#446 – A Little Bit Jumpy/
- September 5, 2019
Today we chat about Tommy’s walk home last night, Josh’s laptop, and who’s got the bigger feet.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show we discuss:
– Tommy’s walk home last night
– Josh’s broken laptop
– Insurance, repairs and warranty
– Who’s got the bigger feet
– An update on Hayden Dib’s tattoo
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A conversation sometimes worth recording with mates Tommy Jackett & Josh Janssen. Each weekday, Tommy & Josh chat about life, creativity, business and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and friends of the show! This is The Daily Talk Show.
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 446
What just happened?
It stopped in us.
What number is it guys? Oh, sorry. Six. Yeah, he was ready to play it again. But I guess we'll just roll with it baby boy make some mistakes sometimes not often. And we'll forgive him. He's gonna have a late night tonight. him and I. Why are we going going out? We're going to see PJ Yeah, and Taylor Harris Fox. Yep. So PJ from Jason PJ. That's gonna be great. I did do a little bit of digging. Tyler Harris is that weapon of a woman who did that big kicking then all those creeps made those comments about this photo of her athletic ability. Anyway, that's her I didn't know her I and I saw that and and then I watched some videos.
Boxing. Oh no. Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't want to fucking get in the ring with her. I'm pumped. Yeah, I can't Yeah, I'm annoyed that I can't come because I've got suburb life to step into where you just picked up the keys yet have a new place I always have to say rental place because I get embarrassed because I'm a renter as well. Yes, I got a new apartment. There's nothing. There's nothing right now but there's something about that. Oh, congratulations. Congratulate me. Look, we're in an age where people will and I've had this many times. Oh, do you own your own property? Until was
to let him get back these these people gave us a podcast. These people gave us a hamper. Yeah, chocolate cnet's really to max out and I don't want it says you don't know. No, I didn't check. I'll check when we get home. That's that's a nice touch. Mate. I've never been impressed by a real estate agent until today. Yeah, I got a habit and I got you a mentor that was in in the foyer.
So yeah, I mean, it's all it's all. I mean, maybe this is just the service you get out in the suburbs. Yeah. I think it's a really nice sort of country town touch. Yeah. Oh, so you give us an update on so PJ goes to 97 and I going tonight you are going to be moving bits and pieces from your house. Yeah, gonna check it out. I mean, I don't want to walk in there and go. I didn't know about that. I don't think we will. We've only looked at one so maybe just happy with what we got. I mean, you took a photo of the electricity box. I that was another one. I mean,
the electricity but No, none of this one. Okay, but we're moving in. I'm going to be grateful for whatever it is. Last night. We worked reasonably late. It was a big day after six. Yeah, after six but we got started. I left the house at 630 I had my alarm on for 520 I am Yeah, so it was a big solid long day with the team from bond straight dental in Melbourne. Yes, legends and
Absolute legends. And anyway, so I was walking home because it was, it was like I didn't have the car I had to kind of pick up buddy so I was like I'm gonna walk and usually the way I walk home from here and the when I say walk it is an hour and a half. Yeah, it's a very long like, I couldn't believe I was catching up with a client the other day and just walked out. Are you 79 and they were like, Oh, where are you taking us? Yeah, they assumed that that was walking to our local cafe was a big walk. But in fairness, I only did about 13,000 steps yesterday, which isn't much I didn't think that much for such a long walk. But it was nice. I just it wasn't like a hype high pace wasn't sweet. I was just I did it as the the alternative to having to go to the gym really, really like headphones. No, I didn't I fucking lost my and I'm hoping to find them in the move. I've lost my air pods. Anyway. Anyway, I was walking down in silence. Yeah, I mean I I've just got I've got my own thoughts to
Maybe in fairness it probably would have helped with what I'm about to tell you so Victoria straight we've talked about the the junkies Yeah, the drug addicts the the licorice all sorts
tell you describe a quirky bunch of people is a very quickly bunch of people and sometimes you can feel rather unsafe. majority of the time. I don't feel unsafe. They're around but it's almost like they are in their own world. They don't even look at you. They just like
just walking along, talking to themselves if anything, or they're always in twos. Yeah, always. Well, we know the names of a few because we've seen them nearly OD and you screaming at each other's names and things. Yeah. So it's weird because it feels like we've built out these characters we know them. And even when we walked past one of the guys that we know his name, it is tempting just to assert power and say hey, john, be don't do it because it just I don't want to I mean
They wouldn't have a choice. They don't have a grasp of us so they're not doing what we do. We're looking from the outside looking in and going wow, this is ridiculous. I mean they're on sub to substance so they fuckin not thinking about anyone other than themselves and the next hit, but I felt unsafe last night walking down and I feel like I'm quite straight smart. I've been around dangerous sheet and I know like, you get a feeling right. You always know when stuff is in good. And I guess where you were? Yeah. Where you want the corner of Victoria and Linux. Oh, yeah, that's the sweet spot where Why is exactly so I'm walking up approaching that corner. I just see this guy looking me I had my hood on. But I don't know. I don't think I would have looked dodgy but I think hood is just universal. You're a dodgy prick. Yeah. And so I realised that as I'm walking because this guy, this guy's trying to lock eyes with me. Hey, buddy, buddy boy. And then he and then I looked at him and smiled and just been straight.
Smart, what makes you smart. And what makes
nerves that being shanked that's what
you did because I did do the exact same thing last night walking past some rough people you smile at them I was going to
smile and everyone well I just I was trying to defuse it in hindsight I shouldn't have looked at him once they ignore you when you don't look at them so I literally walked past but then I smart and then he said something as I walked past and then I got further on Linux straight
victorious right he got even worse there was more of them I was showing age and I got my adrenaline was running because there were there was deals happening it literally same handing over fucking little bags full on full It was like it I'd never seen it like this before night time. 737 o'clock. It's like a community bit where they've got like chess playing you know, like you say New York where you can play chess. They all congregate around there. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean, it's not great and where the cops they should be there. But anyway, I got past and I and I was fine and they
attack me. What do you think that would? What is the risk? Man I've got like
I could handle myself with most of them because they're just off their face in terms of if they actually got physical but what
I would just want to give me a fine like people don't steal funds anymore. It's more give me a cash I got my cash and I literally use CAD Yeah, anyway, so I'm not worried about that it's more if they had a syringe and that would jab you with it. That's what I'd be worried about. I got and I walked on I was on so I was fucking on edge so much. And I've never had this happen before and I got like away from it turned but I kept on thinking about that first guy looking at me thinking he is he going to come? You know, like I just kept on looking behind just checking my shit. So I was checking what do you call it? Check my six. You know, check. Yeah. So you get like a clock checking my six behind. Okay, why are you so sick? It's like, it's cool thing to say my check my seat. I was checking my six pack and it's the other
The analogue watch I've had some rapid side check my six now one was a check to the game.
Check you to
I got around this corner and it was off the main strip and I'm walking down and fuck you to AC cats when they get scared they literally jump in the air and get airborne. Yeah.
happened to me I no joke. This woman ran up behind me and she was running she was in her exercise attire, right but I just heard this thump right behind me. Oh and like I nearly hurt my back she was
she said oh my god, I'm so sorry
for her to apologise to me. She had to physically seen me
Absolutely shit myself and get able
to enjoy that. It happened I was walking past the guy and he had his headphones on noise cancelling headphones very easy to do. This is why I actually don't like shouting out the world when you're walking. You're the furthest thing from straight smart doing that like if she's actually happening. This is hoods as well like I with my hood off, because you can't see. You can't see you see, I mean, I could get one of those you know the Baccarat does have those little things.
But I was thinking about, I was trying to like put a positive spin on it rather than getting into my faculties. I didn't get a bit like that. This buddy made me scared and
literally swearing to myself. But as I think about the storey says, I think this could be something. It could be like a little practice people can do in any situation where you are right now, what is the storey you'll tell about now in the future, but with a really positive spin on it. So for us, I think
It's remember when we had our first dedicated studio, the place in Abbotsford was a shithole. It was like studio is great, but like think about the space where we were, in all those times that we were like, on the fringe of this just craziness. And we're kind of slightly off to the side of it like where we are. Barely, barely, barely, but we're not in the centre of it. We're just on the adder. And I was thinking about that and it made me feel good thinking like in five years time, we get better. Potentially, well, you are you moving the ball lane is not my mini junkies.
Right? This is not Chinese out there. Just all the Italian men looking to have you know, share their lemon from their limit. But do you think that's a nice thing to do? Just like look at now and I get it's hard when you're in a bad spice, but the alternative so if you are in a bed so I say looking forward about five years was actually little
And remember that when I remember when it wasn't going as well as I wanted it to be, and like this storey for this is remember when we were in a location, that wasn't the way we are now where we wanted to be at the time. Is it the opposite of gratitude?
No, it's visualisation. It's a maybe a form of visualisation, because he has a visualisation thinking of the life you want or the perfect day is not being grateful for today that you've got. Yeah, it is not saying and I think it's probably not, maybe if you are in a really bit of a funk, yeah. I'm worried that if I did that I would stop being like I love this office. I love it. If two days of doing that, I'm just like Pisces she is maybe this. Think about what you've put up with in your life. And you haven't even thought it's bad, right? You haven't even thought of it. So we think this is great. And I'm not saying it's not great.
Yeah I fucking love coming here but you know the all the shit you did when you're young you'd never do now but you just you had to do it so that so we all the coping or you know our situation you're looking at it in the best possible light well i mean if we're at the start of the year where our office was smaller than this room and now we have like three storeys and got a small space and we've got like room to move and lots of room to break dance room to pack car so I mean all these great things we got soda streams, we've got a young blonde is good things. Things are good we got plants some that smell like absolute shit. We have to now get some top soil for I'm pretty sure doing well. I can't come back inside. What do you mean? I still smell they still smell. I think we put way too much. I mean, I did go hard. It did. Like they needed a lot of fertiliser. How do you know? Well, I mean, what is fertiliser shit? Yeah, it is actually
Somebody said around she's right. I mean there's not much difference between my son's nappy and
what is fertilises specific Lou because don't they use fertiliser to blow shit up?
No, I said there's different types so you're talking about like the the chemical chemical fertiliser yeah it's a good point. What is fertilise it is fertilise it all poo or is fertiliser there's a chemical makeup that you can get which people gronk to use to explode shit yeah, I don't know. 97 What do you want to do for dinner?
My Can you organise your dinner somewhere else? I mean, I've I've got leftovers in the fridge is that what you're planning on doing night the kid meal preps don't go out on a night like we're going out. Yeah, we're going seeing the boxing. Yeah, but he's the kind of guy that would book in a date. That's dinner and have dinner before he goes and then say I'm not that hungry. I'll just probably going to side Yeah, probably. Yeah, he's that guy's
a guy who had
It's at the food court at Doncaster wasn't gonna mention it so I can have a good dinner without you being a little bit.
it is annoying and I look over missing I sevens got your juice yesterday just looking at the calorie realises whether it's going to happen,
but I wanted to know what sugar was in. Yeah, yeah, but it's a real point. It's real. Like stop. Everybody stop. Yeah, just Josh, stop that. Just looking at the Yep. 26 grammes per hundred mil calculation. Yeah. Got a bit of a bounce. I mean, your choice, Josh. That kind of a vibe, right? Yeah. So you're not gonna have dinner with me? Oh, what were you thinking? I don't I was. I mean, could you do like a Nando's? Yeah, I guess.
I mean, you can talk about later. I mean, we were just at Doncaster shopping centre. Is it got a name? Westfield. I mean, yeah, it is Westfield. Yeah. Yeah. So my my computer's not working. Yeah.
Saw it's one of you, Thomas, one of the greatest moments, the greatest performance you put on. is at the Mac Mac store. The Apple Store, the Apple Store store. Yeah.
There was something happened to the computer. They're not going to listen, but I guess we don't talk about it. I mean, I see that here's the thing. You got water in it. And I don't know. Yeah. So something happened. Water got on to the laptop, potentially. Maybe? Well, I don't think this is the thing. There was water on the table. And then one of your ports wasn't working. No, it was no seven.
It was dripping. Yeah.
There was a Yeah, there was a little bit of water on the laptop. It was it was dripping. A lot of water. Yeah, it was like falling out. Yeah, yeah. And so big waterfall just so what do you meant to do it like is it anytime? It's
would you say rice, rice now
For a laptop, I think it's done. But anyway, so I
water went all over the laptop.
I brought it into the office after the shoot they were at and tried to plug everything in. And one of the ports isn't working. Which it seems like a I mean, I didn't even know how that work how what something could just stop like a port, rather than the computer actually just fucking stop, you know?
I mean, I'm the guy that has literally done this.
Why even do that?
No, no, I just spilled but I literally was editing and I knocked, and it went with a screen meets the fucking keyboard. And there's the bit where it just goes to bed. Sucks all the pushers hat. Yeah, they are in it.
And it's fucking in Jason's office where he's where they do the show. And
no, I didn't care and then I was
mean as an employee, you're like, like, it's not your I mean you, you have items that they assigned to you. But if she'd actually Fox up and there's an accident, there's insurance. They're big company. And so anyway, I pulled and I sold water.
Yeah, but I know it poured in.
It was rocks or smoke. No, but it didn't turn off. Yeah, very quickly realised. Was that on? No. And so you're going on holidays, right? Yeah, it was just before the end of the year. So yeah, annual leave everyone's everyone's off for the summer. That's like this is fact. What am I going to? Do? You know what I was worried about? I was worried that I was gonna have to pay for it. would I do if you're an employee? Exactly. This is now in hindsight, because I come from running my own business, where it's like anyone if I fuck anything, it's my problem. And so I never I hadn't worked in a big business like that with a
Computer like that hi at the daily talk show.com if you have ever been in a business where you fact something up and you've had to pay for it, okay he's if you break something in a shop or whatever, do you really have to pay for it? He's one bar the boss's car who pays for it? So if you access who pays for the excess if you smash it, and there was no okay, but the boss says, Hey, can you go down and pick up my kids jersey that is being dry clean right now? Okay, is this happened? It feels like it's real. No, no, no, I was actually in my own house and I heard my wife talking to a sister about
about her she still gets the jersey. That was a fucking made up situation. But I'm saying i think i think me sister was asked to
can you do some driving around but then it's like, okay, who's responsible? whose responsibility if it is just as flippin as Can you do it? And I know Amy drives her boss's full drive. And my thought is who's paying for that? Yeah, like he's
Very clear. Well, that's why I don't let you drive my car. And I won't let you drive my car or you miss and I said before anyone
want to drive your car, you don't drive mine. It's good. 30 years old, the the actual thing on mine is you can't drive it unless you're 30. So that's why we just got the cheaper insurance because we will like, no one can drive it unless they're over 30. So it rules you out bad. It's it's hard. What would happen in a situation if I, if you crash your car? I know what would happen. pay for it? No, but if we were doing a job together and you're like, I'm so tired, can you drive? Like I think we would be the case where the business would pay the excess or whatever, because it's, it's nothing in comparison to the cost of what it happens. But outside of that, if the boss just randomly says to me, can you drive my car? She as if she's
it's his car? Yes, he's personal car. I mean, it's probably probably and by the business, the big business. It's how I mean, is it a gronk move when I went to Africa
That you just bury the lead. I think it's fine I think it's a rite of passage actually you did your
due diligence you actually did the tests where you can run diagnose yeah and I run run like hardware diagnostics and shit. Yeah. And so there was nothing showing up. I don't know if the show water damage I do it would show that hardware diagnostic would show if something was failing. But would then be an indicator that when they opened it up, that'd be able to see the marks net so you didn't do what I did Thank you didn't put the water didn't get like there's a high chance that that cap whatever whoever spilled that that should just was on the table and was just running along the bottom of the laptop. Like they are like I'm surprised at how water proof you fact back in the day I
don't anymore. But this is
Janssen This is a waterproof phone was I do that with my phone? My phones on even waterproof Yeah, I think it's like phones a very different like laptop. I think it was a
Good example of how such a little amount of water Yeah, well, I honestly thought I thought it was going to be thought I thought you can get away with it. Yeah, I thought it would have been a bit more durable. But anyway, when I when I said to, I brought it into Apple, and you just have to the weird thing is that they've just
they've got all these processes. So it's not like they'll just give you the good outcome to start with. You literally have to say, Can I speak to the manager? Before they do it? This is Telstra. This is the phone companies to they just they just and I said to you, Mr. I said, What do you think like I said, this guy first speaks to has the part of the process up to here and I was saying, does it is that all he knows he's just like, I actually don't know. I've never been told about this next level that you could get to but I think you've got to pretend like you don't know, I guess like you said like, this is all I can do. And clearly they know because they always say it's almost like they're trying to hint it's like now this is all I can do.
Yeah, yeah. So anyway, I basically said I don't know what's wrong with it. I said I think that may be there's some LinkedIn it like the like my phone, there's something in the ports. Can you look at the link? And then he he looked at the laptop behind the wall came back and he said, Oh yeah, there's nothing in there can't say anything can't say any water damage or anything like that. So be clean. And the fact that thing is that I kept like, I straightaway changed my face, but he says watered down like I can't just keep a poker face.
So I just like to do a little smile.
I just can't help, which is annoying. But what was annoying was I was saying it's going to take once I'd worked out that it wasn't water damage. They're like, it must be an issue with a laptop. It's going to take seven to 10 days to fix. Which is just crazy. Really, don't you think? Yeah. And so I said absolutely not. And then they said RY. If you get the business advance, I can thing you
can buy I just got nervous at someone's gonna fuckin send this to Apple. I'm gonna they're gonna reveal and they're gonna say hi.
Unlikely Please don't do that
the thing is that look up your model number and everything yeah, yeah sure too much effort. Yeah, they can't be bothered anyway
so they giving me three they're going to get it fixed in three days The alternative is you just pay the excess of your insurance in this hundred dollar excess Yeah, and you get a whole new laptop and you get all your cash back that's the thing about the max on a bad idea you can do that. I tried to do that. I actually tried to say get another seven for return. Yeah, but I'm saying the insurance like if it doesn't work you actually can just I have kind of inclined I've paid so much for insurance over the years but I've never claimed it. Yeah. Does it actually affect what's the deal nothing different different insurers different the the equipment insurance for filmmakers and stuff like that, that you can get through a own it's literally 100 bucks with something
You get back the cost of the MSJ stay and Bob's your uncle, there's no because I used to always say MIMO you do what you do with a car that's why we were taught car accesses when you were crashing your car is proving that you're dirt and then I'll go to insured hopes for premium goes up or whatever. Exactly and not the same. Not the same this so I mean, yeah, it is the thought of do you get the phone insurance do you get the well the was the I triple say or the Sorry? Consumer Law yeah consumer say
like this we've got so many rights anyway as consumers that it's pretty unnecessary warranties for warranties but phones and stuff but the Barefoot that was what he was saying like go the super high excesses on these insurances. So you paying super low premiums. Yeah. So you
Yeah, many who was buying like 20 format you remember like that was the bread and butter of like the J bees and the Harvey Norman's was like 24 months of insurance like two years added warranty. Yeah. Was it used to be the big con and I'd be like, on washing machines, washing machines a big one. What about the other one was monster cables. Know that monster cable what is a monster? monster is a brand of cable. And it was back in like the 90s or whatever. When stuff was analogue. They would have like really fancy like gold plated cables like ns connectors and stuff. And it was a real Primo stuff. However, when you were dealing with digital signals $5 HDMI cable versus a $500 HDMI cable. They do. They're doing the same thing. It's ones and zeros. You're either getting the signal you're not getting the signal. There's no difference in quality.
And so when the HD was coming and digital was you know the whole thing and it was a big it was a big calm without Say hi. You should definitely get the really high quality HDMI gold plated get is Yeah. Which made absolutely I've seen these cables. Yeah, I don't fancy. Yeah, yeah. Super sleeves and stuff on them. Yeah. So we were at Doncaster The reason I asked you where we were, because in a video that we made while we're at the shopping centre, I said where are we new said Doncaster. And I know and I was wanting you to say what shopping centre we were in because I didn't know. I don't Yeah, I didn't I just always say Doncaster. You do? Yeah. Okay. If I'm going to Doncaster, I guess it's like
you know, you're right. Because when I go to South Charleston, when I go to South flat and devil hills, Atlanta, suburb or Southland, south in the suburb, Chad stuns, definitely the suburb. Yeah, so that is a slam is Westfield Southland. It's it's
Not the suburb suburb. So that's the name of it. Yep. So she's been calling it Doncaster. Yeah, that's I think that's what most people would call it. Not many people would call it Westfield but at Doncaster shopping centre, whatever it is, there is there was an athlete's foot that were walking past and I just had a moment where I remembered athlete's foot is a retail shop people not in Australia, so it's that they're actually quite good. They specialise in footwear for people who actually are doing what locker for athletes? Yeah. So they take into account what you want to do. You know, what you want to do with your feet and where you were going to be, whether it's running or whatever, and then they match the 40 shoe, match the foot, match the shoe do anyway, long storey short, they can measure your foot and Josh and I had a shoe shop can do that. They can measure your foot and we can end
to understand again, so they can measure your food and you fucking throw me way off.
Basically you want to,
I can get, I get that every fucking shoe shop measures your foot. But these guys have pretty specific, very, very good technology to measure the length of your foot. And we were having an argument the other day about who has a bigger foot.
I said that I had a wider foot, but you were pretty determined that you had a bigger foot as well. Just got a bigger foot. Yeah, length girth, all the all the above. And so anyway, you went and we saw a guy named Nathan, who was working there. Yeah, just throw the camera at him just like yeah, filming him. But Nathan was fully prepared for the daily talk show boys. He just leaned into it. And I was so proud of his trade. It was like it was a Biggest Loser. segment. Yeah, something like a way in. I mean, he gave the opposite reaction of what Mr. 97 would do. If I held a camera and just walked into an athlete's foot and started filming. You'd be like
Anyway, he was like boys, boys. And anyway, we got him to do a full, you know, he sits us down we think about asking saying, Hey, can I film you know, I said, I watched the footage back and I said, All right, we're making a video.
It's not It's not what I think we're making. We're making video. I don't know I might have said is that all right now, by the time he's saying we're making a video.
He was fucking he was in. He was on board. If he if he wasn't on board, I wouldn't have had the call. You know the confidence as I was going to KPI. Anyhow, he set us up. We got our shoes, socks off. He put us on to this place. And then we had to do this step thing we worked at who has a bigger foot. It was you but I still have a wider foot.
So that's good. Yeah, that was what were you 12 1212 video 12 day either one of the two and Josh you were 11
was like 10 weeks.
You attend and 1111 I was a size bigger on my right foot. Yeah, yeah, the Tennessee or something like that. So I'm almost two sizes bigger on one foot to you. Correct me I have one. So we've if you're wanting to the US to close the loop because we said would we do a measurement. So next is a testosterone to do that. Yeah. I was thinking about a three day deal. Need to catch up and see some point. How is he? I mean, I saw he actually re shared something I posted and said he's missing the Australian gronk we should face Tommy. We should get him so tomorrow we're at IU 79. Yeah, burgers. Oh, that's gonna be fun. What's the latest with Hayden the gronk pedants tat Yeah.
The place that height and wanted to do it at we can't do it tomorrow. Yeah. And they suggested next Tuesday, but we're jam packed on Tuesday. Did you ask meetings we've got meetings and podcast back to back Yeah.
The answer and so
I suggested that they could come into the studio and we could do it live but I haven't heard back yet. Okay. I mean, this sounds like there's probably some difficulties around that. You know, like if I don't know what can go health doing nothing that bring this kid Yeah, like they're not gonna do any affordable. I mean, the kids probably just plugging into a PowerPoint. Yeah, you can get portable kids. Sure, but maybe there's a bunch of people that are kitted out to do portable. Yes, that would be good to do portable that I'd be shaking. I'd be spoken to Hayden about it or not. Yeah, he's down to a portable one. Right. I've got I've got a bunch of mites. Just straight.
We'll get y'all
have extra cash. Joel's one of the ones that floats around here.
You know?
Great. Any emails? Yeah, we we got a message from Ryan Spencer. He commented on Tony's video on YouTube. Having had no idea who teli Smith was before the podcast. I have to say that it was really interesting to hear what life is like after
appearing on a reality TV show where you might not be typecast as a hero.
Shaking how you've been pegged doesn't sound easy, but good on F is sticking to a guns and saying no to the rebrand as someone whose family is affected by Alzheimer's and other conditions in the dementia family of diseases. I'm glad to hear that she's raising awareness. That's right. The I also have been getting a bunch of notifications of people with the hoodie. Oh, yeah, they're arriving guys. So if you've ordered them, they're on their way. Or you might have them. Martin just did a great post. Yeah, I put in his in his card for him to never take it off. Yeah. And so he's actually mentioned that on Instagram, so hopefully that comes through. Have you watched yours yet? Since Yes, yeah. I'm so good. When it comes to if I've got single things I need to watch. You gotta. It's all good. It's when it's too many things.
You know, it's not a man. Yeah. And I know if you've watched yours,
Now this is the second one there. You guys can hear me a second one. So we all got to in the end so it's Yeah, I've just been rotating. I mean, I've just got it on yours. Yeah, I've watched I've watched both of mine they holding up well, yeah, I just I just did a cold water wash and that's the thing about this high quality screen print screen printing. I was thinking for the next round of merge what would be great extra expense when are afraid of spending money here? Yes. 01 slash 102 slash 100. So you building it out. It's just like we do 100 run. And so I've seen a few people doing this with emerge right away or something like embroidery would it be? Now these people had them screen printed, okay. BNH rain printings. If you can screen print something that could have been anything that would you have to do a new place or
expensive somehow I've done it
think about think about if you got them down offshore and the person or the printing company that does this so much they've got a fucking kilometre by kilometre square screen printing business now this is the reality over in China is that have like zero, like how many gronk have done this? We're not the first in the world to do it. But you're right, I'd probably rather in broad, because then you could just run through the machine. Yeah, let's say RWW boys, we finally get that perfect. Hi VZ It's a daily talk show. Please send us a mouse heart talk show.com Also, if you're enjoying the podcast, leave a review. And I'm a podcast. Thank you. We mentioned Emma's one the other day. Actually, we got some other nice one got one from America. I saw it from United States. Yeah, we got one from America as well. But there was one standby. Also thank you to Nathan from athletes for listening in good content. Yeah, stuff, boys. That's from the US from the US. One who that is
Does it say AGGDA? There it is. There was a nice one from Emily as well, but I can't bring it up at the moment. Can you say cracking gronk love yeah is the subject cracking content and the best in the charts are reliable goodness. This is why I shouldn't read while he reads it's cracking content and the best chats are live.
Every single day and definitely the best hours of mine. Heavy get it to the charts. I can say how we've been getting into the chats recently 100 in Australia by me so if you do like that little plug, look, I'm not gonna argue the best.
We're in the chat is editorialising the reviews but if you're enjoying the show Place your reviews on Apple podcast is appreciate it can come. Awesome. Well have a good day everyone and we'll say tomorrow. See you guys