#595 – Scooter Derek’s First Collab/
- February 1, 2020
Scooter Derek joins us for Weekend Banter to chat about his latest purchase, going to the Australian Open and his upcoming trip to Canberra.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– Scooter’s whoopee cushion
– The NGV
– Scooter’s trip to Canberra
– Lollies for the road trip
– 97’s Generation Intervention
– Cigarettes, Tobacco and Gambling ads
– The Australian Open
– Scooter’s latest purchase
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 595 go today back in the building a guy Thanks buddy.
What's up buddy? Round how many times how many times was this 90 saves keep a record Oh
yeah, show standout you know hang on give me a sec show stats are in jMr these guys don't care. Jim watts is on I think 14 you're on 10
you've got 10 episodes. That's quite good though.
Hey Ben, buddy What's on your mind?
It's pretty exciting time
is that you saved me. Today Josh
is looking at me like he's about to spruik a business.
I don't think you You're quite consistent. You're not really.
I mean I don't start of last year I remember your real sour started last year. Yeah, just remind me to pronounce it has has everything
about that, but I don't feel like you're sad. You should Your emotion in a sad way he quite chirpy,
like you can always chat that time I met this I'm saying that's what do you remember that time you'll pretty No, no,
you present maybe it wasn't what do you think it was? What's your what's your moods? Like? What's your emotional state? Like
what's been some badass awake? She was like, kind of blinking at the way that because I started my podcast studio sort of just pretty much took off while I was on holidays. And I was getting all these inquiries and I was like kind of going, looking at the light. So that wasn't bad. Maybe I wasn't having a grouchy day. But now Josh,
Josh span is still a real creating stories. That's apparently to say, if you want to giving give feedback to someone is say the story that I have created is raw.
So it's not this is the truth. Yes,
it's not the truth but this is the story I've created. Tell me if it's given them the power to be like now you stories wrong. Yes.
I say to people, congratulations, man, the news and they'll always reveal what's going on in their lives.
Even if you don't know, no idea
what have you been telling that ever memory for these stories tell
your jokes that trickster
does always open up with Congrats.
Yeah, yeah, you have a few times.
Have you ever owned a whoopee cushion?
Yeah, I stood on my room yesterday.
Back in my day is like the futures arrived back in my day will be pushing was about that big. Yeah. And I'm doing a size of entre played with my hands.
is listening for his microphone. a startup like
it's more of a Frisbee. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Doesn't matter. You break
it the size of a play.
Pineapple. Absolutely not. That's probably why
side plates. Have braid on in a restaurant. That's what it is.
What's that small at the Y
whoopee cushion was like semi flat. Usually a kind of pinky red colour. Yeah, just a rubber bag. like a like a balloon is we'd patrie ins on it. Yeah,
I reckon it because if it got moisture, it's like it's trying to keep it sort of like able to not stick together inside. Like it's meant to be able to open up and so I know where you're going with this elaborate Yeah,
and then I had to open up the little open up the little flat mouthpiece, I get the nozzle and blow it up and seated there. Well, now they put foam in so
they put five always ready to come inside this foam inside and then there's a hole with like a little valve and so when you squeeze it down and farted it then just inflates itself again, and you don't have to put your lips on anymore. That's the future. That was half the fun getting a cold so fooling them and then giving them a call.
And I was I was My thoughts did go old man style straight to Space Invaders
because I thought you know when we were kids you we would get on a bicycle that dragsters right like like from Stranger Things or something like that yes we get on our bicycles and we'd ride up hill and down Dale and you know ride two or three kilometres to the chip shop on the other side of town a couple of chips couple of bucks to play Space Invaders not to get chips and place a Space Invaders machine we put 20 cents on the kids everywhere and you'd wait 40 minutes for your turn and you'd play is basically but then my brother got the Vic 20 computer very early days computer and got the real Space Invaders on that it just lost its magic immediately what that he could get it he didn't get the mystery ship and the the high score kinda Yeah, in the first round. You just gave up and yet started the base and
started around so we'll be cushions ruin the day.
Well, you can just get
to it all day long enough to make the Can you ever set up? Have
you ever owned an arcade machine? I feel like you would have. I didn't
own one. But when I had my cocktail bar up in northcutt I had a sit down one that had all the old
they like they're in still pizza restaurants now have
No, just jump on it. You can play Pac Man you can play.
Yeah, yeah, I actually I remember a guy in my suburb. I thought it was so cool. Because he had a karaoke business. He had a PC with like, 10,000 songs that all had the the software to be able to run the
lyrics. Oh, that's very cool. And so why are you on top of the world at the moment, Desmond? I just, well, what's happening, man?
Well, congratulations. Thank you. Hey, on Sunday, I'm road tripping. Gonna go to Canberra to see the Picasso exhibition. Its National Gallery, apparently, according to my wife
might be a few paces there. From Picasso himself and
work out if it is the
Picasso is in all of his full collected like they'll be they'll be bits all around the world right and said this is
the Weeping Woman. We've got we've got one in our wares Yeah. In the in this ninja Victoria.
Yeah, see, I didn't know this. I thought that the NGV is constantly rotating. Yeah, these there was a section there that's just the same No, no, no,
they own they have they get given by a sort of a collector. One of the ways the woman told us when we were there because I said who wants all this fucking way and and so they said we've been given some so we have the door that was made by one of the guys that was in Collingwood. It got removed stolen by what's his name? Keith Haring Keith Haring did this door he got stolen, and then it got left on the front doorstep of the the gallery the famous Keith Haring. Miro he rarely did a mural but he did one for no unknown reasons in Melbourne. And the mural covers. There's a little door on that wall
over in Collingwood, where the New Hollywood arts precinct is going to be. Where are they going? What is that?
are you on? Johnson's next to the tote? Oh, yeah.
But you can see the big mirror all that kind of human Caterpillar? Oh,
yeah. On that big building. Yeah,
yeah. So that's Keith Haring painted that and he stipulated that it was never to be restored. It had to we're naturally Yeah, it's kind of tricky because they don't want to let it disappear. But anyway, that mural was on a clean wall, except there's a little door little hatch or something and someone painted that door, so pinched part of the mural.
And then so they someone gave it to the National Gallery. So they own in Melbourne, they own it, but then a bunch of their arts like given from collectors
to display. So they're doing it but they run like exhibitions. And so they have that where you go in it's a specific artist. Where does that vision Yeah, and so With this Picasso one where does that hang
okay so that the Picasso that we own as we turians it so we could say well we do we we is permanently on display I assume that got pinched as well you know did it even bank heist and the ended up getting given back
a heist in Melbourne
yet we've been moving got nicked
from all the details of this what you find out
in other words find out if
I like that I like hearing about this shit I like hearing about you know one of those vans that carry around all the money you know like a vehicle robberies I not when when that's when no one's heard I'm happy but I like hearing about the highest most people get caught these days was to get away with shit these days
right Derek?
Anyway heist anymore.
There was there was a there was a documentary that I don't think I ever spoke about it because it's a bit dark, but it's the one where the patient A guy is going to deliver a pizza and someone puts a bomb collar around his neck, sends him to the bank with a note he then obviously because he's not a robot, he's like, slow. The police stop him as he's going out.
head explodes.
That's not how it happened. Yeah, the the one the donkey full document. Yeah. He's in the car park for hours. So
it wasn't actually that long. Yes, he was he was sitting there. He was sitting on the thing. I don't think it wasn't hours and hours. It wasn't it was it was on the way.
They got him in the car park and no one wanted to touch him on his knees and he was like he showed the footage. It's horrible. Movie.
Yeah, no, no, no. It's a documentary. It's the real footage. But then
it looks into who did it who put it on him? Was it? Yeah, I mean, I watched it blew out my
crepes so creepy, but they stumble across another murder. they stumble across like a fridge that has like body part. Oh my god. It's well worth watching if you watch some dark shit for the weekend, but now you're in a good mood. So you're a little known fact though.
Okay, Lou closings my big thing for 2020, grand notepad
retort national Keller gallery Victoria became world class on one day. And it was this dude that lived at the SP. Rod he
lives that was it a resident?
I've told the story before
No. There was talking about you haven't been
on the show. It's kind of like it's sort of what I do because of my bad memory. If I say that, then it's just like you're gone. I'm gonna tell you again. Yeah, but we haven't heard. So there was a man who's an art dealer who lives Yeah, there's a whole residence above the SP back in the day not rock time, way back in the day when it was like a wasn't a pub. It was like a I wouldn't was a thing, right?
It wasn't a pub.
Maybe it was a public house. It makes sense that pub but there was an apartment up there. So this was a beautiful one. Really looking over the imagined it was a great spot. I've been up Have you been up to the SP now
we we did our live show over there remember for the bushfire relief and we had our IP room
Did you get a tie? Yeah and we went to the that was where our green room Okay,
we had a green room on the top floor and I felt went higher maybe
the front faces the beach yes
they've kept it like as like a larger you can go and drinking that. Yeah, yeah, it looks cool. It looks like some weird weird units addict.
Well, Alec, he bequeathed everything this collection to the NGV right when he went and that so and that instantly put them don't couldn't tell you when says we'll find out. But that day, suddenly the National Gallery Victoria was a world class can have it. How did he have? He was an art dealer.
So with a lot of money,
mastery, absolute truck lines
and suwannee. ABC chameleon
box, six millions doesn't seem like much, but
maybe not 100
it 92 and 19 oh 400 easier, more than hundred as far as the equivalent of 35 million
a day.
And so is this.
Still got it?
Yeah, of course.
We have Picasa. I don't know what he had. No, they'd only find out what he had. told you this satirical story,
the lady who gave me the tour of the SP
you had a tour of the SP
Yeah. Well, you know, I did a I wrote to the s because I know you know, we got a podcasting studio built into the device, not where you guys need to be live now. But there's a little bar like a carto bar and it's got a little Glass too. Well keep it up. So I got some broadcast. No, no, it's got a separate 97 spray in its own room.
Yeah, we saw around tofox doing
it. And at the start, I thought they just had USB mics that we use and rode in DJ.
Fancy But anyway, so I wrote to them and said, you know, you know who I am? You know, you're right. Congratulations. podcast studio guy should come over and talk in case there's any collabs or any any advice you name it was the first time you said collab. Do you reckon? I think you said it to me and then and then I said it to you? I usually
I never said collabs collaterally started saying clubs and last I like it collaborate and never done a collab.
You're doing right now this
is a club until two
years ago,
and you collab with Dan. When on podcast. Oh, yeah. Okay, there's a collab. It's pretty good. collab both
the podcast when we didn't hear the question he was talking.
buddy. When's the podcast coming back?
Hang on to your hat is I don't know, Dan. I've got a week holiday. Now. Tomorrow, Sunday. So I'm going to Sydney
What is this by yourself camera?
Camera first
is by cell nano with the family.
I haven't they just come back to school. every kid's going back to school.
except it's not Disneyland.
How old are the kids? How old are the kids?
Nine, grade four and grade six. Yeah,
that's fine. I these when I was reading a book about someone who was like taking kids out. It was Shana Kennedy. Yeah. Taking kids out of school. Before you get to you seven before that. It doesn't matter. Like you can take them for three months because
what are you doing in primary school?
Yeah, I mean, you're probably learning more life skills. travelling with mom and dad if you can then at school and so you're going to camera,
but the argument is you could you could probably travel with mom and dad in January when your holidays inconvenient with the owners Lee I kind of last two years we we went on holidays the second half of jet. Yes. As a self employed guy. As you know, the first bit of Jan is just dead zone ever all your clients are away. I'm not interested. Then the second half of you say they're all came to come back and you go man, I'm gone. So I've gone All right, let's let's push it to an FEHB let's just go to Sydney for five days in ribery. Where are you going in Sydney? manly? Right?
He driving or fly? You driving out here?
Taking the Subaru
or in might you got to do it all in longer. Like the
Yeah, going all the way. cannonbolt a camera. Yep. So Sunday morning will Cannonball Camera at 6am start which will be about midday, my family and then we'll go to camera and we'll stay in a hotel then in the morning we'll go to the National Gallery for Picasso and then we'll go have some lunch and then go straight from there to Sydney right? And we're just hanging out a manly and take the ferry around the around the trips.
One of my favourite things about road trips was the lollies
What have you got planned? It's a setup. Why is it?
My son and I are in bullying. That's what that
wasn't me. What a
Yeah, what's the lovelies gonna look like on the road? I have a plan.
We don't have a plan. Because you're an animal. If you if you try and sort of paste the map, I've tried a few games over the way you gotta, you know, like the kids can count in your head to 600 then I'll give you a lolly every time.
But not forever, but you can play games and there's a lolly.
Just on the parenting thing. You kids are old enough six and four grade six and for that, you know you can raise them with them. You can actually listen. Listen, Tom, you don't get shit today is why you know I like barley you tell him you don't get sheared. They don't understand that. So but he's but he knows that when he takes a shit he gets chocolate and so he's been pushing out who's every night on the toilet because he knows he gets the chocolate. Really? Yeah. Foot like so. I do. Do another poopoo get a chocolate. He's just so onto it champion Well, this is the hot thing just keeps going three times. And I I'm not giving him three chocolates. He hasn't got one that he gets one from doing Appu not every time he's
busy then not get confused when he does another pool and he doesn't get a chocolate
Wow. You can distract him quite easily from stuff like, just move on. I've noticed
it's quite strange with kids that you just sort of go look over there and they forget.
Yeah, they're just all over the shop. I mean, you'd be a proud father of Mr. 97. From the intervention.
What's your thoughts? We haven't seen you since many updates
know after Oh, thank you. You were spreading fake news that it would be chopping but
Oh, I can't believe you use that. What is
chomping main? Oh, it's I said at home the other day my wife absolutely Spanish because I What is it?
I don't know where it came from. Someone needs to say Why?
Because Tommy reading six. It's the sound of so there's
it there's, there's this but then if you think about that shopping is a repetitive task six is a repetitive task. Yeah. So there's there's the noise of the chops. It's a an onomatopoeia said the word automate appear the sound, the word that is the sound that's control.
Yeah, chop,
chop, chop. And so there's a few meanings there. Possibly my wife would hide it. Let's chop. Chop it
slipped out and now I'm in trouble.
Well, we say let's chop. No one's done and I've slipped out on social media.
I think I was telling you earlier about Yeah.
Because that was actually edited. You'd never saw that version because that was
never saw.
Mr. 97 reaction to that because he's trying to gather what
we don't have by the end of the week. He's what
I assumed it was an old fashioned thing saying Yeah, like, Oh, what? The Big Brother say the kid little kid saying, What am I doing in there, and the big Other saying, Oh, that's chopping board or something like
that. What's that repetitive noise? Exactly what? I think its failure.
And so how do you feel about seeing the video? You obviously did these 30 minute conversation?
We turned into four.
Yeah, let's give us the sort of two cents. What do you feel? What are you thinking? Well, what do you have? What's your feelings towards saves?
In the end? I think he's just like, perfectly fine. Like it's there's really nothing to have an intervention about for saves. But maybe his whole generation on average is a bit on the slow time. frigid. So
can you say what is frigid? Cold?
Is that it? Well, it used to be when I was in primary school. frigid meant you were scared to pass Yeah, whatever. Oh, yeah, yeah, stuff.
That comes from cold.
That's it frigid. The fridge for it really
saves Yeah it's very cold and temperature
checks out
very fridge fridge
just on the lovely lovely thing so when I was when I was a kid we would have a big like damn Tupperware container start
talking about when you're a kid
we had like sherbet things and dad would actually go to like the lolly factory in dandenong like which is just like a lovely shop. And there was one on Princess
Princess highway
just by heaps of I think this one was maybe on Bennett street or something and just by heaps of lollies are you going to do I know you don't have a plan but we have like a container
that we gotta serve. Oh,
get a servo that's the most expensive
one fucking little bag of snow. Is that one bags? Yeah.
So you're not getting because we would have. It'd be like a couple of kilos of Ali's.
Whose idea was that? Yeah, so like, Dad.
Yes, Mo was a lovely place, but then
she wasn't very good.
Please she she loved dating while he stays that was that whole thing of like you just be sitting in the car and it's like you know we've just had lollies and then like five minutes later to silence right we'll have a couple more
get them out using the field time
to stop.
No they don't do anything silly. Feel this dummy. You saw Josh
pack. I'd love to judge your parents for giving your lollies. But then when we went on holidays when I was a kid
chewing tobacco.
Yeah. Mom and Dad
chain smoked in the car. And we weren't allowed to wind down windows down.
When you put your windows down in the back, it went boom, boom, boom, boom, you know that. You gotta crack one in the front so you isn't even legal to smoke with you.
There was a kids down
moral or legal in any way kids
did it and we drive around
so it used to be legal but now they've actually got a law is that right? I'm
sure they they just didn't more enforces child abuse.
It is child abuse no doubt about back
in gronk for smoking the car,
although the smell of ciggies reminds me of going to the drag races, because I feel like there was a lot of people smoking
Have you smoked in your life? Like is in the for a period of time? You've been addicted a long time I smoked I'ma probably consider myself a guy who smoked during my 20s and 30s and maybe 40 No, no 20s and 30s
my 20s how many a day 35 All right, I had a client that smoked 7060 a day. That's hardcore. And he
is mental stuff. That's when you just can't
think to do I did the math on that. 6933 Yeah, three packets are 20 20 packs 60 cigarettes, do that across it 12 waking hours or no say 14 hours 60 divided by just go 12 like how much of that time is spent smoking like you can work it out. There's not much like he's smoking and then stopping he's having 110 minutes. Yeah,
it's so full on I took that we took the channel, train The what? The channel, the channel, channel channel. What Where? Where it's a tunnel between England and France?
Oh, yes. Yeah. The it has this sort of section because it goes down to the water like the cabin pressure. Is that right? My cousin told me that. Your cousins because it goes down and under the water. Yeah, and it's high speed. And the cabins are pressurised because it goes so the cabins
being just if the carriage the county because it's not in, you don't drive it actually I think you can drive you
can draw there. is a driving one. But but there's a walk and the train is the one that like pressurises Academy to look that up. I remember thinking you're so fat losing your cousin. Christian lives in London.
As for 30 got off the train in France in Paris in the train station was all very French. And me and the missus we put our bags down, got our diaries out. Because you know, France, everything was banned everywhere. It was like, Yes, this is where people smoke, yeah, restaurants and everywhere. And we just stood on the stage and lapidary and we're missing out on our rights. And that is huge. God comes up this big black guy and he comes up with all the proper gendarme type uniform. Yeah, he comes out he goes, bro.
You can see from Chairman
Gina Papa francais
we Yeah. And he's going
no smoke
in here. When
we just took a train
to come here so that we could smoke
what is the attacking if he has good outlet God I cracked it with about it. So we will need to have a cigarette at a restaurant in between our onion soup. snails.
Did you ever get into cigars?
I didn't get into them
ever get into them. I mean I've had one before and it gives you a bit of a buzz you really compete you're not even inhaling them but it's it it gives you that remember? I feel like
she would I think it might have been on the cover of a newspaper. It's a it was a photo of Lleyton Hewitt enjoying a cigar off three, my wine one the strain open or something and it was very controversial.
Technically it wouldn't affect as an athlete. It probably wouldn't affect your respiratory or
give your mouth cancer. I'll say it Kenya.
Definitely. smoked all the
time. Yeah, but it's not
the nicotine into your saliva gland and you really
do feel it though. Especially if you know what I mean.
It's giving you a bit of a buzz is that what you're saying? nicotine
yeah definitely picks you up if you've been enjoying yourself
so the nicotine gum. What do we think like if I was just having nicotine gum?
You're not this it's for weaning off it's for Wayne when I went to because I asked someone for I saw that when I went to Singapore yet last year. I'd never met this person before that I was working with but I asked him if I could have a piece of jewellery because I always do Jackie jobs ago Would you mind if I haven't been like with with hanging out with together all the time seemed fine to go on nights and nicotine gum. Or I hadn't. I didn't have one. But I was like what would have happened if you had one? Nothing. I've had the religious tastes like spicy gum. They're actually really annoying and
so but I said she doesn't give you the bus. Oh shit.
You would if you
had used them before. And if it if you chew them like crazy, it tastes bow.
It's like you
almost taste using it if you show them calmly said it releases slowly. Yeah, it get. It's not too bad. But either way,
I mean you having it at that point, because it's the better option than smoking. You're trying to wane off that you're trying to.
I just wonder if there is a market for people who just chew
it. And so 20 years on CDs, that's a pretty hard thing to just kick.
Yeah. Look, I I considered writing a book at one stage 101 ways to give up smoking. Yeah. Which is kind of that's a comedy name. Because really, if you've got to 99 none of the other ways worked. Have you heard the song many different techniques? I tried. You know what I went to the doctor. You know, shorter breath and she wrote, she's very poor doctor patient kind of communication. She said, I want you to go and have a test. And she wrote emphysema question mark on the note, and just pushed it across the table. And I was really angry for 10 or 12 years. Because I thought what a shit thing to write. I went into a panic era, but I never had a diary after that not once didn't even want one or consider that day. Never that was the last before going into the doctors probably shouldn't do when you're saying I'm sure to breathe. And
I wonder if that was a tactic. You think it was that's what they did or they
just killed? Because all these years of thought, geez, that was crap. I really didn't have emphysema by the way. It was.
I'd heard that. cigarette companies want us to think that it's hard to give up. So that's the belief it's hard to give up sees. It serves them because if everyone believes it, and it is how People aren't giving up to you so they're continuing to smoke. So I thought when I heard that I was like, that makes so much sense. It's like propaganda sold, or encouraged or promoted by cigarette companies.
Like on the promotion thing you'd lived at a time where advertising and cigarettes was still a thing, right? Yeah. What was it what was at the peak of advertising? What would they do as a golden age
of television advertising? Because there's so much you know, and there's a lot of dough. Yeah, industry. ads don't Yeah,
oil. That's been a good ad. What
is an ad that's
bhp run ads like big red, the advertising agency have one of their companies that one of their clients. They've just got cash, and they spend it on a TV 20 32nd beats cinema Really? Not yet. It's full cinematic. But yeah, they've got cash and so yeah, There was a time when like it with the weed industry they probably have cash like when that I mean ever all that investment money so there is a lot of advertising so these prominent in the states in LA or LA California and so what happened what was around
the world that was about the old that can remember you can remember a few of them when you stop and think about it you know can't got it all together the cheesy 70s ads but my parents smoked kit so I remember we came up with the brand new cigarette and how he got it all together cash would come in and get some
this or do you think there's any because I feel like maybe a few years ago I saw that is it Mel borrow whatever the whatever the CD company is that they still do shit with influences like this. Always work
away. Yeah, always with the venue just sort of got him off just using colour branding off the Formula One cars and stuff like that. Ah,
yeah, yeah.
Melbourne has got a colour brand it's all sorted everyone knows what it means so they sneak it in there with stripes here in there john play a special the coolest of all the sports cars black with gold trim interesting that was they had the secret they would quite tell
us what we will see ease of choice.
Well, I JPS for a few years, but it ended up okay. Whatever you can get Benson and hedges. I was my God. Let's
not give him give him the fucking platform platform. It's disgusting. Well, this is how
I want the world. I want people to be sitting down doing a podcast with the same memories of gambling ads. Yeah, get rid of the fucking gambling ads. It's making me sick. What does it do you mean like the key I can't watch a sporting event with my kids during the day without spit my kids Maybe their client or not, but
my kids, they're just gonna think gambling all the time is perfectly normal or just the way we think
there is all the extension it's all fucking here it's on your phone. And so they they love games and then that's just the game and then the money thing I never got into it
like I did my silly ones or I might put 500 bucks on this thing and it worked. Like there are people I guess it's like every day they're like Could you imagine my personality? Just how I refresh things dude my if I got into gambling
don't get into the stock market then ticker tape machine in the corner of the
defined now Mike, what do you talk about? Well,
I don't understand the yelling thing so that yesterday on a TV show, can you can we all explain? Can you explain how the flow works? No, I don't know. Like, you know,
Wolf of Wall Street, you know when they're closing the deals and lodging the paper into the thing
so I'm thinking like when it's like the flow of like the beat because those things are like in offices still.
Yeah Then there's they calling the stockbrokers yelling and selling stocks
but what about when they've got the big numbers and stuff in there on the the Dow Jones
yeah at the actual so that's what you see when the crash happens and everyone's fucking hand in the open and they try and so then they're on the phone. They're making deals they're actually going we're going to buy or sell this stock like they're doing the selling the
insert card is haven't
Yeah, they most cases they have a
nice central way to do it, keeping it
in a rally. Yeah, you might Yeah. A friend said to me, he had a bit of a gambling problem. And he said, I knew it was a problem when I was waking up at 3am to check my bedding app to see If Nigeria won the handball competition, because that's the shit he was betting on, like, fucked up, just dumb stuff. spending cash and mo was a good name. It was like when you using credit card to do our bidding. It's like I
was talking to one of the gronk about the how it's dawned on me when I was talking about how important the, the accuracy of the scoring is. Because there's so many different details in what people bet on. It's not just the score. It's how the score got to be the score,
gentlemen, counting on who's gonna win a reality show. Well, what song was the first song that's going to be played at the Super Bowl? You can bet on that.
And then you could say, if you knew the first five people that will kick a goal in the AFL Grand Final, you put five bucks on that. It would be the most ridiculous money you'd make. Like based on the odds of that. So there's shit like all these sort of trippy multi bets and weird bets like rolling Ever between NBA, cricket, basketball, NBA basketball,
I'm glad there's no kids watching this because, yes, but I
mean it's lifestyle, guys. And so it's like navigating the 20 years of smoking. You think about it now if you smoke Have you not got the memo? Like that's the unkind version. If you smoke, you're addicted. It's hard.
It's like saying everything cause you can't sing it like sounded like bacon obviously like I get it. It seems better
with bacon over over secret and this is what I'm saying like but the it's we have so much information so it's not that we need more information because everywhere you look at says don't fucking smoke Yeah, you'll end up like this guy, girl baby like,
you die. But the same goes for big fat. People go but what's wrong with you? Know, diaries are kind of frowned upon. Now you got to go outside and down the road to have one does help train heroin and what's the cultural pressure? Yeah, if you had to go outside and down the road, or or go to a truck, stop to eat your lolly on you.
That's what Morgan Spurlock in the film supersize me they talk about that where it's like, you can ridicule someone for the cigarette, having a cigarette, but you can't say what are you doing? You're over it like, Don't you dare have deserved it. But when it comes to see he's, you can sort of do that. Then there's the whole now there's the vaping thing, which is a whole nother
Well, I think, what will what will be the thing that we look back on and you said it's gonna be gambling. I mean, you don't want get what will always be like the way we look at cigarettes and it's like, it's great. It was once just everywhere now. It's like, frowned upon to smoke.
I don't know if screen addiction will be the thing based on actually think it'll probably become more integrated. So if it was something where your wearing glasses and it or whatever it was, if it was actually integrated then it would feel less like an external thing.
Yeah. Then what about the medical thing? So, cigarettes were advised if you have asthma doctors would like Have a seat. Like very long, very, very long time ago. Now that is the most misinformed sheet ever.
And they used to give Guinness to pregnant women. Why? More? I
wonder what the thing will be in the future. That was so that was once given to people when we don't we if we knew what if you love a bit
through sports you love saying?
No, you know, flip the lid. amide is
now that she was given a pregnant.
Exactly. It has. It's a drug that had to use it was working and then they discovered it would stop morning sickness. And so one generation of pregnant women were given thalidomide and it credited people who bought kids babies were born with like, arms and legs missing deformities. Yeah.
Yeah. So but they thought it was a good thing. They thought it is this thing that works.
I guess there's a lot of investors.
Yeah, the James hardy thing was
the, the FDA and all those drug approval processes in Australia that companies have to go through and
what's the strymon code? Yeah, FDA is us. Yeah,
but that they're pretty strict now. But you see how when it was like, it might not be a matter of being strict. It's a matter of, we don't have enough data on ease of use or think about it, but also like people say, sitting is the new smoking.
Yeah, that's annoying man. In the last 12 months, I've really noticed that it really affects you. It's it's massive. We need a standard because I've stood up doing my scooters and yeah, yeah. And and now I'm sitting down for my job
during your whateley walk we were talking about Absolutely. Yeah, because we had a walk the other The day that was not
well cut what time 13,000 steps the other day. I'm good at the tennis. really solid tennis was a good the kids is awesome. They do say play. It was my never been before things we don't normally do club saves. What's your name for it?
line club effect club? No Leaning, leaning, leaning in. Yeah.
Say laughter It was awesome. Never thought about just
the outside courts.
Oh, we got we went to one outside court had this guy Croatian guy called
American chillage.
Judge. Yes. And he was playing so he was right. He was where you were for me. It was tiny, tiny little court. And that was good. Same size, same size court, and then we queued up to go into a Melbourne stadium and we saw you watching table tennis.
What's his name? kiryas. I and all sorts of Yeah, it was like the kids. What about all the people? Was that okay for you?
the crap out of him? Yeah. Yeah.
Cool. That would have been good. It's like if we were there today, and it was In his heart, we could be having some bees how many we should go next year. It's it's full on like there is bars everywhere.
She trying to, like the Rice's
is pretty painful everywhere. Everyone's dressed up. Everyone's there to have a good time. It's like it's a social scene. It's like our accountant was that
was it and he's a very sort of sane guy. He looked
great. And I saw he was at the Disco there was like, there's like a there's like a stage. And so you can go there you don't feel like you're Tennessee feel like you're at a festival. That's it. That's what I feel like
as soon as it becomes a festival. I'm not cool enough to go anymore. It's not
like that. I was afraid of that. I thought oh, this is gonna be like, the Melbourne Cup. would make me just puke. Even just thinking about going right. You can't stand the notion of going to the milk if we got right but just pretending to be posh for one day vomiting on this suit. Yeah, I hate it. Sorry. Sorry.
But I and I only thought that the tennis world was gonna be like that.
But it wasn't it was also was just people going sports lovers it's like going to
smoke at that event could you have just thinking about the place as a tennis
all definitely not in the actual arena but like even outdoors and there was beaches
and things for kids and the kids could go and hit tennis ball and a
lot of Brand X so many this brand
everywhere you're smashing
free sunscreen.
tonnes of free sounds great Did you go to the country road store know
what any one country road where in my my family's my daughter she's my kids would go with friends who share the sky girl two girls that are older and they we she's she's she started to catch on really
repressed by country road
I'm gonna country road belt on Do this I get some sick stuff. Where do you get the
country belt from? country road man?
so you do go to country right? I wouldn't Of course.
Well does it do you not remember the belt? Yeah.
He hadn't seen it. Oh, bring it up
like my watch bad actually got a batching watch. All right.
That's it. That's the new that's the is that
this is based
on last night's watch. Desmond but Derek, thank you
for watch the show. What about my head?
Oh, yeah, you can do it as
a family watch the show by the way. No.
Can we tell what can we tell them about the watch? Oh, no.
One day I'll reveal. Reveal. When they're bad. It is the
funniest story that you can't hear any
Sorry Yeah, so you can Yeah, so I'm not
gonna go to prison so
coming from him that's good you know Tony tell you tell us
your that's a confession that's
how you do it I was I was sort of involved you tell a story that I can tie that now you tell
I'll tell you a hypothetical story that might have happened didn't
it did so I just suddenly had that one room you know it Josh
where you just got off gotta have one of these things. I found out that the I the apple one is called the Apple Watch now had the screen on all the time. One thing that just couldn't stand about it was looking at people with this blank, just a little tiny phone on their wrist. But the screens on all the time and I thought I don't want and I just got out of control and got the largest burger with the largest fries and the drink.
Well you guys you tell but you contacted
myself in my mind to the top
yeah I said, you know what you were just, you're excited about the whole thing. So you said, I'm going to do it. And then all you're very close to doing it, and then you FaceTime to me. And you show that you have the watch. And then you, your kids are around, and he said, he just has given me his watch. And I'm getting to look after it. And he was winking.
And it turns out that you hadn't told Fiona all the kids. I had an Apple Watch. I had the kids with me, but I want but I had this could add a control like a gambler or hairnet. I just had to go to the Apple shopping. Donny, you
know, you went into shopping or anything.
So I'm so ready to shop. Oh, and I had the kids with me, so I couldn't. What could I do? And I said, Ah, I've gotta go, my friends overseas. And they've got he got a deal with Apple. So I've got to go and get the right watch and pick it out the way I get. And he said, I can wear it for a few weeks while he's away. And, and when he comes back, I'm gonna give it back. Right. So that bought me a couple of weeks. And I thought, oh, what do I do? Then I said, Oh, and when he comes back, he said, I can have his old one. So I got the I got the watch. And the kids, like three weeks later, four weeks later they going, dad, when do you have to get that watch back? And in my mind, it was Pete shepherd, I just decided he was my character. All right, so you should know this. So then so i i'd ordered a band at the same time from eBay. Watch a different watch band. So I so I changed when that arrived. I changed the band over and change the you can change the face and customise a really good. So I changed the face, change the bands and went home and went well. You're that generation For what
not bad i inside unfortunately be confessing you've just backed me now
the owner on the other hand
wow I saw no I'm sure someone will go that someone one day right now ready all right
now welcome quickly do the I wanted to do an ad Yeah, we're
gonna finish out
the wrap up you got a guy up there just waving at me not
the guy but
hey Derek here Castaway studios Welcome to my show on the road and normally I take one or three one or two cracks at starting my videos but today I have to do it because I'm right in the middle of someone else's podcast. Yes, this is the daily talk show. Hi, Tommy gay guys. And that was Josh Yeah. And they've they've I'm on as a guest in their show and I just wanted to quickly show you their setup. This is home base. The big media company and the daily talk show they do a show seven days a week. And the difference between having a studio that's set up purely for themselves rather than like my studio used to seeing which is kind of got to adapt to so many different situations all the time. So they've got their filmmakers, so they got a beautiful camera that you can't see, but I'll put a note in the thing and
was this guy
I said, he saw what he saw I don't know what's happening. And so now what
happens is you're gonna play out 90 seconds to her on your channel. Is that what you want to do?
This is trying radio sorry. Sorry for this
train wreck.
And so what do you need now?
Yeah, we can edit that. He
said, this is it. This is me on the show that had me as a guest and we just finished talking so as it as it did, Josh, can I do my show from here and just grab But out of it and so now we're going to work I'm going to drop in 97th tour of the studio so you can get an idea of how they roll. Thanks Tommy so that's beyond meta.
I didn't think it was gonna be doing a different show here.
It's the last
panel add didn't do any pickups.
Were you okay with that? Yeah.
The first three seconds is Hey, it's,
I feel like we just finished recording. I'm gonna go do some stuff and then you can just mock it up. We'll probably
be able to get a great background alright.
That's a daily talk show. If you enjoy the show, leave us a podcast review on Apple podcasts anything else before we go screwed No.
Cinema guys say guys