#262 – Our 1 Year Anniversary/
- January 16, 2019
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show we discuss:
Our 1 year anniversary
Tight t-shirts
Josh’s nose problem
Being an aftershave guy
Getting off on perfume
Doubling down on impressing others with cultural knowledge
Josh being the MVP at a lawn bowls birthday party
Watch today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show podcast at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WJrzBWO6HA
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A conversation sometimes worth recording with mates Tommy Jackett & Josh Janssen. Each weekday, Tommy & Josh chat about life, creativity, business and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and friends of the show! This is The Daily Talk Show.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY. Find out more at https://bigmediacompany.com/
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It's the daily talk show and it's Episode 262. And it's our first birthday.
Doing it the camera
that is running how many everyone? My ears is ringing yours. No, I would What the fuck was wrong with mine?
It's not
what am i sniff it everything.
And it's one of the dumbest things to see if so what we just laid off as you could have heard, we never would have heard Yeah, so twist poppers they Yeah, they like 30 centimeter long. confetti cannons, and there is there's some shit on the lens. I can see it. But I don't think it's on the actual No, it's fine. Absolutely fine. What do you watch? I can't wait to watch that back. But you can watch it@youtube.com forward slash the daily talk show. Happy birthday. Thank you. And it's the 16th the 16th of January st
of Jan far out and it feels weird. I don't think it would be very good if I was a twin. Sharing birthday.
I mean, sharing with Santa is also hard because you're the other kids you got the lie. They're excited, but it's not for you. for them. Well, bodies birthdays Valentine's Day.
Yeah, I
feel like that's a small enough sort of
event like nobody's birthday, Valentine. It's not Christmas, my grandpa live beyond 100 years old, and 101. And one of the things among many that I took away from his life, other than the fact that he survived a prisoner of war camp, captured by the Japanese and lived there for three years and a half of his mates died. Was that before like, in his lifetime, Valentine's Day was not a thing really. So he's seen the the birth of you know,
that's the thing that you remember. That's why I said along with all these amazing feats that he that he had. Okay, there she's everywhere. That's a very good thing is I don't have headphones on we discovered that part of the reason that I was getting so hot.
had something to do with the headphones. Yeah, Yeah, you do.
For this special occasion. Got out the bike fishing t shirt. There is there's one thing about this. So is this like, do I is this tight? Does this look tight, too? Yeah, a little bit. Does it look sort of unusually tight? Like,
well, there's a nipple there. There's
there's a YouTube thumbnail. Get that nice. And it's just like, oh, there we go.
So I used to be into tight t shirts. So we're thinking about that. Like, I remember back in the days and if you were a club rat and Melbourne, there was a shop called Stevie. And Stevie was huge at one point. It was a road t shirts.
Was this a scratch and sniff stuff?
Yeah, this Scratch and sniff t shirts. You just sniff the candy yeah the
wondering whether these are actually legal.
Yeah, because there was like a little bit of firecracker sort of stuff going was gunpowder dude, for gunpowder. But do you think in terms of tight t shirts, I think the fashion now is moving away from the either is my age or it's just the fashion is trending away from super tight t shirt.
Well I can't wear them because for one I'm fat but to I pull. I just constantly feel uncomfortable. So I'm just doing this over there.
I guess the thing is, you know you're not drawn to wear a tight t shirt if if you have body if you read not for a bit I even I don't think my reach than that
for the moment. Your medium. Would you ever get a medium? She's
medium? Okay.
Yeah, she's maybe I never got to medium and feeling comfortable, always large. But what I would love is a T shirt that was large everywhere. But like a small in the arms. Yeah,
go to a specific entity that it's called a custom T. Because it's I think that
so I want to feel like I'm jacked on the show really fills it out. You know how many developers t shirts really feel as biceps that you love
so much? Yeah, it's interesting. Hey, one year in. Yeah, it's fucking crazy. It's weird. It's I mean, it just feels like another day. But when you think about it, it's like it's like when you with a partner, like in a relationship? Like,
it's already been five years. we've experimented with everything. Like, I know what else is there to do is up as a podcast. I mean, doing video and stuff is our version of it. Not really. It's sort of the you could a lot of people will go through their whole lifetime and not record video on their podcast. Yeah. And as a couple we've decided to give it a go.
Yeah, I guess I'll give you that.
And we decided we discovered when we do film the episodes, I sweat more, you would never have known. I'm definitely sweating a lot more. We're talking about before the show my black head.
Yeah, it's you don't have a completely black. Hey, Tony knows. There was a dot yesterday. And it was a real like, it was a moment we're in the office in this space. We're in kind of work mode at our desks. And the one thing I love about you is the
the theatricals of every dialogue which bring a color to
avoid annoys the fuck out of you. I hate everything when we got shit to do every content opportunity.
Just a tiny little thing there. Yeah, I would never really bring that up. But now we're doing video there. So this is a seance
the Simon. Got it. There's so much and Tommy is 100% of the my that will tell you.
I'll just quickly I'll get back to the theatrics of you. But the other month we were at a serious shoot for, you know, a really sort of sensitive top sensitive sort of precious topic for a lot of painful and this one woman who we were filming. I just took it upon myself to just like I thought if no one says anything to her. It's our problem when we get back to edit it and she's got something on her tooth. Yeah, not in the in the middle of it but on a tooth. I said you've just got a little black thing there. You prescribed that get off. I knew I had to tell you know to stain. But the thing is that she would be so used to dealing Yeah,
it was like when I made a joke about carbohydrates to Craig hapa we had on the podcast early last week how many tons? He's met three times now on the show. Yeah, three or four for with the episode where I was spewing and it was six episodes in and I was the weak link in the duo did happen. But no he I made a joke about I said are Do you want a croissant or anything? Craig we're just paying. Yeah, is it I'm all good. And I just sort of said to Tommy when Craig left and Mike that's a good bit of gear, but it's sort of Yeah, Harper who probably wouldn't touch them and you knew you made a point that it's sort of like when people make fun of your last name jackets. I wish your jacket Demi jacket
I if you think that's original yeah
good luck to you because people would get it all the time I'm guessing whilst it feels uncomfortable for you with the lady with the black tooth Yeah, she's dealing with it and she must be comfortable with it. But you know me I'm the ultimate it's justifying and owning the owning the fact up in terms of like, it's always doubling down. Well, you know, I would have hated myself if I didn't do it. Like a justification. But the theatrics of what Josh did with the black head incident was working and then woke up up pops Josh from his seat. Hands on nose just too much almost yelling
all check it is this a black is this a black head it's last night and I got on my own I
know here we go again. I've been trying to sort out my nose between we lights bank it's gotten some burnt over the years and I just worry that she worried it was a sunspot
yeah that but i but i i try to sort of like it's almost like ratio because the blackheads something experienced the conspiracy Jimmy did a shocking job of that.
Say sounds but it goes could be cancer. Oh geez. So he doesn't hold back. But the so showing him like what do you think it is? He's like and you and usually got the mobile the iPhone torch. Well,
yeah, we block out the light in the studio. And
I mean, I fell into the trap it this is a thing and someone says, Can you check this out? I'm checking it out. I'm curious. I just say I love that on our one. Sorry, I keep going to say 100th episode when our one year anniversary episode. We actually have some inspectors of asbestos here who were actually the audience of the show.
It's It's awesome. We've got I mean, initially I thought that police officers that holding like a pad and pen diary, they look like I worked for the it I may be there after we've cooked the books, I've found that it's that we they know we spent the money on the twist popper. And we claimed it. And so I showed my black head and you were saying don't just don't back in touch it from what I could see you were squeezing and I'm yelling don't squeeze it. Don't squeeze it. Don't squeeze it. Because I you know the fate of something that gets squeezed when it doesn't actually come out. Like I think there's something to be said that something if a people are black is ready to go. It's getting rid of it. Yeah, it's probably a good thing. Or at least how do I know if it's a good thing?
If it's like ready to go
blind people is that you're playing? you're flipping a coin because it could go wide. And so you've done it, you flip it. You wish pulling your nose to the side and saying here it is here. But you'd already squeezed it. So that's the one thing I didn't know because I'm saying don't
don't coin just have my coin on me.
And so I last night, I could feel it sort of having some issues and I had a shower like I don't know, I think I've mentioned it. Yeah, I had never really watched my face ever been a face washer. Yeah, you go your I rinse, like I rinse my butt. I'm like with my new year's resolution of scalp health and sort of, it's going into the area of face health as well. And so I've got nice skin. But the I feel like I could do some work on the face. And so where's it landed? What lands on me using I've got like a coconut by
the way.
The nose is land if you're watching the video@youtube.com forward slash the daily talk show. It's turned into what could only be described as a as a nasty scab
can looks like a sunburn. And I don't know how got to that because it's an unusual sort of like a burn because why
it looks different. Well, I got my thumb into my nostril and was pushing it to try and almost like you would have had a dean to the and the panel beta took the panel off was trying to push it through. I was trying to with enough force push them and I've sort of I think what we're saying is a bit of bruising as well. Yeah, I know. But one of the one of the things on person not necessarily personal hygiene general category. You'd put this in aftershave.
Yeah. I mean, are you
an aftershave guy?
I'm 100% not but I kind of want to be I've got a couple. I've never like committed to it. My brothers very much. always wearing aftershave. Tommy D wears aftershave. There's something very thoughtful in it.
dating in the dating world. I've gone
Yeah, I mean, he's how I got my favorite asked after show went to a local Priceline chemist. And I stumbled upon this lovely lady that worked there. She's like, God, I've got the right one for you. And she fucking nailed that. It is unbelievable.
What links which link?
Tiger for people at home? I think it's called. Was it cold in the states x?
I don't know. I didn't know. I think it's called x. So links you can get like, deodorant spray which smells like boys locker room at a local footy club. That's x. Yeah. So this woman put me on to do home. believable. It's my favorite one. I still got it today. I always get compliments about it when I hand and so but I just don't. It's not a regular occurrence. I see it as something that's special occasion. Like, I'd feel like now. I'd be sweating. And it'd be hot and smelling out the room with my aftershave and said that's not good. Is it not better than body alteration? It's better than body odor. But I think the solution is just
so you don't have So when do you use the aftershave when
nice occasion for me when I go out for dinner? Even like I mean I go Yeah, there's like, I mean, here's the thing. I'm triggered by some of Amy's perfumes and she's saying she Oh, you smelling something? You smell great. It's like from our early days. I'm trying to impress
and so there is that that is not like an easy life hack then it's just a routine right?
Is it like one of those things where do you think that if you are wearing the aftershave it's a bit of a Come on. like like
like as a joke she was she thought it and I might read into it. I had it all months I'm just it was like out of out of my norm down the shelf very much so with the fact I don't think it was that it was like oh, you gonna have to shave on Raw Oh, well you got that make sense? You're breaking a pattern of being a spy Where were you?
but I felt like I was about to do something nobody would I didn't do anything naughty. I tell you there is one thing like I know you're not enough shape guy.
Well I used to be a heavier guy traveling around traveled around the world wearing off like carrying
ck one was your flavor ck
one I think might have been see ky k one two. There's like a fogged out. So I did
my I did the one but I'll leave that one I had in little bottles. It was a grain off the shy of just literally talking grain off the show. Images.
Like Dunlop all like and Devin goes a big Joop guy
yeah Remember to blue Polo there was your Polo
Polo that one there
that I mean they trigger things for people so you see me Aki was a was one my brother had and the thing is like all the brother having sort of all these nice colones he's that guy still that guy mean my mate Kareem would be going ready to go out on a Saturday night we go in and I can steal these little things conspiracy Jimmy would tell him if I can get a little
bit of a like they can be sloppy like not to you know use the space Yeah, there is.
I will say one thing I've just said it slightly on the other thing I fucking love it reminds me of all the girls at school when I was about to say all the young girls but that would sound I was young kid and all the girls growing up were wearing it so it reminds me
know but do you see me anything? I did myself? Miss is just right. You see me Aki easy easy me Aki easy me to come on.
Yeah, that's it. Oh, God. It looks like an aria. If you didn't if you're in Australia, like the Music Award. It's a very
pointy so that's the female one. The other one this one. That's
great. I love it. Still. I can't go near it though. Because we would get so pissed. spewing all morning. And when you're still in the clothes from the night before and you're vomiting. You're getting a whiff of this sort of smoky aftershave because you got smoke on your top from when you could smoke and clubs. Yeah, just be and just smelly. Just fucking is serves me right for stealing my brother's aftershave?
Well, Bry has like one that's some sort of oil. I mean to that, and
it's straight. Like if you smell someone who's got the same perfume as your partner. Should you say are you smell like my girlfriend? What to do for you?
Because I think honest conversations like
are you smell familiar?
My wife Yeah, but I mean what so for instance, what said again, I get a bit out of smelling my wife's
What does she wear?
still out there. There is a really nice Stella one that she wears. And I fucking love it. It just reminds me of just sort of like, you know, that explosive chemistry that we we you know,
we added the stat and you know, different now. It's great.
But it reminds me of that and so she's still wearing. I love it. Yeah, it's she's run out of it. There's another one but I'm a big perfumed guy from r1. I love it. And so my point is, if you're saying something like, Oh, it's my same as my wife. Yeah, I think it's okay. And then there's a there's a conversation around. Now there's perfumes that are good for men and women together, which is a kind of new thing. I when I was younger, I'd never heard of that. That one there. was it called?
It's a Yeah, it's called the Stella Stella McCartney gets the one Right, right. He gets like she goes like a perfume like a show.
It's like a okey Piney. It's like a woody my brother uses
breathing. Gemma watts has it not to sound creepy, but thankfully that's
the problem. You can sound a bit creepy guy. Oh, and so this is the thing it probably feels a bit creepy when I say it because now I've admitted that I get I get off over it a bit. Not like that, but just Yeah, like that.
And so I but I think there could be a skill in being able to tell a certain perfume, for instance, went to a cash millionaire. Yeah, I would have not
it's slightly slight since you've used some sort of aftershave No,
no, the thing is I do have like a deodorant that's Jason Fox got me a great Mr. Pitts, which was like an all natural one and I ran out of it while I was trying
there's a scent to it that's not bad. It's like a it's almost like a it's either a masculine clothes wash.
What do I smell like?
It's a beach nice
it's sort of smells like a mix of like it's a washed t shirt. Be haven't worn it in a while. Exactly right.
Yeah, he's got a little bit slight bit of dust. Yeah. As you sniffed I smelled last
question. Yeah. Why the factor or wider? Why to teachers? And I like when I was growing up in pharmacy school. They've got this perfume. It's like think about the teacher that was all the more that perfume that stunk like shit. I mean, subjective. Smells are subjective, right? Yeah, but do you remember a teacher a teacher that back in the day? That would wear a safety like, how do you think that? Do you think that is good Samantha? Who's a teacher who listens to the show? She should she's young she'd probably be rocking stellar or some sort of like that new audio one but the old school sense of like,
I remember my favorite teacher you still wear a perfume that reminded me of like a car sent but a good car. That seems to be gone out of fashion the whole cast and sort of thing
Well yeah, they're still around there. My brother offered me one the other day the thing that hangs in the middle of you
Christian how has a Christian how he's gonna be on the podcast next week. Hey center, I support him on Patreon and he sent me some key rings and stuff and included included some car Christian he gave Josh asthma It was like we had to get rid of it was
I didn't get you get asked me from a fucking deodorant can
well I don't like you sprained your own in the office. It smells like a boys locker room. It's not links but it's close enough no but the thing with that whole being able to tell sent I had a I worked out I liked something in restaurants. And I think that I want to double down on it in 2019 and it's I went to a Persian restaurant love Persian for food. One of my best mates nice on his Persian and he taught me all about the different types of Persian food. So there's Cuba, which is like a minced lamb or beef in a fight with them. They mix it with an onion and they grill it on a like a fire thing. Then this Kashkin bottom June which is a eggplant deep with this like cheese curd. Think it's fucking delicious back on
another food
100%. And so we ended up brain I found this Persian place which is starting to inform where we're going to live potentially. So because I like, I like to decide the way you purchase your house or leave a restaurant because there's not many like if you mean LA or something, a lot of options Melbourne, there's like three or four Persian places. Anyway, so there's
what countries
Iran, okay. And so, I ordered
all the way to said have you been here before us? And no, he said, I'll talk you through blah, blah, blah. Anyway, it came to ordering and I closed the menu and I said, Can we please have one cobija and one Kashkin bottom June? He's like, I thought you hadn't been here. So
I said, so I haven't I've had Persian before you guys. Oh, and it gave me this real tingle. Well, it's like, it's the same feeling of when I went to Thailand and I let you know, Saudi crop or boom, crop.
Your name? Yeah.
I think. I mean, if there was a foreigner that came in here, you totally knew that like, so I'd already thought they come in that I know I got no idea about how we swing around here. So what would impress you what would they have to say to impress you?
Go fuck yourself. I mean,
Oh, hi guys are that's the ICF it is mark two. That's a great camera.
That's less Eliana so you're just talking in general?
Yeah, I think Yeah, I know. You mean you because the dish is quite out there. But maybe the best. This is their food. It's like, they just see their food as a food. I think he's impressed by your
pronunciation. It's quite cool. So what I'm hoping for is I was trying to think maybe I could get learn all these different dishes, so that when I go to all the restaurants I can doesn't matter what food I have. Because there's something very Bogan about getting a Thai grain chicken curry. Yeah, it might.
When you get I think like a butter chicken. When you if you go to an Indian restaurant, Rogan Josh you're an Australian, who is thinking they're eating Indian food. Yeah. Which I think it is a dish. But but a chicken is the most Australian dishes today. And it's lovely.
So there is something about the perfume, like knowing someone's perfume is a little bit like that. It's like I'm in the know, I know what's happening. And there's an intimacy to it, too, because they're doing a little secret spray before they come in. And I'm saying how you know, how you're secretly spraying?
I know, General, general knowledge is impressive, like the person that knows the random shit, what is a bit of general knowledge that, you know? What do I know might
get put on the spot? You need me? Like, could you tell me what I'm good at general knowledge wise, and maybe tech? startup culture takes it? So I think, is it? Maybe it's not general knowledge? Because it's not? It's specifically knowledge? Yeah. Because like, you know, founders of businesses and their background, you like know, someone's resume, which is impressive. So that's like, freaky knowledge, because you've done a bit of work there. It's like the general knowledge is, I find history that someone during again, knows, maybe not someone knows, you know, they're savvy with their history on something.
Yeah, I can't remember because the thing is, history seems like a hard one, because you fucking have to know everything that happened. But like, to understand history.
It's why I like conspiracy theories, because someone spend a lot of time thinking about a certain angle on a certain matter,
but that's why I don't feel comfortable with it is because they've gone because I don't know all the facts. There's one could say something about you know, how World War Two happened? Well, I think that they were doing this and that's what I don't fucking know. My uncle is very smart, man. Very book smart. And this the ledger center. Parking the sports
center wasn't gonna say specifics. Yeah, I'm giving you a plug. If you want to play into netball or soccer know anything about what he knows a lot about. I just asked him shoot. So when Prime Minister's who was who was in power, then wise, wise, this place hold this, like general knowledge around sort of Melbourne, South Melbourne Football Club, give you the history there. I have fail, just like all this, which is like, I could just come up with a bunch of questions, and he's going to answer
I think I screwed to Derek, I reckon would have in there that he seems like he's knows he'll be able to say all that person on to the milk bar, and then it became this person, and that person owns the lease of that place.
local knowledge. I mean, you just want to learn another language, or you want to know No, no, I don't have the time to learn another language
website. But it's like five days of podcasting today. But if we could learn something more specific in the culture, science, like, woven things made in Turkey, and I could say, Oh, that's a I can side stitch. You've done this before. I mean, you could because there's an element of maybe I don't know if people who possess all this general knowledge, it's the thinking behind knowing this stuff. And that's, I can impress. I'll give you an example. Because
are you doing it to me impress people
I tried to impress is impressive. It did a good I did a good job of it. The other day, we had balls, which I've spoken to already about
hanging. And we this is the balls balls, meaning lawn ball. I thought the ball from two days ago with with Jaguar. I picked
up the ball from jack sighs No. So Bry asked me. She said, Do you want to come to my friends got a party? We're going to lawn balls. Do you want to come? I said no. And she said, okay, cat, will you Will you come? I said, if you want me to come Cheers. No, you have to want to come on. Ok. Ok. So the handout was getting so anyway, that was fine. That was that was one that was one bit of it. Anyway, then she says to me, the next day she says, By the way, it's a white thing. You have to wait a while and she said I've spoken to the birthday girl. And she said that you can wear what you normally wear if you want you just copying the photo. And I'm just like a tag. That fucking guy. I don't want to be the one like it. So I'm like, Okay, if I'm fucking doing it, I'm gonna have to so I ended up dropping 110 bucks. Okay, something tells me this and white shoes. That's why I've been getting all this spam mail from Van Gogh. And then the cuna try and fix it Mason will go like a little flicker just traction rolling it production running the light a little bit. Just Just a little connector. I just don't want it flickering. We should use the battery in the future. Anyway, the
so I got some band shoes, some white van shoes when your hundred and 10 date yet then party linen and a linen white shirt from unique low fat unique low. Shout out to unique clothes, great products.
But are you gonna wear it again?
So potentially? I think so. So the unique thing
about just threw out a white shirt that I bought for a party that I've never used again, chance, like very specific white short sleeve, long sleeve
so I can see you haven't got one it's fine. I think it's a little bit like Richard Branson. He on the like, I could be you know, on a back in holiday somewhere. chest open a little bit, maybe a little bit Italian. Anyway, so I model
and then
I said who's going to the next day, the day before on the Friday? It's happening on Saturday. I said who's gonna be there? And Bry goes I'm not going to know that many people I'm like, why? And she said it's a joint party. There were two fucking birthday
Bry new one of them. Yeah. And then this is ok for you. That's anxiety.
I fucking now though the the friend wrote back that I was the MVP which is great. But one of the things I did with the lawn bowls is we were getting shown how to use the lawn balls and stuff I said to the old guy said is the is the loan running fast or slow. You guys are This one's a bit slow. That one's fast.
you'd read up on something and worked it. I like it. I like it. Better general knowledge for the circumstance and environment you're in is a good way to learn.
I want you that's the final the final bit. Thank you for listening everyone. Shout out to BK yeah for sending us an email he says congrats on one year. He's favorite bits fat Fridays at easy's on ham Jade Amish episode jewels episode hurtful because they happened early on the daily talk show. Hyper daily talk show.com if you want to send us an email, otherwise
blow some whistles.