and it stopped traffic or something would you get really flustered you would be like, What the fuck is that? And then you would have for a moment
Yeah, I lift my hand brake off in a petrol station once and I'd had a massive awakening so I was feeling tired and just my head wasn't clear. And my car rolled and there was construction works going on in the it was like a 711 petrol station Anyway, my car rolled over this part that was going into the ground so it's like some big holes it wasn't massive hole but it was like a hallway obviously they pour patrolling or something and it ran over pot and it bent it and the only thing I was scared about was like a fire or some know having to pay like 20 grand for some fucking piece of metal that is in that case is like some sort of insurance cover that I recommend it yeah it's hot in third party like property damage you'd think would cover
so if I smash into a home you hardy
covers the third party data but not you can sorry that you yeah that's like a little q&a Yeah,
the I did something stupid this morning to as walking cross Johnston. Strange didn't didn't cross out the lights. And it was the cars Royal Bank back going towards a huddle. And so I was walking across the road and then I looked and walked out of the second bit. So I'm in the middle of the road. And I've already gone past all these parked all these cars and traffic. Yeah, I've looked left gone to walk across. And why do you realize the
let's talk about Tom,
can we just don't
we just wait, can I can I just get you just start because picking my nose? Not might not know what Totem or a
toe? Tommy? Yeah. Can you just start from like the birth of thumb when you first came into realizing and what it is. So a toe thumb is also known as a club thumb or murder his thumb murders if you look here on the Wikipedia page, and it's essentially an I've got one, my dad's got one I guess it's being passed down genetically. But it's a very wide thumb. It's a It looks like a toe and he sort of it starts off like any skinny thumb that you think it's almost like if you think of people have different body shapes. It's like a pear shaped thumb. I mean, it's it's descriptive when you just say plunk your big toe on your thumb and that's that's literally what I've got. And so I don't remember thinking about it much as a kid. But it wasn't until I had a technology blog where I was taking a lot of photos of Geek like phones and I'd be holding them yeah and it would just the comments that I get from people I just got a text by the way Billy's pizza joint has a special
that's why I got the Apple Watch to get shit like that anyway I lived for really good good plug and I had I got my day
but I am so you're taking photos yeah I take photos
and so I would get a little bit self conscious so I'd get other people to hold the phone rang and you said comments what what was
the comments were like oh look at that thumb like just talking about the thumb in general like are low look like and it was actually wasn't about being self conscious. It was more distracting for the actual content because here I have put put together a really nice review of the Fitbit and all people can talk about is my thumb so yeah, I'd sort of taken a bit offline hadn't really done anything with it and then I am I yeah I just had the realization in December of 2017 I might you know on totems, he's own personality and we need to celebrate telethon and so and so I will first it actually probably came about because I got the domain name totem.com
and then so I tried to get tight them on Instagram that wasn't available so I settled with underscore told them and it's just a great way to make to actually post
content that I just never would would normally never hit my Instagram okay
so I want to take you back a bit my first encounter with toe thumb was high school eatin I go sure I say name I was a second that it was Lana was enough up and Lana had a toe thumb and I would look at it a lot yeah and I never mentioned it because I've been I was just
amazed by it yeah and
the look of it because like can we put a photo of your thumb and my thumb
yeah we'll put it on our the daily talk show it's like but yeah looking at it a difference between them it's yeah it is very different is yours is a lot bigger like it looks like it's from a big big person's hand yeah it's sort of yeah it is this up there feels like there's some sort of condition but my other thing is a fairly normal to perfectly normal
Lana had one and I'd look at it and that was where I was first introduced to it and I don't think I have any other friends I'm not friends with her now you're my only friend with a toe with them and when we first started hanging out Mahal I noticed you tell them but I never said but you started talking more about toe thumb before your Instagram again buying the domain you step joking about it and that open the door for made a joke about it I was
like well
this is a chance or I can I can bring it out to jag back because your joke yeah
I mean it really it's a in regards to genetic like issues or whatever this toe thumb is like I'm really lucky I'm really happy with it. Yeah I'm happy with that being the thing that I get okay there's so many other things that are unfortunate that people do yet
and look if it's contained to my thumb yeah you're honestly not self conscious about it now not anymore I like it really um. And I don't want you to be if that
doesn't it doesn't it doesn't bother me at all anymore It just feels um. You know what would probably I'd be more self conscious of not having like clean nails than the actual film itself you got pretty many q&a ends right like not
many feel like perfect you got the white bits at the end like the the bit with this and I
like hardly ever use clippers
is that grows I was wondering about that the like there's a few things that because I'm a pretty clean guy he would you can't you see you claim. Yeah. Lucky. How often do you shower every day? I do it twice a day. So yeah,
if a kid you not fucking doing twice a day, anyway.
Well, I had a kid and it's on your YouTube channel. It's called Tyson. There are
looked after by
What about you, Mrs. Did she bring it up now? It's never it's not really the only time it's a conversation now is she'll say this. He gonna do a post with Python here. My God. This is a great opportunity. Our it? We're outside glory.
She's now totems. Social Media Manager loves it.
What's just like you don't have to just be real strong on the Banta it's good. Like, you know, expectations. Yeah. And the other funny thing is, when I was searching for a name, I discovered all of these and looked at through the totem hashtag. They're all these like, around the world with with a total like, there's all these accounts reaches of club from all of these accounts of people who are especially like, that's the travel Instagram to their friends where it's just them. And they told them and you can see that it's it seems like it's a harmless enough thing to have wrong with you that it's it creates good banter. It's nothing. It's not sort of anything serious. If you're somebody that's out in the wild and they see somebody with a totem Is it okay to talk about the totem is the replicator point it was Oh, yeah. No, I don't think you said What's that? I think you like celebrate. It's like, are you gonna you know, town town? That's but what
if you don't know. It's like, I'm talking about someone who's got no knowledge of what it told me is. I haven't listened to her podcast and they just go Hey, man, what's with the baby had that what's weird? Yeah,
absolutely. Oh, what's the thumb? Like?
Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. Thumb is a it is it rude to say what? Without now?
No, I think I think it's
I think it's the equivalent of if someone's maybe it seems less road than me saying hey, what's with that mole on your face? Because you know, it's a mall where it's like the thumb if you've never seen one before. It's like how your thumb looks different. Because if you said that, like you, thank you. I am I'm never close enough to people in a public setting where that ever happened because I just sort of avoided but I'm celebrities with Tom and as you know, sorry, Megan Fox, Megan Fox. Megan Fox, I have a site megan fox anyone else do you rock? Oh yeah. Gary Gary Vee guy has it the the main ones I did a Google search Do You Have you ever done that I remember when I got a herniated disc like a back problems and I google celebrities with back problems to make you feel better
sit in the thing I get is cold sores ah who was some celebrities we call source and they graduate land but he's a he's a friend of mine so I always felt better knowing that the guy who is on ya know
he's been at a pretty grotty background I'm guessing
he's a thing called tells you you're born with them
or you catch them but I was born with it this is the equivalent of someone with red hair saying that the strawberry blonde you like now I've made a head fucking face herpes or right and so that means that your mom had herpes and that 10 I don't
know you don't have to it can be dormant lives in the spine a fucking with that the virus lives within your spine spine region and as a kid my brother my middle brother and I we got them so bad and dude I felt like I was the Grinch like you think everybody's looking at your lip yeah also self conscious about it and I'm I had one last week first time in like three years yeah so rundown just sick can feel it coming on Oh yeah. The most uncomfortable get them on your nostrils yeah really bad when I was young I had my mic on my lips are used to get them a lot when I was young I had a period of five years we're in get one and I don't hydration what do we think that what causes the rundown I was sick I was taught I've been working my ass off and I and I got a cold which then led to an enormously tonight a shitload of Nutella and not there's something in nuts and there's something in egg yolks that feed a cold sort sounds horrible but it's like the actually gives it
life fat is a high fat she's not be sugar that's in yolks living there having companies fat that know there's an actual might be a it's not a chemical
molecule within some sort of it. I talked as if I knew what a molecule was I have no idea but there is something that feeds them anyway that's my only thing that I've been self conscious about I remember I used to get eaten alive by mosquitoes really bad as a kid and scrunch them I've got Simon like if you look at my leg they're actually like spec like slightly speckled from just scars
assignment like we have a look I mean you won't be able to say cuz I've still got Wilhite peeling from my sunburn night. Yeah, but mom used to get so upset about it should say you can get school source I don't even know what that is. But yeah, it's like you're gonna be the scab kid. Do you want to be the scab cable? Stop scratching you mosquito bites I remember I was bare feet again. Stop in mom was great at that. But the the one
the one time I went fishing I got done by sand flies like real bad actually hurt like, and they just like all in my late like, there wasn't a spare part of my body that wasn't just like, yeah,
I'm wrapping up. Hi, Sam. How many minutes? Did we get out of your total? 15?
That's not fair. Yeah. Good. No, Sam. Or and just general sort of body issues. I get hate rashes. That's fun. I'm saying that. But if you want to check out total
score toe thumb on Instagram. Yeah.
Or the daily talk show calm. You know, be in the show notes of Episode Three. Yeah, it's Episode Three. Yeah,
it's a you know what? Let's have a bit of a retrospective in the last two episodes. What's what are you enjoying? What and what are you liking so far?
It It reminds me of doing radio five days a week. It was long as like three hours a day I was getting paid. And I was talking with somebody who wasn't necessarily my friend. Yeah, I became friends with them to a degree, but not the friendship we have. And so I remember the, the anxiety, anxiety probably be strong, but just the sense that you needed to rock up to have somebody to talk about. And that's why I love this. Because we can fucking talk about whatever. And isn't that looking at what stresses us previously we look back and like, that's a fucking joke. Like the idea that
we can get ourselves all sort of riled up about the idea of coming up with an idea for a regional radio show. Like it's, it's funny how we do it's not until we look back that we can be like, man, if that was my stress now, like,
don't you think? What do you think it was fucking stressful? Do you would you still find it stressful today, you know, it's stressful is having to do it for three minutes, like at one talk back. And that's why I didn't like and I still don't really like the format of radio, because you can't really have a discussion in three minutes. Yeah, you can get across one side of a point. And someone can say, I don't agree with that. But you're not going into why or what it is. But entertainment wise, there was enough time and it was good to craft a story or share a piece of information in that short time. And so but it was very killed. Delighted. Yeah. And stressful in that sense. And then you had people you know, people around the table calling in and stuff like how many calls when you get in and how many calls a day well, we do say there was like four solid breaks and Alma so it could be in half an hour a talk break and then there's like phone calls after that talk breaking up and then another top break some ads and then talk about what's coming up the half now so there's like it's not a great deal talking across the whole thing. But you still so there'll be maybe two lots of calls per hour so you could get phone
calls and our if you're lacking in living in regional radio, little regional radio land, it's fat like regional radio. It's fascinating like having been in Western Australia recently on holidays and saying all these little country towns and saying i'm john and Paul for you breakfast like it's crazy but I think it local and there are things where his reasons why it's great. Yeah,
because you have to deliver local information as part of your quota of content for the day so we were told you need to talk about local local topics at least twice an hour. Yeah,
did you have any local deals with any businesses where it's like the local fish and chip shop would give you free food if you mentioned them on there was so strict on getting contra repos they
want to dollars talk about but we became best friends with the people that owned a cafe lemon tree. So when it was organic, you'd talk about it and I would give us free stuff but we were actually good friends and there was where else there was the JV hotel the Golden Valley hotel and ship I became really good friends with the manager yeah and she would give us drinks but would hang out like so we got around it and we got our freebies well because Nando's had the black car the jewels had the about that you know you don't want to talk about
are really it's just like a sacred thing he's got a fucking presented by when he goes to the
Yeah, wasn't black there is
it Sharon has one? Yeah.
Free to actually on and off. Jules had one. You gotta be you gotta be a celebrity to have it. Free food. Yeah,
free Nando's. I mean that's that's contrary isn't it? What's the best thing contra thing you've ever got? What's the best exchange that you've ever gotten for doing work rather than cash free stuff? Oh, late. Because I remember my Sonos system when the force on us was,
you know, in JB and all, actually they were I think they're starting to go into JB at this point. But before they went mainstream, like as much as they are now
I did some work for them, the Australians on us and some video stuff and I said rather than paying me just let's do a contra thing. So I got like for Sonos speakers I play fives or whatever and so I've got the more show yeah so that's the idea is that you like fact that this country is some sort of transaction where it's like you're giving someone you know beats on it you know mentioning them on air and oh yeah one of my clients at the moment sleep Republic Yes. You've got one of their size mattress they like the mattress in a box delivered to your door it's like rolled up compressed
so I did a bunch of work I mean I don't the thing with that stuff is it feels like you're still working for it Yeah absolutely.
Yeah it's it's normally it's it's never out wide like it's never it's normally meant to be fairly equal right? Yeah I gave them a product that was worth the same as a product
yeah in exchange I think freebies I love a good frame yeah
I'm trying to think of no actually this was called my cousin worked in the sales team for wt WTF fam back in sort of been like 90 like mid late 90s and they had a
promotion I think it was with phila and it was at the What's it called? It's not it's before us open it's like the grass courts What are they called? crayon crayon yes it's been fantastic so um. Basically for whatever reason they screwed up the competition and they didn't have any of the like it was like this kid opportunity for kids to be trained with like I'm top tennis players
China remember the name real famous Australian know Woodbridge he's he's still in the round we can't remember who it was new it not it's like it was like a coach my Philippoussis not keep going
you wouldn't know anyway yeah I would no idea
let's let's come back to it will come back to a bell I'll give them a buzz and we'll find out the fact that I'm bored of your story
is true but anyway I
know basically it was you talk for 10 seconds while we get man you're not
calling you man I am calling I'm not calling
I'm calling them will give it
leaves spoken to it yeah
she likes on the Facebook
Hello Mrs. Johnson we're just doing a Tommy and i doing the podcast I'm trying to remember who were the tennis apply is that
was training me when I was a kid at that feel like camp thing that was double
oh yes yeah
okay thank you have come on ketchup I feel it so you go Tony Roche and even go look on
only project at school about Avon. Google. Yeah, well,
she trained me in tennis. And look at me now a bit now got the best part about it was like got feel a shoes feel. A Topsfield like fully like Kindle right is it was free and paid. It wasn't because it was a thing where it was like it was meant to be something that people could win. Yeah, but tactics had fact up so they're like we just need kids to be there so we don't look like fat kids in front of the client. So it was all filled with like sales
like that classic radio can't feel it. Yeah.
Get your mates mates in there. I remember a dubbed in Paul's pretending they'll do the like taste the difference between Pepsi and coca cola? Yeah, I've mentioned Coca Cola in the last two EPS. And I say Coca Cola. Which I never ever say. Anyway. Coke and Pepsi. Yeah, and they
Yeah, you'd get lifesavers after you do the test. So I was trying to work out as a kid how many different looks I could have. So I could keep going up and doing the testing game or lightsabers. So I went out with my glasses and a top on then I went without my glasses but the top on then I went without my top
I'm glad you're
reinforcing my witness comments about joining with me I was a kid what it like yeah, have you have to offer any other times we did speak about this? Like do we come with something and I think I've liked it because we had to be so plan with radio Yeah, and we can do what the fact we want here. Is there something you're thinking about because I thought about Totem for today, there's something you please I can talk about our I've been thinking about time a lot. And this
was probably light last month I sort of had this realization of should I read an article New York Times about people packing people canceling plans, and how easy it is and how much we love doing it. And I've been one to cancel plans purely out of like your book something far enough in advance. And I'm most of the time I'll do it. But I went through a bit of a stage of like, I don't really give a five I'm just going to cancel because I don't really want to do this anymore. Where is this month? I've started being very specific about my calendar, which means if I book it in, I'm going and I'm doing it if I don't want to do it. I say no. Now, otherwise, I booked in and I follow through. We kind of
feel shit and I think the people who either cancel is probably leaving a world without feeling not great about canceling all the time. Yeah,
well, they've got to be a bit there's gonna be some sort of anxiety built into it. But I think it made me think about families and how there's the the always like family and the family that was always on time. My guess is that you come from a family that was always on time. Correct. And did you Was it a thing that you're talking about as a family My dad is pretty no we've never talked about it but my dad is he's very own time with everything
and I I am too I don't like letting people down that are and so
you know me I'm on time I just hate the fact in you. This the youtubers who were filming them being light to all their fucking flights. Casey Neistat, that's what you Whoa, whoa, whoa, that was, yeah, just the last set, but fuck all of that. Like how they're all like, shocked. I miss my flight. Yeah, it's like, oh, we still had 10 minutes before they might, maybe it's part of the story. These there's a little bit of that. But there's also I think it's also we come from Australia, where basically everywhere we go out, you know, we have to be there three hours before, whereas people from Europe or the US they just like maybe they they look at international flying in a different way where it's like, if you're if you're in Europe, and you're only like a short like, you know, like a few hours drive to a country and you're flying there. It doesn't make that much sense to be that three hours stand the feeling of thinking on the light for a fly. I think that stands across all the thing. Have you ever missed a flight? Never. Never in my life. We had one situation recently when we're in the US where they had to put on our bags light. Yeah. And basically I think it meant that
if we wouldn't get some of the compensation that you would normally get if your bags were lost because they're like eight we're going to try and get them on the plane we can get you on the plane but there's no guarantee we can get you back what's the Jansen? family life always on time? They are. Yeah, but breeze, side light. So I think that we've, I feel like I've adapted over time to Yeah, especially creative. Like being in the creative industry. People are fucking flaky. They're all like, bit mental. So it's hard to tie people down. Whereas like, I think that that's a priority for me is to be on time and be someone who can be relied upon. I think the issue is that when you have that expectation of yourself, you then have that expectation of other people. How do you deal with light people or counselors do someone says, Hey, I can't do I'm going to cancel, do you just have like an open book policy? where it's like, if I'm available, then I can do the next time they suggest or is it a
is if I kept canceling on you. Or, you know, they're the canceled canceled time. And I think I've got one of my best mates, longest friend from primary school. And he he's flaky. And I think he would know it. It's gross. And so. But what I would, I think is, you almost need to, you can't expect them to do anything more for you. Yeah, it's the empathy. So that's the thing, right? It's this, this balance of, we can have a standard for ourselves,
but we don't have to expect that of others. And I think having for me, it's about scheduling out my time. And putting in the calendar, these are the things that I'm doing. And that means that it's not about flexing to that you don't have to be flexible with them. But you also don't have to, like, go out of the way to make things difficult as well. Where it's like a while I'm not next time you say I'm not going to say that I'm available. If again, if you rely too
heavily. Like if you put too much weight on that you understand, like, your friendship won't survive. Yeah, so that's my friendship with him. I've put that in place where I'm like, whatever, an icon to make a joke. But you're right. I don't actually bring it up a great deal. Yeah,
well, it's even friends. Like, I think it's the sometimes being a friend is realizing what that person's lying and adapting to that. So it's like that with text messages. I'm not necessarily that great on texts. And I give people that same sort of leeway where it's like, I'm not going to get upset if they don't text me back. Or, you know, American, you, you I,
I've never thought you're a light person. But I think that you can get a bit lacks, like, you need all kinda, it revolves. Not revolves around you. But it's like, it ends up being whatever I'm prioritizing. Yeah, I'm not good at I think what that comes from is not being good at multitasking. So if I'm focused on something, if I'm doing something, I mean, like, so when I'm making a YouTube video, the ability for you to get in contact with me is much lower. And you almost like you text me and him and he working on YouTube video. And it's because I've gone like radio silent because I'm like smashing it out.
And I think that that can be a good quality to have being able to compartmentalize. I'm trying to get to a point where I'm carving out time every day that I look at my phone, and I do all the social media shit doing a shocking job of it at the moment. But I set them as returning things in my calendar. So hopefully I get to a point where I'm only, you know, checking my phone on the social media type of stuff once a day between these times it's full, and that we have to manage this. Like we have to create things in life to manage
it. Because he Yeah,
because Well, I think the thing is,
there's a saying that if you um, he can't, those things that can't be measured, can be managed. So there's, you need to work out, okay, if it's always on, and you just checking it all the time, then it's harder to dial it in
the measurement. I get it though. It's basically
that's why I count like I'm loving having my calendar. And even if I'm not doing it, all right now it stays in my calendar. So if I get a little bit better every day, then that's, that's something. But these apps are being designed. A friend of mine, Nick Allen just did a medium post where he's changing to a dumb phone next week. So knock you out. Like he's old Nokia. And the reason was, because he got a message on Facebook saying, hey, you've spoken to actually friend two days in a row, keep the streak going, by contacting them today. There was his point is like, Well, fuck that, because social like Facebook or this, you know, these platforms, they're trying to make them stickier. And they're trying to actually change the way that we think in the way that we communicate.
And if we know anything, we know that crew You know, this year for me, it's about creative momentum. One of the thing you know, doing this podcast is part of that, and those habits become our life and what we do. And so spending lots of time on Facebook, or making sure that you messaging people back, or having a snapchat streak with someone is fucking shit. Yeah, and we, I don't think it's good for our brains. And so that's what he's saying he's going to go cold turkey and then move because the only way that you're going to be able to take control over the sort of, they're saying that they're creating new neurological pathways by, you know, putting the notifications in a certain spot and getting us to do these that, you know, checking for notification that, you know, what are the things what are the actions that you do constantly. And that's why things like Facebook would change where their marketplace button is, because they know
that was prime positioning that was where all the the message notifications were. And they're like, that's something people use all the time that they've been using it that way for two years. Now if we're trying to push a new feature that is the prime positioning So remember, only a year ago when you had to press the front button to get two notifications
it would blow people's mind is the data that they're capturing like heat spotting Yeah, so like with your fingers on the screen there? Yeah,
the heat maps and start being able to um, yeah, like it's this there's so much where this is going my
thing with people who do that drastic go to a tan Yeah, obviously it just identified
Yeah, I mean, I've done it too. It's the people who are I remember saying a profile pic that I put up would have been like 2010 2009
where I'm like taking a Facebook break. It's like yeah, it will do it No. So I think the end up coming back on the platform I think real radical change is hard he saying that it raised sustainable and the other thing is he talks about the rays that brings him back his Facebook events I can relate because I don't I can use Facebook events I've never I probably accept less than five events a year
people have just stopped inviting you to
I just don't respond but the thing final note I got a
my Strother movie so basically driver is the the app to be able to track your around your runs and you cycling so I think and it it spat out a movie for me I thought that I would just show you what the what my movie look like and you can just respond to it so this so you posted this on your Instagram I had no fucking idea it was very clear that one fucking like it wasn't a video this is the video this is this actually made me laugh gets this idea of they're going to build you up and I'll put it put it in the show notes as well but this this whole video is about like look at all the shit that all the sport that you've done this year press appliances like
it's like your iPhone putting together a movie of your photo
yes this is doing say is this access to exercise?
Okay, Erica Strother
my year in sport
you don't do sport Josh days active
2030 year
it's bringing up five is a bridge probably thinks they watch TV on and I remember living what happened here average distance walked 4.217 Kids case longest activity 17 point I think kilometres
says tracking your movements yeah trying this whole thing again
that was a comment that I did within my stronger afternoon run wait until you say the hours to be criteria one is one of exercise total distance and and 28 K's 30 by 42 something to walk total time 14 our exes I did put it now it's an exercise.
That video is actually more engaging
than I thought it was a minute of my life. It's amazing. It's like real. I pumps you up but I feel like an absolute idiot. It's like the equivalent of someone's done a reality show about you for a year and haven't told you it's like if someone all of a sudden said hi to me. We've actually had a camera rigged up to your shower for year with created the shower highlights reel you to act differently. Yeah, so I feel good exposure I didn't know that are making it. So this year, I'm obviously gonna run or it's a good value sell for them on top of nice, right. I mean, they're probably on the sentence like premium like I'm a premium subscriber either. So
thanks for joining me. Remember, you can
send us mail p o box 400, Abbotsford Victoria at 3067. And will read any letters that we just got a fucking p o box. There's some reason loves the subscription. And we're doing this every weekday. It's about 30 minutes on we've spoken longer to that it's gonna hit 40 minutes. So sorry about that. Alright, Episode Three.
Dan dusted the daily talk show with Josh and Tommy. Thanks, guys.