#647 – Dating, Centrelink & Screen Time/
- March 24, 2020
We chat about what jobs we’d switch to if everything turned bad, Tommy’s pram blow up, ego and Centrelink payments and we got a sent a book from George’s Mum Kaz!
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– What job we’d switch to
– Tommy’s pram blow up
– Things we’ve cut out of our lives
– Screen time
– Mr. 97’s dating challenge
– Ego and Centrelink payments
– A book from George’s Mum Kaz
– Club updates
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 647 what's happening guys what's going on? Happy Tuesday. What is happening Have you already lost?
lost count on what day it is? Is it Tuesday shit what that is it is but I feel like it was quite hard to work out what day it is at the moment. I mean yeah, I mean I've been thrown into a
whirlwind with Bodhi and I at home we that is delay the episode because Bodhi asked if you could wipe his asshole
was a huge used to. So I'm I appreciate that he uses the technical term.
But yes, I did have to why bizarre So have you ever been might be anyone's asshole today? That's sort of my baked baked eggs. Yeah, white man. Thank you. Yeah, my back digs went on the Shakti mat.
Things are good. Yeah. And we've got George joining us today. He's He's banqueting at the office building. Hello. How's it going? The Office George. It's good. Yeah, it's it's pretty fun.
It's feel good. I'm when
it's sort of for some reason that's quite unnerving. Yeah, now I'm holding the fort. It's good. I've kept everything clean of what everything down.
You actually have you pulling away? Yeah. legitimately. Where did you find anything any sanitising products in that?
kitchen is the kitchen.
Kitchens great. Never looks better. The thing is, we got a pretty clean before we vacated to our home setups. This morning, I went for a drive. I wanted to drive me to work. She's still having to work crazy. Now the story but we we decided to go for a drive and we drive to centerlink.
Bodie, and I was like, if I were going to
We're gonna go, we're gonna go have a look at, see if there's a line at centerlink at night. It was ginormous. It looked like the opening of Krispy Kreme. There's not as satisfying at the end of it, or somebody dies, we have some data, get some cash. Well, I mean, you get cash, but you're still in a situation. You're still in a situation. I mean, I got real dark last night, I was working out how much money we have and how long we can last. And when you really sort of go there. It's it's hard like it's, it seems, I don't think we do this enough. Like, when was last time you looked at your own personal finances and thought, Wow, how long until all of this money runs out? And I have zero sense to my name, or I think that when, whenever someone does a budget, they're always counting on having a salary.
The big shift is the big shift is it's like everyone's was so
Surviving, they're all surviving fine. But then when you take out the money bit like that actually receiving money, that's where it becomes a problem. Yeah, I kind of looked at it as a, Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, plan D, plan D being
the Dire Straits, the zero jobs, zero money before you look at what, you know, any help. And usually, you don't ever do that, because it's like, it's not that productive. You shouldn't focus on like, well, if Plan A doesn't work, there's another way to make the money and, you know, survive. And it's, and usually it's like, I'll just get a job. You know, it's like, I'm trying this new startup or I'm doing this new business. I can always fall back on working somewhere. And like at the moment, that isn't necessarily people's options of just being able to get a job somewhere. If we if we had to look at the jobs sort of essential jobs, and we had to pick one that we sort of
applied for a job in that area. What do you think TJ? You you would go for it. I'm guessing the cop you mentioned cops, cops. Yeah, I mean hard time to be a cop, like interacting with a lot of people is not what I want. I think Josh, you and I were speaking about, like, you know, the business as usual in six months time if that becomes a thing, right? people's
people's not beliefs, people's way of living or viewing, interacting with other people like maybe that, you know, the social distancing becomes a new normal, where, you know, you're not just going to a nightclub make actually, you probably still will be if they have that. But, you know, like just making out with randos or getting close with, you know, someone on a date, like it's so bizarre to think of where it can shift in answer the question. I mean, I always saw the I think it's probably cream of the crop right? The
Do bottle Oh, no, no the dude who are driving the the sand the beach sweepers and they do it early morning and they are in there they got the headphones on the heater, and they just combing combing the sand like that would be you by yourself. You're in there, but I think to get to that, you know it from a pecking order, you know, to get any of those positions, but I think Cole's working at Kohl's I saw a funny meme yesterday or something like you know, teachers told you off in class for not listening and said you'd be packing shells for the rest of your life. And then it's like packing shells is is the top now. Yeah, in the future. So have you thought about this? What would your you know if you couldn't edit anymore? What you do
always want to be a firefighter.
But um, it's pretty gruesome work. I didn't realise like they had to go
who get called out to the car accidents and stuff? And like, you know, people getting hit by trains and stuff like that. Yeah. And those are there to work on people that are still alive. I'm pretty sure that if you just walk by a car, yeah, that's when the fire is coming. So far as it fires are also first responders for cardiac arrests as well. Yeah. So they do they, they're well equipped fires. And so then so you're not going to do that, George. So what is it going to be?
You have to choose one right now.
tram driver.
Again, I actually changed my mind. Because I would say that if you could listen to podcasts assigned, but you probably can't know.
So what are you gonna do?
I mean, nurse, maybe I Yeah, that'd be cool. Am I What do you need to what do you need to do to be on the
Yeah, you'd be brightness. Yeah, good.
That's okay. I man I want you looking after me if I get sick
salmon oh
maybe a postman.
Oh yeah that's good. I think that'd be good because it'd be pretty chill on the motorbike What about a Korea would you know i think i think postman is probably better I think I would want I know the letters you can only handle handle the small envelopes
now but I think the bikes have fun bit because you can you can send that down the roads like it's all the roads are empty. So but motorbikes and things like postie motorbikes. Are they still a thing? Yeah.
in the suburbs? Yeah. And they're all like bikes. I just assumed that this was the the new norm. I mean, in Blaine I saw a guy yesterday voting I walked to the shop, so I decided to go online.
Like a longer walk to the other shops to get our stuff to do an exercise because I've been lazy as fuck. And we walk past the post it that had like one of the pushes. And so he's on foot and there was a lot a lot of posts that he had equipped. But that was the biggest nightmare just quickly. talkies pram, we opted for a $15 pram is a pusher. So it's like when they grow older kids don't you know don't need the full size pram that you have when they're babies. And so we bought this cheap little shitty one that 15 bucks 15 bucks, right? It's because you hear people spending hundreds of dollars. Well yeah, we just like super. Is it the safety equivalent of just riding a motorbike? Like is he No, it's it's it's no frills you Do you remember, as a kid you wish you would have been in one they just like can't stop suddenly or he'll be ticked.
Here's what happens. I walked. I was walking back and this place is probably two K's away from my house. I'm about sort of a K away, and a wheel blows out. And I've got two heavy bags of shopping. I've got Bodie, scooter, and Bodie. And now I've got a broken pram. And so I probably has to walk and we're on a main road, and it's dangerous. And then Bodie falls over and smashes his face. And now he looks like he's got a little Hitler moustache because he's got to graze just below his nose. And he's screaming and you know bleeding and I'm just mad I nearly lost it. Um, so what did you guys how Didn't you vote? Well, the confronting of the losing it was losing it would have looked like me just smashing that pram against the wall and walking off and leaving it there. And I was like that's too much of a gronk move and leave a broken pram on the side of that like I was a sort of a sir an abandoned house in my own fucking throwing this the head you just bought the the the pusher
We never use it though because he's
painted the picture in my head that you went to the shops bought the 15 Porsche and then on the way home, in fact up and I was like you know what doesn't make sense? Audi I probably I probably could have bought an Audi Yeah, there was there was all sorts of shit going on there. Bought a $14 bottle of
paint on wire from the era era Glenn and it was on Friday. I had it already last night by the fire. So I mean me go home from work I broke it. I feel like I'm a
you know, stay at home dad just just chillin with Bodi all day. And then I'm drinking at four.
main body had a fire for three, four hours last yesterday. How much wood does that require? Now you needed the wood that I gave you. We need a stick hand. Stick hand that's what I say, buddy. Let's go for a stick hand and
So we got some twigs, and a few bits and then Mason taught me up today. Anyway, Josh, what would you choose? What? What occupation? Would your soft hands apply softer?
Very soft industry, obviously. I'm just trying to think.
Now you'd be the web guide. I am at some kind of hospital. Yeah, probably. If times were tough, I'd probably all of a sudden become religious and just get some sort of church job to being the IV guy.
I mean, churches are in a pickle. Yeah, that's a closed as well. A lot of words for your song. Yeah. I've been
there at home. I know, Nick. He's at home at the moment with his fam. And so there's no services on there in person. So that's
with a lot of money.
washed up to the SEC. sec. sec.
It's not sec sec. sec Ts I that's a lead settle that that industry would be down to
what industry the SEC Yeah, yeah. No touching. I don't know touching. Yeah, I saw a
article of like a strip club in the states is closed and now they're doing delivery service.
The front doors really mean right. I just haven't heard of bacon I just hear a landline phone ring.
It's our Samsung
washing machine. Okay, it has annoyed like this. Ding ding ding DVD. It sounds like a Nakia 52. Tim from back in the day. Said stayed at my house though boys.
It is common time from this horrific unprecedented times that the spa has been emptied completely. If done it. How'd you do it? bucket. Really which is even more sad.
With the idea of saying,
not until we're in a better financial position, or how much is it costing to run,
we'll see now because we've just turned like we've just turned it off. So we'll be able to compare like, last month's, so we'll be able to compare April's bill to marches bill and see what the difference is. And then we'll give a live update on the show, obviously. See you guys going around 30 to 50 bucks a day. Sorry, I'm dying. I'm having a month month. Like say See, I mean, in normal times, I'm like 3050 bucks. I'm happy to wear that. Even if we use it once a fortnight, and then the chemicals on top but this time, dude, it's all about just stripping back and getting lean. What What have you guys cut? George Have you can any of your expenses, but I did the Adobe thing yesterday. That was fun. Oh, great. Yeah, it was three months free Adobe. Well
Not everyone just asked for three. I think three, they're actually officially giving three. Okay.
But I don't know Tommy, Tommy, you pushed for four?
Well, I thought that would give three. And so I thought, why not ask for four because there's a chance they could say, Okay, and so you're just highball, and they're gonna give you what they think. And so I did four. Did you copy that text? I did. Yeah. Good because I sent Josh and I said, here's the link. And here's the text copy and pasted into because we have personal accounts. Yeah, that was a very good. Yeah, there was heaps of people. Have you stopped anything else, George? And
tell him George, what did you buy on Sunday night? What did you get on Sunday that starts with V and ends with B. Oh, baby. Yeah. He's got a cat case of beer in case everything went to lockdown. Yeah, that's good.
What else
He got the shittiest beer for the lock. There wasn't really a debate. I was going to worry about that. And that's funny. The fixation is across the road from my place. What's a cold when they start doing cans like these micro breweries do cans there's
there's a name for it I could probably say give me a sec I'm looking at the window
close but they know they started doing cans of drink and they were out the front sort of trying to get people into to buy because normally people go in it's like a bee you know place where you sit in. Yeah, yeah. Do eds. Like I drive around today just looking and seeing the effect there is so I was in I mean I like it's probably the first night where we were
slightly buzzed from the you know pin Anwar from Aldi and just mind racing, just thinking about all the pieces
affected and we kind of went through it. And, you know, it was, it was pretty dark actually think about all of our friends that have businesses and, and it's not even like it's if it's it's just the, the support it gives, even if it's an average business, whatever it is, it's like just supporting the livelihood of, you know, family, people in their life and so
you got a bit dark was crazy even watching
like SCO and elbow the other day in Parliament talking about it. And now like I just there just was a big like pump up to the contrary being like, you know, we can get through this further, but it felt pretty genuine. And it gave me that feeling of like, we'll look back on this time and be like, Where were you when when you heard it was almost like the apology speech kind of. Yeah, I actually I didn't buy them because I'm trying to cut down costs as well but I nearly bought a bunch of books. I put them in
My card all about the Great Depression. I thought it was like, just like, lean into this whole everything's fucked but it would be pretty irresponsible if
I feel like if I spent my money on about the hard times and like it just yet seems a bit counter.
Grey says she's going to the bottom line later this morning in case of a lockdown as well. Hayden dib saying that he's bought an audio interface a case a mountain of wine. He's ready for lockdown.
I'm Jordan Michael ladies. He's cut everything down, saving 60% of his income. She's solid 60% of 9 million nothing.
It's Yeah, I mean, what about what about the any changes in your behaviour that you've noticed like for me, I've had these long fingernails. And I usually Josh, you and I, we just bite to the right length.
We don't and then you down bottom to the bottom the right length then you don't I haven't been biting my nails yesterday at the supermarket this old gronk had the thickest you know those gardening rubber gloves looks like you could you could definitely inseminate a cow and not get anything on you know what I mean? Like a real not with your sharp nails.
He did this. He had these thick glasses I yeah, that's pretty effective. And then he just is
just white, white, white these face I'm not good.
Yeah, I think I've started to ask people how they're going more. Well, that's actually good I did this morning. And so I was calling a video camera company because we're getting a final bit of gear for our remote setup. I was just called and said hey, just making sure I'm able to get this like when's it going to come bla bla bla. It was all nice. He's a little bit a little bit prickly this guy already and I just said
He said, Yeah, you could pick it up if you wanted to. We can drop it like we'll be able to deliver it by Friday. Blah, blah, blah. I'm like, perfect. All right, well, Oh, um, once I get the notification, I'll feel buzz. So I perfect sounds like how's everything going at your end anyway? Is there a catch up? Bye?
D Yeah. And it was like, I had that sick feeling in your throat where it's like, someone's just completely rejected you and I was just, it took me a while to actually the only thing that got me out of that little rut was
Derek now screw to Derek's comment.
To 97 so on on Instagram.
We we posted the Mr. 97 racking up the expensive SMS bill. And the joke is that he's messaging grace a lot. Yeah, and grace said still waiting for that message, man.
Seven right back. Good banter with a tick.
Surprised it wasn't there you go.
Well, it's basically that and then and then screw to Derek then says, imagine you in Gone with the Wind kiss me right good banter
yeah so so that that got me in a better mood. It was very funny. Hi, Kwame gronk is joining us as well. Just saying that in the live youtube so so you're saying that you're asking people how they going which is lovely. What about you dodge
religious pain been walking means to a mall? Yeah. Like just avoiding public transport at all costs and not touching anything is being I mean, just the obvious stuff. washing my hands perhaps it is washing your hands. Um, yeah, absolutely. Like I was getting the bubbles going like crazy. Because I just
like I said the other day, wait your hands first before
For you do the soap and you get real sort of movement. It's fantastic. really enjoying it.
Sarah says What about email?
Me knocking back cheeks is is what? Greg
grey says in the live chat. love getting rejected by Mr. 97. Yeah, it's so service Woody. What are you doing?
Yeah, I mean, the washing hands stuff.
I think the news as well, like I'd never I never really look at the news. It's always the verge,
which is a noun count.
Yeah, but now I'm going on to like,
news news.com de au ABC.
And I'm just like, yeah, it's gonna appear on my screen time. The amount of times that I've been on I that was me. Last week. It was news.com. The, the yesterday I actually had less based on having Bodie with me. Let's check
screen time just clicking screen time from yesterday yesterday yeah everyone on the live on youtube check your screen time right now and let's just go yesterday and so okay let's say his screen time oh yeah yes I was good good Duffy real good daily average see all activity and they just want to go on the word has the the graph God and he wanted to go first swipe dodge fara You go first. How do you get to per day? Sorry, so you can get a today? Yeah, and then seven days. See how you got a little graph? The
graph you just like Ali Khan the day today and swipe across like you're on Tinder, which is why asking swipe, swipe. Do you
know mine? Yeah, I think we do that while George works out how to use this. Yeah.
All right. 71
In six minutes.
That was yesterday. I have to be fair, Bodie was on YouTube because I wasn't on YouTube for two hours and five minutes. Yeah, that's fair. What? Sam's What more do you get?
I'm only on five hours and 23 minutes for yesterday. Yeah. Okay. And then don't maybe stay was 754 Okay, this is total. We're not talking about individual apps. Now we can get we can drill out. Yeah.
For our six minutes, okay. Yeah, I'm seven hours. 54 minutes. Yes, yeah. Three hours 35 minutes on Instagram. There's not very much happening on Instagram. I've just got that that habit.
I mean, how can you be flaunting your life at this point? Like, all comes around his house I can see. Please, is down the dry devices up at seven hours and 12 minutes you hurry.
At seven hours and 19 minutes nice I've been beaten by both grace and Harry. Appreciate that the real What?
I want to know what hers is Gemma wants you know what it was you
know the really fucked up it is looking at the today's graph. I'm already at three hours 41 minutes and if you have a look at 3am I spent like 45 minutes on my phone because I got up I got woken up by a junkie who was screaming out the front. It was like having a fight with his backpack and
was there a raccoon you know what was not open? I was just like, but I was waiting for I was waiting for him to like smash a window or something. But Harry spent four hours and five minutes on Tick Tock that's how
I need to get Tick Tock I reckon.
Definitely not, though. And so what did you consume it three
Because I think that's probably quite common at the moment, you're waking up and thinking and wanting to sort of check your phone. It was hard to, I can't actually work out how to drill down on that specific time. But from memory it was, um, it was all the new stuff. So I was looking at New York Times. Yeah, use our comms, are you? The one interesting thing? You're gone? I just can say any takeaways from the US? Yeah, so um,
I was watching all of the Trump does this like long, two hour live stream every morning, Melbourne time around 9am. And an interesting thing about him. Did you know that he's a germaphobe?
Trump is wow. Yeah. And so he said that he only started shaking people's hands after he became president. Also after he became a politician, so he never used to shake people.
huh? I mean, he he had the Intel early days, but that's pretty crazy, isn't it?
How is this going to change? Because I've spoken at length of my
weirdness around do I hug handshake kiss? Are we just cancelling kisses?
Oh, yeah. For the new 2021 Yeah, well the problem imagine we could knock out the whole PR industry just that, you know, double kiss.
So I think it's, I think I'm happy with just this a little wave. I'm saying is, you know, helping people out. I'm all good with that. Did you say that the UK and Germany and now the ban is two people or less. What does that mean? Like you can't walk in a group of two on the street. Really? More than two more than two. So even if you're a family What if your family you got to be like
Separated 20 minutes apart.
Well, the UK have done their full lockdown. And that you can only you can exercise once a day outside. So going for a ride, run whatever it is. You can't be with anyone outside of direct family members. Can we transfer our exercise credits because I'm happy to send some of your white boys if
you want to want an extra session during the day. I'm happy to swap Yeah. I've done a few push ups in the office. Have you really? Yeah. I did. two sets of 20 yesterday.
Tiny habit. Yeah, tiny habit. Yeah, I just adding some of those challenges. There are some of those challenges that have been coming online. And I feel like we're gonna get more of it. And it's gonna get old very quickly, which is, I challenge Tommy to all think for one minute and then go back himself in
service. You've got a life hack for us.
Mr. Hemsworth I yeah, yeah, no. So Chris Hemsworth has an app called centre centre fit. And it's it's pretty much the same as keep it cleaner.
But it's got a bunch of like bodyweight exercises, meditation,
nutrition stuff recipes. It's pretty good but they got a six week free trial just signed up to as good as I started talking about I mean, that's a that's a win through this expert with a thirst trap. Jordan Michael ladies on YouTube lives asking where all your head's on timelines for this, you think this is two to three or six months? What do you want to achieve during the period if it's a minimum of two months?
I definitely don't think it's two months. I think it's six. A minimum I like look at September my birthday month. That's like status. Six. Honestly Why? Six months ago.
Like so you think that you're gonna try and get it ready before your birthday month? Is that what you are? Yeah, I think they'll know that I've got an iPhone 11 and I'll say, this guy needs to celebrate his birthday. I couldn't care about celebrating anything right now, in terms of like, the old way. I can't I'm enjoying being here and I feel like I I feel like I'm getting what I get out of hanging out with everyone when through through zoom through this new style. But yes, six months. Think about the we're going into winter.
It's it's Hump Day logging in ship. I just I can real get cosy. Definitely. There's a long time ahead. I think because the I said it to JJ this morning.
We won't feel you're not seeing the impact of businesses this week. Next week. You are already and it's substantial, but you're not seeing the full impact.
Businesses that you will in two months, two weeks even
like it's gonna change man. It's um
yeah, I mean what do they say 2 million Australians will be unemployed
It's crazy. There's a lot
seven smiling
saves write it out what's the What did I say in the comments? Gemma said love getting rejected by Mr. Nice seven in quotation marks. Excuse me, Grace. And then Gemma said I'm offended by subs for rejecting you. I'm rooting for you. I'm Tim grace. Yeah, it wasn't.
Thanks, Jim. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, I guess. Yeah. What do you what is the
what's the challenge for you, sir?
What's the biggest challenge at the moment?
I don't know everything everything's just a bit confusing like just with everything that's going on it's all a bit full on you guys
that are using the corona virus for sure.
Yeah, this is good bye
I forgot that you were right data before Corona virus and now it's shutting you down. It's just got Yeah, yeah, that's so annoying.
Yeah, Glenn says biggest challenge Akos getting anyone to visit the basement for lockdown.
It's a beautiful basement. Oh,
yeah. Glen said Why is there in there in
lighting set up in the evening. It was quite gloomy isn't? Yeah, I mean, what all the lights were off and I just had a tiny little light in the background set to read.
It looked like a bit of a does
it have a weird vibe? Because the dungeon though, says, George, how much are you thinking about the future?
Yeah, bit. I was just, I was walking down the street the other day, I was just like trying to be more present in this crazy, crazy time. Just that it's the start of who knows what's gonna happen in the next few months and just being being aware of it. And if you're busy being grateful that you've got stuff to do, hmm, and
yeah, when we first went into when they were going to go into lockdown.
dad called me and he's like, he literally said the words. You should just check. Nice to see what's
what's that? Never thought I'd be hearing him say that, but
it knows who knows what's gonna happen.
It's the equivalent of dad saying it's time to get on the doll. Yeah, exactly. Like time to time.
I feel like you're wearing the classic New START outfit that that
holiday jumper. You love TV, you love watching it, but then also got the collared shirt because you're ready for business.
You need to look serious for the officer, you know, I'm
looking at the line at centerlink. Today, hundreds and hundreds of people. I saw a guy that I knew in the line, but I was looking at the faces of people in there. And it is they said yesterday on the news, it's reminiscent of the Great Depression time you know, and it's they're not in the line because they're in a great situation. And when you The sad thing is the people in those lines are the ones that have actually like never been on Centrelink before. Yeah, there are people have been working their whole lives and now they have to sign up because everyone who's already on centerlink would
Just get the money. I did hit here today that you can't they you can call they've passed some kind of power down that you can now do it all over the phone. So those people in line didn't have to wait long. So yeah, this is a bit of a it's not great at the height of a pandemic to have 400 people huddling around a building.
thought about that. it's mind blowing. It's fucking ridiculous and a lot of them were not 1.5 metres away like yeah, just one maybe
he's a real bitch sometimes just hanging out centre links, it's making sure
I take my phone into a bit of a pub. I'd actually saw that on news.com delay you what post they, they had photos, long lens photos of people drinking beer in public like in sort of like licenced venues and it was sort of and people
food courts and they're sort of saying people aren't taking this seriously. Could you imagine if you made the pay for that?
I mean, yeah, it's it is for long because I saw I saw these people they just look like you know, your average worker works in an agency but and just got done eating a bond may recall sitting down at Westfield, and you've been out is this absolute gronk dismayed mouthful of pork you working long hours just trying to you know, set up everything before it's on lockdown. And he's,
but I think this is, what about your ego? Getting in check it like I feel, I feel like is fact as it is. I've always thought, nah, I'm not too good for centerlink but I'm like, I'll fucking work it out some other way. And that mindset isn't helpful in this time where for most and for a lot, there isn't another way. And so what does it look like?
like to have nothing and have to ask for a handout. And I think that's a challenging thing for a lot of people because there's a lot of proud individuals and I'm probably one of them, right? Like, I could go and work some, you know, but it's not it's not the case. And so there is a confronting of ego for a lot of people, that's going to have to go down.
There's like people in in hospitality, mainly, I think, working at bars and stuff that will literally have no work for the next six months. And what I mean by anything else, I remember I told you going from working radio to working at a cafe and bhandar you feel this, like you understand it's like, it's a Lego, it's like, feeling embarrassed if you're spotted by so you know, like you because you're so tied up in what your role means and the status it gives you and you're seeing that the step down in status, that you observe it not saying it is that right but because it's all manifested. It's all
made up in our heads about where we sit in this because that is you see the most obvious it's ever been right now where the shit where you think it's all secure and important where those jobs are being made redundant.
And I said to myself this morning, I mean, I think about the mental health of a lot of individuals that may have struggled with their mental health, but
sort of
had a bandaid on it, which was Korea, and salary. And when you rip that off, and you're faced with the difficulties inside of your own brain inside of your own mind, and you're confronting that, and that collision with mental health, you know, banned a ripped off with mental health colliding, and what that looks like, and I want on YouTube Live saying confronting the ego was
Made marginally easier when somebody said to me you pay tax before this you'll pay it after get what you're entitled to because it is rough that George's dad
sounds like a similar sentiment it may or may not make sense when you think about tax and the you know, all the stuff that we do with the ATF. Oh, this is what this you know, this is what it's used for. Yeah. When I went to the post office, I got a a package and it said the book room collective on it. And hey, go just
gave me a book. And so I'll read I'm not very good at reading cursive.
But she said, What can we get?
Can we just get a George what's your mom's handwriting like because my dad is absolutely shit as Yeah, mom's mom's is hard to read. It looks like Dr. Shi Yeah. So I'll read it as best I can.
Should I? Okay? Yeah, go for it. thought of this book after last Friday's podcast. Hope things settle in with the difficulties of this
and we can adjust and have a life
there's a couple of words I couldn't write beautiful
but Sam and broken English
is unlikely friendships. So this was about Remember I said about Matt D Avella posting the the monkey playing with the cat. Yeah. And so that's amazing. You don't remember that. Now, but I think I mentioned at the same time No, I don't think he mentioned that on podcast I mentioned at some point in the podcast so it's really about I want the book. I absolutely got the by mentioned that I went like YouTube just like obsessed with Amy and I wear like unlikely pet friendships. And there's a whole there's a whole like docu series about
like a pig and I doc that a best buddies and they cuddle up together and it doesn't say Josh on it. So maybe it is for you.
You mentioned you've got stomach in the developing. I don't think he did. He did. Or this is a nightmare.
I don't want to hear. I don't want to hear that. She actually said, I've got a book for Josh. But if he's already got it, maybe Tommy will like it. Okay. Okay, good. I mean, it's nice to ask, what a compliment to say if he's already got it. Yes.
My library collection is Bryce's mom's favourite book. How curious.
I know what I want to admit. Can you bring it up serves in otter, just just and send it to tj. I talked about develop posting on Instagram. I just want to leverage it.
Which sub was it? I don't know, Friday because I think it was Friday. Then we started talking about
if you guys were animals, what animals would you be? I think was that episode and so it was George because I just feel like I'm getting being gaslighted about this. Now you're like, I just can't remember you mentioning de Vela. And I don't remember seeing the post. So you just got to put on your bookshelf. Maybe give it to Tommy. Yeah, please. It is. I mean, I haven't read a book in years. But it's
like it's got a lot of fun. I mean, that's
I do feel
is this important cares. Really appreciate it. How's your day going? Brother? Any updates? Oh, I made the formal I made a
personal adventures like I see the body and I going on a stick and as something that is a little adventure for us.
But I made the formal announcement.
unprecedented times and it's
your It's like my diet it
shut it down, shut it down yet lockdown,
lockdown complete.
I mean adventure club went to see,
to see the line at 40 call it settling and that was an adventure. I didn't think about that, like the adventure club, whether they could be involved some sort of tick. It's all having fun having a child having a camera like a live. So it's just like a walk, not a walk. But like if we're going boating and I are going akkad I record so drones you can fly them and then stream it to a page or Facebook page and I was like, What can I use your iPhone 11 Yeah, I could use my iPhone 11 Thanks for that and I could live stream. An adventure. Bodie and I go on to the
To the Facebook group or something like that, that could work. So it's
Yeah, just a thought.
It's great life hack, any updates from sibs
um, in the SMS things annoying to be costing too much. We're gonna encourage you to watch
it I think I think maybe email just to start just to get get it rolling. I found out last night that I actually can't send international SMS is it's annoying. So how about this ask this SMS company?
I'm actually done. Um, can you just say we're going through hard times at the moment? Can we get three months now? This is the one that is
definitely no, no, just just use your number. Yeah, that's it and then I can actually message gross. Yeah, yeah. she'd love that. Yeah, yeah, we do. actually love that.
messaging. Ya know?
I'd like to message right, you can do it. Crisis and stopping what is the button? Yeah. What's the condition with
challenge? Now it's service needs to do this on his own.
I was just saying I can shoot her a text, Nan and why do you? Why do you need to send her a text? Because what's wrong?
My son's screaming upstairs and I can hear him. Yeah, hang on. I'll be back. I can we can just end the show.
Okay, it's a daily talk show. If you enjoy the show, you can live streamers. We're going to be service Do we have a better idea on what are people saying? When do they want us to livestream
so a lot of them have been between sort of like,
like in the morning 10 o'clock, and then later at night, another layer said 8pm when the kids are asleep, or midday while they're down for the nap.
The other thing I think isn't the time
I'm changing. Are we about to get out of daylight savings?
Yeah, not and so that's gonna change, isn't it? daylight savings, saving change. So have a look because I make it i think i think we just passed the
I don't know we pass one of the things where it's like the longest day or shorter stay or whatever. So April, April five March I can admit it's not gonna It's okay. It's only going to affect international people. Brisbane
we should probably dial in the time on this. Yeah. Anyway, all right.
If you enjoyed the show, you can leave us a podcast review on Apple podcasts. You can still become a VIP gronk as well go to the daily talk show.com forward slash Bronx anything else guys, before we go? Yeah, just quickly, we get a review from Nicola 95 a bit later.
To take hashtag gronk squad but I'm leaning in five stars, boys. Thank you. Thanks for the review.
cJ broden. All done my I was just gonna say, anyone who's listening at the moment on the live feed.
If you're getting value out of this, maybe share it with a friend and tell him what's going down. I feel like we're really building out like a community. It's bringing us all together. I can't even feel thinking about dodge in the office. We're all sort of all a part of this, like we're building the team, because we're all fact at the
You don't even don't even factors in health wise, I'm just like, I mean, we're all in big trouble everything else.
We're all in big trouble. And it's actually feels better when you're with people or in trouble. I can do something about it. So basically, if you're drowning, you try and grab the nearest person.
Come on, guys. I'm here.
Quick, quick, drowning together is better than drowning alone. I think you could all agree with beautiful sentiment
community that, you know, going out of business is better when we're all going out of business. I never expected that the show would become a massive suicide pact.
Horrible. But in saying that it's
like what would help us is by just sharing the message about what we're doing over here at The Daily talk show. So, yeah, it all it all helps. And we also I was thinking if you're seeing any what Bree mentioned this to me, she was like, um, some businesses are doing some cool stuff, you should highlight it in some way. If you are a business owner or you're doing something cool and you want to spotlight send us an email hyper daily talk show calm and we can talk about it and do a call shoot around. Anyway, enjoy the rest of the day, guys, and we'll say tomorrow. Thank you guys.