#164 – Last day in his 20s/
- August 31, 2018
The Daily Talk Show — Friday August 31 (Ep 164) – Josh Janssen & Tommy Jackett
The last day of Tommy in his 20s! Live from Brighton Beach, what you can get away with in high-vis, one way to remove stress, when preparation meets opportunity and trusting people with dogs.
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conversation sometimes worth recording with Josh Johnson and Tommy jacket it's a daily Talk Show Episode 164 Good morning boom it's it's friday every friday from one yeah
I'm currently I'm in a good spot Joshi boy
in life yeah well 29 last day of being 20 This is my last you know 16 hours or whatever it is or thing 29
and the last podcast that I'll do ever at 29 years before 30 tomorrow so if we want to get the press releases about two guys in their 20s
to that tonight maybe
maybe that's the absurd name two guys in their 20s
progress in the last show with two guys in their 20s yeah yeah
yeah real quick bite like they were finishing it but no I'm yeah I'm feeling good I'm looking out I mean a car park always sounds a bit city because there's a lot of sad things that go on in copper and St Kilda. Yeah, well along along the coast, they call them
on the coast. Well, it's the it's the bay here in the Great Ocean Road. And did you wake up in the morning and drive to the 12 apostles to do the show? No, I'm
I've driven to a place called Greenpoint in Brighton. I used to drink here as a kid came here as an adult. And now I podcast here is a 29 year old and it looks at back towards Melbourne. You can see the city skyline it's pretty amazing. If you just type in beach boxes. Brighton, which is like a famous landmark for tourists coming from Asia. There's like literally basses of people that come here tourists and walk down look at these little houses on the on the sand, which is totally bizarre. There are people owning them, right? Oh, man, these things are worth like, I'm looking over there. There would be almost $5 million worth of little shacks and they tiny and they were about 600 grand. h. I think one went for about 600 grand.
Same as a bit of a donation to the council. Is that how it sort of pitched or where does that money now it's rich people that actually just want to go down and and, you know, have a little spot that they can stay off the sand or have beach toys. Like there's beach boxes all around the Bay Beach beach toys. Oh, damn. You might, it's because you've never been to the beach and or at least been to the beach and fill it in your element.
The one thing think about it though, like if you're going to store something somewhere. What's the one thing that you would involve, like, avoid when you if you were finding a storage place
cost? like super hardcore?
No, not only the cost, but like almost like the water like the salty water and the like the corrosion or whatever you call like the worst possible place to store anything. Everything's going to be fucked by the end of it. That it's like it's like they say about boat owners that
the what is the best? What did I say about bar darn is well, I'm not about us. I don't know entirely in a market or wrong but it's like the best thing about owning it the best time The best thing about only about is the day you sell the boat or something like that, which is means it's a nightmare for the owner. But for the people that you know the owner it's great. And I've known a few owners of beige box is not these ones like the ones I'm talking about. The exorbitant price is the ones that are like so close to the city. The ones down the coast like an hour and a half away they get a lot cheaper and a friend of mine he owns a share in one and we've gone and sat there and drink bees sunset it at Chase. It's unbelievable. Like it's it's a good experience when you made that India that have to pay the money. But it's been broken into about 10 times. You know, it's been vandalized, so yeah, there's a lot of negatives here.
Well, is it cold? Brighton Beach? Is that where you are? Yeah, but that yet,
right, Brighton Beach bakes. beatboxing you get kissing?
No, no. I was curious. Because I remember seeing a story maybe six months ago, actually. Probably eight months ago. It was just when it was summer in Melbourne. And did you see the story about the guy that got eaten alive by like beach lice? Yes. Yes. so
forth on that.
That was the the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. So this guy was standing still. I've just looked it up if you if you google
beaten teens. Dad films. Brighton Beach, say fleas. Enjoying a meal.
Alright, so far.
Three of the words. You said that
Brighton. Beach fleas. Oh. Oh. It is so full on. It is can you please google it to Brighton. Beach fleas. And the this kid named Sam basically was standing still in the water and the fleas like him didn't realize but they were eating him alive. On the leg. Anything the age did an article and if you scroll down if you're squeamish, don't look at it. If you scroll down the amount of blood that has been that is he saying it?
Yeah. I was saying I saw I saw this photo cry crazy. It looks like something of The Walking Dead TV show reference. Or you won't get it and
just look like zombies leg that is like half been Nord. It's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. So that's where I am. I'm in the car park overlooking the the crime scene of the the flea incident.
Anyone else there? Yeah. No.
This is thinking about callbacks. It's an especially long when I say the coast I mean just along the bay here there's a lot of
like there's a lot of what do you call them Bates gay Bates where you know people get organizations that kind of stuff yes and so I didn't know about this one but anytime I drive into a car pocket not in this cars and then I'm always thinking what's going on there and so on that car right now he he comes a guy passed me is a Christian how
I know
he's a runner he's around anyway he's a runner this this and this so this car park it a little story from when I was younger 19 year old god that's that's over 10 years ago holy shit
Wow. Anyway so my mate came and picked me up and we went for a drive and I mean these are the spots we people just come in and chill as well as get jobs
and so we we were with a couple of other people and he's like watch this we drove into the car park where we are and he's like I play this game he had a hive is top on any and I drive up to the side of cars and just
and you'd have these Humvees on so that any warranties window right down sort of like lean out the car so I might yeah and they open the window
so We're shutting up the car park in about five minutes so we're going to have to clean out so thanks man and we call it clean out the cop Hawk and you'd see if he could clean out the the Broughton Kappa there. Everyone. Listen to him. Yeah, no problem. It'll be often the second little
we would come is everyone's being dodgy. That's why because everyone's like, Did he just say it's making out
there was a making out with my ass Josh. If If you're worried about someone, someone you seeing if someone sees you making out there's nothing wrong with that. It's more about well, you see the way that you said that. I thought it was saying that people myki out with their us
so. So what's the car was he rocking? To actually
to pull the off a really shitty car. It was like, that was the best be too bad. It was like a magnet
to 100 Magna. Like just it was crappy. It's like a bit of paint coming off did not look like a vehicle of authority. It look like fucking there'll be 17 monster cans on the back floor.
So Troy, Troy Kinney, the comedian he does a funny bit where he would take a ladder and see if we can just go into random places and he's got footage of him just going past Flynn districts train station just going straight through without a myki cuz he just had a ladder and I just let him straight through yeah it's a
classic classic stitch up I was at a music festival once and this guy and I found a hive is based on the ground it's probably someone who was partying they'll probably wearing it earlier I thought look good he put it on and then went around and I filmed him and he went up to people said yeah excuse me Malaga see your ID and people would fully bring pull
out their ideas here no problem he go that show just checking it you're under a you know you're overriding like this Oh Jules land who we had on on the show on Friday. He is the best person to get into any quantum lounge. He but like I remember being at the you know, working with him at the radio show. And you know, even with these Platinum or whatever he had membership, you would only have a certain amount of people we could bring in. But didn't matter how many people within our team we had a basically would just say you just have to do the stare. just stare straight ahead. Walk with confidence and just go straight in. Yeah. And that worked surprisingly well. I think part of it might be the fact that he's jewels land and he was you know, the main face of getaway which was like an Australian travel show Yeah, like that could have something to do with it. Yeah, definitely.
I mean I've used his name to get in places as well so I bet you have is really just you know, giving back to the community I use these name in America and no one even knew who he was but I think it was the fact that I was confident enough to use a blokes name
and it worked in nightclubs and I can getting you know to is amazing,
man. The event the whole show that you were doing the the internet show was called suck on that jaws land. I mean, you couldn't leverage it any harder if you tried. Yep. Yep.
Thank you, Jules land
and I'm actually in a really good mode. All right. Good. I mean,
he wants to know, because he's worried, as we discussed
now. Well, the funny thing is, I've I was in a shocking mode in the sense of, I was just feeling stressed. And it's even more annoying when you feel stressed. And you don't know why. And especially when you feel like you're in a bit of a privileged position, like you're on holidays. And so I think that like being in a bad mood, or feeling stressed, when you're on holidays, it sort of you can get into a bit of a loop where you get even more annoyed because you're like, you're annoyed that you're annoyed. You shouldn't be annoyed.
I uncovered what it was. Well, I think that I've at least found a mechanism to feel better I am I got and this is this has worked before and some it takes me a while sometimes to work it out. But maybe other people are feeling the same way I got a notepad and I wrote down top point to do list of everything that I need to do with the money. Yeah. And what I discovered is, even though I'm on holidays, I ended up writing two pages of to do lists. It was like over 40 items that I think thinking about in my head, but I hadn't done any action that hadn't written it down anyway. And so what I think was happening was I was just constantly anytime that I was walking I was just ticking through on my head of like, the things that I needed to do and I think because being on holidays you sometimes let go of all of the structure and you're like I've got no responsibilities I don't need structure and then what you don't realize he's paying the car insurance system in the back of your mind doesn't
it nags at you? Well, there's one thing that's not on the list and let's check your P o box because they've got their cabin bro so have you actually checked it though? I not since you last us but I will check it so if it's on the list, take it off and all this it today. Okay. Perfect. Check. I think I actually have off screen magazines coming as a sorry. Yeah, you can dish it that'd be good for me.
That's what I actually like. It's my basically my little box and so p o box 400. Abbotsford Victoria 3067. If anyone has an email for us would appreciate it.
Yeah it's it's George's personal mail but it's a tax write off for the show
exactly. It's it's great i think it yeah I think you think that a holiday remove that but you are the person on the holiday and it's usually that usually happens so it's getting that clarity it helps I know that if if it's huge Yeah, I've got jobs to do or
you'd like juggling multiple tasks for work that's when you like you can just go in and out of five different jobs which is probably not that efficient when you should be sort of just delving in and doing some solid work on one but then the The reason I go in and out is because I'm thinking Oh that one that one that you know I haven't and then our roster that like you're saying it does it does really help what else he stressed about because then
you can but then you can also pick a thing like for me it's um. He's a thing that I've like one of the things that has just been on my mind like I I helped my brother's mate maybe seven years ago set up his email and stuff on ease and a domain name for these
electrical business is an electrician I and I'm still to this day paying for that domain name and it removes that it's like it's just a bit of a pain in the ass and he's a email went down maybe two years ago was a Malik like contacting me about it so I then had to fix something else like I wrote down to transfer that domain name to him and like I'm even like I've got human my system is by hosts I can send like do what like it's just that sort of shit so like doing that you have made a big difference but also clearing up my laptop I just went on the desktop and just completely cleaned it put a new wallpaper in the background may feels nice and fresh just just may just killing it please
tribute to tell me
a getting a little bit more sort of reflective of view at 20. Like what stage are you at? Has anything changed since since I last asked you about moving to 13 now
I'm only I'm just looking forward to
celebrating it. It's it's a good time. I've got the good things to look forward to great family.
Yeah, let's to be grateful. For healthy the gratitude thing is, is good. I think too. It's like being able to when you're in a funk have like at the beginning of I don't think I ever spoke about this on the show. Because it was before before we started. But I am at the start of I think it was last year I started a gratitude diary where I'd write down what I was grateful for every morning. And then I
had put on there once that
like I was grateful for Bray or something like that. And then I realized that Bray had started to read my gratitude diary. So I made a point of every time to mentioned Bray and the gratitude diary for basically brownie points. Because it was something that she wasn't meant to really be writing I felt like it was it had an extra level of shine to it. And what was this what I mean other than if you saw her reading it had Did you know that she was reading it now? I think that she was just not like, I think I can't remember now. I don't know if she mentioned it like I think she was just like, oh, like, extra curious about my gratitude. Like, oh, what a great What did you write to that type of thing? I was like, yeah, you know, I don't really care what I'm what I'm doing. What are you What's going on here? Second, I just write it What have you got? I'm like I mentioned you so I really isn't. And so I am Yeah,
continued for time. And I think like, I think when stuff is I mean, the he's the hard thing when stuffs going good. It's I've tended to
veer away from doing those of rituals, we'll have habits and it's probably the time that you should be sticking at them. But like I know, when I sort of had that transition out of in Shepperton moved to Sydney didn't really know what I was wanting to do kind of knew the area I wanted to work in
and I would get up every morning and drive to bond I was like tip five minute drive is before we actually lived in the had a bond so I drive down to bond I'd go to a cafe and right
morning pages which was just like three pages of just crap like sometimes they'll just be literally vomit from my Brian I nonsensical shit. But I always remember like it was it's almost like a child thing where you like looking to see if other people are looking at what you're writing bit, you know, because you don't want them to read what you're writing. But I'm sure that I don't give a shit what what you're writing. There's a lot of people didn't ask, what are you doing? Because it seems we I think a lot of people are confused by some bloke writing what looks like you know D dari
and and so people like a pink notepad with one of those little locks on what I mean. Like the Hello Kitty one was available and what shapes I went with that. So maybe that night. But um, yeah, people did say what are you doing. And then I got in the great conversation of our it's like to unleash creativity. And you know what, that's how it's sold. Kinda like, you know, get your brain flow happening. And, and add it gave me clarity and was and I included the things like being grateful and all that shit. But it did it really, you know, I don't know if it's if it was that was the fact that I was just doing this thing every morning where I'd go been, you know, like the timing of it. And I made a video that I put out in my youtube channel yesterday, it's just about how timing has been really important in the things that I've done. And, you know, I it's it's one aspect of the equation timing, because there's also what you've been doing the lead up to that moment, you know, like, if you're looking at sort of a graph, you've got, like you your skill set, or, you know, the action you've been taking, and then timing. And sometimes it's like, they overlap with an opportunity. And, you know, I remember sitting in that cafe doing those pages. And for that reason, I saw a guy that I went to high school with in Vonda and he said, What are you doing for work and I said, are not match. He said, What, what's your skills and stuff so well, I can make videos. And I said, Oh, awesome. Well, I might, I might have something for you. I'll let you know. And then literally, later that day, I got this message from me and said, Call this dude. He's from my business. He manages this, he wants to say, and then I started doing some freelancing for him. And I and at that point, like, I still wasn't convinced that I was the guy who makes videos yet, right. And so it's like, the action of going to do that morning pages routine, you know, actually into motion. Yeah,
put into motion and create some momentum. And it's, it's super cool. One of my favorite quotes is success is when preparation meets opportunity. I and it like, that's a perfect example. Right? Like, you had the video skills you were creating that which then, you know, was that preparation for when the opportunity comes. comes around. Yeah.
And so, and sometimes you don't even know that you're preparing. Like, I didn't think I was preparing. I was getting curious own cameras, because I wasn't getting curious on camera. I was getting curious about cameras. getting curious on cameras with Tommy, what
sounds like a quite a zany, you could have started doing that in the carpet.
But yeah. So I didn't even know
like, that wasn't my my thinking behind it. Yeah, but it definitely, you know, like, you just can't discount the thing. everything, every little action that you do, because later down the track, you know,
it might add to something or it might not. Do you think that people do think people get to sort of hung up in trying to create that narrative? So it's like, I'm going to do this. And then this is going to happen? Well, I think they do because it's how its communicated. Right. So that video I made that I'll say, and that was about timing. I know you've sent it Josh, but I'll just give a little. Maybe you give a because I haven't spoken to you about it. You tell me what. Yeah. What What is about I'd like to hear.
So it's basically you know, about, it's about instincts. It's about, you know, the story of you, you know, having this idea and feeling like you want to reach out to someone and, you know, feeling insecure about it and unsure but going with your gut instinct and putting yourself out there taking a risk. And basically, you know, you reached out to Craig Harper, who we've had on the show and, and said, you know, before you were friends with him, you know, you sort of bumped into him, you know, you knew him as, I guess a less than probably an acquaintance in some regards. And then said, Hi, might, I'd love to do video work for you. I don't know, expecting any coin from this. And then he wrote back straightaway, saying,
I was just thinking about this, you know, what you number and yeah, I think that that's like, one of the things that I've been thinking about is the power of the cold email, and how many opportunities like we've got some really exciting stuff happening when we go to the US and it's purely come about through sending a bunch of emails over a long period of time. Yeah, and the thing that I'm even thinking about as we prepare for the US and as I'm getting everything lined up is how much I actually love sending cold a mouse and reaching out and connecting with people. Yeah, it's like so much fun. Yeah, Andrew
percent. So someone could watch my video and then just go Oh, well, that's what I need to do send a cold email right and they total thought behind it is I want something from this person which is essentially what what what the reality is and has been for me, but then there's this whole other if you're looking at that timing preparation meets timing or opportunity opportunity
when operation when operation now you know its timing and so
I think when it's like with the times that has worked for me have been when it has come from the heart attack and soft but it's like, I honestly have just
approached it with this really genuine want to add value to someone. And when I even when I say the word add value to someone, it's like when someone takes that it's like, oh, well, I'll just offer this person this. It's like, Yeah, he kind of is that but there's this thing where it's like, you feel it and you know it that these who's fucking texting you? Yeah, it's it's 29 Telstra data. I've used it five cent of my 60 gigabytes anyway, we need a telco sponsor
that is these costs.
So it's like, I think when you honestly, truly it aligns with this sort of genuine feeling.
Yeah, I think that's when it works. And so I could explain to somebody he's a he's a strategy to potentially land some new clients. The socket. That's what I hate. I hate wrapping it in that. Yeah, but it essentially is that but but I think when you approach it, and I think that's what I try and do with everything in the videos, you watch. It's like, and someone actually said this, which is like, I think I'm in alignment with the sort of, you know, branding that I'm putting out there for myself, which is like a genuine approach. Like, I'm telling stories that are honest, and you know, they're not forced. And I'm not trying to tell people, this is the story strategy for 10 X in your business, but I'm just sharing some learnings that I've had. Yeah, and so I think that answers the question. Yeah,
I think it's also a long term approach, right? It's realizing that, you know, and, and being detached in some regards to bang, like, Okay, what is it that we want, we want to live a fulfilling life, we want to be able to have connection, let you know, connection with PayPal. And when you put that is your key motivator, I know that the less I grip onto money, the more it comes my way. And that's not saying like, be dumb about money, or don't think about it from a business sense. But it's a it's a paradox in many ways. And I, but I think it's a, I think that a lot of people that obsess about every dollar and trying to upsell every client and child extra that for me, has, um, has never led to me giving the best sort of value that I can I feel like there's better ways of doing it than counting every dollar or every transaction.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
And then there's like, the it the other journey that the person you're contacting where they're at? Yeah, and what part of the journey are they on? And is it you know, is it a similar spice? Or does it align with yours? And the example I gave with Craig hopper is like, crazy serendipitous, like the sitting there and he's, you know, computer room thinking about who can make videos from a or who do I know, that can make video and I popped into his inbox and said, that is unbelievable timing that made him probably think this is my God, as much as you know, I have been, he's gone, and then we've become really good nights.
Yeah, it's so you don't catching you can create those serendipitous moments though, right? Like, yeah, thing is that if you hadn't sent the email, that serendipitous moment wouldn't have happened. So if you stay, you stay at home, and you don't put you so the only if there was a formula to it, it's do more, have more conversations, put yourself out there, send the email, go to the event. And especially if you're a freelancer, and you're working from home, I we've spoken about this, like, when I was starting my business, I remember
this the second year in February being like, you know, it got to the end of January, and I'm like, actually don't have any work for February. And I booked in six meetings in one day, just to catch up with people just to hang out, a couple of people had spoken about video stuff. And it was like, three out of the six people ended up getting me to do videos that month. And so it's, it's always about doing something versus, you know, staying at home and getting depressed, and, you know, not making that progress, if the emphasis is on yielding a result for you. And that's your focus, that's when you're setting yourself up. But if you can honestly approach this thing and have faith, that shit will work out, you know, and go, Okay, now, I'm actually just going to catch up with these people. Or I'm just going to reach out and say something, it's like that at scale is more powerful than messaging people going, Hey, I make videos
would you like, you know, to buy a video from me, you know, like, I'm sure you'll get more business. The other
one says the thing like the, I think the reason why I've been successful in, you know, doing, you know, what I've been doing and the production companies, because it actually hasn't been the video part of it. That is like, I have been doing it for a decent chunk of time. So that's a given. But the other thing is, I actually think it's because I'm a tech geek, and I can help people in other ways. So half of those conversations with those people, it's like me talking about like them setting up a podcast. And maybe you could do it this way. Or he search engine optimizer, like I'm giving away value for free just because I want to help and I'm interested in learning their business and what they're doing. And then they're also like, well, I also have this video thing you have helped me with all this other stuff. Can you help me with this as well? Yeah. And so I think that it's, it's helpful, being useful, like, it's helpful. I think that you know, you think about Mason, the legend who's been helping us with, you know, creating edits, he created the Throwback Thursday edits that we posted on our Instagram yesterday. That's like, he actually he's 18 years old. And he's actually willing to learn and he's got a skill that can add value. And that makes such a difference.
Oh, yeah, hundred percent. You know what, and if, if you lack confidence, because I think about this, it's like, it does take a level or you might think that it requires a level of confidence, you know, to go to an event to go to a coffee shop, and start talking to people to send emails, which it kind of does, but it's like, I actually don't have
I don't have that confidence all the time. I also don't have, you know, the social anxiety that some people might, so that makes it a lot harder, but it's like,
sometimes it you don't need that confidence to do this shit. It's, it's a muscle, it's, it's literally it's a muscle. And it's, it's that thing of like, it does get easier, the more you do it, and it's that reject therapy that Jules talks about to it's like, doing it all the time getting, you know, if you send 100 emails, and it doesn't matter if you don't hear back from idea of them, because you're going to be and have 20 to respond to this is a funny thought that I've had. And
yeah, I'll just, I'll just, I was gonna say it sounds it can could sound vine, but it's like, I've actually so I have this sort of view on my stuff, and how I come across. And it's like, you know, it's, it's all in, it's like, it's in my head. And it's, it's how I feel about the videos I put out in the sort of person I'm communicating that I am. And then I see on the other side, how people are interpreting that and what they're seeing and what they are about me and what I'm sharing that makes sense. And I it's so funny, because I'm reminded in these moments where people are making a comment about a video or talking to me about how I've done something or what they love about something. And it's like it it's in those moments it remark it. It reminds me of this other person that I am because it's not the person who I think I am in moments. And so it's it's this when someone says to us, like, oh man, that that video was so professional. Yes. Like,
if I quit my job this is this is like, I hope is professional Yeah, like Yeah, but it's a good like, it is a wake up call. It's like, you know, like people like it's not a given people like, you know, we sometimes we can be up our own ass is too too far to actually realize the reality and the perception and the truth that we live. Jeff Jarrett, he missed me. And this is a compliment that he gave me and it's totally not how I say myself. It was the best compliment one of the best compliments I've had. He saw my video I did with Craig and he said
I love you on camera. Might you remind me of Ryan Reynolds? Smart but funny as fuck swag base compliment ever.
But it's like, that's good. He didn't even use the word videographer.
But it's you know, like I don't see myself as all those things. But I'm not ob gyn. I'm fucking smart on funnies fact, maybe I should. Maybe you make me create a bit more, but maybe I come across as an egomaniac. It's like I'm dealing with my shit. And I feel insecure I feel fucking like I don't have any confidence sometimes in this stuff it's just like waves right and then people remind you have maybe what you're capable of. And
and yeah it's a funny existence now I think it's I think it's a good way to Bay Dan Harris who you know is the news anchor he wrote the book 10% happier he talks about being in a state where you know you've got the butterflies in your stomach he not completely sure and he says that if he ever loses that when he's on air if he ever gets really confident that's when he should be worried because that's when he ends up fucking up and so I think that this area that we're in where you know we're always a little bit unsure is probably the exact spot that we should be in that's the ego in check that's you know being real about who we are and where we're at
so daily talk show everyone just Can I leave you with this yeah
sitting in the car pockets now lot I can say a lot more people I will I'll put a little a little bit Boomerang up on how the data Miranda well because I could do well go from the computer so my studio up to see the city Skype
so beautiful
my dad
well yeah I'll get the video I'll do that and so I just had a thought I saw a person walking It was really dark and I thought oh bit dodgy until I saw their dog and I thought you can trust the person that's walking with their dog for some reason it made me feel like I could trust them or whether it's really I could be a killer could be a people that they're about to send Is this the final savage but it seems like Jerry Springer my final thought is you can trust a person with a dog
or know people who are walking with a dog and more trust trustworthy
I'm not because I because I thought you cuz I think you've got to care for that. I think they have to care for that. There is a level of trust that you can you could give say the okay a woman just walk past she was one of the ones I said. I said oh, there's a person I couldn't see who they were. They pulled up in a van and they got out beanie and she's got the dog It was dark and they walked in there was a dog but then she walked past she looked like a lovely old it just had a baby on because it's called and she had a dog good to she have a dog dog okay and she looks like yeah I trust her with my money
I can't grab that will give a 20 bucks. I don't know why are you giving them money
and everyone enjoy enjoy your Friday and check out our Instagram that the daily talk show on Instagram because Tommy's got this epic Boomerang of the where he is right now. And it includes me as well. So how could you get any better than that? Feel free to send us an email to fact we get hardly any emails nowadays. I think it's because we haven't been plugging it or writing out. Actually, before we go to Michelle I got to find out what what is Michelle's actual
podcast name? We had Michelle on episode
40 early cast. Yeah. And she's been smashing the podcast. I haven't listened to the latest episode, but I have with thoroughly every episode that I've listened to. I've thoroughly enjoyed I'm going to tell you what it's called right now. Doing the same thing in the meantime, before I Yes,
so I'm currently trying to just sort out this boomerang.
What I'm establishing is that I'm sorry when I pull it up to reveal the city it's out of focus. So I'm dealing with a
this is probably this is videographer life. Michelle Michelle's Michelle's podcast is called life of a stranger. So if you if you type in life of a stranger, and it's got her on the as the picture and the podcast at work. But yeah, it's so interesting. Her latest ones code transsexuality religion and how to play your cards. Which sounds super interesting and it's a show at once like 28 minutes to talk show. Everyone will see you on Monday. Have a great weekend. Say guys.