#363 – Mr. 97’s Hidden Talent/
- June 6, 2019
It’s Thursday and Mr. 97 reveals a hidden talent from his past. Tommy’s not happy about Josh’s knit jumper on yesterday’s episode, Josh was fat shamed by his ex’s mum, and we’ve picked up some entertaining footage of 3D-Dyl on our security cameras.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show we discuss:
The little annoyances of those you work with
Maryanne’s amazing Fat Fridays offer
Josh’s knit jumper
Mr. 97’s and 3D-Dyl’s hidden talent
Secret invasions of privacy
Trigger points from your childhood
Josh’s ex girlfriend Shruti
Watch today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show podcast at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mdma9ZxAZ4
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A conversation sometimes worth recording with mates Tommy Jackett & Josh Janssen. Each weekday, Tommy & Josh chat about life, creativity, business and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and friends of the show! This is The Daily Talk Show.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's a daily Talk Show Episode 363 Whoa,
whoa, what is going on boys on going on? Not much. I mean, I just said hello to the people that I've spent all day with.
Hello again. So we're burning the midnight or this is a light EP. We're getting it out.
I mean, you said the midnight or 10 past five. It is it's lighter than what I thought,
well, it's like I'm on. I'm ready for bed. Well,
I was honest. To be honest. I was waiting. Because TNT had said that they were getting the iMac.
That even stopped me for days. We've been waiting for this thing. I mean, lucky. We have been doing stuff. Yeah. around the
office. You have you've been waiting for the computers to be able to do a piece of work. Yeah.
Which I haven't been able to do. My, my machine wouldn't have been able to physically handle this fucking thing.
It feels like I know, it's got nothing like it's not in your control. Yeah, but there is I have there's an energy that I have which slightly annoyed it, you know, the old you
know, well, then hashtag faculty intake is then Josh is annoyed at me. Yeah. Well, I just feel
like I think part of it. It's like, you know what the final like, I get triggered to the I don't like how he's using the microphone right now. It's really
annoying. Like, this is what we talked about the other day. I don't think it was on the show. But it was that really funny thing that I'm Charlemagne, the god. Breakfast Club host over in New York City was just saying when you work with people in close proximity. Yeah. Especially radio shows. I mean, this, this is kind of like, we spend more time than I did with my co host of the breakfast radio show, like candy and Stacy. And you just find little things that just ignore you about each other. And it's not even that it's something bad that they do. It's just that you get annoyed. I remember going away as a kid with other kids on school holidays. And by the end of the three weeks, you know, you just you just hate the Kia,
you love him but you hate it. It's even with partners like sometimes we have less energy for certain thing. And Charlemagne was saying that
he's like, I just had this person in my life I hated I hated their hands. I hated how they move their hands. And it was just because you spending too much time with them. I think
I hate when you're on the phone.
Because even you're talking about I'm just gonna take this call on the icon gonna put on speakers I actually, I wanted
in general, I wanted to be on speaker because Tomorrow is Friday. And we had an amazing offer. From Marianne who sent us an inbox. She's seen me with Craig hapa. That's where I met her and one of Craig Harper's weekend retreat camps that he does. And then she's followed along with what I've been doing online that I'm Craig hopper on our show. So she's become, I guess, someone who likes our show. So now she's into you, JJ should be loving this. So she said, I want to pay it forward. And I want to shout you guys fat Fridays. And she came up with the idea which was I can either give you some money, which I'd feel a bit bad about just taking cash.
I feel like it's in your personality. Now.
I don't know. I take know what her second suggestion was. I mean, I take cash if we were actually doing something but I feel like it's just like he's a bit of cash. I mean, if you willing to give thousands of dollars for us on a Friday will be having a take that cash but she said no, I can also no problem is she's
not giving you enough time.
I feel like it's I feel like I said the the the alternative idea that she brought forward was how about I get you surprised? Oh, burrito order. Yeah. So that's fun. That's fun. Because otherwise, you know, I feel like she's just doing the sending of the cash via bank transfer or something which is like EFT feels. Yeah, it feels weird. It feels like an ash Williams move. Yeah, because he got $200 to go buy a bottle of champagne and pour on his face but he had to take a
mega video. Do that. We could we could give that a go.
st Josh will champagnes
actually just mentioned some I love burgers. I love pizza. I love lollies I love sweet food. What's this for
tomorrow? Oh we giving Marion a heads up okay right because I was just gonna tell her on the phone but
like Hey, I'll get Marianne on you should chant as I just
well I don't know who's a lovely gesture but I also just wanted to make it feel like it's something for the team and so I said let's put it on lads begin you got a
I was just because you're annoying me and so I was just I just taught somebody more and if someone's annoying and you add speakerphone everything is you right missing it seven yeah number one of my ears is just it's just popping popping. He's sort of like doing like a doing thing like he's about to vomit you I can't Yeah,
I mean it's a very you've got no reason. I mean, I've got every right to be fucking pissed off at you to be honest. Why do you realize that yesterday you broke our streak of in the studio wearing black and white and so I've just gone against the grain I'm wearing gray now this is how fucking loose I am yesterday. You're gross gray jumper
that's a really nice but at the same grave that
no no
it isn't. It's a nice gray.
It's a bit small. It's a bit weird small it's a bit it's a bit silly.
I like I don't think you guys like that jumper. I think they do.
Like compliment. It was a neat It was a nice neat Yes. Very nice jumper. Very
Yeah. Like a winter sort of key Xiaomi hands for say. Okay, now
we're going to close the loop on the I think because I put the TNT thing with the iMac thing where all the financing happens so feels like it's been
it was animal control. We were here
I know. But it just feels like and I know it's complete lack brother my Geez. The iMac that I organized. Yeah, fucking doing brilliantly over there. Tommy's like, what do you mean it's not coming out of your control, but it seems like the organizer
has arrived. It was a horrible experience. He came yesterday so I was you know, I was burning the midnight oil waiting for it until that 530 yesterday
for this time for the other one for the other one then I was on the phone.
But anyway, so you broken the streak. What happened to you? I mean, it was just a name to think about No,
it wasn't new studio now. I knew what I was doing.
What do you mean new studio we'd filmed with
you spent like it move now. I have a clue. I definitely did not. I did. I was like,
so I wasn't spoken to the team. You
know, I think the amazing thing was that if you only really because you commented
Yeah, I only realized when I was watching the video back. I was like
I could have told you fuck
well you didn't mention it. Yeah,
I was just so like I think it's sort of like I did I was when I was looking you know I've got body issues, dysmorphia. Small food be
that you have amazing Reagan you think it's a horrible rig? Is that what
I'm my mom said something really funny. She was a little bit overweight at the time says I've got body dysmorphia. Every time I look in the mirror I say a fat woman which is funny. That that is not body dysmorphia. That's just but she's mom's actually looking great at the moment.
Right. I've said Your mom's a fox. Yeah,
but she's actually a mom and dad have been going walking and stuff. And so it's I think it's because with my little niece, Charlotte, they've gone over to North Carolina to see they want to impress Yeah, I think there's a sense of I got to be blamed for the in laws. Yeah, yeah.
I mean, we all set goals for other people. Like it's, it should be for us, right? I guess if it's an incentive in you get it done. I did feel if you want the wallet, that woolen jumper Yeah. Need was slightly annoyed. I felt like it. I looked bigger than I do when I were black. Interesting. I mean, did you think that? Not at all.
I didn't even know if you were wearing it. You were actually on the phone to TNT.
I was concerned of TNT. Anyway. So tomorrow, we're going to have a surprise over each order. I'm going to call Marion after this and organize it so yeah. As you said burgers. He likes sweet things. He likes
doing a two day today. So I've only had the maka
yet. The strong Mako. That would be closer to 200 cals, don't you think? Yeah,
maybe. And I had a magic as well. Okay. Yeah. I'm probably at about 450 cals and I for 200. Day, and I've just had no I 500 to
500. Yeah, it always starts with my head. Anyway, I worked at something cool. You can. It asked me today when I was paying Mason. And it said, Do you want to add this to Siri? This payment? Okay, it was like, you can create a prompt. And you can so if my son got my phone,
I don't want any payroll.
But, so if I get my phone and I and I say payment sure I do it. We send the money back to us if we go through it. Yeah. Okay. Goodbye.
What's happening? What's happened? Let me the Motovun income bank open. deafening isn't it not making a noise?
Oh, wow. Okay, so, so it saves the amount that I pay you every fortnight. And then it brings it up at $10 I could literally send him 10 grand right now he just press pay. That's pretty fucking cool. I didn't know like when I was sitting and I was like, is this gonna pay him another bit? I don't want to pay him a month in advance and I can help 40 grand a lot. You
know, it was interesting.
Any I said, I just thought that was pretty cool. Like, and you can set it up for other stuff. So but it'd be more like, pay my phone bill. Or if unless you have an underactive at all, like pay rent. So Siri is is offering some some. Now she's back off. Oh, my God. How to respond to that. Yeah, most people don't want to tell him.
I told you that. They've criticized Siri for being too submissive.
What like you because you can? Yeah, she's submissive. So why is why she submissive? Well, because a couple of nodes have designed the bloody perfect woman. Yeah,
the engineers the robots are you know, it'd be funny when we was that was a horn trainer. I can try to
get it in straight that we work on. That would
be funny if Mr. 97 had a one anytime we're going into territory that felt felt feels inappropriate. Yeah, I feel like he would be great with that. Yeah, he I mean, he can get a bit loose himself. So I never know where he lives. Like I never know where the line is for the guy. Yeah. What do you know what? When you were and what you must have left and we were here for a little bit. What were we doing during the show? I'll have to say. Yeah, anyway.
Mr. 97 we had some music pumping. Yeah,
you would have heard today we were upstairs and we could hear Mr. 90 noble downstairs we could hear miss a nice seven singing to be honest. You You see. I can hear and then I listen. I thought it was just the music coming out of the speakers for a while but is there something you didn't want to tell us? My Have you got Have you got some vocal some pipes on you?
The voice so this is this is the bit that I think is pretty interesting. Yeah. Mr. 97 revealed some information. What do you reveal? You can you can use your voice What did you tell me? I used to be part of the Australian Boys Choir.
Did you?
fall right?
I bought a cat. It's a cute.
And she loves you anyway, I'll say I'll send you a photo of me in uniform. Yes, I can imagine 12 short shorts, maybe a little lamb but
there's one in like a suit sort of thing in another way. We're doing a performance and I'm in like a road that looks like I'm in it called.
Full on. Yeah, yeah. Cuz you're in the equation. That was that was inside. The thing? Is that? What what shocked me was that Mr. 97 managed to, like go for as long as he has without telling us. Amen. Strange.
He's the gift that keeps giving really he's um, he's I mean, we've found out this week, there's a bunch of firsts. And now this is the first to our knowledge that you're a singer. Is there like positions in the choir that you have? You all know it?
Okay. I was in there for like, maybe like six months however.
This was in 2007. So you How old are you? Right? Yeah,
what? Who got you into it? Why did you do it? There was they came to our school. And we had like singing trials where you sound like cold. Yeah.
That was legit. Like, sounds like Bring it on.
You even sat in the circle. Did you singing trials and they just went around and then you got sent a letter? Like, when you slide it? Yeah,
well, I think so. Anyway, so you might imagine. Yeah, and do you think you have a great voice? I do you think it's a good voice?
Now I think I think it changed after my voice broke. He's like he's like little kids. He went
real high when his fortune is broken. The great where
we're missing 97 does like a lower. He always goes lower. Yeah,
it's cool cuz he can't hit higher notes.
Well, he knows his range.
Stop me that's the thing like I go. I like to call it false. Seto? falsetto. falsetto.
What is falsetto mean? Isn't it doesn't it?
I thought you were saying like false like I thought that's what it was. falsetto falsetto I thought it was
false senior high notes in the normal range. But is it spelled two words for one word? Yeah.
broken up. That's why I thought it was like a Josh Yeah. Yeah, me too. Oh, fuck, it would have been a good joke. It was It is funny with that.
falsetto. And so what is that getting can go high?
What was the she can sing high notes in your normal range? Okay,
can we get you to sing something? Absolutely not. Yeah.
Come on, baby. Boy.
What about if we got Siam tied? Who? Yeah. Wow, we could do gronk squad singing
I mean Josh Peterman. He's
fat man. That's a skinny man. It's written, man. Actually.
It's because he's
the voice of a big fat opera singer.
He says I got a feel. Anyway, maybe
we could I'd love to do a film clip of you.
I mean, I'm worried about copyright. That's the reason why I couldn't think of a domain like public domain somebody could sing to be honest. What about fuck Happy birthday? I don't know if that's in the plan to my next.
That is a that's one people copyright. That's really? That's. Yeah,
we don't want to I feel like it's very common. And I mean, who the fuck
is that would work out? It's not one of our birth.
That's what it's based on. I don't know if we'd have a fucking joke. By the way. They're not gonna say who isn't happy. But can you look up? Who wrote Happy Birthday for Tommy birthday? You can? That would be nice. But you can read a license for one day you? Yeah. What is what is the song that's public domain that we know.
Advance Australia fair. I mean, it's in a bit of a hot water at the moment. They're trying to change. So could you
just do it like a couple of nights? Did you not know? It's like, you're surprised that this has happened? What do you mean? Well, because I told you I'm like, Ah, that's great information. I'm going to bring it up on the show. Yeah. Did you not then join the dots that you will get a magnet? See? Yeah, yeah, of course it did. Because you just say, I think yeah,
I think we've also got a secret senior in the in the building, or we do.
Our premises is quite secure, as you know.
Yes. And he was staying back light. Stay back burning the midnight oil.
We just got the new mixer.
Well, I did. I said I said to TJ I was like I did mention to deal before I left. Feel free to use the mixer. Yeah, sing.
And so I mean, it sounds great. And won't even sounds better is when I logged on to the security camera. And I had a live record.
Which is a slight invasion. I don't I do.
I think that we probably
never seen someone go hard. It was amazing. Yeah, there was no booze involved. It wasn't karaoke. I mean, I liked the voice.
I can remember there was so many of them.
Did you enjoy yourself? Yeah,
it's fun. And I'll show you the video. We should just put a little snippet of it up here.
So it was so nice.
To be clear, we never record Nice. Nice little areas.
It was great. We don't record the security camera cuz that would be creepy. Yeah. I mean, actually, no, we're getting a new security. Yeah, we recorded you won't be able to move in here happening which I think is fair, because it's a good thing. Yeah, the premises, premises premises, but I but I just loved it. And it had this. Like a shot silhouette is like you back lit up by the lights. I think you had the new studio lights on. So I was like a studio.
But I did the old screen recording from my phone. I can't even remember. It was this it was really good song that I'd say you're seeing
top 50 there was it? Well actually, can we can we point out the fact that not only did that happen, but I said thriller was pumping out a song sounded great. I said can I record you and I'll send it to Tommy and so I say no and so I said no he said yes. So I sent it to you on our message the problem was that I did it on three day deals phone and it also sent to our last group
I left it
didn't respond.
Only got was just a great video 3d deal building out some thought it was a video of you Josh
No, it was a video.
That's why I was so embarrassed. Looking at
this photograph, it wasn't definitely wasn't. But God's fun. It's fun.
Like we've been thinking a lot about that. The cameras and Oh yeah, that saw what we can capture. The CCTV stuff is so far. Yeah. Yeah.
So I do. I've told you the story of mom saying to me, because I recorded I didn't even record mom and dad, but I intended so No, but I got a I had an amplifier. A big speaker. Yeah, I put the speaker in my room. And then I had an XLR cable. Because I got a long one, which I was very excited about. I put the mic under the couch, put the cable into the speaker in my room and turned it up full volume. And because it was so far away, it wouldn't squeal and there was no like, a bag school fit. Yeah. And so I could just like, Listen, and mom and mom found it. And she just said you are
sick. Classic. What What was she? I mean, she that's why what was she going to? What were you going to hear? Like, what are we gonna do with him?
He's just like, he's just out of control. Should we?
Should we say to that place? Yeah.
Well, I mean, the biggest boarding school Yeah.
Everywhere. All the other brothers did.
They got boardings? Yeah.
But I never I never got that it was mom was always saying that she was gonna she was threatening that she was going to take me to the doctor and they were going to they would find out that I had a day and you're gonna put me on meds. And I was just like, I know, you can't medicate me which is maybe why I've got pushed back on going to a psychologist because mom Yeah, set up my.
I told you it's all stem from that. It's all stem from Mama. Yeah.
it does, it all stems from our childhood. I had a moment and I and I didn't talk about this straight after because I was too emotional. My mom, which pissed me off. Mom said to me after it happened over the weekend. She said don't don't bring this up on the show. Here we go. And so I'll bring it up on the show because I feel a bit better. But Bodie you got in a bit of trouble at daycare. And so he hit a kid in the eye with a stick and this is all where he was he kidding me? I was thinking the kid at a black I couldn't open it. And I was like it was coming second hand It didn't see this woman didn't see it happen. And the way they just said is like you just hit you know so you don't understand like kids are always throwing shit at each other you don't there's a difference between me smashing in the face right now aggressively and a kid just going like they don't get it right and so I'm I'm and I've worked at I'm severely triggered severely triggered like I could not stop crying. When I read it makes me emotional thing about it. But I was like, thinking about myself as a kid. And then I was like thinking about these teachers saying this saying how however they do. However they communicate what has happened. It just triggers me so bad. I've never
Why did your mom say don't talk about
because I was crying and I was emotional was crying at mom's place. So you're crying she's like
Thomas don't bring it up on the show plane. She didn't
call me Thomas but she said as I was leaving because she's she has a filter now that I think she said she's like oh, that's gonna be on the show.
It's like the time that
the only time that I've known you outside of radio a deal to privately record something not let them know was your mom saying? Geez, he was so fat.
But then she covered it up said he looks so good now but wow
sorry mom. I haven't even told my
Have you still got that video? I reckon
I could find it
cheap I'd literally just come in and she was looking at it. So she didn't know that I was like, recording. Yeah, yeah. You were so fat now you look so
great. Like he says no prob like, if anything I feel like the one problem I have with my story is maybe that it puts too much pressure on not being fat. Like it's okay to be fat. It I mean if you're unhealthy, it's not that great. Yeah, no, but do we I think we like it seems convenient. It's like junkie like you know, we talk about junkies we talk about fat like being junkies actually like really sad.
It's very sad. And being overly severely overweight is really sad. Because it's
I worry about trivial trivialize? Yeah, yeah,
I know, I was thinking about the sensitivity around calling, stating somebody fat that's been a thing for a long time. He kept like stating someone who's obese, which is a unless it's medically, there's a medical condition happening. It's a self inflicted thing, right? And so it's like, but it is also like there's emotion involved in it is it's a people's identity. So it is like, I get what you mean it is it's getting more and more taboo and and has been for quite some time to call somebody fat
with some cultures I think are more okay with it. My old girlfriend routine when I was in the seventh or eighth time member, her mom looking in the rearview
mirror. How many girlfriends if you had a four? Okay, so you had four? I thought there was only two so you could just play for? Yeah,
my ex girlfriend, my ex.
My Yeah, my my. My ex was 13 she
had 14 boyfriend sins and discovered that she's actually bisexual. Now she's had 17
and then she went back to just saying like, some crazy. Yeah,
I mean, I don't I don't know what I'd love to see a photo of fruity right now. As you've talked about a lot on this show. We think it could be time to bring your girlfriend back.
There is a lot of Tommy in the license. I think there is a time frame in relationships. We're speaking about your ex and stuff isn't.
isn't the place the gap is for these my members. I went to the accent. Oh, sure. Do they know more about Trudy's family and their businesses then bring?
It's true. Because her dad was the head chef at the country club in Brooklyn Bridge. Right,
exactly. But you are an established guy. So we need we need some more history
as well. Exactly. Then get this right for 11 years.
But no, I remember she shorties mom looked at me from the rip. She was looking. I was in the back or whatever we surely probably I don't think we even we haven't I think we haven't kissed she kissed Laughlin on a spin the bottle. Who's while you're with her? No, no. Okay. No, that's good. But it would have been weird. But Trudy's mom said I you should you should drink more water Josh Why will be cuz I was a big fan. Oh, and so but I think it's like it's one of those things where it's okay. Culturally? Yeah. I feel comfortable doing her accent Yeah. based on you know, but that wasn't true. True is the fact that it's like, it feels like a very cultural like, yeah, yeah. This is it an Indian thing? Like it seems like an Indian thing, which is like they love calling out stuff like
that. Yeah. And so maybe maybe in India that you can just I fat boy. Like you can call people fat. But the thing is, like that's what I love about the world the shit is different all across the globe. Is there anything 3d do like
in Canada that you know, I mean, it's pretty similar to here. Yeah. Culturally wise. It's Yeah, there's not a whole lot of difference. We
need a new intern that you know, for a little bit more more exotic.
Exotic is it I can only worldly you know what could you do that exotic right a polar bear into my
call this far away from I mean, that's my favorite thing is saying Oh, geez, it's cold to hear Brady? Actually hot they're like yeah, seven degrees. It's fucking freezing. Like not seven degrees is warm.
Just we'll finish off few compliments. Amy thinks the show sounds amazing and the new audio setup had a few comments come through on
I want answer I'll answer it just to stop it and just tell him I break up with a daily talk show Can he because we don't have it connected but we're doing the show right now. Yeah, we're
in the middle of talking about Josh is x so we're
talking about security I'm okay, I'm used to it with me talking about my ex.
Okay, bye. Yeah,
she doesn't even believe you had an ex girlfriend
Yeah, so compliments
yeah show sounds great. lots of nice encouragement coming through from Instagram and LinkedIn about the new studio guys were very close to getting this to like what I will call locked off phase one of the daily talk show studio phase of this studio this studio phase one we're moving into phase two there will be live streaming setup motivation even say no Yeah.
But I listen on my job isn't it Janssen
Mr. Nice seven any admin? No, not really. No. Absolutely not he kidding me? It's absolutely ridiculous. No.
Aside from aside from the feedback on the studio
that I've already said Yeah, exactly. Don't worry my settle down. I'll tell you job. So we've also got the daily talk show hats with we found a new supply they're getting printed within the market today. These are coming very soon. And these will be sent out with the squeegee. Yeah,
if you've got if you're ready, but we also did get another I need to waste my wife's downstairs. Okay, but we did get one apple podcast. Yeah. Do I read the one that says guaranteed giggle No, haven't heard this. 155 stars from bat basil be g see they right guaranteed giggles Tommy and Josh bring the flavor each and every day. You don't need to be in the media industry to get a bunch of value out of the pod. But it's an added bonus. If you're in the bees serving up quality Banta Aaron day every day every day.
Why? Because mo what sire de air day he could not want anyway.
Tomorrow it's five Fridays? I've actually got a call I can area and I'm going to put her on Speaker Yeah, and please if you're watching on YouTube, I've noticed that the people who watch the videos that are subscribed yes going up so the people who are not subscribed going down which is great, right? Yeah,
specially subscribe but
yeah, smash this like button. Yeah. If you are watching us on this far, press, like anything you want to say 30 do NOT JUST LIKE subscribe, right? live a good life. Let's go.
Robbins Yeah. We said Mr. Guys