#500 – Celebrating 500 Episodes (Live Show)/
- October 29, 2019
It’s episode 500! We’re celebrating the episode 500 milestone with you gronks at a live show. We chat about a few confessions of a Gronk, how Mr. 97 went with MCing with Gemma, the testosterone test results, Hayden Dib’s tattoo, and The Daily Talk Show raffle!
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– How Mr. 97 went with MCing
– Episode 500
– Confessions of a gronk
– The testosterone test results
– Hayden Dib’s new tattoo
– The Daily Talk Show raffle winners
A massive thank you to:
Au79: http://au79cafe.com.au
Nandos: https://nandos.com.au
Moon Dog Brewing: https://moondogbrewing.com.au
Hey Tiger: https://heytiger.com.au
July: https://july.com
Quad Lock: https://quadlockcase.com
Victims of Ink:
Email us: hi@bigmediacompany.com.au
Send us mail: PO BOX 400, Abbotsford VIC 3067
The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
Episode Tags
Just finished
a new podcast. It's Episode 100 Gods
we did it.
It's Episode 200 200 Episode 300 everyone the daily Talk Show Episode 400 Jim's already in the cocktail.
Doesn't feel like
tomorrow. Read a deal.
If you got varying heights on a shuttle it's it's annoying. On the daily talk show 50 likes
on this comment and Mr. 97 play cheese here. Just hail a cab.
I mean narcissists, we're all
I knew that you guys were doing a daily talk show and I came to see the office and visit and sat down and just told me now this is part of the 10 year plan. We are doing this for 10 years. It blew me away. I
care what the weather.
I have no doubt that this
show will be successful purely because
you are doing it every day. And you're going to go back
to 10 year plan. It's a commitment. It's something special.
You guys I believe will have one of the best and most successful podcasts in Australia and eventually perhaps the world in this space because
you are very good and very consistent.
This is an unpaid endorsement.
with Josh Janssen
the daily Talk Show Episode 579 Here
we are almost the same thing. Doing it come in really
fucked it wrong. That's fine. That's absolutely this guy. It's the first time we've ever got cue cards here and
normally roll like this. very legitimate. Thank you for everyone coming down, be camped in the front here. It's really weird seeing people in front of us other than Mr. 97 This is why we don't do cue cards. I was thinking you weren't at my wedding way. No, no, I
was I was gonna say I was travelling but I actually was
I needed a camera guy but I already feel
$500 guy now I said I was gonna be the best man or business I've been for themselves.
The I know Craig hapa was at my wedding. And so as my wife, she's here. And the one thing I've quit drinking this year, and it's probably a good thing because live events when I stopped drinking, I start swearing a lot. And that was a broken glass.
Richard Janssen
gronk go, Richard. chip off the old block you had Josh. But now I'm glad I was I saw so much in my winning speech. Craig harbour. Can you confirm that? It was real bad. Anyway, I'm going to get these cards you.
That's fine. No, I mean, good start 9797 JM saying, hey, yeah,
I had the best in the biz.
I mean, the one thing was you did forget to press record. Yeah.
So I'm not the tech guy. And I said to Josh before we recording
and then he Well, I just I said Well, yeah, I said, I'm guessing 97. I mean, that's his job. That's what he does every day.
That's what we pay him a full
salary for. It was literally, before we came out, he was in the toilet. And he can you know, because we told him beforehand and I said, Now I want you to it's all about confidence. I want you to hold him his hand. And so he had his hands under the dryer been like can't be wet for Jim. That is why that is why we don't have the the star recorded. That's
an absolute stellar job. It's his first so he joined us. Yeah, give him a clap. Hey, he's only 19 he joined us. This is his first job working for us. And we've given him a lot of his first gronk. This was his first time emceeing an event How do you think he went? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I mean, critical feedback. You sound like you were just Coming up. Yeah. I think it was.
So tonight, I think it's important that with because we've got so many people on in the room, I'd love to go viral. Like everyone to be posting on social media use the hashtag. actually did everyone get the response?
Yeah, you're all sitting on it if you haven't
seen so the idea of the wristbands, you know, it's 2019 we know that plastics they're everywhere. Yeah. These these keepsakes you hold on to them, you will go to go to the grave in them. Yeah, absolutely. We want you to wear them out and about take photos with them. But if you you can take photos tonight there is there's no issue with with that at all.
I don't know who would have an issue with it.
So, if you formalities of how it's going to work tonight, there's, we've we've made a lot of promises in the lead up to this. Just a lot of promises in general in the show, and most of those promises come from you, Josh.
No, I don't think so. I think coming testosterone, I think I think the testosterone one was definitely something that you promise Yeah. And so the ideally I didn't even know testosterone was a thing I didn't know much about it. But But Tommy brings it up a lot. And I assumed that there was a connection between the BO stuff and that because you said you do say that you forget to put the order in on some time.
So have a kid and then let's have this sheet you forget,
once you have a kid, I know but you do have some or every scattered all throughout the book I keep
one at the office is about three at home. I've stolen most of my wife. So I'm equipped. She just said yes, yeah,
but yeah, but no spray policy.
Bullshit. Anyway, so tonight, the formalities later on. We're going to be doing an announcement. We've all had our blood test done to find out who has the most testosterone out of the three of us. It is the most stupid competition that we've ever
done. I think you know who just gonna win base on that, but the
IZ saying hey
you know I'm not really into it I guess
like I actually don't I didn't even think I wanted list okay I like the guy was the biggest Feat. Yeah join us you know but the funny thing is I got everything done I did a bunch of blood work and before you know it I'm fucking in there I saw you I was I booked in on a Sunday because I'd left at the last minute it was like a bulk bill sort of thing so I just had to go to the health care system yeah and so I just I say Tommy sort of flexing out the front of my head obviously went well for for Tommy and then I go in and before you know, she's fucking explaining food pyramids to me. They told me that my cholesterol, it went well beyond
testosterone, young Pinocchio, he should have seen the bullshit. He was a doctor. What did you tell the doctor? vegetarian beta for about three months now. You've been
a vegetarian you sort of lowered your made entire that's
like half away. Yeah, not like three three months of vegetarian.
I mean, we've we've corrupted it. Yeah, because he doesn't lie, but they every was lying to a JP Yeah. Either way said later on, we're gonna have Queen gronk come up on stage and she's going to announce who has won the testosterone competition. Also, I don't know if you saw Hayden deep. He has been getting a tattoo while this has all been happening and he will arrive and he's going to reveal something that he's got for Episode 500 a bit of a celebration. We're gonna say what the tattoo is
I'm sure we've said it before
it's the daily talk show logo.
Yeah, he's not here yet. Everyone make stupid decisions in life. This is one of his but he doesn't have to know you need a clapping after the event go up tunes that might love the data. Great spot. Yeah,
you know really suit what he asked me he said should he get it done there. Oh, should we get down there? And I said absolutely. I was a bit nervous before coming on and Bray said you've done 1000 times which made me panic more because I've only got 500 The best thing about those actually planned that was like my Nando's temperature. I'd sort of planned that break did say it, but it was ringing. I wasn't even listening to
temperature in the room. But what do people like? Do you like?
The miles who likes mild basting say Okay, how about hot who likes hot? Yeah, I forgot what about lemon and herb? Whoa, big supporters unlimited. What about extra hot Yeah, very good. Back to you tell me
there's a few people in the room that have no idea about our show. Which is the best right
now. No idea. Hey, put this shit I mean Nando's on the fact of Nando's I wanted to thank a few people. Okay, Nando's. Being one of them. They've had a delicious spread. I had one of the vegan wraps lovely. One of the things as I've been vegetarian for two weeks, sometimes I can find that the flavours can be underwhelming and it leads you to eating more potato than you need.
They didn't even tell us we had to give them that much of a plot.
Yeah. It was delicious. It was absolutely It was really delicious. I mean,
this was for the end we're gonna do the
moon dog as well.
Dog brewing.
venue heck with this venue, venue.
Yeah, I've actually I've met the guy who does all of the the greenery looks after all.
When we first started coming to this venue No, I that was the funny thing. When we first started coming to this venue, we would just get coffees instead of sit at the front and there was a waiting area we UYT coffees, they used to have a different setup. I think they've changed it because it may be There was a, like a stand that held a whole bunch of cake caps, and some, you know, paraphernalia that you could buy. And I and I, and I sat down and I knocked this, this thing and it tipped, and these cape caps these like porcelain looking cape counsellors are probably very expensive, fail and smashed them. And I don't know if they actually know that but that was me. And I didn't pay
an idea. And the funny thing is Tommy went back the next day and it took me like, there was like, six, six days before I could go back. Yeah,
well, that was a gronk move. Yeah, I didn't offer the pie. I thought
what do you guys
admin wise? How like, how have you felt preparing for today? Mr. 97? What's been on your mind today?
Pretty pretty much you see I'm saying is what I was gonna say for that. I don't think you bet too much else.
Okay. How long you been thinking about that?
Ever since we made the network you guys mentioned it to me. Yeah,
yeah. We've been acting very cool about the whole thing like, yeah,
you know, it's a whole it's a whole strategy under thinking.
Yeah, okay. Well, we Yeah, I mean, that's where you got that from me. Yeah. We usually have fights about Stop. Don't think it just stop thinking so much. He says, think more about this. Come on. Yeah, yeah.
I get it. But I was I was stressed about the
from my Apple Watch to my airport today. I was starting to walk to work and I was going to plan I was actually put a lot of effort into the playlist that you play. Yes.
So it sounded like
Derek actually pick up the microphones go to Derek up. This
is good to Derek. He's been on our show. Hey, guys. Yeah, the guy in the palm tree t shirt.
Yeah. Where did you say you got that shirt from? There's a weird creepy big man. Shop in Northland to Kmart. You have how much was it? I think it was like 10 bucks Yeah. What are they called? It's Lowes Lowes they got crazy selection of awesome Hawaiians. Yeah. So anyway, I gave you that, like very mid last minute, the task of pressing the buttons and doing all of that so I appreciate that. My pleasure. Thanks you've got a terrible playlist no well we have to deal with so this is the thing I didn't get to spend as much time on it because I The funny thing is I was like, being pretty specific around how I was planning my day out sort of meditative state actually edit I edited the video today was the other guys were doing some last minute
late last night. So I
was doing that but my airports were flat, but then I realised his
storey about how he didn't come to work. I came late. Yes, he came very late because of the airport. pods weren't charged. Yeah,
well, so I left I went to leave that I walked to work every day I went to leave. And then I was like, well, there's a Normally I'm quite efficient listening. Yeah. Anyway, I realised that it was next level because I was wearing shorts all day and then put on pants and then realised the reason it wasn't working was I had to pair I've got someone I'm not sure. It could tell me. It could be the tummies or
do I have? Hey, hang on this is now I've got mine. Okay. All right, in saying that one of the promises so Hands up if you actually listen to our show and have quite some time come on at least last hundred episodes. So do you know the promise about where Josh last week?
It's very low brow.
The reason? The the what how do you explain it?
Yeah, I said I can't remember what it was about. But I said that I would.
One of your airport stopped work. You stopped charging in the case
and you love playing these bits where you say if you do this, then you have to do that. It's
But yeah, and so that was one of the
one of the promises was that if he loses the bed, he has to clean out my airport with his mouth, which I've still I just, I just keep that one close to me. I probably won't do it today. I won't put you through that. I won't put your mother through that Lynn Janssen the shine
I want. What have you been thinking about?
So as I mean, we got the gronk squad stations on. What's amazing is the gronk squad has taken off the amount of people that have said they're in the gronk gronk squad. It's phenomenal. And if you don't know what a gronk is, how would you explain it?
Yeah, I mean, you you were the one that sort of got it going, but I'll give
you a real life example. So I think we're all gronk You're all gronk syndrome. That's it's a very low barrier to get into the gronk squad. You just in You don't even know you're in.
More likely to be a gronk if you don't know, I think Yeah, definitely. And
so this is a Confessions of a gronk we did Every now and then one of the conditions that I have gronk move so I've got a spa at our place yeah. spa night. The water is very clear right now. I brought it back from looking at the future to very clear. Anyway, our next door neighbour has lived in this block for many many years. So as a Michelle now it's not the pro basketball was EXMBLWMBW NBA player. It's not her. I probably listened a bit more unfiltered. Yes. But now other next door neighbour the one that like, you know, our walls Connect housemaid, basically we just gotta get in. Anyway, she's super lovely. And we have the spar out in the back corner and which is almost like backs on to their lounge room wall. And there's a little bit of noise that comes from the spa. And it goes every hour for 10 minutes. So it's a fair bit throughout the day. I saw her because I borrowed the hose of her to fill up the spa. I didn't take a water that would be extremely rubbish. I took out water anyway use the hose. I took it back in and this was the second time that I'd taken the hose of it. And she said to me, can you Is there any way you can turn off your filter on your spa? Absolutely no. And I thought when she said during the day, and I said okay, and I kind of agreed to it. And I haven't done it, which is a very gronk move. So I've put my thoughts first which are we just spent 200 bucks on SPA chemicals and I can't fucking turn the thing off so we're gonna cost this too much money is it
the temperature temperature wise, what do you
say it is a great temperature. If you have a spouse who's going to spout I'm Rob board here we get a whoo Justin few spires
rocking 38 Rob Ward has like four Google Home. So that's impressive. Applause for Rob.
That's actually what it says. But Tommy actually went to rob the other day. I did. And you got a full tour. Yeah, the vacuum cleaner
night. Wait, he has a unit snake nest that controls the temperature of the house. Someone walked into our office and said, well, you guys have a nest you'd like to control?
No, we don't. That's the interesting thing. Because we when we had our old office, it was there was a contentious issue around the temperature. And so we were deciding whether to get an economy to move offices.
Well, the same guy that won't go to work with these airports also won't work if it's above a certain temperature.
Yeah, that's fair. And so but anyway, Tommy is quite specific. Like he's a bit of a dad when it comes to which is funny because you're fucking at home. Yeah, you won't even let me have it below. 21
I was always getting nervous when it came to this man's will electricity bill at 130 bucks which I thought for running a spar 24 seven is better, right?
Because you got a power late from the night
but now I thought that was okay, that was a guy but you know like my dad would always be trying to turn down the you know the central heating, turn off the reverse cycle. Just turn off everything turn off the fucking PowerPoints it piece me off, and I'm now that guy. Yeah. A lot more.
You have evaporated cooling, which is the ultimate troll, is it? Yeah, because it's fun. It's hot outside. Can we get
expensive I'd say you'd be across that Josh is
dead. Is it is evaporating?
No, no, I just remember it was a bit of a pain because you have to does anyone I could get a worry for anyone that knows I'm talking about. Yeah, there we go. RMB these guys, dogs,
Murdock big right there
anyway, so that's what a gronk is. So I think we all do things that we think about ourselves more than the people around us, but it's human. And so if you lead with your flaws, and you can reveal that you're a gronk I think you live a more wholesome life.
I can tell when Tommy starts thinking in snippets I was gonna make to Instagram because he says, there's a little pause at the end.
What's been on your mind judge?
I don't know much. I was thinking like, I always enjoy throwing Mr. 97 under the bus or not under the bus, just getting him out of his shell. Like the other day we had Julian hike on and he was doing improv. Yeah, and 97 just comes in with absolutely slamming me on how I went. I appreciate I appreciate it that but love languages we've talked about a few times. Yeah. What's your love language?
I was actually thinking about that in the car today. And I was thinking about how much I love people doing stuff for me. That's that's how I like to feel love. Yeah. But by people doing stuff for me, and so we've deployed the gronk squad on this event because we wouldn't have been able to do this without, you know, a people that have helped out tonight.
Absolutely. So what would you say that is yours? What's that called? active service? And
no, I like quality time. I like I don't I'm not a fan of GIFs I don't give a shit about GIFs. Quality, time and affection. Like what is it? Physically?
What was it for you? 97
physical touch and words of affirmation.
ED, great tonight, didn't you guys. Well,
I was very good. Do you want to say I think maybe you could say something nice to Tommy. Now. From a From a positive affirmation what do you what is it that you love about Tommy?
I mean, just just in relation to this event or
an epic job
or feel like you're putting down me when you said
like you did
very sensitive with events in house moving, but I always have a job like when it's moving house I might fucking make sure day one the internet's on always on like, I'll be fucking getting the route and making sure we find every spot. I
mean, that's what we did when we moved office. Yeah,
exactly. I had the internet sort of the office two weeks before we were set up and then ungrateful dad over here is like away paying for that. It's like, man, I want to make it a seamless transition. So we can do the show. Anyway, we
pay 300 bucks a month for fun.
Yeah, and it's, it's a it's a fair question. It's a technology where they spit basically spit a fibre connection. Poland is basically split second it's it's if you can't get in Vienna at your house, lightning broadband. It's not like 4g at all. It's like, we get 50 megabits up and down 7575 sorry but 50 on a bad day go on. I'm sorry to interrupt
that Tommy I think you've done an amazing job organising the event. You've you've done it all the sponsors and organising all the gronk to help out and get stuff sorted. So I think that's been amazing from from what you've done. Also, I guess just in general.
Say it.
Now, I mean, I guess it's similar to the birthday message I wrote you It came it comes back to the fact that you're always willing to learn and sort of, you're always consistent in what you do and what you say. And I think
You hold yourself to that. And I think that's impressive.
Wasn't that nice? Yeah.
That was lovely.
So what about me?
Actually, I want to take away from it now. But yeah, the words of affirmation guy. So now actually, I think I think I actually I liked you doing a lot of this stuff. But I think that the thing is
in the admin, the admin,
the admin sort of thing. Yeah. Cuz you booked because the thing is, I haven't been to a doctor in six years since my Filipino artist, which is actually I joke about the Filipino artist. I haven't had fully kill artist in like six years. I've heard one person told. I took one course of antibiotics actually went away. So yeah, so anything I have now is just had acknowledged,
I mean, the admin stuff for Josh has been, I mean, I think you think about it more than doing it. This huge thing without lifting a finger.
Yeah, well, yeah, you asked me to booking my doctor's appointment. Oh, yeah. I mean,
I was pushing you a lot to go and get your test because it was one promise that we had to thing is Josh and I've had our business for two years, nearly a year and a half now, you've been doing the podcast for nearly two years. But we learn one of what each other's strengths and I and I've always said like I like to stick at sheet if I say I'm going to do it sure. I want to do it. But it also doesn't bring as much fun as you just saying random shit. And it being a promise that we now have to go and do the team problem. Just get it
and the thing is like it I had to text my mom at five in the morning to get a copy of my Medicare card. Yeah, you can you book to the point like he by
appointment. The reality is you're still on mom's medic. Yeah. I have said though once you have a baby, and it forces you to get the Medicaid car because you Yeah and and having a wife or like me also get my forces you off the moms medication. Yeah, but now I appreciate the pain so you had to message mom. Yeah, it's I mean it's not that bad was we worried Lynn we she was a fine
dad was
still asleep fucking
bosses yeah yeah
so mom knew the testosterone thing.
Yeah, yeah yeah
she was wondering Yeah, but she does and so yeah the admin stuff has been a nightmare Have you been okay with it because you seem like you were having a small breakdown before we came on stage. I think
it's well because the thing is that I I get all of these inputs. And so Goldie guards on Instagram she dm to me and she said, I think you're my more. You're funnier when you're low blood sugar. And so I was like, well, maybe I want eight before the show.
I forced him to have a smoothie today
yeah you had maybe have a smoothie with yeah and so I had this movie but then the concern is around like going to the toilet and not wanting to have to go mid shows and you're trying to dial all that in so I'm quite parched I'm quite low blood sugar level
when I when I used to be a PTIO personal trainer
yeah seven years you know I work experience at Craig hoppers gym first ever time in a gym doing where he was. I remember thinking about clients that would that would use water as the excuse to stop fucking doing the exercise on up the bottle. I was like, bro, you're not gonna die. Yeah, between four sets. And so like I was thinking about that and how I used to crucify people on that and then I was thinking Fuck, I didn't bring water The other thing is sorry I feel like a real baby soda stream
is so I couldn't use that
I'm so if you if you noticed over we had like strawberry water available. Trevor, Trevor long who's on Channel Nine? He's the tech guy could have a new Josh Melbourne DRIP. He went to an apple event once over in San Francisco.
I went to Macworld. Yeah, no
sorry No, no no so train
the transcriber went to a
side trip yonder selling a trip he's invited by Apple is one of only four people in Australia they pay for his flight they pay for his flight it's a bit of a young kid sort of
in their face because he doesn't drink the strawberry water that they have on offer there and he's he refuses to so we thought would have
as an ode to Trevor
yet some Yes, Mr. Strawberry water and also you might have seen the coconut water, which is anyone drink the coconut water here? Did anyone not good people that could have drank it? Yeah.
They put their hand. I mean, JJ was saying that he spat it out as soon as he
discussed it. It wasn't good. No, no, not a sponsor.
Mr. 97 months when he came into the office, he told us that he'd been using coconut oil his hair.
Yeah. Which Yeah, you you really sold it in is the next big thing. Yeah. So I give it a go. And then
then I praise night. Why is your hair so crazy? I was just like, trying to slake it back. You know quite fucking curly it's not straight. Just
pathetic. I mean you've put a whole tablespoon
Yeah, yeah, I used a little bit. Yeah. And then and then we worked out that it wasn't just Mr. 97 he's best mates who has grown up with Jay and Andre right right on dry. Dry.
eyes because Jays name is Jace but loves me
cold. Yeah, I was gonna call him he's Instagram handles JJ cough and I can't stop thinking about jack off when it really rattled me. Sorry. I'll drive You know, I love you to use it. So it's, it's spread and so now it's the coconut crew. The coconut crew are here tonight. Make him feel welcome. So everyone's got name tags on which that came because Josh doesn't do the best with greetings.
Now well I just feel that I'm my best self at an individual level. So I like one on one time. Yeah, no, I and I and, and so like coffees, I'm great. If you want to have a coffee with me or you want to go for a walk, that's great. But having lots of people it's there's a lot to deal with
what's hard to do it with 100 people
but then you even you know, effect effect it
just gronk both
the coconut water Shut up.
Yeah, no, Bobby, I've been thinking about about that. How do you think it changes? Because you realise how dumb the ship is that we talk about when you fucking invite 90 people here and then just sitting and also my core is so so. So that's what my that's one of the issues like the first, the first like 200 and something episodes, we would sit at a desk and we had these so not only do we not have a kind of that point, but I had to lie down and work because I was like if we had two episodes or whatever where the guests one that we were recording, I couldn't see it had always
engaging the core a lot of engaging the core is a real real
job. Yeah, why not? Yeah. I just want to give you guys an update Hayden deep. The Tedder guy is in the room. Yeah, I'm up on stage later. Yeah. You've made a great decision might actually
he DM do and say what EDM just before he said he's 10
Oh yeah, yeah. Cisco seven just got an iPhone, which is very exciting. How's it going? bear with us through these ad hoc mode. Lot of mentions in Instagram. Oh, that's great. Thanks guys.
tattoo artists was getting getting a bit nervous getting shaky hands.
Oh really? So I took a bit of a break. Is that what they said? Why?
Because they've never seen Yeah. Hey, are you a slight you know, he's very hairy What was it? We're gonna get him on he's yelling at the guys up here. I saw it sorry. Not too long.
We got la coming up we leave on Thursday in a day and a half
yet. Mr. 97 How you feeling about your first trip? It's your first work trip. Yeah, the kids like that. I reckon we coming in working not that we're great. first job looking at my sweet You
know, you're very lucky.
Very, very lucky. Babies are lucky. lucky boy.
Yeah, Los Angeles, California. What are you imagining you get off on the plane? What happens? Nice weather. I'm hoping shorts and T shirt and I won't get sunburned over there. Yeah, sure. Yeah, you are. You're paranoid when it comes to sunburn. You've got the UV
like right on.
dark outside, so very low.
Yeah, you never know. Never know.
So it's nice outside, but you'll be from a sunscreen point of view. You just gonna buy when you're over there or you're going to bring like a litre of sunscreen to LA.
Now probably a packet.
Yeah. Yeah. I feel that I think that could be a bad idea just from it. Like if we got equipment or things like that. Nobody First thing first thing to spill the brain.
I got green light on. I
know the thing is like I go extremely light on. I want but I'll bring a roll on Dr. Dre.
Oh, you're still talking about the
light on in content?
no lights on in regards to like, toiletries. Yeah, a lot on. I mean, you're gonna be away from Amy and Bodie. Yeah, for sure how
you sell it in 10 days. That's how long we're in the states for the travel time. That's taking that to 12 would you now know? Hang on 13 I've been up there. So we'll be away for 13 days, which is being away from boat like this show. We've we've there's been a lot of commitments from both parties in terms of our you know, our wife and partner There's a lot of shit that we put them through leaving and going to do things like this. And we like just getting into the retrospective on this journey through a bit of a episode 500 What a fucking journey. See, I'm shifting away from the sun sun.
It's really good. It's very multi dimensional. No, I agree. Like it's the doing 500 of anything, especially for the guy who doesn't really stick to things.
Well, today about sticking to stuff like, consistency in anything like the antidote to being inconsistent is consistency. So it's a paradox. It's like, the thing that will cure it is doing it, which sounds so bad. I will tell you, I will tell you, being consistent in doing anything will make you less inconsistent.
Yes, yes,
but it also spreads to other areas of your life. So I'm not drinking this year, doing meditation each day. sticking it that I haven't missed the day, I'm going to, unless I get home before midnight, I'm going to miss the exercising for today. But that's the only time so it's like, if you're feeling like, you can't stick to anything, and you never will be able to you just gotta find one thing because I think it's this show sticking to this every single day that is made the muscle grow. In terms of consistency,
what do you think? Yeah, I think it's like it's a it gets easier and easier. But then the problem is, I guess when it gets easy, you start to add things. And so we started off and it was easy just doing audio. And then we said, okay, why don't we film every episode? And then it's like, why don't we bring 97 on full time? And he said, Okay, well, maybe we need we need to go to LA. Yeah, it's all those things you end up being like, or doing an episode 500 doing an event or something. And so there is moments and Bry is very good with me because I do be like I don't why the fuck are we doing? Why are we doing Episode 500 I've got and watch He says is that you will like it when you hear and I'm actually really enjoying that let's be honest if you are going to do a podcast the weeks leading up you will be like why the fuck did I do it and then you also like why did I hire lights because you don't know how the fucking the lights operate and so at five o'clock when all you can do is get the lights to strobe and the colour is red and you're on a nine minute tutorial trying to watch a guy explain whilst the lights are flashing. You can be slightly rattling
well I think in doing anything in life, there's like the thought of what it will be like before you get to that point.
And so before you even say yes, there's excitement and it's also like
was rose coloured glasses. Yes. Like the possibilities are endless the future. Oh my god, that could be amazing. But
it's also I think the other thing too is you say okay, we will be where we want to be when we do the I guess the realisation is every single time you doing the thing, it never gets you to that place. And so you just need to enjoy the simple stuff. So I think that that's like what I really enjoy is the gronk move is fine, just right. I mean, this is where this is rich coming from Tommy, the MTV event last week, and it was a live recording. And you managed to get this the this is what I can tell the
personal projects, you
know, so there's something nice about like simplifying it and saying, Okay, what I enjoy is the interactions I get a lot out of not like focusing my energy to 97. And might because Did you ever do a school production night? Yeah. And so that's the thing. So, when I was thinking about today, I was very much like lecturing is this is this is very grace line, you know, Grace 2008. You know, I'm being spontaneous. I'm fucking your mind, Josh.
In the production
You would have been is a fucking Danny is that his name? Is that the one? Who's the lead? Danny Thank you giving me Dan Yeah, you can have Danny thanks. I know it'd be sort of like look Tommy doesn't do extracurricular activity so we'll give him the button but the thing is so it's a yeah so there's the energy of doing things and connecting oh but you don't have that reference you don't have the school production reference point. What does this remind you of? What have you done that similar to this in your life?
Nothing okay. Nothing What are you
good it's interesting because you sit you say that we don't all think the same. Go to Derek you got your dragon he very last minute to do all this sort of stuff and wash two things. Absolutely. Can I just give a shout out to screw to Derek he hasn't studio on easy straight podcast why studios now. Tommy and I during our first one it would have been it would have been Episode 9930 I think 30 something we did from Derek's studio, which is hammock yet from hammocks, which used to be a dyno. And for people who aren't a motor enthusiast like myself, you won't know what a dyno is 74 Josh seven episodes. No, thank you. I thought you were saying 74 minutes left. Fucking going for we're going for an hour, by the way. And so it's, we'll probably do another 15 minutes. Good time.
Which brings at 830
Yeah, perfect.
So, so Derek has a dyno. And so he was you're, you're one of four people in Australia that can fix Vespers. Is that right? Or like, maybe Melbourne in Melbourne? Yeah. So pretty impressive.
Josh has been telling people that stat Yeah.
Yeah, no, because what I love is that you have
pivoted So you were you turned your dyno which is you can put a scooter on it or let people use it for cars. But this is the specific one you had was the one that was built for scooters and motorbikes and things like that. And you turned it because basically it goes soundproof so that you can rev the engines really high. And you turn that space into a podcast studio. That's right. Yeah, to do the OZ vinyl show. And so it's literally you in front with a webcam, talking about your favourite records on vinyl. And the best part is that I've never say I can relate to this as a creative person so much. I've never seen someone trying to fuck their business as much as Derek because Derek's in the studio repair business and you have people calling is I'm not fucking answering that. It's gonna be another fact trying to you know, get the investor fixed.
Does your wife listen to our show?
My favourite one was today that I mean you've got you've got certain bits of sappy Is to you to the point where he picks up the phone you always pick up the phone which is amazing so enter into these fucking conversations I just use don't answer that's what that's a tip for me anyway you answer the phone which is outrageous because you don't know the number and you know I hey Derek and then someone starts talking to him about screwed as a saying I've got this scooter and all that sort of thing. And you actually, you're, I don't know if this is new or whether you do this all the time. But first of all, he was standing in front of me, he goes, mate, I'm actually on a ladder right now. So it's not it's not a great time. Yeah, yeah, call me back. I hang up. I didn't say anything and there's like other people around as the slide this guy is is burning it to the ground and then the best part. The best part though, was what I love, which I could relate to was then the next call was the accountant and they're like, we're gonna have to get that group certificate was sorting it out. Back it is happening. But I what I love is the the passion an excitement that you have for podcasting, which is what we have. And I think that's what when you talk about what a gronk is, I think that this gronk moves in that he managed to leave the first make bloggers walks in. And he says, I've already met I've already met your mate Derek as IY It's like he doesn't he didn't lock the door when he was taking a dump.
And so, Derek said, I wasn't I wasn't, I wasn't taking a dump. And then to block this point, you're sitting down here the pants so so point, but you know, I was in the Facebook group.
The Facebook group besides it's great that we have a support network Yeah, like people like Derek who are willing to turn down good Vespers. And you it you actually you you sort of where it is productive. This can be a lot of people who can't get their investment sophistic fixed in Melbourne. A little bit. Yeah, they're getting upset.
Yeah, it's like when you get fired, and you just Say, what they missing out on. Yeah, they don't realise. Yeah, that's what's happening right now. We appreciate you. When we started this we wanted to build Well, I've always wanted to build a community of like minded people creatives. And it's, it's coming to fruition. I mean, it could all be over after tonight after the testosterone show through which we get to the results, and then we get to do a raffle ticket. So everyone get a raffle ticket, if you didn't, in fact,
because we got prizes, which we mentioned later,
and then we're going to wrap it up. So should we welcome to the stage Queen gronk.
Yeah, you would know her as the person who was emceeing
Gemma watts
Yeah, that microphone here.
Alright, so took my crown off because I wanted to look more like nice and from the foot.
Yeah, so Nathan, for people who
Okay, yeah, nice
things planned and I think let us have exams. still in school. We didn't realise. I didn't realise
how we're gonna do this. Okay, I don't know how many
show what's this universe style. Do you want second runner up because it feels less sheet than last. Well, I think it's all written out.
Yeah, it needs to be
written. Right. So I don't love
the place I lock second run around. Okay.
If you want to take time Hello, Gemma.
So, so weird for me to take over. I can't
stress enough that this is a dumb competition, but we needed to find out the answers.
Okay, so my understanding of it is that it's out of 30. Is that correct?
No. So there's a range. There's a range between 10 and 3535 10 and 35. All right.
Good chat. Okay. second
runner out do we not we're not practising with anything else
we can't we can do it you
know Tommy was so sorry what Tommy was glad like
this is good. This is good. This is good.
This is good guy. So no no no show we wanted to work out. We didn't know what the prize was going to be for winning the highest level of testosterone. What I brought forward was in LA there's one room in our Airbnb that has a double bed or it could be a queen bed. So I thought the winner could have the queen bed, which is
and then I thought about so then I was thinking. The other potential other option is if you got low testosterone, you're not sleeping.
You're a bit tired.
I did. I was a part of a fitness
perfect person. It'd be more perfect as what I'm saying.
I was a part of the fitness competition and I can last seven years prego can verify. Yeah. Wasn't insured for most Oh, this
is Tommy trying to sound like a competition.
So I can't even remember what
you're saying that you came last in a
row and I want $150. So it's the best price I didn't put in a lot of effort. Like one money want me to give you? So I'm thinking about the prize of someone who
it just feels like that should have happened already. Right? This is
what we do. We organise the show.
It's all fine, guys. Okay. Yeah, let's do it. Let's go. Oh, sorry. Yeah, I'm very good. Yes, good. Anyway, these are our envelope, these actually gone.
These envelopes are printed. And we've got a limited run of them. And if we ever send you something, it will be with the envelopes. Yeah.
Sorry. Turn
on now.
Okay second runner out that's what
Gemma is confusing
no no no no
he's not alone whoever it is is not alone
It's everyone's got their strength.
Just last place.
No. Second round up second round or whatever the fuck did you say? Okay, third place out of
three of you so
okay great.
Okay third place with a testosterone I mean school level.
What is the coat? What is it cold Mila what's the
it's even
per litre of blood
I spend so much time
okay gotcha gotcha.
Okay on 10 point IJJ
Thank you. Thank you.
I need to do you know how I need to be less inconsistent by being consistent I think
today, okay, so I came last so it's between 97 and
Okay, so then how do you want me to do this? Because in Miss Universe, they would announce the winner and you'd be up holding hands and then
second gets pretty much zero attention.
Yeah. That works for you. Oh, no.
I mean, you could announce the runner up a lot, which means the winner is and then they can tell by the winner.
Okay, so in second place. On 17.3 is Mr. 97, which means first place is Tommy jack. No one's thrilled
I told him I said it was only funny if I won. Yeah.
I love it my best mate clap the loudest.
I mean, in retrospect Nathan could have done this either.
Thank you. Thank you, john.
As as the winner, I will give my bed to Josh.
I don't want you fucking bed.
Oh, if we know I will sit on a sing I'll sleep on a single I'll be happy about it. Because I'm a fucking hero.
Anyway, I think it's the real hero tonight. We need to bring him up on stage. He's already here. Hayden Hayden?
Hayden, Dave. I didn't know where we're going. Hayden Did everyone random applause for hiding.
words of affirmation. My wife said a couple of weeks ago when Hayden who is a fellow gronk filmmaker in Melbourne. We never knew him before he came into chat with this talk show and hang out. She said my wife said, I love when haters on the show, and so on.
And make you feel like you made a good decision. No, I might have fucking horrible
of the microphone just showing a nice shot of you.
So So the thing is, I mean, let's let's
give some context around your decisions before not to understand what you've done back. Is it true that you have another tattoo that says harmless on it? I do. I this guy's got a fucking low barrier
is quite low. Yeah, tattoos on me.
So when did you When did you have the idea that you would get a tattoo of the daily talk show logo.
I was pretty sure when you blackmailed me.
I did not realise
it was actually I can't actually complain because it wasn't my idea. Yeah. I just kind of offered it up and it was like I should get a tattoo. And we were meant to do it like
six weeks ago. Well, I had said, he said I want to get a tattoo. I said we'll do it next week,
which was a promise that we need a man but now we're here the promise was, we'll have it done on at 500. We were planning to have it done on stage. Turns out you can do outside of a tattoo shop me legally
when they you know, putting their name so Hayden you started when did you start listening to the daily talk show?
I started listening to the daily talk show last year, when I was living in London. I found him through Matty Avella and I heard these two lovely Australian voices. Thank you. And, and I was, I think it was when I was a little bit homesick. So it was good to hear just Ozzy Banta like. We've also
got Kathleen who you would have met at the front door. She started listening from the very beginning and she lived in London.
I think she was in Australia then went to London anyway.
The point of the storey
gone on a holiday to London. But
you would have had the under 30. Did you do that? Yeah, we're not. We're not talking about you know?
No, but I think I actually knew about you guys. Like way before I start listening to the podcast. I emailed Tommy like a few times. Yeah, never replied. Yeah, sure. Sorry about you
should have played with what Mr. 97.
Yeah. Did all work for free.
I just got to it at
the very time.
Yeah. So you're listening in London
and EN and then I came home, and I got in touch about doing a fat Friday's I never met around. You ended up renting a camera off me. And I felt like I was. I met both of you in the same day, separate occasions because you would like sussing me out.
And you also I mean, you get your Dad has a great shop on Smith street yeah
the travel adventure
yeah live travelling
by the way today by the way five away
the raffle ticket part of
BY they're really kick the thing is they're comfortable and I love it seriously It feels like
Has anyone else seen he's hating the past?
It just yeah it really shakes into your head. Yes, it's I used to wear snap backs all the time. And you've just got this constant pressure it's stripe it's right. It's almost like it's not you need a bent like a stripe at some weed flex that I feel. And so anyway, this comes bent, which reminds me of like when I was a kid, remind you Yeah, I would like to get a hat and you put it in like a glass to try and shape it to see how fucking Litecoin You could have it anyway. Yeah, so. So anyway, he got a tattoo. We caught in some massive favourite neighbours from victims of ink on chapel straight. Yeah, I called them cold call and said, Look, here's the sitch are going to gronk who needs a tap? And we need your help. I love this. What I love about Tommy like as a business partner you are very good at was you described getting on the blower way. And everything's about like, yeah, opportunity got opportunities for
opportunities. Yeah, they get sorted.
Day Day in the team, your tattoo artist, Jake.
It was going went really well. It looks great. It is a little bit bigger than expected. I think.
I said to you look, we don't want to pressure you into you get the size you want. Yeah, I sent him through the artwork,
but I got there. I'm sorry. I'm Depression I just picked the biggest one
talked me into
doing bigger I guess is easier the you decided to get the older logo Yes. Which has sort of a more sort of lining sort of design. Yeah,
I was like a microphone in like a year is gonna be like, like the other logos yc corporate Yeah,
you're white. Yeah.
He's the one who designed a three day do
anyway, should we do the reveal?
Yeah, we can have a look at it.
From the back of my
forum, no, offstage This is
let's have a look.
Is it gonna be glad rap?
Okay, here we go. It's a lot bigger
than Oh my goodness. That's huge.
35 Minute. It's just the shaping that
that's beautiful. That is fucking huge.
My brother walked in like, I put the stencil on, and he goes, Oh,
I was like, Yeah.
Because of the W.
Night your official gronk
Yeah, absolutely a round of applause for her around applause
and he will be having photos with his. You if you want one after, but we appreciate it. Hello, thank you. So we're getting we're getting close to wrapping. Wrapping up, we we should do the raffle if you guys have been patient enough to be sitting here in front of us. So get your raffle tickets out. And I need the raffle Where was the last raffle to the raffle by man I want to do meet Trey but this guy's vegetarian we could do it. Yeah. So I appreciate the hit the you know, BK wouldn't have been happy either. So, so how does it How does it
felt like I literally forgot how a raffle worked if we give them out to everyone, how the fuck do we do we need to write it down easier. I was literally thinking if we if we fucking tear them off and give them to them, there's two sides to a raffle ticket. Okay,
good. You give one of the sides to the person. Yeah, I gotta take the
other side and you put it in here. So all of these are not the ones that were left, that these are the new ones that we made from the
I don't think you still got it. So you got two sides.
Yeah, no, I get it.
You give it and then we pull
that one and put it away only did we didn't put the whole book in though, because we I guess we didn't
know we don't put the whole book in because then there'll be
so many. That's what I'm saying. So I'm just wanting to confirm that afterwards. Kathleen, did we tear out just the ones that we gave? Not the whole book. I can't say Catholic.
Everyone who is a raffle ticket, we have the other side of the show,
and we don't have any other sides we only took the one where you guys entered.
Mr. 97 you want to do some legwork now? I'll get Josh to drawer hours and say the number Yeah, you're gonna you're gonna say the colour is this number yeah you say that. Mr. 97 you go get the prize which are announced right for we do the ticket. Okay, cool. So yeah, wacky Mike there. Alright, so get your raffle tickets out. gronk got him. Good. Good. All right, sorry. 36 Prize number one. This is the mini shebang. So this is from hi Saiga. Hi target.com the best chocolate in Melbourne.
Hey, tiger.com w.com sorry. That's okay. That's like everyone who says news.com news.com does not go to news.com W.
So stop fucking saying. This is a whole range of the Hey Tiger chocolates. And someone gets to walk home with you and this
is hey Tiger delicious john Russell around Halloween chocolate to the you can check out plus a complete vegan range which is very good. Okay, good. Got it. Okay. The colour is the orange ready you know actually says right it's read IKS read FF Hands up if you still in the game, everyone VV read AF. Now I'm going to say a number one
minute okay 03 Janssen graduations night. The shebang that's 17 mommy chocolates.
If you come back You don't have to come up you can just yell and say who you are, because it might be a bit awkward for them to come here. But the next prize Okay, yeah. The July carry on. This is a suitcase we buy at July on Instagram one of the best handles we had a thin desk Lou on the show you right you right? Yeah july.com so this this is a I think it's choco yeah it's July carry on charcoal charcoal carry on. You need a new carry on suitcase this. You're gonna love this. All right, JJ
go for a ride right below who's blue?
Who's in the blue? Right?
We're gonna go with D 33.
Who is that? We've got a
obviously nice guy. I mean, not just that. I thought directing that people wouldn't have to come up with me. Don't say who it is. Yeah, so there wasn't 97 Who is it? You gotta find out and come back up and say,
hey, hey. Oh, great.
Unbelievable. All right,
so stylish. Oh really suit him.
The next prize the quad Lock Case pack because the guys at quad lock have been very supportive of the daily talk show.
I think we all use
case. You go anywhere in the world you'll see on motorbikes and cars, the blue colour, and it's on in the clip it in. It's unbelievable. Anyway, Rob and the team at quad lock have given us a whole variety of stuff that you can take out there. This is an iPhone 10 case, but if you do have a different phone, they're going to replace it for you for whatever phone you have.
So and if you if you live at Southside Rob will give you a tour of his Google Drive. So he's literally got like he could tell, say, turn the lights on, turn the lights on. I can't Rob by the way they speak to I can't even work out how to fucking Connect mine up. I've replaced it with Sonos, but I can't get the two rooms together at the same time. Yeah. All right.
What's this for? This is for the quad lock kit.
Blue D, who's in the game. lo de France. ND 20
No, I can't say the back there. This is right. Yeah, very very close.
I think I mean, I think you need is 20 because there's still 2027 like you can still keep it going, you know, you're confused gronk what I do 20
Alright so Russell around so this is from the team here at IU 79 Cafe. Come here Come here
it's three broken
tape cups now I started the seas and that's an arrow press
Yeah, this an arrow press. This is state of the art stuff.
Like a coffee. Semi you 79 coffee and also like a cool never been more here. Yeah, at this moment. This is hipster straw. Like
I literally the milkshake that smoothie that you made me hand
Yeah. This is awesome.
It's got a cleaner as well. This is fucking great if you go camping.
Seriously? The right all right. Okay, purple who's in the game? Who's in the game? This is Richard.
Wow, here we go feeling good about purple. I'm gonna say it real quick. It's a 11 Hey go Belinda was the biggest hipster of them all.
That's fucking dry. Show. We've had a couple of last minute we're going to do a fire round. It's not over yet. So Nando's did a whole bunch of food for us.
Yeah, absolutely. Thank you.
I really wanted to pocket these. But they've given us vouchers. There's 250 dollar ones and there's 220 dollar ones. Fernando's? Absolutely nice we've got
one of the biggest parry pack members in Australia in the summer.
Okay, I want you to just go hard and I'm just gonna hold it up so you pick where's the fucking thing? I've got it in my hand.
Okay, I thought you wanted me to grab him but
All right, here we go Go for it. So this is
a $50 YK ready $50 one Are you ready? Real quick it is blue d 23
okay, this is 22 What are we doing? You're gonna get get them off to come up. Can
you just not give him take too long? Okay, sure. Please don't forget if you have one.
Red f afraid 13
there we go right
hapa get on the product.
So hot. That was a $20 one. This is a $50 one now okay.
It is blue d 03 blue day 03
in the box And last $20 one.
Here we go. Here we go. Oops, they're sticking together. It is a balloon DO that looks like a sea but it's not. It's a 08 blue d 08. Blue D zero. I told you
raffle book. That was the whole raffle book. This is why I was saying let me do it again. Okay, read f 10. Yeah, up the back. Please remember that you've won and you can
get a $20 21 and then hydro dropped the Ross and honours that he's dead. Give me a yes. See, five hat five hats. Five hats. Okay, so
was that hiding? Wherever we can if I can throw them we don't want to. What does that call?
Yeah. Okay, five, five.
dB. Have you got them. He's bringing them up right now. Thank you, everyone for coming. By the way
careful just watching the tables. Yeah,
this is
great. These are legit. We know the company has has shaped your head. They're really right. So this one says, Yeah,
can you hold them actually nine seven so this one's been
here we go. Who gets the beaver blue beaver? Okay, it's a blue. Blue d 26 Come on. There we go. favour for you. There you go. There we go. I know I said I wouldn't throw them but she knows who won so it's not like Okay, this one is for a stallion that got Scott's Tommy jackets name all over.
It is blue d 13. There we go and enjoy it.
This visualisation that's the sacred guy. Right, here we go. Let's do another one. What's this one? pace. This is pace the animal. Okay. We've moved away to sort of a dove with the pace.
Alright, blue d 25. And about Yes, pace name alive right. All right. And how many more
Silver Fox? Yeah, where's Mikey? Jackie
All right.
All right, it is. Red f 09 red f 09 at the back of the
programme ground. All right, last one. This is Ruth.
Riley and she got a rumour.
I mean, and visualising over there again. Yeah.
He visualising still that'd be great.
Alright, well, this is a purple. Good purple. Crew crew a team
18 yes oh yeah whoo that's a really one here. Please come out
thank you to everyone for coming this has been great on either some Thank you. Oh yeah perfect. So a 79 obviously thank you for allowing me and the gronk squad back in after breaking those porcelain cup.
They've got a great like this is a great place for event higher and things like that I saw the other of the day like a concerts and weddings and all that sort of thing. It's very good.
Keep selling.
I think it's Josh What's great about the coffee,
the coffee I mean it's the thing is that Tommy is very particular about his coffee
make the coffee that I love
strong three quarter I'm an almond guy they use milk lab and so that's always a good thing to they use milk but it tastes like milk lot and I can't tell the difference with breakdown
if you if you've never come in get a tonne of money. sacred
ground right there is and it's just all about the like, we're talking to Lawrence who manages the place. And he's always talking about the community and they're always fucking doing things and they've given us this great space. gronk squads Yeah, absolutely. Never done, I'm sure, but thank you
if you've been drinking beer tonight, Moondog brewing the guys around the corner the I called him up.
Yeah, opportunity, opportunity opportunity. We got 190 which the funny thing is I then said to my blog from officer, I said, Man, we got 190 beats you guys. Don't have 90 people. I can't fucking get Blotto off to be
responsible drinking. Moon dog brewing, like a cool place around the corner. And also I've got this new moon dog world. Check it out Moondog brewing on Instagram. Also Nando's UI who had the food
Yeah. Rana Plaza Nanda biggest Perry burger just gave
she Yeah, so they supplied a whole bunch of stuff and the popcorn the Perry,
we didn't have it today, but they're Hulu me. Peter is great.
I can't have it. I probably could all get on Dan.
And also thanks to DayDay in the team at victims of VS on chapel Street. So they hooked up Halo with the shadow. It looks like it looks like legit. It looks very good. Jake's tattoos underscore is the guy who did it. And if you're getting attacked, go there because they're really really lovely. Yeah. Who else
doing anything Jojo? Look, I think ever I think there's our partners. I mean, Bray have done an amazing job, not only for supporting us through this event, but supporting through the fact that there's a lot of bullshit bullshit that we commit to and that when we commit to it, they commit to it too. Yeah, and so everything from ally but also when I was away for four months. Bry was cool with me getting up at like 530 in the morning to to record a podcast and be stressing about trying to find the location that has 4g in Slovenia.
We've had basil over here just
Yeah. Thank you guys all week man. He's a just come back from a holiday lot of vitamin D looking great
MO who's also been taking some snaps Karen moves out gimbal ninja and we've also got we've got a show Baker guys. Oh, yeah, so we started the show haven't fucking had cake yet. And fat Friday's came into the equation down the road. And then we were reached out to by Alexandra, who has since become our show bag. Mate when you get cookies in the mail, and it comes through like a
look like a VHS tape. And I opened it and it was those fucking cookies in it. Yeah. And so it was
a surprise. Yeah, it was a great surprise. We were it seemed like something you'd say in some sort of like border security sort of shit.
So we, we gave the official title of show Baker and she's baked a cake. It's not going to feed all your gronk. So sorry about that. She did say you want to kind of realise Absolutely not. Yeah. And she said, Do you want me to cater for any allergies? Or is it absolutely not? It's full of stuff you probably shouldn't eat if you have an allergy. Yeah, not everyone's gonna get a slice. Anyway. My wife's looking at me really disappointed. Yeah.
It's a sort of a negative way to end the show.
Let's bring it back out. Yeah, let's give JJ a you know, a nice piece of affirmation. Now. I don't know I want to okay.
I actually I feel like 97 are you doing?
No, no, I think you're great at affirmations. I feel like I want to hear what you said.
No, I was thinking about I don't have a friend who is more willing to put them Cells at the at the forefront of the joke or pushed you laugh at yourself the ability you have is greater level than you test off right we're not when we first had the show it was something you said this is fucked up me rapping like the good things you've done for me and then the virtual house
right Yeah, why you're perfect.
You've you've helped and I think you do help the people around you put themselves out there a bit more and show more humility and take shirtless seriously think I think you've done a great job.
And for you guys I think it's like I have always struggled working with teams because fucking people are paying then when you find the right team that will do everything for you. Really fucking takes the pressure off. In all seriousness, yeah, we've You've got to understand doing 500 episodes, if you're looking inside, Tommy and Josh is so different or missing, it was different, like, it has been a lot of hard work. But the funny thing is, it's like doing a podcast that is completely optional. All we've been able to do is enter into it with the idea of self development and trying to be better. And I think that that's the great thing that we we've all been able to do is it's like we have hard conversations, we get pissed off at each other. But at the end of the day, we talk through things we work on it and we are actually able to create stuff that we're really proud of. And I think that that's like any relationship I think if you hear the show, what I always hope is that we bring that out to and so that when we're back in a bit edgy or whatever, or I haven't eaten or you're in fact in just to summarise
it or whatever it is
that we talk about it and we reflected on the show and Being unapologetic with that because if we do that if we just be ourselves and then you guys come here tonight that's awesome because it means like you might actually like us which is really big insecure babies yeah
so you're thinking whether or not this is a thing
500 in so thank you to everyone for for coming tonight it's been amazing technical guy thank you to go to Derek Cisco to Derek for all of the technical stuff and he was under strict and I didn't actually say the video, but you didn't have to move the cursor when you press play. We find with that Okay, so that was a fucking great job.
everyone for coming tonight. It's so funny. We were I was I had a moment of panic thinking back and no one's gonna come. Yeah, it's so normal though.
Well, because I wasn't even that. It's like Who the fuck is coming to something on a Tuesday night? That's free. That's an event bright like I was sweaters like it Hundred percent i wouldn't like it feels like one of those it's like similar to a made up right and like a made up you sort of if you're not feeling it and you never feeling it you don't come so we
have name tags and Oh
yeah. So the fact that you guys are here is awesome. Thank you so much give a round of applause to yourselves please. And Gemma lots. Yeah, thank you. I thank you so much to Queen gronk. Yeah, for not only the support on tonight's show, but she's always supporting us on everything from being on the podcast constantly and also sharing us on the gramme, which we really appreciate.
Mr. 97 Thank you for being a strapping young man. He's gonna turn 20 at the end of this week, you'll be in LA. You can do whatever you want within reason Yeah, and weekend.
And we're going to be an ally for Halloween. So this is gonna be fun. So in two days time or three days time, so be Friday. around midday we're going to do a live stream. And I love a fuckin promise but this is happening so good. I can talk about we're going to live stream us setting up shop at the front of our Airbnb in West Hollywood. And we're gonna just yeah,
I reckon, you know,
it's gonna be fucking trigger sense that he's
gonna cut his finger
would No, no bit so that's something to look forward to to otherwise it's been a great show. Thanks for coming everyone and we'll see you next time. Hey guys