#036 – Favourites list disaster/
- March 6, 2018
The Daily Talk Show — Tuesday March 6 (Ep 36) – Josh Janssen & Tommy Jackett.
Closing the loop, smoking, golf buggies, do not disturb on your phone and more!
FOOTAGE: Josh nearly tipping a golf buggy in Fiji.
Send us mail: PO BOX 400, Abbotsford VIC 3067 Email: hi@bigmediacompany.com.au
Josh’s YouTube Channel – http://youtube.com/joshjanssen
Tommy’s YouTube Channel – http://youtube.com/tommyjackett
Episode Tags
It's Tuesday, Tommy the daily talk show and Episode 36. Yeah,
we're just talking about Episode 40 that's on its way. And we're doing it from Krispy Kreme. I'm excited. I have been tagging you in things from Krispy Kreme. They reminded me a lot of the shakes that I enjoy from dominos, remember. I was sort of a white last year I didn't even know that Krispy Kreme did
why did
it's a good it's a good like, if you're gonna fuck yourself by eating at Diana might as well wash it down. wash it down with 7000 calories. Shake the I've What are you eating the most calories in a day? You've eight
just off the top 15,000 15,000. Yeah.
And that wasn't we trying to know a lot. You just know. I mean, I'm trying. I was trying to in the sense that I would have just been
a non stop. I'm trying to think of what that where it would have been a couple of painters, some desserts like a bag of lollies yeah being
lunch like a drinks I recommend most people who would reach that you'd need to rely heavily on the sort of drinks you're having so having like a thick shake will tip you over because essentially like having your ice cream but it's a big it's filled with sugar that will be we will be consuming a lot of calories this coming soon will say I feel like I am I had a low calorie day described I know I'm already bored and I don't want to go into you we know that you're triggered but I'll just quickly tell you how to paint up by the slice oh actually no it's not like
does anyone care about these days I what what do they care about what you had for lunch yesterday
it was breakfast now you You may be right
quick update from yesterday story I told about my son being bitten by another child we're closing a loop close the loop well I went to pick him out yesterday yeah and I was came to look at his arm you say the Bach and we went up and got there maybe like 636 o'clock 6pm and we went in and got him a same thing good spirits is that just you know any bruises hanging out with kids and I and I saw resolve yeah and there is a little bite markets like the light little baby teeth it's it's a it's cute. So I said to the educator so we call them Josh educated. educated. I said to them are who did it. They said we can't disclose that information. See
this under wraps. That is so funny, isn't it? Yeah.
And but then I thought, okay, I might be able to work this out. Based on
everyone's taste like a boy. Let me take the guy because it
was maybe so two of the box. They could probably about five teeth. Yeah, it was a five teeth marks. I reckon. If I just keep an eye to see the let's try. Let's just spend 30 seconds. Try and deconstruct how we can find out who it is. What's the teeth? That's what I think that's the only way maybe asking some of the other parents. Oh, yeah. It's funny. Bodie. You don't a bit bodies' am
lady with the idea if I reckon look another tactic could be if there's if there's a kid that's like wearing a math
I wonder like I wonder what their process what you'd probably do to find out you need to say what's the process how do we know it's not happening again? And if we say some little kid that type behind some sort of barrier like it
well yeah I
mean the approach is just like being cool with the educators are yeah you know this stuff happens Oh who was it now you can tell me
yeah it was Daniel wasn't in China
China mentioned the other I could say like one of the others mentioned he was this kid and I know it was this kid that's a good ride to
leading them down the or just rain like all my this would be something body would do I feel bad for the parents by okay. Was it single parent? What was the genesis but the thing that I guess that it's different Iraq and probably the differentiating factor with this case is that they're still babies, right? I reckon once they get to like four years old, then everyone's got their little personality in a bigger way. And you just I just remember that being in
you know, there was the naughty kids at in Kindle. Yeah. And that they would swear a lot and I remember we used to think well so called would get like the paddle pop sticks. Yeah. And we would put masking tape across the whole thing of it so it was sort of like this masking tape stick yeah and we're just sit pretending this smoke really and we thought that we were top dogs
automatic so no wonder there's a problem and she's fighting so I'm an asthmatic and I smoked a bit bills like it's mainly the thing and it's unhealthy for you but it's not it is I feel like I would I could potentially smoke if I wasn't an asthmatic because I if it wasn't bad this sounds stupid I'll synthesize my thoughts I smoked a little bit when we can just be cool but I always struggle because the asthma so i i was like staying away from it because I feel like as soon as I'm around smoker I sets myki yeah
but they a good reason not to smoke so
I see people out having a smoke talking to each other and I think that'd be good if that was healthy for me yeah it'd be great because you get to
write a little bit of a break and you die going downstairs talking shoot it's definitely brings people together like I know that places that I've worked where you have lawyers some King with like Junior burgers and what something in all their like the connection is a nicotine habit
well the student my wife's work he goes down maybe four or five times a day which if you recite the five minute breaks yeah that's not his lunch break he's these full on isn't it? I thought the owner of that company would be pissed off down right Yeah absolutely. You paying for somebody to go out and have a CD and I'm he said to this dude, do you lock the smoke? And he said no, no, I hide it. And it's an interesting thing because a lot of people that smoke don't like the fact that they smoke What a mess address right The thing is, I think that that's like the same with like lollies or junk food or stuff like that you don't like it's that weird thing if I Oh Should we get it or should we do it feels like a trace yeah but it's not treating yourself because you feel like fucking shit after he started to making light in life that's what
I always I never understood what does stashing light I the the thing that's been happening to me lately is I'm always have all that smells nice and then I look at this guy's got a vapor pen here it's like oh apple and smoke divine that never I've never like
I have just this weed unit where I'm like I just get scared of things for I'm like I just don't want to engage state of war of the vibe I know I'm scared off well it's like if it's the if we know that it's not good for us
then what is the benefit of trying it so the for me it only can end badly the good the good solution is on my that's what it's like but I feel like I get enough of that through passive smoking anyway I feel like I'm sure I've tried smoking through like when I used to go to the drag races as a kid just reminds me of like your family the family out of Alameda exactly and the yeah but I just remember that or like dad taking me to like factories or whatever when he would like mates who you know had businesses and would go there and always have this smell of like mechanic oil ciggies I did work experience you 10 at a golf course I told you the story nine and I love the thought of working on a golf course like being outside in the morning but being the grains grains grains keeping what Golf Club Brighton golf course and I had to get there at like 4:30am super early so that
before the Golf is really morning sport anyway for a long for for a lot of people and so they get the they they basically make a new hole and most of the grains fill up the old one, make sure everything's going on. And I loved the being in the buggies like we were driving around buggies. And just like I felt like it's it's like a privilege to be on those baggies on a call
for whatever reason. Yeah, it definitely. I remember I used to I had a golf coach. And my favorite thing was he had sort of a custom buggy. Yeah, that was like petrol run and went fracking. They are awesome. And we're just like, and that was sort of the that was almost like the buy in which was like, I was essentially paying for a buggy ride. That's what I was most excited about. I get to ride around in age and that was one of the appeals
Yeah, there was also some darker sides to this
happiness from the darker side. One of our better apps
you know, toilet Let me paint the wall. The guy was I think this will paint the picture of the guys who work at worked at the golf course. I don't know about now in the toilet. A knee high pile of porn mags. Yeah, I got stuck into them while I was on the toilet. Just having a quick browse as you do when you're 15 years old and slowly but here's the other thing we were driving around and this is a joke between me and my bro and it has been since then he'd say to me Let's go guy smiles on slack man
yeah man please hand me see and I'd smoke in the car with him when we're driving around and he does it every couple hours smacked by
by what diaries with it so far. I just remember feeling like a big asthmatic but wanting to be cool. Just having it
actually making me breathe funny. It's It's horrible. smack smack. I'm gonna take that the brain. I went to Fiji a year and a half ago or a year and a bit ago, and we played around a golf ball. I played around with golf Ray sort of handed me the columns. Sorry, just one thing. What are your hands full bore a round of golf all funny talking about golf story. Now, I reckon what's even more boring? Is may describing what I Yes.
Which, at the end, let's say what I had for dinner. We know that we had this little peanut butter slice, but can I just very
just very quickly on the paint up at a slice sounds like it's some sort of the again, all like, unhealthy thing. Yes, it was. It was like a grainy It was like a lots of seeds and stuff and just had like paint but as sort of the thing that would stick it together. Right. It's a patient toast with peanut butter. Yeah, exactly. So it wasn't like some sort of sugar back to you. And aj aj Yeah, Bray was telling me to be careful on the Gulf by eat and I've got this footage
because we're filming the GoPro. Yeah, I've made nearly flipping the buggy which is like is like Bray screaming. I tell she's like really mad because I literally like hit this. We went over the hill not knowing that it's sort of deep to really low and I just like smashed his head
on a video. Yeah, I've seen heard that voice Yeah,
I'll have to. Maybe we'll link it up. But I also that's not the only golf buggy story. I remember. I was at Eagle Ridge golf club with a
mate in high school and he's grandpa and it was a wet day this footage I wish I still have it's probably somewhere in the archives but this is Portage of them filmmaking me and I'm just like sliding along side wise
wet on the and this was like a couple hundred dollars a game sort of golf courses was like there's a lot of etiquette these courses it is old school, old money, you know, golf courses. Well, I used to play about three to four times a week you and uh. You know, I was always like a handicap 32 which was the maximum for junior It was so frustrating because I always looked at people my uncle used to caddy for Craig Perry, who's an Australian golfer, yes, Yeah, Yeah, probably. And I would always and he's now the one that's like a CEO of like an an Arab soccer team, interesting in Abu Dhabi. Wow. Yeah. Crazy. Anyway, he went into after caddying. He went into like sports management. And then went into being like a be fat. I just want to go, I'd love to go to Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi. The one was getting confused. You've got Dubai. Yeah, Abu Dhabi is the what is the we might cut your hands off if you do anything. I'm not sure. Is that like the real crazy one over there? Yeah, man. No, it's not Abu Dhabi, then what am I thinking about? Guys? It's the one that Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia. Yeah.
So the oil man. Yeah, exactly.
I think that he's a I'm getting distracted. But he Yeah, I was always excited about golf. Because I would say people with similar BMI to me doing
people doing really well in golf, and you could like baby shop. And by the end of my golf career, when I was I call it a career. It was a hobby. I am we used to go to the golf club and would tell our parents that will playing golf it would go straight to the clubhouse
order. A big basket of hot chips and cherry coke. And we just sit there all day. So yeah, I told my mom I was going somewhere. But it wasn't to the golf course. And they may my mates were smoking bombs behind the show. That's the difference in Josh and I, and we look we've both worked it all out here. We have, we're good. We're good. Hey, my bro. Tell me a funny story. Actually. I saw the story unfold, which is even better. Because I felt like I was a which brought in a cinema. My eldest brother, yeah. Anthony. Yeah.
He was saying to me, fact, my boss is saying that my phone doesn't work. What sort of career they were. He says he's an electrician. Okay. Yeah, he's my boss is telling me. My phone doesn't work. He calls me It goes straight to message bank. And he's like texting. It's not working. But I call him and I might it's working. The block is number or any sheet to end these bossy doing. Did you block my number know? Like, what do you know how to block a number on a farm? Yeah, like, you need to go into the contact or something. And I'll do it to you right now. Now, I don't know, but I'll unblock it. Right. Okay, let me just. I just want to show you actually.
Just very quickly No, no. Before you
guys favorites. You're not in my favorite. You gotta be fucking kidding me. Naughty. My five. And
I'll put you into my final. I don't want to be in your fucking favorites. But I'm just pulling up my favorites us in my favorites behind break again. I'll get I'll put you know, I don't want to be in your favor. DJI, will you do you know how I call? We
call Josh Johnson. And then
I don't ever go into my favorites. Anyway. So you could call me like if you were to do the module 8:11am today. yesterday. A cold you we spoke on Sunday. Yeah. Anyway, we've spoken a lot. We speak a lot the salad point I'll put you in my favorites to make you feel I don't fucking need it. But that's outrageous. So you need to go on to your contact. Yeah. And then down the bottom it says block this color. Yeah. And then it tells you to you like your basic confirming. Yeah. So now what happens if I text you too? Thanks me. Now. Do you get a tech Do you get a text message I've just blocked Josh is number completely. I wonder
if this is doing something. So Apple thinks we're no longer have Hi. Hi. My. Just really down on a I've sent the text. It looks like it's send from my end. Okay. I get it. I haven't got anything yet. decided. Sent. Yeah.
Well, maybe it doesn't actually all It doesn't say delivered. Okay. So you haven't been able to text me? So my my brother's boss was saying might you've blocked me and my brother was going? No, I have not. Because in defense of him. It's actually you need to go in and block someone and it takes a bit of effort.
Tommy jacket.
I just get your voicemail. Yeah. So
just go straight to voicemail and
hit my brothers walking around the house going I haven't. I haven't. I haven't blocked him. So my other brother Michael grabs my phone. I want you to do this right now. Okay. Go into settings. Do Yeah. Yeah. go into settings. Go to phone. Yeah. Go to call blocking and identification. A phone? Yeah. Fine. whole block here. And identification. Yeah. And it comes out with all the numbers you've blocked. Have you got any? there?
I've got about 10 1-234-567-8910
numbers. Okay. Yeah,
so I've got four in five. Including you a lot of minor like fucking telemarketers. That Yeah,
as soon as I hear and I'm like I don't want to engage anymore. Can you unblock me now my brother my brother winning and checked
if he was being blocked yeah and he blocked his boss so if there was a directing a night out or something and he would like what was a winter rainbow serpent which is a four day Music Festival and he recommends that it could have happened then by accident by accident but he
wouldn't do it on purpose but the by accident in the sense that like he might have just been off his chops and he's done it so
well maybe it because it might have been one of these latest calls is happening is just somehow pressed it so I'm unblocking you Josh. Thank you. And the fact that he's blocked his boss who's trying to contact him about work constantly and he's telling his boss No I haven't bought you might because you wouldn't think
yeah What do you think? Is that like what's the etiquette around answering coals so I'm trying to work that out at the moment being where we have service based client businesses yeah and so I always pick up my I'm very good at picking up my phone and it's I think that I've like at least in the last like he said pride myself on even if I don't know the number or like generally pick it up but
I'm starting to realize as like I've got probably six main projects on the go at the moment and it's just I can't context switch I can't switch between them all so I'm having to be like I'm thinking about using Do Not Disturb more but how do you how would you go about setting the expectation when you do it I think even reply are now required to Craig might Craig hopper Yeah, he's
a busy dude and I call him frequently yeah and he presses that button that says busy right now all you and other time and I just wrote back to him texting probably more in is in fact the auto response is so serious
call me Wendy can but it's so easy I think it feels like it's not so having custom ones I don't know whether this was a mates car or not that was doing this but I I texted him and I actually got a message automatically like basically our Lucy as a tagging us up on Instagram on
when Josh Josh picks up his phone. Lucy was on the last episode.
say this what happened. I can play the blues trying to thought text messages, right? You may say I want to read you. I want to read you this text message that I got when my mic was in his car. Here. We get auto responses that Yeah, so I got the auto it was fucking great. I got this response.
One recent favorite all contacts. That's cool. And it and it's set up as I'm driving with Do Not Disturb while driving. turned on. Also your message when I arrive at the destination. I'm going to say it without it responds. You guys are a select bunch of favorites. Unfortunately. Josh Johnson not within this. So So hurtful, but that's fucking Michael. Um, I think I'll start you know, I'm gonna do I'm gonna start using Do Not Disturb. Specifically when I'm on shoots. I'm currently on a shoot currently on a few. I'm currently on a shoot blah, blah, blah. I mean, it makes you like a bit of a big dog don't get to get to automated bullshit. Hey, guys,
this is an order has been just on a shoot. Like, I think you need they honestly there are a I feel. Do you feel this when you get an order respond message that's very vague. Or just like I currently I'm out of. Yeah.
Right. And the reason that this one works, I think is because he put an emoji in it and stuff like that. Yeah, that is
personable. Yeah. And the other thing too, except Lucy, the 16 year old Instagram will would not be allowed. You should put a bus emoji just laid on my but I think that she uses the bus emoji more than what she wanted. And he was like, that was a slip, it's fine. It's fine. You can use the bus buses, fine school buses running lady. I mean, it's not relevant anymore. But we don't need no education have the skills that are yet auto responding. I think I've told this story. Why back in one of the podcast. But Bray mentioned it last night because another friend was telling someone else about it when I read four hour workweek. And I decided to set up an autoresponder for people saying I wasn't currently available and this was early days of sort of this sort of stuff. So I used a really ran about what rather than using like Gmail or Google Apps and doing it all that I was using Apple my old to do it and they had Apple Mail have these rules so you can set up things where it's like almost like filters I guess it would be within Google where it's like If This Then That type of thing I sorted all and I set up a rule which was meant to be if I receive a message from someone send it send them this response but what I did was I did that with that the caveat for new messages so I sent in a message to every single person who's ever emailed me saying I'm currently unavailable something real wonky like currently unavailable for the next 40 minutes like I checked my emails twice daily between this time and this time
is now I love that so you to take it so literally yeah when I think it's what young people do or just people a lot of yeah
I would have been like 19 at the time and you just like you don't know you don't have your own self filter and just like putting it through your own sort of value us and brand and all that sort of thing
well i think it's like people watching Gary vay or anyways speaking business or success and they start applying the exact thing that they doing. Yeah,
and to some degree like the same people copying the exact formats that Gary Vee is using as far as like I saw one and I even think it'd be gross is like Gary Vee started on if he's the one that Gary if you don't know is like a an online marketer guy who who worked on one library which was a business his family started and he turned it into a big econ business and now he has violent media which is like a full service agency doing meal rev yeah
and so he's like the Piney so people don't listen to it yeah and people copying was my point so you know the video where you see the red line going across which basically is showing you how I have the video yeah to watch I saw someone using that the other day and it just looks shit well just like people emulates it's a
and the thing is like that you'll notice that I took all my post it notes down a step hater post it notes but one remained which is knowing isn't doing and that's the thing where it's like all of these like Gary wouldn't have been the first at doing this type of thing, right.
But he's like that big person who is going to make it famous. It's the same with Casey Neistat. Casey Neistat will use a gorilla pod, you know, like the flexible pods for tripods. And then anyone that has a flexible tripod with a DSL law it's like oh, you're Casey Neistat copycat. It's pretty crazy how we lump these things. And if you're for and it's to my point, it's like we spoke about the other day, the 22 immutable laws of marketing, there's a caveat to being first, it's either being first or being the most popular first, right? So like, you can be the first to have a product but if no one knows about it as an appointment. Yes. Yeah,
thing is like doing a case study and documenting along the way of like, copying someone else. Yeah, copying, just copying the style the format like exact exactly how they've scaled they're following or something and saying if it actually can work. So we could do it with this podcast, right? We say someone's strategy around how they've created a big audience or online following for their podcast. And you could just literally copy it with our content inserted. Yeah, and to see if it actually works like to see if there is merit in taking someone else's strategy and applying it to your on with the denting along the way
that the adapting is the important bit. Yeah, so it's like steal like an artist, Austin clay ons popular book or everything's array mix, all these this sort of terminology. What I think works really well is looking beyond like the people that you're trying to, like, say, if you're an online marketer, you can look at other online marketers, but where you'll probably find the most about mount of value is looking at like three steps away in a different industry or a different time period. So for instance, this podcast, I use designation, which was my favorite podcast, I've listened to a watch it it was a video podcast, I watch it every single week. And I watched it from I don't know, I think it came out in 2005. And I would have I watched every single episode every single week. I was the person who was emailing in, we should pick up that audio because hilarious. I basically send them an email, like, what should I do? My girlfriend gets upset because after we have sex, I straightaway go on to back onto my computer.
I said, I read it, I read it That's awesome. And I thought I was fucked because I basically said that actually. Like I basically said to him, them yeah, that the
Should I finally had to do two things at once. So we'll we'll find the email but there was basically a line in there where it's like and it's not like I have anything to do on my computer I ended up just spending the time moving around that goes
like this guy's fog.
So I'd like I I look at Digg nation and I still can watch their videos today. Yeah, and I will like once every couple of months when I want a bit of nostalgia nostalgia alert every every couple of hours I will I'll watch that and the funny thing is it's all old stories so it's like Apple is potentially like is their new product called the I slight This is before the iPad came out.
And they would do like rumors of like, Okay, we've got like, this is the latest rumor of what's going to be on the iPhone for services closing
the loop of your own story. Yeah. What was
the point of bringing out dignity nation dig nation, I have used as a bit of a benchmark of like, I fucking loved that. And that took out like, Okay, what was some of the things it was two mates having a good time and it was actually less about the new stories. And it was always around the fact and banter in between. And it was about like, being honest. And it was about like, giving you insight, giving people insight into their actual lives. So it's not just I think people think, or you can't just say Bray, because no one knows who Bray is. You need to explain that to girlfriend. And like, actually, that's not the audience that I care about. I want like, you'll eventually if you don't know who Bree is, you eventually if I can make join the dots and work it out. Same with Amy, Bodie, all that sort of thing, and sometimes if we feel like it will preface it, but um, you said that that was Yeah, exactly. Another episode. I can get in on it. Getting getting on it. Yeah. So yeah.
So you've taken some inspiration from them into this podcast? I like it. Yeah,
that's it. That's another episode. I think the daily 60 this hurricane swell with this thing. I felt felt a bit Sam can
say same gear before, like, on like, when I was working on faith angels, a bit of a or whatever, show what I can't remember. But it does feel a little novel because I feel like it's more for him to feel like he's doing
a live wrap it up. Yeah. Rapid Oh, come on. Wrap it up. Anyway, we're wrapping it up. Yeah. So daily talk show. If I didn't wrap up or try and bring your story back to there will be no point we would have gotten for another 15.
Michelle, thank you so much for your emails. I say that there's one with the tracking number for our first bit of mail that we're getting in the P o box. And so where I'm going to tell me and I sitting down to work out our email so I can actually get it sorted. So we have one inbox and we can be checking it together. If you don't video you're going to get the I 100 video about Yeah, I'll be disappointed point. And Sean, thank you for the review as well on iTunes. That was the podcast app that was very much appreciated. And if you if you were thinking hang on this podcast isn't shit your reviews help because it means that other people can know that it's not shipping and we can dominate the it like one day. Tell me We will be in the top 10. Maybe not for like half a day. I
saw someone post up yesterday either in the top four. Was Craig. Bruce in the guy. Yeah, so
that was a podcast episode level. So it's different. So I think that when we get some of our big dog mates on the show, they can push pull be audiences but until then we'll we'll take whatever Yeah, a review would be nice. And it helps p o box so you don't have to send your view via the P o box. But we do have the P o box which is p o box 400, Abbotsford Victoria 3067. And our email addresses high at the daily talk. show.com. TJ Have a good day. Bye guys.