#413 – The Bleaching/
- August 3, 2019
It’s happening! After getting a haircut at Kings Domain Barber Shop, we headed across the road to the Joey Scandizzo Salon where Australia’s best colourist, Rachel Vitullo, and Queen Gronk, Gemma Watts join us live to run us through how Mr. 97’s hair will be bleached.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show we discuss:
– Going blonde vs bleaching
– Day 1 bleach vs day 90
– Josh’s hair maintenance questions
– Weird coffee orders
– Interacting with clients
– Mystery shoppers
Massive, Massive thank you to:
Gemma: https://www.instagram.com/gemkwatts
Rachel Vitullo: http://www.rachelvitullo.com.au/
Joey Scandizzo Salon: https://www.instagram.com/joeyscandizzosalon/
Kings Domain Barber Shop: https://www.instagram.com/kingsdomainbarbers
Aaron Chan: https://www.instagram.com/aaronchan_kingsdomain
Indianna from Simply Social MGT: https://www.simplysocialmgt.com.au/
Hayden Dib https://www.instagram.com/haydendib
Karen Tho: https://www.instagram.com/karen.tho
Email us: hi@bigmediacompany.com.au
Send us mail: PO BOX 400, Abbotsford VIC 3067
A conversation sometimes worth recording with mates Tommy Jackett & Josh Janssen. Each weekday, Tommy & Josh chat about life, creativity, business and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and friends of the show! This is The Daily Talk Show.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
It's The Daily Talk Show Episode 413 it's Weekend Banter what's going on guys clap it in. The was
it doesn't sound
like a normal show because we are not in our studio we are right now at Joey scan days Oh, sell on in South era and Mr. 97 he doesn't have a mic. I've got a mic in my hand now
he's shaking. You can't hold him I
had to hold it for where are we might we're getting my hair bleached. This is happening and we do have Queen gronk Here she is she's back Quinn gronk who's by your right
2019 Australian colorist of the year
Oh, this this you're
wondering what was the bomber jacket just now right show you one creative colorist of the 2019 yes it
were in safe hands with you do Mr. 97th bleach job? Is there any difference between going blonde and bleaching? Because we've been like using we've got no
context they are just big babies.
They will shake their
right to almost look like it was a trick question but it is pretty stupid. So yeah. Is there any is there a difference between bleaching and blonde one yes,
there is okay. So depending on
the hair that I'm working with. So if your hair is natural never been coloured before. That is the option of using other things other than bleach to achieve a blonde result. But it all depends on how blonde you want to go. The underlining pigment of your natural colour how light you want to be and result so that's what's going to change between whether we use bleach which is like a lightning powder. Yeah. Which is like the professional way of saying
is it actually panic because I remember my mom used to put a post on my head is different. What she was your mom when
I think in Barrick maybe initially no awards. But yeah, well, is there a difference between the at home bleach that you do and this type of one? Or is it fairly steady in
terms of the way it looks? It looks the same Yeah. But essentially it's a landing pad mixed in with like peroxide to create a paste. But sometimes the cheap
landing pad is Darren perform as well as what professional
Queen gronk. Before we before I give Mason the microphone, I've gone see yourself coding nice and nice in the microphone. Like Who is that? to? To ask questions to come he's anxieties on this whole thing. A little q&a between Rachel and Mr. Nice. Evan, what do you got any questions?
I mean, not really. I just this has been a really good opportunity for me to show how much industry Paul
the guise of being like, you know what I really care about Mr. 97. And I don't want the
reality. It's been me going. Let me make a few calls.
Let's Let's book him into the best sell on in Melbourne instead of Yeah,
I got this. All right,
Mr. Nice. microphone over to you. I know you've been feeling anxious awake has
been meditating. It's all its organised. August and so Pat, you are meditating. Yeah. If you've meditated today, so if he's calmer than what he was at the beginning, to be honest, yeah. Go on. Feel free to catch awesome.
Ya know, so with with waggon a few questions to knock off the difference between the bleach and blonde because the guys were talking. We had Andy from fixed so on the show yesterday. And they were talking about me bleaching my hair. And then I said that we got a lot. Yeah. And I said blonde. Yeah. And so and so what what is the difference between blonde?
Oh, my, well, essentially, bleach is the application like so the actual product that I use, again, result is you being blocked. Okay.
But blonde has a full spectrum of
so many different versions of blonde that you can be okay. What a lot of my clients like to do is leave it in my hands.
Okay. In regard
will be doing ask him questions. He brings up this.
So essentially, you want to make sure that light and to create the perfect blonde is really hard. Yeah. And it all comes down to the client that sits in my chair. So whether or not they've got a pink skin pigment, or yellow skin pigment, where they wear a full coverage foundation, or naughty. Yeah, storey my life, whether or not they wear bright colours or whether they go more neutral tones, if they want low maintenance. Hi, May that sort of thing.
So based on Mr. Nice Evans wardrobe.
timing couldn't be better. The new wardrobe is very neutral. Yes.
Yes. So what would the based on his wardrobe of a khaki green? Or what sort of green? It's a gronk?
Yeah, sure. Yeah.
Well, I can tell that you're you have more of a pink skin. Yeah, actually. Yeah. So essentially, with pink skin pigments, cool tones suit a lot better. Especially with males Cortana is actually compliment a male skin tone a lot more than what warm tones do when you are colouring a guy's hair whether or not it's like keeping it brown or blonde. Keeping it on the call flat tire is just compliment really well. So in what I'm going to try to achieve today is more of that call neutral result.
Okay, perfect. This
is YMM
Yeah, because where you went wrong? It was
yellow is warm. Yeah.
even close to caramel. It was yellow. Slightly yellow. There was no
professional Joe.
Absolutely no rock. I'll bring up.
I was gonna say you're sorry. Fan actually.
Really easy. Yeah.
Well, I mean, it's a hot mess. And so from from colour wise, what are you thinking, Tommy? Oh, man. I mean, it's up to you. I trust you more than anyone in this room when it comes to anything to do with Hey,
you're welcome. So this was this is my
seminar that
is slim, shady.
Much worse. I will change the
colour though. Because it was a lot of gel in the house. So
what happens is when you use like a high shine product, and you take a photo, it reflects more light, which adds into the warm resolve. Sorry,
yeah. Just Just to know what you dealing with missing 97 hair is pretty much bamboo. It's very thick, luscious. He uses coconut oil on the daily
choice of
well, it's it's a it's abundant. It's almost a Wade. Yeah, I mean, this is kind of from a guy who's losing.
So I'm projecting slightly.
So I'm Rachel, I'm happy for you to just
do your thing.
Great. And what do we do from here? What's the next step?
So because you've never covered your head before, that cancels that consultation in that sort of point there. But I always like to under promise and try and overachieved so it's gonna look shit. Yeah. I always just let my client know that I will try my best to get you there. can't make any promises. But, and then also like to let you know that having an unscalable I know you will notice you have a tingling sensation on your scale. Okay. And if at any point, it is too much scream and a meadow come and take it off. But you'll be fine. Like I've done this. And I was actually watching the, your podcast when you're talking about when you were saying that you were coming in and getting head and all of that.
And so, obviously, like, there's a lot of pressure on all of these, but
you were on the podcast, I was saying, I think you guys were saying I wonder when was the last time that I've actually done this on someone actually really comment like I do this a lot. Especially in order guys. I actually did this last week. So it is a long process. Okay, so essentially, I'll put the colour on. And then it may take about an hour to process. Okay, so once it's lifted to the level that I need, we're going to turn it Okay. And then we'll talk about at home care
where you went wrong.
Hair shampoo all the time. Like I actually thought that was the only shampoo you could buy for a while because mom was always buying toner.
She was trying to fix your hair, man. Yeah,
it was a secret. So
yeah. All right, because this is gonna take some time. Yes, we can. We were in a bustling salon. That's it's pretty open so it will be going crazy pretty soon. I think you can take it away. Great, man. So do we just did he can we? Are you ready?
Yeah. Jim. All right.
The Yo, yo, YouTube you did a video? What was it called? belly OSH?
Yes, I think I think at the time we're calling it on Bry but as many GC
is badass, correct or not?
Yeah, I can do home staff because I I don't have virgin hair. And be around with me. I have excellent. Hey, it's important to know your strengths. Yeah.
I feel like you know when you go to I feel like where it kind of showed that will do it from a place. That's one best vanilla slice but also the window Salon of the year. Who would who would haul in the PR Fiverr? For bakery of the Yeah, well, there's got someone out there. Yeah, surely we're travelling with nuts.
Next time we come in, because we were obviously 97 is gonna have to get some touch ups.
Actually, they're gonna love it so much. He's gonna particularly wing
it right? Is it going to get better over time? The microphone nice is rattled. Over time, do you think that this sort of hairstyle gets better like day one versus die? 30 and 60 and 90. what's what's it going to change?
It really depends on what look you're going for. So a lot of my male clients that I've transitioned into an unscalable lot now professional Tams then a bleach and unskilled line and they've actually preferred how it looks in the first week versus 23456 weeks.
But it all depends like if a lot of guys like to have that doc like that natural pop through on the roof for the texture. Yeah. 100% Valley.
This is Adam Levine. I'm trying to I mean that's what I like love that. He looks great. I mean, I put his face on go Mr. Nice Evans face on to
Victoria's Secret model after these. Easy
so we'll get him on the books with a few agencies Vivian's and white so I think because I think there's definitely the opportunity for some form of modelling because it does seem to have the
shake head office during the way so that'd be very came.
I mean, so what will he from a from a hair point of view? I wonder what sort of brands are looking specifically for the What did you call it right? What are the scalp blind? What's the official scalp Laettner on scalp line that which is the only way I refer to it now?
All these kept the hang on Wait, what's that term referring to leaching
on the scalp line?
Okay, I get professional Yeah, it's me it's in a much nicer to Atlanta because it doesn't have it doesn't have undertones of suburban
bleach using the toilet as well. Right. So there's like many uses of bleach.
I just want to tell you a bit of a nightmare storey rights that I've told on this podcast quite a few times. Because it you know it was horrific. When I was young Josh and I we both got tips. Use the skullcap. But then we also I also just got some like for you. Because this is what you did in the 90s. Early 2000s.
When we found out that you could use that we get a look that didn't involve your mom pokey stabbing.
Yeah, but you want the problem. I mean, it still hurts so long.
I said I can't mention my scalp conditions anymore. Anyway,
I am the woman. The woman dropped some bleach on my T shirt and then just wiped it off. Right and I was either going to be okay, she's like, it'll be fine. The next day, my favourite t shirt.
Right and when it's done
so, so watch out for is fast fashion.
Rights might be developed something to count
the curtain or something you said we're not quite a
little more. So you can put one arm out just because I want to know just every few minutes. How you feeling and how you know he's shaking. How are you feeling? How are you feeling? Mr. Nice,
surprisingly, not too bad. I actually thought I was gonna BY morning I was just like leading up to it. But I think with with Gemma pulling some strings it's
Yeah, it's perfect. What about us away helping No.
strings. I just yeah, I mean, one phone call.
Have you thought. I mean, this really makes you think about your visual appearance. You're thinking of self, you're going deep. You're a meditator. Now. I mean, you've been in the game for quite some time. Two days. Three days?
Was today the food meditation did
I that's tomorrow. Tomorrow's the food meditation of peace chocolate. What do
you mean? You thinking about chocolate?
Or you eat chocolate? No, you eat chocolate and you have to be mindful about the sense
but it's you've got to be like thinking because when you learn to meditate, you learn about you know, the sensory
Yeah, it's it's about the sensor is
about being aware of what's happening. Yeah. So sense of self like really identifying as this character with you know, brown hair. She's just an absolute Fox hat. Like are you are you thinking more about how you look like you thinking about your appearance a lot more?
not really. I mean I think about I think about it when it when it gets bad lesson like my hair is like old thinking stuff. I think about my appearance that when it's when I've got like my head is getting long, but other than that, do you think you're a
little bit? Really your backs? Great.
Yeah, look at it now looks really
done an epic job. Yeah.
Yeah. And yeah, so you've because if you haven't watched the video online, you wouldn't know that you've actually you went over to King domains. barbershop and Aaron did a cat he's done a fade which I think is he described it as an optical illusion. And you're not going to be able to see the light. Yeah,
yeah, we're getting a dress in terms you got to fade otherwise known as an optical
Baba well that looks great. I mean, this is the thing like I think that I'll be interested to know the the products and stuff like what is it going to take
God the questions you asked over there dude.
Selfish well that we're all saved myself
out of it because you just asked me it was just like, I just wanted to know like,
what Aaron was saying every three three to four weeks? Yes.
If you want to keep that cut, I'm sure okay, right now Rachel has got a comb she's got a black gloves on very stylish. Any reason why you go black is it just on flake at the moment?
Yes, worked out that's a bad idea. I said then they're really clear.
Yeah, black
looks great. I trust a like an American barbecue place when the brisket
where you spend most of your time that's what your references that I'm seeing thing of like it looks a bit purple. This bleach. Blue. Blue. Oh, wow. Look at that. Little sniff. Oh my god. Um, I mean, I liked it. I liked the smell of being
at your hairdresser.
Yeah, that's so good. I love it. I love it. One of my favourite things is actually getting my hair washed at a salon. I just lie back the massage. Usually I
don't like contact with other humans but you don't
mind go
what's the what's the craziest hair cut you've ever had? Jim Have you ever gone super short or done a perm?
I do all sorts of I've been fully blonde before I am my sort of Mr. Is I grow it really long and then I caught it to sort of you know collarbone length what I really shot painful fringe I found a fringe I think I want to bring the fringe back that bring the lack no no I it looks really good. I did on my end I did see that sort of that sort of thing. So like the happy Yeah, kind of done
that work. Isn't it funny? How
like you finally there was someone around here Yeah.
I need my neck fixed up on my head back over to
get that done. I actually shaved for today I know an artist but it's not about me.
I was gonna wear my tiara and I'm
not your day. Right so how much would someone pay to come and have their hair bleached
scalp in the
yeah by you? What are we working with here?
It's a and really depending on the handling but it can vary from around 300 to 500 well
have you got that
797 97 built
online gaming server when he was a kid made all this money and he's got it stored away so we always you know when the business is going paycheck we deep into
minecraft server business.
Oh, I thought my costume my space coding business with
you really doing that was my first
that's how I first solicited money from people High School.
You would like the Mark Zuckerberg
Yeah, I would just make everyone's my spies pretty full of them.
Did you
remember like having the great thing about my space is it felt like it was more personality driven. You could have your own way you could have your own songs
choosing the song was for a long time I had that I mean, not theme song, but that bit from side. So when people would come on to my
showing the I remembered using the view source feature to be able to see who people's top friends was
I just put on see and then I realised people were doing that because like I'm really good at carding and stuff. And I just put my top friends is all back Britney Spears
Can you say what did you use to do to be able to reveal that Yeah, I wasn't missing 97 is actually getting a paintbrush with the bleach going strategy which
we get Karen in nice and close.
Yeah, so we've got Karen here who's our gimbal weapon
getting clogged and she come on the camera
I'm on the cameras and we've got a full production here we got Hayden Hayden you can then between now
which case which which the nickname for hiding I want to hear
so Hadden's going to be starting to spending some time
Yeah, every young squad God and the new I want to give him his honey honey
Well, I've gone straight to the Jessica Alba movie. No Well
I mean I just need to preface before that he usually refers to himself as the Lebanese Rambo lot of a lot of Lebanese jokes in the office you know coming from him
but so know the the idea of honey was because this morning before we got here I asked if he wanted a coffee and he said he wanted a flat white with honey Who is this guy? And this is at a cafe and so I asked him legitimately is awesome. Is that a street shop like order? Am I gonna ask for honey and they're gonna laugh at me? He said no.
85 year old women
honey in a great I can see maybe or like a breakfast a chai? Chai you'd have some honey. Yeah, it was so it was one of the things when you ask a bunch of PY anyone want to coffee? And then you get the weird orders
as a long black woman I just judge everyone that's
that was
something about
I think if you drink long blacks, you're more likely to be a serial killer or a psychopath. That's why
I got him yesterday and I'm in LA tied because Josh was having one. But honey like I'm a bit worried about that. It seems
me worried I have honey in my
neighbourhood. I mean, just as a nickname. I don't
know if you don't like the nickname honey.
I think this
was I thought organised August wasn't going to be a thing. And I mean to Absolutely.
Look, let's address the elephant in the room actually is not in the room is in buddy a studio in Sydney to JB headquarters for them. All right. Why? Right?
He's getting right behind. organised August. And but I just think like the thing that organised August is it's I think it's a low barrier to entry. Anyone can get involved. Everyone has something that they need to organise. Yeah. And so whether it's the wallet, or whether it's yesterday's one was the taking your phone out of your room. Do you sleep with you find me.
Yeah, but I it's not next to my bed. Where is it in your bed?
No, I put it out of rage. dressing table. Okay, but it's. Yeah, but it's sorry that when my alarm goes off, get up and turn it off. Yeah, I'm like, Well, I'm already out.
You want to put your alarm on for? So if you had to leave the house at seven? What time? Are you putting the alarm on for?
Six? Oh, why is that? Was
that funny?
Is that not legitimate question.
And then we're going to run through your breakfast routine and
working through it.
Because often I don't have to leave the house at seven. Yeah, I know my exercise in the morning.
Because I find interesting, but
quick check in with Mr. 97. He's got a mark in his hand. Yeah, feeling
you look right. It's good. It just, it just feels like there's a bit of paste on my head. I had a moment where I was like,
there is no turning back. Right.
I was thinking that just before
there is not turning back.
You can always change it back to his natural colour
for another 542 I believe my brother when we were kids did that. But he had to die it read before you went to brown or black? Is that the thing?
Well, when I was in high school, and I had a lot of friends that went from blonde or brunette, that was essentially the way to guard. But now with technology of colour, as long as you read a positive pigment, that was last one lightning in your colour, that makes sense. So to me it does. So there's three stages of lightning, really, depending on how doc you are naturally. so in this situation here, the first colour that eat that will appear is red, then it'll go to orange, and then it'll go to yellow interesting. And then we counteract that time once we get it to the lightest level possible. That's the aim of the game today. So essentially, when you're going Dhaka you have to re put those pigments back in in order for it to not look green, or blue or Kak so Kak
like that carry on candlelight.
Kak the colour of sort of sevens top. Yeah,
yeah. So you do have to read put that pigment into your colour when you go back to your neck. But it doesn't necessarily have to be that two stage process like it used to
do you always say we're not doing this? Yes,
I do. Yeah. I cannot stress to you enough how?
I mean, and we're also like, the carpet at the office is going to be fine.
TJ was like Tommy was worried about
like, if we spilled a little bit on the carpet. That's a full
dress. I was in Sydney and I, I had no involvement with, then I am listening. And then oh, we'll have to get Gemma and I think she's in Sydney at the moment. And I'm like, hang on. I didn't put my hand down. Yeah,
we nearly did it in the garage from it with a little
Do we? Do we have to put toner in this no matter? What do you always end by putting toner in a in a scalp lining session?
Not necessarily Really? outlining
what does it mean? Like? Lightning?
You're getting confused between the at the what was the other one? Yeah.
Let's be honest, you mentioned
to just say the F word.
I just woke up this morning. And my first thought was just this is a whole morning of Yeah, well,
looks go. It's not about Josh or me today. It's about Gemma and Rachel.
Yeah. And so um, I believe we
did have a scout related question. But
I mean, right now, you know, the dermatologist. But have you heard of this? And do you know, anything that you can do to help it? Okay. It's sort of like a pimple a thing on you. It's like pimples,
actually, like infection of the scalp surface, dude. So it's not a pimple? You got it?
Yes. It's been on the scalp specifically.
I mean, it's a little bit like that, I
guess. But it's there is some form of element that antibiotics can be helpful. Yeah. Which is
for fun, bacterial,
fungal infection. And I always think I've got a son. He's two and a half years old. He goes to daycare. And I'm a cool dad. I mean, I didn't have to say it because you said it. I didn't hate it. But it was I'm glad you said it before me. Needs lice on. Like, I always think imagine when you deal with hair, right? Like, have you seen them before? Yeah,
yeah. And I've had it multiple times.
The claim of the hand, there is a bit of delay trying to
turn that around to what actually is wipe it off.
Right microphones? We're so sorry.
It's gone. It's gone. It's gone. What are you sniffing it? smelling it to say it? But so you? Have you ever had someone come in and you've just looked at their hair and you've gone are dark?
Yeah. But the hard thing is now we as hairdressers in this industry, we actually can't refuse service. When a person comes. We've had less, can't you Really? So because it's kind of like
you have to charge extra
PlayStation and stop. Really? Yeah. So what we have to do is still complete the service. Let the client know that they've got head last and that it needs to be traded. And then we have to disinfect, disinfect every thing
could you do ever say it up front so that they have their own sort of options. They actually know what
Well, I think a lot of is hot, like you see something wrong like that. And you kind of you feel awkward about bringing it up for them. And so you kind of make it again, it goes back to yourself because you're not wanting to feel when
you try
to not make it like it's an issue because
it's a fucking issue.
Because it's not like someone gets sick from it or anything like that. So we just let them know the correct way to treat it.
I'm saying the colour it's coming out.
GR met with people who is this? I don't want to use the word clueless.
But I wasn't expecting to be able to see I would expect that we would wash it off. And then you
actually see like just brand. No, no, no, no. How about
you think they were washing the brand?
How about we get an update from Rachel.
So when you can say oh, I don't know what you guys can probably say, See rot off his scalp is slightly lighter than what it is on the very end. Yeah, so naturally a head releases a lot of hate. So about that much of the root area will always Lyft further and faster than the hair on the rest of the head. Which is why I like to lighten all the way through on shorter hair. So we are getting really good Lyft but I can tell by Lyft is the colour No. It's licencing really well. It looks like I can tell this is gonna need to process under like Hate Machine
really was a little prompting, you'll come out. Right? You single for a single woman. You know?
How much is how much they like to Tommy.
I'm a married man. With a kid.
It's like,
the only reason he's married with a kid. So we can ask.
No, but if you saw a young strapping man that these kind of Hey, what's your thoughts?
As in like the end result he's gonna have
I mean, say you nail it. And you see him walking down the street you like? Is that Adam? The vein? No, it's just some other guy. But is it appealing? Or is it going to increase? He's sort of it's a peak dating capabilities.
Yeah, hundred percent, I think then Once created this amazing colour. It will as he's walking down the street, a lot of women will be like it in the way he looks. You know, he really tries. Yeah. And I think that's really important because
I think that's a brand value that you stand by 97 which is you do try?
Yeah. So just finishing off. He'll be the guy. I mean, he's young now he's 19 but when he's that 35 year old bloke, he will be the friend to us that has a shit together. Yeah. And it's just taken
over like, superannuation.
That we've set up a bucket. Yeah.
Yeah. It's great. I'm loving saying that the whole process
I you? I mean, this is where we're at like in the daddy said, You have taught you have we've we all know Mr. 97th Top he's gone detail about it. He goes really well. you're forced to do it. We don't need to go there. But, Jim, what do you think?
thoughts on what he said his type was because I feel like he was put on the spot and perhaps he doesn't have a physical type?
Yeah. Well, no, that's what I mean. It was it was it was bullied. And he was just using words. Words. And so what? What's your boyfriend?
Yes, we can. Yes.
Kevin tried he got there. Scotty cam. What colour is his hair?
Lot Brown. light brown. Yes,
he a bloke who takes pride in his visual appearance.
Yes, and not as much as I would like him. It's a real point of contention because he lied to me about using a face scrub that I gave to him and really double down on the lie and then I realised that still had the like, Al foiled CO on SY made
those seals.
That was several months ago now and I'm still not thrilled
to try the hands. A polling you want to feel George's hand my hand like these are the softest baby hands. They haven't
seen I use nothing. But the code. I use no effort to do any hard work.
Yeah, it is interesting, isn't it? I do actually shocked people when I shake their hands out of the softness. I don't know what it really is. But it's
it's lovely. Chris's hands a lack of exfoliating. Mitch.
sexy stuff.
To get this fake tan off my.
Yeah, just get it.
Now, he's a fire minute. Yeah.
There's coming to a place like hair salon, that you need to go through all of the interactions that as humans need to. There's the greeting. Mr. 97 went in for a hug with Rachel. I think
it was the confidence of the camera.
Yeah, yeah. I mean, I did give her a kiss here a guy but it's. But it's something like Rachel Do you think about when you're meeting a new client for the first time how you interact because you are a professional, what's the goal is
always to make sure that the client feels comfortable from the moment they walk in. With our salon, we are sitting at around 29 staff members. So on a day that everyone is all here, walking in for the first time can be really intimidating. So I always make sure that from the moment a client walks in that they feel comfortable and confident in what they're going to have the with the evolution of this industry, it's not necessarily about the end result anymore. It's about creating an experience and having a client have a really amazing service. So that's what we really heavily educate the staff here to make sure that from the moment that client walks into the moment they leave their experiences exactly what they wanted.
I mean, when I walk it when I was walking past I actually thought this was a trophy shop. There's a significant amount of trophies, do they any awards that are specific in the industry that actually awards or measures that sort of stuff? Because to your point, I guess like we're all into the country, what sort of thing? But is there anyone or any awards out there specifically for the experience?
Miss Congeniality is what you're asking?
Well, we do have like a mystery shopper sort of person that comes in around every
three months or so. Undercover Boss. Yeah.
Yes, a man I can pick them out straight away.
What's the science? I really feel like you don't have much mystery. I feel like you'd walk in.
I still fucked up.
Well, majority of the time, the mystery shopper that comes in has more hair experience than the average person so I they always ask the questions that not your average client would say so I can kind of pick up
a mystery shopper I asked whether it's
because you're a dud spa.
like you'd be at you know, it's fine to be cold as a mystery shopper. It's not fun to be called as a spy.
Actually, I remember that one when I was a kid. That was a big sort of job that a lot of people were vying for like when you growing up the idea of being a mystery shop was a huge I mean
when I would have
when I had just finished working in Ray's house and my old boss was like hi your arm I taken you talking to insert name of retailer here and just do a quick mystery shopping between classes. Very easy money.
So Rachel the sort of you know, they come in the experience. The ice breakers Mr. 97 is brought to our show before is a piece of content some icebreaker questions for conversation,
Yeah, what's on your you know, what's the latest Spotify? lyst like, I mean, when you
really liked that I think it's a much better question than What music do you listen to?
Do you have any go to questions Rachel?
I do and but I carry a kind of carry this on through life whenever I meet anyone you My favourite question to ask is
How much do you make
now I've got two questions. One question is if you could live in anywhere in the world where would it be and I like that one. And I always ask Where's your favourite place to holiday and why
Okay, let's role play this take it away right so you're talking to your client base tonight seven
random question if you anywhere in the world where would it be
if he says fucking Melbourne
somewhere maybe like a summer in Spain would be sick have no idea what like some pain Have you been just look seeking photos?
Yeah, and you look at like john Austin and stuff just like where he lives
to rich talking about having a billionaire Yeah, wife's family a billionaire inside. They've got villas. I mean Tommy
living there right now really mixing music publicity. She loved it. It was she got there three days ago. So next
we have made a make that amount.
I am always asked my client, you know, in the consultation, what they do for work. And that always helps me sort of work out what colour do as well, whether they're in corporate whether they can have something high fashion or whether they need something a little bit more natural fashion? Yes, it
may look at us where they could have
any career in the whole world. What would it be like if
the sky was the limit? And you could have any career? What would it be?
I like these questions. The one that I go to is if you had to have one cuisine for the rest of your life,
I can't believe it's food related it can you Gemma.
What would it be? And then once you are Rachel, what would your answer be to that one cuisine for the rest of your life? What would it be?
You're Italian? Yes, I am.
Mr. 97. What is what's what was that a question? What job would you have any job? Any job? No, you can fuck this up royally.
Any job?
Enjoy your new hair?
I don't know I never I always thought I'd have my own like business or something eventually down the line but it's starting to move away towards that just with like the show. I don't know being a producer is pretty sick. Yeah. Being involved in the show is pretty amazing. You
wanted to do marketing and look where you are. Yeah, you're in
Melbourne. So good. Is really
sorry, heavy. I just didn't put it up there because it's just
such a prominent Yeah.
fix it. The blonde is looking beautiful. If you are listening to the audio going
to jump on. Yeah,
absolutely. Karen Feel free to jump in there and get like a nice above shot. Show the people.
I mean, you really the thing is that you realise how full Mr. Nice Evans hair because the way he's headline is is very close to sort of it's on his forehead, which for me, starts a bit further back. Right when it comes to eyebrows. Absolutely not. Do we need to do anything with the eyebrows?
What could we do? What could we do with the eyebrows? TJ Mike if someone Yeah,
I would leave the Browse for a guy. Yeah.
The weirdest thing is like say a person gets like bright pink or green or blue. The weird thing is, is if they match their eyebrows to that colour, it kind of works like it looks natural, but it's not. But the trend for the longest time was to have really blond hair and really dark eyebrows so
it's good gonna have that I've got that yes, he said I'm dying my bead because I'm not doing my hair because it probably what you've done to be
yeah have like a brighter beard so it's gone from dark to light.
Oh, it must be longer than mine Can Can you do mine?
I can colour 100% but I wouldn't.
From the best 2019 colorist of the definitely
oh this is great. Thanks so much
for doing this we know that like early morning especially after a big dive working we really appreciate it. Jim thank you so much for making this up. These are India as well who's done amazing job Yannick to
play social management simply pay on management.
Yeah, you go to podcaster don't you? Report live on Spotify and Spotify Joey's can do sell on Aaron from kings domain. Legends. Everyone's back. Yeah,
getting behind Mr. 97 is one of those things where it's like, if it was to when we do this sort of stuff. I always think how lucky we are that we have Mr. 97, who's a great boy. But the fact is, on Monday or Tuesday night, I literally just did a comment saying if this gets 50 likes Misha 97 is going to play cheese. And he lowball
slot more than 50 it's funny because a lot of people want to get behind these things and see someone do something that they wouldn't normally do. And this is Mr. Nice Evan proud of you met when you start with us. You are a timid little fox. Now you're you're lying. Yeah.
Well, I'm looking forward to after this. I'm gonna go take out the one day X with a 95 mil lens. headshot. Oh, yeah. And,
yeah, I need to teach him how to model.
I got a little
he's a little scared, a little stiff.
And I'm Rachel, you've got a YouTube channel was it?
I do have a YouTube channel called How to hair.
You do stuff on like, loose curls. I was learning about loose curls the other day.
That is my most recent video on my face.
developing just like the hair.
Essentially, I break down hairstyles, so people watching can learn how to do their hair at home.
What's around the hi pony one. We did a master class together. Yeah. And when I they said oh, she's going to teach everyone how to do the perfect hi ponytail. I was like, how are we going to stretch that out into an hour? It's the best thing I've ever seen in my life is all about getting the line rush because Yeah, hi and it gets a little bit chilly to too low and it drags the features down. But if you go is it from the high ponytails cheek brushing
and then it leaves everything What about
Tommy This is the first time he's ever done a man been I it's just at the point where I can
pull it back. But the way to get it to the Yeah, I need to get it cleaned out. I don't I
mean previous to this. The thing is that Tommy has I think I pride him on having really great hair. I've
got few comments in my time.
And so but I think the men bond is a bold I don't think it's like the goat. I mean, a few guys have said to me. No, it's a bit like two years.
Just tell me back off.
But ya know that there's been a few stylish people who have said that I'm trying to find a photo on Instagram what what is it of you with your head? He go see the one that this this Tommy with? he's not he's here.
Yeah. What do you think? a queer fair it where it is now a quick, quick quick quaff. What is it cold?
Anyway, I can Google that. It's, it's a daily talk show. Happy Saturday, everyone. Thanks
for everyone who's in this room right now? Yeah. Absolute ninja on that. On the gimbal the gimbal. And one of the working title Honey,
do I can make a nickname now? Honey,
Lebanese Rambo. You prefer that? I can't remember what I call Jonathan. I call you many. Liberty. Liberty. Warrior.
behind the camera. It's a big operation here.
It's it's thinking a little bit. Yeah. Just. Yeah, it just feels like a few chilies have just been rubbed on.
Your head washed before?
Yeah, yeah,
yes. Yeah. Yeah. Would you not have washed it? Should we've?
We've been on Skype line. I wouldn't recommend having a fresh fresh wash because your cuticle still open.
It will be fun. It'll be fine.
It's fine.
Perfect. It's a
daily talk show. Make sure you check out tomorrow's episode. Because if you see missing it says yes with this on the desk at the daily
log on tomorrow as well. Otherwise, have a great weekend. And we'll see you tomorrow. Say guys