#120 – Purpose built/
- July 2, 2018
The Daily Talk Show — Monday July 2 (Ep 120) – Josh Janssen & Tommy Jackett
Tommy went to Daylesford for his anniversary and slept the whole time and Josh has hay fever live from London!
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conversation sometimes worth recording with Josh Johnson and Tommy jacket. It's a daily talk show everyone, Episode 120. Where are you? Today? I'm coming to you live from my 711 sponsored car. I've got my cup of civil living coffee and it's. It's currently six. I am on the second. Hey, it's our wedding anniversary officially today for me and I'm on your in Dallas with money. Yeah, the whole weekend. We we plan this and we'll so pumped with I always knew so much stuff. May we ended up having three naps to 10 our sleeps. This was the first weekend away from Bodie so we just fucking slept
What was it like? What was like did you actually have a really good time yeah it was awesome we started this like this purpose built one bedroom house you'd never build a fucking one bedroom house but these people built it just for people going to die dials fun to you know get away and I feel like I was using the word purpose built is sort of like a bit of an advertising bullshit market because every house is purpose built
know it lived in the way they like you'd never build if you're building a house Why would you only ever put one bedroom and it's like when you go there and it almost feels like a studio apartment because you can sort of I can there's no daughter does a dream it's all open you're describing a granny flat
hey it was a fucking romantic granny flat all right
I love that I love the people and they granny flat that still living with their parents. Two and a bit of the mega this purpose built house out of the back, bro. You're in the cubby.
And you know i'm i'm sad.
I'm sending a bit sick because I've got I think what I can only describe as a bit of a favor, which is slightly annoying. May I
always get see greater things
I saw you. I saw Bree put up I think about how many steps you've done the last couple of days.
Yeah, my It's awesome. Brisbane, like complaining a little bit because she spent a trooper but her feet have been saw because yeah, we've been doing I think today we did close to 40,000 steps yesterday we did close to 40,000 steps it's sort of my remember remember a while ago I tried to do a million steps in a month and after day I got injured
well now this is day three for you. And you've now got sick so yeah,
let's hope it's not it's it might be that the site will ping hanging in parks and stuff and in the parks there's some yeah there's a lot of grass clippings and stuff like that but as you can Sansa they saw even see as well.
Yeah, my I don't know if I'm sick. I think it's purely just the the high favor
so I've got this hack. We and I don't know if we're gonna do it this time. But when I mean I last went away for our honeymoon. We stayed at not for our honeymoon. Like an anniversary. We stayed at a hotel in the city and fact this Cush. The pillows in this hotel were unbelievable. So what we did was we stole now we didn't steal it. We looked at the we took a photo of like the brand and the exact model and we ordered them while we're there. And so we got to have the exact same pillows which is what we have on a bit now about this bed that we're when we were in Dallas food was fucking out, right. What's the hack the heck is that? You just found out what the pillows were exactly know. But when you're away, you take fun. We took a photo and with juul all might land did this once. He told me that he when he was in Tasmania. He ordered a bed while he was away, while he was in this Batey order the bed to get whatever the bed was back faster advertising for them.
We've got this. It's the next bed we're getting was the one that we're in over the weekend. It's fucking unbelievable. But you got your bed for free through a client. So does that mean you you're getting rid of the king size bed in the tiny apartment? Now get a couple more use out of it. Because it was free. It's a really, is it really? Like, do you really think that you will admit what was this bed doing that your bed doesn't do? We have to mention the client obviously. But it was sorry. fucking good. It was like, it felt like you were on a cloud. I don't know. It was just it was just the way he's gone to sleep.
True. That might be true.
So what was the deal? Like? Obviously, I don't have a kid. I don't have a kid. So I've got no idea about this whole lot. Going away from you, kid. But he's It was a magical Did you miss him? what's the what's the thought process? Uh, it's,
um, we looked at photos of him quite a bit. It's, it's a weird thing. Because it's like, yeah, we we loved being able to go away and you are safe. So we weren't worried about it. But he's definitely where do these day it's, it's it shows you how much they do consume your fucking world when you do get away. And I didn't even think I was that tied. And then it's like, I realize it's probably compounded over the 16 months that he's been alive. That it's like, just, it's the I've got this like bank and let's Nate in the negatives of sleep. But so what's the what's the thought when you come back to it all? Is it? Have you been able to have a bit of time to sleep? Has it made you appreciate it more as a Do you think that you're actually from two days of being away. You can implement anything differently now when you get back. Especially for my kid. He's He's pretty mad. And he's like, He's full of energies. What I mean, and
you we realize how hard it is to look after by Bill how time consuming in the moment. Like they just take so much from you. And so yeah, fact it's even just little things like you feel the anxiety when you're when you're going out and needing to do what you need to do to get yourself ready. But then this key ready as well. And I think this is just parenting. Everyone experiences this if I got a kid. But literally when we were getting stuff to go out to go for a coffee. It's like you're more almost triggered. And I think this is like I've say my mom. She's triggered from having kids. And I can imagine your mom is to like, just constantly having to be on to work out. Okay, what do I need to do for the baby? And then for me? Yeah, it's like, and then do it all together. You see why it was apparently I find it
stressful enough. Just having to work out like when I'm in charge of navigation. When we're walking with the with the Google Maps. That's enough to sort of throw my whole world
okay. So so there's no real the break there other than just display other than being asleep.
Well, the I felt what it was like to not have a kid for a moment. But then that's not my reality anymore.
Get back to actually being a dad. I feel
like you're really relaxed at the moment. Because if you've fallen into replacing arms with fuck again, which is fine. I'm sure. I'm sure Danny train driver Danny will love it. And but yeah, interesting observation. You'll notice everyone there's a slight delay that we that we're working with. So I think it's gonna be interesting over the next few months. Like it's gonna be a different, completely different conversation or time. But thanks for getting up early for me while I'm some booting in London. This is a reasonable time for me. It's like 9pm. So it's not too bad. I woke up because of the sleep I've had. I woke up at like 4:30am and I was wide awake. Now. That doesn't happen. Yeah, it's not ideal. Oh, I guess it's I've been getting up at four two. But I think it's literally just jet lag. But we did we went to Cambridge yesterday. Do you know what kind of the university? The university right? Yeah, correct. Yeah, Correct. Correct. So we did that unknown fact. Or like, what it makes me realize is how little I know about anything. But I was proud of myself. Because
I like that. This is the one thing I took out of Cambridge. We did a few activities. I have this thing called punting. Have you had a punting
now? What is it a game
it's like they're on a boat they're on like a mahogany boat is what we were on and then we had a tour guide and people can not have a tour guide and do it themselves and they're on the back of the boat and they use a big stick and they push the stick into the metal or wouldn't stick they push it into the water like into the ground of the water whatever that phone and they push they push the boats along but the great thing is
it's fine when you've got a tour guide but there was heaps of people who just self higher so they just bought they just went out these things and they we saw so many me accidents we saw
hens parties with that would just off their face it was quite entertaining but
but yeah okay interesting at the university there's what is there a big like because I saw that you were eating ice cream like yeah it's
it's huge. I didn't quite like there's all these colleges where do we go Bray what was that college we went to we pay our way Yeah, we paid seven pounds he going to King's College, nine pounds age which was sort of a bit of a waste of money he can win to this nice chapel and stuff like that. But it's university I can't help but think it's a little bit of a road but in saying that I was there was a part of me which is like I could I feel like I could get around this I think I could get sort of into the culture try and be a bit of a top dog but you just have to be smart
what at a university
yeah just saying you gotta say University you have me on a university I was literally thinking while I was there I was like man it could be funny for us to do the daily talk show for a week where we go to like Oxford Cambridge or like go to the US go to Harvard and every single episode we have a new like a different Professor on trying to tell me and Josh go to college
be so there's actually accommodation at some of the universities that just every Yeah, yeah, this is King County.
Yeah, well, there's
Yeah, there's I don't know if like general public breaker general public style I don't know. But they've got all like different tiers of accommodation for the different students. But the thing that I was most proud of is they had a store which was a fun story and this was the first time that this has ever happened in my life. I ate samples at the fudge store and then I didn't buy the fudge I feel like I've broken the system like a broken The Da Vinci Code
but that's what I do every time just you saying that you feel guilty eating the food samples and then so you by far
not well I don't even think it's a good thing. I think it's just you get excited about the different options that you have. And before you know it you've got 10 kilo you can pick Ivan literally said to me he he could tell the topic guy was because he's like, Oh, you can actually if you buy a lot of it, you can just take it home and phrase it
gonna have these huge huge fucking like my whole phrase is couldn't couldn't bring myself to tell him that I'm fucking to iron a phrase or anymore but it would have I could have I could imagine I could have gone pretty crazy with that.
I just got the guy at 711 tried to upsell me it was the most annoying thing it's like 5:50am I'm trying to just buy coffee and I take the coffee to the front camera is muffin $2 I said no and then he or she been Hirsch Hershey bar only $1. No, I don't want either of them. He sounds
like a robot. He's seriously It was like he was it was trying to get a quote her app for his shift. Probably. Yeah. What? Well, there's a shell service station on habits and road in devil hills made so much money from me when I was a you know, fat 19 year olds just with my license because I couldn't say I was bad at saying no to things. And I was even worse at saying no to food. So they got me with the upsell every fucking time the amount of little easter eggs and bullshit that I bought off them because they did the upset
so I got a bit of inside scoop on
you know how I was talking about Woolworths taking away bags
yeah so that was that was like last week and then at that point calls submarket hadn't removed the bags and so I heard that Cole's got an influx of customers based on will worth removing the bags and people being pissed off and so they wanted bag so they switched to cold and so there was this massive increase in shoppers it calls just because the fucking bags
it's how you I noticed that even in in London I think that they're meant to be that don't have as many
What are those bags called what what are the bad bags or the bat bag let's take it back to the ladder anymore yeah plastic but there's reusable now writers were usable sticking them there's the shitty plastic they don't have many the shitty plastic but what they do have is everything is wrapped like so whilst you can check out with the plastic bags as much every fucking store reps their fruit in so much plastic it's like you can get you know how we're talking about the Gold Coast you remember what my favorite thing to do my favorite food is when I'm I'm aware that's hot yeah love a bit of fruit salad big crazy on the fruit salad had been at Pine Apple theories like the raspberries it delicious but anyway they've got the plot the plastic on everything so they're saying that they're losing customers because I saw that have always responded now
and so calls have now removed plastic bags so they're on even playing field but here's the thing
I think it was called issued always issued like this thing for yesterday so Sunday and Australia but they open more registers because people were getting so angry about not having the option of plastic bags and so they open more reading simulator and did like this discounted bag thing but I saw this dude right on Facebook he said Coles and Woolworths plastic bag is a con now they make 120 million dollars annual profit selling 15 cent plastic bags that cost point 001 cent to make
which is yeah I found is so they still even though they're also doing because he's probably I think he's probably still thinks the earth is flat to like do you think is there a problem with the the supermarket's making a little bit of money do you thinking that it should be priced unusual that whatever they whatever they pay, they should just pass on with that any additional cost?
Well, if so, if their incentive is to help the earth and they sign we remove plastic bags, but what I what from what I see everyone's fucking buying these plastic bags that would kill animals anyway. So it's like they just profiting now from this and I'm sure they're doing something right. So I think it's the right move for them to do it. But then this the amount of money they're making from it is ridiculous. And so and people are buying those fucking reusable bags like hundreds of them. Like I saw Cray Harper post up a photo there you know, like the Kelly co bags that you can buy. These are like environmentally friendly, he put this thing up as like he had like 20 of them. He's like every time if I can go to the supermarket I forget the bag that I bought last time and I buy another one it's
funny you say that because I was at Tesco here in London just today paid five pay for bag and then didn't want to didn't want to check it out. But Bray wouldn't hold it and I was worried that it was going to bulk out my pocket too much and potentially sort of off balance with the amount of walking I was doing that I was going to you know pull a muscle so I ended up having to check out after just buying the reusable bag I had no other options but to check it out
it's I think that's what's going to happen with these bags from calls
well how about this I reckon this is fun from Episode 200 to celebrate Sandra Sally being on the show let's do a limited edition the daily talk show reusable bags
actually and am I James can actually have them created perfect saying we've got the we've got the whole manufacturing sorted and wait till we get away get to sell them and make money that
yet no I think that we don't think there's enough it we've got enough listeners to really move the needle on that one but the mate that I mentioned I raised 800 bucks selling I bought t shirts that's true you didn't make chick because it all went to a charity but
doesn't mean made it I've added
I've added to my rebrand
yeah I've Bray asked me today it's the yarmulke you're wearing right?
What's the yarmulke
a little you know the Jewish hat
you're wearing when I can see it in the video
I've just got my headphones on you might be saying my my headphones ah but
things I had one of those Jewish hats breaks out it's a little bit hard doing the podcast break asking every couple of minutes what's going on you just have to listen breezy
so brace it yes I did enjoy the episode The
know the rebrand involves
tinted moisturizer
a face moisturizing cream yeah so
I got Burt guess if you haven't seen already I did a post on my Instagram account about it you'd be able to say by the fact that I'm illuminating right now over and over video bit no I what is what's baby cream brace place
and I just could be skin it's got sunscreen it tinted moisturizer
anyway she said it was tinted moisturizer up yeah she said does loads of different things it's a miracle in the two but anyway I
mean if she was the spokesperson for baby crime I wouldn't buy sheet
and it's just not selling it that well but the interesting thing was I've put it on and my skin looked great but it wasn't until I left the house he said you know it's just foundation
before you know what I was just walking around with foundation
you're gonna come back wearing white pants European loafers
fucking skin tight turtlenecks yeah
I'm not that far off it
something else and Lauren
Lodi office
that's a good it's a very you have a goal may for being pretty sort of nation my Hema the the only person that's getting that job is Riley who is also in the office. But I had one other thing in regards to London. I feel like I'm sort of the the, what do you call it when you're a news person and you reporting from a different city? what's what's that code? an anchor? correspondent, not correspond correspondent is the word of God. Right? I've got Bray yelling out. Yeah, I've got something to report. No chicken sold in London.
What do you mean?
I've got to that this delay is really adding a huge amount of suspense and they don't have chicken sold. It's just I was hanging out with a friend today who is from Australia. And she moved to London. And she said, one of the biggest issues that she finds is she asks for chicken salt. And they have no clue what it is.
Okay? He's what you do. And I can't get your chicken salt, but they do have Nando's in London. So this Peri Peri will that fucking do
the, the old Peri Peri. So it might, it might be the motto. It's interesting. There's a few things in London that just miss. Yeah, you notice when you're here, they haven't got everything dialed in. like things like almond milk, you know that I've become a full hipster. So things like their almond milk and stuffs a bit off and the show. I think what else is what else is weird. But man, I've just been doing so many steps. What
else is going on in your world? Talk to me, right? It's 624. It's I've had the most relaxing weekend and I've got to go up and change my screaming little baby's nappy
pretty soon after this fact. So you're not going straight to work. You've got to actually do shit after this.
actually lock it getting up this early. It's it is good. It wakes you brighten up when you said when you wake up to do a podcast. You really our Why
might do you know what woke me up yesterday? Or was actually two days ago. Now I got this email. I was sorry. It was a voicemail you would have you've seen my voicemail setup. So when someone calls my office line, I get an email with a voicemail and I got a voicemail from this guy saying hi, I've got an idea for a video project that I'd like you I'd like to tell you about. Can you give me a call back and he gave me a number. Anyway, I did a Google search of the number. And it was a debt collector in
Blackburn. And so it's so he's from things that's not
Yeah. Well, I like my whole thing was I was like, Who is this? Like, what are they wanting you Brian straightaway when goes into this place. Like if I had not paid something like it felt like because it was such an amateur Cole I was like, I think this guy works for debt collector and tech collectors like what you say on the movies and shit is they'll pretend to be someone else although like to be able to weasel and get on the phone too and then they'll talk about as I was like freaking out and so I ended up calling the number back straightaway on my like local I'm here in London and it was just a busy busy tone and everything was going through my mind I was like fuck I've worked so hard to have enough like you know saved up the money for the trip and all that sort of thing and some fucking we'd build it I have that I never knew about it's going to completely undo it all and so I found another number for them for the debt collector and gave them a coal and left a voicemail and didn't hear anything back so I was still freaking out so I cold cold that number again it was a nine zero number nine zero numbers I've got an idea or a number it's like a lot of voice numbers so internet numbers use that like a anyway I got I got through to the guy and he said he's nine It was like seven or whatever and I didn't say his name straightaway because I thought maybe he he gives names so that when you call back he can reference material and all that sort of thing as I just said hi my name is Josh I had a missed call from this number I've just looked you up and you're from Blackburn debt collection
he said oh hi sorry Who were you I was like Josh I'm video production goes on video production okay yes I've got a video idea anyway so it turns out he he then he says I can I send you an email so he sends me an email and it's the weirdest aim to help with with all these like a whole proposal on this video idea that he had which was basically to create DVDs to replace product manuals and he did this whole like he yeah he was a bit fucking tweaked and the guy was what had happened obviously is he had done these sending cold about 30 I said it like why did you call me said I've I cold sort of 30 different video production agencies I just wanted to get prices and so he's obviously gotten the number like you know through Skype or whatever you know these things reset and you break it numbers so anyway all of that freakin
Did you did you break it to him that Davey days probably not the best
creating that look man it was it was long gone that the A man was pretty and then I was worried because I was like I had this a an autoresponder set up with a bang away and what I didn't realize at the time but my email signature is attached to it which has my mobile number I'm like I'm
just gonna guy more days house to then harass me light up about annoying video projects. He's he's actually got a podcast that he's doing right now talking about how lucky has helped found these number through looking him up somehow
and got back to him that I've been listening to a bunch of podcasts. While I've been why shout out to EFT Trevor, who's a hashtag, longtime listener of our podcast. I was listening to the podcast on the train up to fucking nowhere. Cambridge is to Cambridge. It was so much fun, really good listening to it. And they I am I know nothing about cars, because it's hard. But yeah, it's a it's a very good podcast. And the other one that I've just old UK friends have been talking about it. There's one called
the high low podcast and it's a by couple of journos and they talk about they talk about I think the idea is that they they talk about a topic that sort of highbrow and then lowbrow it's almost sort of what we're doing in some regards, you know bullshit stuff and then talking about all serious sort of things
I don't mind that and a quick thank you is and Matthew for emailing through our yes thanks guys. I get more just clearing up some facts for us
yeah on the
on the way whether you can you can't drive under the influence in the US when you're you're doing way does that we say doing Wade
yes myki wait we were talking about waiting you can smoke weed and drive legally in LA where where it is legal and 10 according to Manny you can't actually drive which the most complete fucking sense but
just say that sounds outrageous who knew you can drive under the influence before we go quick disaster that only happened moments ago
I had a with my high favor I've been blowing my nose constantly and I got a Soviet from one of the cafes that we're at today it was a brown Soviet and I had my back pocket anyway I blew my nose and and I just had been keeping the pocket old I went to have a shower today tonight and put the
thought about the Soviet my car just chuck it in to the to the toilet and just flush it down the toilet sort of got the like that blue sort of
you know i'd like the coloring you know how you have the software changes the color of the water out of it so it's yeah blue color anyway I put the Soviet flushed it and the fuck out wink wouldn't go down and the problem was that it fucking congealed to look like the biggest bog I'd ever say haha just kept flushing and the thing was is I didn't want to put my hand into the blue liquid so it was a bit of a disaster for a good five minutes because I was I had to keep going back because it was really white flash but I was freaked out that I was going to be caught by the Airbnb as the big ballgame they don't have to explain the whole story
The problem with traveling is Australia we have really fucking good water pressure like for the for the toilet and so it's going to get worse as you go to Europe like I so we were in Macon off and Santa rainy and we're in Santa rainy for a week and you're on an island and I was talking to and in every toilet there's a sign saying do not put toilet paper into the toilet and
and so you're meant to wipe your bomb and put it into been and I was speaking to Jules land because he was there the same time we just missed each other we will this is actually a couple of years ago around this time and I said to him right How about fucking hate you couldn't put toilet paper down the toilet is that what do you mean that's like yeah you know it Didn't you see all the signs he just didn't even look at the signs it was putting toilet paper thing is that you're on an island and toilet system there is absolutely horrible and so they actually not built for taking the toilet paper so when you go to Venice tomorrow it's going to be it will be another thing I don't understand is we're not having how can
how can it take my full dumb but not take some paper that's what I don't get.
Yeah, I think you you still will
will disappear quick. You know I can then toilet paper will. I think that's the whole thing. It's like it'll actually break down.
Alright, well that's something to look forward to. It's um yeah, it's what what's the time here? It's 9:34pm here. It's 6:34am. You better go I'm gonna head off and tomorrow will be I'll be coming live from Venice. You'll be back in the car and Melbourne and just say how evil Aries dying in Venice. Yep.
Where we say in Venice Bray.
What is it? San Marco said mark is where we're staying in a hotel. The US to fuck yeah, we're staying in a hotel. So be it will be interesting. We can use for j internet. But the thing that
there's a couple of little costs to Fox then. Not that annoying. But Ryan and we're flying with and we have to um,
you need to print out your ticket and church trying to find a printer before we go. We haven't done it yet. Now. Lots in what like we gotta be at the airport and like seven hours. So that's that'll be interesting. And then the other thing too is we paid 70 euros to get a car to take us to our hotel and Bray was saying this one's good because it's a tight ship direct to hotel and it wasn't until and no one else does. So we like okay we'll pay that tiny bit extra and then it turns out that as soon as we booked we get an email from them that's automatic Eight Mile High like basically you can't drive cars on the island of Venice so will be dropping you off at this fucking checkpoint. Anyway. Which every other companies doing. So we it's that classic case of saying okay, we're gonna we're gonna bother like contacting them and having an argument getting the money back. But I just can't be fucked. So good lesson though. If you go into Venice, you can't drive
it's it's known as like the water city. Just in case you Yeah,
yeah. Well, I've done I don't even know why we're staying. So it's the thing that this trips taking us is how fucking we are. So that's, that's good fun. It's a dialect. Coach. Everyone plays send us your emails high at the daily talk. show.com
If you got any feedback on how we could do these, uh, what you'd like to hear with these remote ones because they're obviously a little bit of a different style. But we wanted to try and retain the essence of the show without being fucking a bit boring. So what do you think? What do you think? TJ?
Ah, it's just fucking internet in Australia is absolutely shit ass.
Yeah, literally the connection quality,
maybe we can try and find maybe you just do it from your office, whether it's fiber, maybe that's we'll work it out. Anyway.
So Chairman, actually, but the other thing is, whether we're talking admin, if you've been listening for a while, and you haven't rated us on iTunes, or through the podcast app on iOS stopping and so give us five stars, please. Because that would be that'd be lovely. And,
and also at the same time, leave a comment because he can't then go back after you've righted. Yep.
Yeah, that's very true. Yeah, you if you do reviews and writings if you just have a writing then you can go back and do the review. So do the review of writing at the same time if you've got something nice to say. Anyway, we'll catch you tomorrow. Bye everyone. Bye.