#740 – Burns On Burns/
- May 25, 2020
We chat about going to the toilet with the door open, being cut off from Telstra, Mr. 97 potentially talking about his relationship on radio, and going back to the office.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
– Toilet with the door open
– NYT Front page
– Cut off from Telstra
– Sevs potentially on Jase & PJ
– Going back into the office
– Burns and cooking
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The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 740.
What's happening guys? What is going on? Well, Monday, how are we feeling? different vibe.
So for people who aren't watching video, the classic podcast is right now. I am in the studio. And I've got to say my backdrop is a real downgrade from what I have.
Your back has already gone from the studio. There's a lot of back problems that come with being at the office.
I definitely know so you're using your chairs, which you love. It's one of those things I feel like someone that's you're someone who's gotten, say, a couch or some sort of furniture and you have a higher perceived value on it, then what the rest of the office office does.
Oh, nice. It's like The it's like the person who's had just, you know, a little Mazda and you've got a Ferrari. And you're just like, turning your nose up at the Mazda, because your chair is the Ferrari. According to you. It's the best thing since sliced bread. And to be fair, it is really good. It's like I sat in your Ferrari, and I appreciated your Ferrari but these chairs I bought 50 bucks. Ah, I bought a stack of them for the office ages ago. Now it's my back has never been worse in my life. I feel like I'm fucking I feel old dude. I ate five lackeys last week No, no it looks of Lucky's kebabs. One was the shwarma fine. You have been drinking too much. I feel like I've and then my back on top of that is so I've now had to resort to using a pillow to sort of you know, squish it at massamba
Do you have one of those? Yeah, not even
nine fuck
do you think You need a epi journal. You need a pregnancy to relax.
Like, I need a Xanax and we also read now that's not nice. How is it? How's it feel Josh to be back in the studio? We have 100 remote shows. So technically you did 100 and then you back in the studio,
which I love like the question is how does Georgie boy feel because I feel like I'm on his turf. How are you feeling? JB?
Yeah, look not too bad. My biggest worry is how I'm gonna get my Hump Day stuff done with you in here.
You know, backstage editing. What do you mean? Like do you want it to be a surprise or you want it to be?
What do you What is it? It's been easy to turn on the acting when no one's around. But now just judging me.
I'm not a judgmental guy. But will the he's already talking about taking over the the little store area we have in the garage. He wants to make sure that his voiceover booth he does replays and he thinks if I can own the joint like that's how it's like it's like the kid that's been that's had a room with the sibling and then all of a sudden yes hit Georgia boys just hit puberty and all of a sudden he wants a bit of privacy.
But it's so true. There is a point you just like it is the worst thing does be sleeping in a room with somebody else that's that's not your partner like it's, you just want your own. Technically you just want to masturbate by yourself and not a question on not masturbation but on privacy at your own home like for you guys. Do you lock the door when you go to the toilet? That
not? Yeah, yes.
Yeah. Do you? Yeah. Do you do I? Really? Yeah.
I usually I like to do it. Like if in the office, I'm always locking the door. I just feel like it's a At the office the nightmare and we spoke about it on episode 500 Episode 500 at the live show either screwed Derek walked in on design a blog or designer blush walked in on screwed to Derek. Yeah, taking a dump and that's a real wait it was on the toilet. Yeah, it sort of ruins the vibe but now I'm a well I'm a door lock I but then if when I'm having a shower I open up like I feel quite claustrophobic so I'll like open it up to let the steam out and all that sort of thing.
Okay, so you really like when you're doing the business you're locking the door but when you're having a shower sure you can leave it often
if I'm piecing is I'll have the door open to be a bit it's more of an issue. Yeah. Because even I don't know if I'm speaking out of school but Bri does piece with the door open too. And I think well the the old setup, the with the home office being so close you can actually like I had to apologise to serves because he's like Like this. It's YouTube.
Yeah, yeah. I mean, like, wait, yeah. When you say you gotta go take a piss. You can. You can
hear it. It's like, yeah, it's real loud.
And I know Joshua's stream is strong, because it really pushes it out. Yeah, it's it's a real Oregon it's a power move just directly into the water. Like it's the instruction i give Bodie because it just means that he'll hit the middle. Because he stands now at the at the toilet. It's and he's, you know, paying in, but I'm like, hit the water. I mean, that's the directive you go with, regardless of where
you are, like, if you have I mean, if we've got people over,
or even like when we're playing Monopoly or whatever, and I have done this, I feel like am I pissed to a corner just to sort of dampen it. Really, why do you bring it up TJ I just because so we live with me, sister. And I just, I just had a moment where I lock the door and I was like,
Thinking about my own house locking the doors so just you know Happy Tree like you just do it. It's just such a habit from being out in the public or using any toilets. I have been a dream. What's a hippie? Sorry? I have not had but
what is what isn't? something quite funny, Happy Tree.
I had bitchery isn't that in the newspaper where you find out if someone's dead?
That's the obituary. obituary. Yeah. Which I think that'd be true.
Oh, no, he go, the word arbitrary. And to your own or improve one of these for the word habitually. What is habitually, habitually habitual published a notice of death yet? hibbett tree? How do you say?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's a bitchu airy
obituary, a bit of
a bitchu airy a bit generic, silly word.
Do you know my dad was looking in the paper And at the back, for some reason was reading the obituary. And so someone he knew who was who had passed away. And he worked out. And he knew through the paper crises that
well this is like the whole New York Times thing I was saying to happy Harry was telling me how the New York Times has put all the people who've died of COVID-19 on the front page. Have you seen this? Like a photo of everyone's face now? Just like just a written like,
like an obituary? Oh, wow.
Yeah. Wow. But just front page.
Yeah. But that's why I said to my look, let's be on a Sharon. It was the only way Sharon, you know, shares was going to get her name on the front page was COVID-19. But then the other thing is, I straightaway went to but wouldn't be pissed, you know, to 100 and 100,000 people died at sort of, what if you had to stand in one slide.
But he didn't make it through.
I'm guessing there. They don't put all of the names on the single page like do you know Georgie boy? I haven't heard of this. Okay, I think it is if you take a look at the 500,000 names on a single small front page. Yeah, it doesn't come with a magnifying glass. alphabetical. So small would be whatever it is just tiny text, newspapers pretty big 100. Think about how Think about this. You haven't thought this through? How many words are in a novel?
70,000 30,000.
So what you're saying is that he put a whole novel on a single page. Are you Have you lost your mind? If it's I mean, if it's small again, no, no, no, you're completely wrong. Can you look at Can someone look it up? Yeah, I'm doing too many things.
You're tired of publishers names? No. 10 hours on the list of 1000 thousand. Yeah, yeah, there's 1000 So USD is near 100,000. But I've Post published 1000 names New York Times publishes names of 1000 lives lost. So not 100,000 hundred thousand meals nearly 100,000 deaths. Yeah, yes. Yeah, man, I went out before to get some stuff for the office, just you know, making it COVID safe. While there's a lot of people out, like the amount of the old Italian men just stand loitering and bullying Plaza. It's like I haven't seen them for months. And the carpark was completely full on a Monday morning at 1030 ridiculous. Really is just like, vibe is picking up. Except for my vibe this morning when I worked out. I woke up George we were texting last night probably like 10 o'clock. Yeah, I think George had a few drinks and was making some big calls. Michael Jordan documentary is the best documentary ever made.
Yeah, still today New sober state. What do you feel? Still so I love it. I love that documentary so much. And I've only three like five episodes, but Well, for me it's the best one I've ever seen. So it'd be cool. You don't even have to know anything about basketball or enjoy basketball, I think talk to like it. It's like Yeah, well, I'll be honest, I actually
tried to message you this morning. I tried to message you this morning, George. No, go phone wasn't loading. Then I tried to call No, no, it wasn't your phone. It was my phone. My phone had been cut off by Telstra dog move. Absolute dogma So why was it Why was it cut off? Well, I didn't pay my bill in the heart so located now but they actually said I saw I took it to I went to shopko interesting experience like more people there now but go on. It's like, lines everywhere to get into places with masks on and It's full on they experienced that the Telstra still was like it's almost like a nightclub you had to go up to the rope and they'd be like, What do you need? The night I said, I need help. And I said I come in. And then I sat down on this little booth where there's a screen between us so the plastic screen and there's hand sanitizer and had to run through what had happened with this see young lady And anyway, they needed to credit my account months and months ago, which would have wiped a huge charge off my bill, which was I just needed the quarter number but I couldn't call them so anyway, I held off and just been paying the amount that I need to each month, but it meant that there was an outstanding 280 bucks every single month. That wasn't going and then they just cut me off.
Do they tell you like at what sort of messages because I get the this is Telstra with an important call for Joshua Johnson.
I forgotten you know, look. Didn't get didn't get It messages ridiculous like it some says on my bill overdue but I tried to troubleshoot this with Ross case but no go no go anyway fix it up done. The thing about the screens that this happened at the Telstra place and also Dan Murphy's ankle Dan's when I was getting some B's last week. They have so all the places have got the perspex the plastic, and you know, you see the footage of gyms where they've got between treadmills and it's like, next level kind of like segregating people from each other. And at the bottle shop. I was talking to the guy I found myself I was my head was wrapped around the plastic like where I could hear him and I just said fuck sorry so sorry, that just defeats the purpose of this plastic. But he's like yeah, don't worry everyone's doing it. You can't hear through the fucking things and god damn every said my during the day it was so Busy everyone was putting their head around the side just to
name things they need to they need to put everything
you can that's the I thought that the whole the whole the problem with the whole you I I guess you could go holes with like fabric
the board about holes that are lower than where they're actually talking so you're getting the audio going through you know like the train stations that might come off this is in Australia to have more trains overseas but like you know, overseas where it's like if you're talking through the the booth thing,
yes. And it's an it's amplifies your voice to the to each side. That's a good point. But that's just expensive. These are all just like, we need to keep trying we need to bring this in. But it's the weirdest thing. What I did notice how when I was speaking to a girl at Telstra, I didn't realise how, like how easy it is like I spat on to the glass, like not on purpose, but I was just talking and I just saw Something hit the glass It was like,
I mean, that's. That is the problem right when you're talking about gronk
Yeah. That would have hit her. I mean, the tapes at gronk out and about. It's that like, you aren't stuck in traffic you are traffic. Like, isn't it funny how when we somewhere in fact, look at all these people out this is bullshit like they should be inside. But we're walking around the park being like, this is absolutely bullshit. Like, Oh, yeah,
yeah, look at these. Absolutely. Everyone's thinking the same thing.
it's it's funny.
Talking about amplification of voices. Over the weekend, we brought it on great segue much megaphone chat. I've left it on I wonder if it's still got battery. But what yeah, it happens. But what I was thinking, because I've used it since being in the office, but what I was thinking is because I am in the office, Georgia boy, so I'm just coming to you. I feel like we should pass this megaphone on to Georgia boy to do today's rate. Is it
great sterilised?
No, so you're gonna have to get a little bit of just the hands enhancing just a bit a little ranch out in Oregon.
Yep. Okay,
so I'm crossing I have everything away getting a nice job. Yeah. Got you. I've got I'm sorry. It seems right.
I did I robbed job that beat if he's that beat of his is made him really toxic. Yeah.
Rob jobs.
What's happened to you? What do you mean?
There it is the beat.
Uh, you? You don't you texted me saying that you might be on Jason PJ, is that happening? Potentially. And so what What's the deal?
It's it's they're doing a segment on couples that haven't met before.
And so it's a little painful. Yeah.
One of the chicks is from Perth and
he's never met the other person.
And so what's the when are you recording? Man? When's that going out?
Not sure when it's going out. I haven't I haven't heard any more details, but I think it might be tomorrow or something. Okay, are
you nervous?
A little bit. Yeah.
No, I am a little bit.
What are you gonna say? Have you What have you spoken to? I feel like it's one of those things you've got to bring up with your partner before you do it. Have you brought it up with grace?
Yeah, she's pumped.
She going on as well. We'd love growth.
I don't. I don't think so. No, but she's she's very excited for me to go on. She's like, Surely you're gonna do it. And I was like, yeah.
Saves. I know. I know. I don't want to critique how you may come across But okay, don't go Don't go AFL player on the boundary line. Like, don't go that sort of like, they go real kinda, you know how I've like it's all just above board like it's like, yeah, it's good play, you know, thanks to the team. Like I just feel I'm just I'm just worried that the nerves will get you and you'll be like, you know, I was just leaning in. It's
so what should do? What it like if we were to sort of troubleshoot it so that it doesn't
the immediate training for him, it's like, I did not like, have a job. Same Rob job on a few stories up your head up your sleeve that you like to connect to. I don't know, connect to the story of grace, like connect to the just, what about we do?
Why don't you be you be Jase. I'll be Pay and let's run through right now. Okay, and you can stop. Yeah. Wait hang on while you wait, who's who's who you
know your PJ okay? Your anchor is your PJ. Yeah, here we go. It's case 1011. Jason PJ back for you this morning. Got a good running on the tiller. Hey, Jay,
this is a good one. Now we have we just we just spoke about Leah before the song about this partners who have never met each other. Now I thought that there wasn't a thing. But it turns out Paris was telling us about one of our mates. Oh, yeah, yeah, Paris. You saying that Mr. 97 from the daily talk show has never met his partner.
Yeah, and this whole thing in isolation. It's like it's bringing people together. So I'm super pumped to, to let you guys speak to him because we love Mr. 97. And we love these girls.
Thanks. Thanks. And so
hang on, hang on. PJ. Is it just an eyesore is the producing tape just in love with those daily talk show boys?
It's a it's a bear. What
are you doing? Why are you making it? Alright.
What are you doing? Franco's on Friday night drinks.
Okay, I've got him on BJ. Can we get let's bring him up? Yeah, what would you say?
No, that's what you would say. I was sort of I was bringing him in. But that's Yeah. All right. We've
got young Mason on the line. Welcome to the show. Mason. Tell us mate. You haven't met your partner. What is with that? Yeah,
I think do I go in with the podcast? This is what I'm
sure that we have a question that
you'll probably speak to Paris beforehand and she'll be like, okay, so don't mention the podcast.
You really double down I
just told you, we're trying to work this thing out. So don't just play it through and then we can critique it at the end we can get
Okay. All right. Well, yeah. Okay, so, yeah, well, I met I met this girl in Perth called grace.
We love it at that. Stinky.
Yeah, I like this.
Yeah, well, not. So I turn your mic down a little bit. TJ, can you reset? Can you ask him a question? Yeah, Yes, I think
so. Maybe And tell us Did you ever think that you would meet somebody in isolation? And be you know, next minute dating them?
No, definitely not. I mean, I've we've done a few dating things on the show before, but we've never, I mean, I've never thought that I would actually find someone in isolation, especially but yeah, it's, it's, it's pretty awesome that, you know, just through a couple of face times, and that sort of thing. We've actually, you know, started to build a relationship.
So to face times, and you started dating.
As a couple more than that, I mean, you just, we started with just a, just a normal phone call and then just FaceTime probably like every every second day for a little bit and then just sort of became a thing.
And so, Mason, you've got plans of seeing each other or is it just going to continue How long will it continue over the phone? I think
It's I mean, it's pretty exciting. She's She's going to come to Melbourne, pretty soon, hopefully in the next like, month and a bit so we'll get to catch up and see each other then.
So how often are you talking then? Every day? Hmm,
multiple multiple times a day just on message and then and then on FaceTime at nighttime as well.
I mean, call me old fashioned, but you need to see somebody before you actually can work out whether you suitable for each other. Or it can you do it over the phone?
Are you girlfriend and boyfriend? Do you call yourself that you're in a full blown relationship?
What? Yeah, we're in a relationship. Yeah. I mean, I don't I don't think you need to. I think we've done it. So. I mean, it's, I mean, it's quite nice. It would be nice to have that sort of, you know, meeting meeting each other in person and, you know, being able to kiss and hug each other. But yeah, it's, it's actually I think it's a pretty good place to actually start building relationship because you know you're talking all the time so
and what's the one thing you most nervous about Mason?
Ah, I mean, surprisingly it's not it's not meeting for the first time I think that'll be super exciting
the plywood I guess, the blinds yeah no they come in so good
getting a coffee order right?
yeah that's that's probably a good one. Paris
Britney Spears is just buying I think we lost
no i love it you can't like so I guess you've just got to give answers you can't really young. It's not like the Four Seasons condoms video where you sort of have these long winded. pauses, like it needs to be real
snappy. an hour cut to three minutes. It's no I'm sure that asked better questions and I do a horrible job of trying to impersonate Jace cannot do it in slightly. Mass. Alright, can you do a good round of us?
Yeah, I think you'd agree with PJ. That's good. I really,
and he's a great Paris. Great Paris.
I don't think he spoke too much to be honest. Yeah.
Well says I'm nervous for you, but you'll be great.
Thanks. But now there is something I reckon something about the whole radio thing and being on the phone. I feel like so many times, because radio shows will want something specifically out of you. And so, if you even think, TJ when you spoke with fordow how you sort of Yeah, you don't know which direction they want to go in on what sort of what's happening.
Yeah, you gotta really listen But then also be able to talk from not the heart but like actually articulate something that is worthy
of an angle. I think like that's the interesting thing is they'll probably have a specific angle that they're applying to. And so maybe identify that.
I mean, I'm hoping that somehow they integrate, you know, a car giveaway and save walks away with the car to be able to import
this about what I thought
yeah. And how to how to get to the airport. You know how
to get to the airport, they I think that's great. So stuffy, it's
just that you haven't run through. It's worth it. It's worth just writing out a couple of things that are interesting lines, like okay, yeah, just
joking. They'll go personal. Like if they go, so you know, have you ever sent nudes What do you what are you gonna say say to that? OSI sex? sex? It's not really gonna say no. I mean, say
like, I don't know You don't say. You know you don't
I just I just I might ask that
yes I think
no i don't think that last maybe it's more college I mean,
yeah. Yeah that's true. So Georgia boys disinfected, disinfected did the yes infected this infected day now that the one job and so if you got the right read them we have a look yeah great and so Georgie boy you're gonna manage this whole thing this is coming off the back of Lee's generous 150 bucks yeah Where he said he wants to pay it forward. We have worked out who we want to pay the megaphone sponsorship forward. Next.
And here it is. Actually that no, it doesn't say.
It's so it's
He showed me the writing that it was gonna write doesn't say a name. It's on the subject. Okay. All right. It's one
day this is just,
you want to turn it on and on. On. Yeah, good. Yes. Yeah. Great. Now into the mic.
Oh, yes.
Yes, thank you for paying it forward. Les Ryan. This new sponsorship is from Belinda wall.
Caring through COVID is a way to say thanks to the nurses, doctors, health and aged care professionals, emergency service workers, teachers, childcare legends, and supermarket superstars. Say thanks to those on the front line by sending them a hashtag carrying through COVID t shirt. Buy a T shirt at carrying through covid.com that I use that's through th ru. Thank you.
Thank you at the end there was spot on to a guy who it sounds like you've done a lot of megaphone action or the first time I mean
he's definitely athletic style. Yeah,
yeah, you'll get it. You'll get it reading it like reading stuff that you haven't read before and out loud on a microphone. I'm surprised.
Wait, maybe maybe you could fill in for serves.
So yeah, no, so why wouldn't I But hang on. Can you get you need to if they don't want to put the daily talk show bit in maybe they will, but saves Can you try and sort of get that through, get the daily talk show. It will sound kind of I think it won't actually just bring about I think
it has to do because that's that's how I met Christ.
Yeah, how are you gonna bring that up? So you're gonna say a listener?
How do you say it?
For people that have no idea about what you do or who you are?
You sound like is it just a beach or whatever who came out and said that? Who's the Ozzy? The Ozzie tennis player are curious. Curious. Yeah, I think he says that he has sex with at least four fans or what is it? Are you sure about this? Iris look it up?
It's probably it sure something not Tommy.
Oh, yeah. Could be Cheerios was drunk on Instagram Live recently. Do you say and
yeah. sex with fans
is talking to Andy Martha goodest and he just kept slamming everyone. Oh, it's pretty. I didn't say much of it. But apparently it was pretty bad. Like, at a news.com today, he was loving it.
Really? Okay, so I'm just talking has six of fans once a week since split
the curiosity.
Yeah, Nick. If
it's not the guy that we said, Yeah,
yeah, yet you got it wrong. Yeah. I
just wanna I don't want to wake
people awake. We're talking about how he was gonna bring in the show into the
fans, the fans. Yeah, a
fan of mine, you know, a fan
of mine. It does seem a bit off, doesn't it? But
I do love that you do lean in sales and you will give it your best. And I can't wait to listen to it.
So did you hear like I mean, last week we it was it last week or the week before we had Michelle and Zahra on this week on their podcast. They did a whole segment on only fans.
Yeah, well, I did predicted did not call Gary Vee we the Oracle, call me whatever you like.
But you stingley what they'll saying is the the person who's like one of the top people, an Australian woman, I believe, she doesn't actually do anything crazy. She's all very like, takes her top off bit will cover her breasts. So you can't actually say anything. And so she's actually created a bigger audience through teasing than some of sort of the hardcore. Only fan pages, which I thought was an interesting fact. Yeah.
Well, it's an all hype channel, and you just waiting for the thing, but it's just hyping every time. But does it ever happen? It's word like that. Is that like, that's what they're hoping for? Yeah, I think that's what people are hoping for by following it's like, one day she'll, she'll slip up. Just saying if
it's the day we'll play the long game by doing a podcast. Subscribe to and only fans, I guess.
Now and how much I can't remember
though making millions apparently.
Really? Yeah, yeah.
Because you can. Yeah, it is. It is pretty interesting. Um, so the moving to the office, what's everyone's thoughts? What do you do you have any concerns? What are you excited about?
Well, my only concern is not having a computer at home to be how to finish off the daily videos that I'd be doing. If I if I don't finish them by Cobb call of business
or close of business,
you know, because it costs a business. But then that just forces me to make it happen while I'm at the office. And so, I mean, it's very convenient for me because I drop it off in the morning. And then he's his deck is right near my office near the office. So I can hit in there I am looking forward to so it is a really reenergize moment. Going remote and then sort of that felt like it was energising then you go back into the office. Are you tired? Josh? Are you feeling energised
right now? I feel good. I'm excited for it. Oh, like it was a bit of a rush, getting cables sorted and doing all that sort of stuff. But happy Harry is here. We didn't have time to get him all set up on a microphone and camera. But he's back in Melbourne. He's going to be I think, spending way more time in Melbourne, so it'd be good to get him in the studio. I think there's one consideration Bree was bringing up as it's like we can banter. Should we reconsider how we do weekend banter so we're not coming into the office seven days. So it definitely so one option sticks? Yeah, like one thought was, we could pre record weekend banters but make them bigger or more significant and then premiere them at midday on YouTube. So we could have love it more people involved get looser do some crazy shit. Maybe we could even do that maybe we could record them in the evenings. So like at the end like so say on weekdays, like say we did a light Thursday like light Thursday we record one weekend Banta light Friday the other or something? And so then it has that sort of little bit looser vibe. The other question is, we have Friday night drinks. Second Friday of every month. Are we going to do Friday night drinks? All together in the office? Yes.
Yeah, yeah. George's
go grind house may 29.
Just like 20 people in the in the office?
Probably it's Oh, no, that's not what he's saying. And then the gronk everyone else he's on zoom,
obviously, because normally we do it remotely. We're all at home. But how do we feel about having, you know, the the four of us with our microphones and our drinks? Also, you know, my drinking together?
Yeah. Am I just stumbling home?
Oh, yeah. What's he doing? He's drunk driving, he can take you
not driving. So when we take the car, maybe we can get
some sort of car service as a sponsor? Yeah. driving home safely or whatever. Well, we don't know which brand isn't there yet. Yeah, prefer not to mention And so yeah, if anything else in like, from a rules perspective, when we first moved in to the office, we had a bunch of rules. There was a kitchen blow up only weeks before all the COVID-19 stuff he's like, yeah, that was right. The what are some of the new rules Do you
think we'll George has been in the office quite a bit so he ain't he's a very clean, like he's he, he likes to run a tight ship to doing his dishes. So they just have to be done, which can't leave shit around. No dishes left. But I'm looking forward to getting George's little booth ready
these little voice
prompts about anything else.
Now I'm excited for that. And I'm excited to with the hump day stuff like I feel like we can all get more involved and have can wait we can all laugh I got no time, George. Yes, absolutely. You know,
with the current setup, it's very hard. I don't know whether I should look directly at you
doing that I
should look this way.
Okay, now interesting. I mean, I'm doing the dishes thing I think is a big one. I think things like if you're going to eat tuner you have to go outside
tune is not that bad to tune is not that bad the cooking like a hot meal if anything is quiet on the nose
fat Fridays again that's a good idea. Yes.
Yep. Right definitely in this video that's what I'm pumped for I bought a bunch of products that I'll drop off to the studio after this just so we can get a nice and clean get that deep clean happening before we all come back in and sanitising stations. It's all happening.
It's something that we all have in common. So yesterday, I was cooking. It was an absolute nightmare to be honest. Like it was such a shitty experience. I said to her I was like No, I'm I'm fucking done with this like, because she's like she was really annoyed because I made like the biggest mess and I was so fucking over the whole experience. I didn't really like I was delaying cleaning and she ended up cleaning well.
Yeah, well, the But the funny the funny thing was that you actually didn't do your second live stream.
Yeah, well, I didn't mean to I was just off the whole thing I just fucked. And I couldn't be bothered going I said I was gonna go into Discord. But I was like, I actually can't deal with anyone commenting on how I'm doing this shit, because it's pissing me off. And so um, and so But as you know, your fingers was Yes. So I am I burnt. I burnt my fingers. And can you actually say I'm trying to think which you can't really see now I can. Yeah, so I burnt my fingers. And now here it is. I'm saying it's gotten so good now that I actually can't remember which one it was. It's like the tiger woods or whatever. But sibs. You want your arm.
When you're I was, I was making. It was like rush naki in the oven. And yeah, I was. I was pulling the Was it the the door open to the oven? And it I caught I caught my arm hang on that way. Oh, hold my arm on the classic on the door on the top of the door because I was like pressing against it. And so that was that was steaming for about two and a half hours last night.
Yeah, dude, but the thing of this is hilarious. Sorry. That's so that's like a line burn from you. But I've got that exact thing when I was a show. In fact, I should have put through a Work Safe climb. Because when I was topless waitering I had a hot tray of sausage rolls at a hen's night. And some Missenden i thought was fucking burned. I burned my abs and I just had this line is burn like saturate them a little bit. Absolutely not. would have made a full fucking paint job to make it look like I had ads cuz I didn't have ads. It was just like, this is so annoying but
it's pretty. Like it's it's like it's like my mind who fell down the stairs naked like it's a very sort of pathetic thing to happen to real pathetic.
Top Off says the right What an idiot yeah I bet myself last night making crimp relays I put my finger into hot sugar that would we did blown with a torch blowtorch. Oh my god,
it's summer but we all have a season in mine happened because I tried to pick a piece of garlic off the pan that was annoying. It's rude. It's dumb shit.
I was just grabbing a piece of naki to test I just would have been fine, you know? It's like Yeah, what do you with kids? The thing was I got I got a thing of ice and I stuck it on. I say Good boy but you had good net but apparently that's not what you meant to run an underwater because ice is gonna earn a little bit more really and JJ you had a spray that Bray put on
yeah Barry put a spray on mine But then I also had my fingers in a glass of water but it was just that whole thing of trying to then like greater lemon to get like it was just the whole experience was so annoying so I cooked a lamb so I burnt the eggplant and ended up with like enough flesh to like not really do anything with it. It was dumb. And then and then high school I decided to put the other egg plant that I didn't use in the pressure cooker with the lamb on top so it would like render the fat through into the to the egg plant. But just by the end of it it was like brain I couldn't enjoy it like we ate it and we ate it pretty like quickly. It was like Well that was like I just as I was eating, I was like, that's it like, this is just a complete waste of time This took, like you look at Gordon Ramsay. And you see how like fine and fresh he's got this big kitchen he's got he's got the chopping board he's knives that shut up and he bought any outfit he's got Yeah, and it's just like like the the the garlic didn't fall out of his eggplant like it like it. It was also clean. Now he showed his finger
Yeah. How was the shower? Was that okay in the shower this morning? Yeah, you burn.
Yeah, my bed is fine. Why?
Yeah, well, I can't put my bed.
Well, I couldn't. And I double like I accidentally then like after burning it was doing stuff with the egg plant and the egg plant like the hot egg plant landed directly on the burn. And it's amazing powerful hot on burn. Mike really hurts. burns on burn burns on burns.
Yeah, absolutely not. I was so annoying. Uber Eats tonight. Hey, Josh.
Well, that's
the fact up thing brace. Like, you're not leaving me to eat the rest of the Lamb. Like, you know, like, which is so funny. Like I've cooked this dish and we're fighting over who's gonna eat
it. It's so annoying is
it just every mouthful? This isn't negativity because of how annoying it was.
Yeah, it's like it was. Yeah, it was so annoying. Bray went to the the coals that you like. Yeah. attentionally overhyped. She said it was too small. Was her faith and really
the claim for everyone? Yeah, really? Yeah. What was
happening was a lot of people, a lot of people, Ah, okay. And so people know, so they didn't have didn't have garlic or something like that there was a bunch of things missing so then she had to go to another show. went to three different supermarkets. And you know, yesterday I said you can't get lemon sold. She then brought home lemons so you can get lemons. It's just not as common.
Shanna Shanna. Shanna came Yeah. Shana Wait, that's her local and she said that got overwhelmed. Went to the other one. Yeah. Went to the Woolworths across I get it. I get it. It was it's a nice experience that guy
we got orange juice haven't had it yet. Bridget she bought bread but didn't use the slicer and IGA.
Oh, let me know if it's better than idea.
You want Sorry? Leo. Leo Leo Leo. So the thing was that Bree was saying that garlic was 25 bucks a kilo at Kohl's at Leo's it was over 45 bucks a kilo so she then went too early. So that is a problem with Laos is it's like the pricing is pretty ridiculous. Definitely. mean red peppers for like, double the price of what their calls. Can you say what the the TJ key said the other word for red peppers. I'm just curious. Kept skin. And can you say it George capsicum? Yeah, I heard somewhere that like caps typically, like
you had to use. They use caps again. I say I hear within envy.
Yeah, it's rare I use in terms of Tim. It's,
it's that's absolutely wrong. It's not caps again.
Yeah. It's why it's why such rapid income
is red pepper. Pepper.
And it's actually in bell pepper. red pen a cool bell peppers was only American. And then you get red ones. yellow ones, orange ones. So you've got to write twice. I'm pretty sure. Huh?
Now there's the red peppers. Absolutely thing.
Well, yeah, we need your credit. Like it's maybe it's the data Talk show.com forward slash I hate that but it will be the bowl. The bowl. Yeah.
What do you say instead of that,
if that's what he says. You say the mole George. Yes. at the mall. The mall? Yes. Yeah, that is.
That's the fist. Obviously. I've had seven mole
for like a big thing of like a shopping centre.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. at the mall, but you go to the mall, go to the mall. That's a guy that doesn't shop much.
Why hang out at the mall after school? The mall environment or is that
that camera?
I could imagine saying, Mo Do you have a Westfield?
Yes, Westfield. Yeah. Westfield Plaza.
had everything clauses. clauses very clean
everything and everything. Makka
Did you see the did you actually say there's a new Netflix no brainer. We're going to watch the Michael Jordan taco. And maybe maybe similar to peach shepherds push back on Tiger King. I just can't bring myself to watch it. And, and so we watched there's like a new Netflix series. I think it's called history 101 he's saying yes in the recommendations.
Yeah, yes. Or trial for it.
Yeah. And so there's like, the first one is fast food. It's quite well done. And they have the history or the high food. Yeah, that you know, the Big Mac guy that I said who had like a Big Mac every single day?
Yes, me. Yes. He was.
Yeah. Well, they just Is he still alive and I think he he must be, but he um, he was in the film, but I was just talking about all like the series, but just going through all different things. It's though they did one on space. The Yeah,
what did they talk about?
Today? How many people have gone to space?
Ever? Yes to space or to the moon? Just a size? 800 or 100? Do you think? 600 Yeah, it's
pretty close. It's like between five and 600 things like 540 are signing.
It's a lot of papers and film, you know?
Just kind of spice Yeah, for a movie. sending him up to film to film a movie at the International Space Station.
That's cool.
They sent us into space to test it all out to make sure that it was all clear.
Monkey didn't blow up.
Yeah, isn't that the most outrageous thing that you've ever seen? But you see them all getting strapped in bed. It's pretty looks like a lot. King bee doc on NASA. That's some fucked up shit.
It's also Russians as well. They're the ones who did not really I don't Yeah,
how many people have Going stood on the moon maybe we don't know because right like this Russia and stuff might not
Russia hasn't been to the moon
Russia hasn't China not not us
so I think I started to go down this like I haven't looked into conspiracies or anything but I was like it was a part of me which is like is this moon thing? They've done it because it's like why would you do it so many years ago and then be like Africa don't want to go anymore?
we've we've spoken about that. Yeah, it's the money thing. It's It's so many so many things at play. three countries have. have only three countries have ever soft landed on the moon. China with PayPal and United States? No, is it people or China become the country to ever soft land. I don't know what soft land means. This is me not get out.
I'm actually really soft land at the shops and then very hard lands. Soft land and then she does the shop walk once like a spice walk. Yeah, I'm on the ship notice
it's uh, yeah.
Anyway. Yeah, she's Neil Armstrong just walking on the moon. Definitely. Inside in the bus stayed in did your bus. A bus? Yeah. What appeals
don't feel like I feel like
I thought those ideas fit babies. Tom Tony's a bit did
yeah, I might have had some had some bad overwrites. I think I'm in the spaceship.
So Buzz Aldrin stayed in the spaceship.
I guess someone's got to do that, right. Someone's got to
he. He punched a conspiracy theorist. Buzz Aldrin.
Damn bustles Buzz Aldrin actually stepped on the moon. Yeah. The third one the third one. It must have been the other person who stayed in the in the capsule whatever
you'd be can't say I feel bad for bots
that we just saw buzz. Is he dead? If you said that?
Why? Last
night Lance Armstrong who's the other one? Neil.
Neil. Neil.
Is he dead? He's dead. Is he? Oh, yeah. 2012 who died? He's dead. Yeah.
Neil Armstrong. He's dead. And you
gotta watch that movie. Not a great not a great year for Neil.
Apollo 11. There you
go. I wonder if
you come to the studio. This is the this guy's classic. You guys can have all the fun and I'm gonna pop in and I'm glad you got the megaphone there because I want to include goodbyes. Do some megaphone action. Lovely. Okay,
I got actually I do have a three shot so we can actually just fuck him off too but we won't do that. Any any admin. Yeah what we know okay but you were saying are you saying before might rub down so we're not worried about jobs rub job
Don't worry about what's the what's the admin centre admin
alien who's from the Netherlands he left us a review five stars amazing show. I've been listening since the start of 2020. And it has been one of my daily go twos. It's packed with down to earth and relatable conversations about day to day life and experiences, loads of humour as well, as well as having great guests with so many interesting viewpoints. listening to the show makes me feel as though I'm hanging out with a couple of my close friends talking about absolutely anything. And this is simply the most enjoyable part. The creators of the show Tommy and Josh have done such an amazing amount Job, committing to the podcast and creating a community around it. I cannot give them enough praise. Thanks gunks I definitely recommend this show to any international outside Australia. Being a non Australian listener makes it all the more refreshing to listen to. During these crazy times more people need to tune in to shows like these and
thanks again. What a nice guy.
That was lovely.
Thanks a
my evening your legend. Okay, it's a it's a daily talk show. Let's Let's finish with this. 10 seconds of admin. Take a screen grab right now of you listening to the show posted on Instagram as a story and we'll regram it. What a deal. Do
we pay? Okay,
yeah, we can we can do that for the burnin. Thanks, everyone. Well, we'll see you tomorrow. Feel free to send us an email to gronk at the daily talk show.com if you want to say good day and Otherwise, enjoy the rest of the day. Bye.
See you guys