#1000 – Jack Post – 1000 Minute Live Stream/
- April 28, 2021
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Ep 1000 - pt 7 Jack Post
Jack Post: [00:00:00] Very low barrier to get into the wrong spot.
Josh Janssen: [00:00:07] We're committed to do the daily talk show for 10 years. I had guys
Jack Post: [00:00:11] in the calendar
Josh Janssen: [00:00:12] like to check the temperature in the room. I told you my squeegee story,
Jack post, ladies and gentlemen, he's here. He's um, he's, uh, fired up, which is, uh, which is great,
Jack Post: [00:00:28] such a low point as I was coming to
content wise, I just meant managing daily. The energy was deprived that you've brought it up. So I love that. Now we can heat it back up with a bag over your head that got me fired. Yeah. I'm I'm really fine. Um, as you walked in that sort of small song, That was, that was the musical. Was it though? It was really good.
And how are you buddy? The bag was premeditated
Josh Janssen: [00:01:00] that required a, a permanent marker and it was a full production
Jack Post: [00:01:06] intent, actually Stanley knife into scissors. So come slip my scissors to get in to that increase the bag. Where did you do that? Inspired by. Uh, when I looked under the stream, the first time you guys were looking at the door cam, I was like, Oh, wear a clan mask or something.
And I didn't have any masks. So
Josh Janssen: [00:01:25] I had to make one, I think we've sort of caught some people off guard or like who have been guests because as you know, we haven't really communicated much at all to guests. No, basically say mate, just rock up. Yeah. And so I think Stacy June was a bit in shock because she drove her car in.
And she was on air. She was putting for a cop, she's got a kid husband and she's just,
Jack Post: [00:01:47] it was all, it was like, I was pretty sure I was coming at five o'clock, but then peace streaming on the way in. And you're like, well, Jack will be here in 10 minutes.
Josh has mentioned your Tesla a few times. Give me one second. How is it? It's honestly, I love it. It's it's awesome. I've never had a new car Tommy. So I was driving a piece of shit for a long time. yeah. yep. And coughing in it. It was dead that, that, that you was a piece of junk and the car I had before that was a piece of junk.
Um, it was, uh, what was it? 1985 Toyota Corona, like. Older than I am. So Toyota Corolla.
my mate had one. Great. He put the most pimped. He sound system in the Corona was worth more. The actual it's like a eight bit Corolla. All the it's all blocked up. Yeah, it's fun. It's good. Carborated engine it doesn't it like a carby I don't, I got no ideas about cars and that's why every time that that thing would break down, I just raised my hand so I can find out what's going on and people on the street have to help you like push the car.
I heard a lady on the radio today. Talk about how she'd been. When were you
Josh Janssen: [00:03:07] listening to the fucking room?
He's actually to
Jack Post: [00:03:16] great point. It was yesterday. Yeah. Fuck. That feels like today. You have no idea because you've been here this whole time. You have no idea what's happened in world news. In the last I know I did now while on the toilet, I
Josh Janssen: [00:03:31] like the idea of Jack being like, like you don't know what's happened, suddenly happened.
Everything's done.
Jack Post: [00:03:37] I don't know if you've been out there. Um, a lady. So let me get this right. Do you have to buy a Tesla online? No, but are you talking about, Oh, this is great. This is going to be, this is great. Are you talking about a story you saw about people getting scammed for Teslas? That was my Tesla in the news.
You got scanned? No, no, no, no. I didn't get scammed. Sorry. I didn't had your number plate came. We my Tesla, cause my cousin works at newbie.
Josh Janssen: [00:04:07] You went from having
Jack Post: [00:04:08] the new
You'll literally like
Josh Janssen: [00:04:13] the paper, the rich paper with really nice houses that rent out. Their house for like $4,000 a day. Fucking assholes by
Jack Post: [00:04:23] five. Exactly. It's on the clock guys. I had paid no money or letting the ABC film my Tesla for this story. You
Josh Janssen: [00:04:30] just needed to the, in the video. Is it
Jack Post: [00:04:33] wasn't even in it?
This is totally selfless. Selfless. Yeah. I just did it for the national broadcaster. And may they keep using the footage anytime they do a story about Tesla, but so cool that you seen that because I've been waiting for my. Car to be on TV so I can say it. So the, uh, the story goes, the woman, um, paid an invoice that, uh, somehow they, someone had hacked in right change, the invoice that Tessa had sent.
And then she paid the invoice with the different details. 10 grand gone. I thought she paid the whole thing. Oh, protests
Josh Janssen: [00:05:11] only 10 grand.
I think there's 10 grand within my couch.
Jack Post: [00:05:21] No, I thought she paid like 60 grand. There's another one. Maybe there's. I mean, maybe there's just Tesla. People are getting the car smarter than the buyer. Well, the contact card into the scam. No, this there's bad actors out there everywhere. Tesla's fault that somebody used them as a scam.
Josh Janssen: [00:05:40] Yeah. I hear someone say bad actor. Can't help, but think of Hollywood actors that are bad summers, I'd like to know if anyone else goes there. No, who's a bad actor to you. Couldn't actually think of a single net. Cause that would have been a funny joke if I was to say, huh? Like, yeah, but I, I, I think he's actually quite good.
Isn't he? And then you go Tom cruise. Well, like you can't hide on Tom cruise. He's done some amazing things. And you're like, who? Like, who is one bad actor? Couldn't even say Nicole Kidman, uh,
Jack Post: [00:06:11] Nicole, no, you actually call in this in the last 10 years has been brilliant. So all the show she's in is fantastic
Josh Janssen: [00:06:17] potentially.
Uh, yeah, like I, I feel like my
Jack Post: [00:06:21] mom hates Jim Carey. Well, I don't and your mom doesn't know comedy.
That's true. Really know what's funny. And Jim Carrey to me is very funny. Yeah. But my mum doesn't like him. Jim Carrey wrote a book. Yes. It's a novel.
Josh Janssen: [00:06:38] Yeah, it's a grainy blue book is the cover.
Jack Post: [00:06:40] Yeah,
Josh Janssen: [00:06:43] I own, I own it.
Jack Post: [00:06:45] But have you read it?
Josh Janssen: [00:06:47] Yeah, I know. I've read a little bit. There's some, um, uh, like God dogs, it's like some sort of cyber, like it's this Saifai thing.
I liked
Jack Post: [00:06:56] the idea behind it. It was. Real-world people say, Jim, Carey's in the story and people like Matthew McConaughey in the story, but it's a fantasy version of real people. So he's active friends, a part of the novel, but it's a made up story. Yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:07:12] I wonder if he had any issues with like defamation cases, like people getting pissed off.
Jack Post: [00:07:17] Um, I'm sorry.
Josh Janssen: [00:07:20] Have you read it? I've not
Jack Post: [00:07:22] read it. What was the last book you read Jack? Wait, I wanted to, I, we passed out. No, no, no, no, no. It doesn't matter. The last book I read was, um, all man, I finished so many books that I, I, sorry, I start so many books that I don't finish it. Yeah. So the last one that I actually finished in full was called the midnight library.
Hmm. I'll tell you what happens in the midnight library. Can we guess, so this was the first 20 pages segment you brought up because you only
Josh Janssen: [00:07:50] read the first one. It's basically not at a museum, but it said a lot.
Jack Post: [00:07:54] No. So like the books come alive. Is that your guest? Is that what happens in the museum? No.
Well, so midnight, midnight library. Okay. Midnight library. Um, maybe it's a library that's open after midnight, like around midnight. And we caught a whole book about that, but it could be the quirky Kerry. Just think about the diner there's shows written around diners. Imagine a library, that sort of comments, a book.
He didn't tell me the genre. Comedy
Josh Janssen: [00:08:23] said, George, what do you think?
Jack Post: [00:08:26] I mean, not library. I think murder, murder, mystery at happening in a library. Nobody dies. Bree. I'm with George
Josh Janssen: [00:08:41] You'll be able to relate to this. This is
Jack Post: [00:08:43] like all in favor, say aye. Aye. And it will be, it is a murder mystery. It's not, it's
Josh Janssen: [00:08:50] not, I didn't think it was that. What just happened there. It reminds me of like, you listened to a radio station where they do four stars or whatever. It's like you're listening to gold or whatever it is and happy guests.
Jack Post: [00:09:04] Uh, yeah. The who it is smoother doing it at the
Josh Janssen: [00:09:06] moment. It's smoother doing it. And, um, the, I feel like what Brie did is like ringing up and saying a name that's
Jack Post: [00:09:13] already
library. This is a book about regrets. So a girl gets the chance to leave her life over from different moments. Books in a library, in a fictional library. And she gets to go like, Oh, well I was a swimmer when I was young. Imagine if I kept swimming and got through the Olympics. And so she gets to live that
Josh Janssen: [00:09:41] long school.
What sort of, so Harry Potter, like, does she do that? Like what sort of books.
Jack Post: [00:09:46] No, no. Sorry. No.
Josh Janssen: [00:09:48] So she gets a pickup and then she leaves
Jack Post: [00:09:50] that line. It's a whole library of books about her life. Alternate lives, right. Data important. Sorry. Interesting. Yeah, that's a good point. Yep. And so that's a, that's a, um, a bio piece.
Isn't it? It's real. That's real. That really happened. Yeah. You are you a nonfiction fiction guy? I go, I like to alternate. Yeah. So I'll go fiction, nonfiction fiction. They did last non-fiction book. I read was creativity Inc. Long story long, right? One. Yeah, I didn't get to the end.
He's really smart. He will create it. Yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:10:27] So if Darden says you've got the joke, once you got the joke, you don't have to.
Jack Post: [00:10:30] Right now, I get it makes him great films that everybody loves great for adults, as well as for kids. And that's sort of what he's trying to say in the book. Are you in school holidays?
I am no longer in school, school, holiday radio, get school holidays, essentially. Yeah, essentially. That's the beauty of it. How's school.
I drove past ganbei to park park. I
Josh Janssen: [00:10:59] remember just got sold. I think
Jack Post: [00:11:00] it actually
Josh Janssen: [00:11:01] went to, yeah, we, we went there for like, I think the, um, we went there for as a school trip because it was. An era where it was very hard for, for students to escape. Like it was far enough out. That was how many,
Jack Post: [00:11:15] how many field trips did you go on with kids who were escaping before they had to bring in that role?
Josh Janssen: [00:11:20] Hey, I think like even our pool swimming carnival thing was so, so we used to like that used to be in like Doveton pools, which is close to sort of endeavor Hills, you know, where our school was, so kids would leave. And so that would end up driving. Like 40 kilometers away. And it was, and you could base it.
It was like, um, it reminded me of holes, you know, the movie where they're just digging holes or whatever. Yeah. Orange jumpsuit.
Jack Post: [00:11:45] No, I think the poster for holes might be like point of view in the hole, looking up at somebody leaning over the spot on how do you know that? I just remember that. Yep. Sorry to interrupt the stories.
Then the kids are in Tuft and they get out of the pool. You
Josh Janssen: [00:11:59] know, that was, that was it. Wallabies world.
Jack Post: [00:12:01] If you go, that was huge helicopter. It was like a helicopter on a rail that would like take you around. So it's like automatic. I've heard that you can go to Wellby's world and it's all. Were like now, and you can walk through like all the old rides and they're like tilted on the side, abandoned.
And then
Josh Janssen: [00:12:17] you said you can go to
as being close for a long time, but that story actually checks
Jack Post: [00:12:25] out. Yeah. I went to it. Abandoned amusement park in Berlin. And it was awesome. It was like Ferris wheel, roller coasters, everything. And, um, the grass has grown up this high, everything looks haunted. They, they, there was people on the internet, a rumor that there were dogs that patrolled the area, making sure that you don't go in and we heard some dogs barking check yourself.
Oh really? That sounds like a joke. How bad is that business had debated just. Shut off and go Darryl Lake. Yeah. I can't do anything with the land. Like they don't want to sell the Ferris wheel to another amusement park,
Josh Janssen: [00:13:04] but it's a video on, um, a bunch of cars. So it was in a state in Turkey, uh, like a holiday destination with, um, like it was a real snowy area and they built all these castles.
Think about like an estate that you'd see in the burbs. Yeah. But rather than it just being so standard suburban homes that were castles for people to live in to, for people to live in almost like a holiday homes and the development was worth like hundreds of millions of dollars and the developers run out of money halfway through the project.
And so there is this town that's abandoned that just has all of these castles.
Jack Post: [00:13:41] It's so cool, man. I'm obsessed with like, uh, abandoned stuff. Like I remember finding it, there was a house on the corner. Refrain straight. And it was abandoned, not thinking about the ritzy suburbs now, not many abandoned places there anymore, but this was a nice suburb.
And we found a key under a rock down the side of the house became applies for how long you still live there happily? No, but where else have we been? Um, there was guys on, uh, Facebook and Instagram called, like, what are they called? Like Melbourne. Underground or something like that. Actually, I forget what the name is and they go to all these abandoned places in Melbourne, like old hospitals and the paper mill near where I grew up out in Elfin tin, which has turned into a whole new suburb because it was so big and they really
Josh Janssen: [00:14:31] do.
They call it paper mill. It's got it's
Jack Post: [00:14:33] called Yarra bend. They just. Yeah. Yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:14:36] That's my golf. That's where I go to gold. Well, there's going
Jack Post: [00:14:39] to be a whole suburb
Josh Janssen: [00:14:40] there. I'm thinking of moving to Yara Ben one day. This is
Jack Post: [00:14:43] no seriously.
Josh Janssen: [00:14:45] No, no. George, you can attest to this. Like I was talking about, this could be an option Fairfield.
Jack Post: [00:14:52] So the Fairfield and Elkington and next to each other, but Yarra bend is going to be this new suburb that they invented off the highway on the right. There's the channel highway in low Heidelberg road. Yeah. That's going to be massive. That's a huge developer. She's going
Josh Janssen: [00:15:07] to live there. Yeah. Well, do you think that houses or apartments it's going
Jack Post: [00:15:10] to be all apartments?
No, I think it's, I think it's townhouses as well, and I think they're all sustainable, like new eco build type thing. What do you think
Josh Janssen: [00:15:19] Brosy
Jack Post: [00:15:20] sound like?
Josh Janssen: [00:15:26] we're going to, we're going to do it together.
Jack Post: [00:15:28] They, I think they're for sale. I think they're selling off the plan. Okay, go back to the plan.
Josh Janssen: [00:15:34] Should we do it now? Buy off the plan. Has anyone bought off the plan in this room? No.
Jack Post: [00:15:38] No, but you've got a bit of a discount.
Josh Janssen: [00:15:40] So the, um, uh,
Jack Post: [00:15:43] Hey, good things. Yeah.
Can't lose all your money. If the development goes on, you can lose your deposit. Yeah. Cause a whole bunch of dogs think of the free coffee table book that you get. Oh yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:15:55] So, uh, that's very true. Yeah. Free gym
Jack Post: [00:15:56] membership. So yeah, I think what they're doing with the suburb is going to have it all. I'm making this up now, but was sort of what I heard.
It's like, yeah, you're going to have all the things you need. Like drinks included bowling alley cinema. Now I did make those up, but I'm trying to think
Josh Janssen: [00:16:14] yeah, that sounds great. They do have a great driving range already. Is that is Yarra bend my golf club. Yeah,
Jack Post: [00:16:20] because this night, no, I would say so. Yara, the yarrow is a river, which bend is the bend and actually bend.
Is that great big bend in the river? I think Yarra bend golf course is on the other side of the river to the Ben
Josh Janssen: [00:16:35] suburb. You do wonder about golf courses, prime real estate. Really. It's amazing that they can put so much. Imagine if basketball courts were as big as a golf course,
Jack Post: [00:16:46] I told you about the. Yeah, I was telling you about North gate golf class, a golf club, which is near my place.
Very low quality golf course, only nine holes. They let anybody in. It's a dump. Really what a review during
Josh Janssen: [00:17:02] this is actually the best review of God. And can we put it on our Instagram
Jack Post: [00:17:07] during COVID COVID-19 golf courses were closed, but parks were open or they turned it into a public park, I guess, by the cancel.
Yeah. And then after they did that, All the local community were saying, Hey, we want this to be a park full time. And that fucking shit golf course into an
Josh Janssen: [00:17:23] actual path. So they're going
Jack Post: [00:17:24] to do it. No. Well, I don't know. I don't know the golf charms
Josh Janssen: [00:17:28] against the, to be honest as a, as a golf channel, I'm not opposed to the park idea for the shit.
Cause you know, yeah. Seriously, we, we have enough courses in Victoria.
Jack Post: [00:17:39] Yeah. Andy Lee. Who's a huge golfer. Told me that Victoria actually has the best range of high quality golf courses in the world.
Josh Janssen: [00:17:49] They've got the set like sand belt or whatever. Yeah. Like there's really good
Jack Post: [00:17:53] courses. They also meet course gone.
It was there when I was a kid, we used to Roslyn Kogan, the guy who started kogan.com. He tells the story of, um, searching for balls. Uh, he grew up yep. Coca Cola. Megan was like an international brand. No, no. He grew up in there commission flats across the road from me. Good on him. And, um, I think his parents were migrants to the country and now he's, you know, done, done very well, but he, one of his first businesses was buying.
Got up. Finding golf balls in the park and selling them. That's great. But that was one that I used to walk through as a kid gone. It's now, um, it's like Parkland just to walk through and they've opened it all up and made it into a community. It's a flood. It's a floodplain as well, just in case Elwood shits itself.
Josh Janssen: [00:18:39] Sure. Okay. Oh yeah. I never understood that stuff, but interesting.
Jack Post: [00:18:43] Seeing when they do convert them. Um, not into houses, but just Parkland
Josh Janssen: [00:18:48] George, uh, for, for Jack, Olivia says that you should bring it up. Um, uh,
Jack Post: [00:18:54] what was that for Ryan? I guess it's
Josh Janssen: [00:18:58] coming up. Shelton's on it. Yeah, the end. Yeah, no, no.
Jack Post: [00:19:01] We were just talking in the break earlier, just talking about like weddings and stuff and who would be a marriage celebrant and all that sort of thing.
And, um, and I was telling the guys that over Christmas, I was going through my, um, we're just putting down a list of people that would come to our weddings and I was running a little bit thin. And so you
Josh Janssen: [00:19:20] weren't running? No. You had the heaps that you said you had more family, but like
Jack Post: [00:19:24] just you guys as friends and then like a few others.
So I had to build
Josh Janssen: [00:19:27] up the friendship. So you had heaps of people? Well,
Jack Post: [00:19:31] I needed that. I just, I. I thought in the, in the years to come, I was like, Jack, will we be close enough for 10? And that's not
Josh Janssen: [00:19:40] the question. Just
Jack Post: [00:19:41] ask the question, ask we come to my wedding when I have it. Yeah. I'll I'll come to you, but that's beautiful.
Do you get a plus? What does he get? A plus one, to be honest though, if that invite came in the mail, like, Oh, George is getting married and I'm invited. I wouldn't have been surprised you would have. Yeah. I would have been surprised. Yeah. Yeah. I would love the gesture and I'll come
he got an invite to a wedding that you were like, Oh, I was never going to get that. What the hell? That not really, not a huge wedding fan. It's not about you. I once
Josh Janssen: [00:20:20] said to Bray, I don't like the two things. I don't like funerals in hospitals. It's not really what anyone likes and you've got to go T and
Jack Post: [00:20:28] NSU, he's going to die.
Josh Janssen: [00:20:31] And then her and Pat, before they died, they loved funerals because it was a time to catch up with all their mates, have some free. How do you, how do you feel about
Jack Post: [00:20:39] weddings? I'm
Josh Janssen: [00:20:40] not a huge, not a huge fan,
Jack Post: [00:20:43] but you said you're not a fan. Yeah, they're nice. They're nice. But
Josh Janssen: [00:20:49] waste of cash in some regards that you could
Jack Post: [00:20:52] almost sort of the same.
And I, I mean, mine was the same as well. They're all the same. No, you had yours at a
Josh Janssen: [00:20:57] chimney shop.
Jack Post: [00:20:59] That's true. We will pass it to me shot. You pointed that out.
they make them. They make fireplaces there. Yeah. Yeah. It was so wrong to pack up the fireplaces. I did that. I said, it's just, you just rented the space. They were some fires by the ABC with your Tesla. They just use the, I got no money. Okay. I don't know how many pumps I can say. I got no money for the ABC.
I let my car out for break. Your color car is. It's called midnight, silver midnight, silver, metallic, midnight, silver, metallic. Okay. So it's sort of gunmetal gray and I don't want to sound like I'm like, Oh, I've got a cool car type person. What do you want to say? I'm a normal guy. I'm just like you guys.
It's, it's an entry level. Tesla. That's very shape. They're very affordable pilot. Nah, because that costs extra and I'm really? Yeah. So you were driving the
Josh Janssen: [00:22:04] thing yourself?
Jack Post: [00:22:05] Yeah. It's illegal to have the full self-driving Australia anyway. They don't really have it. Why pay for it? Mate of mine bought an apartment off the plan.
Yes. Why did he put your hand up? There was 10 minutes.
I got a book a bit too for Lena and to get a snippet,
Josh Janssen: [00:22:25] I actually have another guest on that midnight library.
Jack Post: [00:22:31] Yeah, your friend's apartment off the plan. That was just a funny bit to bring back in and had nothing to do with this story. And you guys took the backside. What time am I going by the way? Cause I just want, um, um, what to play on Monday six,
Josh Janssen: [00:22:46] six,
Jack Post: [00:22:47] six, six.
65 55. I have to be 10 to
Josh Janssen: [00:22:56] organize the Tesla just to drive it. You can do
Jack Post: [00:22:58] that. Listening to the show. I was actually listening to the show as I was coming here. And then I saw that Bree was going to be at the front door and I was actually in the street already. But I wanted to do my joke with the paper head. So I had to wait in the car for Brady to come up and then I waited for it to do it parts and come in the door.
And then
then I had a second full stop. Cause I started coming in and Jess was walking out and I was like, Oh, I'll let you in. No, no,
Josh Janssen: [00:23:30] that part, those parts took a while too. That's my fault. They didn't even want to do it. So I think thanks for it.
Jack Post: [00:23:35] What's the pot's about just cause you lock up for a cup. Yeah, but, okay. I'll ask you about all your segments.
a guy with a Tesla in my mates, apartment block, took his Tesla, plugged the thing into the, the common power and was, it was charging off common power, which everyone pays for. Does it, does everyone pay for the common power? Do the body corporate. So there's a bunch of fees charging you fine. But is it no, it's more expensive.
Josh Janssen: [00:24:14] No, I'm a Calvin wrote the townhouses. I think this is regarding the yard band. Oh yes. Come with Tesla batteries.
Jack Post: [00:24:21] You see, I told you it, or eco-friendly sustainable new age, front of development type stuff. What's in front of development. Maybe edit the curb.
Josh Janssen: [00:24:31] So Tommy's fridge. Did you learn that though? Are you learning?
Listen, run, go front of
Jack Post: [00:24:37] what did I say? Front of development.
Josh Janssen: [00:24:39] Yeah. Front of development, front of the development. What does that mean? So that just means this
Jack Post: [00:24:44] guy calling you out
Josh Janssen: [00:24:47] term. No, no, no. Just to note, it seems like a, um, there just seems like an industry related term. Tommy, he's trying to get, uh, getting to crypto in a big way.
Nearly, uh, turned 500 bucks into $50,000 yesterday, but didn't, didn't get,
Jack Post: [00:25:03] I didn't get into the, I was in the queue and I didn't get the fucking purchase. Um,
Josh Janssen: [00:25:07] how's your crypto
Jack Post: [00:25:08] stuff going? Still lost. What do you mean? Oh, I lost my Bitcoin password. Yeah. And so you're not doing, I'll be rich when I find it.
I'll tell you that, but it's gone. And so how, yes, it, yes, it is. And every time at the moment articles come out all the time that say Bitcoin is at its highest ever provided. It was
Josh Janssen: [00:25:27] yesterday. Yeah. And those articles have a photo of you with your Tesla,
Jack Post: [00:25:32] the man who lost his cause there's this guy in America who famously has lost 7,000 Bitcoin or something like that.
Half, half a billion dollars. And so how'd you forget it? No, I it's. It's a bit boring. I wanted to take it all off wine so that it was cold storage. Got this thing called a Trezor wallet. There's also a ledges. It's like a USB that you can put your cryptocurrency on. Yeah. So you take it all off the crypto exchange and then no one can hack you or steal it, but then there is no backup.
If you screw up your password on that, there's no backup.
Josh Janssen: [00:26:10] Can you do multiples? Could you have two USB sticks?
Jack Post: [00:26:14] You could. Yes, but I only bought one.
Josh Janssen: [00:26:17] Yeah. Yeah. This
Jack Post: [00:26:18] is very funny. Yeah. That's so funny how many I've got one. I've got one and then I've got 0.2 of a Bitcoin. That is Andy Lees on it. Yep. Fuck.
That would hurt Andy. Yeah, he's
Josh Janssen: [00:26:32] okay. Now, so, um, we'd love for you to do a song. Yes. Uh, do you want to grab your guitar and we'll grab a breeze and we'll grab your microphone. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Jack, seriously, I'm audio engineering, the fuck out of this. There's going to be reverb. Okay. Hang on. Okay. Can we plug
Jack Post: [00:26:52] that back in?
Okay. So we S we do it here. Yeah. Okay, great.
Josh Janssen: [00:26:57] So you sit down here. I can take my mic
Jack Post: [00:26:59] as well. How about you? Just, I can just point it over and I can get a handout will be loud enough that the monkey will pick it up then I'll have it. Can you guys talk amongst yourself? Yeah, he ain't grant. I'm going to have a few, um, Jack feel free to eat a cupcake, right?
Preferably Joshua. I actually told Josh my thoughts.
Josh Janssen: [00:27:19] What did you say about Fridays?
Jack Post: [00:27:22] Hang on handheld.
Testing one, two, three testing testing. Can you, ah, that's a great trench coat. It's a joke. Trench trench coat.
that shit it's annoying. Um, can't listen to any of the Friday episodes guys. I'm sorry. I hate the sound of people chewing. On microphone and back on his show. One for one. Oh,
Josh Janssen: [00:27:59] here we go. Okay. Who's going to go down. So GB,
Jack Post: [00:28:04] what did you order? I'm not sure. No. Jack we've been receiving orders all day, pillar ordering stuff.
I thought you'd. I thought we did been
Josh Janssen: [00:28:16] delivered it to the next delivery that is coming from me was free. Thanks to Uber eats. And a coupon says, Charles, thank you, Charles.
Jack Post: [00:28:27] This is cute.
Josh Janssen: [00:28:29] What is it? A garlic bread, a garlic bread. This and this came free. I wouldn't
Jack Post: [00:28:36] mind. Thank you,
Josh Janssen: [00:28:37] Charles.
Jack Post: [00:28:42] Thank you, Charles.
Josh Janssen: [00:28:49] Oh, that's good. That's good. Okay. So yeah, he's just been tuning his guitar and so TJ can just point it down. So it's at his guitar as well. I'm really excited for
Jack Post: [00:29:01] this. Where's the garlic bread from Georgia boy. Domino's.
Josh Janssen: [00:29:06] And that came from Charles. Okay. So do you remember, um, when you asked for reverb?
Jack Post: [00:29:14] Yeah, I remember when you told me I'm going to give you a special rape, right?
Josh Janssen: [00:29:19] So you asked, no. You asked for a reverb back on release the sound's days. You said I make, can I just get some reverb in my years? I couldn't do it. And I was sweating and I was angry. And so I've spent the last three days sorting out river, which means I can do this very
Jack Post: [00:29:36] quickly. This is the reverb.
One, two, one, two. It sounds like we're in an empty ship.
Josh Janssen: [00:29:43] What sort of reverb do you want? This is what, as much as you've gone on, give me a sec. I'll do different options. Hang on. Yeah.
Jack Post: [00:29:50] Testing, testing
Josh Janssen: [00:29:54] one, two, one, two. Okay. This is,
Jack Post: [00:29:56] I think is okay. Test test reverb is the best.
Yeah, that's nice. Maybe a bit, much, a bit too much. It sounds like I'm in an empty hall. Like no one came to see the shot.
I think it's perfect. Testing, testing. Just bring it, dial it back a little it's too. It's too much. Test test test. We're still in that big, old empty. There you go. Test, test, test. Okay. That's better too much on the guitar. Well, if you picked up on it, Oh,
Josh Janssen: [00:30:41] sorry. I'm not meant to be echoing. Okay. And, uh, posts, what are you performing today?
Jack Post: [00:30:48] I have bought in a song from my podcast. Jackie road studios is still available on all your podcast apps because you are loving golf so much at the moment. I've actually. This is a song I already wrote about golf. I'm in a weird position with my friendship group, where they are all into golf and I never got to really, which makes why you want to go play with them at Yarra bend?
Yeah. Why is that silly? Um, Matt, Sam, Chris. Great
Josh Janssen: [00:31:16] bills. How do you feel about like, I'm happy to do sort of the Christmas funny illustration thing.
Jack Post: [00:31:21] Yeah. You set them, you can come into a friendship group. Yeah, that's great. So this is a song about when you all your mates play golf, but you don't. What do you think you go for it?
We've asked a lot of Jacques today. Get trying to squeeze into the friendship group, the wedding. Here we go. And bring them, bring them all to George's wedding. Do I look, do you reckon barrel the camera or look at you guys? Keep it natural. natural. Can you pull out a bit smoking? Um, you can see my guitar.
Should I go like this? Um,
Josh Janssen: [00:31:53] you know what?
Jack Post: [00:31:56] Stop asking for requests because Josh is like,
Josh Janssen: [00:32:00] yeah, no, no, no, no, no, just this. There you go. But
Jack Post: [00:32:03] then we don't have that dark clothes. It's
Josh Janssen: [00:32:06] nice. Oh, you know what I could do
Jack Post: [00:32:09] to fix landscaped fixed lens. No,
Josh Janssen: [00:32:14] would you give options, but do you know what would be really nice?
I just thought this could be good. Hang on. Yeah, I can, but
yeah, give me a sec, but do you know what would be really nice, but before we do that, I just had another idea. Yeah, this will be good. Give me a second again. Um,
Jack Post: [00:32:33] how bad is that? A lot of cam as well.
no, actually, yeah. Give me some flow fights. That's fine. All
Josh Janssen: [00:32:45] right. So we'll we can go into, so this is your camera's at GB. Yeah.
Jack Post: [00:32:50] Yep. Okay. Good.
Josh Janssen: [00:32:52] Okay, great. Perfect. And Jack post live for the daily talk show episode 1000
Jack Post: [00:33:00] on 1000 episodes, Josh and Tommy. This is called the Gulf song. Five, maybe six years ago.
One of my friends said let's all play golf. And I said, no, they all went off to play seemingly every day, since then, now they're all golfing friends. And I'm the only one who doesn't think that it's fun to spend every hang, speaking all I'll go. And I'm like Rudolph ostracized. As from the other reindeer while they drink their beer and have to hear all about how every body's Rams turn out, every pitch, every pot, every swing, every shot, every bit of bad luck.
But guys, I don't give a fuck. I don't need to know. Yeah. Like I was there, but I never wanted to go.
Hey, sometimes we sneak beers onto the course. Yeah. Guys you've told me that before. You've told me that before bed to air pants, but sometimes we wear shorts. Yeah. Guys you've told me that before. You've told me that before. Sometimes we hit off the women's team. Guys. You've already told me, you've already told me the cards abate for two people, but sometimes we take three.
Gosh, a bucket told me 10 stories of golf. They continue into the night recreation center. I've been in real time. Every pitch, every pot, every swing, every shot, every bit of bad luck, but I don't give a fucking fuck. I don't need to know. Yeah. Feels like I was there, but I never wanted to go.
Why can't we just play mini golf. It only takes half an hour and there are little tubes to hit the ball through and obstacles to get around. But now the only obstacle before me is navigating round this boring story, every play through every pot, every second truck, every shot every bit.
Guys like I was, but I never wanted to go.
Congratulations, Jack. You've just won yourself. Josh is seven, 900 feet.
Thanks. Joshi
Josh Janssen: [00:36:10] one tight
Jack Post: [00:36:11] lists. Yeah. Seven 18. Well,
that is an Angie golf song, but I don't, I don't hate your new hobby. I'm happy for it.
Josh Janssen: [00:36:22] Do you think that you could, I guess if you've got a few mates that you're already pushing back on, it's not happening.
Jack Post: [00:36:28] I don't want to play golf. Have you guys been re-upped in yet? Well, no. Yeah. George has to the extent of play we've went to the other player.
I'm not opposed to it. Like
I'm big, I'm big on gold. I don't have the feelings towards golf. What's your handicap. Couldn't tell you, mate. Could not tell you. I just say whatever Josh has his minus a couple. Do you have a
Josh Janssen: [00:36:53] handicap? Uh, w no. So I've signed up to
Jack Post: [00:37:00] the whole story about, I didn't let anybody in, but you got in, but I think
Josh Janssen: [00:37:04] a Breezer might start playing golf with him. How do you feel about that? Bray
Jack Post: [00:37:08] can, right. It's actually quite therapeutic. I like it. Have you been yet? Yeah. Well, I've only hit one ball at the driving range and I missed
I just go with him at the moment. That's it. But I do try to hit it once and I missed it and then I got embarrassed and then didn't try again, but I will. Your padding was great though.
Josh Janssen: [00:37:29] Exactly. Yeah. You were saying, Bianca, your wife is quite the golfer back in the day.
Jack Post: [00:37:35] She was a junior golf champion. I didn't realize she was that good.
I mean, I just, my et cetera, I didn't actually have a, the family's house. They've got photos of her in the paper clipped out of newspaper articles of like, look at this kid genius at golf. Wow. Yeah. And her brother as well. Were you the reason
Josh Janssen: [00:37:58] she stopped? No actually
Jack Post: [00:38:02] long, long before I did, but now maybe I've done.
Josh Janssen: [00:38:06] when I used to say long before I
Jack Post: [00:38:08] did
but you weren't some champion that gave up, I was never good at golf. Okay. And I realized that you need to put in the hours to get good at it. Like anything you put in the hours and you see a return, but I've just, it's too long. It's four hours per game. Yeah.
Josh Janssen: [00:38:28] If you play 18 holes. Yeah. What do you play? Oh, we're doing a bit of nine.
Yeah. Just mourning sort of stuff. Getting in early. Yeah. George sort of liked the early morning start. We'll
Jack Post: [00:38:36] start at six 45. Yeah. Get to work at nine Oh one. Don't tell him.
Yeah, Jess and I would play basketball around the corner. Now you eat like your thing. This is your thing. Jacket playing the guitar. All right, guys. Well, thank you. He has always, it's a pleasure to come on the show. Thank you for Pamela, if you're at a thousand or was it ridiculous throwbacks, George, that you've been preparing that you wanted to get out?
Um, so we could use, I mean, just the talking about the reverb and stuff and St. Josh get cranky kinda reminded me of this bit from when you're on. Yeah, sure. When you made it King stuff, like you guys making this, or like, whatever you do, you still care for it to be good and to be well-received you just care less.
I think about. Worrying. If I used to worry certain PayPal, certain people would perceive something. Maybe like you read Seth Godin blog post this week. I think it was Josh. No, we're recording this the day before. So it would be amazing if it was today in real life.
Josh Janssen: [00:39:49] I thought it was gonna be the Mr. Ralph stuff that was going to boot.
Jack Post: [00:39:53] You've given the admin guy a heart attack. My chest hurts.
Josh Janssen: [00:39:57] Can we explain it now? We need to be really honest. We're doing this.
Jack Post: [00:40:00] Just cut it. Cut it.
Josh Janssen: [00:40:05] We'll try it. We never pre-record. We never pray record, but we did this one. This one is we're going to have it. And you know what? As, as a, as a, as a trait, we'll put this out at six. I was going to hold on to put this out at sort of 11:00 AM, because Jack has lifted the lid. We'll put it out at 6:00 AM. So you're getting an early shower.
I liked
Jack Post: [00:40:25] Volvo
Josh Janssen: [00:40:26] one. I liked that. No, that's that's that's crazy. Let's go and was
Jack Post: [00:40:30] saying about how it can be dangerous as a perfect place to edit.
couple of Cat-Back legends there. Tommy, can you get away with that anymore? This
Josh Janssen: [00:40:44] age? Well, the good thing is the Titleist works both ways.
No, no, no, but mine actually like you can see the, um, the logo.
Jack Post: [00:40:58] Yeah. I can see it. Yeah. You're not
Josh Janssen: [00:41:00] really meant to wear like a lot of places don't allow you to wear
Jack Post: [00:41:03] your hat on the golf course. That would be a big shake of the head. Huh? Well, thank
Josh Janssen: [00:41:08] you for coming on
Jack Post: [00:41:08] James. Jackie, would you like that? Give me one of those garlic breads.
I'll eat it on my way. One of the gum, we only got one nice piece on next,
Josh Janssen: [00:41:19] Matt, Dave Eleron in, uh, in an hour and 15 minutes. I think he wrote, he directed the minimalism documentaries on Netflix. So if
Jack Post: [00:41:28] you swipe Docker, one of many tacos that I'll watch on Netflix and for two weeks. I changed my whole life and go, that's it now.
Josh Janssen: [00:41:36] are you not eating seafood at the moment? I haven't watched season,
Jack Post: [00:41:41] but I bet I will because I went vegan when we went there, the main changes was on like solar power was going to do a, um, home garden. When I watched the dirt one. The one about. Dirt
Josh Janssen: [00:41:54] fortnights over forks, forks over knives was going to be a serial
Jack Post: [00:41:57] killer for two weeks.
When I watched the Ted Bundy documentary Docker, it's insane, but I'm going to recommend, because Marquis my bro says suggested it chasing the present, chasing the present. What's it about a bloke who was on the grind in LA sorry, New York. You know, I realize there's more to life. Kind of, but then even the Christmas puzzle brands in it, but it's just about it's mindfulness meditation.
And, um, you know, what the point of life is, but it looks really great. It's sort of in that same vibe as Matt de villas documentary, where very well-made good story. Is he a minimalist himself? Yep. Yep. Yep. Those, both those minimalists guys still minimalist the minimalists, like one lapsed. He's relapsed a lot of pressure on the machine.
They want something nice. Like a man. Well, minimalism
Josh Janssen: [00:42:46] isn't about is isn't about not having things. It's about having intention with everything that you bring into your life. So like a
Jack Post: [00:42:53] Tesla. Yeah, that could be
Um, no,
Josh Janssen: [00:43:06] I think that the driving range, you should
Jack Post: [00:43:08] give it a go. Yeah. Up into a driving range. I know what a nine, nine actually has talks to people like golf was invented four weeks ago. It's very
Josh Janssen: [00:43:17] funny.
Jack Post: [00:43:21] What is it? How old is golf? I would love to know ancient. Isn't it?
Josh Janssen: [00:43:25] They actually used to, yeah. They used to use all this
Jack Post: [00:43:27] weird stuff for the bowls, tree branch in a tomato. Yeah. Yeah. And had the modern game of golf originated in the 15th century.
Josh Janssen: [00:43:37] I know, but everything's just like, everything's just a remix.
Like they'll take talking fucking that time too. They're just in court.
on the way out. Thank you. Yes. Yes, absolutely.