#089 – Josh’s girlfriend and an Uber driver/
- May 18, 2018
The Daily Talk Show — Friday May 18 (Ep 89) – Josh Janssen & Tommy Jackett
Live from the McDonald’s carpark next to Melbourne Airport, we have special guest, Bree (Josh’s girlfriend) on the show.
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It's the daily talk show everyone I'm Josh Johnson I'm telling jacket and this is a conversation sometimes worth recording yeah I
like that that's a new one yesterday was pretty wacky upon reflection that do you live that I wrote that down yeah. When you really nihilists. Yeah, cuz I said you're ready for the it's almost the first time out loud
yeah and it's well no, I've been practicing because we've we're currently at McDonald's Melbourne airport. Yeah. You've you've just arrived in Melbourne and I've been practicing with our guest today.
Bray Philips. Sorry I
tuned out for a second
most of your relationship
yeah yeah the kids these days just on their phone all the time. Yeah,
thanks. She can pick me up guys.
That's right. We did have another guest planned but the announcement I apparently I think he said to me that I said a special guest with a special announcement which really played played it out so he's listening to the poker yeah he's listening well
so you haven't said who he is coming we haven't you just go with I planted that to see if you were listening potentially
but no. So we're going to we're going to have him on our special guest with this special announcement Monday who's five
years you
wanted to play me straightaway
you went to say Bray so this is for you guys. I just I've been on two flight Yeah, actually one to yet to I've been traveling for five hours today. The bloke next to me it was fasting fasting
on a plane you can't do that. Yeah,
you cannot do that. I mean, you're speaking to Chief at
right now. She fossa
that all together it actually sounds like a chief chief Fatah on your podcast and then Heckle me know that's a joke. It
happened once that want applying. Yeah,
I mean, I've led a few nights I had a few ones sleep but he did it twice. Yeah, that's not like you heard him or you just not him. It's he was him then. Cuz it was my it was on the plains with four seats across. So it's like two and two. And so close to a guy knows a tiny pi 2343. And so it was just me next to this guy, little airplane. And the smell just got me to discuss really a lot when he and I was like, Fuck, I wonder if he's not. If you we go. You try to make it obvious that you need No, I know. I just started and then I realized that I was moving a lot because of the smell. Yeah. And then I was like, he's gonna be on to me that I know. And then I started feeling fucking embarrassed for him. Well, the poor guy might have like, irritable bowel or something. Yeah, true.
I always feel for those people. Well, you have IBS? Yeah, well yeah.
Tommy you say that I've been known to
today's podcast
fat diet and stuff like that because
it's like they like the foods that you try to like, you know, onion garlic. Hold up. You can't
eat that stuff.
Try to avoid the foods that essentially bakey gassy my yeah I just I would have to stop eating three guys. Yeah. I've been eating three meals a day for the last three or four days. And it sounds funny though. But I you I probably ate a lot more. Eight more meals when I'm in town. But I was living I was out on the farm. And we just had the staples. We all got together for breakfast table or whichever. Delicious. Oh, it was amazing. This morning. We had a yes you go for Jam Jam, homemade
She's a cattle farm that I'm staying on. We had ground beef. We're live. Oh, I can slice stop and whole put into a pan. And so it's like squat bubble and squeak. So it's like, kind of like bringing all these things together. So it's like, it would be so paleo It was amazing. We ate bread. The Did you feel bad eating the meat when you were they looking at the cows? No. I mean these are people that respect the cows cows and also the cows because it's a part of their job. She's informing you talking to the microphone
well it's just you just talking across it if you just move it a little bit like that now that's perfect but nice
I was eating a great breakfast and then lunchtime will having like salads just like they'd pull out you know a meat from the phrase that they have like a walk in freezer and walking fringe with just so much made it's amazing and then dinnertime was like a roast or something so I was like this is what they do consistently and I feel really good from just eating three good meals across a day non processed non fuck i and then we just federal haven't very haven't been fighting actually.
Ah that's good. That's the that's the
shit right? Just a quick flurry and Amy's going to copy it
when I get home with the to the chocolate I'm gonna blame it on chief
when we were waiting for you to come in on the fine you texted you said our landing in a second
yeah so here's the thing either will sound like a fucking privilege idiot or you take these things on when I got when I was going on to the play in Brisbane huge line of the economy class I didn't fly business yeah I just walk straight into that business line they never check your business status Have you
you sorry
check times when we go through things because Josh is your What do you Platinum or something yeah and they always talk which like they let him go through like this speed line but they always look at me and again you with him? And I'm like yeah if you just woke up constantly yeah yeah yeah maybe
there's nothing on this was on the big applying I'm guessing this is on the Melbourne Brisbane Melbourne and so I didn't even I know you also how did you get in the lounge that was very very know I through someone else I was traveling with
actually had actually
even check out two things going to the ledge is amazing really. And anyway the other thing is so you say that because I have heard that a trick that some people use is if you have an Apple Watch and you use the QR code or use the code like the barcode on the watch it won't actually show status or anything I can go to get away with doing those lines but I'm not
sure I got my ticket in my pocket because everything it doesn't say anything on the ticket anyway the other one is I don't turn off my I don't put my phone at the flight mode yeah that's outrageous you don't have to make I told you that are speaking why you have to Why do you have to turn us
tell me tell me knows nothing so I
asked me how I was telling you about family friend that's that's right pilot yeah and he's like my fine fracking is going off as I'm landing on my Oh shit. He He said that he said it doesn't it doesn't matter at all. He works for Tiger I think so. Yeah, there we go. Okay. It's all aligned and but he doesn't any final flight mode. And it is a if there's a fucking pilot the pilot on do it. I'm not fucking doing Yeah. Why did I say why do why do you think Toby interference and stuff right, but ference if it does go off if there was an emergency and people are calling Oh, you know, what's the what's the worst September 11 the people who are caught that obviously turn their phones back on and we're calling their loved ones. Yeah, that's
I can't help but think about that sheet. When I'm flying like flying crashes the I was on a flight and had a guy speaking loudly on the phone while the plane was landing. Yeah, my Yeah, now it's landed yet. We're landing Where? for few minutes. And someone said, Sir, get off the phone. now. Wait, like
a backup
passenger. He said. Who you a nice It was a dude actually said I work for the airline. Get off the phone now.
And it was like you do is get off.
I bet I would never answer call. Could you believe that sort of tone? That was intense. What the ladies It was a dude. It was a dude flight attendant who was seated who was implying clouds. So he lived with so it definitely works the airline Yeah, anyone
addresses you with sir? You know that you're having trouble? Yeah.
But the know. So the, the, what would you call it? It's a
it's an ethical conundrum. But also, you know, like social, like, what's socially acceptable. And it was the that also reminded me of, I was watching someone's doing a vlog and they were in a superman kit. And they, they picked up some food that they were buying. And then as they were going to the register to pay, they started eating from the product that they were going to buy. And I remember as a kid PayPal doing that. Do you think that's okay,
because you're gonna pay for it. You know, the thing that stops me, the only thing that stops me is for the things that class in white. And so when you put it through the self serve, you know, you get the woman over because you started eating. It's got the wrong white, so it's registered. Have you really gotten to that point where you've eaten something I've just done a couple of times water. I've drank a half a bottle of water walking through and then put it on and because it knows it's a kilo one. Wow. Yeah, it's gone. It's you need to get the woman I'm
not even just produce and stuff like that. Not all projects, but I
used to do it. I remember being a little sheet of a kid and eating a packet of chips winning the empty packet at Morgan at the top of the rack. I can stealing now that is
so Bray. How much of the podcasts Have you listened to the daily talk show so far? Um, raise my girlfriend if you haven't worked? Yeah, yeah, maybe 70. 70%.
That's a maybe 60 that's not bad. Yeah,
I used to listen every day when you first started What happened? Yeah, I just found no Oh yeah, busy with everything going on. But also I just needed a little break from listening to Josh Yeah, yeah, she was fine. I would like walk like I would leave high and we'd get coffee together because we do that every morning and then I would then listen to the podcast for half an hour on my way into work I'd go to work no doubt probably talked to Josh throughout the day and then leave work and then listen to the podcast again so it was just a lot of Josh too much JJ you get
these ideas that he's had across the day Oh actually we get him in the would talk about the podcast
want any feedback? Yeah Yeah you do one thing that I've noticed that we've been doing this mate that's going to be on Monday hopefully god this
is gonna reveal yeah it's
such as it probably will and he's a type of guy who hates any sort of build up in any overplay overstating the fact that I've done three hooks to him coming on the show. I think it could be partly the reason why it's not new at this. Yeah, he knew
where it something in Episode 80. I Yeah,
I know.
I'm pretty sure we say 97. But my way if I can. I can smell 100. We're
very, very close. You
get your listeners to take a stab on who they think it is. Oh, they will never get
the about what it was also getting me to think about is how many promises that we've made true throughout the podcast? I think you're in the market. You energetic feeling good about everything. What are some of the promises that you remember? Do you remember any point promises with a break even had one?
No, I do. I'm just trying to think you have committed to certain things. I mean, you have you I'm pretty sure you said you were gonna follow Tommy around where you are
as a private investigator.
That's still happening. I
actually think you've committed to the promises because you remember you said that would email three people each across the What about Seth garden as well?
Do I do like, promising? Donna? It's good? No, no, but there's an energy in the moment. We promise that we're going to do an episode from Krispy Kreme we did that now. I'm just trying to find the positive Yeah, I mean, doing a bloody good job you do in every single day. Yeah, that's a promise that we've we've kept you kept. You feel like you know me? Yeah. from listening. Yeah. But I feel like I sort of new you anyway. Yeah. But
always been calling you family lightly. I see. I tell me and I mean Bodie there the first friends that we I think you like family well cuz nice because we've got a kid and we hang out and I guess it's because you're quite a bit and find people we hang out with
and it's just relaxed when we hang out I mean like it's just like whatever we don't even have to like say much mean I've got a glass for you that sits on the kitchen bench next to our true car oh that's how
I remind me because you can't using all the other yeah
I'm serious couple copies yes is a ever heard the term fast friend no I got a I've got a fast friend all right and so I'm he said this before it's on the phones her She said she's my fast friend as your landing your Yeah, babe. I'm gonna go she leaves in our apartment block is a small handful, quick, seven apartments. And she leaves out the top and we're in the middle. And she's young. She's got a boyfriend. And we get along really well. And I mean, her have become really good friends really fast. And so. But she's like, yes, my fast friend how good he is, like, have they been at each other's houses installs a why. And she's over having Tim Tams last night. So they've been hanging out until 1130 is ideal. That you can do that with someone in your life actually messaged me like two days ago. And channeling right back to me. yesterday. She was she's got a new friend. She's been sick. She's she did tell me that. She's been a while. Yeah. Yeah. She spent the day with Brady boy.
It's a good time to be sort of seeking some regards. Why? Well, just
so you can just sort of slaves said don't have to worry about
anyone to look after Bodie. She's seen a Shinto to daycare,
right. You paying 150? Yeah,
there he goes. Or not? Or the the I got some favor. I throw that number around a lot. And I had a friend who said to me who was a china remember they said that was high. For some reason. They had London connections. And they're like, I think that's what friends in London might pay. But that's like super, super Primo.
Well, we we leave pretty good. Yeah, he The further you go out, the cheaper it is. We don't live far out. And then there is ones around this one in Richmond. That's 120.
I mean, it was convenient. We waited all up. And it's 500 meters from Amy's. I'd pay 30 bucks for that for the convenience. Yeah, yeah. But the whole promising stuff on the podcast made me think that we should have some sort of mechanism to keep track of all the promises. So
a sub Charlie board or something. Yeah.
Well, the risk in what I'm about to say is, it's another promise,
but he is a promise to endo other promises. Right.
What I'm gonna do is that June one, we're going to have a new website got
June one. Yeah.
Okay. And on that website, there's going to be a section which is forward slash promises. Good. Yeah. I mean, the whole sorry, Dave, the daily talk show.com forward slash promises. If you're listening to this episode. Yes. And it's after June, please visit and promises. What I've got to work out is I think that it will be a one line form submission. And people can type in a promise that they heard on the podcast that they want us to keep in mind in Cape committed to it. So that's something and then every
message I want you to keep to, what is
that, and that's getting Seth Godin on the show? Yeah, that would be Yeah, Tommy. Tommy. Tommy I feel like sided with me in that Yeah, just can we not going
to be
Yeah, yeah, but the so that's something exciting and so what I'm thinking is we could do a bit of a promise audit every couple of weeks where we say okay, what promises to we Josh Have you
privately stalked Tommy yet yay or nay all of that sort of I mean I almost just feel like I can't be bothered doing that so I feel like it's okay it's a cave just not to do that promise I'm I'm happy to take take the lead I've I think maybe we spoke about if I spoken about how badly I'm procrastinating at the moment no but I can definitely tell with all of these are my I am I am doubling down What are you doing that fateful breezy way you on Instagram you
know I was responding someone asked me a question on my Instagram for work it's not me on my personal instead they fucking ask they were just asking where pair of earrings was like born from anywhere you
know given the brain as a guest we should try and bring you in on the conversation I am or no you're
fine I'm just happy listening she said earlier before we started rolling I've got nothing to say join the club
August around having nothing to say but it still doing five episodes away The only thing that I have to say us around the old I've been thinking about his podcast can tell you need to get out and about and talks about it all the time on the podcast well the contents directed content directors on radio they say it is the radio personalities jobs to live a life so they have something to talk about it and so when we're on the triple definitely have that we're gonna have so many or
hype on the trips that you can also relax a little bit true let them enjoy the sights and all that sort of stuff. Hey one last thing about where I was yeah you know the to to advocate yeah you know that hilarious ceramic can't
alright. But to to advocate the big the big like satirical news thing
Larry's headlines anyway, one of the dudes is from out there
I saw on Instagram today Yeah, I should ginsburg of the US she ginsburg show. Yeah.
interviewed them and was there today where that's crazy. I didn't he had a fucking quantum head on the dude. Maybe he was either way. Well, Rupa Joe was saying with in one of their latest episodes of a podcast
podcast to advocate and Rupert listens.
I don't know. I mean,
it was on yesterday show.
Yay. job that you drop the table. He loved it. What did he say? After he goes on? Like,
speedy? Gonzales got it up 10 minutes ago. Right. Anyway, advocate. Dude. I heard one of the episodes he he was meant he was mentioning Ruben sister. They all went to primary school together. What would I say? But what what to do throughput system? Alright, so what they do is that they they drop all their mates names into this material.
Yes, yes. Yes. Sister. Why?
To include their friends names? Did you know literature is a town I forgot to tutor Queensland. This is where our show was. Yeah, I want to get um, why do you see that? I know I saw one. But no, to say I've gotten back on to Ashes ashes down like over 200 episodes of his podcast. And now that I am like closing, you know, spending all of my time thinking and listening. Like I'm trying to listen to as many as possible because if we're gonna do something that's good, but if we're going to do something that's good or like, and if we want to be taken seriously, I feel like we need to respect what everyone else is doing. Listen to other people, learn from them, give feedback just be part of that sort of community. So I've been listening there was a really good if you're in Australia, even if you're not but there's a lot of Australian references Bray we listen to the Sandra Sally I that was so good episode with Asha ginsburg is
that was really interesting. Tally on interesting person really strong. I remember I grew up with her watching Sandra, Sally at the news time 6pm I feel like you had a thing for Sandra Sally now you had a thing I did
tonight but preferred Tommy decided that she was sort of I liked her a lot Wasn't she
Sandra sultry on something Oh sure. Just something I can't remember yeah she's also imagine she punches $20 a day no no Doesn't she know she's like no no super healthy like into a very big clubs polities all that stuff now
there's a one thing you have a woman who's currently still on that sounds who voices today should smoke packets the risk with doing the show with Tommy is slowly reducing who we can have on the podcast
I don't know if it's a choice and how because Sandra's probably listening, going fuck the sky Sanders listening. Hello. Good. Yeah,
that's really good.
you know, so it's to give you an idea what, 22 minutes in so we'll
ask if you had a timer. Yeah, I
look. Normally every
30 minutes on this part. Yeah,
were parked at McDonald's. We have a 30 minutes talking about having limits. We were at the fucking airport here in Melbourne, you have one minutes, it's fact it's even worse in Sydney. Now. Really,
she's got Andrea Coppock used to be free so they turned a section that used to get for free for 10 minutes into a paid one and so every on the start with just rocking you had no option but to pay and people who don't think their pay there it goes through your a tag and so you go out of shape which has the full box dodgy bastards that because I think I think I was hearing something about the Melbourne airport that's already like made 150 million dollars or some outrageous box yeah she is they don't even cashing the fucking yeah putting a train well that's why would they want to do a train if they're making it through that but Bray
was having a go at me I
wasn't having a guy alright guys welcome to the first on air fighters were Nori
and Jonah describe what happened? No I'm I'm giving you the lead to then what happened
is a guy whose job it is basically to move people on when they've overstayed their welcome at the airport. And what happened. He's just in his hobbies is walking and he was just waving his hands like he was looking at Josh new sort of waiting on and Josh wasn't looking at him. Josh all sudden looks up like with this like sort of gives him a dirty look. And he's ready. It looks like he's ready to go to the guy. And then I got confidence in the car case just doing his job. And then I just all I did was put the window and I guess I'm sorry man. I kind of he through you know the window. What anybody said that they got the night sky outside the car anyway. Basically, all I'm trying to say is he's just a guy doing his job. And I feel like he should have been nicer to me. It is
it it is one of those areas where I think when I was younger and straight white. I don't understand why all of a sudden got like because he wasn't being on steroids.
I'm spending time with Tommy. Tommy's like that a bit hot. didn't line up a few was a cold hot headed. A bit of a temper. No. But I feel like I've gotten I went from when I was younger. Just getting angry at people really easily to building up empathy to now I'm coming back around to know the idea that like
my thoughts around stuff like I people who are just trying to make it back, right. Well, I'm like, you know what, this taxi driver or the Uber driver or this way that like they just like they're not getting paid huge amounts of money. They're just trying to do all that. So I think that's how I've been living my life. Except
I did lecture an Uber driver on earlier in the week. Have why my
agenda? Oh, maybe I
think Bray, you do not because you were you saw me being frantic because I was leaving the house. Yeah, I got a call from him. got a call from a guy. He said. He said, Oh, hi. Where are you going? Like,
excuse me, sir? Oh, yeah. Wait, where are you going? I'm like, we're using Uber let the app it's all there. Don't need to call me. And so I like I know I probably shouldn't have been Nova. He
was trying to dismiss the job wasn't even something I said he didn't want to do it.
He said many how many people I said one. But again, this is Uber. Like, you don't need to call me and so I was already pissed off. And I said he was actually really pissed off. And because I was just I had camera gear, I was carrying all my stuff. And so I just felt like it was a really unnecessary cold. Like, I would understand if he's like, Hey, man, I'm at the front. But he was like a kilometer away. And he was trying to find out, you know, all the details. So
it doesn't say the details until the job turns on when you get in. Yeah, it doesn't actually racket at the moment. If you get an Uber from the airport. They do the exact same thing. You and I and I didn't. I didn't caught on to it. Because it all went through. But as soon as I ordered it, I got a phone call. Yeah, so Hey, man, I'm just coming in. But he didn't ask me where I was. He just called me though. It's like you want to chat us? Me. Anyway, Jews was Jerusalem was telling me that because he's falling so much at the moment. He's they call you see where you going? Because then they canceled the job. It's
what's happening. Sorry. I said to him. I'm like, Look, by the sounds of it. You don't want the job. So I'm going to cancel it for you. And I'll just let my mates who work at Uber know I had this conversation. That's why I said to him, which said the same, like a little I felt a bit bad after because it felt like a bit of a power play. Even wait for him to respond. Did you know
when you got gone? No, no, no, no, no, no, it's fine. It's all good. He's okay. Yeah, I'm still I'm still there. I just want to make sure that you didn't need an Uber XL one or something, right? It sounds like okay, so I got into the car. And
we just had this conversation where I don't, I don't look down on people I could do I I feel comfortable about doing any fucking job, having other people do any job. These all these things that we do need to be done in the world. And I feel like our job are a bit of a fucking joke in what we do. Anyway. So
the conversation that I had with him was it was sort of complaining it was how did it
stop? Like, he got in the case. I hey.
So he's obviously felt like you need to break the ice because he's like, are Sorry, sorry about the weather. He said. He said, like, what happened is, he says he's got people being please say, not the word, dodgy shifty, shifty people. And what they do is they're rocking out with four people and all with luggage trying to get into an Uber x when they need an Uber XL and he is a bigger car. But they people do is they book it under Uber x. See what car it is. If it's a big car, they'll keep it if it's a small car car, they'll cancel an order another car. I think it's shot it how many people are doing that? Well, that's what I said to him. I'm like, Look, I said this thing by the end of the quarter so the whole drivers a 30 minute drive or whatever. Yeah, I just said to him I said it's a thing like
a challenge
No, no surcharge up to three other
it was the night he was saying, you know, I like the last month I've had to deal with I've got all this shifty people. And the the ox code got broken. Can someone port was pulling it to plug in their phone? I said, Look, I said
his issues are probably bigger than Aruba. Yeah, so
what I said was, I said, I said to him, I was like, Look, the I think that it's I felt like a bit of an asshole. Yeah, time. The same amount might look, it's a mindset thing
I said. I said, The thing is, Uber and breed heard me do this before with a lady in in LA, who wasn't happy, because we booked it too
much at first, anywhere you want to finish the story about data? Yeah, Jeff? Sorry.
No. So I said to him, I'm like, this is a choice, right? The thing is that there's I understand that can be hard to find work, but there are you can be stalking things at Kohl's was you need to just do that. Like if you work it out and say that the petrels too expensive. And all of these things like you just need to decide not to use Uber. Because the thing is that what Uber does give you is that, yes, you've got your family and you can turn on the app at any time. Yes, he can be flexible. And what did he say? And I just said to him, I'm like, you know what? And like,
My bet is that the people who are booking Uber x with all the luggage and also thing I don't think they're being shifty. They just don't know what they're doing. They don't know the app. Like even I wouldn't even necessarily think about that. So like, if you think that every single person you have in the car you shifty. Yeah,
I had a bad experience he having bad expect. That was his words back to, you know, to his mindset was obviously wrong. So it's gonna be good, but didn't even respond. Yeah, cuz that's giving someone a boss isn't asking. Yeah, exactly.
What I'm always curious to know the response wants to that. Yeah, it was. I felt like my One Stop,
stop. This even felt like an even me being nice. Felt like a power play is like, Look, I'm not going to be telling Uber about this point. You said that I said, I'm not going to like you
said that in the car. So it was actually like a conversation where you felt like it was a bit tense. So it wasn't like a general comes
about the fact he called me and all this sort of thing, right? But I was just like, Look, just remember that this is a choice. And so that and yeah, so he's reaction he was his reaction was, yeah,
he was sucking up my ass a bit, because I think he was worried that was going to call it
that. But he was just saying, Yeah, like, yeah, there are like, yeah, there are like a lot of nice people. He said something along those lines, instead of implied that I was one of those nice people. Oh, that's
emphasis people. It is like a, you can say it's a choice for things and whatever in the jobs that they're in. But some people just don't know what they're doing. Some people need work to do. And it's hard. You know, to me, it's like, it's hard for him to metrics, but what he wants to do. Yeah, so he's like, Uber, it's accessible. I've got it all set up. I've got I'm making an income. And if he's unhappy, he might not know where to go next. So I get what you mean by choice. But it's not a simple things, sometimes people to just make a choice. Yeah, no, I get that. You said you hadn't cut through connection with the information. You dish. Yeah,
I get well, that's a bit and it actually say you were wrong. And the thing is, I think it actually was more for me than for him. Because it was either that or I called Uber. So I feel lucky. And then and that would have taken a week and the procrastination would it can play it was talking about the fact that the Uber was just a bit useless. Like, he's like, Oh, my ox, ox internal thing in the car's broken and they're not doing anything I said, it's got to be, you know, in by insurance. And so like, it's that concert. Actually, that's why I said to him, Well, I said, I was like, you know, like, he's like, he said, you know, everyone expects means water, they expect all of
the bad ones. So this is why I said I said, I don't expect means an unexpected border. But I just expect that when I get in the car, that the person that's behind the wheel isn't going to be spending all the time complaining about being on Uber because I'm like, the thing is that the reason that I want to use this service Yes, I
want to support people
and and I want to be and like so if I feel if I feel like Uber is not benefiting you then if you don't want to make the choice then the passengers are gonna make the choice no one's gonna want to do is what happens when a business scales as quick as Uber does. And for both the passengers and also the people working for it. Yeah,
this is going to happen well I got an Uber to the airport on Monday yeah the dude said to me
Do you mind if I don't take tolls I said yes I fucking I didn't say fucking did yes I mind take the toll yeah and then you pay for the town of course and it's and it's an extra 15 minutes not taking the tolls to the airport so I would he not want to take the when you come down he didn't have an attack pros dude you fucking jobs driving Ah, there's a high chance that you're going to go on a toll road in Melbourne if you're driving to me says bad as I am now that's all I said. And then I thought about do I give him one style
yeah I don't actually give stars anymore the way
you're writing is yours was pretty good It has been good like I remember I checked it was like 4.9 which is high because he used to be so I
was gonna give him I was gonna give him one stands like all this poor guy he didn't I get off oh yeah that's I just don't do any other way yeah yeah it was nothing good yeah I wasn't the guy given me less annoying like
Josh Josh is Josh will get into is over and fucking school laid. The annoying thing about the Uber driver is as we're having this conversation he went like the worst way like I do I pick him up on this hey there
now I
was just I was like, why did you Why did you turn
Why did you miss it? Because it said to turn left at William straight and human. You do that to me too. And he and he ended up going past and going to Kingston I'm like why would you do that? I'm like no biggie. Just wondering and he's like oh the so it looked like there was a bit of traffic on William straight if I
was him I would just get out back you drive? Yeah, he turned off he's fucking
yeah this is it. Today's enough. I same it will lead to something being that man took your advice store manager thanks again.
It's a daily talk show everyone feel free to send your emails height the daily talk show.com Episode 89. We're doing 9090 on Monday with a special guest ah. With a special announcement what he starts with let our eyes Oh yeah. He's his first name is
jack or Oh, I've we went for first name. Yeah,
it's jack post
that we haven't said what it is. So jack, if you're listening might get ready for it. Yeah. And now you actually have to just be on the show because we've said you are exactly it's exciting. Anyway. Have a good one. Everyone will will say Monday. Bye.