#733 – Fights, Facial Hair & Tongue Scrapers/
- May 18, 2020
We chat about people wanting to fight, a FND announcement, a Megaphone Sponsor website page, facial hair, and being the routine guy.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– People wanting to fight
– Friday Night Drinks announcement
– Megaphone Sponsor website update
– Mr. 97’s facial hair
– Being the routine guy
– Masterclass
View the latest Megaphone bids: https://bigmediacompany.com.au/thedailytalkshow/megaphone/
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode Seven 133.
It's happening guys what's going on? Monday? Monday, Monday Monday. Fired up. Absolutely fired up for the week. How about
you talking about the sticky date pudding your head last night?
Yeah, we we had a legal a legal dinner party last night that consisted of Gemma watts, bowtie jacket, me jacket, Tommy jacket. Olivia haka. So there was a you know, they're just the names if you needed to know the guest list, but it's, it was great. It was absolutely phenomenal. Tracks a mom, mom, and as I said my fi Jim tie once we brought the mom Jim bought the pin falls. Turns out she's been spotted by Penfolds or being given spin Penfold that is a deal you want. You want Penfolds as a sports like I get some great ones. Great Ones so yeah, yeah, my guts are feeling a bit funny. I think I just say Machine over the weekend
is judging
you is your video frozen already? Just Just a little? Yes,
that happened. Did you hear me?
Yeah, we got you.
Funny. That's working. I was thinking we should get you a dummy battery so the way a little tech insight the way this all works is we all have fancy cameras that are plugged into our computers. Now we all have power so that they can run forever. Georgie boy, he's using a battery and so sometimes his battery runs out. And so
we need something like seven batteries at a time but it just
isn't 100% right. It's on brand new boy Jake problems. Oh, definitely classes. core value in array like I know. We're, we're you know quite up and about. Tell you what my I've nearly been in two fights in the last week, out in the wilderness and In previous lives as in just many years ago, when I was just different gronk still a gronk a different one. I would, I would try. I think it would have had something to do with me that these people wanted to find me like, now it's not you know, I cannot can lay out the two situations. And I think this is just how people there's a potential just someone gets killed. You know, we're talking about like locking your doors and shit. You do all the precautions, but then there's just crazies out there. And so I've sort of extrapolated from these two incidences to COVID-19 and people just going fucking mental show Kohl's, I was at Kohl's new world the other day. What's new? Well, that was the that was the name of it about 15 years ago Kohl's New World, ah and horrible nine calls has been at Kohl's Blaine and Amy and I having this joyous time together. We just we were so happy we got there like 950 we decided to go at 948 and got to They're baited before they closed at 10pm. And we got in, got out all laughing on the way out of the car laughing and sort of as I'm laughing looking at me, I look over and this guy's got out of his car, and he's probably 20 metres away. And all of a sudden, all I can think is he must have thought I was laughing at him. He automatically looked at me was up. What not what, just like wanting to go hard. And I was I was I was
doing it
rocked up and he was with these. I mean, look like a young partner. He was probably 50 in his 50s just grumpy as shit lot like looking over at me and just like, just like, come on. I was. So Oh my God, I didn't even mention it to me because it all happened so quickly. I look back over and he's still there. And then I was like, Oh, this is gonna be great because the fuckwit has got two calls at 10pm and they used to be open till 11. So he thinks it's still going to be open. And then he goes up, gets his bags out of the car huffing and puffing walks up to the door and closed ages
him off.
And then he's like, waiting for me. I'm in my car reversing. And as I'm reversing, like he cannot even see my face at this point. He's like, you know doing this Come on, come on. Also, oh my god, this is full on. Like, I always think what if I was in that case that just but what if I was a barky? I mean
maybe so that was the first one what was the what was the second fight?
Yesterday I went for a run beautiful day. I'm running across the sort of highway, pull up at the lights. I had my head air pods in so I'm kind of distracted by what's going on. Craig was trying to call me in the moment What's going on? And I see this guy says like waving it and I in a car who would who would stop the lights right in front of me. And so I just kind of looked over and I was like, Ah, look back, and he's kept on waving. And then I look back because I'm like, ah, I might know this guy. And then I thought, Oh, that's john briefly. I know him. I thought it was john and then I was like waving and then he just He lost it. He's pointing his fingers like he's got a gun at me. He's pointing them out at the other traffic like, boom, boom, boom. And then I pissed him off because I was like, smile, what is going on? And then I held up my phone and he fucking lost it when I held up my phone. Hold up your phone like you're gonna film like I was taking a photo but then I then I transition from this to put it into my ear like I was on a call. And he kept on just doing the gun symbol and then he was pointing down at these things. This is Blaine dude. This is not the ghetto. This is just, you know, an Italians retirement village. That's what what do you reckon it was?
I thought this is what I'm going like mice. Usually in the past when I've got into fights in my life or set off at somebody I've been either angry in inside right like I'm and then you can you're totally looking for opportunities to blow up and I can honestly We say hand on heart these both times I'm like one's running I'm feeling good from being in the sun and it being beautiful weather all the time I'm laughing and happy with my wife. And so then these two people are just on edge. I was like God I mean this is happening you guys getting
you know, junkies around I reckon like the few times I've been out there up to up to no good there's one guy this morning at 745 just walking down our street playing like music through a boombox but we are just sort of you know, just doing a bit of the fucking twitching stuff. I got ticks
Yeah, the the input better than you
were today. Yeah. I saw one today near the office as I'm walking up to the Richmond train station to film some stuff. That's carrying my camera.
Oh, just a little
banner. Here we go. Is this Yeah, what is it?
I haven't actually heard mean I got like one shot just looking for inspo or you know, need some need some insight for Wednesday. And so once I start walking out Well, I just got to go to the train. But I was just like looking around at like bodies that you know, it could be could be good. So it's not exclusive. I'm sorry. That's right. Anyway, I was walking up the, to the train station, and there was a junkie there. And he had like about 20 balloons tied to him all the way around. And I think the idea was he wanted to keep 1.5 metres away from people really so all these helium balloons was just like,
brand integration. It was
just it was just standing there and he was like you take a photo of me. Is that my camera? And I was like, No, that's
really my you should have absolutely taken a photo. That
would have been great. mascot for the show at Turner gronk
out in the water then another junkie walks past As I was saying that and he said Careful, careful, careful with that thing. Like, I was like, Jesus, I gotta get out of here.
If all you're gonna get it stolen. Yeah, man, people are on edge at the moment. I think there's definitely, I mean prisons and should have, there's an issue inside of prison with this drug that boop, boop, or something. It's like comes on a piece of paper. And they can hide it behind like stamps and shitting. You, my friend who was in jail when I visited him, he was telling me like, there's so many junkies in here, there's so many drugs in here. And they're all having this thing. Where you just it's like a, it's like, it's dry. He's an orphan. Is that it? Yes, yes. Yeah. So it helps he come off heroin, people come on to it, when they get into jail to try and sort of weighing them but then people get a dependence to it. And so there's like a drug trade inside of prison anyway, or like it's it's a real big problem because it's all dried up. And there's people just losing the plot in prison because they just end this Think about studying to give it to like injectable form, you know, like dosing, dosing people inside a prison so that they don't
go mad. I mean, it's I feel like I'm
using the word, junkie. I never knew whether you could use that word like whether it was a derogatory term. But then I think we were in the city and there was a guy who said, I and I'm a junkie, like he identified as a junkie, remember, because it was a guy that was really up. And he's like, I and I, okay, that junkie like I, you know, I do, I swear, I'm not that fucked up. You know? Remember,
I mean, we, as humans, we find any reason to look for people more fucked up to make us feel better about ourselves. And he was doing that. He's like, that guy gives us junkies a bad name on
us junkies,
junkies. I was like, Wow, it really is a valid core value of yours. It's, yeah, nominate what you mean. I think half the time we use the term junkie. Yeah, you could say it's not empathetic or it's like these people are fucking in trouble, in trouble stir in trouble. But I think I'll continue at this point in my life to use the term. Cool. Yeah, I think
it's okay. I mean, like we put like, not put amps for another, we put it I feel like in danger half the time when you're walking past like we enter into the world that is there like what they're experiencing right like the amount of shit that sort of us ended up entering into or it's like hugging them screaming or a braid but I can bumped into like four in one walk that you don't really
want to go out. Bodie short when we're driving to daycare one day just in Richmond he this guy was like threatening to punch her grandma, and he must have been off his face. And, and he yelled at my car and it was like just he's pretty staunch, but he just stood there, like just sat there looking at it. And then I said to him already, he's sick and already said, Does he need a panadol He made more than panadol he needs a lot more than panadol at this point, but he's brought it up a few times without the screaming man. I mean, I remember
when I was a kid and my cousin lived in St Kilda and she had her apartment broken into and I remember being there when they found out I can so walking in and there's like, you know, glass where they've smashed in and all of us stuffs everywhere. But then that same trip, we were in the car, and they try an a junkie tried to open the car door. So I always was scared of Cinco de it's a kid I didn't like Yeah,
man. I remember being so St. Kilda was very, very dangerous. It said years and years ago. So I remember my pet my auntie and uncle lived in Albert Park and we lived in Brighton so there was like a 15 minute drive a 10 minute drive where you go down Bates road, and there was a corner at Fitzroy straight At one of the mines that have areas in St Kilda where there was a toilet block, and there was a crew of Aboriginals that lived on the corner, and they had a fire going, like, it was legit for many, many years, and that was their home. And so like, I just have those memories where you like, driving past a big drum where there's a fire going, I was like, wow, Dad, look at that, you know, it's like, these things that seep into your memory as a child and sort of, yeah, I wonder, I wonder what the new versions will be for young voting. I mean, maybe it's just junkies in Richmond yelling it out. Cut it. That's it. And, Josh,
we have a we have a announcement. Should I do it through the megaphone? Through the mega Yeah, yeah, yeah. Jeff I actually and then and then I want to get an update on what's happening with the megaphone web page. Okay, Grammy, okay. I don't know.
I tie
Is that loud enough? sacred for you guys? Yeah,
yeah, again.
This is the Kate made megaphone, make sure you follow her on Instagram Kate made ma D. The announcement is that Friday night and drinks is having some changes. The changes on Friday night drinks will happen
once a month.
They will be more significant. There will be a theme and it will start at 8pm it will be more loose
and more fun. Yeah.
Can we can we play the music back?
I can play a bit of a montage.
Oh, yeah. caught up. Now I'm happy about this. themes. Yeah, that's good, you know, sort of ready to launch IPM Yeah, baby. That's good.
Can I just
can I announce something just on that Oh, here we go. Okay. It's not I mean, it's not really. It could tie into it nicely. I just realised that next Friday, next Friday will be the hundredth episode completely remote. Wow, that's that's really
as George as in in five, day
four day nine, I think the Friday after.
So that's it. For us.
It was 44 644 I think was the first step.
So you got 10 days.
Amazing. That's fine. It is I mean, we were just doing the math
so I have that's why
I said how many Friday night drinks did we do? saves you said nine. I've been remote for over nine weeks.
That was just based off me saying eight but like the only reason I know that nine is when Emma said a week.
I was like Oh that's good. Yeah. I think Gracie one as well. She's at ninth round or something like that.
Yeah. So I wonder I have a feeling grace got that from
Word things off me to be honest.
I have a feeling. And so what's happening with the megaphone web page serves?
Well, so I've I've put together an MVP, so you can go to the daily minimum viable product for people not aware you can go to the get go to the daily talk show.com Ford slash megaphone, and I've put George's video in, and a little table of current and past holders of the naming rights for the megaphone.
Also, there will be to be a little lunch. Oh, was it? Okay? Did you do it yourself?
That blah, blah. She has no idea. So it was great. If there are any errors, then I'll let him know. But
allow them. How did you how did you CSS that? How did you do this?
now so I just saw I was gonna do a normal table with just like pure code and not without any plugins and then I'm just like, it's too hot. So I just went and installed the table plugin. So we got another. We got another, a little
bit slower. Thank bananas.
So it's
Yeah, and but also venture IP. They're sorting all of it out. And so if you're hosting or domain Yeah, exactly like they've they've got fast service and everything. So
actually venture IP, you can still use the promo code TTS at checkout and get 50% off shared hosting for the firm. I'm actually
I'm actually I'm actually a little bit. I don't know what to do right now. Because you can also use the code COVID-19 and get a free.au domain. They're still doing their 10,000 domain giveaway, so I don't, which one do you do?
No, it depends what you need, I guess. Did you see my notification? I got a notification that my hug kiss handshake comes up for renewal. Yeah,
yeah. Well, maybe we should we can renew these can we do one or neither?
Well, yeah, I need to do like I sort of, you know, we're gonna have to renew as well. Yeah, yeah, we definitely need to sort out the domain stuff. There's a lot of domains
venture. Okay, hang on this is just great back on the website you've got to have number one, the leaderboard as it goes in. As it goes down you say on the right hand side that be where it's up to. Who's the reigning champ of the naming rights 120 bucks in height made
at the Grammys, search engine optimization are literally like not only getting naming rights for the megaphone, you're also getting some of that SEO juice. And we're ranked number one for Australian daily podcast so we got many other things. So it's we have a high quality search engine optimization juice. One of the main things with search engine optimization is on site.
Your cases link offs,
yeah, no, no. So you have on I want to talk about on site and off site optimization. On site optimization of things like h1 tags, making sure that you have your content accessible to spiders and things like that, but the backlinks is what you're getting with us. So by 97, including your link from our web page, which has great SEO juice, you are more likely to appear higher for those terms that we've linked off.
So they're getting more than just a shout out through a megaphone.
So it's like, to be honest,
it's a it's an early and optimising company. Yeah. Yeah, we're literally off offering SEO optimization for your website.
I mean, it's a follow link, isn't it?
It will be sounding it will be. It will be connected to us wire it sounds like it is a two for one deal. Like you get your optimization but it's also coming from us. You know, like we're sending them your way. So they I get a lot of juice. Do you know what SEO is? Georgie boy. dodgy George.
Yeah. So SEO for those that don't know is basically, when you look up something on Google or Bing, or Yahoo,
they're the way SEO works is
it ranks the sites from one to from top to bottom. And, and if your site is at the top, then you're more likely to get clicks. And so so what the data show does really well is it ranks higher. So if you're on that, then your business your business can get more clicks than
just sales guy at
the same time.
Yeah, you don't sell at woods, you know,
whatever you bought George Walker, I will buy whatever it is that you've got
an update on the I mean, I think I I mentioned the other day with the tea thing. I'm actually being drinking Chai as an alternative as well, which is a type of tea I think. Do you think Chinese tea? Yeah, yeah. Yeah,
try it try to convert it to a latte.
And I've also got the other thing I'm doing it Look, I'm on Lacroix. I've decided that I'm going to be a Lacroix. I'm allowing myself from the Parang grocer. A 12 pack for 16 bucks. And I have allowed myself three a day. It's good. So just you know, keeping hydrated, it's important. Seems like a lot.
Three, three day on, how much how much are you paid 12 you paid $16 16 bands.
So it's what like $1 50 or something again, something like that. And so you're paying the equivalent a coffee a day, yet for the thing so you still don't see what you're doing. I'm doing I'm still doing tea, but to be honest, I'm trying to find a good like I mentioned the whole sort of floral tea that I had the rose tea and wanting something a little bit higher quality so I'm doing a bit of research today on stuff that I can get online at Hey, Kevin Rose a Tim Ferriss would have some So the thing is that they're like in the US so it's I don't really want to get stuff shipped. Getting t shipped from the US seems ridiculous maybe you can find like a distributor though in Australia.
Did you only meet a still a thing? Not that I'm getting you to get on the skinny may take
Well, did you hear the story? gretta who? She She founded skinny meats agency.
Yeah, it's still I'm looking at the websites can you make that just making shit yourself apes? Yeah. Well, that's,
that's what you did. I
seen him in lemon, a bunch of different flavours here. Best Selling for 2019 protein powder plant protein. Yeah, but what was the story there JJ about?
Oh no, I was gonna say like Gracia tells the story about I think they got about a million bucks worth of tea. And you know from China opened it up and it was all dirt and bolts and stuff. It actually looked like they had been scammed. costing a lot of money. If it had drug deal gone wrong saves. Did you get your stone notepads?
No, I haven't put the order through for that yet. I've been, I've been doing a bunch of other admin stuff, like I cleaned all my room now. So that's, that's clean. And so. And then I've just downloaded a bunch of health apps and stuff that I want to get back into. And so that that notepad is now on the list of things to buy.
Yeah, so we're fired up. Yeah, it sounds like you said, I'm motivated. What's I mean, the heart is motivating. When it's thumping in the chest. Why is it is it love? What is it? What's this sort of internal motivation? So
yeah, it's it's a bit of both. I mean, just the weather.
Yeah, the weather dieting, just all of it. It's it's grind. I mean, that is no I'm actually I'm actually pumped at the moment like just getting back into like the the fitness stuff and like, I've meditated two days in a row now so that's a boy. That's good. That's good
night. Yeah,
yeah, I did that, but I've also decided that I'm gonna grow my facial hair for two months. Right? I'm not shaving, I'm not shaming for some big I'm gonna be the beard guy as well. Can you?
This is
George your hands like Donald Trump's
saves you gonna at least Treme? Nick because it might just look like you. You know, some Zuckerberg coding in a house and you're just looking a bit dishevelled.
Yeah, well, I mean, I don't Don't get anything on my neck so we'll have
genetically that's lucky I reckon. Not so I reckon I have to trim all the time my neck Oh man,
I reckon so I want to I want to say what happens because I don't get much yeah, it's usually just a chunk
usually around like my mouth did a go like goatee area I get a fair bit But hey, after two months I'm hoping that I'll have a full full beard like everyone else. Now you want absolutely no, but I'm actually rolling. What
do you reckon will happen? Maybe I'm not jack.
Oh, no, I didn't pick up half the thicknesses of yours, Josh.
Oh, it's I'll be happy with I'll be stuck with that.
Hagerstown somewhere. It looks quite good on camera actually, JJ hapa Craig Harper gave some compliments to save saying that he listened to last Friday's show. And he said boy 97 really sort of stepping into his own nothing we don't know. Hear out on the outside. Craig hasn't you know might have not tuned in for a while then jumps in said, Ah, really stepping up to the plate good on him.
Great is great. Well, that should be good subs.
Like it's probably like a light brown.
Yeah, it's fun. Nice. Really?
Oh, my brother and I were having a
big chat
over the weekend. And he's like, man I is because he's beads going grey. And it looks great. He's got like that. She's been really sort of stylish. And he's like, I found this ad and so we'd been pushed something in and he was it's this comb that you comb through and it's not dye does something to it.
Oh, really? It fills it out.
fills it out.
EPA looks so good. Yeah, it looks great.
No, no, that's no, this is a really solid beat. But I think at the end So he's pushed back to me he was like, no fuck man. Chicks been dyeing their hair for a long time. No one cares. No one says anything. It's like, I can dye my beard cuz I was like people are gonna I've got a mate who does it and he's really really bad
like it also it's just another dude. Like you just don't want
more admin.
My whole point is the way that I live my life is let's try and do as minimal as possible. So say if something really bad was to happen Saiful stuck somewhere like everyone who's doing all their maintenance are going to just get worse and worse and worse. And I'm going to look the same. It was like man, the 24 like 24 hour show. Sims look like you'd been hit by bus the whole time. Nothing changed. You just like have a standard and just just keep it
I mean, it is a value of some people to sit in. It is the the reason some men have a nice little sort of carry bag that has all that cologne In this and and be trimmed like, I'm not that guy. I'm not that fucking organised I sometimes wish I could be. I wish I had a little pack ready to go and be oils and shit like that, but I don't care enough. So some, some people care enough that it becomes the thing they do and yeah, they're the ones that are gonna, you know have read growth in the times that you can't get your hair dyed or whatever it be.
Well, it feels like Brady's gotten more comfortable with me using her product because I got a labo perfume for a birthday. And she was like, I do want some. And so I've been spraying it every day like the labo is now mine as well. Which I
present when you when you don't when you wear it, it's like it doesn't the scent go like you can't sniff it.
Where it's like it's gone. I can smell like first thing I can smell it Not really. And let me take it right out of my chest and then sniffed but then it goes,
Gemma was smelling
can we get that as it
We have a claim.
What did you say? Can we get that claim with George? Yeah. The other day, the other day.
It was in a snippet.
Yeah, remember it? Was he doing the tongue brushing?
That's another thing. breeze. Um, shoot. I think she was on a door beauty. Like the website. She was buying stuff. And she. She said, Do you want a tongue scraper? So we're both good. And then she asked, do we need to get to? Or do we share? I think you also need to have your own.
Probably two products. If you've got your own toothbrush, you probably need a tongue scraper.
I mean, I've shared Amy's toothbrush a bunch of times and when we haven't had enough I haven't used birdies by accident. He's not gonna know.
It's put it back in the jar.
pretty low level in your family. Like if you're sharing it anyway. We could still fried rice. I think that there is something in like the product thing. Like I like the idea was using Brees face wash. And so I feel like I could become the guy that as you sort of said, Teacher He has like a little like I would if I didn't get like you know how I get like irritation if I use like a blade, if I didn't get any rotation, I would go down the route of a blade and have one of those like brushes and do the you know, like the frame shaving down and really do like a proper
cut, right? I mean my dad used to do I think there is a push through period. You're gonna it's like if you started shaving your legs is going to be irritation. If you start waxing, you're gonna push through. I'm sure Gemma would have more information, but I know that my dad had been he cleaned shaves all the time.
And so you'd have a point where it is irritated.
Yeah, yes. And then then you'll put you'll develop It'd be less sensitive over time, unless you have something severely, you know, some severe issue but I don't like I think you just, I just don't think you do it enough. And so it's exactly why I don't clean shave. Less so now, but I didn't do it for a long time because I was like, No, I hate that shit under my neck. It's like itchy and I would listen Joe Rogan has a four minute ad on his podcast about this ball shaver. It's really like these ridiculous, like, I couldn't stop listening to it, though. He's talking about it. He's like, yeah, it's some product look at find it, but it's like, no, Nick. So no, you you weren't cut yourself. Like, I mean, it's fitful. I mean, I've had that I've kept my balls using because of you. I mean, I'm using the thing that shaves my face, to then shave minutes. It shouldn't be.
I mean, we'll do it at a certain Things that you direct when you're buying more shit being an ISO or less shit. I haven't I haven't been buying much just buying lots of food to cool
so much almost too much. I've always got food now and I said to me, are we spending more? Is this like a good deal? We're not we're actually spending more on like, this is annoying then
what? So what do you like? Are you cooking too much and then having leftovers?
Now it's that we're getting this Denali box that is, you know, whatever, 70 bucks or something. And it comes with four different meals. But then we're doing Sunday night roasts to become a tradition. And so what Yeah, we've just been, you know, sometimes well behind on the food game. And now like we're at the other end we're well in front where it's like, I could go make four different types of meals right now with ingredients we have which is ridiculous because it's too much I can be fact too much quicker. We are doing it but, but I was like I was thinking it's these false Are we're ahead because we've always got food but no, we're just paying for the food is paying to stock our cupboards. And so it's Yeah,
it feels like time though like the iPhone with people starting to go back to work or things like that like with you serves getting a bit organised. I did the same thing. Like I feel like the weekend It was like, setting everything out. I got the my strikes app, like actually went through each individual one and sort of intentionally said am I going to do this? Can I do it? bring an idea down morning walk. God boy. How's your um, your morning stuff going? Getting up early?
Yeah, good. Do it again this morning.
Yeah, I love it. Yeah, it's frickin freezing though. In the mornings.
Are you walking to work? How are you getting to work?
Yeah, usually this morning I trams though because I had my camera stuff. Uh huh. But um, but usually I woke but not admin for me what I've been doing and I need to sort out my phone. I need to Like, get rid of all my photos and stuff. got so many photos on there anymore.
Definitely use Google.
Google Photos. Do it at the office ga as well just use UC and just get them all uploading during the day to have your phone open.
As in the app has to be open connected net
for tech speaking of things that we've bought, guess what? I've got coming tomorrow. Way to the office. Now, huh? All right. What is it? I finally.
Oh, that's huge news. That is massive. Oh, my God. Oh, yeah.
To be honest, actually. It's actually not for me, it's
slightly down. You can get to you.
Can I just say is it now I wouldn't have anything to do didn't have anything to do with my love for the iPhone. 11.
Yeah, that's right. You've been I mean, even the big found with the iPhone 11 So yeah, man, you should get one.
Did you show the flower video that I caught up last week about shot and cow know when that would be shot on already?
You should you should shoot something and you should get out on the premiere app on the apple oh yeah
I did I did a video I did that on my 10 I shot out video and edit it in iMovie It was quite a good video. It's I was just trying to see how far I can push that tool. And, and yeah,
you pushed him. I feel like it's a good time to um, like in general sort out things like apps like going through because I've downloaded like I download my flu I can delete that I fucking hate Cluedo.
I have we all downloaded the COVID app. Yep,
Yeah, yep.
Bluetooth though and it keeps telling me Hey,
give me a notification just like my I've done my bit. Download it. Yeah. I don't know what you're
working on, like,
at least 60% of my apps. I've got the little like download thing next to him little cloud
thing. Oh my God, that's
not actually installed.
Ah, so you need to
get rid of them.
He's just going to delete some podcasts,
Chris hammers with app right now deleting that?
Do you know what actually going on with that
don't want to watch, literally so it it charged people like you a year subscription even though if you if you cancel through the app or something you have to cancel where you paid for it or when you sign up for the trial. So if you sign up on the on your computer, you have to cancel on the computer. Or if you sign up on your phone, you have to cancel on your phone. And so if you cancel it using another nice overcharge was that
it was slightly misleading because it's one of those things where it was big song and dance pedestrian TV or doing some article, you know Chris Hemsworth bonus And seek busted and given out, he's out for six weeks for free. And then you jump on, it's like putting the credit card details. And then it will charge you after. You can cancel it but exactly what you're saying. It's misleading. If you're if you're, if you are a real baller, give your app away and do it for six weeks with no credit card details. Base can't do it. Both can't give three months or two months free. And you don't have to put in any credit card data. It's sick. It's sick, you get a bunch of people using abuse it but you can't just con people into it by saying give us the details and have six weeks.
I feel like it's a good business. I mean, from a business perspective on how much extra cash Do you think it's unethical?
Yeah, I reckon in now, today because there's so much noise around the free six weeks, which they're banking on people who don't think too much outside of that. I get six weeks free. I will check my credit card data and it was just renew like I get that it is. I don't know. It's just I feel like it's a slight gronk move. Yeah, it's like
no, I agree.
Three week master class last night. Oh, really? Which is what
are we trying to do? This is second time around.
I didn't send it to bro. But yes, I've had it once before for a year. Yeah, so it's a bit I've got way more. So um, Bob Iger who I was recommending his memoir yesterday, the audiobook, and he has a master class on leadership and brand and stuff. And so it was so good. We just on the gallery now, so we've we've watched probably 40 minutes I recommend must go for like an hour and a half or two hours or something. And so that was good. But then there's the Gordon Ramsay Cooking one as well. And so I've been watching. Yeah and so I feel like Gordon Ramsay yeah go through and how is the Gordon Ramsay one?
Well, no I haven't actually watched I've started watching it I've just been watching videos on YouTube of him and just like cooking so I'm very excited to watch his master class but I got to them.
The other thing too is I like when I do stuff like say with the cooking thing. My go to is like geeking out on the gear. I'm like, you know what I need a better knife. And I need a better book. Goodness. We do. We have decent knives but Laura hangs right at the post. I don't know if you saw over the weekend of a cutting board. It's like a wooden cutting board and then I read the story about the cutting board and it's comes from a the end of the log, which means it's like stronger. And it was like 350 bucks. I was like it's a lot for a chopping board. But then, I was thinking about at the moment I'm using to make my like baked eggs things. I'm using a pan. And then like I'm like cooking it in a like a walk pan sort of thing that's like a pan and then putting an oven like a pan that what's the thing that you put in an oven? a baking tray? Yeah, no. So we don't have something to we don't have a cast iron once, we can't put it in there. And so what I've been doing is just getting the tray from the oven and putting it over the top of the pen. So it's sort of seals it off almost as a lid. If anyone's got any recommendations, I'm trying to find a good recommendation of a you could use the pen. But all lamb pans are different. I recommend tries a better solution because all the pans are different.
Sure you want these to actually find one that you can put into the oven.
Either type thing Oh, yeah, like an actual You know, this would be cool.
Can you find a cast iron thing? Just I'm thinking like a relatively
JMB one.
But Could I just my strategy or something? Can I just get a nice one? I even thought about like my virgin points like his his virgin stopped. Can I not use my points? Is that what happened I feel like I'd prefer cooking stuff over the the new air pods. I found my real enough I told you I lost one of the air pods when I was sleeping the other day like I really three weeks ago and I couldn't find it was under the bed. I found it.
Did you use your find my airport? No, it just no it doesn't work. That's the thing is it does. How does it work now, so you need to only do these the annoying thing. It's not the case itself. It's the individual pod. So if I lost one or two around the house or exactly what happened to you, you can say find my friends are that same area and the devices and then a pause and then signal so it sends it and it makes this like bitch ass little sound key to it now. Here we go. I just take one out. So this is my
right foot is the case.
Wow no it's not the case that's the annoying bit because sometimes you lose the hole in my face
that's what I need which
I need that I need that I don't need the individual one. So devices Tommy's a pods currently there in Blaine playing sound hang on here we go. Pending pending Come on, baby. Hit that play. I think they got it.
so quiet though.
This is full volume and this is why saying it's pitch.
Cricket. Yeah, it's very annoying. Yeah. Imagine trying to do that when it's in the case. You're not hearing that.
No, no, it doesn't work. That's the annoying bit. Okay. No Oh, so that's
yeah not like put on the case guys like what can you see if if the case is shot? You can't find it right? Like it's just gonna save your last location
saying pending and it's gonna do it in the case. Maybe it does. But then if it's that's that quiet with it outside of its case. Imagine it inside of its case. Anyway it's not working.
Yeah. Doesn't work.
10 seconds of admin
Have you got Instagram are perfect.
Go and give us a follow and then
share on Insta stories that you're listening in will help. Thanks. All right.
Love you guys.
Have a good day, everyone. We'll, we'll see you tomorrow. Also the megaphone like we're taking we're taking me right it's back open. It's back. Okay. Have you made it clear how people do it?
What So no, this is This is the thing I think is it's I just did an MVP for the website, I reckon. Over maybe this Australia. Yep, I will. I will figure out how to add a button to link off to paypal. And yet also clear details on how to do it. It'll just be like steps you can watch George's video and then there'll be light out steps on how you can do it.
The button thing should be very easy, I reckon. But well,
with this is this is the thing, there's actually there's actually card that you can get from PayPal, PayPal comm forward slash buttons, and you can generate all the code for it, but I'm just, I'm just trying to figure out how to do it because when I paste it in, it's not going in so it's
okay, this looks good. You can do it saves. You could use Can you
auto populate the amount for them.
Ah, you can. Yeah, you can set the value on it, but it's it's not variable, so it's not going to adjust based on how you update it every time. Look, I'm gonna keep it as zero and then people can just change the amount to what they want.
How are they getting the
drop down that says currently it's at 120 would you like to help support the gronk?
You should we have a website on the actual homepage large is asking me where we got our crew next from so I'll let him know. But for people playing at home we got it from while you sleep printing just soon on Easy Street and they use a and s colour merge which I think is very high quality.
High call. Yeah. All right. We're in it
right now. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and we'll see you tomorrow.
Have a good one. Say guys.