#004 – Haircuts, booze and winning/
- January 19, 2018
Bad haircuts, Surfing in the Sydney Harbour, Cool dads, The Janssen household, Lushsux and winning. Have a great weekend!
Episode Tags
I'll start. Okay. Well, guy,
glad we work that out as we hit record. Yeah,
it's a daily talk show Josh and tell me. What's the date? It's the 19th. It's a Friday. It's a quarter to 10 in the morning at four. So Episode Four. It's going to get to a top of 42 degrees. You're reading. Can you tell people that you're
your love of storms? And yeah,
I love it. Oh, but the funny thing is, I don't have any real knowledge couldn't tell you. What a cumulus kill us is kind of say cumulus cloud
now, I don't know what that is. I've got
no idea. But all I know is as soon as there's a fucking storm as a live feed from JJ I think what I love about storms and I love about any extreme weather is that everyone says you gotta stay inside. And that's right up my alley. You seen the video of me out bond I when we got our yes
with the the surf like crazy waves, right? So there's waves in the Sydney Harbour that we when served. And that's like he can't if you're not from Australia, you can't serve in the city. However, to harbor so the wives out men to come in. So there's heads. But when the swells big enough for the winds big enough, they come into the heads, and they reverberate off one side of the harbor and push a swell across to the other and you can surf and this is dirty water. Or is it pretty nice. Now it's close to the headsets it's cleaner than bondo after a storm bond is disgusting after a storm but in bond I there was that sandstorm which is able lifted up he said like
so much wind blew or the sand off Bondi Beach up over onto the walkway into this Skype ball. It was crazy weather makes me feel small though as well because it's just like you can we had some crazy lightning the other the other day. Hi.
How long have you been surfing for
as long as I can remember my old man grew up in your parents cool. Yeah. Yeah. Well you know dad's my dad's never smoked a cigarette drink he drank maybe Phoebe's he's not out there. So he doesn't drink? No, not anymore. Really? I can't remember it'd be like beer for Soren but yeah he's never been pieced so he's not calling the terms of we go to the pub together and he's a return enough that's
parents go to the pebble we've been hanging out drinking together and it's like it I like it when it's someone else's parents I don't know if I don't know if it will translate as well for my dad my dad my mom at a yoga center yeah and everyone thought my dad was guy back in the day because it was mostly guy guys that did yoga that but he's just like a
is like a Tommy day.
he's a he's a very light coming days. One of my max is kind of cool. Yeah,
but I just assume that everyone, all of our listeners, Tommy day is called like people. You know? Remember people used to say metrosexual no one ever says that anymore. Right?
It's because people don't wear flu row column.
You know when I said metrosexual what came into my mind was this bright top that I got from Jay Jay's and I thought that I was I Metro night the piece of meat of metrosexual was people who want a brand called Stevie Stevie Stevie was these these bright colored t shirts and if you were in the club saying that in the I guess it was like
early 2000s. Stevie had these Florica tops that you could they had Scratch and sniff ones that have you like raspberry fly or something and seed scratching and that will that will be cool of the club I didn't wear them though I might work for them and he and he loved them metrosexual going it was doing Hey you'd have that really like shop Hey cats with maybe a line in the side of his head yeah and haircuts say a lot about someone How much do you spend on your hair
50 bucks okay and I get it might be like six weeks and you were saying that you go to the same do you go to the same person yeah my friend or something I used to train him when I was a personal trainer and I made him throw the gym he owns a cell on and he's a he's a legend and so he just asked me 50 bucks that's like
yeah he charges other people 70 I think but it's because I've known him for a while haircuts interesting Have you ever had gone through a hairstyle that was a bit sheet night
I had like I look back on photos of recent sorry of light like recently I've been looking back and photos of me when I was 21 the still Joe
the home things being fucking Mr.
Joe told you man I love it. I fucking love it. Like the past day basis. Fracking I had a boat I had an undercut I had the number 28 Michael Jordan I think was 28 was Michael Jordan's. That Shaped its Michael Jordan basketball player. 28 was the number on these Jewish and I had that in the back of my head underneath my understand
I've had a shaved head of head just being funny or cool.
It's cool bro. Lehman Brothers went down to grant the Baba and got it once I got Shaq I can't remember his number and never got speed strikes but I had I had the number in the back of my head so we'd so bug and I had a rat's tale Did you ever shave your head completely yeah yeah not not real low once you do it in hood like now would you let me shake your hand I would reveal my fucking receding to match now you've got a good solid here airlines gone back a bit but I've got si k yeah but it definitely made me look a bit more balls yeah you would Yeah. I'd be in trouble you I don't think you'd grow
I shaved
a couple of years ago after Australia after that the world trip that I did you go to add a Cassidy
when I am I actually I think it started off like I was just going to do a bit of a trim and then just fact it might okay let's just shave this whole thing just its shape stride into a hotel toilet the toilet just flooding and ship called Brit Fitzpatrick
you did this yesterday Yes ma'am. It blows up okay this is talking about hey cat
WhatsApp right what's happening I just I'm just recording a podcast I need you to tell me what happened yesterday with you
guys what do you want
to know
what my age group right
and I was like oh just how long as they also get 15 kilos law that game you not farther than what I am now and you guys here now but you have an eye and then he started he goes oh what do you want to massage you want like a number one or number two So start with number two we'll go from there and then he started doing it and online he's going to
he's going with the Clippers back because he came on
so he started doing I'm looking on God I'm in trouble and now I look like I look like a paintbrush
emotions that you're experiencing is you expressive very variable. Yesterday
I had an audition for commercial
and get a
lot going on and was just I didn't I didn't get I wasn't
successful with the audition and I reckon about the is
john Piper
tell my wife and she said y'all just just go back in there and fix it fix it
he please pick up
How do you feel about the guy who did it
well I want to go back there
was pretty
what they showed the back of it and I'll show you the back you know let me know what you thinking what are you supposed to do
yeah alright alright man thanks for that story that's funny
saver The thing about the mirror on the back that was not planned by the way yeah
great good story he The thing with showing you back like with the mirror yeah it's really it's it's for them to feel good about themselves because when you ever gonna say no that looks she's I have gone back and head my head fixed like they missed the whole beat or something. I know I've gone back I just stress about going to the headrests a full stop I stressed about like, you know like the hips to fucking Bob is where you just sit down like you just take a say. So what order wing guys who came in like, there's a stress and then someone will walk in? I've got a coffee. I'm like, I'm back. I'm like, Okay, so what? Who's been holding your fucking spot? Is this the current place that we walk past it? So we walk past a place to get coffee quite a bit. And you're like, no, I can. I can walk past a bean bag. That's that's one of them. But there's another one to that. Even more anxiety because I don't drink and the whole thing it's called the drunk Bob. And it's like you get afraid be
drunk. Baba. Did you know that? That would be it was the only one that was open on a Monday because you know, they're all closed on a Monday. You know, Saturday? Yeah. And I was so determined to get a haircut and this place on Smith Street. The drunk Bob or whatever was open insert in what did you do? They offer you a drink now they didn't brass fracking panicked the whole time to spend let you know what, I'll just say. I had a big week. And so you lie. No, I didn't. I didn't have to. But that was in my head. Like, in my head. I'm like, okay, the only people that go to this place drink. Should we talk about the alcohol thing
here? We can if you want. Because we talked about my old man. Not really drinking. You're still cool. And then
you don't drink? Yeah, you know, I turned I think I'm like, and and it's not like you just
every now and then. I have and I just don't drink because there's a lot of people say that be you. I really we did Vox pops of PayPal and a guy so he doesn't really drink. It turns out he just drunk every way you can
think so. I mean, you're I don't. I don't drink. What does that mean? I don't drink means that I want. Look at the drinks menu at a restaurant. You haven't had many times in your lifetime? 20 minutes? 27. It'd be like half a dozen times. Six times you've been drunk. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I've been drunk once. Okay. And I've I've had something to drink half a dozen times. One would have been brain I in Bali. And like, 2010, we had like a cocktail at a or like, what did they have a Mexican Margaret. Margaret. We had a margarita. Yeah, cocktail. And I remember I had some spirits at
brace sister's wedding. Which was in I think, 2009 fact I never realized how boring is when someone tells you. You drank it. Because in my circles is just you don't talk about that. Because that's just what everyone does. Yeah, so funny.
We're from to such different worlds. Yeah,
I don't know. And people will constantly ask why I don't drink
and I don't really have a reason. I think it's just the
for one. I feel dehydrated when I do it. Yeah. But also I think it's like part of like, the social think it's like when I was growing up. I would say people drink out say them make idiots of themselves. And I was sort of like, I don't really want that.
And I think that's now that's not really an acquired taste. I think the one interesting area at the moment is like I had wine like six months ago or whatever, when I did that video. Yeah, you went to the Yellow River Valley, which is a fucking one rage Yeah. And they have like the big breakfast lunch or whatever, the beast lunch and they served wine. So we tried some but I think that's one of the challenges I don't feel the need at all to drink at home I think traveling might be different story so like when we go to Italy
I'm gonna be pumped for trying or different food and I can guarantee that lot of places will like one will be a part of the experience.
You know what I love drinking while traveling. Like when I was in Italy couple years ago, I was pregnant and very sick. So she stayed home. And so I go out exploring that and you can drink on the streets hindering anywhere really, and they sell alcohol everywhere, like little news agencies, just little corner stores. And you can just buy a beer like a local beer. Parenting is a labor mythos in Greece, where I was as well and you pay like a one euro. So you can walk around just drinking beer. I get like three days. And it's the feeling that it gives you the tastes a little bit of advice. And it was nice, just like walking around exploring having a beer. And it's like, I have associated that with traveling.
Yes, I've done it quite a bit. So if you did, if you every day went to flame destroy. I had a like a drink. Like that becomes that becomes a problem at that point. 100% and probably like, I drink more when I travel because it feels like holidays. And I'm relaxing. Like it's like eating and shit like that too. But I feel like I don't. I can't remember the last time I had soft drink with sugar. Like, I know that fat in the diet. The zero is all that sort of shit is atrocious for you. I definitely cut down because when I was a kid, the stouter alert I used to drink a lot of soft drink like I'll drink at least a later dies. And so I transitioned from I remember I transitioned from that to this like punch punch. what's the what's the juice drink yellow No, no, no, no, it's
Claudio? lemonade, lemonade, like not but diet lemonade? Yes. punch the yellow What? What's the lemony one that if you go to this No, no, no, if you go to like a fucking pub, you would have sprite and then on the other like a solo. What's the solo one? Yeah,
11 squash. Let me watch. Thank you. Fact. That's what else it's just second lemonade. Just more clarity version? Yeah. Matt,
what if we told you about non alcoholic drink anyway? Now what I was gonna say is I drunk so I transitioned from all this coke Coca Cola
of talking about Coca Cola to this diet lemon squash I remember I would drink like a later in a day and how have like diarrhea like if we feel like I'm sure either I mentioned because I think that there was probably like six month period like fabulous so much why I like yeah, I've just like not drinking suffering, but I think it was like a specie shooting it all at fit up anyway. So part of it is I've always had a rule where like, Don't drink your calories. I think all this vegan fracking movement and shit like that's change it like a sigh balls and stuff is changing that a little bit for me where I'm like, if it's a smoothie made with good sheets, then I'll have it so what we're saying is there's no good cheating hacker. Exactly. So
but I think Yeah, so for me alcohol is definitely you have a you start drinking young and it creates a pattern and it's getting drunk on the weekends like most weekends growing up me my mates would get alcohol and get drunk yeah
what will your minds what were they doing what are they doing literally don't like it this is a thing I don't have the friendship groups from school yeah but
when you were at school we were
doing I well the funny thing is I never felt like a loner I remember I did you have a group of nights like the boys or up until our I think like you seven years I you nine those parties. Any alcohol? Yeah, there was alcohol. Those parties, they call them gatherings or what a gathering. And but not when I was out. Like when I was older. I didn't really fat can do it. I was like, seriously, to be honest, too busy making videos, I'd be out invite people over. So people would go out and go to parties and stuff. And those same people who I wouldn't really associate with them to go to parties or invite them over and would make videos together so would go to spend a Saturday in the national park or whatever. I think that that was my parents had created a cool house was fucking fun to be there. They had an awesome pool a hot rod, you had a hot rod there was like National Park and shit like that. So there was a he actually sold the hot rod to get the pool. So we do but by the same time Thank you. Yeah, it was great. But um, yeah, so I think that I spent a lot of time just sort of in in my zone not really having to I'm
polka would have been the only thing and we didn't really, I think we trunk but yeah. Oh, maybe the guys had some spirits and or something. But I sort is a little bit Well, I'm like, I thought drinking drinking to at that time was the the try. hottest thing you could have fucking done, man. It was just like, I'm like all these nearly job to say. But I think that's where we draw the line. We've dropped the same. Yeah. These fucking guys by chance. Yeah, these chance. I'm like, they're not like these fucking socially awkward mo photos are thinking that their top dog What? Are they having a gym Bay? And You're overthinking it. Because they're not and I wasn't we the what,
what annoys me is the disconnect between yourself and your drinking self. And for me, what would be annoying is you go have this fucking fun time. And then the next day, they were like, in a different mode and said, Why can't
you just don't think about it. Just because I've done all of that. Yeah,
and we're not thinking we're cool with everything. We're cool. Because you don't cool. But all of a sudden, you have this like, level of confidence. But I so I think what I do is I value confident people who are who are comfortable in their skin. Maybe you too emotionally intelligent as a kid to thinking about all of these things. Because fact, I can't remember thinking about anything of that. And then I think like to be looking back this still journalists. I think that i think i was if I had a kid or whatever, I would want him or her to be like me, because I was like, cool. In the essence of I made stuff. And I didn't give a fuck what people thought is a retrospective look, though. Yeah, it was actually at the time I, I felt like a leader. But um, I didn't necessarily the kids around I knew that I was cool the kids around didn't necessarily. But the funny thing was, there was a shift that the oldest that we got, I think the realization of like, odd This is these things that Josh does are actually valuable. Like, it's not cool to have LinkedIn in year 11, and updating it and doing all that sort of share. You did? Yeah,
I think he's a thing right? New Dad, I think about if you that if my boy went down your path or my path? Yeah, I'd probably choose your path because man fact I've been loose in comparison, and I haven't gone through that stuff. I think I've ended up all right. Yeah, but
and I drink less now than I ever have. I don't think there's anything wrong with drinking 100%. There's nothing wrong with drinking. There's nothing for me it was a choice based on those circumstances. Whereas I think you bring young kids and alcohol is more sort of peer pressure. Try hard sort of shift around it. Yeah. And I think that I I think part of it is to I couldn't think of anything more boring than standing around like, I fucking hate I've never seen I've never been to a club,
you overthinking it may I could see that that you and I can go to the pub right now. And if we started drinking beers would be 456 hours in and we would just be fucking shooting the breeze hanging out talking and he's that more valuable than doing that cyber yet but I'm not thinking about the value of one or the other it's like you do it you feel good you would like it Now I'm not saying I don't want you to do it right but it sounds like a meeting the people that do do is I've done it I formed amazing friendships by just spending time one on one time and I know what you mean there is an awkwardness there is a confidence thing that you need to have when you are doing that soap but
all those walls are broken down right i think that this setting the expectation that you need this or that the thing is going to help socially but it sure there is that element for some things dates maybe like a bit of Dutch courage or like what family events and shit i'm sure
i think there would be people that do you think about that but then there's a majority of people I myself that didn't feel like that yeah around just social situations or with like with mates or new people when I moved to ship it in one of my best mates now kale we spent most Fridays at the pub in the afternoon and we just talked man and it's dudes coming together yeah it's like that doesn't like your
your your home body do you think on I know I can be pretty transit like I could I could move to form your what my bike behind look just like rolled from the it's okay must be windy at guys it's windy out as well that's another weather outside it's currently 33 degrees and it says they three and windy on my phone you will be live streaming said now I'm a homebody now I can be pretty trend but I have having a baby might you start wanting to just lock and easy as well right like it's like you're going out becomes you want comfort yeah and not
even home our home body for me is like cementing your roots to one place and putting a bit of commitment and absolutely you can still fucking leave the house is what you said
yeah i think that like I'm this the weird thing about me is I'm an introvert extrovert homebody traveler every like I am this fucking ying and yang
I'm so like I care what people think a lot I don't care what people think at all. I think that that's a big thing because I'll invest a lot of time in relationships and stuff like that I think people can get the wrong idea that I like this is optional if any time it gets too fucking hard like in yeah i think that that surprises people.
But yeah, the I for instance, I like I'm a homebody in the sense of I would I love being in my own company as well. But I also love backing entertaining people. That type of thing. Are you finding the time other than maybe just my wife will you said like you I didn't Instagram story of a party that I was having at my place. The Victoria's Secret show party with like four friends and you just like that looks fucking shit. So boring. amongst a group of girls. It was like we had like, we fact brain I got all these decorations and shit. And that was fun. But I love Yeah. I mean, yeah. I grew up as I said, in a family where it's like way with the Johnsons would always have the events at their house or I would always have the the parties and barbecues. I was always in charge of the BBQ but um, yeah,
I think Yeah, I feel like we've spoken a lot about us the what sort of content Do you like consuming? What what book if you had to pick up a book? Yeah,
well, to get the one you gave me above mental models. Yeah.
Is it was trying to try the tribe with mentors here.
I'm just I'm listening to podcasts. Now. What we actually I'm not watching I'm not watching and listening to match because I've got so much going on like a women are making more than I'm consuming which is good. I think it's such a push I saw something whatever I was watching maybe was Gary Vee talking about my
my making verse consumed me Mm hmm. I put my hand up you put your hand up I'm gonna start doing that from now on was saying we got five minutes left it looked like I was trying to
ask a question
we're doing five
like a one finger up it's like five
people I was driving here today and I saw this fucking epic drop epic painting done in spray paint a mural of this I think is a Chinese guy Vietnamese guy named Victoria straight yeah and there was like a man a woman and another woman so fucking good and I thought there's another guy who does like drawing murals of people lash sock yeah yeah he's like right Melvin
How would you explain what he does? Well I think what he does is he takes that site Geist, pop culture what everyone's talking about Yeah, and interprets it into art and I think I know this is what you're doing that but it shows the difference in artists where if you're whereas Canada
I was going from these guys amazing and can actually paint better than last year in terms of you if you were to put two together you don't you want to go draw this guy and draw and last year and this guy did and then I was going to a video I put out about a lush mural yeah and this guy that gave him criticism on my page and said lash The only thing about lashes the socks and I clicked onto the guys page and he was an artist and I was thinking about winning and I was thinking about you've got two guys one this dude in you know, Richmond that's drawn that that amazing guy who's not be better than lashes fire, replicating a real moment with a paintbrush or spray can. And then last who's weenie? He's fucking getting out there.
What's the hybrid, right? Like, we know filmmakers who can get something really beautiful can can shoot amazing work. But it's your ability to understand the world around you. Like I remember hearing when I worked when, you know, when I worked in radio, they would talk about the job of the people on air is to actually live a life because if you don't live a life, you've got nothing to talk about.
Well, I think in terms of what I'm speaking about, it's like the winning thing is people think if you're like, this guy's amazing at recreating something, but then lash, he's winning and all those other spots. Yeah. So these angry artist that wrote on my comment about reading my post about lush, he's an artist and I looked on him and I wanted to write back to and say, for the fact that you know who lashes he wins. Yeah, over you. Yeah, cuz you're not engine no one knows about and lash has attention. And that's what I love about it. People I can get into people really
get into 100%. Why? Because he, he's, if he doesn't follow, well, you know, conformed, like, and this is what we fucking love, like, we love nonconformists.
He's a massive cowboy of the art world, right? And that's at the end this and that's what,
that's what entices me to travel so much. When I tell people our brain is going away for four plus months. Who got what's happening with this? What's happening with that? Like, look, I'm in the I'm like, I don't know,
and I fucking playing the unsafe path wins and ness not you don't necessarily if you live, it's
safe. It's the uncomfortable it's the unknown. And I think that
it's very easy to there's that saying, if you always do what you always did, you always get what you've always got. Yeah. And so for me, I look at where I'm at. I'm like, okay, I can do bigger projects. I can do this. I can do that. But it's not until you have radical change of environment for you. It's having a kid those radical changes that as you said, they change you. They change you go from being someone who wants to go out all the time to not wanting to go out and that provides the union Yes. While being able to go wait, let for me traveling. I won't necessarily fucking leave my house today. I probably will go to the pay I box pay. I box 400. Abbotsford Victoria Fraser I six, seven. A lot going on your head. The.
But the thing is that I want fucking try to travel necessarily around Melbourne. But I will have a completely different
outlook on things. If I'm in Italy, if I'm in Greece, or if I'm, in fact, in Romania. So the
point I was getting hit with a winning staff
is that my thought around that guy did that amazing, virile. He's amazing. But you don't have to be that there's so many other elements to really inform us. Yeah, and you don't have to conform, you'd
have to conform, and you don't have to. I think everyone wants a path. And it's like, people will listen to this. And they'll say, fact that such a waste of time for them. And for us, the thing is that we enjoy it. Yeah, and I feel I have wasted my time. And yeah, like, Who gives a fuck, like, what don't listen, I think that there's so many people, like, especially when you're in the creative doing creative stuff, people will get hyper critical. And
I mean, I think what we're going to look back in and talk about the, the critiques or that, you know, the, the review is my, I spent time doing the radio show, and that's all that we did was constantly reflecting going, what was good, what was bad, and it's okay, and you do progress quite quickly in some areas. But then there's also just fucking doing it. Moving on. Yeah, and enjoying it and taking on some feedback. But the fact of just posting or creating something and putting it out and then moving on doing it again, that process that's, that's a that's a winning process. Yeah, because you do get better you will grow and you do start understanding more about, well, you
change. And I think the thing is that, you know, you've been out of school for long enough survive, to see what happens with people who don't change, right? Think about the people who did, who radically changed and the people who didn't radically change the people who didn't change
a little bit further along than where they were but basically where they were
and the people who did have radical change and new people and they've developed and they've adapted and they've learned things
I think that I've learned more since leaving school obviously then actually in school and for me life is about constantly learning you know Flacco by the time Yeah, school
nearly 30 now. It's like I knew nothing. Yeah,
I've had most of my growth in the last five years. I think as a as a man we create these little worlds to when we're in school, the principal is like the president right? Like we put so much white and then you sort of go back and teaching is a really amazing profession and it needs great people but the reality is that the the white that we put on these leaders or these principles they're developing us but the thing is, we move on and then we get perspective just like
top dogs who are in Melbourne or in the Australian market doing things
nothing outside of that yeah but
everything in it Yeah
absolutely. And what I am I thing is that the Bible is as soon as you feel like you're getting to be in the bubble you should find another bubble yeah it's a good pool and and for me that's around travel not saying that it's like fucking dominated anything here but what also can happen is that the merging of bubbles and saying okay what about if I take my knowledge of this and that and bring it to you shake shake it up and you get a new perspective Absolutely. And that's part of my YouTube channel to where it's like being in front of the camera
shaking it up
all right, check at Josh is YouTube channel youtube.com forward slash Jon Jansen and Tommy jackets also on their youtube.com forward slash Tommy jacket. We just posted up a video on his channel of me being a dad for a day which was a fucking disaster. That was actually a fun
episode for that
and I enjoy your weekend everyone and we'll see you on Monday. Check out our website daily talk show.com and subscribe on all of the iTunes and shit But yeah, bye.