#329 – Not My Problem/
- April 19, 2019
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show we discuss:
Easter Friday
Our Fat Fridays treat
The new office commandments
Cooking and cleaning in the new office
Tommy’s testosterone and Josh’s balding
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A conversation sometimes worth recording with mates Tommy Jackett & Josh Janssen. Each weekday, Tommy & Josh chat about life, creativity, business and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and friends of the show! This is The Daily Talk Show.
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 329. Happy Good Friday, that Friday and happy good for fat Friday. Yeah. So he's Humpty Dumpty egg. So today we've chosen a few weeks because we need to have it. I mean, it's one of those things, the amount of runway right now. I'm a bit rattled. I said, we
said this Humpty Dumpty. I believe it has Smarties in it. Yeah,
it does. So
it means coated beanies, not smileys. I mean,
what I've loved is going to see I mean, we we have created a culture where there's times of the people just don't give absolute fuck about their diet. And one of those days is today and Christmas Day. And it's always like I love going to say Craig hapa who's the motivational fitness guy? And people Oh, how Craig How do you do it? On Christmas day not I just don't fucking hate my
I wonder what he does. Aidan gray does
but I think it's like, last Christmas I actually did a workout on Christmas day because I knew how much of a fatty I was going to be
well, given that it's fat Friday isn't Good Friday. I've been what would you call it like water? I've been waterboarding myself.
You don't want to be waterboarding, torture and loading? Yeah, you've just been drinking water isn't don't try and bring it in. Like you've been prepping yourself based on the food you're about to Yeah,
well, I'm flushing I feel nice. today.
You drink a liter and a half of coffee. That's why you drink the water.
But part of it is that I feel like if I have a lot if you eat badly, yeah. If you have for every kilogram of food, you have four kilograms four liters of water. It's
that's unrealistic for the population, human population. But it's like when you go out for a big night of drinking. You can stay hot during the day and drink lots of water and it should help with the hangover. Unless you just lose you drink 70 shots of Aqua. Well I had a
good mortar. Why do you say the Spanish
Aqua? is water gua gua is a South American. I think
Italian. I know that Aqua is Spanish.
Okay, then it's Yes. I think No, I don't think it is South American. I think it's made from the leaf. So the what cocaine's made from in his use of that leaf in it. Look at that my son made on the guy was at doing shock.
Why is his water in?
Okay, what's the alcohol Tell me about the alcohol? So ag agua? Yeah, I get what you mean. It's the Aqua, Aqua for us, but I'm talking about
agua i j why this is gronk through Spanish.
Not even I'm talking about the alcohol. I'm not talking about water,
but alcohol.
It's alcohol made with Bolivian Co. Coco locally. Yeah. What is that cool. So Bolivia Aires in South America. Okay. So what de Bolivia? Yeah, it's a big drink. It was really popular. So went like just a bit of nightclub drink ever seen domination. So no, it's it was Jaeger bombs was huge. Then agro came out. And that was massive. Because it was like, Oh, you might get a little high because it's got coca leaf that you're using. What was it was Yeager a legal? No. Yeah, it was.
It was a type that was like that had that illegal ingredient that you couldn't get? Yeah,
good. Dragon monster has been legal. As long as I can remember. Used to ferals used to drop fucking shots of that into full cups of Red Bull Red Bull and Scarlet it is pretty fell that's what causes hang up.
I caught up with a friend on Sunday who had a hangover and he was he went to he was looking for Baraka yeah like the actual drinks and that they didn't have it and I said I just looking get Baraka you can just put it in but it was too much for him.
Well, you know how much those things are like five bucks. And all it is is a tablet and some water and the water drops into the it's like an orange.
Whatever when
you get a hangover you trying to do whatever you can. And yeah, you go to anything
like we talked about the easter egg. So yeah,
so basically what I've done, you've chosen something that you've had from your childhood. Yeah,
so this is I go more Primo now because Bray works and hi tiger, so spoiled so this could be a horrendous experience.
I think it's a childhood experience because you've had this for a long time.
Humpty Dumpty
can carry Cadbury milk chocolate Humpty Dumpty who fell off the wall? You don't know him from that? Yeah, that little
did you have? Did you have fights with your bros about a stir?
I was a kid stealing shit from my brothers. Yeah. So you and I youngest It was like it's great place to be your two older brothers. My brother was a bit of a hoarder of lollies and he used to hate it. I don't even know how you hold on because I'll eat them. That's the problem. I would get in there and snap off a little bit. Or I go into a show bag from Melbourne been shown to steal bits of
Melbourne show the amount of fights with Melbourne show bags but I actually I remember one time. It had been like a week after Easter. Yeah, my bro had been holding on to this big fuck off grain. Like a easter egg. It was just like a grain wrapping I just remember that was huge. It was like one you know you can get you normally get one big. You like would you get one big one? Yeah,
I mean, this all died for me. Probably at the age of nine or 10 I don't think I continued like a short just eat the shitty food in the house. But I remember those periods of time where I was a young kid getting the bigs
and so my brother was holding on to his a I just remember me having a meltdown and going into his room and keep chasing me and I just grabbed it and I knew as soon as I broke I just smashed the egg all over the grandstands.
You are like that is exactly like Bodie, if he's got something in his hand and you say I want it back. He will run but then throw it to the laughs It's crazy.
Anyway, can I can I open this? Yeah, so Josh
got the full fat egg and I opted for something a bit different. I like those eggs. So I'm not trying to say that I'm the good one here. But I got the mesa Mr. 97 you're gonna like these. These are vegan eggs. They premium dark chocolate. There is no sugar added to them. And they made from all vegan ingredients.
We need some clarity on the sugar thing. What do you mean? What's clarity? What clarity Do you need, dude? Well, I think it's still sugar, sugar, sugar.
You can say sugar sugar, but then not unless you're adding white sugar to something. You can't say that this thing over here that has no white sugar in it isn't is the same as that.
So what is it's like but if there's no added sugar, it still has sugar. Yeah, so they're probably using like some form of
you're saying for the for the majority people don't be fooled by where it says no food because you can have something that so added no added sugar, which means that it doesn't actually have any white sugar added to they smell good.
And I feel like maybe we should start with your one based on pallets. Yeah, guys, I think if we have Humpty first, Humpty is going to give us a little bit of that sort of line.
So what we're going to do is just try a vegan egg. no added sugar versus a non vegan full fat. Yeah,
egg. So they've super heavy like this is
now mom would always get very upset with how my eggs
Yeah, because you deep throat them. What do you What? What? What? What? Why would she get annoyed with that? God You look so special when you wait.
It's beautiful. Really? Like
it is good. You don't need to do that. Right like what you just did now and like you didn't need what
you said you want you didn't under I'm upset
now? I bet it's Why are you angry? Because you now just the way you radiant is pissing me off.
But Mr. 97 I've saved some for you might. Yeah,
I learned early on you gotta get your whole mouth over the whole thing you
know, sharing.
Mr. 97 haven't been that. Yeah,
this is it. Very good.
It's nice. It tastes like a naughty egg. You don't need to continue eating it. Seriously.
Three totally dominated. Eat the whole entire egg on the show. I keep it from mine because that's yours. Right. But what happened last time screw to Derek came in and had my head. Yeah,
that's you know, that's your that's your Right, right. So we've done a taste test of the vegan eggs. It's amazing. Like, it's so good. Would you like to do the honors of breaking the egg? Yeah, I'll just do it. How I would have done it as a key. Okay, so it's a it's actually
off. I wouldn't go like that.
Oh, this is very it's soft. It feels like it. Yeah, it's like,
be careful because there's beans in it. Yeah.
Okay, so it's like a
This is why don't you try some beans first. No, they're not beans. Dude. Don't give them that this Smarties.
So don't try some beans. 97
I am 100% behind the vegan chocolate that is so much better
than ever been. I don't need been
just have one bag. It's like you don't that's the whole it's it's shit chocolate. Sorry, Cadbury
that is crap. Really. In comparison to the other chocolate
that I did it was I was really into it
was it did it's like sugars crack. So you literally just want whatever you can get. It's not as good as it's not as good. It's like it's almost chalky or something. The Vegan chocolates like smooth. Mr. Nice Evan, what did you think? From the to?
Oh, here's any of the actual V and chocolate will be better. But I
you're a pram to them. I mean, he's a healthy boy. I'm at it's just the textures. Anyway,
that's what I liked about a target because it's like they still have fun with the bits inside. Yeah, it's a Primo chocolate where it feels like it's not a Primo chocolate, but it's got a bit of fun.
It's seven bucks. So for that stupid egg. Yeah, I mean, these were 558 for a tiny, tiny little one. But this is heavier than what that one is. Now that's like when you you've gone to your friend's house that their family doesn't eat chocolate match. And they've still got chocolate in the pantry from six months ago. And
it's a coin egg. Sorry, it's a coin Chocolate.
Chocolate. Yeah, those Yeah, just that look like quite Yeah, that's such a chocolate.
What's gonna happen with snacks? The new office, we're gonna have a snack. Yeah,
I mean, this is where we need to go date because I've been thinking about. So we're moving into an office in one week's time. And it's much bigger than this. We're on our last fucking legs here. The office is messy. It's like when you're about to move past and you're like, why would I bother putting anything away? This wedding by
the way? I'm sweating.
I think I had mentioned. Imagine if you if you finish that whole vegan in the family happy? That's a good thing you hold on.
It's that whole thing of like, I it's like the Indian restaurant the other day? Yes. Like if I think about it, I can have it light on the same amount of calories. I should you've got chocolate on your lips.
You want it? So we're on the last legs here this office. So
I've been thinking about so we need to sort of work out at least
the 10 command. The 10 rules very church. Yes. Oh, well. It's a churchy vibe of a day. Yeah,
it's sad. Well, that's one thing on the Easter thing very quickly. My Nana and power very Catholic Nana had like 12 priests at a funeral. Wow. It's impressive, isn't it? But I brag wasn't that I wasn't church on go to church and also think my cousins and shit did. My dad went to like Catholic school. So I get that. It's probably like for some of our listeners, I wonder if that this there'll be people who, like if you're Jewish or not having Easter, you know,
we're not taking Ramadan as a holiday. which some people do I fast, fine.
But yeah, so anyway, I know you made the Christmas
Easter is like all these is centered around Catholicism. But
not everyone follows.
Some people are atheists, some people are Jewish, whatever. And so a bunch of my Jewish friends take advantage of these days, even though they flat out Jews, they like you know, flat out they go into synagogue and all that having eggs? Well, I think they're a lot of the thing. A lot of the times like it was on Christmas, Christmas Day, they'll do their own get together.
Go to the friends who are Christians who celebrate Christmas and maximize the opportunity to achieve it. So it is a funny one, those one commandments taking management's of the office. These are I think we need 10 rules, at least to start with as a basis around just rules of the office that can include things like snacks cleaning, like I mean, think about one thing missing is just thinking about dishes and cleaning
your bra.
Well, I won't use any dishes.
One of the rules is you can't have an attitude. I think this is the first one. It's like, I had nothing to do with it. So it's not my problem. That's I didn't use that. So if definitely
if we have if we go in what about the factor
who uses the play?
The first night Don't
be the first role. The first role shouldn't be. I think what you're demonstrating is who the fucking gronk is. Okay, the first rule you're doing is even if he didn't mess you the plight Yes. Say the plight you should clean it out. It How about the person who uses the fucking play? Yeah.
Daddy, Daddy, that should be like the the rule that is the number one written rule You don't like it? Put it away. But right now in this office? I
don't think you can we have written rules when we haven't got the rules yet. Right
now we have a knife sitting over there that was used within a fat Friday where Mr. 97 made some waffles and Mr. 97. He makes the food he washes the plates. He collects the plates. There are some times I'm going to lay on the seven and you know where this knife is left. It's right next to Josh his desk. And I said Dude, I think Josh even put that from his desk up onto the fridge. Not my not my knife, not my problem. T What dude, it's your office as well. And it's your fucking problem. But this is this is what you agree, Mr. Nice. So Kovalev it's been if it was next to my desk, I'd be like, I'll take some initiative here and actually put this knife away, maybe even wash it. I think I'm a long term
game kind of guy. Like,
what's the long term game?
Well, I I've got the ability to hold out somewhere else.
Everything not a team effort, or that's why we need to sort out the rules.
It's not my problem is not a mantra that you can have within the new office. Because it is everyone's problem, right? It's not. It's not my problem is not okay,
if I had a messy fork, and I just put on the communal thing. And it was closer to your desk. Yes, that mean that it's now your problem.
So what I would say is, Hey, guys, who's folks this? And if everybody said, I don't know? Well, what Then am I going to go? Well, I don't know. I think what's happened is Mr. 97, was cutting them up cooking them, for us putting the effort he washed about 70 plates. And potentially from one of our plates. We don't know, there was a knife that was Lyft.
It's dirty.
It's named name
on your fridge.
It's very four years old. But how? And so I think that's say this is this is the rule. It was the rope.
What do I say me? Sorry, seven. I said you can't even remember your own. It's no, because we were nothing. This is a this is a time to explore. So it's, you cannot say it's not my problem. Because it's everyone's problem. And so that's I think that just brings a level of team, you know, team, whatever, team and ship,
whatever. Whatever. It brings up a high morale, I guess. Yeah, yeah,
exactly. Because then it's like, oh, I'll tell you what, back because sometimes you can't do it. You know, sometimes you can't.
So but maybe that should be seventh on the law.
It can be one I didn't think the commandments don't stand for first is most important to prioritize. Now
looked up the commandments are the 10 commandments prioritized? That's a good one.
We should question. It's a good question. What's it called in the US where they have there?
Are the state it's like a know what's
a code word? Have a cape all the guns in the hand? Right? Yeah, yeah.
The Jews were fucking done. only seven minutes now.
What's it called in the white demanded amendments? Yeah. Yeah,
I think it is the amendment the like the First Amendment. Yeah, yeah, it is. Yeah, it is.
Um, they were written a long time ago. But that's what we're doing. It's the commandments, the commandments, whatever it is. So I'll tell you one other I'll just explore this. So we do one for one. I just want to tell you a story about Amy she. So I picked her up last week. I picked her up last week after work as I normally do. And she got in and I kind of just just held off for a moment before I made a comment because I didn't want the first thing to be negative without accusations towards there.
Was it in regards to something that happened in the morning it was in regards to a smell that was currently present in the car.
and I and I going make this an Instagram snippet.
I mean, I didn't want to accuse her of smelling like fish, but there was fish smell in our car.
And I said to her, I said Can you spell that? Can you smell it? It smells like someone's like fish. And she's like
oh, it was fishing the office and I was just thinking fishing and office like what tuna can that's not what this smells like a fishing cheaper re like you know they've been searing fucking Berra Monday. And it's gone through and they forgot to put the you know, very angry about
stuff. Like, very angry. I'm not angry, but I was like, my nose was offended by it. So how long we get what was the timeline that you thought was a couple of minutes? couple of minutes?
And then what fucking smells like fish?
species offensive dude. Don't you reckon like the smell of fish and hangs as well. Oh, my
God, what did you work out? But it was at her quality thing. Oh,
she said to me? No, it was in the office. And I was like, I almost was a bullshit. Like, that can't happen. But then she said to me, no, it was blah blah blah. They were cooking fish. And I was like, What do you mean cooking fish? Have you got like a fucking rain Jordan a cooktop? She's like, no, Georgia person had the sandwich maker on
searing seven in the office. I found out
that we can't even rewind let me
cook fish in our pants.
Pants. I have to go. I cook fish last night. Yeah. In the BBQ on the
outside, outside. I love that. I love it. That's something you should do. No one should ever be searing salmon on a fucking sandwich praise in a confined office space. But what happened? And this is I think why it smelled so bad. The person never ate the fish. Because what they realized, bad idea. It was like off.
should cook. They are gronk
I didn't know what department was. I don't know. It was just it's a new workplace. I'm being diligent about what
I would have thought it would have been the old office. I wouldn't
know I don't know. But I am using charged
anyone. This is why I get nervous about telling people about the podcast. You
know, I think they were pretty ashamed of what they've done. And I think there's now a rule that you know, allowed to do that in their office. So no searing of salmon or fish of any kind is the actual role. I don't know. So for us, I think it's like if we were to cook anything that could potentially have a smell about it could linger that's that's horrible. That could offend anyone's nostrils. It has to be done outside on the web. Like we have to take
I think about cleaning the BBQ cleaning the BBQ
is a big issue actually what we're going to face is something a little more complex is because we've got three Jason Fox here Yeah, he's an organized psychologist so
he's not he's actually not I you know I've said that to multiple times yet he's he does a lot in that space but he's a psychologist now he's not a psychologist. He's a find out what what's what's easy to adopt the philosophy? Yeah, philosophy.
Philosophy Okay, he's smarter than all this anyway. three stories. Ground floor is our car park storage middle floor is our studio top floors production space chalk, middle floor the who knows food or drink? Well the problem is the house of our live streaming podcasting space is there but so is our kitchen and there's going to be a big problem for if Mr. 97 the latest one in the office is bringing home bringing his you know zucchini frittata recommend his the latest is definitely the latest in terms of how
74 bit white doesn't quite unless you're 150 kilos outside bro you're going to be struggling to be laying at that white. But if you Yeah, so I guess the lower white You are the high chance of being late anyway I was just curious we can do for 74
we can do to get to 74
you wouldn't want to get to know you for dying at that at that white you six to don't need a bit anyway. What
you're weighing at the moment but why it idea I don't have wide Nani I should do the Dexter scam thing. Yeah.
Anyway, um, so yeah, we got a problem because it's on that floor. And we've got guests coming in. We can't we can't have I mean, even just like Mexican smell
Mexican, it's not a kitchen as well. Yeah, we don't actually have like a
stuffed up to No, no stovetop will have the outside. And maybe we could even bring a microwave upstairs.
Or we know there's a microwave. Actually, there's a spot for kitchenette.
Okay, so we'll bring the one so probably Yeah. Yeah, right. So okay, they might two rules. We cannot cook anything offensive to the nostrils. If we know we have guests and definitely not fish. So just the not offensive to the Nationals is a pretty good top tier. Okay. has a few little, you know, caveats within that. What
about if we were to get you know, we talked about getting a drink deal or something having a fizzy water company? Yes. Giving us like, bottle slabs of fizzy water. What do you think? I think that we would need a roll around how many you can have definitely because I think that it would quickly be
saying that from I mean, I'm pretty guilty of going hard. You've
I've Russian dad chewing gum.
No you haven't made I saw you fucking pantry at home. at home.
150 packets. I'm rationing it in the office. I'm bringing out slowly because I don't want babies at the moment one
know who eats him though. be big. Be conspiracy. Jimmy. Jimmy, I say might take the packet. And he goes No, no, no. He just gets one at a time. No, I'm pretty sure he's doing to when he knows the stocks are up. He's getting to I get it. There is. I mean, Mr. Nice Evans, not one that we have to worry about. Because we offer him everything and he says no to most things. It
says no to you more than man, I reckon.
Or I'm just the more polite when asking more. And you're just asking him if
I asked you want to drink? Okay. Yeah, I guess as the exact same. What is that? bat? What is that about? My son? I just again? It depends. It depends on what it is. I mean, drinks. I don't usually get drinks. Yeah,
I think I normally ask him when it's outside of normal working hours. So his ability to say no is lower. So he's probably saying no, based on this idea that maybe from a health point of view a hot chocolate, but if I get it, I'll do it like a 3pm you want a hot chocolate? Yeah,
he's not a coffee guy. So if he was if you're hooked on that, he'd be more inclined. I think because he the diction takes over at that point.
Do you think you could getting into coffee?
I like I like the whole idea of like, it looks like having the drip coffee and
yeah, that sort of stuff is cool, but I couldn't know now we know what the financial but what about the day?
What about if we if we were to if we were to provide you coffee? Would it be something you'd get into that? I think so. Based on financial not? Yeah, no, I don't want to develop I don't want to develop a habit of it.
Okay. Okay. Escape escape
when you go through a pack of cigarettes.
Isn't it weird to think that that was that would have been an issue 20 years ago? Which which floors Can you smoke on? Yeah. Don't smoke on the middle floor.
I think it's um, it's it's a big issue in big business of having lots of staff and potentially some of them smoke and they want to go down for seabright you can't do it, bro. It's not okay. Just to pop down for a smoke
even like, school at the staff. I remember mom telling me that. Like she would go to parent teacher. What is like no, not the school counseling shit. And yeah, the or like, in the morning? Did your mom ever do this or dad like in the mornings, dropping you off from primary school? And then you go into the staff room? I would have coffee.
I remember staff room having coffee. My parents were going
yeah, my mom was like right into it. So she would go and like they were all chat and all that. So I think by remember, there was a time I think in the early 90s where this you'd open the staff room and it would be like plumes, and
that would have been definitely early 90s mean people. Yeah. I mean, people are smoking everywhere for a period of time, but we don't have to worry about smoking. Just go outside. Yeah.
Nowhere near Well, there's actually signs outside of our building. No smoking everywhere. I don't know why that. Yeah.
And with the problem, the rule that you've brought up, we actually we need to action and get a
well yeah, that's the biggest thing with the rules is to actually write them down. Well, Mr. 97, same pending.
Okay. Okay, good. So now I have a rule. Now you've already done one. What was my right you can go again, because I was your role was something around the rationing of the drinks? We need to that was that's not a rule though.
Okay, so we're on a roll today
my son was you can't say it's not my problem. The second one was no nostril offenders. Okay, and then this one is the drinks and so what's the specifics of this? This is what do you think? I think I think if we say let's go cans of drink
now Let's fuck off that one. I don't care. I don't want to use mine up on that because I think that you are going to have to do that anyway. Right.
No spraying any aerosol cans. Including Rex own a deodorant? Yep. In the building at all. And no entering the workplace. Within 15 seconds of spraying a deodorant Can I will change this rule up slightly because I think that's why we're bringing them to the table. The toilet is the only place that it can be applied. Now you should do it on the top balcony the toilet will go straight no
matter what about fucking Ryan and then what about if we're there? We're doing a big session. I think it just throw around rain outside. And I need to have a shower. I guess I'm
yeah, I just don't think he I don't think Yeah,
right is the garage. Right?
I think that you could potentially do it in the bathroom if you were to the problem with doing it.
Also, yeah, okay, I'm on board because the toilet is on the level also. Yeah. of our studio. So garage.
That's a good place. I could have like a little because I what I like to do is have a walk. And it can and you could do it get upstairs. Can you just move it? Can you go to a role on? Well, I'm happy to have both but I sometimes like having one that's a bit night. I'm gonna check. I've got a lot of testosterone
and if I can stay stink
so it needs to be a fight this with fucking Rex. I don't know. I reckon.
I think this I think your problem isn't that and it's the fact that like, you wait too long. You should be putting deodorant on a day when you like as soon as you're at night shower.
What's your morning look like? But the thing is, is your morning look like? A lot of that. I think I understand.
You're making me defeated. I get that.
I'm also preparing all of our food. Getting fucking you're saying
that that? Is that the reason? Because you're saying all I'm saying I smell more because of my testosterone? I'm saying it's because you wait four hours before you put deodorant on it. And if you didn't, I definitely have high level of testosterone just saying but I think mine would be higher than yours. Have you seen my headline?
Nah, man, let's just hit a tree boom.
I forget sometimes.
And that as a problem. Problem is I'm like naturally smelly a guy. I think your problem is four days out of the way. But this is where I am.
But that's me saying like, that's the choice I've made. I just forget. And I do we have multiple deodorants around the house. I do get it done. And all I'm saying is, I just think there needs to be a level, like the food thing. It has to be cooked outside. This can be done in the I just want
that rule then I reckon the room should be put deodorant on before you get to work.
That's gonna be the rule. Do you
know this is going real? This is getting into like, personal rules outside of work. So we're talking office rules? No, nope. No application of
what do you call it? Uh, you know, Arizona, Arizona.
No, no application of aerosols on any other level than the ground.
I think that I think it'd be a good self development for you to try it
out. And I'll try that. And I'll go to the gym. Yeah, you need more than that. steroids. For that test. I'm saying I'll try but we'll also have that rule because then it's nice across the board. You know, got Dylan. You know, he's, he's in there him we don't know, he's, he's application of Dr. Oz's. What he's, you know, thing is he might be thrown off because he's from Canada. And I go back and forget
using the theater and I got Yeah, Mr. Pitts. Yeah. How far through You nearly running? Yeah, cuz I've just run out. This is I've got like, not not it's a crime. It's it's a paste. Yeah, you think it's pretty wack? Like when you first start doing it, but it's like, you get used to it. You don't smell it?
It's not as wack as what my mom had when I was growing up crystal crystal. It was like, you know, you seeing this moist damn crystal, as it just looks gross. Don't you reckon? It's like, that's probably why that I'd sell that just maybe they pivoted into
Jade egg.
Talk Show high the daily talk. show.com is the email Monday, Lewis bs is on the show. Yeah,
he's a comedian.
Online personality,
personality, but we're also
big unit kinda related.
He's my, my brother's wife. It's her cousin. So my sister's wife's cousin. Yeah, we spent a few Christmases together and stuff. And he's killing it online. So I'm excited to chat to him about that. We've got through how many rules we we how many rules do we do Mr. Nice and three. Okay, so the three rules into the 10 commandments. If you've got any rules that are currently in your workplace or you think need to be implement, we need to be
we need to be open to the rules as well. I feel like I don't think a showstopper is when you say it's getting a bit personal. It's better.
Am I telling you? The new rule is unless you have done a workout at the gym before you get
I think there's a huge difference between body odor and hygiene versus fitness and I know that you don't want to fat business partner you said I
have not said that. You said it
was a Monday