#148 – Anxious breathing/
- August 9, 2018
The Daily Talk Show — Thursday August 9 (Ep 148) – Josh Janssen & Tommy Jackett
Pronouncing city names, closing the loop on phone numbers, the tallest mountain in Australia, anxiety when travelling and a solid word of the day!
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conversation sometimes worth recording with Josh Johnson and Tommy jacket to daily Talk Show Episode One for he is a jacket edging closer that 150 Mark How are we to two EPS off if you if you're doing the math
we had a suggestion actually from Bay Mac who who said that we we should make badges for lunch but once people have listened to 50 100 and hundred hundred and 50 but at the same time is sending through this suggestion he also said it'd be quite hard to moderate this so
should all the digital time badges or what sort of old like physical like stitching so the band like what's the badges to see Matt I mean you talked about doing some sort of badge
as in like a emblem badge thing that you could sell on D close a while ago. Maybe he's just picked up on what you said from one of the episode potentially.
I'm even thinking it could be the other way you could take it is sort of, you know, waterborne, when you listen to audio books, you'll get badges. So it's like the seven days in a row listening badge.
I think I feel like the Mac would be talking about the I feel like he's into the the fashion and the rapping culture or whatever you want to call it. And I feel like it would be more in the physical physical realm. Yeah, like the physical realm. But I I look, it's a bit much with too much work back.
Well, it's what's currently what 528 in the morning. He in now, I've been calling. It Krukow yesterday. We did a walking tour yesterday. Krakoff Krakoff. Yeah.
Interesting. I actually heard a woman who was from crack of talking in she did say like that. Now that now that you say that, but I like the name Krukow. It sounds like a bird would do it.
Well for him. I do wonder is it the equivalent of you know like Budapest the local say Budapest or do they end like is it Yeah, because like I'm still comfortable saying Budapest rather than Budapest. It's I guess it's a little bit similar to the whole
pay vs. I Allah. Yeah. Yeah. It's Sean
Connery. He's got it. Kevin doesn't even have to try inside Budapest. He just
says, Hey, listen, I am before we get into it Russkies close the loop. This is quite interesting. Yesterday, I think was yesterday. sometime this week. We'll talk talking about what happens once you number like, if I close down my number which I've had since I was 1415. What happens to it and any he worked for Telstra, I think do you know? Do you know? He does? Yeah,
Russ. He works in the like the Skype business division. So people who were getting like voice and stuff and
I say well, he's he's informed us he said what happens to numbers after a disconnected and put into quarantine? Question mark after a Services Desk. disconnected telephone numbers are taken out of circulation and put into quarantine for a minimum period of six months, 12 months is if the service was disconnected as a result of nuisance coals. If the number was originally allocated to a different provider, the donor provider the number is given back to the donut provider gin, generally, numbers must not be reissued during the quarantine period.
Interesting. So I might wonder if that's just an Australian law or whether that because what we're talking about I think it was yesterday was the fact that especially in the US, it seems that every time I go there, I get constantly so many calls. Did you ever change your number since you've been an adult are? You did Yeah. No, No, No, I haven't. No. Cuz I I did have a second phone, remember, had two contracts. That's right. You were dealing here? Yeah, I never actually I was. Yeah, I love that. You had to put that in there. I'm joking, guys. He doesn't. He doesn't do heroin. But
no, I am. Yeah, I had two contracts for the very reason that I've had my mobile number since I was probably nicer, saying he's old, 14 years old. I've weathered the storm with my number. I once had this, this psycho. And she was calling me non stop. Like I'm talking every night on a private number. And it was just like, on Saturday night. I was like 1516,
and a disgruntled
fling that I had was when when when Jai wire and you know what the funny thing is yeas lighter. Like when you know when I was over in probably 1920. I bumped into her as I you. You were fucking prank calling the shit out of me, weren't she? And she admitted it.
Really did it. Yes.
That's amazing. Can I just say how happy I am. That the last couple of days. The connection has been terrible during the show. Yeah, it's such a nice relief actually. Being able to just have a call without it. Cutting down every few seconds. Yeah,
with you. That's all I wanted to say. Yeah, you fix the problem. So it turns out
it wasn't it wasn't pollens, photos. Joshua's fault Well, I don't know what this is. I'm guessing it's because it's 530 in the morning. I true but also for people who are curious, what I've discovered is for whatever reason FaceTime works a lot better on my phone than it does on my MacBook Pro even if I'm using the same internet connection. So for instance, on my I've been using for j through my laptop that had been using my phone because I'm getting into the the technical shit which is
which it doesn't really make sense. It's the it's in the tethering because right now I'm gathering from my phone to my computer and then running FaceTime off my computer whereas you're going straight through your phone and then recording into your device it's interesting exactly yeah that's
a nice hey I I just want to ask you Do you know what the biggest mountain the tallest mountain in Australia In Australia man cuz he asked Is it yeah it is yeah I got fucking down again by tour guide same questions oh I say they flip the tables back on to you they the experts in we're of town you're in but then they're saying yeah well well they said they like damn So do we have any Australians and brain I were the only Australians and we sort of half put up your hand he said what's the it was part of the story basically the one of the blocks here who can founded some things What did some stuff
His name is cozy something something anyway anyway he he was the dude who found mountain kasi Oscar or whatever you want to call it. And so
it was just one of those annoying things again, where I'm like, just like when they asked me to spell plumber.
Actually, I don't think I've ever been taught I told that that story or was that only on my Instagram stories. Now? I'm
I think you've told it. Yeah.
Anyway, I am that they. They asked what the expert experts of pipes are like, who what profession looks after pipes. I said a plumber. And then they straightaway said and how do you spell plumber? Because I was trying to make a point that there's like a be in there. But if I'm yeah. When I was like, it took me way longer than I needed to. And I sort of had a meltdown halfway through what I got to the be because I needed to. Like I almost said so like, right on someone's back with like a finger. Yeah,
just went back. Idiot. Anyway, so I get a little bit panicked. Most situations and the timing on something that happened last night. I ruined a surprise for me. So her bodies' godfather I mean, yes, friend from high school. He, I saw just on Facebook. It's funny, like what you see, even without putting in much effort. Like just things that filter in. So I knew that he was in Melbourne, because literally, I was scrolling quickly through Facebook. And I saw Ryan said our 24 hours in Melbourne at a conference. And I just absorbed that knew that in my head. Before this, the situation the incident went down. And then last night, I'm in bed. And you and I were texting
classic classic to do a show. Then we're texting. We were texting about the podcast set up. So it was exciting. And so I'm sitting in bed, I'm on Facebook. And Craig Harper posted a video that I was in. And I was like, Okay, I opened up the video. And then you sent a text through and I just lifted on screen.
Hang on. Can I just say you if you're gonna blame me in some way. And then after this, okay, you got nothing to do with it. But
you are a part of it. I me black.
So your message comes on screen. And I was like that will disappear in a second. And I press play on this video. And I was like, Amy, look at this. Look at this. Watch this. I wanted to watch a video of May of course. And then all of a sudden, I get another message. And I turned the phone to Amy. And the message slides down. So now you can read it. Because I've got the thing activated. We can read what the first visit text is. And do you think that she thought that you will want to do you think that when you said Look at this. She thought that you meant the message. I don't know it all happen so quickly. Because I've tilted the phone. And I've read the message from Ryan that he sent through and he said, Hey, mate, what's Amy's work address? And then I immediately know what was going on. And I turned the phone back. And she she's just looked at me and laughed. And she's gone. Ryan's gonna surprise me at work tomorrow, isn't he? And this is before even open the message. And I and I open the message. I read it. And it was exactly what I we said. Hey, Tommy, once Amy's work address, I'm going to surprise it tomorrow work. I was like,
do I I saw annoying. Do I lie?
I was like she. She's seen too much of this. I can't lie. So I was just I just laughed. It was one of those moments where it's like it's fact
at all that had you started texting with him? Or was this the first row text? It was the first row holes first road
text. I read that Facebook thing and then he's he's the speed at how how quickly we think Amy said to me, because I was like, Yeah, yeah, you've done it. You've ruined your own surprise. You've now thought that any i and i and i read the text to it. But she's like, as soon as I saw Ryan's name, and then I saw my name. I thought that he was going to surprise me it where it's
like, has the time you have that? Yeah,
I remember my night till
it was turning 40 and his wife set up a Facebook event for his party. And
I was speaking to him on the phone. And just before I
I finished the call. I said to him, I'm like a CEO at the party. And then he said away and I was like, ah, unless, unless it's a surprise party
to him. I'm clicking on to Facebook events and reading the description. And it says surprised
that you've got to put that shit in the title of the event. Yeah, don't put it in. Don't bury the lead. That needs to be the first thing I say. You have to lead with surprise. Because
then you'll know. But
have you ever had any surprise party thrown for you? Never in my life? I think that that would probably be the that would be the equivalent of a nice surprise. Panic Attack. I don't know. I don't think that because I'd be like, okay, who's he? What's like, Who am I going to be talking to? I even struggle I I really am so soft with certain things. Like, I've noticed that yesterday. I was
constantly like, getting trying to your own like, I was doing the sort of half your warning thing. Yeah. And I was like, looking it up. And that's like, the basically the only thing it came out was like, anxious breathing. Yeah, with nothing in particular. I think it's purely the just the constant like interactions of like, even like I even though like I'm pretty good, extroverted, all that sort of thing. Just constantly going up and doing the whole like paying for bills or stuff like that, like Bree has been doing heaps of it and she was like, we were at a great restaurant last night and she said can you go up an order and I had fact it up within like 30 seconds where they said Bree said I do want to get the plates the Ross plates I was like yeah sure so I went up and I said
can I please have to have the because that good with English and stuff in in Krakoff anyway I said can I please have to your officers plays and she said Pisa and I said yes and then Bray like from the other side is like Josh does it Did you want pizza DJ analysis like it's just like crazy escalated even more as a site yes and then I was like into coke zeros and then they didn't give me the coke zeros and I just felt like ridiculous overwhelm in the sense of I don't want to go back and ask for the coke zeros
moments like a you actually truly listening to the person and then I or are you like thinking about other stuff how you feel? I think it's no I think it's probably like the does the need to have a quick interaction and so not giving it the time to really think about what the what they're asking and it's just like little things like we were yesterday we got a table outside for breakfast and it was right in the sun and
I just couldn't be fact like trying to organize organize another to another table had become free but it still had all their old food and stuff on it and brace like I think should we move as a site we can move but I just don't want have to have an interaction about it. And so Bray ended up being like our can we have this table and all that sort of thing. But what do you like on Do you notice of when you're when you're traveling? Do you ever get like this? Or am I just a complete
You know what, I've probably been the complete opposite but sometimes getting into mo in a mood where I do ask amy but it's like very rare. Like I kind of want her to handle it's either I'm really tired or just kind of can't be asked but I was just thinking your trip if it was documented from the outside could be very close to Karl Pilkington that he did with Richard you guys travel around the world
yeah I just wanted to say that
a little bit
no I definitely know I am wearing that that is one of my and breeze very good to it just having conversations with people whereas I don't tend to like if we're in a group just like little things like even we we call it like empathy town oh we caught a boat from one small beach to another one and I was like I wasn't sure back because like me on small boat talking to people it's a real fucking issue so I'm trying to get get better at it but definitely my default when it comes to it just like things like paying paying for the bill and staff especially because in crack crack off you like leave a tip and so it's just he's one that was unnecessarily gave me an unnecessarily amount unnecessary amount of anxiety yeah we in Germany in Munich we got breakfast and it was 29 years right oh it was 29 euros and 60 cents yeah anyway Bray
we had a $50 not a 50 euro note so we give that and then Bray says our own also give them 40 cents so so it's like a flat number I was like what is that how and like in the moment I just accepted it but it was just completely made no sense whatsoever so the person comes over and we've got like this 50 euro and then 40 cents and then in somehow I convinced that that somehow he called to like a flat number and so I was like are like I sort of said to the the waitress in like sort of a damn right like up just 20 years like she was sort of like looking a little bit bewildered like are what what do I do here? I said, I'll just 20 year old change as if she was the idea and I walked outside Bray that math. In fact, I'm workout at all.
And did you get Can you say, right, yeah,
we get the 20 euro. But we gave an extra 40 cents. Yeah. Plus, it was 60 cent. Like, I think that if it was it was 2960 change. And it's, uh, yeah, I guess. I don't know. Yeah,
I get it. I will. I've worked in cafes in like, you know, what do you call it? Lunch bags, or kiosk things? And so people are constantly doing that. And it would always I'd literally just half the time just like
this attack of this. I can't compute at this moment when she hates the sheets going on. They've given me 1260 battles. Only x. I'm the site. Yeah,
it actually, you know, I've fact someone before doing that. I've given them money. And then they've given me more back and I was just I do because I'd worked it out before. And then I'd throw a spanner in the works for this poor bastard. Yeah. And then they gave me more money. I did give them I correct I corrected it for them. But it's yet it's funny. It's so we, though that you're doing a world trip. And this is the thing because the amount of people there'll be people listening that experienced this same feeling of anxiety and they probably haven't gone flying. They probably haven't gone to New York City or to India. Where have you been to Pakistan? Sorry, Pakistan. Yeah, hundreds of thousands of people in one small little area. And
I don't know, I think that it's probably it's more the micro transit. I actually don't mind busy streets necessarily. I don't mind because the thing with New York is no one's like talking to, but the like, people trying to stop you to go into restaurants. They're actually really good. He like super polite. But
yeah, there's just certain things that just and I realized, and so I'm trying to push beyond it. I'm like, I know that this is so ridiculous. But this is even things like say, having our bags on the train and dealing with the social etiquette of that of like, not wanting to take up too much room. And so like putting the bags app and then turn move stuff around. And just like, yeah,
that that can be an interest. I wonder if theories like say, if you were to look at the percentage of your social anxieties and if it just like, tilt slightly further, you know, like, how could that get out of hand? Like what? Yeah, I would say that
I, I literally thought about it. Yes. I'm like, I'm gonna stop meditating. Because I've literally I spent like, all day like, in this half. You're on like, crippling like,
I know,
I know. I'm, I've met people do that. And there Yeah, my friend. And you know him as well. He, he does it and he's an awkward, dude. Any any freaks out and
it's funny. We all have our like, tick. So I talked about like, You're one if I ask you something that you don't want to answer would do what you do. Yeah.
Yes. You did it. Like for you to? Yeah. And I've like, picked up on it as a thing that Yeah, so the annoying thing is like, I was literally on a to yesterday to googling how to stop anxious breathing. Like, then just like, or like half you're like, I didn't even start with that I started with like, maybe it's not anxiety, maybe. Maybe it's something else. And so I typed in, like, half yawning constantly. And they're like, yeah, it's it's anxiety. It's like shallow breath thing. It's like that thing of like, man, I just can't get a full breath out
people who haven't path I traveled with my mate 50 anyways, just walk around the hotel room.
Totally. And also, I did say to James before that in LA I want to take you out to online you know, I want to do like a la nightclub experience for you. Yeah, and and and James arm, I don't, I don't know. I don't know if you could handle it. Talking about you.
And what this is the thing I've tried. I pride myself on so much like self development and listening to audio books and B and and also trying to get out of my comfort zone. And I think potentially it's probably similar lesson that I've had around like, washing and stuff. Like, I remember I used to always be pushing back leaving my washing to the last like, until I'd run out of clothes, which I've actually done on this trip as well. But I remember I remember just a few months ago, like probably the start of the I got into a really good pattern where I was like, okay,
on a Wednesday, I'll do my washing I did for few weeks in a row. And I felt so amazing. And what it made me realize was, I think that sometimes I neglect the small things because the big things same like more important so I say now because I'm doing this back in podcasting or I've got this like business I'm running so I like yeah it's okay that I don't do all these little things and what I'm discovering is that the little things like really add up to the big things so yeah
I've been to like people who
from the outset you think they're successful or you know they've got yeah great business or the only a bit of money and have been and this has happened a few times been to their house and it's a fact in peacetime it's like yeah they just and and all it's all It reeks of is you don't have your shit together like you don't have the basic basic elements of law if you don't have together like if you've got money get a cleaner it's it seems like this we'd mindset was like yeah if you making a lot outsource that shit but then yeah it is probably the site the trap of just thinking I've got this to do i'd you know no time to even organize it cleaner
that's even I think it's even worse when you're in a long term relationship like a brain I've been together for over 10 years and so she has picked up a lot of the shit that I've dropped you know including socks
but in the sense that like and I do I do want to make sure that even though like I think that that can happen in long term relationships where it's like our flaws get sort of fixed and it's can be a beautiful thing it can be corrected inside Brady is outgoing and she's good at having conversations with people and much better at having hard conversations I think like I remember when she a couple of jobs ago basically she was working she's working for a fashion company and they'd hired a spokesperson like a Juno influencer type of thing to talk in the event anyway, at the brief Bray works and pay our marketing the briefing of the event the girl was basically offer face she had like a substance abuse problem, right. And so
Bri, like, had a meeting with our bosses and all that sort of thing. And they're like, Yeah, no, we can't have her this media launch, you know, being the spokesperson. So into being brave, had the hard conversation where she can be, she can have a hard conversation, but also be really empathetic and say, I'm so sorry. Like, you know, sort of worked out that you're struggling with this. Blah, blah, blah, you know, tomorrow we've got the event on we think for your health. You can tell we still going to cover this, this and this. And the girl was like, super grateful and nice about it has a slight that hard conversation like Bree is so good at being able to just go towards difficult staff. And especially, it's almost like, if you want the if they brought out the wrong type of food at a restaurant bread be like, Yeah, of course. Like, we'll just speak to the white out. Whereas I'm always like, I might just eat this because I can't be fact with dealing with whatever is about to happen. Yeah,
I mean, it's a problem if you're gluten intolerant. I brought out a life of braid. So yeah, I wonder theories. People that have
Damn that that rabbit hole. Just like
like nearly died because of eating in a food there. I'm allergic to cry if, if
at all. It's definitely if I was allergic to things. And I'll definitely be dead by now. Because I would just be a be eating so much food just out of being polite. Yeah,
I think we've talked about it a bit. It's like sometimes because I, I am that person that would just not wrong this next but it's like, I think there's probably something in it. If you if I for me that the win is in that moment. I am not succumbing to this mistake. But I am acknowledging that I can deal with this in another way then my default setting which is to cause a buddy saying and get my get something I didn't know this up but I wouldn't say that but you know like I think if I could go well look bit of perspective in the situation and so maybe that perspective for you is the opposite which is hard because it's still hard to me
I want to I want to blow up my instant that maybe I even I haven't struggle with just the like changing any sort of meal like I've always had sort of a policy in my mind that whatever the chef is delivering within the menu you shouldn't change that because all the flavors go together like they've got sort of a system in place so when I especially my night nice on who is from the US like he he's I guess maybe it's dying a coach I don't know what it is but he he'll fiddle with things so he'll say are Can I have this I guess it's like diner culture of saying how exactly how you want your eggs and you want this on the side and Can I have this on top and I just remember when Kim and I traveling for three months to that and I was just like can't handle yeah there was one and just complaining about our members were in Barcelona at the McDonalds and he complained about the Quarter Pounder being dry and he's just like having this like standoff with the manager tunnel I'm just like this is too much I can't fucking to handle this I'm going to lose my mind yeah maybe maybe you draw the line at
McDonald's yeah and
I think that might it just very quickly McDonald's the we got to waters and two drinks like to coke zeros at Mac is it was like 18 bucks in Munich classics seems really expensive just fit for drink yeah so my my thing is don't get and that's even a thing that when noticing here as well is the foot we we had like two lamb your offices to coke zeros and it cost us
16 Australian dollars for all of it it was like amazing value but the thing is that you can still pay like to Australian dollars for water so like bottled water it's not like like so easily for instance really cheap with water maybe because maybe they are on tap waters worse I'm not sure but yeah that that's been interesting observation that even though food can be cheap water isn't cheap everywhere
we need it and I yeah yeah no we need it so they charge a lot but I'm looking forward to it or the refill refills in America
or if you haven't done a word of the day in a in a couple of days of you know
it would be nice if I did How about I've got why
I've got one I know when it can be used but I don't know the meaning of it so I'll say to you then you can look it up and tell me
and Natalie analogous
analogous analogous sentence first so it's like
fact even forgot analogous
disaster segment this is this is
who I haven't really nice cool it's analogous to you'd say it is analogous to
ago I'm trying to I'm trying to spell analogous. I just realized that what I've gotten to so far on Google is a in a while so I've written I know and I don't think it says spelling at all analogous and and now like let's try and work it out now let's just put it in a sentence please it would be so you said you'd say something like it's it's analogous to
playing sport isn't playing hockey is analogous to I think that's correct but this is the whole point of this segment we know factual analogous This is a disaster because I don't know like you we need to know how to spell out they have enough it starts with an eye inelegant analogous and now will you had I know in the guess what I've changed it completely to be an AI intelligence what we don't even know if this word exists where Who did you hear it from
other want to have them so though because I might have got it wrong
was a James now
and now he now like is look we're gonna have to finish the Segway Can someone in the main time because we can't spell it were sort of a bit stock actually. What about if I go I'll ask Siri. Let's go.
How do you spell analogous?
Isn't that
say I would have said say I'm an idiot. I started why read analogies. So it's analogous I in I al g o u s key just believe that this has worked by the way that I was able to use Siri like Siri was the thing that helped me This has never happened in my life. I'm so glad we recorded this Yeah, it's um.
comparable in certain in certain respects, typically in a way which makes clear out the nature of things compared to your sentence. Again,
I said something around hockey is analogous to
and then I didn't finish it. But it is that
that is
comparable. Yeah, this I mean, this is good for us. This is good that we're doing this and that said, Yeah,
anyway, perfect. All right. I'm glad we did that segment. I've got to go but it's a daily talk show everyone hi at the daily talk. show.com is our email address and your podcast reviews are appreciated especially because the last review at the moment is from Tommy jacket which is just making me feel slightly uncomfortable. And if this is your first ever listen to us,
you'll get context of what Josh was talking about from yesterday's episode. You don't know context. Anyway,
the daily talk show you have a good one bye.