#002 – Rabbit holes and cheap coffee in Melbourne/
- January 17, 2018
It’s another episode of The Daily Talk Show, with us, Josh and Tommy. Higher energy in the ep. We discuss everything from 7 eleven Coffee to fireworks and emergency landings.
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The Daily Talk Show episode to you with Josh and Tommy. Yeah,
it's Wednesday, the 17th of January 2018. And we're doing this every single weekday. And what did we talk about? Tommy? We got deep on YouTube. Rabbit Hole. Yeah.
fireworks. Obama flying crushes. It got to be dark at times. Yeah. We went through roller coaster. Darkness. We went from being on the roller coaster, we can see the light and to being on the ghost train.
I think it's good to have a bit of light and dark. I think that's, that's nice. But yeah, I hope you enjoyed this one. And you can also subscribe to us. It is the daily talk show. And you can use iTunes or any podcasting app and check out the YouTube channels. Yeah, Josh Johnson. And I mean, Jackie, Jackie. And also, um, that's enough. Yeah, enjoy the show. We loved having you listening
feedback from myself. Low Energy yesterday, I gave you feedback as we were doing it. Yeah.
Well, you know, I think it you know, when you have if you feel like you got bad breath and you don't talk as loud or something. I think this microphone does that same sort of thing where you it stops you from wanting to project
which one? Which one? Was it because you you didn't want to come across? He didn't want to do that.
Make all those mistakes. I just don't give a fuck anymore.
Listen, look how much I'm projecting now. One day in the ugly in your car
back out. Listen to the last episode. Yeah, you talked about you love to paint pictures and everything. Everything. Anyway, welcome the daily talk show Josh and Tommy, Tommy. And Josh. Doesn't really matter just like flipping between them on the different. And so if you look on iTunes? It will because we've got where egomaniacs we just switch between the two fairly so I was on the way over here. And I saw this dude, he probably made a few bad luck choices. It was very erratic walking down the street in Abbotsford. Yeah, and he had an orange juice in his hand and a plastic bag with something in there. He's like, waving his arms around, had a baseball cap on and as soon as you walk past his house that had a whole bunch of doorbells and he's impressed them and kept walking and I thought Lucien and modernize them. Anyway, it again, 20 meters up the road here. She's walking past he punched the letter box, pressed arrow and right. Like, isn't sugar if you want sugar and stuff now I'm serious. Like heroin addicts. Will you say them at Kohl's or something? They'll buy like a whole cheesecake and just ate it real? Yeah. Is it heavy? Honestly, saying that? Yeah. Yeah.
It's a they'll they'll crave sugary things that I would drink Coca Cola. Although, and you're
not a heroin addict. But you do the whole Cycling is. I'm I have the diet of someone who's a nova and someone who is on heroin. Question. How many coffee's is it for you? Before you get anxious? Zero?
No. I think black coffee does it more for me. Like just having the struck the straight stuff? Yeah.
It makes me feel a bit I've had to this morning and
finger or something. You don't feel anxious? Yeah, it's our way. Because it's like, you know, it's the coffee but it doesn't stop you. Yeah.
Drink too. Strong coffees with little milk and just coffee. When did you start drinking coffee?
my coffee habits that progressively got worse. Like being a dad. Now I've got to that point. I used to be like, now I don't need coffee. If I can feel like a nice car. Yeah. And I still think about people who say, Oh, I need a coffee in the morning. I think it's silly. But then I started going
back half. But one
between having a kid Yeah.
And so now. All right now. Yeah, you're gonna have a q&a
from like, I remember when I was 18. I still wasn't even that indie drinking coffee. And then I think about the kind of coffee that I've been drinking. So I've like progressively got stronger. And I think about drinking awake coffee. You'll just normal coffee. That's quite weak when you've been drinking strong coffee. Yeah, I think that's just milk. And I was doing that.
So try to use it as fuel like I feel like you're I'm like we've got a shitty cafe Nehemiah joining us. And you're happy to go there over some of the hipster long blacks.
I don't think most places don't stuff. Long. Black it
up. Like we will go to 11. 1111.
Seven. 711. But I'm big on 711. Yeah. Long Black coffee.
So you were doing you're making a video about it? I still am. Yeah. What's the what's the line is we just
talked about this because we talk a lot about ideas. And so this is one of the things of this new year there are I'm road testing. And it's like putting the idea out there. But it will think a lot of people are scared to put ideas out there. Because they then would make it people will judge it's like, if you put out shitload of ideas and you execute Sam, then you win. Yeah, I'm so so this is one of those ones. And I'm still I'm still might have made a segment of it. We both make videos if you're just listening for the first time. We both have production companies. Yeah.
And why are you listening?
If you don't if you're not a mom, shout out to our moms for a second episode in Thank you. Thank you. So this I put it out of my face book and it was like, What do you think of seven living coffee? And let me just tell you where it came from my curiosity in seeing something become a phenomenon. I don't know if it's the right word, but it's like it's definitely become a bit of a movement. Yeah, in Australia and that's the cheap quick coffee to well coffees overpriced, isn't it hundred percent in my coffee like yours? Your mate
Tommy that has a cafe like, I think it was saying it was like 40 cents or something like it's it's a large primate outside, I
think, on average, 50 cents a cap. Yeah, production of everything. Milk, coffee cup, everything. You know, electricity like to work out like that, I think 50 cents a cap. So it is there's a massive price hike on it. Yeah, but
why we accepting that as a day to that, like we are fucking sheeple. Yeah,
well, this is why I wanted to make the video I am making the video. So you've got two ends of the spectrum. You've got the $3 night and is a $4 90 coffee from this cafe in Collingwood that doesn't serve it with a lead. And if you order a cappuccino, it comes with no chocolate. Get fact from buying that much money. One of the lead and I want chocolate now.
And they don't do they don't do soy milk. Okay. Yeah, sure. It says massive enterprise. But then
on the other side, you've got to 711 coffee. Quick DIY. $1. A cup
like taste is subjective. And I think it's not that bad. It's sort of like the it's the valley there's something interesting in value. And specifically using say American hotels as an example, right? If you go to a really nice hotel in the US, you will pay for Wi Fi. You'll pay extra for breakfast, you pay for everything right like I was a Hilton honors thing that I got through virgin, and yeah, you would, you'd get like a free bottle of water. But that was it. Right? You'd have to pay for all of this stuff. Whereas the el cheapo places like your Hampton Hampton means those sort of establishment so that will give you everything they'll give you free breakfast, they'll give you water on arrival. They'll give you free cookies. So there's this interesting people at the psych
it's bullshit marketing, isn't it? Well, I think 711 doing something good within marketing or its here's another 711
is being like the Hampton Inn. They're saying, like, screw paying heaps for all of this stuff. and screw it not doing it. You're you just have the coffee the way you want it. Yeah. Can you get chocolate on the one the cappuccinos that
might have a chocolate thing to put on? Yeah, I've used that. So they're on their way to selling I think it's like $50 million worth of cups. Well, and it's only been around for four or five years is in those dry machines that make become like a coffee shop. They essentially like they're busy. You look at their business and you're like, well, dude, if there was seats at 711, yeah, I would see it out. They just drink a coffee. But then so my curiosity goes into people who drink it on the down low because they don't want to be saying I've felt like that. It's like coffee snob, going I don't wanna be saying drinking this. Can you use a cape cup?
Good question. Yeah, cuz there's $1 to dollar $3 just sighs so if you press the $1 you're just going to pay for the $1 it's a good point I've heard people doing hacks with 711 coffee so like to $1 short blacks Yeah, meaning it is $2 in one cup. So you're getting basically a stronger coffee but you're manipulating the machine where you should really be paying $2 but you will you should be
I feel like that's less of a hack and that's stealing right because it's not because it's not if it was it was something like he pressed a button but if we worked out that if you feel the one up yeah
yeah it's like what was the hacker yeah I know what you mean it's like a it's not a hack it's it's a very
tiny bit so
I asked the guy at my stores I go to whoever's There are so how many cups of you do you sell a day? Most of them have said around 500 the last guy when waste to me I was a bit shady about Yeah,
you thought you were gonna rub his tail so how much cash Do you have
I contacted seven Eleven's marketing I just called up the hotline Yeah, and they couldn't give me because they don't make it you know, public of how many cups they're actually selling. Yeah, I was hoping I did. Either way. I actually have heard that if you get the $3 so you press the $3 and you put the $2 Cup underneath it, it won't overflow so I don't know if that changes I've got to test this out with you. I still think that's the very isn't it? No, no it's it is but here's the thing I don't know if it's the machines I don't know if that fixed it by sure a guy online do it he got a $2 Cup Yeah, and he put a $3 it into the $2 Cup and it didn't overflow. Okay so 711 we're ripping people off we actually better off just getting a $2 I don't know and that's a part of the video and test out this because a guy got him there was a lot of publicity around this this dude from I think it was a passport failed did it and he came in a bit and then I thought how could they fix this it just be tweaking every one of the machines the machines are worth nearly $30,000 age as well so this is where my mind goes when I have ideas for videos yeah it's my innate curiosity on a subject
well that was like with the iRobot where's that ended ended hasn't it doesn't end so I made a video if you haven't seen it
oh bikes bike sharing their dockless so you can in the podcast description so people can watch Yeah, you can basically Park these bots anywhere unlock them with an iPhone app and you pay on your credit card and then you just lock them when you finish writing them wherever and that was the problem people ended up throwing them and littering them everywhere and I made a video may fishing them out of the river no bike fishing you make t shirts he sold them you am finally sent that check to yeah cleanup Australia I said you Ryan charity was that How much did you rides rides $1,520 yeah right that's pretty good yeah I didn't realize how much effort that was actually going to tag so it cost me money essentially but that's that's why we do it for charity anyway so that idea so that video we talking about
because you're just getting off made you made the donation now you don't have it was being worried because he'd been trying to get in contact with the person from campus he hadn't made the donation yet he and he's just waiting to be called out so me saying that's tricky yeah and just completely lost his train of thought but you were talking about
it but i don't know
i brought up Hobart yeah yeah and I was around the Curiosity on something that's right
yeah I like that similar with our bike right you find something which is described bizarre and guy Steve. People are interested in it. People like what was it landed is what you said. You should ways Atlanta yeah. Oh, yeah. Where's the one? I've made too many videos about AI box. I don't think I can make another one. It I honestly think they don't like any
file. If anyone's no bike professional. The manner conversations I've had about the Money Mastery is due to or just Obi I think I bought themselves I saw on the way here at least five that would just in on punt road that we're absolutely ruin one spray painted one with seaweed from like, some way. How many bikes are there in circulation? In Melbourne? I said something
like 2000. So 2000. How much do you reckon he bike would cost there? I think their 400, 100 bucks. So they're cheap. Yeah. So that it's probably like you think about how venture capitalists like spend money on sheet spending. Even if they were like saying putting a million dollars in the launch that buys them a shit ton of by gets a couple of people on salaries for a year. Like it's not that when you think about the exposure that they've gotten. Yeah,
it's not that expensive to do this shit. I've seen more people riding them but more people riding ones that have been stolen. Yeah, I think there's a movement around hipster or Young Dudes that
it's cool to have a stolen Obi. Yeah. And you you saw it when you're at my house on my balcony looking down and this key guy the kid was riding a bike that had the lock completely remote and then he just dumped it and got into his dad's car yeah so if you would if you
trying to avoid nostalgia but you would have been a kid that would have done that hundred 10% yeah at but I also looked at now and I'm I look
I don't like people doing it. I don't give a shit about AI box. Personally, they've done a lot for me. I've probably made more out of them. Then they got out of their own business.
All right, said to me we were talking about this. He's like actually I sent him a text message saying Obama they built a business but it just wasn't there it was buying
furniture so I don't know if they making money but I would have done it as a kid. But yeah, you shouldn't it's we because this is detachment from vandalism to something Yeah, but then on the other hand, I bike of fucking be negligent in leaving these things absolutely everywhere or at least providing a platform providing something that then can be left absolutely everywhere
you just hope that as a community and as individuals we can say okay like
let's not be decades
but I'm just surprised more shit doesn't happen to be honest like given how many crazy people there are in the world like we're pretty lucky that way he nothing like yeah I mean I made the mistake of watching the news the other day like I watch I watch CNN heaps yeah it feels a bit I feel a bit detached by the news like oh geez America look at everything that's happening then you put on LIKE THE CHANNEL SEVEN news
and just like
a guy who was working at Domino's got shot
in Australia it's like trying to some was trying to rob him and I was watching even that like one of those police shows and they like is all these people aren't is very drug I had a friend who was working in a video store have a gun in 1993 when it probably was he's older than us he's in his 40s but he no joke I think was a shotgun or a hand gun pointed at him you know holed up in a video store and crazy that
for a while he yeah he was rattled by it he never he he just spoke about it a couple of times but wrong place wrong time yeah like this happened you talking about Star Wars stuff has been happening for a long time but you all the Bowl ads that are being put in around places like in St Kilda at the front of Luna Park now there's always concrete Bowl ads to prevent people driving up onto the footpath yeah and they've got that in New York City now as well the the install them all but you know what I think about someone is making some serious coin like some like concrete Ballade company dude this is so funny you say that the ones in St Kilda yeah have now got like colorful cases that have been put on them to make them look less of an eyesore before that for a couple of weeks in spray paint a stencil concrete bollocks.com that I you Wow. So someone's saying that isn't it maybe that will just creating concrete things anyway. Yeah, I
mean, it's like okay, we provide this concrete but there's so many people who are like I can't remember how much like in the us it was like $50 million or something Spanish on that on and they probably tenders through the yeah councils to companies and they're just coming in we can make those yeah it's pretty fascinating businesses off the back of horrible shit I mean that's what like all the military or the war stuff or that sort of thing I just imagine all that stuff it's pretty crazy. This docked isn't it? Yeah, I got really dark and I can sometimes go down I want to find out if you think this is dark. Yeah, I got down a rabbit hole. Yeah, a few days ago of on YouTube watching for some reason. It like recommended a plane crash but not just a like a applying crashing
actually. No, it wasn't. But it was an emergency landing. And it's inside the pipeline. So it's a paper like like, imagine if you are an upline and all of a sudden that's going down and you pull out your phone. It's like so that I watch this vlog a dude in a plane as he's like, he's filming himself as he's putting on his life vest and people are freaking out there's a whole section on YouTube like you type it in where you can see emergency landings like talk about people watching so I was on Christmas I was talking to family friend who's a pilot for Tiger yeah
and I was asking all these questions just everyone thought all day you'd be weirdo but I was I was asking like
when there's turbulence Are you is the plan getting sent up or down yeah Which one do you think
down it's doing both so you can always get tricked me the house I was trying to pick one You said it was both I thought it was fucking both cuz it's fucking bumping up and down
your air pockets I'm not an idiot you said sometimes it can just be a so you just getting sent thrown out yeah
but also sometimes they could be doing they could be moving in a big way to try and get away from why why do you have to put your bloody shades up when you're landing so that they can see if there's any fires or any issues so the Kevin crusade and and
maybe I just haven't been listening when they actually say that but he said that they play a hugely important role. The girls at the back of the guys that back looking out and seeing what's going on. I what I was getting at though was landing because I said to him Hudson River, and he said, this is a great movie. And it's very spot on about it. Yeah, but I said, Do you think you could land on water? Like if we're counting down portfolio by? Yeah, he's like, yeah, I reckon I could. And he said, this is a Christmas after a couple.
But then he said about landing planes. He's like, I literally do nothing. They land themselves like he's just in there. And they land them your order land. Oh, yeah. autopilot type stuff. But I thought they turned off autopilot for takeoffs and landings. No, he autopilot. Probably cruising. But this is landing. He literally says yeah, there's a landing like a lights and the sensors and things. But I was after watching the plane stuff. I ended up being like, watching videos of in the cockpit. What turbulence looks like in the cockpit. Man. Watch the YouTube is cry. Rather. Health. Yeah, but it's. Um. Yeah.
Flying whenever I go into applying. I'm just accepting the fact that I'm probably going to die. You're an anxious dude. I even if I'm anxious from coffee getting on the planet doesn't I don't freak out. But I don't freak out. No, I don't freak out at all. Business. Real relaxation.
just like, you know, dad. Yeah. And we're all going down together. And the thing is, because it's so big. It's not like someone's stabbing you. It's like the planes gonna tear apart and we're just gonna, my head's gonna rip off it's fucking wherever whatever is attached to and it's gonna happen with everyone. Right? And so that amount of what is it called? Like, velocity or something? Yeah. In being torn apart like Well, can I feel that like just imagine like, getting I imagine it would be like getting you back your back cracked it would be nothing like getting your fucking back? Correct. It would be I think there'd be a slight bit of pleasure. Just before you go out. You know, they say people who drown they all have like erection men or have erection really yeah because it's like the blood circulation or something like that
it's horrible yeah it's nothing like it would be nothing like that you'd be thinking the last moments of your life exactly what is about to happen well it
depends of how quickly it happens you think about the Malaysia Airlines one where it just the missile like got the one not the the one that's lost. And I don't know where it is the one that just got like blown up like you'd be like well what's out the window bang that there was people that were stealing this seeds everyone would be in you say no, I some actually got blown out of this is whatever. This is really dark. But I went on a rabbit hole with that too. Yeah, I went to a site called Live Lake never gone live. Like don't
live Lake I just clicked. It was like the top thing when you talk today is horrible. But all right. All right. Can we move on? This is Yeah. And that's true. That's true. Doc. What's something happy we can talk about? What's the best thing about what's the best piece of mail you've ever received? Could be a letter could be something that gave you the most amount of joy I got. And I made a video on it a piece of fan mail. And the fact that I go to plays a fan mail because I don't get fan mail. Yeah, and on a knick fans fan mail, he is this guy over in Germany or something country of that way. Good and dark. He sent me a T shirt. And I had my name on it. It was his brain. That's right. even gave one to my wife. Amy Yeah. And we wore them they're actually good to I still wear I Mr. wizards.
So I got it in the mail. And yes, it was felt good. But you're like, as I was getting here, am I Oh, man was here for you. I just got a big we. And I love my Oh, I love the logistic I love watching on the like, the careers website and saying like, Look, it's just it feels like you're traveling. Because it's like, look at that pass. And I feel the pass on like, like you've just been. You know why you asked my question. Because you want me to ask you. What is it? Well, I didn't actually have like,
different that. Like, I reckon the coolest thing would be the the Amazon affiliates. Like when I signed up when I had a blog called Melbourne gate. And I got my first check. And that would have been for like, $700 us making money for recommending a product. Yeah.
And it's just like getting that and just being like, Man, this come from a big company. It's like a check. That was cool. Actually, the coolest thing I got was when there used to be this website that you could go into and print off an order form for fireworks from camera and I got bullshit. No shit. How old we I would have been maybe 12. No, no, no. 13. So you seven really into fireworks. And it was still wasn't it was illegal. But you could still tie in them. So my brother and I, we got this order form. What's going Lee's bought some skyrockets bought a bunch of different stuff and sent away this thing with a check in it in the mail and we got back a box curated to us of fireworks isn't that insane? I grew up talking to my old man because he he was from the day when gusto general a
Guy Fawkes so there was like a day dedicated to fireworks and you could buy Penny Penny tom toms Penny banners all this stuff from the local milk bar yeah and he told me stories about the cells so fascinated and then he was lakhs on the fact that he's good at a base of dynamite essentially we blow up sheet all the time and maybe my bro we bought fireworks and then we got in the mail and I just remember that box it I had to smell to have you smelled Milo yeah
it's not even not even the firework is the packaging and all it was a Chinese like yeah
that's I love the smell of it. Yeah yeah
100% I am I wanted to be a Pyro technician
when I was when I say I want to be a pirate technician I wanted my Pyro techniques license I was just to be it was a bit you can do the courses I think for about four grand Yeah. But then I got pyrotechnics in my ear 12 film were looked at the how like hands on it is cuz like your ear like cabling shit. And you're like it's not. It's not like a pretty job. And you definitely don't like using your hand. I'm sorry, unco. So I can't do it. Like so. But yeah, I've always loved fireworks. I'm made a film goodbye Philippines where I went to the Philippines and got to film it. Like where illegal fireworks were being made. Which is quite sad, sad. People who like risking their lives they putting playing with all these chemical. There's a bit in the documentary. We're going to link this as you're linking my Obi Wan will link your documentary to you. There's some sticky stuff that happens. Oh, yeah. So the the tradition around New Year's Eve. Is that a few things in the Philippines. One of them is pirated. Like loud noises, banging and all that sort of thing. They have since moved a lot to like horns. You know, the Volvo like horns. Who's Ella? Ella? Yeah.
Not over
the biscuit bit
sticky thing. Tell us. Yeah, the sticky thing they
they believe that they're very superstitious and stuff. And they believe eating sticky food will mean that the family will stick together. Like like,
what, like sticky rice? Yeah,
really? Yeah. And the problem is that they all they ate it with their hands. And I spoke to a surgeon in the Philippines who was saying that they would have a lot of cases where people would eat sticky food and then they'll have firecrackers and they'll try to throw them and they'll stick to their hand that type of thing that happened. But also there's a firecrackers called the Judas belt. Which is like the Yeah, you know, it's like the big belt against me. My memory
looks like in traditional Chinese fireworks. Yeah, see them holding on a big stick or something. Yeah, it's a little pieces of data models. Yeah,
it's very, very noisy. The problem with those are in the hundreds, you know, like a belt can have a heap of the little crack is they don't all go off so one of the biggest times the injury is actually the day later when the kids go around and they obviously like they want to play with them and they pick him up in their hands expired.
Did you meet anyone? Yeah, I saw you I saw we spoke to a guy who lost a finger but the interesting one was the the surgeon we went into the emergency
and they would have dozens of people every single year just at that one hospital with injuries but um, so you say why parents
most of their band now? Yeah,
Australia Yeah, well, I mean, I bought some in Florida and made the excuse I was getting them to take video from braise birthday because I was a while so we got these fireworks and what we found out is even though that they're readily available you can only you could only use them for agricultural purposes like scaring away but but we just it's not in California exactly like crazy like marketing you know, the type of fireworks but the we ended up contacting the sheriff the local sheriff and I we drove there was like 930 at night and they weren't open Bay gave him a call put on my best Aussie accent said Hey mate, I'm from Australia just bought these fireworks What can I do with them? You say oh well you can't like you can't let them off blah blah blah. I said I was just like I'm doing this video for my girlfriend he said I looked at find somewhere where there's no one around or the lead yeah that's amazing so we ended up I was with my friend who is a he's a US citizen so I got him to light and we did on the side of a highway which was the quiet spot we could find but the theory being that if we got pulled over or arrested I wouldn't get deported and preseason us to to say and be okay but it's still illegal in America. Oh no. There's a the US is sorry. state by state basis like
it's like waving late legal in salmon Yeah, you'll go to jail. Yeah,
absolutely. And so this is a fire fireworks you can get. But the thing is that even though you see they shoot fireworks stores it doesn't necessarily mean like they'll have you might be able to to them in fourth of June 4 of July, things like that. But I think the novelty wears off like I think once you
once you have them all the time. There's only the real nut jobs that are like let's get out fireworks for the weekend. Right You said of and the same with the Philippines you can buy fireworks all the time. But if you let off fireworks and it's not like Christmas New Year's people like why are you wasting the fireworks because it's like very time specific and there's areas specifically in Macau he Malecon in the Philippines where everyone goes and that's where this have had
this storing huge amounts of fireworks so there is a bit of risk to it and I went to a five
five station and spoke to them and yet
it's inside YouTube rabbit hole yeah
fireworks factory exploding many lives I saw the live like one worth like which has insight you say like a like a body or whatever like it's crazy it's been very dead body hey this is episode number two yeah number two's in the can will
will obviously be doing this every day every weekday
yeah Feel free to subscribe check out Josh his YouTube channel where the one that I was talking about the fin stack one but we'll we'll link it up one more link up your video as well yeah please don't every even if you don't use them I change if you've got an iPhone there's some way better podcasting apps because the podcast app on you know I find it a little bit difficult to you in noisy shit out of me. Yeah. So what did you say it
noise the she'd had? Yeah,
I mean, this is the problem with that finding. Anyway, Dan tomorrow. Yeah, please subscribe. You're listening to the daily talk show. It's been Josh and Tommy, thanks for joining us. Bye bye.