#351 – It’s A Gronk Life/
- May 21, 2019
It’s Tuesday and we decided to look up the very first website Tommy visited as a kid. We hear all about how Mr. 97’s Mum trolls him about dating, Josh’s biggest phobia, and we set off the challenge to find Tommy sh*t-talking AirPods on the show.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show we discuss:
Mr. 97’s Mum’s dating troll
Tommy’s neighbour’s cat
The Internet early days
How we fall asleep
Josh’s fear of cleaning
Josh’s rebrand process
Watch Josh try to look after Bodhi for a day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPD3AX-9l1M
Watch today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show podcast at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB4wyo6uiI8
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A conversation sometimes worth recording with mates Tommy Jackett & Josh Janssen. Each weekday, Tommy & Josh chat about life, creativity, business and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and friends of the show! This is The Daily Talk Show.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 351. What's going on guys? You might be watching this on Instagram Live 3d deals, doing a bit of testing, sending out a little fade.
Just for fun. Yeah,
you bit nervous because the live audience I'm feeling okay.
Are you feeling okay? You sound a little bit cocky. Oh, yeah.
I mean, I just spoke to George land. He's been wiped out with a cold. We saw Jay mula. On Friday. He went up to Sydney was meant to go to the podcast awards. Yeah. Yeah, everyone's getting taken down. You know where I got this from Dylan's nuts.
You be saying this has been unsalted nuts. In the office? Yeah, I haven't been having any of the unsalted nuts because they're calorically dense. All right, mate. But what did you eat on the weekend?
Do you want me to describe it?
Because I'm happy to
but my theory is so three the deals been sick. And we were sharing nuts. I don't know how Mr. 97. He's got a strong immune system. He drinks green smoothies every morning, but we were sharing nuts. And so I know, Dylan's been, you know, wiping his nose doing what you got to do when you get a bit of a cold. And I just think I got it from his nuts.
Maybe. I mean, you also just want to say He's nuts, which I
I wanted to mention the fact that Mr. 97 told us that his mom was trolling him about the hashtag with a little bit of prompting. Yeah,
what did you What did she say? What did I do first if you if you need to be brought up to speed on with a little bit of prompting you is Friday's episode name. And it came from Mr. 97. Reaching out to a girl and he went on a date with an opening with with a little bit of prompting. And then he got into his message, which means nothing. Yeah.
Means Yeah. And so what did you what was the advice that you mom gave?
She or she she came in? And she was just like, I was listening to
the Friday's episode or whatever it was. And yeah,
she was she was just like, you could have even asked me before that I would have said that. Have you ever asked your mom for love advice? No. Okay, Bobby, a good idea that I think it doesn't
know I think start somewhere.
Did you ever get advice from your mom?
Other than from my mother just being a great woman and learning, learning what a great woman is and understanding how to treat a woman. Other than that, no, not specific large eyes or birds and the bees chats any of that stuff. Yeah. I mean, I was on the internet pretty young. Learning learning about anatomy.
Do you remember like when was German the
early internet experiences? six.com
so curious. So cute. I remember being at the women news agencies
on six.com. Now it eyes. I don't
even want to look at it. I don't watch points. I can't even I can't look at it. Because you know,
we have to shout out a few people. Okay. Yeah. I don't know the exact people's names because I'm not super familiar. But we got Zahra McDonald, baby. From shameless show. She says I waved at her but she said a wave doesn't count. So is this is a shout out from a true Canadian Can I can I just can I just as well as Michelle Andrews. Yes. We're gonna shout out Michelle Andrews, shout out and ru ru Said. Can you always go live? Yeah,
well, we are very, very
good way late into the chat about what we're going to be doing.
Can I just say, you've got to listen to the latest episode of shameless because Zahra and Michelle talk about the awkward experiences they had. While in Sydney. Yes. And I couldn't stop smiling at four one Zara's approaching of Zoe foster Blake. Yeah, that when and also, Michelle being so puffed out when she went on stage to the award, but actually had to last night go and watch the video like the video because I recorded the event. Okay, yeah, and you can hear Michelle doing puffy. But they did very good, but it wasn't actually what they said in regards to they came across Well,
it's always how you feel in your head when shits going on. You know, when you're a bit nervous in a conversation. And you feel like if you've either been talking too much, and then you realize you knew then take a breath. It's never as awkward as what it feels in your head sometimes.
Maybe for you. We actually we got a review from someone from New Zealand. Instant lover 47. Yay is the username
when we when At what point do you assign your username is mine.
I think mine is just my name. Well, so you can set it up. If you've never left a review before. Yeah, once you put the review in it says what name do you want to put down? Yeah, the thing is, everything is taken for whatever reason. And so people will have the most obscure names Bry for instance, she left a review on Josh speaking back in the day, but I didn't want people to know that it was her leaving the review. Yeah. And we didn't realize this until she left a review that was meant to be from her on our apple podcast and it came through as Timmy oh nine. Yeah. That was what she was going
to know that you know my username because it's just Tommy jacket. I left a review on our own podcast.
Slightly embarrassing.
People that wouldn't come up in some lover 47 yay. said I've been listening to this podcast religiously ever since it was recommended by Michelle and Zara from shameless. I absolutely love the podcast, especially the Banta inspiring guests fat Fridays Mr. 97th love life and three day deal Tommy and Josh a to gronk definitely worth listening to hashtag gronk squad Fuck Yeah.
Good is that that's a nice three day deal you have you got to mention my
Yeah, I'm happy for that. And you know, before before you wrap up the livestream, any final words? We got Joshua Atkinson. Join Rosie Kate. My sister actually joined in
fact he Joanne
Michelle Andrews and Zahra McDonald shameless seems very happy that they finally got a message Okay, so far late. So we hope we hope that they are now happy in the piece.
Okay, great. Thank you Threadneedle. You can end that but we can you can do Insta stories. You? Yeah, that's sort of where
we're gonna cut this off.
Very good way here. Never again.
Oh, I just thought he just gonna go for the whole entire show. I like it. Yeah,
so what's what's going on? Yeah.
of the coconut crew. The town getting? Know I am. To be honest, a bit fucking pissed off at my neighbor. Why? What's something I didn't get? I mean, it doesn't get pissed off it. Would you get pissed off? It seems related. Now this is the same night but you know how was like gronk upstairs? No giving a fuck about what goes in what been leaving been leaving? Like bags of rubbish next to the been like it's just total gronk behavior.
Is it the same ones that you heard having sex?
same month? Okay. I mean, I've given them a bad rap, but they do nothing to give themselves a good rap. But
is that I don't know if that's a bad like, is there?
No, no, no. Just noisy? Show? Have you fun?
Did you feel Do you feel a little bit not jealous? That's not the right word. But you have these people upstairs that are fucking not doing their rabbit. They're just like they're living your best life. I
know, it's a real just, it's a it's a gronk life.
gronk live because it's
it is a reality show.
You know that putting shit next to the bean isn't the right thing to do you do it anyway. This
is just a gronk life is just a feeling.
You know, just real just driven by the senses. I think we all striving to not do that. To not be taken over by the senses. To not just you know, voices All right. Great. I'm not saying that sex is bad.
You wouldn't even let us go to sex. com. I just
did I didn't you do it on your computer, man.
I'm just I'm actually curious. My guess is that this story, so
I'll get back. I'll get back to the neighbors and when I got my to land. No, no, no, no, they're
gonna feel like a child again. So the way I discovered what this was, you know, we missed the noise when we grew up where there was a time there was no internet. And so there was 56 k modems, which was do the sound effects. Oh my god.
So I seen porn. I haven't seen porn in fucking months. Yeah.
So sex calm.
Was it enemy to the left? Yeah,
it was it is an ad.
Was it real people?
Yes. Changes isn't funny. Like, yeah. So what can I say that you're saying something?
The first time I discovered me saying news agents, news agencies that were like, did you go in and just like browse the sections and look at the magazines. And like I was willing to comment as a dad was huge. And dad to his. He recently sold a stack of magazines like 1500 bucks, which says how many magazines he had? Because I don't go for much money on like, secondhand mark or so he had a big stack and he and he said yeah, well
he just had like he would buy like four mags I reckon away. Yeah. And so he had all the really old ones. So it's like cigarette companies, advertising,
advertising and all that sort of stuff. Mr. Nice having any find out how much six.com is worth or sold for last time. Anyway, I was reading through this internet magazine because my major just got 56 k modem and do the noise. What's the noise?
Now that's what is that? That was that was not it.
Anyway, that was the sound of the the toilet at our office.
Netscape Navigator was the I think it was the browser or it was the internet then. Was it even too early for you? Yeah.
Well, so I remember Netscape, which is a browser. Yeah,
Netscape was a browser. I think
the schools that's what like my school had I remember, we had Netscape. But there was this free ISP that we were with where you only paid for the for the I think it was like the phone like connection or whatever. But the actual internet was free. It was a browser that had ads all over I interesting
now that I don't even remember that. No, no, this guy was paying. Definitely. It was a family that had three three kids. That was sort of like, I guess more like it was That was great. Really? Not even
technology. Yeah, yeah. No logically rich. Yeah. Yeah.
Or just had an emphasis on, you know, needing it for their family anyway. Well, you got on it. I found this magazine that the shop was a computer magazine. And I saw six.com was a website. I had no idea what six.com was. And so we went there.
It was not anywhere near
that sort of the severity, I wouldn't have loaded that quickly. And that's for sure. You remember, like, waiting for something to load night? Just like all the good bits near the end. So
did you find an answer? 11 and a half million just for the domain? Yeah.
Not including the hosting.
Bandwidth would be a bit on there. Yeah. Do you remember what sites like outside of pornography? Yeah, that you would constantly go to when you're a kid? Ah,
no much. Really? Outside of phone? No, there was like, a beam world which I've spoken about before. I think it's still there. It's a mix of like, you can play flash games. I used to be able to play games within the browser. I could watch. It was like, you know, fight videos or like stunts, you know, used to be big into jackass and those kind of things. So it just had this. This mix of just porn and nasty.
Was the Irish trashes that like it was
bad these it was bad. I mean, still makes up a huge percentage of the internet. Pornography because it was like,
mixing there's also like, they call them like bumfights. I think homeless people finding which like nowadays, yeah,
there's not okay. Yeah, I frequent that rotten calm. Other than that I was on the messenger services. MSN I started on
Yeah. I think you did. Yeah.
The same family. The same family they've gone
into it. I looked at the older brother got us into ice cube. The weird thing was I was talking to people I didn't know that's the whole thing chat rooms and stuff. That was sort of the the early days before we saw the full impact. Did you did you ever get into the peer to peer like Napster Limelight because you mean get into the thievery which is downloading shit from the internet.
I was into Napster and then Livewire
I remember just downloading like it was like parodies and stuff. Yeah. Weird Al Yankovic, for whatever reason had a big sort of play,
jackass. Huge, old, old fighting UFC, like the first pride fighting, which is before the UFC and bunch of all this random shit. Yeah, but anyway, my name is the ones that live in that gronk life. They
talked about the internet stuff,
they have a cat. And my first thought goes to you can't have a cat. It's a rental.
But also
I lived in the same apartment that I did. We just moved into
kind of a gap. There were different a type of person that's a little bit looser. Yeah,
definitely. And it's the ones that leave shit next to the bins and fuck all night. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. It's them. They
utilize a cat as well. It sounds like he's a cat.
I'm allergic to cats. I don't know if you are you really I'm 100% legit. I'm allergic to fucking staff ease now. I go to my brother's place. I've taken steps to tell fast.
It's so annoying big fucking baggy
night. I'm not the one who doesn't leave home because me iPods air pods are charged and a light to light to our morning meeting working by the way.
That's good to have it upon my upbringing that you'd like to bring that up to? You said you know how much TJ used to troll me about my inbox before he
got a pause now what would I tell you?
Man they sound dumb. No. Damn, I cannot
remember. I think we've actually got 97 we don't have
we definitely don't know if I can find audio. I'm in debt to you because
if we can find a bit if
you saying something derogatory towards me and my air pods yet what will you have at this? You need to claim my hip hop for the technique that I use. Not a chance that's full on what's what's the what do we think? What is the thing then? What will you do to give some steaks?
Osaka one of them
I don't know if I've said it This is why I'm pretty talking about the airport.
I'm pretty confident that I haven't said that those stupid The only thing I think they're stupid and I think mine are too is when there's wind
you may as well unplug them speak and focus so that's not but if you've said anything negative about me with airports, you're going to suck one of the airplanes.
Okay What about I think it has to be you said that I would give you shit about a pot that is just saying that I didn't like it. It's not about you because if you wear them I can't I could imagine giving you shit if like we give conspiracy Jimmy shit he always is he headphones in anyone who's just standing there having a conversation.
backpedaling now which is fine now
I find it find it let's have the discussion once we
say anything else about this neighbors with the cat
I said the Cat thing right? at night. All I can hear I'm just positioning. All I hear is this
soundtrack Don't ever do sound effects again. It was it's
all it sounds like they're they're an evening family.
Well, this evening extends from 8pm out to 1130 playing so this is what I have determine the sound to me. The last bit that I did, which was was the cat running? Yes. The first bit is them throwing some little Dumbo so like they throw away this bowl it goes don't believe something nice about it. Is there something you should be like? Nice about having that noise on repeat for hours. At night time? I don't think it bothers me we have a sound that comes from our
for whatever reason, our like bedhead is right against the wall where there is like industrial plumbing for the and so it's like just like it's really loud. See I
I can sleep with things like washing machines, dryers things that like taps so many areas shower like I think these sounds like so used
to us struggling to sleep based on the cat sounds
there has been a couple of nights where I've struggled based on this sound just being on repeat. And it just pulling my attention I can do some work on
spending how much time on meditating. You
know, I've some of the times I've actually put the meditation back on take my focus away,
because very low level,
but I had a guy in my an old apartment in St Kilda and he would tap he would be on a chair. And he would just tap for so long. He must have been watching Telly. And we started getting broomsticks. Tap, Tap, tap and having back he did stop it a bit. But I don't know if he's he's probably just thinking what are these annoying? gronk downstairs? It's so interesting. He doesn't know what he's doing. I think we're just because I'm a big baby
about a lot of thing. Yeah. No doubt. But I don't think that the the into your sound stuff doesn't but like we get a whistling sound from like the the wind. We have the tram going by. Yeah, we have gronk. Who? At the across the road at the brewery? Yeah,
you do go to sleep with some audio book on every single knife. I mean, I went over to the three day deals place the other day, and I got there. And you just been he got up and I hear this noise with the fact that noise. And I said deal. What's that noise? What do you say?
Sleeping sounds
he sleeps with like, white noise.
It's like a white noise.
Which is great. Like why all sounds a lot for the thing.
All night.
It's something to it's the alpha waves. Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
alpha alpha, alpha waves.
And they definitely competitor has something to do with like brain waves and other other noise waves you can do to make you relax, and you think it helps you three days. Oh man,
I fall asleep in like five minutes. And I stay asleep. That's the thing. I don't wake up in the middle of the night.
Brain. I were actually listening to a podcast last night. And she turned it off based on I'm enjoying this so much. And I can't like go to sleep. So let's keep it for tonight. And she even called me on my way to work. Yeah. specifically saying Jesus, I'm looking forward to listening to the rest tonight. Yeah,
it was always today's episode wasn't
knowing quite well that I would potentially be listening already. I'm the kind of guy that if I find a new Netflix series that we both like,
I might skip ahead and change it. That's it.
If you've committed with your partner,
I mean I haven't committed Well, that's the thing. Like if you don't, if you don't specifically say are where we're watching this together, if
it's not said it's not a problem
yet, but specifically Bray with this, it's very clear that this is something we're going to listen to the 97
probably not a principle to adapt if you are starting to adopt in the dating environments. Also like dropping the bit of prompting. Don't if you are watching something on Netflix, maybe just don't skip ahead just watch or if you do skip ahead. Don't say you
like to watch this show. You haven't lie about it. Don't say the lie. Haven't seen it just a short. That'd be great.
You have to be a little bit of
a deal with that noise and no, you can't above you throwing. Yeah,
that would piss me right. Yeah.
Mr. 97. Yeah.
So there's three of us. What do you think? What about like living, say New York
or live anywhere in the world? Yeah.
How many more sounds would there be? Yeah,
but I think
so. I think there is the because you've created a story based on it's the cat and all that. Which I actually think
you're annoying
traffic outside. Sure.
Sounds of that nature like wind and shit show. But imagine the guy out front. Boop, boop,
boop baby for an hour, you'd fucking hate it. There was no doubt you'd be like, What the fuck, I think a horn.
That's not that doesn't fit into the urban sound effects. That it goes outside of urban sound effects, which might be every now and then maybe
when we were in New York, if anyone walked on the stairs would be able to hear it
in our apartment, but what I'm saying is there's the frequency of the urban sound effect. You know, we've been a soundboard. You know what's on there? I'm saying things that go outside of that, I think
would annoy you. Do you think potentially like if body cries could they hear body crying?
I mean this because I do think about this I go, I really want to say something or I want to focus that not even I'm like, only can lose it. The one the one thing going for us is we have double guys windows. You can hardly hear shit from outside. You literally cannot hear anything outside. We're in a big lie. It's a concrete apartment building. So we've got double guys so we can hardly hear any outside noise which means the sound of body traveling outside so why can hear so you couldn't hear? We're hearing pressure from above us. Yeah. So we they can't hear us stepping because we're not above them. And they are at the top so it's not I didn't hear anything when I used to live in that same you know, apartment block and I couldn't hear anything from downstairs. Yeah. So anyway, it's just, it's one of those things you battle with.
You're gonna be like,
Well, I'm not gonna be okay if I have to fucking suck your airport.
Which I think you probably will. Yeah,
well, I think I think he misrepresented me. I think to find me and what will you do? If you if you don't find that's a good that's a good point. There has to be repercussions. What we do we suck one. Yeah,
I mean, I suck my episodes already.
Mine. Can I say yours? Brother? I don't have an army. Okay. How clean Do you know that clean? Because I'm prepping. prepping for this moment. So if I haven't across all episodes said anything that I
could do I could definitely it's sort of I feel like there's certain things that are like I've got a higher tolerance to I think although yoga or the texture of yoga, it's been annoying me
and you can deal you might notice that no bench top will ever be walked around here and tell him why
because I don't like sponges. He doesn't like spiders.
No, I just want to cloth
anything that like could if I smell my hands I can smell anything. I hate the smell of fridges. That one doesn't smell though.
What do you mean the smell of fridges? What does that mean?
Well that's what that's my biggest issue with leftovers has been previously and alive. Thinking that it smells like like a fridge Here we go. Ready? Are these are used before
Yeah, these are fresh out there.
So I don't mind no so this is fine. I can you can see a deal with
me so you get it
fresh out the packet is that freshers that dirty oh that's dirty that one okay touch that way so that's
dirty freaks me out a little bit at the very me just smell it you holding
What about I know I was hoping you got the cotton one that your auntie You got it? Yeah, so I made we made a video ages ago was about Josh becoming buddies dad for the day. And we thought it'd be funny just to give Josh the responsibility of looking after body changes nappy taking him
out I put the link in our China
it's actually one of the most viewed outside of my very popular ones up there with factors the problem is my youtube channel I've got 200 views or I've got fucking 70,000 there's no time in between Gaza struggling so there's a and there's very little on that end, but it's people loved it. And you know, but he was eating in got shit all over the ground. Pumpkin all Africa and I threw him this damp cloth. Yeah, well
I just think it was that crew promotional Yeah, right. Yeah,
I just think that the
bits of food that freaks me out like stuff like
that. Does it mean you actually do any cleaning? like yeah,
so I'll do like I'll put the knives and forks and plates and stuff into the dishwasher. And I'll take it out of the dishwasher. But I just have issues with just yeah when you get like
have you ever clean the toilet? When was the last time you clean the toilet like when was the last time you go to scrub the Danny about I'm very I think what we don't have
that answer the question no I'm this is I do it every day.
I sort of just had that wasn't expected
now well as in as in I am very conscientious of always sort of like keeping the toilet pristine wasn't always to use the the toilet brush
yeah I appreciate I appreciate that definitely you know I'm saying when have you applied a bit of chemical to the Danny and gave it a good ones over
yet not for a very long how
many just Tommy three times in your life?
maybe that's something I could take over
to you Mr. Nice seven
eight legs at home that
occasion I probably done it once.
About you three to do back home i'd clean the toilet at the house that I live that for school once a week and then when I'm at home typically once a week.
That's good Sundays. Yeah, this is great. Yeah, what about you How often?
Once a month I mean the thing is, I Yeah, actually I clean the boss I mean I'm he runs a pretty strict
Bry doesn't rain, rain doesn't stop weekly Bry that stuff.
But there are certain things in
his bathroom is spotless.
So the one thing that annoys Bry is that I always for whatever reason my shaving routine is just out of whack with braise claiming like cyber claim and then shy but not which is always
Mr. Nice even shaving routines is when you have to get rid of it and it can cause a bit of issues within relationships it's been me and I've had so many arguments because he just try and get it all outside yeah you gotta do all that I had to shave my back outside I was like a fucking the 80
Yeah, if it gets windy but you're complaining about the neighbors they're probably getting no no.
My parents flies and then that just blows away.
People can still get patches the daily talk show on on patches. These are high quality yet embroidered patches. But we are closing the competition's doors of matches
what what date Mr. Nice Avenue a closing this Friday this week. So the 25th 24th 24th 24th
I will say leaving a review sending us a screenshot of it and letting us know that you've done that is much appreciated. We got one from Amen. Title hashtag gronk squad loving the podcast really do have a gronk squad now three dealers joined the team just two comments not sure about Tommy's man band.
Why? Why are you wearing Yeah, well I thought it did you notice that I didn't say I think one of the things I don't think you give me enough credit for how much I don't tell you about stuff. But you do
you do tell me a lot pick me up on things I don't say wrong. I
wish we had a camera
that was great night. I will
I will pass you is such a fully right.
Literally, I didn't I didn't I didn't have it here today so I couldn't tie that. I might have to borrow another three day deal. So I'm rocking that mullet baby. He says fuck you tell me and I don't think Episode 14 should ever be mentioned again. Hashtag disturbing PS love the guests great to listen to local talent making good Keep up the good work
thank you and also Kathleen in the instant dams she said really enjoyed listening to the ground up Show Episode Tommy great listener super interesting started meditating this year. Yeah, it's fucking hard hopefully you get Matt back on with you guys soon. Looking forward to yours Josh
thanks Kathleen. It was a really annoying about that is that he launches a podcast after mine is with Manny man, our roommate roommates. He is the boss so
I think it's fine. I think he's got he's mates who are just doing sort of
gronk gronk squad from Australia representing Yeah, yeah.
Diversity. We are gronk which is a our brains
right Josh will be on the ground up show to in the coming months. Yeah,
few next few weeks, which is a month to really hedging your bets. This is coming out but she may be depending on what. Search
the ground app show Josh Janssen if it's not there yet, the one by himself? Yes, I went a bit premature. That's fun.
It's a daily talk show hybrid le talk show.com is the email address if you want to send us an email Guys, do you have anything admin minute? We just got a message from Russ Kay's has just
had a rebrand hashtag winter styles are they just jumpers with the brand new and I think you need to you can't it's too cold. Yeah,
I'm just trying to meet because I was wearing the each pig jumper. I go through stages of wearing something too many times. And then I has to have a little bit of rest. Yeah, so each pig is currently being rested. Yeah. And I'm wearing some my other ones. Oh, actually, we also got a message from Sean. Yeah, Sean. Yeah. Do you guys have an episode where Josh talks about the whole process for his rebrand? I'm a similar way and would like to hear how he did it. So what you're referring to is the cool rebrand. Yes. So I used to be 122 I reckon the thing is that it happened over so many years. Yeah. So I was 120 kilos in 2011. And then what has worked for me has just been gradually over a number of years. Yep. Just losing like focusing on it at the fucking weekly level of like, how am I doing this week? But then also part of it I think for the rebrand stuff is it's like buying nice clothes, you know, like that, because it was the thing is like, I would just wear real cheap shit. Yeah, and I'll get it real fucking big. And then the only way was bigger, right? Because I was just like, I'm just like, I can fit into these things. where it's like, when you start looking at it, I want to start wearing nicer clothes. I want to like go with pant sizes and stuff. I want to be able to fit pants.
I think you should make a video about us.
me just about your rebrand, physical rebrand. And also, yeah, I guess. This episode, we talked about the different types of rebrand. So there's like the internal rebrand the physical rebrand. Some can be done overnight. Others take a little bit longer. But Craig hoppers podcast, he talks about a lot to do with that mindset, training and all that stuff. So I think that that's helpful, but I want to say a video of you. So we can see that kid that was 120. I mean, wasn't the kid I think that longer, right? Yeah,
I think the other thing too, is it's like, it doesn't have to be ridiculous. I think it's about like, what is it every day that you can do? And for me, it's like walking. And I've had so many people say like, men, you shouldn't just walk in on something. And as soon as I stopped doing that, it's like that is better than doing nothing. Right? And so it's like, integrating the thing into your life. And something that seems completely achievable. Yeah.
Well, when when then you've implemented walking is this thing you just do every single day? Yeah, then you can think about it. If you're coming from nowhere, and wanting to do everything, it's very hard. I
think we just I'm way too. Hi,
straightaway, which ruins it right? Because then it's about consistency. Anything that you stick to will probably assist you in some way. But if you don't stick to it, you're fucked. Yeah.
I think the other thing too is that like, the idea of cutting shit out completely. Yeah, fact. It's, it's like it's not
sustainable. I mean, you're a person. You're an interesting person if you can do that, like just go for cold turkey and shift your life completely like
copper is someone who's done that but i think
but he's battled hard. You know, like he's gone. He's He's the cheesecake assassin. Yeah, you know, like he kind of also when you know yourself, it's about an understanding like you You probably have a good understanding of what will trigger you that fraud is is probably not the best day that we do. But the thing is for the weekend, Shawnee you know because it does I'm fucking triggered Yeah, I'm like tonight I mean, I can have a little bit a little bit something.
I think that part of it is like realizing that just because you have one minute Mila one bad thing it's like you don't then right off the entire
all the way here midway blow up and then you like fuck it I'll stop Monday again.
I don't know if this is healthy. It's probably sliding eating disorder, but I definitely zigzag where I go from like, if I have a big day, I think about like, Okay, how much energy like if I've eaten heaps Yeah, and like how much energy have I just brought into my body? I don't need that much the next day. So part of its like and I realize it's probably a little bit fucked up because there's part of me which is like
I am
What do you call it disciplining myself by Xian if you fucking idiot you idol
then that can become a pattern right? You don't want the pattern being all eight as much as I want and then discipline myself the next couple of days which I think a lot of people do. Consistency is literally the essence of what we're saying finding the thing and sticking to it constantly
Yeah, I think the part of the actually the other thing it was big sugar is fact for me Yeah, so if I actually have I lost most of my weight eating burgers not having chips they made this sounds fucking dumb. Yeah, that's like having burgers with no chips. Having you know everyone says don't have soft drink at all. If you want soft drink have Coke Zero or Diet Coke as a starting point to at least lose weight. I think that we like combine the weight loss with the health thing too much. And so everyone gets into it's not good for your back you know you got my theory and also think that's all well and good. But if you have 30 kilos to lose, there is like there is something in being able to lose that white and then find more sustainable things moving from Coke Zero to sparkling water. The
principal barefoot investor has is like get a small win because it actually can give you some goods but have
you three jobs your knowledge? Yeah, yeah,
job and Dylan Jewish guy but just getting that when like for you. It's like say, if I'm a fucking flat out fat coke drinker. Yeah, every single day. What if I just like, stopped for two days? And then I had a fat cut. Yeah, because that is a small win. But then the next thing you know, then you just apply it anyway.
The other thing is it's all like habits. So it's all like patterns and things like that. So trying to switch up but for me the walking, if I don't walk, everything else falls apart. Yeah.
That's a good thing
to tell. The talk show will say tomorrow and say guys