#404 – We Are Hypocrites/
- July 25, 2019
Happy Thursday! Today we talk about our hi@thedailytalkshow email, Josh’s social media antics, and singing the alphabet.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show we discuss:
– Our email hypocrisy
– Last night’s follow for follow
– Mr 97’s new jeans and knitwear
– Finger Foods, Canapes and Hors d’oeuvres
– Could Josh be a boxer?
– Some F4F from our listeners
Tommy going oBike Fishing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xuwl6vKiTLU
Long Black Taste Test with Peter Shepherd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufD8H8aKDvU
Email us: hi@bigmediacompany.com.au
Send us mail: PO BOX 400, Abbotsford VIC 3067
A conversation sometimes worth recording with mates Tommy Jackett & Josh Janssen. Each weekday, Tommy & Josh chat about life, creativity, business and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and friends of the show! This is The Daily Talk Show.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's a daily Talk Show Episode 404. What's happening, guys?
What's going on? It's Thursday
yet Karen's in the building, who did a great stick of video for us? Yeah, she called us a hypocrite. Why hypocrites.
Aaron, you can speak for yourself. I didn't know if this slander that you've been throwing hypocrites. Why we Karen, why are we hypocrites?
Because I assume that you guys were too busy. And then you guys keep saying,
send an email today. The Hawk show? Yeah, we went.
Yeah, we were able to send a mouse and it was down for two weeks. We didn't know. But
But then
I think what Karen's pointing out is then we said, Send us a mouse.
Like, why I have coffee? I have this. Like, do you guys not want to
miss and I said,
perform. So I've gotten very good.
I'm the one who replied to it. So
yeah, you you know what to be honest. You replied. And then all of a sudden Justice Josh and ice on the cat ding dong. And
Karen's coming. So we still need to rock out like we need to work out the calendar situation. Right? But that's okay. Well,
I'm glad that the that we're able to get it worked out in the end. I'm sitting on the bike last night, the gym and just peddling why. And I see some horrendous social media activity coming from one Josh Janssen at Josh Janssen. Yes. I mean you were trying to leverage your own personal account throughout the daily talk show what's the opposite now you're trying to leverage that your personal account I start you're trying to leverage that
got it? Either way, I was trying to deliver to the daily talk show brand for my own benefit
but initially it started because you posted accidentally wasn't it? Yeah.
Yeah, I was doing like a trying to get people to stop to join the gronk squad at the daily talk. show.com and What are you laughing at Mr. Nice
naked TE always just calculus You don't say? What are you laughing at? seed as a prompt
to us? Oh, you see someone laughs Don't say that. What's up?
Not with him.
He's always a bit nervous.
or thinking about the the washing on something's the wash it glow. Last time I asked you why you're laughing You said because some of that washing was brand new and then you worked out at once? Oh, yeah. Anyway, that's why I go down that rabbit hole was gold. And sometimes there's absolutely nothing You know, so I, I did a post it was meant for the data talk show ended up on Josh Janssen. I went to delete it. I was like, I'll just make that the piece of content and then just extend it. Yeah, I mean, it was a
circle. 2014 Josh Janssen content like some of the garbage that was put on your fucking wasteland that was called your Instagram account. I didn't have a theme was horrific.
Karen, do you have like an Instagram theme for your friends for your Instagram account? What is it? How do you describe it?
Um, I try to post like three similar images in a row and the three videos. Really
nice and clean looking.
Yeah, I wish I had a business thought like that. That's some good
thing. What do you think about screen grabs? Would you put a screen grab as an Insta pot post or?
No? Okay. Would that live on Insta storey? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So you just kept trading the storey like a wasteland. Anyway, then you did this follow up Instagram storey, which pays a jog. Appreciate it was in the storey? Not opposed, it would have been?
Well, because I did a comment and said I'm doing FF and I gotta laugh at myself a lot. My life I love it. Like, follow follow my space. It was a big thing follow to follow. And so I was like, Fuck, this could be a good way of just saying how many people engage? Yeah, so I said five minutes for the next five minutes and then follow for following doing follow up and follow up for the next five minutes. And I
watched it knows.
What was it? What is your actual reaction? Is it a little bit like, now it's good content?
I know. You're a jokester, and you think things are funny. And that's why you asked me so nice him was gonna laugh at me. Was that laughing at me then? Just Just right there. No, seriously, we watch it. Yeah, exactly. That's funny. That's how you do it. Anyway. This could be a competition to so I did an Instagram storey that also said, Follow for follow. next five minutes.
Do you think that you're doing that? It feels like sometimes you're almost trying to save me? Oh,
yeah, definitely. I've done a lot. I mean, but then
what you've changed a lot, because if I'd done that, maybe six months ago, you would have just texted me take it down now.
gronk squad. I mean, it's supportive. And we like as a way of supporting you sometimes is to just mock up make a mockery. So I'm happy to be there. I did that right. And I was like, maybe there's a competition here who can get the most follows, so I did the same thing. And then fucking 3d deal comes out. I mean, the only one on the team that isn't looking to leverage anything ever is Mr. 97.
I mean, he doesn't have a personal brand, Mr. Nice. Man early
man. He's got a nickname and he's done a rebrand which we are getting up on social media today. I asked you a taxi last night about 9pm Yep. Can you bring in your three changes of clothes? Yeah,
we sent it to the iMac not actually my phone.
I message to the iMac
but you brought me in anyway.
Yeah did
how did you that's annoying because you've been that's I just said message nation Florida. Blah, blah, blah.
I went straight to the normal phone. That's annoying.
Right? He only I message I wonder how many people the only message they have is to a computer
hates about what's because it's a I only have an email, it doesn't work.
I think what I gotta do is delete your email address in my contact form. Yeah, and so then I'll send you to work at this technical problem which you gotta dealt with email. Well, it's
I think it's like an overseas thing when you're messaging people overseas your friends and family. I message WhatsApp whatever, what's everyone using?
We chat. That's the one that can people actually make purchases on. WeChat can you actually pay people on WeChat Yeah, that's handy.
Cool anyway, so I thought I'd be a bit of do a bit of a competition. I've worked out how many follows
I got so you've already done account I'll do account now. So this worked out what was it initially?
So I got from my into storey follow for follow
up I'm
just looking at the last
1-234-567-8921 22
so I have known all seriousness I made a joke about it because I had made you do some
looking you're looking your section here. I mean, my friends section I mean followers.
Yes. And so what I'm doing is looking at the last one I followed I know that she
seemed to me and says do this person is not following any more from her account. Just so you know. I was I had the fuck do you know that because yeah,
I looked
it up. He looks it up. He looks up this person who should be following me but isn't yes and finds out and comes in and tells me that she follows me. And she follows the show. Isn't that fun? No, it's we
that's why I brought it up to you It's not weird ICJY
this guy works. Now I look like a bitch
and I'm not even that offended by it but I'm curious to know why.
Anyway, come on. Can we get as a snippet? Yeah, definitely.
Taking notes Yeah. But to send to Stacey
now because I think I was always justified. You put me in a position because it is don't you do it you put names to it.
What you do put you into a position your actions, but I like creating storeys. And what is the storey about Stacy June not following Stacy tonight and I used to be at least have a radio show. There is no bad blood. There is nothing
stays right from your end. Yeah, she doesn't follow you bro. Yeah, I know. What's that? I've never said bro before. I like it.
So yeah. and time again. Come on, let's wanna it's easier to find just one person. This is the annoying thing about Follow, follow. Follow follow is people who I click follow and it's like requested and they have
to follow for follow. This was 17 hours ago. That's too long. That's why too long. Now it's long.
How long what's the what's the timeline?
Is it 12345? You didn't follow them back six. You got six.
Now you're making is now the funny thing is you're actually wrong.
Because if I go followers, look from from here, this is what happened. 1-234-567-8910 I didn't follow
my hit because I thought that he was spam.
Oh, no, he's not. He follows de Vela.
Anyway, anyway.
So how many words you don't think that? I don't think that's the right way. The way I counted was the one that was around the 17 hour ago Mark under like recent activity. Yeah. And then just wind up in Canada at six as I said,
but I have so much activity beyond the footnote that this is the problem 18 hours ago. Start from 18 hours ago, please. Okay, so Shannon Wallace. One we don't need a Christie lady.
Laura Jane three. Cole Dawson for Gabrielle bowl five.
Yeah, and I think that that works.
To clear. Well,
that night, you're the gronk that one's name on the show.
Because Alexandra aight Shannon nine
Grice 10 I've had 10 get one more than me cute.
What did you get deal? I only
got four but I got two people. I got two people messaged DM me personally for business proposals.
was a big design company not com.
It's it's the stupid shit that people do on Instagram ones like thank you so, so much for connecting. You mean you go spams? No, it's it's from the Moto
Yeah, when I saying?
saying we really appreciate it. It's like, what do they appreciate? Me? Obviously What? No, this this is my this is my favourite some guy named Henry is this is a longer storey Henry from the motto because if not, I'm not interested. Not Henry is a he's a binary option. Online forex trading guy. Okay. I don't like no. There was a time where I really got into forex. Try
it. I feel like everyone has always got we've got one person. It's not quite a made. It's always like an acquaintance. It's like, you like what software you got there? It's like forex and they like trading. It's like yeah, I don't have to work anymore. I just Click these buttons and I make money. I have no idea what you're talking about for for foreign exchange. Life Changing?
Yeah, just said it the other way. And the guy was telling me he trades character.
If that's I'm telling
Tommy you're going to have the cash to get into it. Anyway away from this. We did. You called me yesterday. And you said we've received a direct message.
Before we get to add direct message. There's a motto I think very quickly what the fuck it will happen with this
workout. How to not bring half baked
This is a meal one's a motto.
It's it's stupid. It's like we will do our best to engage with your post and we expect the same from you.
You get it wrong. You followed them and they followed
you. They followed me. Really?
Yeah. I was I never done almost like a Jules lon five star five star.
Yeah, we did get a damn You're right.
Yeah. And you called me. And would you say
we're going to DM
and then after that?
I called you a lot. Yes. I didn't know. You don't ever do that yet. I did realise I was like, let's, let's finish early today. I'm just cold and cold and cold. And halfway through it like so. I'm your dancer. I was like, it's not really important. I think you're going to leave the office. But then Google mentioned you read a storey you
know you sure waiting? Way mentioned.
Yeah, don't get ahead of yourself.
This is very boring content. Get to the fact in Okay, here we go.
So you say who it's from first. I'll read it. And then also what have you. What do you think? Hi, time. We're a little in love with your coffee video from last week. This is a video of paid a shepherd trying coffee and want to share it as a sponsored post on Instagram and Facebook. Is this something you'd be interested in? If yes, let us know whether you've got a Facebook page and want us to tag you as well. Yeah, 711 Australia.
So 711 is saying the long black taste test video that we did. Where we got a cafe and barista lovely coffee to make us at one and then we got plastic kettle white caps that you couldn't tell which one was which so we had long black from the 711 long black from a nice coffee shop. And we had to see if Peter would be able to tell the difference. Because the whole the whole thinking was look I don't know if a lot of people will be able to tell the difference. $1 is pretty good. It's fucking cheap and quick.
I wonder about that with petrol as well. Whenever I put in like premium petrol I feel like the car runs better.
Yeah, and not to feeling but so you're saying Yeah, the price buying something cheap. Unless you know it's a brand like Gucci or you bought a cheap iPhone, you get an hour to you know, the brand. The brand has enough, you know, but doesn't it? Well look at the waffles as an example
of that we're getting that video at today. Yeah, I'm convinced that those were healthy waffles. Yeah.
then I look at the original handshake,
because you'd had enough of them. So if you think the hard thing about the petrol is, you don't know. It's just the mind. But what I'm saying when you know a brand, and you know what it means and stands for you trust it and then you can buy something cheap. That's when I think the price doesn't really matter.
Because if you buy a Nike t shirt, that T shirts not costing more to make, then like a non branded t shirt or like one that's an equivalent, like a screen printed well i
think the seven lemons coffee is cheap and then people said shit but it's you pay what you get for an expensive inexpensive it is worth is just don't always waste your money on expensive coffee. That's a fucking message to myself. Anyway.
You still doing 711 coffees?
Yeah, I haven't every now and then got one the other morning on the way here on the bus strong and picked up the bus today as well. Now those the other day anyway. I just think though, it's a slight oversight from their social media person because you were trolling you have previously had experience in trolling them. I mean, I got a national TV, did a live segment, trolling them. And they really like, we love it. We want to post it, we want to share it. I'm just and we came back to the idea of course, tagging the day job, which is great. Cover. I mean, paid shepherd. I asked him because he was in the video. Yeah. And he had a good point. What he said what he said, maybe we can ask for some snacks or something from them. I mean, I'm happy to just ask. I've done something that inspires for they do this little tag, whatever. It doesn't really mean much these days. We can hit him up. But what do we hit at? What's the specific arts? Yo, send us some fuckin? Yo, yo, yo, it's been thinking about it. Can you send us a bunch of stuff? My point
is doesn't seem like it's well thought out enough.
My point is, they haven't thought it out enough to because as soon as I work it out that I'm the guy
the sort of course maybe that maybe they love that maybe that's part of the whole thing. She Brian,
you but they should have jumped on it early days. I should have got me testing and like if there was
like, let's talk about the bike stuff for a second. Yeah. So you did a video? Oh, by big sharing, like a bike sharing service.
Is there any o box in Macau? Have you heard it was an eye getting shaking head movement? So I bikes a bike sharing, ride sharing.
It's like city bikes, but rather than it being in the like, run by the local council or whatever. Yeah, it's
like a private company, private company. It's a $4 billion industry. I think it's crumbled. But they had these box absolutely everywhere around Melbourne, you could just lock them, put them on the side of the road. And they were literally getting Lyft absolutely everywhere. And it and it was it was just everyone I just couldn't stop thinking about it and thinking what the fuck were these things in a hurdle, these whispers? And how did you know that? Now we're in the era. And I did see a Twitter post. Some people walking past and our like, Look, there's box in the river. So then I was like, they've got GPS attached to them. I could maybe look and see if they in the era on the app. And then I said where they actually GPS, or
I thought it was that wherever they left them last?
Yeah, I look, I think I think to be honest, it was way they lock them because they are open. So when they when they're when you unlock them with your app, it opens it up and it's turns on your phone's GPS to locate where it is. And then they go to the era next to it locker but it looks like it and so I saw like hundreds of box what it looked like they were in the era. So I was convinced that there was a shitload of these in the era. Okay, yeah, and I don't care. I was convinced that there was shitload in the air. So I ended up with like, maybe a funny video be fishing or bikes out of the Yellow River. I ended up doing that. And I fished out a shitload of them. If anything,
babe, you did but the the I think the other interesting thing is those in a conversation where what was the guy's the marketing managers now?
Yeah, so the your front foot it. The day after he front for that the day after I released that video went viral. They the company paid for a boat to go down the river and fetch all the other. Costa Rica some fracking. It was a private contractor, they would have paid a profit. 2500 bucks. Yeah, 2500 bucks. I fished out about it or something is ridiculous. And they ended up getting in touch with me. And now we're like, I would love you to do some content for us. And so I think it was a young guy, Jeff and Jeff and Swami. I think it was he no longer works there.
Now. I'm predicting that I have an Australian office anymore. Do they know that Dan?
Yeah, I think I think Yeah, they've pulled from Australia, from Australia all over, there's still a few lurking around us did say that.
We were spit balling back there. And this is before we're business partners, but we're talking about how could we leverage this shit. Let's try and maybe if we say, give us 10 grand, and we'll just go to Alice Springs or whatever, ride the bike in all different parts. Yeah, we could make it work. I had an idea of like
a fact it they just appeared. And everyone was offended. They didn't explain what they were, who they were, what they were doing. And they just rocked up and then they're everywhere. It was the idea was like Australia made it back. So it's like the reintroduction. Yeah, this is this is how and then you ride around Australia and shit.
But it's always interesting when you have those viral videos. It's a little bit hard to do stuff with the brand after the fact
well, that kind of morality. I think it was pretty negative because they're Yeah, it's kind of I think they just put their their hand out to go Yeah, I mean it's happening within wider let's get it in touch with this guy. I ended up selling him 50 Oh bike fishing t shirts. Use some of the marketing budget to buy these t shirts and you gave money to charity didn't Yeah, yeah, we gave i think is 1500 bucks or something to charity. Yeah, it was great. So we literally send all the profits from the T shirts. And they bought a badge which is good.
Yesterday you said
I said that the next day then I would wear the juice drink all day.
Have you got it on? Every actually got it on? Oh, never know.
The box. I can open the box. The boxes just over here on Karen's got a hand over.
Okay, perfect another day then. I don't want to want to bring it up now. But nobody says how do you work out which James you're gonna want MH day? Yeah, it's a big deal. Now you got grey pants what's mom wash? Wash? Neither
have to have one of one the jeans for the past three days they say once a month. So how do you decide when to wear the different pants? Well I get up I've got to get another pair of shoes to wear with the other pants look cuz I didn't go knock is I don't really want to rock the general look
the chains in Russia
What's wrong with that? We're saying they want Josh
a six because my back you fucking
know I get it because I get I get soft. I get sore feet and like Achilles problems in my shoes, so
yeah, really, but you're willing to so what are you
gonna do? I'm gonna get done. What volley? Did they still do? Done? What police? Yeah.
Yeah, what are you gonna wear? Uh, there's there's a sort of like Adidas pair of shoes that I was looking at. Get Newsies. Now they look they called gazelles. Oh, yeah.
Is that was that a wrap up? No, no. Just stylish. You? Yeah,
yeah. Good. Yeah. Yeah, so that's sort of like dictating what I wear because I don't have the shoes yet. I'm not wearing the other stuff yet. Hmm.
Karen What do you think of missing 90 sevens New Look what to because he's not on camera. How would you describe his outfit? Right now?
with jeans Yeah.
Shoes Yeah, yeah. A jumper jumper that's pretty spot on.
The jumper is very much um
it's got sort of, is it missing? it? Was this in the needed range?
Yeah, well, cuz I wanted like a heavy knit not like one of the ones in stretches and stuff.
How do you take that niche? Like, where are you putting it in your house?
Well, much I this has been it's just being thrown on the floor.
That question? Yeah.
You're not meant to hang? Yeah,
yes. It was asking.
I was trying to stitch him up. And you just showed the cards do not know that. You're not meant to hang knitwear. Why not?
Because it pulls in stretches,
does it? Yeah. Who told you that? Actually, my brother was shopping. Sam came with me or whatever. And we're in the shop. He's like, never buy knit. If it's on the clothes rack. If it's on the hanger. We went into a store and there was just like knit on all these hangers. Why they doing then
maybe they've created the net that can be hanged.
I don't know is how it was literally like 15 bucks or in it so I don't think that they doing
low quality.
visually show them so they can get them out that
exactly. Yeah. Well, we'll have it on Instagram. Yeah,
yeah. So he's got all these clothes. Yeah. And that was why I messaged his computer.
Didn't get through to him. But fact he's good. He brought it in. And there's three different three different outfits.
So we're going to do a bit of a Mr. 97 look book and we're going to have a little swipe across no shoes, or it just has to have no shoes on.
Yeah, that's okay. We just got socks. You can work borrow my f6 if you do.
The thing is I had some nice new balance sheet.
This is the I know this is this is what I wanted you in the outfit that maybe we could do me. I wanted you. I'm not gonna do any effort. No, no. Let me just go back and finish. Work what you want to say. And when you want to say try this. He tried three times. The reason why Mr. 97 The reason why he was interrupting you was because he was struggling to listen. So stop talking and listen to how I say this. I wanted you in the effort but those who say this isn't me or 97 this is just fine. Not to interrupt. Let me finish. I wanted you in the effort. But how about we get Mr. 97 four swipe across. Three being his last one being the struggle costume from yesterday. Just in the full cameras. I don't need a string. I don't need a string. I just want Velcro jacket and pants.
What about him wearing my outfit to my Saturday's jump?
You wouldn't have watched that in at least six months now.
No, I'm watch it probably once a week. Yeah, I got it. Did you say I bought I'm Oh the other day. I'm actually very good when it comes to cleanliness. I just wear this if you wear stuff a lot, you have to get pretty good at it.
Okay, but can we just get that little cute like you said it's just a little
how we getting people to vote though.
We'll just outfit 123 or four will put a little number on each of the things which one which ones ago
but what happens with the different?
Yeah, first the last number order 4213.
So we're gonna have to now number every night it's easy just to families? I don't know. Yeah,
I've got two jumpers, and then three pans, three
different potential combination.
Now we don't know. You bomb. So you gotta drop one of the pairs of pants. Because if you've only got I know, we can just do the three, three jeans. And you get the double up on the top for one of them. And then the stripper outfit
wouldn't work this. Good.
It's happening any admin 97 what's what's happening on on the internet?
will stick is coming. Greg right there.
Yeah, they're just being all finalised at the moment. So
yeah. And this other stuff. I mean, fact he needs a little bit of prompting. What are
you doing back there? He's
watching. I'm watching because you're about to be you know, we did my stripping. We did this show pretty quickly. So I mean, it's not blind Monday or excuse me?
We we had some good. Yeah, we'll get it like people wanting cameo messages.
Yes. What's the cameo up still?
Well, so I mean, this is coming from YouTube. But Ben mentioned that he was wondering if we could do a cameo with Josh seeing the alphabet song while tickling Tommy's feet.
Yeah, we could do that. Now. I wrote back to him personally. I said everyone's got their price
analysis free at the moment on me. Well, I mean, the only problem is I tried to do the ABC song the other day for boat in fact, in fact, I got to I tried to be clever. And because you know, like at the end of NZ, I tried to say
we know we get we got we. We got it. Yeah.
Because Because what I was doing was in Australia, we say Zed I'm not saying
but Oh, they daycares and toys nowadays, at the end, and z or Zed? Oh,
really? No. Not a good
k l m o p q r s TV.
Well, so where I went wrong was I did a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t us Ed.
Absolutely rattled me as well.
Z I got confused and I
that's good. Zero ZCY.
So we closing we closing the cameo down on
here but what there was another cameo message that came through on the actual app. Yes, yes. Yes. Can you please add music for him?
Yeah, so we we got a we got a message from hype man.
From a man Yeah. Hey,
guys, can you please do a pump up for the deck in a truecar this weekend? $49. bottomless brunch at the deck or you can eat canopies. And bottomless cocktails. Thanks. Also, if you say little pump at the end for no reason. Cheers.
40 guy in the room didn't know what canopies he still doesn't know what to
do. How would you describe tennis? She's laughing but I feel like I think I
don't think I know it's the
right Karen Do you know what Okay, they don't know what kind of Pacer
I don't even know that well, it is like small like
it's like look it up rated to us. But I mean, the fact that you had no idea what living is
it's just it's just like finger food at like parties. definitions. I mean, it's a small prepared and often decorative food consisting of small pieces of bread, puff pastry or crack a top with some savoury I get herbs under
that's how I would not that's that's what I different languages.
It's just a different word.
Order Type of that. Yeah, yeah.
Well, I guess I would always go finger food over canonise
Oh, that's what my point. If you listened the most fashionable guy in the room doesn't know what kind of raises the point being that he's the fashionable guy that goes to fucking high end events.
finger food
Yeah, yeah.
Cuz canopies do have that like
he's been on fucking nice area. around his neighbourhood. Yeah,
but I think kind of pies are actually there's a few things that rich people have wrong. What is it? I think kind of pays is one of them. It's just like to it's it's getting smaller and more decorative food isn't decorative. Let's stop trading food
is decoration. You should start trading for life.
Not interested. I'm not interested. Like, even the way that it sounds pathetic. What is a little cracker?
Yeah, did they use that word on top of a little cracker or a piece of bread? Should we have canopies tomorrow for
where would we get it? Would we make them ourselves not
just make it canopies.
Fat Friday
I actually love chase I could be so I'm Amy did a amazing cheese spread grazing table they call us experience the grazing table Mr my seven dope. I love I love this man inside on YouTube every wash Yeah, geez. So she she made I and I I just came and sister and was taking all the rubbish and shit and she was just having a great time being creative. And she made this amazing. grazing table for 60 people. The thing with a grazing table for 60 people have ever guessed how much to spend to cover like a nice table the size of our podcast desk here 2500 bucks on not that much like 600 bucks. It's still a blow to cash. So much money.
I mean cheese is expensive. Yeah.
She went to there was a for Margaret.
She's from Amash there Hi. French,
French French imagine some Tareq lady from dropping a tractor. Would you got enough for my right?
Why does he driving a truck? Yeah,
to fuck you guys. I hope it was just over your head to write tractors. Land Rover,
you didn't say that. You didn't say? tractors? You said they did say
he did. You guys need to listen. I
was just thinking
too fast. Because Mike Tyson's
a boxer. Yeah.
He's a boxer.
Yeah, he's a boxer who says that he can't fight anymore. He doesn't train because it brings out he's eager. Mike Tyson. Yeah.
Yeah, one of the best heavyweight boxes
ever. Like a butterfly swim like a big guy. No.
No, Mike Tyson.
Mike Tyson's trying guy. No, no, he's a fire. know who he is. Now. He's the one that was in a movie and he's got to tell you what, he's
he's got the lift. Yes, yeah. Yeah. Was that from fighting? sting? Like be
nice, just as that. It's probably very, very fucking hard life. No,
yeah, he has a list now.
It's just had a hard life. It's very, it's crazy. You should listen to him and Joe Rogan. Phenomenal just his upbringing, like just his trainer. custom order he just used to just like, but he basically bred him to be an animal. When he was 16 1718 and he just just angry UCY was the best boxer.
He won. He won the heavyweight title at 20 years old. It's That's crazy.
I was gonna say fat but
better being heavy might be over 98 kilos or 100 kilos probably over 100 to be heavy right now. Maybe? Alright, yeah, it's just class division. What? How much is it?
98 9020 Yeah, there's like 110
would be mid white.
It's super heavyweight, lightweight,
welterweight middle, the middle whitelist middle heavyweight as well. So you're asking where you fall into your well I'm a heavy
weight right now. But I'd like to I'm trying to work out what I need to lose here to meet
and Eric is 70 Oh, Hang on. Hang on middle middle middle whites is 72 and a half
72 and a half to watch.
7676 is West super middleweight.
Back in 88 or something?
If you're it, you're in a different light heavyweight. Okay.
Think about boxing for a moment.
I'm just trying to work out where I fit in the whole thing. In the boxing world. Yes,
you don't fit in.
My son's gonna be running back to your emails and we'll be including them on the show. Has anyone actually emailed that you want to mention on the show? I think Dylan synchronised one deal.
Yeah. Yeah, no deal. Deal still. I'm still listening down in Ireland taping down well up. Wherever.
Yeah, I just said Wayne or I just said
over in around the world Ireland. No, he actually set up his own milkshake from gronk he's got that setup. So that was, that was cool. But he's he's on episode 365. He's just smashing through them trying to catch up what and then which is epic?
It's great hearing from people like him. Yeah,
well, deal takes photos. Follow him on Insta
follow for follow up.
With following
programme will you do follow for follow
the content.
com p it's your strategy for follow. Follow follow
follow potential follow from what's your Instagram account?
I'm just Karen dot
dot RTHO. Yeah, right. Gotta
be contents good. Remember, three photos? three videos can be consistent guys. If you enjoyed the show, take a screen grab Sharon on Instagram storeys. Yeah, hi, the daily talk show.com if you want to send us an email
and honestly follow us on Instagram, as in the daily talk show.
Yes. I didn't care about mine. I'd rather else I'm feel exactly the same way. I'm actually thinking.
All right. Let me get into that talk show. We'll see you fat Fridays for some very special food which will be