#435 – 3D-Dyl’s Last Show/
- August 25, 2019
It’s 3D-Dyl’s last show before he heads back to Canada, and we’ve set him a challenge! We chat about 3D-Dyl’s mountain biking experience, and what he’s learnt while he’s been in Melbourne.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show we discuss:
– 3D-Dyl’s final episode
– Competitive eating
– 3D-Dyl’s mountain biking experience
– Why we’ve loved having 3D-Dyl here
– What 3D-Dyl has learnt
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A conversation sometimes worth recording with mates Tommy Jackett & Josh Janssen. Each weekday, Tommy & Josh chat about life, creativity, business and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and friends of the show! This is The Daily Talk Show.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 435.
And it's Jill's final show. Yeah, Australia. It is indeed. Nice. You arrived here on episode 300 and 343 40.
Yeah, and it's full something. We had so much energy then we had so much time we created a whole video highlights.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's intense. Yeah,
I was. Just run down. I'm getting called have babies the crumbling bad deal. You are leaving us tomorrow?
Yeah. I was actually just a piece with
JC so what he gave me shit for piecing before as well. Yeah. Anyway, how are you? Man? How's the last? How many hours left?
Um, as of now, like 36 maybe? Okay.
Okay. You said yes. And no. I mean, you've been living at large and when a large potentially you blown out
200 $250 at a mini bar large. Ya know, like, I'm, I'm happy to go home because I get to share all these experiences. And I have so many storeys now to tell my friends and family. But then it's like, I'm going back to my original family. But I'm leaving this family.
Yeah. Now that is true. It's what's always interesting about coming home is that everyone's just been living their life. Yeah, not much has changed for most of it feels like you can get that Groundhog Day feeling when you're just in routine. And I know I've come back with this kind of like bright eyed bushy tailed and people just like, Oh, yeah,
yeah, so
I'll get these going. But what we've got right now Josh didn't go off for a pee. He's got a cake. And this is a classic sponge cake from Woollies. Oh,
that's so cute.
Yeah, I mean, it's. It's not even your birthday. No, we don't give a shit.
That's my birthday soon.
Are these Yeah, he doesn't he birthday.
birthdays Wednesday. Oh, so
this is a happy birthday. to you. Happy birthday to you.
birthday to you. The sparkle is going
thrill and 10. So yesterday,
was it yesterday or a few few days ago? You're saying how one of your brand values is eating a lot of food?
Well, I think you'd become that. Like you are that guy and then people identify you as that guy. So you are that guy? Yes. You've been at much.
Yeah, once you have $1,000 month. That's fine. That's fine.
I'm more worried about the jumper.
So we thought giving you are such a top dog when it comes to food. Yeah, true. How do you feel about eating both of these cakes
before the end of the show? If you can get me two glasses of two and a half glasses of water.
Have and Have two and a half glasses of water.
I have a cotton, cinnamon or not milk.
Have you heard about this? This is a brand new.
You're invited. What does it sound the side
it says where he goes. You're invited to a donut themed drinks party celebrating this sweet union of oak and more words, hungry thirsty, isn't invited and will be bounced off the guest list using delicious light and fluffy Donati. knuckle dusters and thrown into a battery like a beautiful baked goods to drown. Did you forget you cannot swim hungry? thirsty? RSVP. What? Can't do
that? Sorry. Can you open it? I want to have a sniff and then I want to stop by drinking that. So if you just drink that is your water. And then 9799 from fourth place?
Yeah, I'm not gonna use my hands.
Yeah, that's fine. So just get what does it smell like?
Smell it? It smells like cinnamon donut smell. Yeah, it's weird. Oh,
yeah, it's so naughty.
I have a little bit you shouldn't really share dairy products. In fact, yeah, you okay with that? Yeah.
Yeah, I've done worse. What does that mean? I've shared worse than milk. Yeah.
Yeah. How's that? But what do you want us we're gonna leave so yeah, just scale that down.
And the entire thing Yes, I gotta save it it's I do what you want
it what you on stage I'm going to take out these spotless back was
a really hard to lot any Josh your mouth tastes good.
Now that's the tie knots. So Oh, wow, that pink icing on that ice. Amazing. Okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna take the jumpers off because I
don't want to get really this is not full on. It's gay. Yeah, I think that they could be potentially we should have connected you with Hulk smash food because I feel like there could be a career in this for you.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, there could be you never know.
I guess it depends on if you want to be competitive, either or not. The thought of entering a competition. I
thought about it. Like in the last two years of school. I'm like, Oh, I I wonder if I just started to train for it. If it could be viable, but I never pursued it. Seriously. I mean,
I stopped at the gag reflex thing. I'll smash food says you lose it. You don't you have to get rid of it. Yeah, yeah. It's try trying to add
Yeah, I mean, the thing is your would you consider yourself a minimalist? II Yeah. I don't
know how competitive eating and minimalism goes together. You know, to me, it feels sort of like if, if if Manti ovelar all of a sudden started doing competitive eating videos on the I'd watch the most pirated out. There would be amazing Which one do you want to start with? I reckon start with the strawberry one with the crane. Based on that one was refrigerated. And also it doesn't have What are you laughing at? Nice.
He's just pumped. Yeah.
I'm pumped to break was like now you've got them. Now you're not bullying him into doing it? I might. Look I'll just ask him. And three day deal. If
If I had had a little bit of warning, I wouldn't have had a big bowl of oatmeal about 15 minutes.
bowl of oatmeal and an apple
and that was opposed to doughnuts this morning.
Don't Don't. Don't tell my stomach.
Okay, here we go. So, what's your technique going to be?
Can I get this on a proper plate?
I get to use it. Technique me which we don't really have
more for the stability of it. Oh, yeah. I don't want to drop it on my pants. Or the floor.
Yeah, have you been?
I mean, you've already left the mark over there. How slow whole floor on the floor has
been really slamming. I just you have to walk quite softly on here. Like it's like a cubby house in here. Beautiful. So here we go. So start with the pink one. Yeah. The funny thing is when I was growing up as good as a kid going to junior 40 and watching my brother play a sponge cake was something that I always have. JOHN when around John's best mates. Parents or dad owns the factory and the business that create these cakes that going to work with in cold. I think it is. So if I get diabetes, will you play for him? I met you
I was nervous yesterday you went to
went cycling. bike riding
Yeah, Campbell. fucking amazing time. Great guy.
And you did you have a bike? Have you ever run to ride that day?
So we went we went to a bike shop in his I can't remember the name of a suburb? Was EQ No, I close to that though? But I just
realised you read on the MLQ so
but uh, no, the the bike store lent us an E bike mountain bike for the afternoon.
And it's a bike mountain bikes It feels like I saw a hill
Yeah, that's the only way I was able to go up the hill that fast was because it wasn't a bike
other band them in some some state forests based on joining it like a sandwich you the train fucking up the tracks that's like a motorbike. Here we go first, but I really want a piece that I really wanted to finish it maybe I get
angry is getting angry. I was thinking before, before we go to the 40 because after this we're going to the Richmond, Brisbane Brisbane games at Richmond prison.
Lions Tigers going into a coma
Do you think like it? Yeah, it's gonna be it's gonna be like the aeroplane all over again.
We're going to walk into the jail. It'll be a 20 minute straw. We have to you're good. Get your appetite back and then we'll get into some meat pie. Who's just become the face of foreign 20 pi NBA player. Patty Mills nine and I'll say God me. I was he does look it up. But we'll be consuming a few for 20 pies.
I'm gonna I'm gonna cross the things happening in Melbourne. Deal knows more about shit that's happening in Melbourne. He had a foreign 25 last night.
What for dinner or snack
Anyway, the but that basketball stuff. So does anyone know what the deal is with this? But
the boomers versus Australia wasn't it? So Mrs. Australia, sorry, the boomers versus the USA. So the Australian basketball team and the US basketball team that's made up of NBA players and sheet so there's all these NBA superstars in Melbourne. Is it a friendly? So like, I don't know what it's for? I just saw Amy, do you know what it's for? Because you were given tickets? Or you said Do you want a ticket to go? I mean, she's not grabbing the mic, so she's not gonna say anything. She's got nothing to
say. So anybody seven jumping to the mic? Yeah. Would you know what the deal is on?
Okay. She can actually build a child in their belly. They can add to that, so I'm disappointed. It's been sitting. Well, by the way, Ben Simmons is the face of foreign 20 face of foreign 20. And can you look up if Ben Simmons has any any connection to the Adam goods documentary? The Australian dream, which I saw last night thanks to Carly Eddie. Yeah, how's that? Oh, it's fucking unbelievable. It's so
Yeah, I mean, it's about some serious shit the wind down and it's it's sad. It's empowering. It's all these it's all the emotions I think you'll love it. It's an amazing documentary. I'm probably should be played in every school should be made. It should be shown to every single school kid in Australia. What happened
next to the bottom of the milk carton on the chocolate cake. I can't let that
on the table throws the tree like leaking.
is Ben Simmons have anything to do with the film? I think he seeks it QDF Producer says draw some cash into it. Yeah, back here. What a legend. He indigenous Ben Simmons. Think so.
Anyway, the the cycling So you saw Jesus
through half of the cake.
Yeah, it's one has a bit you gotta go to the dough talk show.com and watch the video. But the cycling the one thing that we said because you've already you've been to emergency once since you've been in Melbourne. This could be
a second time yesterday.
Yeah, that's what this is. The thing was Tommy was that you were saying? before he went you like be fucking careful and all that sort of thing.
I'm not your father. Yeah, but I basically since being here. No big as you walked out the door. I said, Dude, you're only here for a couple more days. Please just be careful, please. And I know you'd appreciate that Mama. Yeah, Oroville but it's but So were you were you safe. I was
safe and even Campbell Campbell said that too is like we went on easier trails
his words were bitch
Have you got your phone with you? Yeah, cuz I left mine over there. I want you to I want to read what you said to me. via text message.
Yeah, this is good. This is good.
XJUR scroll. So Geez. You've got the tech small is that the standard? Have you made that smaller?
No, I made a small because I've got good eyes. I don't know. Yes.
And I know this thing does doesn't if it goes down so hang on. This is a good point. So my vision whatever it is I don't know the the rating 2020 might be a little bit less. Obviously yours without glasses Josh is that can freeze but but yours at 2020 does mean putting glasses on get a backup. Is it like?
Yes, I fucking hope so. What's the point otherwise?
That is? Well, he just said your bed I said but now he's got better eyesight
than you? I've actually got lucky. Yeah,
but you need help.
Yeah, go like this. Yeah, but can't even do it. Yeah,
they glued
on early on here. holding his nose. I feel like when
I was a kid Geez, I haven't had someone try and grab my glasses off it for about 2020 don't fucking touch. Feel like don't touch it. If I can touch my glasses was a big line in school. One. Yeah.
Pretty personal to grab someone's face.
Yes. I used to take my friends glasses all the time. Really?
Yeah. Anyway, what about the shit out of
the just having a look at the the text messages? Here we go. So deal with says, I asked him how was the bike riding? Yeah, I was actually just making sure that he was still alive. Yeah, he wrote back epic. No joke, literally almost died. And then he said, but recovered from the jump like a pro. Okay, and then I said glad you're alive. And he said, like full jumper over the handlebars on a rocky descent. He said thanks by me, too.
So did you actually come off over the handlebars? Oh,
yes. Okay, I'm glad I were going down. And camels like a really experienced mountain biker has been doing this for like eight years, I saw the
jump that you put on your Instagram. And for one moment thinking it was you know, it was a land he landed and as I
know, that was Campbell. He's good. So we're going down. And with Australian bikes, the breaking between left and right is a different storey. So when we when we were at the bike shop, we got it swapped around. But I still had it in my head. I'm like, Oh, this isn't Australia, like so I was like, I was confident but not 100% confidence so
your windscreen wipers on it?
And then I signalled left. And so we're going down and it's this. It's like a rock drop. So there's a bunch of rocks and pebbles and stuff. So I go down. And I'm I'm holding the back break so that I can control my pace as I'm going down. I gotta keep beating this by the way. Yeah, but I'm so I'm going down and then I the wheel kind of skids. And I panic a bit. So I grabbed the front brake, unintentionally thinking it's the back brake because I'm trying to figure out trying to remember did we change it? Did we not change it and pans we're just all confused. So on the bike just basically stops on top of this rock, and there's about a two foot drop down worth of stones. Yeah. And then it kind of slopes out onto a onto the next part of the trail. And I'm like,
I'm going down the hill. Bike stops I've had a lot of sugar in my mouth. Yeah, you're right.
Yeah, I'm breathing heavily now. Yeah, already.
Right now he doesn't need water. He's gonna always go
to Josh thank check your
hot right after thanks moms. I
can I just check your heart, right? Anyway, keep talking. So it goes down. So I'm going down and the bite, like grabbed the brakes, the bike literally just stops and I can feel myself just going like right up and and then I can see these rocks. There's literally a rock that's pointed up like that shot one, a sharp one. And I'm thinking if I keep going over, that's gonna smash me right in the sternum. And I'm going to like break my chest and there's not gonna be
no knowing. So
I don't know what I did. But I think using my hands I like pushed my entire body up and over so that my feet were going to land first and then didn't have enough stability to land just on my feet because I was worried about the bike coming back and whacking me in the back of the head.
So we did backflips
and this is why GoPros are great because explaining these storeys so fucking
jumped over the handlebars when you've ended up over the rock. So what
is the explaining a half a second incident in 15 minutes?
Yeah, I'm trying not to land on the rock with my feet either. But I want to break my ankle. So I just rolled and ended up rolling just into the turret and I just got a little scratch on my chin. Chin Sorry, just Shin
it would actually be an interesting tape at it'd be interesting to take action videos and try and right now. But last night I brain I had a wine and we finished the night with watching fail videos. And it just so happened that I ended up on one that was just all bikes failed. Like I failed. And it was just I was cuz drinking is new to me. And I know there's just something about like oh, this is what people do. Because it was like I had gone to bed and I'm just like laughing It's just
the rabbit holes that people go down just pissed Yeah, I've done it. drank like I have done a lot with music because then it stimulates you you like watching all these like rappers doing freestyles and just like this is the best fucking thing ever. Oh my god be makin I've done it. hype man. Just getting piece name even watching like shit I don't even that enjoy what I'm sorry about like, Metallica, like watching live Metallica concerts is one of my favourite things to do
not a Metallica guy.
And they were amazing. I respect I respect them as a group. But when you watch them in front of a million people in Russia, it's just like they did a concert in a hangar in Russia. Or like a at a fly is that what's funny? just appreciate we're actually just going to
kill and 97 eight very similar so not 97 Scott head cakes what
fed by somebody
else? Usually? No. No before when remember when deal was arriving and we're sorting out groceries. What happened? He said he said he goes I just like 90 so I've listened to 97
That's okay.
Nice is that he's got the sniffles? That's right. You like you're a big blower of your nose. Specifically, I mean, I didn't blow my nose that much. We know. It's similar. I mean, what does that head
of? You know? I didn't know that because you haven't seen
we travel? There's a bit of a weird bit I know it's one of those like you you're very confident with a nice boys blow even like, like at the dining table at a restaurant. You just like get it all out.
I'm not worried. I'm not that word. But I think it's I think I've always said like the people have and I don't know what yours is. But the the cold that you get most commonly know it's like some people get like sore throats all the time. Just like a recurring thing. It's the way their body shows a cold. Amy is a cough I've never met. I've never been with somebody that gets his. She hasn't even had that many but it's a thing. It's a it's a thing. The thing coughs and it's a thing when it comes to being sick. What's your thing?
I don't think I've got a thing like how I don't get I don't get sick much now. I think the only what would it be some people lose their voice? What is it for you? Yeah, that's
that was full
minds just a runny nose. Yeah, that's it. That's a classic thing.
No, I never get I don't get a favour. I barely ever get a cough. It's just runny
nose. All right, Mr. Perfect.
I'm trying to think when I'm surprised with your diet deal. You don't get sick more often.
is young. Yeah, a true. Yeah. out of it. So this is our one opportunity. Final opportunity to really reminisce of three day deals time here while hates 97. What What will you if you were to write these forward? which I've already done? It was in fact Yeah, what what some of the things that you would say what do you what are your fondest memories of three day deal?
I recommend. love it when do talks about like, like can all the differences between Australia and Canada? Like it's so interesting. I'll say something and it'll be like, oh, what does that mean? Oh, he says sounds like the so weird. Like all the inconsistency is between the different cultures. I think that's my favourite thing.
It's good. To have one example.
No, Dylan Dylan. That's pretty funny. Okay,
just, you know, I mean, like, it's so weird that they don't have deliver the medical you deal. No, no, it's not a deal. That I have the deal. Yeah, well, yeah.
That's DIW Oh,
yeah, double Elliot. Like bill takes photos.
Yeah. TJ What is this? What does it feel?
I mean, I feel like it was yesterday. We picked you up from the airport. It's gone so fast.
It's horrifying. Isn't it? was just crazy. How fast four months is gone?
Yeah. Oh, it's just been nice to have four of us working together. And seeing the possibilities of what it's like to work in a team of four on shit together. We've got a lot more done. Yeah. With deals being great handy, you know, would work helped me paint stuff. I think part of it is I have a real manner. This is another real man.
I think it's also like
working out what everyone's like what I've learned as well as like, finding everyone's like skill, like what they're really good at and doubling down on that playing to the strengths.
Yeah, of the individual. Definitely.
And because I think that you better move you got to finish that cake. So I think one
that you want to feel my chest right now. Yeah. Okay. Is it what made you feel that arrhythmia? That's because like,
Baba, Baba, Baba,
regular heartbeat, which I'm still good. I'm gonna finish this. There's no way in hell, I can finish that.
Are you kidding?
donuts and a mic off big boy. You are the most
currently currently
can be. You can do it. I'll have that
after the footy game. Now.
That's fine. We sent you a challenge and you haven't been you're currently in a headlock your Conor McGregor can babe nigga mode off? Yeah. And He's choking you out and you're better.
I mean, yeah, there's a bunch of bunch of bunch of challenges. We couldn't leave. It wasn't running around. Like we haven't sort of made you do the 200 kilometres in a month thing. We thought I actually I said to Tommy MI, what can we do that really deals going to be able to smash so we can celebrate him and he's not gonna have to tap out. You want to give the boy a leg up? So we
chose the
whole cake. I wonder how many calories? I got some water by the way. Now.
You don't know. It'd be fun. What's
the four grammes of sugar in the mean in the milk been per serving? And there's two servings in this cart?
how do you actually feel? What's the feeling?
Slightly heavy? Yeah.
Yeah, it's called that's the sugar. Yeah.
Which cake was that? Josh?
Raise it on the sings band or something?
Yeah, it's sponge Yeah.
Expand pink ice sprung from all words. With this is gonna be great. You'll be able to have some dietitian is probably jump now they've got they've actually got the calories by law is finished it all clap
and says we're worried about me. Yeah. Alright, so now that I'm
just like body what I do with bodies there's a little bit more I mean, that's a whole nother scope. There we go. Okay.
All right. Can you can at least do half
now. I want to pay sir. Not
just one while I will vomit all over the microphone. Yeah,
don't really. Yeah. That's how sick is this? This is one thing I was thinking make myself do you know when you see like, it's, this is a weird thing that's like, you know, when you are sick, or any type of sick or someone around you is really sick. Whenever you're okay. Just handing
deal some water. Thank you.
It's funny how when someone else is sick, it's like when on during the week when I had some technical cool issues. And I was like, really my head and it runs around being like, Oh, it's gonna be okay. Yeah. Well, you know, when you're in the moment you say no, everything's gonna be okay. You really can't feel what the other person is feeling
you get there. They won't help on it. So Tommy.
I felt the anxiety.
I know. But it's nowhere near like him right now. It's crazy. I think of the experience deals having right now. And we're so like casual because we're not experiencing it. I just don't want to push myself and actually make myself sick. Have you vomited yet? On this trip? Yes. Have you? What for all?
No, actually. No, no, I did. It was a really fucking small pathetic little vomit. But Mason, I read the gym with Andre. What was the name of that thing that we were doing? Lead Sled doing the sled push. And I never never done the solid push in my life. Right. And this may be been here a month at this point. So I have I haven't exercised in a month and a half school it finished. So
you really do exercise by being honest. Because it feels like at the start of the trip. It's your best self. You like a walking that day of our video. You just got like, if you're writing everything down, you're really organised. You got everything clean. Everybody's got a really decent had moderately decent biceps. Yeah, you've got all that stuff going on. But then, slowly and surely, like slowly over time, you just get comfortable. And then you can stop being like I'm gonna have a donut. I'm like, I
am that guy. You know, I know exactly. At like when I'm at school. I'm in the gym like five to six days a week. Really? Yeah. And I ridiculously healthy.
Well, you can i think i believe it. You know, because I see how he passed me my how he how he cooks like he
he's across the ring shot if you're going to rig How to say your best rig.
It's just his background
munching into that mud cake. I just thought I'm glad you didn't even attempt because that like
it. It's like that is dense,
and then trying to get that damn
way of giving it to him first.
I think it would be sci fi when that first or second he would have been sick.
It's Yeah, it's two and a half thousand calories,
which was the one that he's US had. Well that I found on the mud cake but the other ones social
calories. Anyway,
you couldn't even do a workout that burns that many calories. I've done it before. A two and a half thousand calorie Well yeah,
like what did you do? I used to do the indoor cycling training. I stuff so I did there was one day where I did 150 kilometres on the bike train right if you want to bring that up, I'll like I'll have a look.
That's that mud cake. 240 grammes of sugar
Jesus page Christ.
I said this is the sponge ice fresh cream and jam filled pink. That's what it's called
Pink. Pink. It just is pink ingredient Pink. Pink. That's what does it say? What does it so serving? Just
per serving? 39 it's only 17 grammes of sugar.
Eight servings? Eight servings?
Correct. Okay,
so had a good hundred hundred grand last the last grammes of sugar. Yeah.
Slowly just going red. So we're going to we're going to the 40 now Yeah. final final words we'll get we'll have you on will. Once you're all settled in at home, we can have your your little booth set up there and join us and make 97 smile with all the crazy inconsistency.
What a quirky guy.
I call him deal you're.
You're really crazy about your social imagine. You know what? I can't wait till 97 to travel with us because everything will be excited. Josh, have you seen the little cans on the plane? That sort of shit is just puppy dog. Yeah, everything's a little bit exciting, isn't it?
I know this is about deal is episode. But if you throw any question at Mr. 97 he answers it doesn't mean it's gonna be great.
No, that's one of the things I like. Did you want to say anything else about like, the other things that you find quite cool. Anything less lame? These accents
just so different.
He has a really nice Canadian accent
a look.
Now I think it's not it's been it's been awesome having you here deal. As like Tommy was saying, having another person that has been so cool. And you've helped with the show, and it's turned into
a 21st speech.
And that's the thing. I've been able to learn a lot from you guys too.
Yeah. What did you learn?
Fucking lot. Yeah.
God literally wrote it down. I was like, oh, they're gonna ask.
I like the deals always print. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if someone just like turn and he's
gonna make a speech. He's like, I got this. I want to say that how you just have things that he's prepared for that we haven't asked Josh. Okay, great. Yeah.
Are you Brittany for everyone?
Mason? This is good. Well, not brand name because that's okay. That's fine. I'm sorry. That's right. You can add leave.
All right guy. And what's that diagram that you just drew? Alright, so you're going to feel tonight?
What's that? A design for a print.
Go outside is another one of your quotes.
It was well that's actually the visual of him coming off the box. You can read that to take time takes time before we get to the footy.
Take us out. So Josh, a couple of things that I've learned from you in the last four months keeping an open mindset and being open to opportunities. Yeah, such as me actually being here was something a little ridiculous but you were like totally willing. So yeah, let's make it happen. Yeah, it's outrageous going which is which is pretty cool. I'm using a critical eye to look at different and non obvious aspects of work and life. I think you have a very I was talking to Bry with about this the other day. It's like you think about and you have such a considerate thought towards even the most mundane of things, which have a big impact.
Grind Thank you.
Just stop for one second. I'm loving this you're not actually isn't it's not a competition for you to eat the chocolate cake.
Look how small that fucking slices
huge taken me no
seconds loss. Yeah.
You You were you had just as much as me? Yeah, but
I'm just saying it's not a competition. Don't feel like you need us finish it
was here. I don't want to waste it.
So yeah, it is a competition.
Competition. I'm just fucking very Josh heat it. Yeah.
I need your is to share. Like, I remember when the first two days that I was here, we were driving down in the CBD. And you're like, Oh, yeah, look, there's Flinders Street Station. Oh, look, there's this other place. Oh, look, there's this other place. And I'm just kind of wide eyed and bushy tailed. And like, I have no idea what's going on. But even just some random stuff. You're like, Oh, yeah, look at that over there. Like oh, that's that's pretty dope.
We're both our best selves in the first way. We're just writing everything down. Just really interested at all. I mean, I'm just like, deal. I'm not available.
Yeah, you mentally we broke up. Yeah. Going.
A little things and relationships, like spending the week with you. And Bry was really nice. And even seeing how you guys interact was nice to see. Cuz, like you guys have been together like, what? 12 years now? Fuck, that's all. It is all my little sisters and even 12 It's crazy.
Yeah, it's a bit ridiculous. She could be awkward if we had
when we started dating. Yeah.
The high hat which Bruce eyebrows just raised was incredible. I want to thank you for all the coffee's the hospitality. My nickname. And so many weekend adventures that we've been on. Walking around the city going down to Phillip Island.
That was a rainy.
That was that was an adventurous adventurous day
that actually changed my life. I look at balloons completely differently. Okay, penguins, not balloons. Not good for penguins. Yeah, fuck if you will. Yeah.
Plus penguin did?
Yes. Yeah. And so my whole that's like, if I say like, I saw someone doing an event and they had a bunch of balloons, go analysis. Now I was just you should have probably they will have a reaction when I don't use a cape cap. If I say balloon. Yeah, they're penguin. That's beautiful. Thank you do
the Tommy
Yeah, for Tommy, I've got a a little more. You know, an unrelenting patience is something that I've learned from you, which I'm really grateful for. Because like the the first week when I was here, and we we went to shoots and stuff, you have to remember I came into this not even knowing what an XLR cable was. Yeah. And I like I had to learn on the shoe and on the fly. And even though I was slow added in the beginning and didn't fully understand even like how to set certain parts of the tripod, or certain parts of the gear, you were like, Yeah, let's do this. Or try that man.
On the other hand, no fucking time.
Tommy sodium out.
And it was it was, like I said, it was the unrelenting patients that was that made me feel like I wasn't kind of fucking up all the time, and allowed me to learn it properly, in a way. So you got that? charisma, the charisma and conversations that you have people, even when it's the first time that you're meeting them is really inspiring to see. And that's definitely something I'm going to be taking back with me taking these charisma.
I'm gonna be good Tommy jack of Canada.
I don't even know what that means.
I'm going to start stripping.
I just want to hang
double kiss, always double kiss
all the storytelling techniques through video that you taught me just in doing snippets for the show and stuff. And doing it in such a simple way, like showing me that it's not complicated. And it's not something that needs to be over baked. It's once you really learn to recognise it. And it's relatively straightforward. So there's that and as well as the importance of connections. Like a lot of the people that have been on the show, or the lot of people that I've been introduced to through the show, have all been because of different connections you guys have had, they're like, Oh, no, I used to know this person once upon a time. And it's, I've always heard that Oh, yeah, connections are important. But seeing it in real life, and meeting people through those connections has been really cool. I need to take a breath because I
have a heart attack easy. A little bit.
Yeah, advice on video techniques. giving me a new outlook on parenting and family life has been really cool.
What's that? What was what was the shift? What what has changed your outlook
on parenting and, and having a kid Well, I don't have a kid. But like, I just seven months. I just I just I see you in the videos with Bodie. And I'm like, I can't wait to be able to do that with my kid. And just like you're only 30 you're not exactly old. Right?
Right. Right, I think.
Yeah. And it's like, when I when I see you playing with Bodie and everything like at the at the skate park and whatnot. It's like you guys both look like your kids. Just having so much fun. So I'm, I'm excited to have that experience one day and try and channel that youth into it. And I'll never forget you laughing when I was in the hospital, getting my thumb stitched up, you come out. How's it going? Delmas? Like hug I got my thumb stitched up and you start laughing? Looking at the nurse going on and
how much
you ever super cool. Oh, yeah, we shouldn't.
But not as good. Thanks. When
a kid for a bike. You have two options you can either.
Get back I know
you always laugh.
Yeah, you got it. We say we said about he dusted off, dusted off and he gets up.
Yeah. And then he's dusted it off his little finger seven.
Mais nice. And yeah. You're probably the most mature 19 year old that I know. Which is pretty impressive. At least on the show, you're the most mature 19 year old that I know. The thoroughness that you go through with certain things like how in depth you go. Even in literally like file organisation. It's like you're a fucking nerd with and it's it's it's inspiring to see because obviously it pays off because the show is becoming more and more successful. And clearly, it's an integral part of it, what you're doing. And just your willingness to go outside of your comfort zone. You bleached your fucking hair man.
Because these guys told you to Yeah, man, you had a whole fucking guy.
Yeah, that might have negative repercussions. But like all the stuff that you've done, or that I've been able to see you do and experience with you has all been outside of your comfort zone. A lot of it and it's it's been cool to see.
Do you think you've gained confidence? You think you've absolutely
matured? Absolutely.
I mean, you just had a cake. I don't know, I definitely think the confidence
I think I've got I'm going back to Canada as a different person than when I came here.
What's the biggest different? Yeah,
just a different outlook on on everything I was talking to. I was talking to Dale takes photos the other day. And I had gotten back from the bar with scooter. Derek after we had gone to
the wedding. What do you do? Where do you go?
literally five
steps down the street like ZI. Yeah, yeah. And would you drink?
IPA? that whatever, whatever. Yeah, yeah, whatever. His standard IPA was, yeah. I don't know what the name of it was. But Dale takes photos was walking back from the pub. And we're like sending videos to each other and chatting. And he basically told me all this stuff that I was thinking in my head about what I'm going to do when I go back and how this whole experience has changed me. And I had to write it down because there's no way I was going to remember it. Because you guys, yeah, I was a little pissed. He said, it's not what happens to you that matters. It's what you do with what happens to you that matters.
So good. The monitor just funnel? Yeah.
Yeah, no, it's not what happens to you that matters. It's what you do with what happens to you that really matters. Like I cut my thumb.
Did Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, actually it right there.
And like, we could have let that ruin the trip. And we could have been deal just can't work for X amount of days. And as a whole Well, it's a fair effort while it lasted. But we didn't really let it bother us or wasn't we didn't let it get in the way of having fun and still being productive, right. And it taught me to appreciate what I have, what and appreciating, appreciating what I have here, as well as back home. It's like I have a loving family to go back to. But I also have a loving family here, which I wouldn't have expected coming halfway around the world to be received in that way. Which has been amazing.
How are you preparing yourself to go back to Canada, I'm just going to wing it.
Or just going to go back and I've got to go to the doctors and get a new health card and a bunch of admin personal admin stuff to deal with. But I'll just take it in stride.
There's less unknown going back though. Yeah, compared to coming here. There's so much Yeah, and
which I think you'll see I heard a great quote, which is like we travel not for the the new person, you know, viewing new things, but we travel so that we can see our home in a new way. And so I wonder how many different things you'll start to notice. Just going to coffee shop in Toronto and having that experience. Yeah,
definitely. It's it is going to be different. And but one of the big things that I've learned in the last four months, I also had to write it down because I was going to forget it is that society has this kind of weird fucked up mentality where it pushes you to seek a job and a money and no money and money and a pay raise. And promotions to keep yourself comfortable and kind of just get you in the stream and then you kind of just go with it. And you don't you just want to stay in the main river. You don't want to branch out or anything. But what I've realised being here doing the daily talk show being a part of big media company getting lost in the outweighs taking buses for hours across the country.
If he was I think we had something to do with the others. Well, he
reckons he's Phaedra so bad. He's got to go to the doctors when he gets home. No, I'm getting I'm leaving them
checked out because a couple of the blisters gotten fired. And
I just don't glad to be gone for that.
I just don't want them to my feet default. I definitely know
we didn't have anything to do with the record.
It's all on, Bobby.
Just a good title for the next book. So just figuring it out. And the next one's all on me. This is true.
Yeah. I kind of like the one that you posted on Instagram. What was that? What was I can't remember I can't name I was in Sydney.
Now I like that. I like that, um,
and it, it pushes us towards these jobs and opportunities for these jobs and money rather than opportunities. And like this whole trip, this whole experience was built around a single opportunity to 3d printed squeegees. And it's like it's the weirdest thing to come out like this right now is the weirdest thing to come out of you sticking a squeegee up
your ass. That's very true. Right for now, anyway.
Plenty of weird stuff to come. But like I like what I've noticed is opportunity doesn't wait for anybody. It doesn't care if you're too busy. Or if you don't have enough money, or anything like that. It's you just have to do it.
So what would you say to your friends? If your friend was like, Man, you had the best experience?
Yeah, would you be what's what sort of advice or things would you be saying to encourage them said I had the best experience because I'm, I made the experience for myself. I wasn't, it wasn't gifted to me. It wasn't handed down. I didn't inherit it through family or money or anything. I wanted to do this thing. And I wanted to make I wanted to make my life something that I would always remember. And I didn't want to just get stuck in the same like stuck in the same river just flowing along like everybody else. I wanted to be able to branch off. And I was only able to do that because I like I said the emails and I was like yeah, it'd be great to come down here. So
yeah, I mean, you've also got to pull the trigger. I like to say, Okay, I'll come and visit and all that sort of thing. But like actually booking the flights. Yeah. And like sending a plan and saying, hey, this one doing and making it easy. Like that's all the Yeah, like people can have crazy. Everyone's got crazy ideas of what I think that they will do the next steps, right?
Yeah, if What if one, like if one of my friends Put simply, if one of my friends came up to me and said, Oh, it looks like you had the best time in Australia. Like how can I do something like that? I'll say, I don't know. Yeah. I have no idea how you can do that for yourself. But you have to do it for yourself. Yeah. That's the only piece of advice that I can credibly be able to give that and make sure that you don't get lost in the hallways.
Not fun. That's been great, man. Yeah. You had working your usual You make me feel old. Even though I'm
actually only 10 years older. It's still fucking a lot.
Yeah, you know, artistically difference between a 20 year old and a 30 year old.
Yeah, you would hope so.
But I'm know you have definitely shown a work ethic that we will look for and other people that we take on not doing any more intense by the way. This is my full time employment this night. But seriously, I think I'm in fact, I don't know if we'll ever do this again.
Yeah, it's a unique, absolutely unique experience. And we're all playing in ambiguity and all playing in giving it a crack will definitely I think we'll still have the posture of giving things a crack but yeah, white look like this. I think
you were taught you're talking deal about coming and doing this. That's being out for you're playing a game where it can go pear shaped you didn't know who we were, you know who you were. So we were mutually paying and playing this game. Yeah. of this could all be fact. Yeah. And so we didn't know who you are. You didn't know who we were really? Yeah. He listened and saw or, you know, spoke to us. Yeah, amen. You're the
only kind of perception of your guys's personality and lives Yeah, was through a 30 to 45 minute podcast each day.
Yeah. I mean, we, we took a serious punt mid June. So that's why I think it's paid off. But when I say we're not doing it again, doesn't mean we'll never do internships, but one that's four months, and you had to travel around the world and embed yourself in our lives. Yeah. And it be your life is a different storey.
But yeah, just imagine in like, nine years time, or I don't know, 10 years time meeting up having the show. Yeah, three day deal. Bang, like, you know, you're doing your own. You've got your own thing happening. Yeah. And we just like catch up. And that's what I'm excited about. Isn't that such a cool idea? Yeah, yeah, it is. Mike.
Yeah, it feels like it's just the start real future nostalgia.
Yeah. I can't live in the present, future. And present. We're 40. Alright guys to do a talk show. Instagram. Go on there. The Daily talk show on Instagram. Give us a follow. You'll see a bunch of posts that Dylan's done over the last few months. You can still get your book. Yeah, if you just want if you go on Amazon and type in Dylan,
still torvill or I'm still figuring it out. Yeah,
it'll show up. Come up. Have you worked at how many you've sold?
10. I think 1011 cons. I mean, I never did it to to sell to make money. I did it because it was a fit. I'm never going to have this experience to write something like that again.
But most people just have a personal diary. But it's great. I think.
Yeah, flax. Yeah, absolutely. That's great. But yeah, thanks to everybody who's bought it so far. It's been. It's great. It's great to see that people actually want to buy something like that. Yeah. It's kind of cool.
Yeah, absolutely. Well, thanks, Joe. It's been fun. And we're looking forward to having you on when you're back in Canada. And you can give us the lowdown of Yeah, what's some we share that 97 this cultural?
On the other side of the road. It's crazy, isn't it?
I will say you out tomorrow we've got a guest
Molly. She's, she's amazing. She's got a Instagram account to this for to this and an awesome podcast. And I love that chat. Um,
yeah. I'm excited to share it. And we'll say tomorrow. See you guys thanks