#313 – Loose Lips Sinks Ships/
- March 28, 2019
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show we discuss:
Josh’s social media retirement
Feedback on Mr. 97 disliking phone calls
An attempted setup
Josh’s whiteboard markers
Our new potential HQ
Conspiracy Jimmy’s risky move
The Daily Talk Show’s future
Mr. 97’s love language
Watch today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show podcast at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2x6wl40cl0
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A conversation sometimes worth recording with mates Tommy Jackett & Josh Janssen. Each weekday, Tommy & Josh chat about life, creativity, business and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and friends of the show! This is The Daily Talk Show.
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 313.
What's going on? What's cracking? Let's start with some compliments. Okay, Mr. 97 I mean anything changes in this office. I'm talking a his put differently. We all pick up on it. People in the cafe downstairs at the office. Pick up on it. A book said to me today. Oh, you've had a guy said not just talked. What is my hair into my hat that he was meaning you got rid of your mullet.
So what does he want compliance?
I want to call it finish Mr. 97. That color t shirt. I mean, it's gray. It's perfect for you, buddy. Keep going with those green like what do they calculate? Not the khaki. They're like army green army grain those pants. You're on point son. Just does your head
you know? Why you doing compliments?
I just felt like doing cover. It's been a while it's
it's been ride have a lot of guests. Yeah, last few episodes. So it feels like we've we've gotten to this cadence that is a little bit far. Yeah.
Well, there's there's some things that I like I want to bring up with the guests. But then I don't want to sort of trivialize or like pull them into our bullshit. Sometimes it's fun. Other times it's not. I mean, now if maybe I was just sitting out with a positive so I can bring Mr. 97 down again. Do you actually have something? Well, I've given him a lot of criticism about his phone habits. I he's habit of texting and not actually getting on the lower and calling or having any conversation you call the call the kid and he's like,
Oh, what is this technology?
I'm actually I'm over the phone thing too. I'm just like, I am over social media, which I've retired from anyway,
it's that it has to be taken out of your vocabulary. Because it someone who's retired, Shyamalan retired from cricket isn't just that out there. Oh, play another test match today. I can still say I'm retired doesn't work like that bra. It's when you retired from social media. What does that work?
Well, I didn't die from social media. I'm still like, I'm just like, I exited. But sometimes I check it,
but you can't he can be. It's like virtue signaling down off social media.
No, but maybe it's that you can retire from AFL. But could you still play in sort of the juniors? Yeah,
you still play 40
so you're not retired? You're not retired? Fair enough. No, but the fine thing,
okay. No, no, no, it's not the same because you're coming back into social media. You're, you're you're playing so you like the AFL player that's retired from the game. But if he's just at the MC j, and there's a bit of footy happening, and I've one person Dan, you've just come on for a quick kick. You're not retired.
So is what about actually he's a good analogy. Okay. We're finding a new word or no, we're sticking with retirement. But or your saying is because shame on retired from cricket. Yeah. Shame on not allowed to go and watch the cricket anymore. Now. That's fine. So I watched your cricket all the time as in
your post, okay. It's not the same. He's still yours. The shame on that goes and runs on the field and balls a quick spin ball. Okay. All right. You're not retired. I just know and
understand anyone outside of Australia knows who the fuck you
for. I mean, Shane Warne was going out with Liz Hurley. And she's quite you know, she's quite a superstar
in Austin Powers I believe.
Yep. She was
this whole thing about Mr. Naughty say, I thought it was unique tease generation like, you know, young kids don't want to just have anything other than some inbox like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp? society, the furthest thing from a real community about FaceTime.
Do you got would you be more likely to do a video? Well, you can't FaceTime you don't even Yeah, probably. Would you be more likely to do a Skype right now? Skype Slack, Skype is to corporate, isn't it? Yeah.
How would you get the technology? So how would you actually sorry, Russ.
Skype for Business is a great, it's not like Skype is not for you. But for small businesses. Just not sure about that business. Small Business. Yeah, absolutely. You can get a phone number you can make internet call,
right? We're not we don't use Skype here.
Actually do remember I told you today. Did you not hear how I answered the phone? Was that a Skype call big media company. This is the first time they gave me tingles. I have my I have my phone. Like we we have a Skype number just so we've got a number but like, I never have Skype on Yeah. But I think the combination of having Skype on and I was on my phone. And so I got the Skype call.
opened up. Okay. So that's why I said I want to organize to do a pitch for this video idea that I had I told you about it. I just go and so I, I really wanted to sort of have the visual component to be able to sell in the ID or and get across what I'm saying. I said to him, let's have a Scott chat. And we'll run you through my idea.
This is right. I had to do all the setting up. We got the cameras so we could film the show. No,
that was another one. Okay, this was one where I was I was relying on the video. Okay. He just called me on Skype. Yeah. So what is the point? Why are you doing that? Yeah. Like, I think it makes more sense now to maybe do that, because people do use this kind of shit for calls. But this is probably three years ago is like, no one has the Skype app unless you using the component of it. Why are you doing this? anyway? Should we get to why I'm sort of getting it, Mr. 97.
I get at it. Because we've gone way off,
or part of me was I was gonna say what happens if we say no? Did you wonder that nice seven because he sort of
was like, did you have anything more to put to what you're saying? Are you done? I my dad is a lot of the time Mr. 97 and I thinking you done you know, I'm thinking I'm done it done anyway, I was having a dig at him for not using the phone. Not making phone calls and speaking to people. He's not alone. Because we got a message from Chelsea who is Mr. Peter shepherd. periscope paid. It's his girlfriend. Yeah. This this blew me away. never received an email from her. I think
now this is our first email from Chelsea
yet opens up strong. Hi, legends. Thank you Chelsea. Peter ship. You're a little friend here.
Thought I'd throw a random facts into the mix in regards to phone calls. So this is fresh off the bat. Well, the thing is
human Periscope. very businesslike, very professional. Totally.
So you He's coming. I love hearing his voice. Yeah, I like speaking to him. I'd love phone calls with him.
I could imagine him eventually. He seems like the kind of guy who could have an earpiece doing coaching calls thing. I'd be killing it. He's got the presence of as you've seen in previous videos, but almost a little bit like Tony Robbins in size. Yeah, big man. And so anyway, so I would have thought that he would have been all about that.
You know, you're absolutely wrong. And I was wrong. The human Periscope and I've been together for three years, hands down, have never called each other or had a conversation on the phone ever. Unbelievable scenes. Lovely podcasts. You guys are awesome. Thanks, Charles. That is that's mind blowing. And I haven't seen paid. You've seen paid. Yeah. Since these emails come through.
Go follow him on Instagram, because he posted just moments ago, a beautiful photo of him on the phone. It's a photo of him. And he's looking at and there's a hot air balloon. Yeah. I like scenes.
It was more. I took the photo. And so it's a it was a really nice saying actually, but I did ask him about it. Yeah. First of all, he felt betrayed by
So I actually didn't bring it up straightaway. Because I was like, you've spoken to obviously, then we can talk about it. Because you would have said, I haven't heard what you're about. I
mean, I'm loosely lips Janssen. Sure, but then I can blame you because you haven't told me know, Pete said don't talk about. So obviously he hasn't said that. Have you ever been responsible? We've got a friend who was responsible for divorce. Have you ever
been responsible for someone else? Sleep not not someone breaking up. I told my brother what we were doing on his back party.
He didn't know. It was like a surprise.
But that's got nothing to know. It was a specific the fire knife. It was a final third intense. Yeah. Have you have you? Have you broken up a couple?
No, definitely. Oh, you're fine. I was. Have you
ruined a surprise. Yeah,
Say how it's a bit different. Yeah, a little bit different. But so I was bringing up with Pete because I straight away when I got the email. We got the email from Charles. I think it was on Monday. Yeah. And it took us. Well, it's Thursday. Now. Yeah, it's taken us a few days to get towards the guests. But also because I was thinking about all the content opportunities.
having their first phone call. Yeah. I mean, there's lots lots come lot does come to mind.
But it did feel putting your sensibilities on Yeah, it's a little bit pantomime a little bit right. Do
a little I would have been. Gotcha. I actually just think more of what Pete thinks about it. And what Chelsea thinks about it. Chelsea has the sensibility. Or the decency, the sensitize to the reality of it's a bit weird. So she's like, yeah, it's a bit weird guys. Unbelievable, saying, Yeah, so I appreciate that. I just don't know Pete's opinion. Yeah.
What's the support? Yeah, maybe it's a bit dark piece? I don't know. I don't know. No, it's not dark on it. But I think that it's like, it's literally from my understanding of speaking to Pete about it. He was like, Oh, yeah, we
I had said early on that I'm not really a fun Cole's person. Yeah. And shell sort of said, Yeah, either, am I and so it's almost become a bit of
a game.
It's interesting. We should I mean, that makes it even more fun for us to see if we can somehow get them on the
feels like we could do it for a special occasion. Yeah,
Episode 400. I'd love Peter to be here
on the show, you know, it's a funny idea what?
We just had this idea now. be funny. Now, he hasn't heard Chelsea's voice over the phone. Everybody obvious. The obvious thing to do is to have Chelsea on it. What about if we call brave,
brave, distinguishable voice though, I think. I mean, we need to hear Chelsea's voice and then find something just to make we have to
do it. Now. We can't do it. So we can't do it.
Oh, you're saying rose as highlight right now. Let's do this right now.
Okay, so how do we do this?
logistically pretty funny. I think that what we could do is, if I call you a call,
or actually Amy's not working this week, so is Amy a better?
She might be? What time is it?
Just brain never answers my calls anymore. I mean, you can just call me if you want. All right, let's do this. Okay.
So Amy has to pretend she's TLC.
Okay, use Don't worry about I think nice, because what we'll do is don't worry about the TV looking for the TRS cable. I don't know where that is. But what I'll do is we'll just we'll put them through a three way. Yeah,
so I'll just call this gonna come off your number. You know, put your number in private.
No, that's fine. I'm gonna call me a bit then because Pete, we want him to be like our Josh is calling and then he'll think
he's bad. That's horrible. He's gonna totally know. It's a stitcher know. The thing is the Stitcher app is he thinks it's Chelsea on the phone. But he will say Josh Janssen calling so why will he think
I thought the funny bit was?
No, no, he has to think it's coming from a private number. That's Yeah, that can only be weird. I would. I wouldn't. Wise, private number. Wise Chelsea calling from Josh Janssen is fine. I
know. That's the whole funny thing, because hey,
Pete. Guess what? Cuz he knows we're setting him up
with that.
I got Chelsea sound. Okay. I'm sorry. Sorry. Catching up, boys. No, I get it. So you're actually gonna be on the call. I thought it was going to be this is dropping eavesdropping on a conversation. I got
great. Cool, cool. My wife. Do you think that that is it funny still,
it's still funny. Yeah,
I'm sort of got a little bit of anxiety about it. Yeah, I I would be SAS personally, if I was getting it. Well, he's he's gonna be SAS. That's the whole thing. But with fucking with him yet. Perfect. Alright, so I'm just going to call me.
Me. And we'll see.
All right. Hello.
It's it's that Josh and Tommy. Yeah.
Hi. Good. Boy. Yeah,
good, good. We just haven't, we're working. And we need some help with the work that we're doing. We, we need you to pretend
for us. You're Live on the Air. By the way, if you didn't
catch up on it, we need you to pretend that you were a woman named Chelsea and Chelsea is actually paid a shepherd's girlfriend. And the thing is, Chelsea's never spoken to Peter on the phone was that banner is just outside. They've never actually had a conversation. They've been together for three years, but they've never spoken on the phone. So we're going to call and Josh is going to say hey,
so what I'll do is I'll just say hey, pay. Its Josh actually give me two seconds. And then I'll say that then I'll connect you up to the call.
I don't know how I'm gonna pull this off. Because I don't know how she caught
it. Yeah,
exactly. So yeah,
so I can now Well, I think given the fact that Chelsea cold us legends. I think that you can say I me. Hi, legend.
To page. If you're like me saying to Amy. Hi. Might she'd be open to me? She's like, what's wrong with you? But they've never had. Yeah, cuz I'm revenue up darling.
So just so we can. Yeah,
let's just do it.
Okay, what are you gonna say me? I'm gonna go. I feel like guys decide one. I
just got high. I think if given the chills hasn't spoken to Pete ever on the phone. Yeah.
hello. Yeah, yeah. This is weird. This is a bit. Something like that. Just buy into the weirdness of it.
Guess who? I have that?
Guess who paid? Yeah, love it. Yeah.
All right. God, not even gonna say paid
Mason, Mason. Mason, his actually. He's giving me anxiety with her. Nervous, exciting. I feel excited. The real question is if I got piece number, yeah, yeah.
This could have been one of those moments.
So to stand stand the line. I mean, so what happens if it goes to voicemail? My eyes I'm nervous.
We have to just postpone, postpone,
just completely get
that pull out. Pull the jacks. Okay.
All right. Stand by me. All right. Hang on.
Yes. So I'll let you do the talking. You said
it could be on a couch.
Or you preach the word smile.
Your name and I'll get back to you as soon as I can get
appendix. I just hung up. I mean, he did. Yeah, he just he didn't answer.
Thank goodness, because I was really stressing out about whether I say that I'm going to work right or a uni break.
Too many details. So yeah,
we just we have to wait for another day. Think about some
beauty. That could have been so much beauty in that. Thanks. But nice to talk to you, darling. All right, love you. Just a quick one. Oh, yeah, I must do you think that's actually we haven't chatted? I haven't spoken like what do you think? Yeah.
Actually, how long have I been together? Only three years?
It would be weird for us I don't know the dynamics of the relationship. I'm very diplomatic answer I mean, you guys for the first couple of years were long distance I think would be extra. It sounds like a cat fish story that point long distance never spoken on the phone. never actually met. Yeah, but I think if they're spending so much time together. Yeah. Yeah.
I mean, there they are texting. I'm sure Chelsea
for them if they've been together for free. Exactly. And I'm sure Chelsea is wrapped by the idea that she brought it to the show and let us sort of deconstruct it for at least in touch. I'm awesome.
Mason, do you agree? Is it sort of? Yeah,
Good. Good cringe
now Yeah, I felt the excitement I felt like I was about to rob some somewhere.
felt like I was about to commit some kind of crime. Bit of adrenaline pumping in even every community college never.
Anyway, if that's the same with you, like you're right there are differing relationships and stay like standards but just you know,
paint me without me calling paid. I feel like he's on
a stranger call
absolutely sprint but he also doesn't aunts uncles. So he's probably like, yeah, anyway.
News on and don't think I've mentioned this in a while at all key pass at tix to their? What about it Expo? If I mentioned this at all, or no, just one of this For what?
For what reason?
What is people? So we got a whiteboard, and I was very upset that you got some brand of Whiteboard markers that weren't working that well. And I'm just a big believer in working that well, they're all working perfectly fine. But what I really love about the expo loader dry rice is it's chisel. But something that's interesting about it is when I first got it, I was like Oh man, this isn't what I remembered. It was because I was SRC president, student representative Council. I did a lot of whiteboarding sort of stuff. And it was my favorite whiteboard marker. When I first got it. I was so disappointed. I said, fuck you, Expo. I was quite aggressive about it. 97 thought it was quite funny because I evangelize them. But over the last, what would you say? Wake? It is turned into an amazing, amazing whiteboard.
You've broken it in. And to be fair 50% of the packet, those two and one of them was non usable. It was Fiverr work.
Like that's a Woolies issue. So I got him from
it's an expo issue. Worse these ones I got the other one was this was this was an outrageous, last minute person. I was just literally walking along after you didn't allow me to.
It's probably the most uncool thing that we're talking about.
Are we allowed to talk about the new
office? Well, there's some exciting things happening. It's super, super exciting. I think it was it?
Yes. Yeah.
Well, I guess it is. I mean, how many times have you started speaking about something? And then just Charlie? Yeah, it's happening and then just didn't happen? Is that happened to you a few times?
Not on a grand scale. Yeah. I try to wait until things are secured. But definitely I'm sure there's people who like say I've got the job or whatever I'm calling the references.
I mean, there's a there's a piece in people who are like waiting for contract signing and then the whole shtick becomes about I've got this thing sort of in the works, and then nothing's that cross the line. It's amazing. Like there was one person I know why I mentioned them there was going show hard on this opportunity that I had taken. It never happened. And it's like, I've got to face it and respond to the people that are constantly saying because I bashed your ear about it. What has that thing going man?
Well there was actually I was listening to Colin and semi they talked about it common talked about it where he went to their fellow podcasters in the States. Yeah. And column was talking about he went to a family event. And he had about five different people come up to him with five different things about like I how's the did you end up going skiing in that thing and doing that thing and doing that news? Like, fuck, I didn't do any of it.
Well, there's three dots. So the ideas and the vision could be the dots and not all of them are making it to the board. Yeah. And so there is a risk in that but i don't think i think we're pretty bloody close. Yeah,
we we have put in our offer we signed we signed the lease. Yeah,
but this is the thing nowadays. It's like I'm always like this process seems like what's happening here is like this it
It seemed way too easy. Didn't it?
just seemed like the steps I thought they'd be more steps for some reason in obtaining a property. That's three stories high. And your own building. We're in a skyscraper
Arden's guys yeah, but anyway, we pretty much have a new high HQ and you have any HQ I know you said the other day blowing your load you literally just blow your load all over the strength. Well, you just announced the whole thing.
Which is cool. Yeah, we've got a it's three star what would you say three or two thanks nice seven potential is writing it in two or three
I say three. It's got a garage that will drive into downstairs that we can make a character the workspaces walk upstairs complete floor for our talk show. The Daily talk show studio space dedicated to it. Switch lights on ready to go live streaming I'm fucking pumped.
I love what it people hang on to. What is it? The lights problem? They're on? Yeah,
Lights Camera action. Like that.
That's like the you sold it in your head? Yeah, yeah, we got lights here.
I know. We got lights. But yeah, I guess. Erin, do you know what it does? What does
what this current space doesn't have? Yeah, the other one does? What is it? A demon? Do you remember when you were younger? I was it's a similar realm to wanting a waterbed. Having a dimmer on your life. I remember going to people's houses being like this is magic.
Pretty easy to put a dimmer on.
I remember someone telling me that were like oh, you know I'm like fuck. What sort of light stina accent and like oh, it's got nothing to dude like you just controlling the current
the new office has a demo. Yeah. My I'm used to now lying in bed. I've got a controller. So what they did was ceiling where the light was most old rooms just had one light that came down the whole room. So they must have used the power you know the the electricity ran into that center point to install down a fan. ceiling fan. And in the ceiling fan is a lot and I'm going to control that I have next to my bed that I just hit the lot. Hit a lot on hit a lot off. Did your landlord
come over? Yes. I I know
that the right date wrong. is meant to come over.
You clean the whole house and you didn't even come over.
We cleaned it spotless. But now we've got a clean house.
Okay. Did you actually realize like, oh, did you have to contact him? Yeah. Hey, coming over.
me. I haven't fact
I've picked up Bodie, I'd clean with me are going to get up get get the kid and I'm on the way home. she messaged me says it's next quick. And she just got the month from her eyes. Next. Next week's new month. Yeah, it's it's gonna happen. But the new office? Um, yeah. top floor. We gotta go through the floors. I like saying it's three floors. I think I think it's safest. I think three, three floors is hyperbolic and slightly. Yeah. It's, if you say two floors, then people can say off fact that's actually three. You can't go the other way. I just I'm worried that you're going to say three floors. People aren't going to count the garage. They're going to go to the second floor. And now we're doing the tour and they say, How many
have you go upstairs? We've got a floor. It's called ground floor. Well, this is actually buildings don't count ground floor as
was a contentious issue in regards to in the US. I believe they one is ground ground. Okay. I believe that's confused by the daily talk. show.com. If that's if you know anything about
getting in the elevator looking for the ground? Yeah.
Even if you don't first floor
there that see then if I'm doing that we've only got a two to flow joint.
So outside of the live outside of the lights. What do you what else you excited?
I'm excited about our own headquarters. I mean, we're in a space where there's businesses around and we've got it's been amazing, but this is just
it's a leveling up. Yeah,
it's essentially something that we're putting all our chips on us and going hard.
What are you excited about? 97 the shower? Yeah, yeah,
all right. Mr.
Settle down. He mentioned the shower, because so
many one that 3d deals made
on the board. Actually. It's not made for the water.
We could actually 3d deal could make a squeegee holder for that. Yeah. In the show. Yeah. What is it about the shower that excites? Yeah, there's something
appealing about riding riding the bike into work? Yeah, that the
ground floor? Yeah,
exactly. Yeah. Aren't dedicated box space. And yeah, have a shower at work. And then Yeah,
fuck, it's gonna be real disappointing. Yeah. What could you imagine if we didn't get that
moment of us talking and promoting that we're doing something we don't get
whether the issue was we thought let's not talk about it until it's all secured.
I'm pretty optimistic in most things I do. And like I remember talking about potentially I got shortlisted down for this role. haven't done it like this since but I got shortlist down to Raven shepherd. And when I was in the running to get the radio gig and Chevron, that's a huge move. My life was being uprooted and planted in a new spot. Yeah, everything new industry. And I got pretty close. I did a radio demo. And then I was waiting around to hear more until you tell me what do you think the hint is good.
Things are happening. But you could just say good things are happening. And then you just fucking scramble to find something big. Yeah.
But the worst case scenario you leave the city with nothing. You like, big thing. That was the big thing. It was hard because I had a business you'll be like are saying to our clients that we're about to lose move to a completely different industry. We can't ever speak they can't ever do. We're not doing business with it. Because we don't offer that anymore. That wouldn't that's what it would be like. Okay, so. So as a PT with clients? Yeah, yeah, sure. I'm thinking to myself, I'm not gonna be here. Two weeks, three months away. That was so that was a huge thing. But I did tell people
what about it? So we sub lace? Yeah. At the moment, and conspiracy Jimmy, the rat? Can you believe it? Like, knock? Absolutely not. Because Tommy's always criticized me of being loose lips. For instance, I'm
pretty sure you called yourself loose lips Janssen recently, I think you probably from me calling. Yeah, I think it was me being funny. It's one of the traits that I am least impressed within you. But don't you like the honesty in it? There's a level of honesty and you're not being malicious at all in what you do. So I'd tell you something as I imagined, please, please, yeah. becomes a joke that you've gone topical. So yesterday, we rock in. And he knew he'd done it. We hadn't signed, we hadn't signed the lease were close to now at this moment. And we were at the point that this happened. And so we hadn't signed anything. And then yeah, what happened from that a front foot? Because I think he knew that it wasn't
conspiracy. Jimmy has the office across from us. Yeah.
And then they needed to expand. So he wants more space. And he told our landlord before we had told him that we're going to move
if that's you can't do that.
I was like, Oh, no, just because it would it sets up the conversation to be which was completely fine. I went and said, I said loose lips, loose lips sink ships, and he just laughed.
But it could have been risky move,
of course, because I think there's like you don't want to then be kicked out. It's like, Oh, these guys are moving. So now we're going to get tenants now you feel this joint. So Rakoff.
So the thing that I'm most excited about is the studio will have
lights will have lights
true, but it will also have microphones yet but many microphones. Jules yesterday criticized this desk. Yeah, in regards to the interviewing or conversation. So the conversational experience that you have a daily talk show that will be changed. Yeah,
everything's gonna change lives more not everything is hyperbolic. Except out hyperbolic. We say so much. Can you actually look up the word hyperbolic? Just hype? Well, I just feel like I use hyperbolic a lot in sort of varying ways. But being you being a bit
exaggerated, right? Yeah. But is in this a lot changing will still be here. But it's like, the diet if you we came from doing an audio show into a video show. There was some growing pains there and tell them about the live
stream? Yeah, we're doing we're going to start live streaming as well. Probably. I reckon, if we're moving that women to get the keys on the 25th of April, yes. If it all goes to plan, and then we're going to be doing a fit out. Well, slowly, where we sort of build a couple of fake or false walls fake walls. Yeah. False False. False. False. False was fake walls. Sounds like it's all the walls. You can't trap.
stuff. Yeah,
deliberately exaggerated. Yeah,
that's exactly what
the thing is. 97 looked at an eyeballed me when he said it like he didn't even look it up. But you did.
I did. But I didn't know what you want to do. Get it look.
so confident. That's what we do. Yeah. Yeah. So
the the live, the live streaming stuff will eventually happen. We're at what Episode 313 right now. So by three at 390 will slowly send us an email high fidelity talk show.com if you like watching things as live streams, and because we'll do a bit of a beta test, so we'll start at least times work. Yeah, that would be good what times work but I'm think we even getting a win for me.
When I morning I like first thing. But then we go I've got kids, and I've got kids, I've got kid. But
the other the other factor, but then we can actually get them to view because I reckon we'll probably do about 20 live streams, before we actually put it out put it as a general thing. Yeah,
that's good. I'm excited about a balcony. The BBQ on there. Yeah. And nice life,
bright environments across from a great Thai place.
Well, you've said it the best Thai place in Melbourne. So if it doesn't hold up to that, super disappointed.
Do you have any? This is a very ad mini episode. Any admin from you 97. dieting? What's the update on the date?
In Progress?
healthy health? Yeah.
Did we get it to begin an update? The last thing you did was you went for? We talked about the walk and cooking the food and stuff. Okay,
so I'm having deja vu from the food? Yeah.
Okay, great. But now, can we how can we get an official like, at some point, an official update from you? Can we put a date on that?
Well, if there's no update in two weeks, I think it's fair to say what what sort of things were you expecting in an official update? It just has to be an like, think about it. What I was thinking about you dieting and, and my sort of annoyance to you, I can see it being an annoyance to you. But it's my sort of advice to you is like, Yeah, get on the phone actually speak like what I've articulate. I think about this outside of the show, by the way,
you're getting for it. Yeah, you're getting very good at sort of synthesizing it to a point where it could be Tommy's diving book. Yeah.
Well, I think a lot I care about him a lot. So
if you you need to actually act on what you are feeling like what you were thinking if you want to can communicate with him. And you're feeling nervous about it. But the want is to actually communicate do that,
but I think he is. Aren't you doing that at the moment? Yeah. When are you knowing what you want to do? Are you holding back? Yeah,
so take it away from the moon point, take away some of the text message or whatever you don't get on the phone. The dates did. I'm like actually hanging out spending the time to Yeah, making it more than just the texts. I've dated 50 years on text. Yeah, if that's what you if that's what you're doing. It's like, at once
that's a lot of
pitches over my life. Like I remember, this is a trap you fall into on a text message. Like there's a bit of a but it's like doesn't mean
for people who don't have any visual
You know, it's like you're feeling it's heightened. Like there's this sort of like, and it's great experience it, but it doesn't mean anything because just on the phone is human. It's not the actual the old elements of communication, saying smelling touching.
Really. Oh, we had Craig hopper on he spoke about his love language 97 What's your love language? Do you know the different ones? Now Really? Can you bring it up? I can.
I like one of the one of them is like I mean, Craig brought up words of affirmation, words of affirmation, and that is like,
quality time physical Tachyon is acts of service. And words of affirmation. Yeah, probably words of affirmation and maybe physical touch. Okay. Yeah. That's good. I love affection. So I definitely be it can be a few in a few kids. Yeah, and I like physical touch
words of affirmation definitely.
I think I'm
your words words of affirmation.
You need to be told that you would do and quality time
yeah quality time someone if we can be fucking all of them.
I'm definitely not acts of service and my acts of
service so so yeah,
so someone is it that I like doing things for other people? Yeah. And it's very specific to like fucking setting up your router and building your website. Negotiate Yeah, the acts of service definitely not when it comes to like moving someone's play. was a handyman handyman. Absolutely. Yeah.
And this Friday deal with stuff moving along nicely as well. Yeah,
guys, there's lots of excited about this is a story moving
got live
yet. Anyway. There we go. Today's talk show will be back with fat Friday's tomorrow, guys. I think Derek is joining it screw to Derek. He's up the road on AZ straight where we are now. And I feel like we need to have as much hashtag quality time and words of affirmation with him. Before we movie
lover. Goodbye, my friend.
Anyway, say tomorrow. Bye