#816 – Australian English Podcast/
- August 9, 2020
We chat about becoming an Australian English Podcast, being fluent in English, ways to learn English, films and screen writing, movies and how date night went.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– COVID and seeing old footage
– Films and screenwriting
– Date Night and The Departed
– Screen time and social media
– Playing Bean and card games
– A podcast to learn English
– English language test (OET) for healthcare professionals
– Ways to learn English
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 816 what's happening guys what's going on? happy weekend Banta. The boys are back.
Boy, is it? How are we? Oh?
Just love Georgie snippit yesterday have just rattled the first time he came on.
A man he's been a full
time in a while my son is trying to rewrite history but he
was I mean, he's been on as much as for the day as well. Yeah, he's been on as much as you sibs. So how usually you never sieves now, you're Nam era that was wake up. Did you write I woke up freezing last night annoying. I was sleeping in buddy's bed. I am tapped out he came into my bed. I went into his bed What time was up
It was only 12 he woke up do slurry beds. It was something was going on. He just jumped into mine. And so I went into his but I woke up freezing so I got the roar into the deal. And then I was like too cold to go to the toilet and so I just was just
It's a showdown with your bladder of like who can?
Actually tougher showdowns with bladders? I did the exact same thing yesterday Bree mopped the floor and I said how can I go walk and she said it's gonna be drying 10 minutes. I said, Eric, I can hold it.
It's a row doing a bit when it comes to chores. Here it is. Holding holding your bladder is like helps the insurance in the future. Is that true?
So the more the more you hold the bladder, the better. your bladder muscles and bladder control is. Yeah, and is the bladder muscles, training your bladder
Here we go. As Jim said,
well, treatment choices for urinary incontinence range from lifestyle changes to surgery. Okay, that's my last.
Well, there is the whole thing of you sort of ups and then stop halfway through. There's a bit of a blood move. Here we go bladder training techniques keep track for do to keep track of the time to urinate.
Calculate, on average, how many hours do you wait between urination, choose an interval based on your typical interval between urination select a starting interval for training that is 15 minutes longer, what's in hold back? Hold back. You start training empty your bladder first, then in the morning, not again until the interval you've set in your intervals. What are you talking? Wow. I mean, this is probably people have, you know, quite severe, and they're doing small ones to build it out how to have to be for me to win away
Yeah, well I just think is there I'm just wondering if there's any. It is something you think about as a kid you're like, how long can I hold this? I mean, this is what we're talking about yesterday. I was just watching TV and I was like,
watching it it was shot in Melbourne this this
restoration Australia
yeah I do I do. It's not about the show this bit though. It's about seeing it's not a repeat guys this is a brand new show which
don't yet
seeing people interact in the straight without masks. And touching, like, shaking his stuff. Are you saying are you Is this your thought when you're saying shit that was filmed a while ago? Like, is that in your mind? bizarre big crazy, isn't it? Like, how can you can you post shit from like, if you've had if you've got a business and you got a video shot six months ago? Yeah.
Like it's almost like got more cut through now posting videos that were done just before isolation because people like Oh No you're not. Yeah. Oh, this is this is actually just like burrito gate really isn't it? What happened to burrito guy? So bright eyed guy was when my son posted a photo of us enjoying
during a pandemic and didn't even mention that was a throwback or that were in Lausanne
Can you break down your thinking on that baby? breakdown your thinking on that? Ah well, I mean I I just assumed everyone wants to get it printed paper would get the vibe.
Would they get that were in Los Angeles?
Yeah, because I tagged if they wanted to check the location I tagged Pinchas nachos, so
it probably just needed one extra line which just said throwback ally.
Tbj would have done it. Yeah.
I watched a film last night from start to finish. My Well congratulations on if I had control of the clap perfect. Yep, there you go. Thank you actually, gee.
That was that was made again. Do you want to test yours out? He's
Sounds very similar. No, I watched the film Steve Jobs. I yeah, with Michael Fassbender Yes, with the one that you said sibs. So isn't it.
So Ashton Kutcher had one called jobs. And I think that's the one that everyone watched. But Steve Jobs was the actual it has Seth Rogen in it. It's uh, yeah, it was awesome. So the reason why is that Yeah, so I found that because I assumed that I'd already watched it because I love like any Steve Jobs stuff and
Got these glasses fucking you know?
Now I am. I was doing that masterclass on screenwriting and the guy who takes it Aaron Sorkin he wrote the social network as well as Steve Jobs as well as West Wing. Yeah, like some of his old stuff. And so I
what I did last night was I got my iPad I loaded What was that? A Few Good Men as well. Oh, that's good. That's a big a big in theatre. You sort of started as a theatre director slash writer. Anyway, I, I loaded it up onto my iPad, the the the screenplay for the film, and then simultaneously watch the film whilst reading the screenplay.
I don't mind that was I don't mind that because what you're trying to do is there was trying to get the vibe to feel it like yeah, it's a
energy going on there was a thing with the thing with Aaron Sorkin's writing, if you've watched either of those films, they're very dialogue heavy. So it's all like that. Like it's this from like, if you read the script, there's hardly like in a screenplay normally, dialogue is broken up with action and sort of descriptors and things like that. It's just like dialogue, dialogue, dialogue, dialogue. And so you're just spending all of your time in that dialogue, but it was interesting. Yeah, this is this this is epic, is I used to face a follow an account on Instagram. I've just brought it up. I think it's called outstanding screenplays. And what they do is they actually play the
role. They play. They play the video and they stroll through a little bit of the screenplay, so you get a little taste of it on Instagram, so you get to see how the actors are changing the script and what was actually originally written. I reckon you started following them on the daily talk show on Josh calm
But because I think I've seen that before. No, I think I feel like I've seen it now. Yeah, I used to I definitely saw like them. I remember that.
I think I called them. I think that I mean, I haven't been on social for a while. But do you think it's a good use of a if we're going to use the second screen if we want to have the TV and then be doing something else? Do you think it would add or detract from the experience? I think it detracts. I think it's a experience. But if you're looking at what it was detracting from, it's a focus on one thing. And so you're there two different things. So if you What do you want? Do you want to immerse in something being focused on it and have the attention solely on a film or a screenplay? Or do you want to share your focus across and be distracted from both or is it more or is that but maybe if you look at them as if I was reading
A screenplay that was a different film. I get that. Is it a guy that likes orgies? More than one on one sex because orgies there's more stimulation going on? No, but it's no because I'm the same partner. It's the same thing. That's what you're getting confused about. is reading the transcript. Yeah. No, I'm just being a bit about the whole thing.
It's like I'm having sex, but I've got a mirror.
I mean, I appreciate. I like them because you didn't watch maybe start to finish there. Yeah. And so yeah, I think so it was a main thing.
Aaron Sorkin films out long.
But I'm Aaron Sorkin.
I probably spent half an hour watching and reading and then there was enough of a difference. And I sort of got a little bit last day I ended up putting it down but it did exactly what I wanted, which was get into the film.
learn a little bit about the dialogue in the script stuff. And I could like enjoy it. So it was like it felt like a win win. So it's almost an onboarding that you need to understand, like you created more buy in in the time. It's a wheat approach because I learned my craft so well, because the thing is that like, if you think about, I started making videos and doing all that sort of stuff, when I was in also like learning about the craft of filmmaking when I was like, 11 or 12. And so since then, every time I've gone to the movies, I'm never just like, I The problem is with me, I can't just watch a film. I'm looking at the cinematography, thinking about what lens they're potentially using where the lights coming from. continuity. Yeah, exactly. I've said, I've salvaged that shot. The fact that there Yeah, yeah. It's
it's the worst when you see the mouth moving. And this is different from shots. Yes, no reference.
But I mean, that's very common. So they happens over the shoulder shot. And so sometimes they're not even their stand ins, sometimes. So who was an actor was telling me that he was paced about a co host that he had a co host a, an actor that was visiting with him. Yeah, a co star, there are two leading roles. And she would duel her scenes where she has to be facing camera, and then whatever they call that secondary shot, where it's over the shoulder, she would have her standing. And so she would leave. And he's like, you know, she would complain about having to put in the time and then she's great for vibe. Horrible for VOD, because the actors they're looking at a second person that isn't them. But they obviously from site I mean, probably what's happening a lot. I heard a guy talking about
how they're doing films now in Los Angeles. So they because of the COVID stuff, what they
Doing is only onset actors directed in the same they do the run through they leave lighting gaff come in set up and so it's all say it's all segmented now. And so they try that you know before it was like they're lighting the scene that got the actors there that everyone's their producers and shit. Now it's like so rigid in comes in one come in the next like far out it's broken up the process. I wonder how it feels you know we all get sort of you know why is a lot you know you get comfy with a certain way when how uncomfortable it is, you know, for these people? Yeah, I mean I feel like it's a it's a good compromise if you still able to make films and stuff. It's great. I want to know how everyone went last night 97 you had a date night and how was date night? What were the highs or lows give us a rundown. Well, the date night was great. We when we watched the deposit
And we also got some food from Mr. Bianco in queue getting paid because
every time
you you make sure that you mentioned the stuff that is bi q 121. Now
that it was actually it was lovely though we had weed whacker and naki i would i would recommend the same show isn't it
so what did anything different happened I guess that's well yeah no no so so we we we got dressed up I
put jeans and a shirt on and great to put a dress on and I can Yeah, got got got some candles out I was gonna put them on the floor but it was a bit of a fire hazard. So I just put them on the desk.
And movie was great. The pod was great film. It what was the like the the eating experience like where do you have the food deep
Put it on like a table. Now strikes a picnic rug straight on the floor, and then you're just propped up against all your cushions. And then you're just digging into the containers and putting it onto your plate. Mm hmm. Right. It's got any learning any learning?
No, I don't think so. What do you like about the movie?
Ah, it's a long movie. I felt I felt like a long move. How long do you think is it was it was almost three hours or something like that. But no, it's it's really great. Like big big names in it like Matt diamond.
Like Mark Wahlberg, jack nicholson, Leo DiCaprio.
Yeah, Alec Baldwin. But ya know, I think the best part of the film
you know, you don't really show at what point they're gonna find out that their insides in both the police and the game. It's just it sounds like a spoiler.
that's not a giveaway. That's not a giveaway
Yes, surprise, wasn't it? Yeah, fun funny out like you, you're on edge to find out why. Okay, so you have points where you just use their points we just like, oh, they can find that here they can find out later. So it's Yeah, the premise is he's an undercover in in in a gang or undercover guy in the gang so it's like, there's always that tension of will he be found out like, yeah, going deep into being an undercover imagine the undercover as at the moment, think about like the real there would be undercover police in Victoria that uh, you know, dabbling in the gang chick to trying to land you know, criminals you know, catch criminals I wonder what that what that what's going on what that's like at the moment I saw an undercover or unmarked cop I should say like speeding down Smith straight last night with sirens going and stuff which I thought was
Interesting. I've seen that I saw that recently it was three, three unmarked cars flooring it down Victoria Street and it was like, it must have been something serious like, yeah, Detective that look like detectives because I had suits on. Yeah, I wonder what they do like one of the Russian to
this morning I saw so this morning I am on Facebook. This is nothing you're missing nothing Josh. I just saw this woman who I don't even know I should. I'm really considering canning so many people at the moment. So I don't know you're out. Why do the person
she had me
on Craig? Yeah, it is. Friday night and I
that was that was my It was your auntie. She posted something like there was a
police police screaming down the street sound sounds like explosions, knee campbellfield and I looked at that just when I saw it out.
It's like, oh, what's going on here? There's something that's happened. And then one hour ago, factory fire at campbellfield. And so probably that was the explosions. There was breaking news. Yeah, so it's in the mail is north and welcome to smell of smoke in the salt and the sounds of explosions after fire erupted in the factory in campbellfield. I mean, this is only the one I called in. Yeah, definitely.
Quiet. Yeah. And then you get Yeah, bullshit. There is nothing good about it. Josh, how is your experience? You've been off? You haven't really wanted to talk too much about it. I feel like it's, um, you're doing it. It's great. 40 down on my phone's screen time. Wow. That is so good. He's in that includes four hours of Monopoly.
Now on the phone like so. Yeah, there's no chicken. Tell me. What's your screen Tell him to. So far it wasn't on last week. Yeah. I'll tell you. screen time.
Just bring it up. Still definitely needs improvement. The percentage. I've done a radio industry, you know, lead with your best number.
The iveragh know, so last week's average, five hours, five hours, 55 minutes each day. 40%. Right. That's right. And so if you look at
yesterday, three hours and 41 minutes, interestingly, like if you um, yeah, so if I go to the weight, the breakdown, it used to be like Instagram number one and all that sort of thing. Now the breakdown is, Chrome is seven hours and 52 minutes that's doing some of that, like just looking at websites.
Just looking at websites.
your website's showing up. So if you scroll down to the bottom, you can actually maybe not on Chrome, but Safari shows the URLs and how long you spent on each URL. That would have been great. It's like so mine The Verge.
says like 60 minutes for the week. Yeah, so I don't I don't say that info. But there is um, this is where people are realising how much time they're looking at Pornhub
I wonder if incognito surely incognito there? It wouldn't I don't think I'm not picking it up. Oh, you think well, you know, not think
so this chrome number one. Number two is message messages at 6035 minutes and as I mentioned monopoly at four hours 23 I was messaging service yesterday because I'm trying to think of what the days are going really long because I'm not doing as much right or I'm not not that I'm not doing as much. I'm not like, stimulating my mind with just shit. So I'm like this I got I'm Brady like, you realise how, like reading, you cannot really write a certain amount before you like, want to do something else or, or whatever. And so one of the things
thoughts I had was, especially as I'm getting back into my screenwriting stuff because I did a fuckin What was it like a diploma of writing and editing or whatever, when I was fucking 20. And yes, I want to get into all the writing stuff. So I was thinking getting on Reddit and finding these subreddits that are specifically on screen writing, writing, comedy writing, character development, all that sort of shit. So but service Do you think this is you spent a bit of time on Reddit on you on Reddit? No, I used to be on Reddit. So
the hard thing is it's very dependent on the subreddits. You follow? So I followed privacy is one subreddit. And then there was like tech, tech news.
I just like that sort of stuff. And it was great for tech news is privacy for like peeping Toms or what's on promoting. Privacy goes into all the companies. That's like selling your daughter and
Just like all the breaches and everything like that, so you just drama. Yeah, a lot of conspiracies. Yeah, yeah. 100% but so that i think that that subreddit was pretty toxic. I probably wouldn't subscribe to that. But it's very, some subreddits. Right? Would you write on them? No, I would never write Oh, just I just consume never never vote or whatever. No, then
why? Why do you want voting? That seems like an easy thing you could do. I just don't need to upload things. Well, I guess. Well, part of my thinking, to be honest, it's like a lot. It's like liking something on Facebook. I don't need to like anything on Facebook. But then what about like any bits, but it's also like anything on Instagram. You don't understand how the social network works. So if you don't like it on social network, I know but I've spent time on social networks. I understand how they work you need like the backbone of the whole. You don't know anything. Now. How did I know you there? Which is fine.
If I don't like anything, everyone else can like it for me. Yeah, I mean, that's why I'm surprised at how much engagement you get on your Mr. 97 Instagram account because I think that I'm definitely more likely to like someone's content. Like I feel in some regards. I've got like, before I got off Instagram, you're almost have these syndicates that no one knows about, but you just know that that person is going to like you put your Insta post every time. And so yeah, and you like this? What's it? What's that thing? Jj? They're like clusters,
sending what we're talking about Coronavirus. The clusters of people yeah, like what was that called? It's on what salad stuff? Yeah, pods, but it's even businesses that have so it's a LinkedIn habit. It's like little you get a tribe of 20 people. And if I put out I mean, it's what we have JJ you just email on a guy's list unlikeliest. But what you're saying is it's playing into social media.
And how it works. The algorithm anyway.
What's the equivalent of what says is doing on social media in a real world example is just going to a party and just like, Oh, no, I don't talk to anyone. I don't actually, I just go on the corner. I don't make any contacts. Now. I'm just that like, I can just look from a distance.
Boy, like, What's that? It's not even being at the party. To be honest. It's just messaging a friend of mine. How's the party man?
I get around TMZ dm suffian. Really?
Who's your last AM's with?
I think it was Jason. Which is your J. Crew JC okay. Yeah. Yeah. So your chance to connect couriering in this in this lockdown.
Not too bad. I think the the defaults going to working out and just, you know, smashing the exercise which is which is good, but yeah, just
dishing out
good uptime?
And so the JB, what did you do last night? Did you do anything special?
We played a card game for about five hours
and drank lots of wine. And the game was called Bane being painted by A. Yeah, you've got, I mean, you've got nine cards Ah, you have to get straight flushes and
triplets or four of a kind. And the bane changes. So the bane was two that it's three that it's for basically a wild card that can be used in anything. And first one to get rid of all their cards wins. Basically, to find out when you add up the amount, it's a look at the amount of points you have at the end with how many cards you've got left in your hand. And then whoever has the least amount of points after it gets all the way up to ace so how
many rounds Eddie's wins. And I won by one point, which is a very small margin for bang. Oh,
How'd you find out? hours?
Hannah's Dad told us. That's it. That's not bad, right guy. And so right guy.
I mean, so you needed someone who really knows the rules, because that's the problem with these games. I just tune out like, I'm just like, Well, kind of. I mean, you've got uno it's a very we bought a pack of uno for eight bucks last weekend. Haven't cracked it open. But we're definitely going to get it get it without impulse purchase. No, we will. This was when Barbie was getting his hair cut fixed after I ruined his head.
And we were like so we get some Oh no, we're at the toy shop. Anyway, I was like next to the toy shop where we were the hairdresser was and so we bought some uno cards. But we went to one shop that were really expensive like 16 bucks and we then I mean
Like not not buying them found another place. I ate certainly the supermodels and stuff I feel like they're almost in the mean I haven't been to the supermarket in a very long time. But I feel like the last time I went I saw them in like a at the top of the aisle like if I was promos. Yeah, really stuff. Yeah. Got supermarket. Amy went last night. She saw cops there. And now with a guy that wasn't wearing a mask. Really great. Yeah. They were in there. I was like, yeah, that's exactly what I said. Good. Good. Yeah. We went to the gardens a wallet A while ago. And yeah, same, exactly the same thing. They're just cops out there just looking at people just trying to find the mask exact sort of get that exactly make that money back somehow.
What's that? What does that mean today? I just like the job case.
Funded by fines. I wonder what the
If someone doesn't pay Bullock just go to a What's it called? When the if you don't pay fines now like apartments sheriff's departments at once like Ashley Williams, what would he do? Yeah. If you don't pay your mask fine yeah.
You Yeah, it will go definitely short they can determine that will start chasing it because remember they like let hearing levels of fines like I remember the iOS version, but if you don't vote, you get fined. And a lot of people end up getting out of those fines. Well, if Yeah, and but then then you didn't have to vote either. And so like 100 I wouldn't bother selling. Yeah, hundred 50 bucks. It's ridiculous though. Like, it's like 12 packs of onerous small.
No, but
one thing that I was thinking about yesterday, I just did, I was doing a search on something and I saw our podcast is doing quite well. Around
for Australian podcasts around like English and people learning English, I've mentioned this before, but there is a huge, huge, huge market. And I think that there is a little pivot, it's only small that we could do. And part of the pivot would require us to change the names of our titles to be sort of more in line with what people are searching. So how do we
how do we feel about talking today about
Australian English with transcripts? If we can call today's episode Australian
English with transcripts Australian podcast with translators Okay, well in Do we need English I feel like it's English important to be in there.
It could be so if you type in English, Australian Australian English podcast with transcripts? Yeah, the too much. Yeah, I think that's
Good. And so what are we? The question is, I actually really want to support people who are wanting to learn English. What do you need from us to make the experience better? Hi, at the daily talk show.com there are little changes that we could make. Do we need to sort of talk slower? You just happy listening to the way it is? Because TJ How would you feel if I was to say, we just change our podcast by 10% from a content perspective, and we will triple our audience? Really? People that are just learning English to learn English?
And they have fleeting audience do they stay by? I think they would there. Um, so there's Yeah, do you know about the 8080 it's extremely um,
it's it's, it's it's inside baseball. He's always Hey, so are we taking
Is the English language test that healthcare professionals or people who are working in government and stuff like that have to do before they come to Australia? I believe. Okay, so they have to do that is that are we tea? So there's also something about how would you feel if we were to get a guest on that's an OT specialist that we just interview as well. The occupational English test.
Yeah, well, I mean, English is hard. And I, I speak it fluently
I'm flexing on my own language.
I'm pretty fluent.
It's Yeah, I mean, it's it's a weird place. It's not like you couldn't speak any other language.
But I mean, there's some people that speak English that you know, subpar. They've got a subpar vocab.
Really do an average job with the thing that they were born with, you know?
Like, how much is the the titles important to the show? Like do you think that gronk would be talking about titles? I still don't understand this.
But you've never you've never know you've know you've never sorry. And if so tight, I'm literally think Yeah, okay, but you didn't say that title people could be the title of us host producer, the title of the episode, I think yeah, definitely important and kind of alienating when we're just really sort of going for optimization purposes. So before if we called it the Australian English podcast.
How do we feel about that is just what is today's episode title?
Yeah, I mean once it once in a blue moon, every now and then just getting rid of it without entering with
banter can just be.
Yeah, we can just banter. Yeah. Hey guys, we're here to support the show at Josh has now become an expert in occupational, blah blah blah, whatever it is English test. And he's here to help you. Any questions? Any questions? JB, what do you think? Yeah. Love it. Bring back word of the day. I reckon. That's a great idea to bring back sayings, TJ
sayings and where they came from their origins. Yeah, it's nice to to get in there. And we've spoken about it enough now that it can actually be a title for the show. So is it?
Okay, I'll go first then when it comes to words. All right. Yeah, it's pretty simple, though. But I think like, we've got to think about the audience. You're just getting started.
So the book that that caught my eye on my bookshelf
is how to be idle and so on.
How to be idle. I think it's a very relevant book. In these times, I'll just read you the
30 pages in. We could do 20 pages in so 20 pages in was another benchmark that I was doing how to review a book based on the first 20 pages.
The first line is society today, extols the virtues of efficiency, and frowns upon laziness. But as as Oscar Wilde Wilde once said, doing nothing is hard work. Okay, so this is a great book, I was going to look up the word idle, but I think we all know what idle is the word that I don't know what it was was extolls.
So XTL s putting it in a sentence. society today extolled the virtues, extols His praise enthusiastically,
extolled the virtues of the Russian people's
You're saying it sounds like it should be should mean the opposite sounds almost negative. Yeah, it does. Yeah, doesn't it? Pray Russia? gastic. But yeah, I wouldn't have learned that in high unless you listen to the podcast. You straily in English podcasts.
Good on this transcription gonna be great for us. Yeah.
I think all right. I've got a signing in where it comes from right, Saved by the Bell.
Meaning great rescued from an unwanted situation.
as scary as it sounds being buried alive was once a common occurrence. People who feared succumbing to such a fight were buried in special coffins that connected to a bell above ground. At night Gods listened for any bells in case they had to dig up a living person and save them by the bell. Love that. Wow. I thought it was just right 80s or 90s TV show
right? How do we feel about doing this? At the top? I don't know if we could do the top of episodes or we should do it as a bit of a an end thing to make sure that people listen through to the end. But look, we can talk about it, but I think this is great. The Australian podcast ranker episode, if you type in Australian podcast that's on YouTube. It's got over four and a half thousand views. And it's got like heaps of
sort of engagement and stuff. And that's because I think people are looking for an Australian podcast to learn English Iraqi.
I wonder what view time is other than just all of the people in commercial radio what watch all episodes on here a slamming the Australian podcast rancour, but think about it this way. Think about it, the
if you're wanting to learn English, it's not just I'm going to listen to 30 seconds. You just need to have this on
All of the time. Yeah, it's easier than you are lingo. Yes. Yeah, we're easy. It's better lingo. Yeah, we are as regular lingo, could we use joylynn? Free?
There's a free version.
What we could do though, is if you are someone who is learning English, or if you're familiar with this sort of community industry, if there's any forums, where you can share the daily talk show on the forum and saying, Hi, this is how I learn English. Let's try and say if we can and it's not being greedy or selfish or like this is us trying to help the world in a little way, which is whilst everyone's stuck, they can't travel. Let's get a bunch of people SEO juice, SEO juice, people learning English so that when everything opens up, they can come and do their you know one year as a doctor, you know in emergency he will not be crying
They just let you know that last patient is at gronk
you will pick up the good with the bad you know, it's probably a bit more about like the accent. Yeah, that perfect. All right, it was very neutral that accent Josh. Thank you. Yeah, it was just it was Sani yeah I'm fired up. Yeah, this is so exciting. Yeah. Okay. All right. Anything else guys before we go What did you do TJ? theory evening um might not match. It's always the centre everybody trying to get him to bed brace showed me an Insta story. She's like, are you not interested instead but Tommy is going crazy. Oh.
You and You weren't even drinking. Just rocking it as is dancing. I was cooking carry we've done a carry over every night. We got these cheap carry sachets which is great. And last night was about a chicken. Yeah, perfect. It was so nice. And then cooked that and this was dancing in the kitchen.
And then I mean, I mean, I mean, he was videoing it. And and she said, I'm parsing and I said, be sure to tag me
with that, and then you follow us now, but it's not known he felt.
Yeah. Yeah, it's safe. Did you lock it? I loved it. Yeah, it was great. Did you actually send an emoji saying you loved it or you just passively No, no, no, just just in the corner? back saying no any any fire emoji or anything? No, no, nothing just just watching from afar. If you're on saves social media for the daily talk show and you just so happened to be in the feed where things are getting pushed in. Just double tap. What's it whatever's on screen just like it just double tap? Think about it. It's not an emotional thing. It's just a double tap. sharing the love. She had the love. Right? Okay. It's the daily talk show. You're around Australia otherwise known as
the the daily talk show the Australian English podcast.
helping you learn English through easy banter between friends.
Enjoy everyone yeah oh wait a Oh a tea it's important the occupational what's it called again? English test occupational English test
right okay that's just for health care professionals is just as you mentioned said yeah so yes huge impact on society very important people listen to this show. Yeah
yeah Charles says in the comments I learned some some much English just then wow
the chat
Okay, thank you, Charles. Enjoy the guy. Love you say guys