#679 – DJ Precious/
- April 14, 2020
We chat about the real estate agent’s gronk move, Josh’s new DJ name, Mr. 97’s license, and a book club update.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– Tommy’s real estate agent
– JJ’s new DJ name
– Mr. 97 driving to the airport
– George’s clarifications
– Maccas coffee
– A book club reading
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show episode is 679 Happy Tuesday. gronk What's going on? What's happening?
It was Tuesday.
They're all blending. They are all blending. Hi guys.
Yeah. How are you, George?
I'm feeling great. I'm I'm at about it. Bad in it, I reckon.
Feeling pumped.
Sims How are you feeling?
I'm feeling good. I reckon I'm at a 95 This is huge.
TJ This is huge. I'm just trying to look at myself in the camera to say I was a bit puffy this morning, buddy. You know, this child problems. Just up up light. touching me just kicking me. came into the bed crying it's Yeah,
it's less than 49
only from time only from lack of sleep and feeling lost. Got getting a bit of a cold could have Coronavirus, but probably not. And they've just started testing anybody who has any symptoms in Victoria. It's a new thing.
So if you
Yeah, so the testing is gonna ramp up. Not sure they're gonna find more. But it's, yeah, it's interesting. But anyway, what about fulfilling?
I think because of you guys I think like it's kind of getting up there I reckon I'm probably in the company of all of you I met about an 80 falls on my own 60. So
I actually not on the back of this, I'll launch into a tanti because I got to do shit today that I don't want to do. And one of those things is Get out of my house, because there's gonna be an inspection. They're trying to sell our house, but I thought they had to ban those. I thought your appointment only kind of be like opening up on a Saturday to let a handful of gronk sorry, but for some reason, I don't know maybe it is Lego. But we've we've come to the party. It's Like, it's not even allowed parties. We've come, yeah, no party. But anyway, we're letting them come
to a handshake arrangement to that.
Absolutely not. Anyway, so I'm going to be out of the house. But here's the thing. Mike, we only just discovered after last week, I opened it up, and they let one person through. Like days later, he was sniffing around under the sink and smelled something rancid. And I'm usually blind for anything that smells bad. And it wasn't me. It was the real estate agent. The real estate agent who opened this place. Took the bag that we have is the bin there's no there's no spot for a bin in this house. So we just use bin bags hung next to the SIR underneath, you know, like underneath the, the What do you call it like we wash the dishes, the taps thing and so it's just hanging underneath the sink. You're hanging on. And they've taken off the bag and stuff the bag into the cupboard under the sink. And we didn't even know. I just thought that's gone. So we got out a new bag and Amy's found this disgusting what was in a rotten bag? I don't know. But it was rotting must have been food scraps. And so the real estate agent had done this and not put it back. Absolute gronk
please What are you gonna do?
I'm gonna put the bin out first I've learned my lesson. It's not much I can do. I just wanted to fucking vent about it on my
own my own podcast because when I was growing up, I actually we were in a household that didn't have a bin mom thought it was dirty to have a bin sort of in like it was bit cleaner just to have the plastic bag hanging off the cupboard.
A mat I don't know how much better it is. What I mean one is like, out of sight out of mind and so when you don't, when you don't aren't saying you know, but they get smelly. Don't get smelly. I think you go through them quicker like you, you take it to the you take it to the trash, the actual rubbish bin a lot quicker if you've got it hanging than not.
How often you actually emptying that bag, would it be once every two days?
Or you don't empty it you just ditch it. Oh, sorry digit. Yeah, sure.
I'm gonna do it right now. Just put some eggs in into it. So unless I leave it and see what she does this time. Should I do that? I leave
it on the bag, but maybe it's a passive aggressive at your end. Maybe she thinks you're being a gronk.
Well, it's my house. And yeah, we're doing them a fiver we're actually absolutely doing them a fiver. It's not like we're not tied to them through our rental like we're renting through another agency and this is a different agency that have come in.
Do you think they recognise that you're doing them a favour?
Yeah, definitely. Like they gave us some ticket. They gave us some movie tickets which are pretty redundant. Cinema will still exist by the time this is all over.
Maybe I do have the Netflix subscription directly, you could just sort of transfer them.
I wonder if anyone would buy them right now. I mean, they are like 20 to $25 ticket there's 50 bucks worth of tickets. who's buying that? Maybe they are they cheap at the moment. movie ticket vouchers I wonder if they're cheap. This is good.
You're welcome Jim yet you know what you're gonna say since Jim is jumping on the bandwagon she's um, she says your real estate agent is a mall, which
really doubling down gyms. They're
gonna have to definitely bring in like one other person. Right?
You see a lot of energy you'd want them to buy in the place after they walk around.
I think like there I do feel for the for the real estate agents, but I've never had really that great of an experience with property managers or real estate agents. To be fair, I've always found something
doctor cases I would leave a passive aggressive note in the cabinet. She left it last time. Rubbish bag.
That's great. So I like I leave the bean hanging and then I put a note in there say, I know what you're about to do. Can you please take the bean out once you've put it in?
Is it too much like noisy my house?
Yeah, it's interesting. I think that last week I was in the Leaning instead, I was really leaning into everything I hadn't actually I realised that part of my stress was I hadn't checked my I hadn't been reading my emails.
I sent you a couple.
Yeah. And so like the box would bang getting crazy. And so I was just leaning into just fine. Let's Ah, shit. Let's get angry. Let's blame everyone. Let's just lean into in this way comes sort of a little bit more woke. And so I feel like maybe you should actually double down on the other side. And I would actually say, Hey, I'm so sorry. I realised that. I left the bin out which is probably not a good look. It was so funny. We heard her We smelt something horrible and realise that you just done you had the right thing for you and put it in the the cabinet still passes still passing
is like a slight tines of passiveness with
a nice. I mean
the bit of ads You did the right thing for you, which points out
You did the right look we want to get this house sold I guess if you don't want we do want to get the house sold
only to an investor because they can stay here.
I don't have to move it. So maybe something like look the investors want to see a clean copy. I get that. Yeah,
True. True.
I mean, yeah, killer with dryness. Kill it with con.
Yeah. Could be on the lips.
No, I'm gone like I'm not even gonna be here. I want to see them. I'll just come back.
And you know, wipe everything down.
Yeah, true. I should do that. Great time to launch just off the back of you know what you were doing last week. Your new DJ name which I thought I want to run past you guys. Okay. DJ precious.
It's good. It's solid. I think I could imagine sort of a a embroidered hat just as precious on it potentially English What?
What's your tagline?
No requests place?
Only positivity.
Yeah. Yeah. The optimistic I could definitely be a children's entertainer. I've thought about that. Like, I feel like I could bring a foe, optimism to schools. Maybe that could be a foe optimism.
You know, I don't know if you've heard this story, George. I've told it on the podcast a couple of times. I had a mutual To my probably ninth or 10th birthday party, and I was pumped fucking love magicians and I was really, you know, like you go through stages. I know you have Josh, it's like you get into magic.
Yes. During the time when I was gay,
it was a there was a there was a magic place in the city where you could buy, you know, little sets, get your ball and cup and sort of handkerchief. Didn't couldn't ever do it, but I like watching it. Anyway. This one magician can't remember his name, had a top hat, brought a rabbit had a whole thing going on was in a row. I remember it vividly. And he had this wand, the that he would hold up, and then he'd say he go who wants to touch my wand? But he'd hand over his wand, and the one would go
anyway, yeah,
I was on to this fucking magician. I grabbed the one I press the end of the wand and it got hard. He was so pissed off. He grabbed my hand said, Don't you ever do that again?
Might I was again I said magicians.
Yeah, but they i think i think if this child made you look dumb in front of a group of kids squeezing, squeezing hair, you'd be squeezing your head too.
Well, I was thinking, I actually had some juggling bowls that I found in my storage that annoyingly, they require power because they light up and that they've run out of power, but I was going to bring them Friday night however,
how do you power them just us?
Well known so this is the annoying thing is it's the way it works. It has like a little button type thing that you turn, and you have to sort of turn it all the way to turn it on. But some of them have obviously been on in storage and so they're dead. And I feel like it's an extremely annoying thing to get fixed. Whilst Don't you know in lockdown.
I mean, there's a few annoying things to get down in lockdown one being get onto a phone network because they gave billing being flooded with calls others getting your licence anyone need to get their licence out of us anyone
here is I'm I mean I'm lucky you know because Vic rods He can't even book driving toys that Lucky's up
which is
lucky Oh sad.
Well, I mean it's a little bit sad because I mean the other day I was I was sort of thinking it'd be when Christ comes to Melbourne. It would be nice to go and meet her at the airport
yeah at the mind
there's ever been motivation to get your fucking licence it's man buddy
Yeah, see on the freeway just panic just not ready why so far to the left but just like it's gonna fucking make just gonna get there. ends up going the wrong back and exit and that classic for I yeah. So, so what's the deal?
Well, so I was I'm still, I guess I'm still figuring it out. But yeah, I mean, I it's a bit weird bringing my mom that's just it's
Well at least I brought it
I got chatting
Yeah, I mean I feel like the the only option now is just get an Uber there
and then your
your Tod as you wouldn't want to
worry about some sort of arrangement where you ask her to cover half of Uber she just paid before
we could definitely do public transport definitely,
you know, save shapes you know there is a sky bus that takes you to Doncaster, Doncaster shopping centre.
Charlotte Really? I mean,
yeah, grey says I'm getting an Uber at this point. The drivers not charismatic because I'd be looking at other options but yeah is a Nike service slightly annoying? Yeah. And do you think that all of a sudden it starts to as you start to sort of develop as a as a human? Does it make you realise do a bit of an audit and say you know what, I need to get new pyjamas I need to get rid of the all the stuffed toys that I have in my my bed. The blankie has to go
do this.
Now I do I do I do have to dial in a few things. I like blinds being one of them. I just my my bedroom Scott like you can see it from the
street and so you could walk I want to
you want to feel I don't Yeah. what time it is.
Exactly. Any changes to the Philips Hue centre? Philips, you know, get rid of that red like the Reds a bit much.
Yeah, I mean, you can just tell Google what colour you want, but that's okay. It's usually like yellow watch. If Yeah, if it's full on then you go red.
Like I got my licence on my birthday when I turned 16 took the day off school, got my licence on the day I turned 18 took the day of school. I dropped out of school in year 11. So I had a lot of time on my hands. Do you think it says something about an individual? I don't know. I'm not making casting judgement. Just it's normal for me to get my licence with Josh. I know.
Sounds about as passive as what brought up
but I know you got it, Josh.
So the thing is, I got mine. So the day that I turned I think that's pretty common. You turn 18 especially living in the burbs? As soon as you can get it, you get it and
you know, George I got mine the data 1017 Oh, top dog
dirty little bar and dog. Yeah, we bought
a camera.
I say tevar right.
Yeah. Did you ever buy fireworks George in camera?
Yeah. We had
we're going off at school all the time, like in the one guy. People putting little buggers in people's backpacks and stuff. Yes. And this one guy talk when he laid off this big, like, huge one in the campaign goes away so loud. And like Bernie's hand. He's Yeah, He's good. He's I haven't spoken to him for about 10 years, but he's saved him on Facebook. Yeah, he is on Facebook. That's what he does. And we
very rarely post
and we know and we know you did a stint in porn because of that moustache that you've
used to combat
ghosts I mean, that's why they ban shit like fireworks because if you have it in a state there's kids at school with firecrackers. It's genius. But it's also that's dangerous
to spread fat bombs. But notice on the the getting your licence, they change changed the rules when I went for it, and it was a lot harder. And so I didn't get my licence the first time. I went, I tried to turn, I, they said to turn right at the roundabout, and I was in the left lane. And panicked. And rather than just saying, Hey, no, I can't turn right them in the left line. I tried to merge from the left to the right, in the roundabout. And so it's saying
like, was it a trick question?
So that were very close. Yeah. Because it was very close to the red when the the entrance of the roundabout. And so I looked to my right, and like, okay, it's, it's not safe to do so. And what I should have done in that moment is Hey, now sorry, I can't. And if I had just continued on and ignored their instructions, and said, Hey, no, sorry, it wasn't safe to do so. I wouldn't, it wouldn't have been an instant fail.
Good. Shannon got her licence when she was when she turned 16. And then exactly six months later on. Got her like full licence? It's 17 It's a great
little says me to Shannon. Yeah,
yeah, just a couple I'm capable women in this, right?
Yeah, it's 97 Jemma says you should get an Uber so you can do a shot at the airport to calm the nerves What do you think?
The way right sorry Can I just throw it out there? Queen gronk would you go and pick up
just this is we've already been through us taking it we just can't do it we just
yeah we don't want we don't want these guy ankles you would
take him out but also I just think that any
I think that it just needs to be a private interaction. Can you just get out you're not gonna be able to get your licence in the next six weeks or do you think you could
Nana you can't you can't be go to blocked all tests. But do
you think you could if you were to take your Have you done enough Allen's
Yeah, yeah, I just need to book the test. So boys, My perception test, I just need to do the driving test. Okay? It's just the I mean, look, the pushback is sort of admin because I have to do it with I have to coordinate it with the driving instructor and vicroads because our cars got a foot handbrake so that you know like to use foot handbrake during the test that has to be one of the old school hand ones. rip it up.
I didn't like that. So when are you going to do it?
I'm gonna when am I gonna do it? How many probably when they open back up.
Yeah. Well, Jamie is said she would love to.
Yeah, yeah.
All right. Can you just Uber out there if you haven't got in time you could Uber out there. Hi Erica. Grace drives back and you're
Yeah, that's nice.
Like if we had the the cyber trunk good auto pilot Yeah, these frustrating Yeah, what's your other options? I guess you could
leave me all end up. I'll end up reverting because there's nothing. There's no other way to do it.
Or can we? We've got a driver that we use when remember, LA. It's an X five. It's about as much as a Uber to the airport.
Yeah, that's a question.
We could get them on the show. Get them on the show. They great. Yeah. During during the ride.
Yeah. But I mean, I guess one of the considerations is, I feel like you driving would be nice. I think it's not to be sort of old school about it because I know that it is a little bit old school, but I think it'd be nice for you to drive. One option is if you were to wear like heavier learners on one of us could just be in the passenger seat just with Sonny's on no talking. Yeah. Just all in black. And just just sit there. Oh, actually, what about a If Grace has a full licence she could. She could be sitting next to you while you do while you drive.
Nice. And oberheim. I'll draw I'll be in the passenger seat and then I'll exam Pat.
Yeah, that is a solution. That's a licence, and you're gonna feel I'm guessing so yes, yes, she
Okay. 25 How old is he? 24 Yeah.
Now, I think that could be a good solution. Yeah. Well, keep us updated. It'd be great to do a bit of like a comedians in cars getting coffee, sort of GoPro set up.
But guys, we know we can't do that. We give you some more privacy. Yeah, privacy. Hey, George, I saw that you had a few corrections from yesterday show. It's always quite alarming. Yeah. DJ precious.
Oh, they're only for me a couple of corrections for me. Are you correcting yourself? I'm correcting myself just before it gets out of hand.
I actually don't think Glenn Robbins is part of working dog. I think he's just his, he just he does a lot of shows with them. So, okay, I forgot a really good correction because I would have assumed he was I forgot about Rob sitch and john kennedy as well. Yeah, I'm so sorry about that. I was I was pretty quick to to blame the curtains for the smell in the
well, it's pretty, pretty quick to blame China.
Pretty goes a long way throwing a bear.
No one else in the room, so I just blame the curtains. Turns out it was me.
It was I couldn't see nothing wrong with that shit.
Oh, when did you realise
did Hannah have to tell you? No, I think I've realised To the show, I was like, geez, what's happening? Because I was called, and I had a jumper on and stuff. There was no way that I could do this when it's
sent and yeah, I think and what you'll realise also George is that the more you do this show, the less time you have to apologise to be formal apologies because there's a lot of shit we're saying that we've got wrong Thanks. Thanks for backing me up anyway told me so that was nice to be now I still I still go sniff those curtains right now. Because I'm because I'm still blaming the piece of shit manufacturing of disease could have given me Yeah, we didn't hear you guys sniffing the curb.
Yeah, they're not good.
But you can't they're not it's not radiating sniffing away you know, like you can you're walking past No one's ever commented or I just put them up and thought.
a lot of other blood was shown to me as vote just so that
Sims is never admitted. I don't think
he couldn't, Mister it's just covered
it so I wanted to get Mr. Pitts they're not on. They didn't announcement they're on Amazon and then I looked at they're not there anymore Really? Really? Are you getting Mr. Peterson to use the sport or the classic?
No, no, you can't use sport because that's too too smelly. You can just just use a fresh one that's normal or you can even go the women's fresh ones that's quite nice. More of a fresh smell. That's not That's nice. But yeah, not just go order off their website. Otherwise you couldn't get you can go to Apple and sage on white horse road and you can pick up another it's another brand one but it's equally as good.
Okay, can you go there now?
Is it closed? Oh, that's a good point. No, because they do groceries and stuff so they'll still be open.
One more of a pain in the ass
Mac is do groceries now. We can motion to drive drive thru you can get bread, milk, eggs.
They all existing macros stuff so the bread is cheese burger buns
now and they're actually doing groceries good like it's it's great idea
it's a good hack the coffee like if you like almond milk and you like milk lab which is my only almond milk that I drink Mac is has a contract contract with milk lab so it's actually really good coffee
there you go guys
I was a bit fired up I asked for a strong coffee and I got a fucking big him
it's disgusting What do you mean an actual begin
now you now begin coffee is like tastes what's the milkshake sugar? It's yes it's slight coffee taste but I wanted a strong coffee anyway. One thing I do want to put on a positive note, mate. I got a lot of joy out of watching that the edibles video that you posted on Instagram if you haven't seen this if you're listening to this on our Instagram account we posted yet Did I a video of us trying edibles
it was the 30 minutes that I cut down into like that two and a bit minute so it only gets looser you coming back and getting getting loose.
Yeah, I'm glad because I think the back end gets sad and that is the fun bit. But Dude, I stand by that you were starting it like you were being so different. Watching it back here like I'm looking back.
I mean we had you laugh
so hard Josh you like a boy.
Like you're stoned. You're like, Am I so funny. Myra says Mac is has good coffee. I so it's getting to you, George. JJ? Lara. Have you all may? Have you tried to coffee because it is it is actually quite good if I reckon if we were to do a test test one time.
It depends if there's a 12 year old behind that fucking machine. Absolutely should ask. There's a A lot of 12 year olds working at Mac is probably to be fair for sure. Yeah, you probably legally can't work at Mac is until you
if you became a VIP gronk we can send through and you asked in the hobby section that you want the edibles video email to go actually sent out to everyone
we could see I'm thinking how wild is it to the fact that we even did that video. It's so fucking great. I was watching. Joe Rogan posted a clip that Tom Green posted years ago and Tom Green had a Internet TV show at least house Joe Rogan was a guest. And this was before Joe Rogan had a podcast and it was Joe Rogan was just telling him that this is the best This is fucking Say what you want. Do what you want. It's so funny. Like you can't do a video working for radio station. Have you eating marijuana,
like was asking Jase Hawkins last night whether he could do it. He said he wants to see his dad get high
You can't do it you cannot do it here. No only because it's a lake like
okay people are slamming me about this coffee McDonald's coffee Jen says it's not good Laura says it's hard. Grey says Mac is cough White Sox wombat says Mac WAS MAC is equals crap coffee Mac is oj so chemically so Shannon I'm backing you Lara says grace Mac is is only good for frozen coke no sugar says Shannon
is true. Is this a magazine
integration? I think we're fact and
never be a thing Yeah.
Philippe there's no there's a few Starbucks yes nine place pipe out sorry there's a few Starbucks but they don't. I like them when I'm in the States but
here awfully high dimension. Yeah, I mean there was a huge closure of Starbucks. They closed over 20 stores in Melbourne. There's a great amp CB What is it called on? msnbc? Maybe? No CNBC CLT. Yeah, the I've mentioned it before the YouTube channel where they have all of the deconstructions of different companies and it's like why Starbucks failed in Australia? Yeah. Which is interesting to say
why I did it.
I just because of these the coffee, existing coffee market in Australia, the cafe
culture, because Josh Janssen pioneered the McDonald's. Drive to Mac is today and get a coffee and just give us $1 review in the car. Just a little. Uber Eats coffee from them.
Yeah, I nearly actually breed had forgotten that she had a 930 weep. And it sort of timed in a way where we weren't going to be able to get the coffee and I nearly because I've been good like um, we had a bit of a blowout on the weekend where we're like, you know what, it's a stern like, I don't know what like we sort of new territory in regards to public holidays. Do we Sort of dialled in food, or do we ate easter eggs. And so the weekend was not great. But this morning, I nearly ordered an egg gland, an egg lab, like egg burger because I wanted to get a coffee delivered, because we weren't able to get out coffee this morning. But instead, I use the mock master. It was actually quite good. A cool story raised
raised back up on the on the YouTube, she say, and I'm part of the minority here. But I had it with Josh and our morning walk the other morning and it was good. Not really good, but good. I'm pretty sure
I'm actually going to I've got to get out of the house at 2pm. And so I could go What do I get? Just Uh,
well, you're the guy but yeah, if you get a strong almond latte,
yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but I mean, this 711 is you've accepted the fate. You need caffeine in your veins, and you're paying $1
I reckon I'll get one. I'm pretty close. I'll put
it on the business. Because it's probably going to be back
at 580. And then Georgie, you can claim it as all of you. Have you been? Have you gotten cashback for the road yet? Are we still going to do that? So it
is your job to send invoices to me.
Yes, I'll do that Georgia.
Georgia is too generous
at the Clifton Hill makeovers. George.
Well, right now I'm near.
No as in the one the one New Yorker is now trying to be the closest fits right. Oh, yeah. Isn't you're in Fitzroy. Northeast, right. Yeah.
Yeah, I guess that'd be the closest
Yeah, cuz they they've got a brothel next door.
Really? Really? Yeah, they go.
Yeah, I just I thought that that was interesting. I've taken if you've looked on my Instagram, it's an amazing McDonald's. It's like old school and so I always am drawn to taking photos but interestingly, yeah, there is a brothel next door.
springing the smack
Yeah. You can get a drive thru or whatever. I have been reading the book
I could write
how many pages did he do on a Kindle?
I had to tell you 15 pages now if you think percent i that's great.
Isn't it? It's quite thin.
It is. How many pages in the book?
I don't know. But I'm 15% that's quite good.
50 percents good. Joshua. Yeah. How many?
I haven't started.
Okay. All right. Well, so we know you're projecting Um, no. So there was these three, three roles that that he was talking about. So the the Cartman drama triangle, have you heard about this the K d t.
triangle Cartman. So, basically it's that what is three roles that we always end up falling into, in drama in life. It's also one of them. So it's a victim, persecutor and rescuer. So, when I was reading it, I found that it was very interesting and it helped me and so i'll i'll read this out to you now.
Can I just quickly ask what were you on Friday night victim?
bezel was my rescuer. Yeah, right into that. Yeah. And so he, so take the victim role, you pay quite the price. So what he's talking about here is how the these roles serve the early days, but then long term, they're destructive. So you pay quite the price. You're stuck, you're powerless, you're whiny, you're sad, you're angry. You're building a reputation you don't want and yet the winds not wins, that you're able to blame others for this. situation, they did it. Avoid responsibility and become the centre of attention to people who love to save victims as embezzle or the persecutor role. downsides, you're frustrated, angry shouty, lonely, exhausted and overwhelmed. The winds not winds are you're able to blame others for things. It's very hard of it's gone into the highlights some nightmare. things going wrong. feel superior to the turkeys you've have to work with. Maintain the illusion of control and be righteously angry, and the rescuer role. The role most people quickly associate with the price you pay is significant. You're exhausted, stuck on an endless treadmill of trying to fix everyone and everything. you're frustrated because you can't get To your own work, as your fingers are in everyone else's pies. To add insult to injury, your perpetual you perpetuate the KD T, by knowing people can't do things themselves, thereby creating victims and persecutors, they got
it from that which ones which one is more positive? Because they saying that a rescuer has its negative side effects from it. You're always tired and yeah, I get it. It's the person that's always got people coming to them with their problems and God.
It's, I think
the more I could identify potentially use just entering into them, which saves Which one do you think you lean into the two out of those three?
I mean, he called it out but I, I quickly identified with the rescuer.
There's no I mean, we don't have the licence. You can't drive in.
You rescue having
a bucket knob I do. I do feel like I did my fingers
gonna die. Do you even have a bike that you could rescue?
I did. That's that's
the memoir.
But what are you? Yeah, I can I'm the same I reckon I'm a rescuer. Mm hmm. I'm basil. Yeah,
I think everyone's basil. I think that's the one that is something nice about helping people or good. What do you think?
Do you think it's a male like male trait is to sort the problem solve the problem. You know, your missus, partner tells you there's something it's like, Alright, here's what we're gonna do. sort this out,
but doesn't always help
put them in the eye. And then when she puts it in, I blah blah.
Yeah, you know what, I'm fucking hiding in the cupboard. I'm gonna jump back inside. Gotcha.
What about glueing the coverage
What about I put glue on the back of the hand?
Because it couldn't be good to actually put the bean back and allow the smell just to take over the place and be like, Look, something's happened. We don't know what the smell is. It's horrendous.
Now I've got I've got the bag. I haven't emptied it, but I just put eggs into it. So it's primed. It's primed. I just I think it's this one's too big to fit into the cupboard. So she'll either go and put it in the bin for me, which would be handy. And I great sort of,
you know, white on your
shoulder. Yeah. Yeah. Be happy with that.
George. Did Hannah here your toe content? What did she think of the toe better?
Yeah, she actually loved it. See? I think I think she did it. She liked the type and she's got cute little ties. So I think she was happy about that. There was a few things which I was gonna say. And she said, I'm so glad he didn't say that.
Now we want to know what
it was, um, it was, he kind of said
no, you're falling into the trap that I get into. Like now I've been told not
to say it, but
it is pretty funny.
Yeah, so now she was she was happy with it. She loved the spooning bit, because she's a big spoon. Yeah,
that's cute.
Very cute.
Today, for you guys. Before we go, we got a message on Instagram from Jackie. She said just wanted to say one excellent trio of episodes 657 658 and 659. We're, I tuned out of most podcasts for a few weeks recently because of the world's shit. But my my brain has just been so overloaded, but I jumped back into it with Jim grace and photo and I'm guarded that I'm playing catch up and not listening to these in real time. I was watching slash listening and realise I missed out on so much. I miss listening to you guys. Eyes. These were really enjoyable apps. So thank you guys now to catch up on the rest of the apps I've missed, Jackie.
Thanks, Jackie. Thanks, Jackie. Appreciate it.
We need to have more guests on the show if you've got suggestions on on gronk. So we should get back. Let us know.
Who have you loved?
Yeah, we're gonna have Harry on the show, salvo 4pm. So join us today. And you can listen to us on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Google podcasts. You can even watch us live@youtube.com Ford slash the daily talk show. reviews, comments all that stuff. very much appreciated. Otherwise, we'll see you know dislike opium no dislike, dislike yet definitely hit that like button. Alright. Have a good one, guys.