#578 – Trends, Dips & Travel Experiences With Natalie Harris/
- January 15, 2020
Natalie Harris – Comedian & writer
Nat is a Melbourne based stand-up comedian and writer who emerged onto the scene in 2012 as a Victorian state finalist in the RAW Comedy competition.
She has written for shows such as The Project, and adapted one of her own standup show, Good Grief, into a web series. She’s also appeared on Twentysomething on Netflix and Fancy Boy on ABC.
Nat’s new comedy show, Under The Influence, will debut at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2020.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– Nat’s first comedy gigs
– Magnesium and stretching
– Drinks before gigs
– Getting into cooking and making dips
– Travel and cultural experiences
– Tasmania
– New Years’ resolution
– Basketball court and playground swing etiquette
– Nat’s Melbourne Comedy Festival gig
Nat on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/natisdragon
Nat’s comedy show: https://www.comedyfestival.com.au/2020/shows/under-the-influence
Email us: hi@bigmediacompany.com.au
Send us mail: PO BOX 400, Abbotsford VIC 3067
The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 578 Nat Harris welcome.
I know you warned me about the intro music but boom gotcha yeah it got me really good bit too loud Mr. Nice haven't
loved it it's really brought me into the day
and 578 episodes
so it is taking 578 episodes for you guys to invite me on the show.
Unbelievable we like to swear Yeah, I'll be okay because that's where I catch up to usually consisted of the fox if Im straight team car when we used to drive around Yeah, those days Yeah, I remember those days. I mean, we know each other like there's not there's very few like what is it six degrees of separation and there's very few people that we we have a lot of mutual friends is what I'm taking 578
episodes for you
What is this
what is that what is that like? It's
fun memories all got tats
you remember like a bit a reminisce reminiscing with a fellow straight team? We did the Foo Fighters concert. You and I we were at the front there and then yes there was so many people giving away their foo fighter ticket yeah what I ended up going into the concert
that was up on the concrete Yeah, locked it and just went in what are they giving them Elias now?
Because he can't sell tickets scalping is legal. So selling tickets out the front is actually legal is that people before?
A minute.
The scalpers. You push them to the last minute and they give you them. That was the point they gave us, man
to somebody or do you want this ticket into a ticket? Thanks.
had that
was a really
actually had that same thing happen in New York in Times Square. Yeah.
I mentioned on every show
when I was in New York, a guy came up to us and tried to do the whole selling of the comedy club. Oh, yeah. And he started off by saying hi like, you know, want 50 bucks or 25 bucks each or whatever. And then by the end of it, he said Lord free. Yeah, you can have for free. But can you just like you just buy a drink? Oh,
sad and lonely existence. You've been hustling the comedy scene for quite some time. Okay, I remember I didn't know what number gig it was for you. But on 78 auditoria Street fitzy and I my second ever gay second ever giggles I bombed. No, you did idea. You did ideas. It's okay. It was a long time.
Go 15 I thought you're great, did you? Well, you
need to raise your standard. Just quickly before we go into comedy. I just like to say when we're talking about selling stuff and scoping, I remember it pretty dark point in my life. I was selling raffle tickets for the Collingwood football club. Oh yeah, like me guy. Yep. At the front and the MC j and from money I think we got like 50 cents per ticket. Okay, but then I realised that we could get pass outs to go in and out of the ground to sell the raffle ticket and then I started selling the pass out
not hate some money but
money then. Can you notice I was always confused with pass out I thought growing up I thought it meant like don't drink so much that you pass it you know my says no pass out. Yeah. So with the I
understand how it works now.
football games do not normally get pass outs. I'm not sure I we got it because we were selling the raffle ticket. So maybe like, Oh, this was a long time ago. It was just a piece of paper I remember so he's very easy to afford Absolutely. Once we saw at simpler times,
admitting to naughty shit that we've been up to one was a there was a party river, the venue and secured on the rooftop. I can't remember that ever. But news Eve got the ticket. And we're like factored. News a party. It was like at my post BBQ. someone's like, I'm going home. They went home scanned it printed out. Double sided. We made up the tickets. Yeah. And got like 20 people in that night. Yeah, it was amazing. It's so good doing that. I remember I made my own proof of age card so I could get into the Blair Witch Project. I
will use it as a cinema. Yeah.
I just remember using data like Kai is eliminated dad.
What was the What was it?
Yeah, actually so I was at the movies the other week and I saw a guy getting stopped. Because he didn't have ID you couldn't go see a movie. I was just like, Guys, this is really a thing. Yeah, you you forget that. It's a thing when you become older than 15. I know. Now what I did.
Okay, second comedy geek. Okay. Yeah, you were there. I can get on Victoria Street and grab a candy second. What was your first my first notice? Oh, no, actually, that was my third geek. Guys. Escape. There we go. Now it's going up. Three still good. first gig was actually a really good comedy room and was a cold will. It was called that Checkpoint Charlie then, but it is now called crab lab. Crab lab. It's a comedy room. It's on every Wednesday night.
It's free. And it's I would say most Melbourne comedians, it's a really good night. Team the city on
Sunday day 16 cores line crab.
Yeah, definitely. It's always got really good lineups. And so a friend who was running it, it will who started it up as Checkpoint Charlie just said to me at a party one time, he's like, you should do a gig. You should do try comedy. And there's not enough girls doing it. And yet, we should do it. Just pick a date and I'll book you in. And so yeah, I did it. And it was all right. Actually, I do open mic stuff. I did plenty of open mic stuff. But that my first gig was maybe not your typical first gig. It wasn't, you know, obviously, as an arena show or anything like that, but it's a it was a decent room and I was lucky to get on there. Because I was doing some stuff on community TV with
bunch of other comedians at the time, so it was just kind of in that little network. Is that brave for you? Like I think this is probably some person's nightmares try Yeah, comedy. I know you're into comedy. So before you even do a show, you don't land there because you have no interest in ever doing comedy. Yeah, so what is that? Oh, it's just like the same thing is like riding a roller coaster. You're like, oh, but I'm gonna try
that kind of thing. You just like, and it's exhilarating. And once you get a taste of it, then you get hooked. Yeah, because I but I think if using the roller coaster analogy, I probably get to a point where you get over on the coast, you write your life I'm dizzy on fatigue. You've done them right you like I've done that. I don't need that negativity anymore.
So you're implying that know
where the analogy like I think
longer runway than a year.
Put yet
what do you call it? What's the chip some holes the sitting right away the Luna box been gone for a long time? No I'm
just saying in being something being frightening but what are you doing here? Why? Because you have a bad back like me, don't you? I think I heard on a podcast you like taking a bit of magnesium. I love magnesium.
What do you take? Sorry I think it's mega magnesium.
The blue it's
under like over the counter. Was the ultra cuticles or no that's a skincare I always forget the name of it but it's blue kind of gorgeous blue. violet colour. Yeah, that's a good stuff. Yes. They're big tablets. Oh no, I take it.
Yeah, it's disgusting. No tablet person. Not I'm definitely not an idea. guy. I know you might be watching. He's not he doesn't do tablet. Oh yeah.
With if you want to tell him I know he cannot swallow tablet.
It's great Tim
It's hot. I mean it's hot you know so i guess like the other thing on that analogy Yeah. roller coasters bad backs. Yeah, you're right. On admit Yeah, I'm a broken human being as the result of too many roller coasters and comedy.
Stretch. And oh, question. Yeah, I like the one I don't know what it's called. But way you kind of lie down and you put your arms like you lie on your arm. Yeah. And go back. I think it's called something fish.
back. Yeah. And then he put your arms underneath. Just doing
this right. camera on him. So that takeover? Yeah. Okay, so he's lying down on his back. Oh, is he back? Okay. Oh, God. He's nearly injured himself. So put your arms completely stretched out underneath shoulders. And then can you prop your head up? No. Oh, God. No, yeah, no. So put your arms down.
Your arms and shoulders. Have you really hurt your shoulder?
Well, I'm trying to get into stretches more. Oh, okay. Yeah, that one. It's something. Oh, God
I mean, I typed in dead fish and it's just come up with a river of dead.
Isn't that dead fish is also fantastic game.
Yes. Was that just dead fish the game is just you've got to stay still and your teacher points out if you move. Exactly. It's fantastic. This one's a good one is called the fish pose fish. The fish pose as almost like some kind of yoga move. Yes. Or you put you put your elbows on the floor. Okay, that's a variation. But yeah, sort of like arch your back. Yeah, yeah, it's beautiful. That's lovely. We get to
see magnesium and magnesium and what I mean men gets
Sorry I had a incident if I if I take more than two yeah there's a daily amount Yeah, I can believe you know said there is yeah I because it's a religion Yeah. And so an erection is actually in a relaxation of the muscle
is no side effects for women I'm not sure you could look it up serves yeah experience yeah so that was one thing I've overdosed on magnesium before woken up by my own erection
yeah you need to chill it I get a headache from it kind of a dull headache. Directly after but my back hurts that much with it. roller coasters. I spent a day at a park in America. I was fact by the end of it the adrenaline so tied for trying to relate it to anything to do with comedy D is it You wrecked after you're done a show or done a bunch of shows. I've been doing comedy now for
I think seven years and I am exhausted.
I am a shell over here.
I'm so
exactly that's why dead fish is my favourite stretch. What's it What's your bed bed routine? Oh what what's your night routine? What time do you go to bed? I don't have a routine because I'm always doing something.
I don't have a routine.
Like Bodie has a routine it's
like yeah when you call it that that but I thought it was funny.
Yeah, I like to have a time that I wake like go to bed. Yeah. Oh, no, definitely not. And so night cuz you're always doing something different. Like when you're working during the day or you doing a gig at nice and I just keep odd hours so No, I think I've probably been
From every change that the shell of the human thing like you shall have a human because he was Yeah, yeah, probably what times you got a lot of things I could do differently and better. And
what times I go to bed last night? Or probably no like 11 1130 not like that's a bad do you watch TV in bed? I try not to I try to watch it in the lounge room. I do try and like, have good sleep hygiene. You have a TV in your bedroom. No, I don't. Okay, in the landro.
Laptop though. Yeah.
I'm in bed. Yeah, I try not to try rating bed. Okay, that's good. Drinking while doing shows. Yes.
Definitely. alcohol. Alcohol. Do you beverage up before you start? Yeah, I do. I'm pretty relaxed. About my approach to comedy. And, and yeah, that definitely involves a few bees. I mean, you funnier when you've had a few Oh no, look genuine
I think there is a lot of people who are definitely like, Oh, I never drink before geek. And I think you are a bit sharper. I think one though, is good. Be you know, just to kind of loosen you up. Everyone's got like a bit of a different ritual. But I have definitely noticed over the years like you get comedians who like count their gigs, you know, make a record of every you know, what set they did, what jokes they did at what rooms and, uh, you know, a very, I don't know, organised and strategic about it. Maybe I don't drink before and blah blah blah, but I think it's Simon tyla who we had on last week. Oh, he would be That's right. I can imagine he doesn't drink he mentioned that. Yeah, yeah. And and he would be Yeah, barely, like, strategic. And I don't know. I don't know if strategics the right word but just professional.
There's a lot of people that are just not my approach and all the type of person I am and so cool.
What you find it like what works for you? Yeah, I mean, it's it's probably
probably had to implement that as a routine or a strategy for you as a comedian. Yeah, like a drink beforehand definitely suits me. And because a lot of the time, you know, doing and writing comedy is, you know, you're on your own a lot. You know, I like going out to the gig and seeing people and socialising, like I get, you know, lots of different aspects out of the gig one of the big house parties was actually your place. Oh, yeah. Good house parties that were I told that story about the Mo.
Mo Mo. We're on the day using animal animal it's something that you are Yes, yes, yes. Yes, it is. Yes. I was on the dance floor and someone put that on. That's right. I woke up my head felt so dry sponge that was in the sun for two days. That was in my house. That wasn't us. It was a one of the best house buddies is a lot of ammo we can have.
You go and buy it. I bet if you if you sniff paints like some people don't
wanting to be associated with that, but it's nothing to do with someone that you're
being associated
with that it's
the thrill the burden
off your shoulders now, ya know, we had some fantastic house parties at my house over the years and I feel like that were a real gift to the community.
So it's mo like a kitchen cleaner or what actually use it. We looked into this service gala we sang as being like the gay community.
People use it as they orgasm being smelling it is a bizarre, bizarre it's meant to relax the muscles and yet open things up you guys see yourself this
is your rating between
it's like iOS girl something I know it's nothing like that.
The pain reliever and favourite juicer ah
Anything about sex? Yeah. It um, sex.
It does something to like, your oxygen levels. So once you've had it, it's like gives you that lightheaded feeling that's good for it. It's not good for you. It's really, but it's one of those things that sold is like boot. CCleaner. And everyone knows it's
just an instant highness gone. Yeah, in like he's smart. It's fun.
It's fun.
He's looking confused. And so just quickly, the mass battery ran flat on your computer. So I'm just searching on my phone. Okay, give me a second.
Guys, okay, and fish. What are you finding sifting through that data? You can talk while you do it? I'm just going through urban dictionary and stuff is related to what we spoke about. Oh, maybe we can run that.
snippet to get an intense but short live tie to sexual pleasure adds to sexual pleasure could be found in the freezer at someone's house the phrase I'm
yeah, so with an alcohol that's like a pure alcohol liquid you don't want to touch it. Touch it with the mouth hands or anything. Anyway if someone so good parties really good I mean that's their what's your if you had to bring a plate? someone's house for a party what would you bring? What sort of food? Oh, that's good. Probably. I run into making dips at the moment. Yeah. Cooking club life. No, I haven't. Okay, second, I guess I feel like you've you've made like a real good corn dip recently. No.
Yeah, just a straight up homeless. Yeah, they're all a variation of homeless
chickpeas. Well, actually, yes, normally but I used kind of Lady big candle any beans is the basis
said that she pays the difference, just to be generous, slightly buttery, more buttery, entice. And then what do you what fly?
Okay, and carrot
tritan means you grating them. I'm roasting them and then I'm blending them with a bit of oil some homes and yeah, like the base which is either chickpeas or Kundalini beans or whatever you choose. Do you think you need to make a big song and dance about it when you rock up to a house party and you got a deep there's a lot of effort that goes into the you don't see the effort
that I'm not eating and going that's definitely been roasted that
cake has real close so my point is you need it. Just to me guys. This one. Yes, homemade special dip. Yes. Try it. Let me Can you taste the roastiness the effort. I actually made a song and dance about it before
Or like going to this like kind of intimate dinner party. I'm like offering a dip. And I'm pretty. I don't, I'm not a great cook. Or I come from a family of like, entertainers. They know how to entertain put on a good spread. But that is my sisters and my mom so good at it that a lot of the time, I never end up needing to bring anything. I'll be like, oh, what can I bring? And they'll be like, I'll just bring a drink or you take care of the ISO and you know, it's ridiculous. So I will kind of preface the story with saying that I'm not that I'm not known for my culinary skills. But
Exactly. I'm like cinema, mom. Here we go. No, but I did get into making it because Oh, it was because of Christmas. No, like everyone makes a dish and brings it and again, it was like, oh, Natalie, you just do. You just bring some snacks to start off with, you know what I mean?
So that's why I embrace the dips because I was like
I'm going to do the snacks. I'm going to show you guys how it's done I'm going to show you that I'm not useless and I can make you know I can be some value so I made all the, the deeps myself and Egypt like a trio of dupes Yeah, maybe maybe even for
become in family quad the quarterback of deep
sea and so do you have Do you have to bring something too deep with yes sir then even that you could buy biscuits you could buy crackers you could buy bread I said no, no, no, no. And my sister is vegan. And she also is celiac. So there's you know, you got to be creative. So I made chick pea pancake. Wow. Yeah. And it was delicious and it was a hit and then I was like this is the new may
like deep from scratch and I take new to parties and I'm hitting the dips would delicious on Christmas Day. Anyway, so my friends dinner party
I'm like, I know what I'll do. I'm like, I'll bring a dip on that. Trust me, I've been making these beautiful dates, I'll bring it. And then I left it too late. I didn't organise myself, right. But I'd made a real sane about bringing the day before the event. Exactly. So I don't have to do it when I'm there. And I'd lay done the groundwork and then I had to make this deep in a rush. And I think I was making like a carrot homeless, you know, something gorgeous.
And then I just boiled the carrots instead of roasting them.
Why? Just because it would be foster rush that was in a rush. Anyway, eat. The deep was so bland.
You have no idea. It tasted literally like it was just chickpeas and boiled carrots blended together. And I was like, that's all right. I'll salt my way out of these. And then I just salted it. I put every spice you could imagine in there, and it just kept getting worse and worse. And then I didn't I didn't realise how bad it was. Until
got there and then I put it on my oh come on the stuff right and then I think
I yet finally took a bite and I was like these these horrendous it's the land but then with this little light like onset of flavour in your mouth it was all wrong and I'm like sorry this is horrible I have to get rid of it but then because I made such a sane about date they were all like no is beautiful and trying to make me feel better and eating all this stuff and I was worried they're gonna get sick so I had to sneak into the kitchen and throw it out
so what's it cuz that's what I bring to a party. Did you bring the
chick pea pancakes? I don't think I had time
to pay pancakes chickpea flour and water have a crispy um, are they like, do you like what are you dipping soft? pancake
like red is commonly used for dip right? Yeah, yep, good shape that doesn't. Yeah, definitely.
I think it's icon like a big kind of savoury pancake. Or you can do it much thinner like a crepe, and then you just can kind of obviously,
yeah, like Harvard slice it off and then you can grab like two bits of the crowd. They're quite the trickiest part about making chickpea pancakes is that you need to then learn to stick to the pen. So you need a really good for a pen.
Which I don't have
toilets. Yeah. You don't really have a pocket as an adult. It's one of those things it was at school. What is to bring? Yeah, I feel like I may have been in charge of Apocalypse. I'm going to be Dutch in me. Michael, it's Dutch while you're not.
It's the least old time they'd look like they like notice. parklet seems like a Saturday. What's a Dutch pancake? Yeah, this saves, you get them?
It's charging. I can actually start using now. All right. It's a bad design of the Mac. That
The charge for the mouse, so you can't use it that it's very silly issue.
What is the trick to that? I try and get something else to buy a second mouse.
Three weeks you have to just plug it in for
the charger on us. Yeah, yeah. That was fact, I want them to go to USBC they reckon they're gonna get rid of the everything at all. What's that called? like old soul? Yeah, so it's gonna be sock Atlas. Okay.
And so you'll just charge you find wirelessly is the only option as I feel Nedley I'm not sure.
Yeah, I mean, as long as it doesn't require us buying another device. What is it? How would you pronounce that?
puffer yet? I'm not sure. That's pancakes. Yeah, but yeah, I'd love to get them into Iraq. I used to go get them like get chocolate on them on Yami like lots of
Lots of sugar
yeah that stinks What did you guys do multicultural day at your schools?
Now we're pretty racist.
Like you know you would everyone would like bring something from from the country. Yeah, no, I think it was a lot of just yeah
it was a big deal. It was a huge deal was there was it was more multicultural. They bring your squad just like they had a one of the country's whole peak on a speed. Okay, there was a peak on a speed Yeah.
You can do it nowadays. Well.
It was at a school. He approached me English department, you just say the the peak just moving around Really? Yeah. It was from I should know.
Bit the there was heaps of what the other one off croquettes would be.
Collect from the Dutch things really croquette? Have you travelled much now? Oh, yeah, I think so. I'm not a huge amount to New York. Yes.
I've been to Times Square really told you that story.
Yeah, I guess I've Yeah, I've definitely travelled. Yeah, I'm lucky. I feel fortunate the amount of travel. I've done what about you? Yeah. You're asking to travel? Yeah. Where was the last place you went? We went to LA last year. Okay. Yeah. Did you find that? Oh, it's good fun, actually.
It's more than and just like, we're talking about someone with a pig on a spit, which is quite normal for them. And so America is like, that's, I don't say it is kinda exploring that cultural diversity there is it's a Mexican weirdest place you've been to the weird I wouldn't have been anywhere that well, maybe culturally different. That's a better way of putting it because I wouldn't know how to answer with a though.
Different would probably be and
which assembly will know? I think
I spent a bit of time in Japan co working for a family run business there, which was
so I was working in a Japanese hotpot restaurant. Wow. Yeah. And I didn't speak any English. I spoke very little Japanese. So that was an experience and what
Japanese hotpot restaurant What does it mean so they serve like and hot pots like they had three dishes. So the shabu shabu so where you serve like raw meat and vegetables, and then there's like a little gas stove on the table, and then you get a boiling pot and you cook your own meal. So you put them like really thinly sliced like marble beef into the hot into the boiling water which is normal.
Like a maser super flavoured and then you deep in all different vegetables and and different sources and and then there's a seafood version and yeah it's kind of like yeah the different types of hot pot and so you know works there like cooking in the kitchen with so the my bosses that were very traditional Japanese so they were called we'd have to call her Oxon and shacho, which means oxide means wife of the boss and shacho means the boss. Oh, yeah, I know. So it was another world and so I'd be in the kitchen there with hair like a very strict you know, who knows?
The hotpot restaurant internet it's a wild wild place you can get jobs you know, the spiking in ticket
tickets ended up selling pasetta Yeah, working at the Saison club. No, it was because it doesn't it sounds way more interesting than it actually was. It was actually a joke cuz I went over to do a season in
Japan with like, what does that mean? Every other
season? Yeah. And so we ended up getting this job and just over the internet, but it was I'm really glad we did end up working there because it did mean that we actually got to experience the Japanese culture rather than just be in a bar with every other Ozzy? No, there's anything wrong with that. Oh, there is a little bit maybe.
Maybe, yeah. So yeah, that was a really good experience. How do you work alongside someone you cannot speak the same language as Yeah, it's tricky. But also, yeah, she, I told you about this in my show that she punched me in the head.
She rolled with an iron fist. She actually really liked me. But our member my friend, I did so we worked with and lived with three other Japanese girls. And they all had different levels of English. So one army spoke no English. And then there was Yuko who
was learning English.
She spoke pretty good English about wanting to learn more and Japanese. And then there was remember her name anyway, but she spoke. She lived in Sydney for two or three years. And so she spoke perfect English. And so there was a lot of translating in between and we were picking up Japanese, and I will learning English class, but
what's her name? It's really annoying me and why Mr. 97 can find it.
And so that she did a lot of translating. She did a lot of the heavy lifting. But how I got hit on the head was my friend didn't turn up for a shift and she was like, Where's Cassie? Where's Cassidy kind of making China and I was just kind of like giggling just trying to keep out of it. And then she opened the dictionary. And
in, I think it was the Japanese word was then translated into the word she was pointing out translated into severely punished or something like that. She's like, Cassie, Cassie, is gonna be severely punished, and I laughed and then there was something to do with
Dinosaurs underneath and I just pretended I wasn't saying the right word. And she got quite frustrated with me and she just Oh, you're on the head Amish me on the head do I laughed out of the box. Yeah, that was the boss and but then she enforcer she Oxon she apologised with a cookie that said I love you on it.
She did love me.
Yeah, that's, that's my cultural experience.
Do you like flying? I'm fine with flying. I think I'm getting better at it. I feel like everyone is afraid of flying these days. Uh, you guys know, I just I accept the fact if we don't apply that I'm gonna die, Nikkei and when you set that up as sort of the expectation then anything. It's quite meditative. Yeah. We're just being like, you know what, whatever happens happens, but don't you think well, they'd be a better way to die these planes going down now because I just think about like if an 8380
fell out of the sky in Melbourne. Yeah, we're gonna be on the news. Okay, so Has it ever been a commercial airline flying between Melbourne and Sydney that's gone down.
Okay, actual actually going down. So it doesn't happen but no, I think that Yeah, there's like the stats are out there like it's crazy. You know, I think you're more likely to be shocked and die in a plane crash. So the fear that we
had in sharks that unlike like free water swimming, I say why they're doing all that stuff with roping him off. Oh, yeah. And you find out about that? Well, they roping off a very smart like in the near the beach. I think it's quite ethical. Okay. Yeah. Good. Good. Good to hear. I do that in Sydney. But yeah, it's, there's a fear there. But the point being the fear of flying, doesn't meet the reality is of what we experienced. So there is an extreme number of people who are scared to fly yet, but then they don't get
Getting in a car and driving exactly i chance to die in the car they drive to work in every day then the plan so it's this weird sort of breath we have oh it's because oh no yeah that's interesting that you compare it to the car because it's like you can't you say it all the time in movies you know people being eaten by sharks or going down in a plane crash you know, we like we can so easily imagine that ending in our mind. Yeah, but I guess it's less glamorous to worry about a car crash than it is a plane crash because what you just want to be like wall you'd be on the TV.
Just another
just another finger. The button campaign boats your boat person I ever done spirit of tazzy No, I don't not not into that. I get a bit seasick bit motion, motion sickness. I think that it would be cool to do the Spirit of Tasmania though, but I looked into it once. And it's quite expensive. Yeah. Because the reason you take it
Yeah, exactly. And my mom's got a van so I was like, let's take you band over and we can go this beer jazmyne
higher camper van when we're over there. It's way more affordable. Yeah, once I got to the it was painful though, but I did this. Okay, what does that mean? Like when it was when I was stripping a connection yet sister taught me my strip routine. Really? Damn I've seen you strip me. Yay. Wait, was that that was
it Emily Polo she hi Do you feel like you were hired by because I wasn't able to some sort of
the same freebies that What was that? I think I never really?
Yeah, I never.
I never made the connection that people give gave you money for it. That's how
stupid he is. He also did the whole tour thing. I'm guessing it was a two way thing. But it's it's not direct. And someone's not saying you
Giving you cash you're part of like a crawl with someone pays a ticket to go see. This is actually like now we look
right? Yeah, I got my dad right. Yeah, okay. Yeah, yeah. Well yeah, it was just a little small. Yeah.
Hey, painting quite as soon as the BJ now just slowly the story's been coming at mo has parties it's
no wonder is taken 578 episodes
don't eat doc boss coming back so you went to jail to tazzy for stripping? Yeah on that Yeah. jumped on the boat no no
it's more like a cruise ship
but we had a cabin and we and it was it was fun it was an overnight once he left at 6pm and got in it whatever 6am But yeah, it's we should do it for the show. I vomited when I like that.
The hallway. I really had a bratwurst sausage. That would help a cheesy
my mom said my mom's coming to wait you need something in your stomach?
Sleeping mo getting after getting off that boat would have been a smarter choice than a cheesy Broadway.
It was an IV beta tazzy before I actually haven't, it's meant to be old and I've been it's fucking great. I know I really,
really great.
Have you guys travelled much of Australia? The I've never done Adelaide Perth, yet only done Queensland. Brisbane in Nusa in the Gold Coast Sunshine Coast Sydney but then that goes so not not a great deal. Like I reckon I've been to more states in America. Yeah, I've been through more states in America than I have in Australia, which I think is common for a lot of us Australians like if you know my
Most of us have been to London but you know, have we been to the desert? Yeah, you did. Yeah. You climb the
strippers and climbing out but it was like I was 15 years old in a low socio economic school where no way no other teachers were doing everything. Yes doing and it was like a whole health challenge for me. I was like, um, yeah, if I can do it. Yeah, I wouldn't do it now.
I used to weigh 120 kilos. So I did I probably weighed 110 then, but yeah, I lost all the weight for it. Oh, but I ended up I got some stroke. And so because I didn't carry much water. And so I just remember being the back of the bus and that was the bus. I was like getting my jam sandwich.
Like it was quiet. Yeah. Which is probably comma, because yeah, no, no.
He said you were led astray by the teachers.
And so I think if I was 15, and on a school trip, I would find it too. Yeah. I don't think you had an option to bring in your political stance on those things that fit like Yeah, well, the
audience at 2020 now i'm sure like 97 like you guys would have been. Your very your school is very socially conscious. Yeah, no, we wouldn't have done it. Yeah. The time. Definitely not the time back then. Think about the conversation around gay marriage. There wasn't one. There wasn't even in our vocabulary. Not that like most of my not homophobic like it just wasn't even a thing to talk about it like yeah, some people guys I'm not wasn't some conversation about? Is it legal? And it's amazing how these things just kick into the gear. And it just shifts which for the better Yeah. What are you talking about in Tasmania was still illegal to be gay in the 50s I'm pretty sure he confirmed that 1950s
stuff in her comedy special. I think maybe
She's from Ghana. Yeah she Yeah. What do you think? 2020 What do you think it's going to be the year of what do you what do you feeling futurist? Oh gee means in terms of
like what's the so we had what three years ago gay marriage stuff like this but it feels like
it was podcasts that were crime.
Just be something a bit larger than the
political boy. What's gonna happen?
Three And the world's gonna end on Twitter. Yeah, I have I've been here what is the future looks like 2020 what do you think it's a year of can be fashion related. It could be you know, what do you think I should call me what kinda Oh, it's gonna be really I don't know something. Oh, come on. What do you guys think? Let me I'm panicking.
I think like panic and anxiety will be big.
gonna, you know, I topped the charts. Well, I think obviously with all the fires and everything happening at the moment, like climate changes, obviously at a point where it can't be ignored so I think that that will be hopefully will change. Yeah. Okay.
I'll leave that with you
hopefully I'd like to think that a lot of people who have maybe been ignoring that will think differently that they want leading this country and what else? I think markers are going to be huge
Yeah, I think you man listen markeson no naka de drink. Welcome. Are mockers as in?
Yeah, good for you.
Good. Oh, no, you think so? No, I'm not being sarcastic. I love them. I just think that we've gone You know, it's quite trendy to drink. What like filtered black coffee.
And now we're going to go we're done and we're going to start the cycle again with mockers
everything we can in
some pumps, and so rain what's the wrinkles? What's it?
Yes, I drink soy. Okay. Coco quench. Okay.
Coconut milk. Yes. You think of I'm more of a milk lab guy and it wants milk club. Really? Yes. You probably don't know. It's a it's a it's a brand and they do it like a barista. And milk sort of keeps it doesn't curdle. Okay. Oh, lovely. I've never gotten into the almond milk. Because I've always thought the Fed.
Yeah, I mean, we have gone really hard into those areas like milk for the reason that you have this ridiculous opinion about the whole almond milk. Is this a thing right and that's going to open up Brandon.
Coco quench its I had that for cereal and smoothies. I know that I try avoid dairy. Do you guys drink milk? I don't drink does nothing? Yes, I do. You don't have to be defending?
To answer your question. Yes, I was gonna say that. I don't I think the reason these things get so much momentum is
they start with health observation says like I do better off dairy. And so there's a whole bunch of people that do fine on dairy. I figured I fit into one of those cats. Yeah, I've been to the camp of doesn't stop drinking almond milk or dairy milk. And the same is why but you know, people were stopped wearing a certain type of sneaker or whatever it just comes into fashion milks are a trend. No, yeah, no, I believe it. Yeah. Have you had any new year's resolutions? And not a resolution as such but more just I'm hoping that I will be pleasantly
prize in 2020
like that's just how I'm going
is it gonna work and something is should pop or Yeah, I suppose recognising maybe that in 2019 it was like not a bad year but it wasn't my gracious Yeah, there was good stuff that happened but just my overall kind of feeling about the he was just like okay enough and I was a bit yeah, I just can be complacent and over it and then I'm like, okay, I probably need to adjust my attitude. Yeah, and I am a bit can be quite cynical. And so I'm like, Oh you know what? 2020 Let's just hope I'm pleasantly surprised. I'll be like, it was not
just hoping I'm trying to adjust my attitude. That's my
pleasantly surprised what if some of the things that have happened oh, well, I mean, how many days when not many. But yeah, I just was up in Sydney doing gigs and, and the whole week I mean, I won't take credit for
Because these were good rooms with hallway I had like, a run of awesome cakes like every show was. It was amazing. The laughing people laughing so much. It was insane. It was you almost couldn't enjoy it because you're like, I didn't even finish saying what I'm gonna say. And you guys already laughing I don't even think it has anything to do with me. I think you're all drunk.
So that was nice. Yeah, so there you go. That's me being positive. And my housemate bought a Dyson vacuum cleaner, which was showing that baby animals. big bowl animal. Yeah. And so it's not that steak. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's not a steak. That not psyche. I know. It's got a base. It's got a body. It's like
yeah, we TLD one. Oh, yeah. Good. No, no long gone on to the side. That's nice. I vacuumed before I came here. And what else has been going well,
we have bodies yet
Now we're living in an apartment now. So if anyone out there has a house, so you know we have these in an apartment. No, not the ones that see what we have we there was something going on on our floor. And we actually just got a letter yesterday saying that there has been like a noise complaint, but because you do wonder like this
really, really loud. Yeah. I someone wrote because I get in my apartment building.
And quite early in the pace when I just moved in next to my door on break in permanent marker, loud people live here, really still there. I can't get rid of it.
The person that's trying to help that, like he's still being a nuisance by writing. And I really feel like I know who he is. It's like the woman who lives directly across the states from me. And I have a plan and this has been, you know, two or three years now, and I just have a plan to just go
And she's not very friendly at all. We barely talk. Okay, but, and but I'm like next time I say I'm just gonna, my approach is going to be I'm just gonna try to catch her off guard. I'm gonna go Hey, nice to see you Jane. Anyway, I just a quick question. Did you write that on the brick wall next to my ex my half? And I feel like I know you have to see hey, quick question. This is years so good I was gonna go way more passive but like have you got a permanent marker like a bar? Yeah
in my pockets like you motherfucker you know but I think the just flat out asking you know we sort of
just be the reason she's like what you need
to lie about it because it's been so long she's like yes I did. So what do you do then? Oh, can I carry that point? I did you brought that up.
So what do you do? And then I'll be like, well can you I'm looking to watch
Maybe now I'm just go. Or and then I'd be like, why don't you knock on the door? I you definitely did not knock on the door. I know the night that it happened. I said your head it's about you always store the potential you had moved into the play. No, no, it was about me. Okay. I know the night it happened. We had a dinner party. And it was quite loud. But it was the Saturday night sort of music. I can't remember. But it was loud. We were being loud, but it was Saturday. And we were down by midnight. Okay. And I think that's fair enough. And if there was a real issue with the noise like she did not attempt any
lab people.
Graffiti, graffiti artist gronk Yeah, I'm not sure what else I'd say. I'd be really lost for words. I bet Well,
I'm just disappointed.
What do you think knocked on the door? Yeah, you could have knocked on the door. pitch. Is there something? Is there something that you could
cuz then the whole neighbour thing is interesting. I'm not I've never, I've actually once had a neighbour that we've spoken to, it's been great and up enjoying it. I've never had the sort of the cut through of a neighbour that you went up like, like, does anyone hang out with their neighbours? Like, I'm just going over to the next apartment across the pipeline, like friends? Yeah. And I did as a kid, but I think that's a different kettle of fish. We're talking about being adults. Smaller, you're in a small block or big block and you're an enterprise. You know, it's pretty big block, but it's kind of like we're in sections. So you know, there's only two
level Okay, so yeah, you kind of you definitely know the people there's what people see. Hey, we got friendly with as it was on the sort of IT departments out of the ICT. It was only two people we really spoke to we had a threesome with
Tommy's numbers actually. Michelle Tims the basketball Alaska. Oh, by playing a boss
14 we're looking for a coach. Really? Okay.
We're about what sort of profession what region? And so it's just social basketball. Yeah. And so we're called the dirty bloomers.
The dirty blame is and we play on Tuesday nights. All female team yet Michelle ran right? Yeah, we definitely looking for a coach. She do anything with the bullying boomers. I believe potentially Can you look nice so when Michelle when she played for Australia
dandenong Ryan juice is this well?
Basketball bad yeah, I'm looking at upskill
what what nights you play? Tuesday nights we're on break. We start back in FEHB Yeah, I was training kicked off last Sunday. I couldn't go Why?
I was up in Sydney. Okay, what do you what was he doing ball drills or what's the yeah
just general shooting we're really working on shooting
dribbling passing over like a basketball court. Oh no, we train at an outdoor basketball court. And normally in Carlton as a lovely one I'm counting straight.
So if you rock up because I've been playing more basketball, basketball at the front of my townhouse, okay and so it's actually Michelle's. So I shoot and it's it's great
play on there she shot a few with her and she's swishing. Oh.
Anyway, I went to story with her doing that she's gonna come on the show. She asked her yet and show I went to a basketball. There's only like, it's like one ring. And three, you know, the, the sort of half like the three three point line, all those sort of things. I went there was like, Fuck, I didn't even think What if there was someone here when I got
Do I go and play? I was educated your mind can I work in and so there wasn't. And so I started, then I saw someone come up this guy with his young daughter, and I had a basketball.
I was like, Is he gonna come up here? Yeah. And so what I ended up doing was kind I left. Yeah, me wanting to get out of it. But I took it and I went over and did some exercise. And then he ended up backtracking coming and playing. Yeah. So the etiquette. Don't go there. swings swings a big with that. I think that you and I've been on a swing before. And I think the rule is that if kids come up and ground, you just have to move like if you're over 25. Yeah. Why are you
using a swing? If you're using a swing, you have to get off as soon as a kid gets. I wouldn't say soon as I would. I would say that. Yeah, maybe if they like giving you the eyes
is as well. I mean, if it's like
536. All right.
Yeah should be getting home should we pick a night routine? Yeah, I think yeah exactly they should be getting bought
story Exactly.
Yes I am.
bombs. When was last time used
I don't think I can remember the last time I used a bath bomb. No, I'm mainly into bonds because of the magnesium. Yeah.
What do you do put it into the water? Yeah, the same one that you can show me. No I buy a different one from
I like magnesium salts flike sexually yeah from
your magnesium magnesium but do a spray now which Yeah, I that makes me each show. You don't know I overdid it on the spray and it would
sting and he was horrible. It's
bright and easy magnesium. Isn't it?
One two, I overdose because you think to yourself more like the more I have the more fluid I'll feel. Yeah, it doesn't work like that same escape hate.
Last time used a pain. Yeah, couple of months ago. Yeah, I went too far.
happens if you go too far with tape and just
burns. It's really, I was alarmed. I put it I nearly called My sister
was really like I've gone too far. And you can rub it in your eye.
Really? It's like coming chilly. You gotta be careful. Oh, yeah. Oh, and you gotta make sure you are doing the Comedy Festival this year. I am
comedy show. So you do like a sprint of a bunch of shows or like a, like a marathon? yet? It's not a sprint. It's I think 23 shows. Wow. Yeah. So you do six nights a week. So yeah, it's from
Yeah, a lot.
No, I don't. So you have to submit it. It's such a bluffing exercise you have to submit your show name and blurb and photo in like October to the comedy festival and sign up and apply for venues and everything like that before you've written the show. So you go super generic man. Is that the idea that Yeah, but you don't want to go too generic. Sometimes you want to trick yourself in the you want to trap yourself. And
that Yeah, so I've done that. Now I'm writing the show. So I tried to be specific and like I said, I'm not going to be generic to the What does it look like for you? Is it like the two of you gone Really? Well? Yeah. Like I wrote like a bit of a plot like in my blurb like expect this and expect that and you show tell us now or is it? Oh, yeah, so the show is called under the influence. And so it's actually a character show. So sketch so it's not stand up. So something different and come back on and play a bit a big character
On Instagram. Oh yeah. And so it's I'm being this girl She's like a wannabe influencer beauty influencer. And so I'm doing a show with her like it's a meet and greet at a shopping centre, and
also playing another character who I do on Instagram whose cell
and that's going to be a mom. And so yeah, I wrote kind of a bit of a plot of what's gonna plot but I went a little bit too specific. And so then I just emailed Comedy Festival just the other day. I'm like, Can I edit my blood on the website? Just a wee bit before it went live? Yeah, that's fine. Yeah, yeah. So um, yeah, I'll be doing that. So I'm writing it now. I've been trying to write it this morning. Have you locked in the the venue? Yeah, yeah, it's I'm going to be at BB which is an independent venue. It's on little Collins straight to for a little constraint. So it's really close to town hole. And it's got an awesome bar like it's where a lot of comedian
hang out and people who go see shows and they've got a room up the top, right? Yes. six nights a week. Yep. Wow. Yeah. Three weeks, four weeks. What's the what are the dates? I don't know them off the top my head I think it's like the 24th of March to like the 19th of April or something like that. Would you want to 629 10 Thank you. I was close 26 to 19 Yeah, it's called under the influence. I think it's going to be fun, but it's a different show for me because normally when you do stand up this is the time of the year and end of last year where you you're writing new jokes and you you going out and you're doing open mics and you doing rooms and you working it up and I'm not used I don't know how to work in a show. I mean, I do like you just got to find different rooms in different ways and char shows but
yes, just a bit of a different process. I'm nervous, slash excited. Anyone up and coming that you think we should check out or even have on the show? Oh, yes, so many God and Sonia Dior
She's awesome. She's absolutely absolutely killing it. Jacqueline said
Who do you know in that like I don't know how much comic
artist I've watched a was at my wife's parents place and they use that TiVo thing recording device. And so I was watching a comedy box from last year. Okay, yeah, so I saw a bunch of people because it was like a small small little bit. Yeah, I was impressed by a bunch of them. I can't remember the name so yeah, yeah, I could send you a bunch there's so many god I'm always Danielle Walker. And what do you think of the outward like are thinking of during the comedy festival during like the themed the daily talk show like having heaps of comedians come in? The people do that. Like if, if the festivals on a case can be fact or would they actually come on? Oh, no, definitely. Yeah, I think that'd be great. And like Canadians a different desperate desperate there.
shows because they like there's just so many. Yes, there's just more and more shows every year. It's really competitive. So yet people are out doing whatever they can, you know, handing out flyers begging, you know, saying,
Oh, it's $25 a ticket to you just wear them down with you. You'll be doing this dress. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I always fly on the front of the town hole and, and she actually just ends up selling the pass out
to the other show.
Yeah. Oh, well. We'll have to get you back on closer. Yeah, definitely. Under the Influence, though. What's the character on your Instagram account that you're 909 nap. So it's easy. I didn't really plan on doing it. It's just something that it just evolved really. So I never she never started as a character I just had an idea for I always just thought it'd be funny to do one video where I'm like because they go through their daily
take you through the morning routine. Routine does not have a night routine. No, I wash my face. Okay. Yeah, sure. And try and as in the character in that to show you have a nighttime routine. Yes, she did a video on a nighttime routine. She was drunk. Yeah. It never ends up being any BDT. But that's how it started that doing the videos. And cuz I thought it'd be funny to do just the idea of the girl going through a nighttime routine. And then she goes out of shot. She's washing her face in the sink and she just starts to cry hysterically.
So that was the idea. And then it just kind of snowballed from there. So now I'm like, it would be good if I didn't. She didn't have the same name as me. But I'm black. Most things. I'm just like, oh, I've got a funny idea. I'll give it a go. And then I keep going and then yeah, I'm not very strategic. I love it. It's good. I think that in some ways you are because you've worked out that you're onto something and you do it around and then it happens. Well, hopefully instantly surprised.
Yeah, exactly. God I'm gonna be so pleasantly surprised with all of your listeners coming in purchasing tickets to my show on I can pay.
Yeah, they can. Early Bird tickets. Oh, love donating. I am donating all of the tickets that are sold in January to the bushfires be cancelled. Yeah, exactly.
Absolutely. Big. Yeah, you guys should get out and play some shows. Yeah, I think we should. We should have some comedians on the show. I think we should like actually have some structure around like side, this is what we're going to because it's always like when the festivals are on, they go, like, Oh, yeah, we're gonna fucking do it. And then you don't end up saying it or you see one. Yeah. And it's like, yeah, so I think that there's something in really being specific and saying, okay, we're gonna go to a bunch and then getting a bunch of comedians on Yeah, I think that'll be fun. I love it. You should see if you can get media passes. Maybe
you can go to any shots.
Yeah, me as long as it's not sold out.
Get onto that. Get on to that place. Thanks, Matt for coming on
having you on for another 500 and it Yeah, I'll see you on the 2000s I
could do a spirit of tazzy show. Yeah, that's right. Bring all the CC
me something on the motion see or maybe the next time if all right straight up
that's a trail.
Daily talk show. Have it going guys and say tomorrow Hey guys