#705 – Friendships, Narratives & Ghosting/
- April 29, 2020
We get an update on our merch, having Ash Williams on our 24-hour live stream, building narratives around friendships, and sharing bank accounts.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– A merch update
– Ash Williams on for our 24-hour live stream
– Narrative building
– Friendships and ghosting
– School friends and reunions
– Sharing bank accounts
Email us: hi@bigmediacompany.com.au
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 705. What's happening
guys? What's going on? Happy Wednesday, Hump Day. How are we?
I haven't really thinking about Georgie boys Hump Day replay at 4pm. Yeah.
Oh, he's rude. Let's go got good. Yeah. pumped favourite day of the week.
Your eyes look a bit right. I've never seen you like I am.
Yeah, now that I am a bit tired, but I'm just running home in Germany drop off.
Actually that'd be the guy. That would be the face mask,
modify section you put it sort of in front, remember that's how they Yeah, they do.
Yeah, great. I'd love that. Love that Well, okay, so we've just started a bit probably in about 20 minutes. I'm gonna leave what you're saying here. I'm gonna leave this and I'm going to get into my car because I'm going to pick up selves and so I'll be doing the show from my car while driving to then get saved to then go to DHL to drop off the the merge that we're about to mail out today.
Yeah, amazing.
And so if you if if you don't follow us on Instagram, I got a call from scooter. I was actually on the toilet. I said, How you going? Yeah, you said that you stoned. I said, I'm just I'm just taking a shit but I know that I need to answer this call because it could be important. And
a lot of pushback for people on the toilet using their phone.
Well the thing The thing is to be honest, like this whole ISO is really pissing me off. I used to be the I was the guy that would only morning like one one sheet a day. That's the rule. That's how I want it. And because it's sort of all planned. It's like I like to shoot and then even if it's clean, it's easy. I just I still don't have a shower. I'd still like to go fresh. And so then he's like, well, I'm holding I'm holding the Don't answer the phone on the toilet yeah okay, that's what they're saying in the chat. But no I am because Derek basically said that he was holding the door open for while you sleep the the awesome printing printing place so he was sort of making sure that they stayed open. So I then had to I said I'll be 10 minutes to then have a shower. So I felt fresh, get dressed and then drive the I 30 around to to collect the packages.
It's not I'm pumped.
I'm absolutely pumped. It's all systems go here organising the 24 hour livestream. I've been reaching out to a bunch of people to have on the show. A few knows if you notice and and call out and call out. Well, we got Scott tweet, he's not in town. He's going out. He's out of town when I wanted to have him on, which is fair, so he's filming. He's got a job. The other one which you know me, I don't like to sort of Delve too much into A story behind something trying to create some narrative behind it. But I think I've inherited some of your your narrative building. It's almost a narrative building around one in one particular individual named ash Williams real.
So you're just started hashtag. Well, Prakash Williams
she's peaceful with me. And you think
you think that the reason he won't come on the show is because of me. Look,
when he said that was he said that
I texted him last night. And I said, legend. We're doing a 24 hour live stream for the podcast Friday 7am through to Saturday 7am. We'd love for you to join us on the show virtually for chat. Would you be available and up for it? He says to me, nice one night. Friday is no good though, bro.
All the best. Well, it's good Saturday morning, then.
Well, I mean, this is where I thought I It's a 24 there's 24 hours of content that we're putting out. He could have chosen one of those across the whole.
I'll send a message to Ash Ash, you're not doing anything, man. You're not busy. Stop pretending you're busy. The busy people aren't busy. You're not busy. Okay? What are you doing stand up. I said,
I saw I said to him, I sold I just opened the beaches in bond die. So I understand. So winky face. But then I remembered that on phone hacks, podcasts, we've we've had the host of the phone hacks on the show, but ash was on that has been a bunch of times. George pointed out to us that he thinks that ash was talking about us at one moment, George, what did ash say about us?
Yeah, so he was on the show. It would have been just after he was on this show for his fourth time. And he was talking, he was at the start of the phone hacks episode. And they were saying, Oh, you know, what other podcasts Have you been doing whatever. And he said, I haven't done any podcasts as much as this one. Actually. For one, which I was on four times recently, and he said, and I can never go back on that show again, because that is terrible for my career.
I reckon.
I reckon I reckon I know what it is. I asked him, would he come on the show with Telly? And for whatever reason, he got highly offended, but like he thought, I think he thought that we were sort of diminishing both of them by sort of putting them both up and setting them up for some sort of so I think that he's trying to do the high status move now. have been no I'm not coming on the show.
Look, I'm not wanting to start anything, but I feel like something has started and I don't have control of it. You know, what is um, who was it that said, Don't? What did what was it? The Pit what people think about you is not your business. Crystal said that. Yeah.
What is your business when they've got a podcast?
Look, you know, I love ash. I love ash I've seen
people do weird shit. You know.
You do get very Oprah with him every time he comes into the studio. Josh,
what do you think that he do you think it's the on the show off the show conversations that is causing this pushback? I mean,
I think it's a bit of both.
A bit about Yeah, I mean,
we have we've had feedback from somebody who listens to our show regularly and someone who loves ashes show and they said to us, I think Ashley is better when he's on your show than when he's on his own show.
Yeah, maybe it hurts with maybe ash feels like if he can only be good amongst us. It puts him in a hard position. I understand. It's pretty fronting thing.
I mean, he's back.
He is a white board. He's got a background as a white board. He's He's studio is echo he and he unnecessarily touches his mixer like the mic level was set. Ash we know you got a new road caster, it's great. Set the level and you fucking good night You don't need to be up and didn't like all of that shit. You're not you're not on Nova, you can stop it.
I mean one thing I do know for sure is that our Fairy Godmother Shannon Tilney, she will slide into his inbox and inform him of what's going on and then we'll probably he'll reach out and say, guys, I actually just had a meeting at the at the doll office.
Well, that's gone too hard.
Well, I don't know. I'm definitely not going to go on him. I mean, that's what he said last time. He came in you done anyway. Oh, just
I mean, he did call you Jay pussy in our DMS
Jay Z, you know? Wonder if you answered my call with all stucco What do you reckon? a call right now. Should I call him man? I mean, yeah. I mean Could it seems like a natural thing to do to sort of call, you know, without checking first? Yeah. Let's have a look. There we go call
and ask. Can we just have you and it's like you're not alone went on. Hang on.
Josh is Josh he's
sweating listen.
I got Actually, I'll get back to you as soon as I can. What do you think I did have message after the time when you finished recording, you may hang up or press one for more options,
bro, it's JJ. Just want to get more on this 24 hour thing. hope everything's cool. If not, let's check it out. Cool. Catch you bro. Bye
recognising the God that check sees that you think Yeah,
yeah, it was definitely a private number but my number is not private. So he was he definitely saw your neck.
Your Cobra.
Was Josh calling me?
This is right. This is kinda like it kinda like the anticipation. rivalry, if you will, I mean, what,
like, we want to bring everyone up, like, like, I'd love to help him with acoustic treatment of his office, show him how to use the road caster. But in all seriousness, like we want to, we do want to bring each other up. I think he's a funny guy.
One of our values as a company as a podcast is celebrate others. And so we've celebrated him more than four times. Yeah, now we've definitely talked about it more than four times on the show. And so the
I do wonder maybe, sibs, have you got his number.
Yeah, I think I've ended dumber
maybe check him and just hates Mr. Nice seven. Just Just wanted some clarity on it. Because Yeah, I think you don't want to create stories I actually I've, um, I bought a new audio book that specifically is about removing narrative and stories
and and
removing current ones that don't serve is that the idea? Yeah, I think I think it's just stories in general it's called awareness. But I don't like it because the audio book is like a it's almost like a recording of he's of like this guru type guy. like doing a presentation or doing sort of a, you know, what would you call it like a public speaking to a crowd?
Oh, yeah. But it's the audio book. But is it a book?
Yeah. It's a because well, but it's very weird because I'm sort of like, because he's a, he's sort of saying as a guru, things that he said, he says, which would never be deemed funny, no one would laugh at people just loving, and they've got like laugh tracks and shit. And so that was a bit distracting. But I would like to remove a few stories, you know,
I think, like, I've had a few creep up, where I'm just like, I could go there. And, you know, it's not about ignoring how you feel all the time. But there are some where it's like, do it's almost like you in real time, do the math on is it worth delving into this narrative? Do I know it even to be true? And do I want to even feel those feelings about it? You know, and I mean, it's not like you've just broken a window and thought, I'm going to ignore the consequences and narrative that will play out now from that, you know, that action. It's like a lot of them other men. Your faction, this person did this. They signalled that which means this and so if you can just sort of like, see the feet like, almost visually see the feeling come up in you, you feel it. And so what is b? Yeah, I would have removed from it.
I mean what but what's the like if you do that Rory saying the book is a transcribe of one of his lectures, so I don't know what the audio book would be. So the audio book must be the lecture then. Right? Rory is very good on the girdle isn't it? Yeah,
yeah. Rory and I were talking meditation in slack Twitch. Chat goes down.
That's why we route 10,000 limit we need to get we do totally Yeah, they're gonna start deleting stuff. No, but um, but aren't stories so that Yeah, there's obviously a bunch of negative stories. But there's also stories that are the reason why like, we we feel joy. It's like I've had that story of like, every time My god, this thing this happens or the, like, isn't there? Positive, like romance? Isn't romance just a big story as well?
Yeah, but then people have a negative view towards romance if something bad has happened. Mm hmm. And then believe the belief system, if you've got beliefs that don't serve you, we've talked about this before. It's like an audit on your beliefs, which is kind of hard to do sometimes. But if you just have a filter on on trying to work out, what do I actually believe? And then you can question those.
And so cutting people like cutting people out, have you out Have you have you got any friends just let you know you're done top.
No, I, I don't know if I act that severe. With that kind of stuff. I might distance myself. But I think think about the person that cuts people out that's a service that's a that make this mechanism
them Bucky, it actually makes sense on who you are Josh that you would do that.
Like, because I feel like, like, it's it's easy to point at someone who's like, oh, you're, you're a puppy dog that's like that box. You're a little runt. You know,
maybe I think it's, it is the coping mechanism for you, I think. And so
bit cutting doesn't make because Jim says in the comments and I just go through them. When I say cat, I'm not sitting, I never sit down and say, Look, we're done. I've reconciled like you can't, it's not like it's not you're the weakest link. Goodbye. It's just all of a sudden, you know, I'm not liking their posts.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, I'm not there's, I guess they're just different approaches. I would do it differently. I just
Yeah, the one of the same thing that I'd like what's the I wonder what the actual core differences am I bringing a stronger energy maybe?
Yeah, maybe, maybe. But it's It's not right or wrong. I think it's you know, the the person that wipes out the person from their life from every aspect. You know, blocking blocking all that kind of stuff is like a maybe it's an acknowledgment of I will be triggered I will have a visceral response if I am you know, this is what you'll do after this episode with ash Williams he'll be he'll be eradicated from every piece of social media we have all these past episodes will be deleted. I get it.
Now I get it. No, it's just I mean, he's making he's making a call right now one.
We don't know. We don't know. I'm just like, I'm staring apart. We got a nice minestrone soup and I'm just you know, it's bubbling and I'm staring and I don't know yet whether he's doing all the
vegetables, don't you think there's something so this is the thing like I think that with friends don't you fit like maybe the radio That people that cut people out of like when it comes to friends is because they're more sort of they put more weight on the friendships maybe like maybe the thing is that like, if if you have people that you're not really that fast or fazed about the shits not like, I guess I just worry that it's so easy to go down the route of like, Man, it's sort of the hipster sort of thing I guess, which is like, just Just be cool. Like, who cares? Like, you're that what they say about you? Isn't your business. So
very hard for a person like you and so someone's giving you that advice? I think it's like, no, it hasn't understood all facets of who you are. And so it can't that's not just like blanket advice. I know it is like think less, you know, just chill on it. Like, I guess if we could do those things as, as humans if we were all the same, we could do that it would be advantageous like not putting much as much weight on you know, why something why, you know, if you don't have all the answers for something and
you know, do you have situations where you're like, Oh, you know what I used to say this person every single day. And I haven't seen them now in five years, it just sort of happened.
Yeah, definitely been. I don't know, I've always I kind of felt like I have a gauge on the friendships that are those ones that are the, I guess, when you work, work your way through high school, your early 20s, the back end of your 30s sorry, the back end of your 20s into your early 30s. There's a difference in the Friendship Circle, that he's probably a parent in a lot of people like the friendships you have at high school. Because you're at high school because you're there every day. Think about the work relationships end up forming. They become closer than fact I see you guys and I hang out with you guys more than Rhys Mitchell who Reese. I've been here As Michael but he's he doesn't like answering phone calls. But the story I could spin on that is what if it was? Reese doesn't like answering my phone calls? That's not that doesn't work for me having an ongoing friendship with him. And so
could you could it like so say for it like I have you spoken about on the on the show like you've had
spoken, we spoke about it with him and I and there has to be an empathy for the individual and
to that, couldn't you? You could be like, you know what, restart like, we I had a traumatic phone call with race. It's nothing personal. But when he sees my name on the phone, whatever it is something inside of him not personally towards you. Yeah, but to the situation he doesn't
want to answer. But if he says to me that I don't like answering phone calls. I can't say I can't I'm not going to extrapolate from that, that it's just about me. I have to take what he says at face value, and trust that as a friend. So I get that Have you also not categorised might not be the it's quite sort of robotic, but your friendships, there are different versions. Conspiracy, Jimmy, we chat once or twice a week on the phone or old school, we just talk, we catch up and post, you know, post so we would catch up once a week. But that friendship for me is one I absolutely love because I don't have to ever worry about whether James likes me doesn't like me wants to be around, like, we've got that time that we've put into it over 20 years that it's just, I don't I just can be. I can just be me. It's you know, like instead they the I love that like there. And so that's a
story that serves you right because you could do one of two like So with those because I've definitely got those friends blog is one of those friends to me. It's like, I could not speak to Blige for six months or whatever. But Then we get on the phone and it's completely, like we, you know, hasn't been a, you know, a day in between, you know why the fuck is the CSS displaying on the website that way you know, it's completely normal. But the but but it does feel like a story because we could could project the reason we're not talking to this person is because we're done with them. Or there are those friends where it's like, I don't actually need to see them. We don't need to talk, but we know that we care about each other. Hmm.
Yeah, I mean, that's a good story. And so if you can, yeah,
you don't have to do that with everyone. The other thing is like, how many friends how many friends can you have in a Friendship Circle? George? How many friends have you got?
Like good friends? I think I've got, let's say eight. Uh, no, sir. No, I reckon I've got to To close friendship circles that are sort of connected at one's more of a high school friendship and one's more of a home and barn sort of friendship, like my housemates and stuff. And that sort of so camera friends and Barton friends. And so what was the stature level met and stuff? Oh, that. In America, I think they did a survey. And they asked how many people can you turn to and tell them whatever and trust them? And the most common answer was 00. Good.
That's actually
you want at least five surely.
Yeah. You think that? Yeah, it used to be five back in the day. But I think in the last 10 years or so, like loneliness is just it's not the average answer, but it was the most common answer.
I mean, that's hard because I've got 1667 that I could turn to
Facebook friends. Yeah, their Facebook friends. I'm just
going to jump into hopefully this all works.
Yeah, just enter into that call and then we can go. We can use that.
Right But don't you bloody talk bad behind my back when I'm on the call right?
Just be secure. Okay. So we've got these these other shots so when he when he comes in, we'll be all good. But this is exciting.
Cat Yeah.
There's yeah sick to be honest.
What do you want to talk about?
I thought I was going Yoker Josh.
So I'm driving as well. So TJ is now going to go he's picking up sieves going to the office, then we've got some butchers paper and we're going to wrap each order so we have the right order I've gone through and I've written I've written 25 cards. I've got about it. Or something more to go. And then we'll put the cards in the butchers paper, then put them into the cars. And then once we've done that, we go to DHL. And we have to fill out every consignment form with the address.
Yeah, I mean, Jim mentioned in the comments just before that, imagine I'll drop it to my house. And so there are some deliveries that we're going to go do and deliver by hand and some will be through DHL like the ones interstate seven.
And so you're working on a map right now. of all of the people that will deliver by hand. Yeah,
yeah, I've just gone through. Oh, here he is. Oh, here we go.
We can he There we go. There we go. Hey, me. Yeah, we can hear you. Hi. There we go. All right.
All right. This is perfect. Anything I missed?
Now, just a bit of admin, really
what's the blue thing in the back of the car
That's Brady's water bottle. came downstairs this morning caught Bodie, sitting on his little couch at the dirtiest little smirk on his face. And he had found a chair. door ajar.
I think you're getting out of Wi Fi now into 4g. So we'll just wait a few moments. I mean, I should have let you know.
Not a bad thing. I mean, serious stuff. It says Tommy's gonna bend through his data. So
he's not right. I think that the data is fine. Let's go into the comments and see what people are saying. Or there you go. You're back.
Yeah, sorry about that. That's okay.
So in the comments, I mean, how many TJ how many friends do you think you have if you put to put a number on it?
Oh, yeah. Five or six. Like that as in the ones that were talking about that style? Yeah.
And that's just always on payroll. Yeah, hold on
payroll they
don't match if they don't. Exactly
if I'm unable to get job caver
you Okay, is your quad lock doing okay?
Yeah, now she's a robot.
Okay. Just in the comments, Jemma says, I miss my friend so much. Grey says I miss my friends too. I mean what's a deadly talk shut like we're not we're not filling the whole whole gap for
for the great Dr. k did say that we're here only friends at the moment. I appreciate quite nice.
Yeah, that's lovely. That's nice.
I mean, Jim's also said on Friday surprise hasn't arrived yet.
Really? Who's the surprise? Well, I don't know. I
don't know. I'm a car, tj.
Oh, that's okay.
Just think what's this? Just a great yeah.
Traffic white cup stripes. I
guess tow truck you're saying,
okay, truck
saves. I mean, cuz the thing is I'm funny with friends. Yeah, I think that like, like friendship groups friendship circles. I had there was one that I had when I was a kid. But it was I don't know it just I just feel like it because it's this way. There's too many people too many things going on who's going to What party? What's the I can't be fucked with it all. I mean, what's your you're like in school? Were you part of a certain crew? What was that? What was the deal?
Yeah, well, I mean, you have you have your best minds. So just like Jason then I had like, sort of like, I guess my outer circle of friends now like Ollie and seven stuff. But yeah, you also have all your mates from all your different classes. And so it's, it's like this weird thing. We go off to everyone's you got all your classes in, you've got your mates there, but then you sort of like returning like, run too long. I'm racist to hang out with, you know, your, your core group
so and so what happens when you finish school when you finish school? Like, what's the I can't even remember what happened I don't have any friends from school. I've got maybe like two or three people I see from school and seems negative it seems like I've done something wrong, but just sort of happened that way. So like how did you what was the the months after finishing school for you with like hanging out with friends?
Well, I mean, I just we all just hung out as a as a group like, just sort of like Jason all my other mates in that group we hung out but in terms of everyone else that you're like semi or like your semi decent mates with like, I haven't. You haven't seen them and I haven't bumped into them. So it's like I bumped into my mate at the park just the other day and I haven't seen him since high school, so it's
awkward. Yeah. Ah,
no, I wasn't I wasn't too bad. It's just a lot of love. Just like uni Banta just like Matt, what are you doing at the moment? Like is it over? Just a lot of that? Actually, that's
one thing like not living close to where I grew up. I don't have the like the first couple of years living at my parents place. The shopping centre was an absolute nightmare. Because when you go to the shops, everyone like everyone you went to school with was there is that like, is that services for shop or when you go to shop? Oh, do you see all of your old schoolmates? Yeah, you
do bump into a lot of people to shop it's it's not ideal. But I mean even even just like the literally the park like right next to my house to the park like you, you bump into a lot of people there as well really. And it's like Primary School people like it's people that you were mates with in primary school, but then you sort of fell out of high school and then you're saying them it's it's quite weird. But
the gym says I cannot swing a cat at shop without saying someone from school. I mean, You know? Yeah, but yeah, but you kind of want the George, would you go to your high school reunion your 10 year reunion do you think?
Good question. Yeah,
I can. I would. Actually, I'd love to do that. And to be honest,
I can then how far off you guess you are probably one or two years or something.
To 2021 it would be really I think so last year. Yeah.
Yeah, this is getting to that level. So there's the there was a Facebook group This is how my school rolled there was a Facebook group created with someone's like guys, were organising, you know, the school reunion, blah, blah, blah, get excited about it. And in classic Hallam form the school I went to dislike. It was, you know, the day before someone's like, Hey, is this thing still on? It's just like, no one writes back It was an absolute nightmare.
Did you live in gold now because I left, I left the school I was only at the high school for three years and then another one for, you know, two months. But now one year and then another two months is another one. There's no High School reunions, everyone's phoning in at that point. They don't want to be there. Let alone hang out with anyone from that school. But no, I mean, that's why I've still got the friend from primary school. We used to have the goudy crew. Which is this, the suburb that we hung out in, and the maids that would cause trouble with
and so we are straight right now, by the way.
Yeah, I'm just turning 20 on the high street. be yours in probably four minutes. Mason,
quiet on the roads. so quiet. And so um, so serves What do you think do you think you would go to your reunion?
Yeah, go to the reunion. You'd have to? Yeah, yeah. I mean, it'd be it'd be, it'd be kind of fun like he used to still go with like Jason stuff. And you'd see you'd have the coconut crew there. But then you also have the mates you haven't seen in ages. So
it's a at the event
in a real real shop. I was actually if you go on George
I'm just gonna say how do you describe what you do when you bump into someone that you went to school with? I hate it when you have to do the absolute you know when you talk about George.
GEORGE Yeah, I've got a keynote. Well, you would just show a hump day replay when Yeah, just be like how it looks. I do this. There's a show when sort of I'm the main guy and this is I could imagine you doing that George?
George does pull out the week like the next the next week after the 24 hours. George's shot
and so um, yeah, Sam's what would you set how would you describe what you do?
what's hot because I have to go into like, I helped produce it. podcast and then as I said, What's the podcast about and then you tell them what it's about. And it's like so who's in it? Do you do all of it? And I was like, no, it's like, Tommy and Josh and then it was like, Who's Tommy and Josh and so you have like, it's just, it's a lot of
you turn off the runway.
We're gonna get taken.
I'm just gonna I'm gonna mute Tommy because he's decided to play the radio. What are you saying? talk back. Okay, call back.
It's fine.
That's all good. Well, you just just pay attention and
just go past LD. Yeah, just really fast out in the street before it was. Close. back streets.
Okay, right. That's annoying, isn't it?
There's a really nice house when you turn right just on the left there. Tommy number eight. Yeah, I think it's about 15 mil. I think it's worth or something like that. Now, it's ridiculous. Oh,
geez. Maybe I can't remember. Should you go? By the way? Yes. A
nearly raizy guy.
I've got to put my shoes on and stuff like that. We'll
go put your shoes on, we'll wrap it up. Okay. So everyone, if you've if you have ordered merge what we're going to do now, TJ is going we've said all that stuff, basically what will happen next, we'll go into the back end, and we will add your tracking number. And we'll click fulfilled. And then you'll get a text message or an email, whichever you sort of selected. And it will tell you when like, it will give you tracking details. If you are in Melbourne services, putting together a map at the moment, so we can all divide and conquer tomorrow and we'll do the hand deliveries because we've blown our load when it comes to shipping costs. And so you're saying you're here don't go up to the don't go up the driveway because it's your strike.
Yeah, no one is gonna fall down like a Yeah, Joshua.
So case about pickups You can go to you can go to eight Ferguson straight but we're happy to just deliver as well. So if you want to send me through on WhatsApp your address we can do we're going to be out and about anyway, but George will be over us as well.
Oh yeah, yeah definitely. We might be spoken to Ross is Ross gonna help
now we should we should probably do that he did offer his his help just earlier in the week so we should just touch base and just see what he
did before you mentioned on the show no i love it all right boys. Perfect. All right. It's a it's a daily talk show 4pm it's Georgie boys. Hump Day. Reply Yes. Yeah, give him
big claps and I
gotta go get it. Bring it for a second.
How much is the Prosecco costing you were you is that you want to share money she just she like because if I do stuff breaks like Can't wait did that like if I buy something on the show? She's like, Oh, is that a is that a Josh Janssen expense or is that is that a business might be a business expense. But he said it is just Hannah care about what you buy. Now
we don't share money. I feel pretty good just like splitting stuff. Really? So yeah, dolla dolla, how do you sort of split hairs on not just today? I'll get dinner and then she'll get dinner, that sort of thing.
So, yeah,
now, we damage it back again now.
And so do you, um, do you have to have a tally or something like how does that work? Because I found an old note, because I remember we, because I was a little bit more sort of spend heavy and brain I went to Europe. And I think we ended up spending like four grand This is when we're young spent four grand on the credit card. And it was just like the end of the world to Bray. And so that was a time that was maybe I was like, Look, let's take on the debt together. I can smash it. And that was sort of the moat but we Before that, we had Nope. Still in debt
to this day.
Yeah, exactly. We haven't paid off that four grand. But when we do, we'll be able to go on and have the Europe trip. You know? It's been a conversate do you reckon you'll ever join join cash or what's what's the size? Yeah,
I think maybe like maybe once we have our own house and stuff, and for now, it's good. It's fine. Like we actually like doing it this way. Yeah. And if we go overseas, we just deposit like a bunch of cash into a shared bank account. We just use that for everything.
Oh, that's a good idea.
So we put like two grand each or whatever, and then top it up if we need to. But at home now we just share the load. So like,
I could actually buy that domain name we've been saying share the load a lot. Share the load calm it could be a T shirt or something. I've really I've gotten the merge bug now like I'm already thinking TJ have other merge, like the morning Shannon pyjamas. The T shirts are very likely Rain print like I'm wearing it now but you can't see this screen print the quality on on these products alike. Like this is premium premium shit. Like it's so good
this is I'm gonna live in this jumper it's the comfiest jumper.
It's so good.
And so the thing is like, I think that we end up with it because I think we do like short short runs. Sara says married for 16 years and still don't share bank accounts.
We're still going. Yeah, I
know. Josh is asking question after question. All right, well, I'm gonna go jump into Joe's car.
If you you had a breath.
Yeah, I've been running. I've been running around just to get ready. I got my what to put your suffering your light on. Not because I brush my teeth as well, because I haven't brushed him yet.
You do a show without brushing your teeth.
Yeah, yeah. All right.
All right. It's a daily talk show. We'll see you at 4pm guys have a good one.