#255 – You Can’t Ask That!/
- January 7, 2019
The Daily Talk Show — Monday January 7 (Ep 255) – Josh Janssen & Tommy Jackett
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we chat about keeping your car clean, 2019 predictions, looking for a rental place, a progress report from the gym and Tidying Up With Marie Kondo.
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Wait a minute, cross face
conversation sometimes worth recording with Josh Janssen and Tommy jacket
to daily Talk Show Episode 255 cranking good I everyone happy Monday. Yeah, I'm here to Hey, hi. How was it to directed it? Not you
know, now's the right. But yeah, bring me into it. I felt lonely.
I'm just adjusting the levels. Yeah, I just I've been making the mistake of thinking that I'm turning you up. But I just turned me up. Yeah, so I just made me loud. Oh, I asked my mom to turn as like man. Can you turn the computer volume up? And she turned down
sounds different. Do you turn down yeah. Excellent. So it can happen. We all make mistakes. Take man Josh
would you do on the weekend
and just hang with my mom doing some technical things in her place and I clean the car. First time like I've had my car for a couple of years now. Bought a brand new Hyundai Tucson good car tax and maybe if you're from America to you see. So in how would you say that Tucson toxin
not sure well, they
kind of type spice tax and there's a place called toxin. I think they spelled the exact same I anyway, I claim this thing. I always have been pissed off when I've taken my car to get clean I've been disappointed in the I got paid for it and being disappointed in how it's come back. I get it. It took me an hour over an hour just to vacuum the cat was
at the inside that was the grotty bit
the inside just crumbs like Maltese his boat boat. He had little bits and pieces from you know, just kids. The carriage is so messy with a kid
Do you think that you were partly triggered to clean the car after I had a go at you for shaking your slushy? Because you've gone car my dad had no eating in the car policy. Yeah, outside of road trips, right? I would have lollies I go to the car.
Couple years ago with this guy who was just so anal about it. I was like, lighting the fuck out. He was a Volkswagen.
You know sort of person.
Just Just a dude. Just a dude who was just very anti. I don't know, I don't want to be that guy. If there's if we're talking about who we want to be. I can also say who
I don't want to be. I don't want to be the guy
that is just so anal about cleanliness. If he's can we can clean it, but maybe that's because I've now got a kid.
I feel like I'm more I'd prefer to be the guy without the grotty car. Yeah, I prefer to be a little bit. I know. Yeah. Then having a cow at Cisco
gronk don't bring you back into my car and leave a half eight and quarter pounder. Yeah, but no, it wasn't the catalyst wasn't the Slurpee incident. Where if when you if you've ever slipped a Slurpee you face this predicament you've slipped it and all a lot of the liquids and you created all these holes in the Slurpee. And so what you need to do is tap it down like you just heat it and it basically removes all the holes and sinks the fluid and you get more suction and so you can slap slope up a bit more slippy gronk move did it onto my I banged it onto my my knee and shot slipped up onto my ceiling so I cleaned it but no it wasn't because of that. I used to clean my car a lot when I when I was younger.
Who do you think was there a specific well used to have your your dollar a month? Yeah. Yeah. Read with Liz let the sights and the TV don't fuckin forget the TV. Well,
not David a bit stacker.
What could you play on the TV if he can TV?
Tv my clock and Michael I could I could be at the lights watching the scene. With the TV. What do you see in the syndicate? Like the dash was just right smack bang with a with a stereo standard install? Yeah, it was a it was a official BAM to ici so it was the classy model three to eight car probably pick one up now for 12 grand. All praises
three to
eight. See I see I was the more like how
much would it cost to buy out right?
I think was over 100 grand when it when they are brand new. And did you buy yours now I bought it. I bought it? Probably
third hand by that time and I can't throw a deal and what did you spend your record 34 grand?
Which now it was a lot for back then I feel like now. I mean you can buy a brand new cat our cow is shaping our brand UK it's fucking epic. No TV and then great family cat.
Very good. Let's say very nice. Well, yeah. Was it was
like the seats. Yeah. Leather seats. They're not. They're not like the high end. merch leather. Yeah, it's and it's not like a leather jacket. That's like a theme. A very slippery, but just a little holes. And it's awesome. But yeah, so I spent a lot of time cleaning that and it was worth it.
Was there a specific moment that made you say, I'm going to clean the car?
And Amy said to me, is it because I drive the car mostly. So then I get the blab. So even if she does do these a little bit, it's still a long way which is fair. And I and I I want to do it a bit more now. I want to spend a bit more time just it's like having a clean room. I guess you feel good. Yeah, shit feels organized. A house is really great at the moment. But it is that time of the year. It's what are we seven days? It was seven days in? I'm alcohol free. for it. Chain pm. Yeah, here in the seventh of January 7 the first 19. And so it is that time of year where a lot of people have their shit together right now. It's just a thing. You even see just the consistency and what people are posting about online? I wouldn't know.
Oh, yeah. True. You don't have so what are people posting on the dislike
all the new year's resolution stuff people say? Seems to be good vibe, majority of posts that are going out. But you're getting a few you're getting a few inbounds.
Well no, I was just saying before that because I received an email just before we started and it was another
job application. So you have a site that is highly ranked on Google for video production. Melbourne
is a video production company if you type in video production company and you're in Melbourne. full stack films will appear as number number one. Yeah.
Which is which I think is like a it's it's the right yeah, it's like a safe but if people are just new to the industry and they want to try and get a job. They can a good thing to type in, then I'll say you then contact you. Yeah, we've spoken a bunch about sort of how people approach the cold email, the cold email to a company that you potentially want to be to work experience or you want to work with. It's an interesting one. I've loved watching. I've love seeing people's approaches. how they've taken I mean, Mr. 97, it's he broke down how he infiltrated the big media
company. He apparently contacted me first. I never got back to it. Was that it? Yeah.
I thought he just actually, I could look up right now. It wasn't LinkedIn. Yeah, that's true. But I thought I wonder if he ever tried to send me an email.
My sis Have a look, Lord, nice. And Lola.
Now I recognize on LinkedIn, can you sign into LinkedIn? No.
I feel like I would have gotten a notification now. Anyway, doesn't matter. But no. So I've been receiving emails, I got one. The common thing? Like they're not very personal. Maybe it's because maybe I don't have enough about me on that website. Yeah,
he's the thing that I think there is some level of stalking that needs to happen if you're going to reach Academy. So if you're in the process now of like, chasing apps and business or following a label, like trying to get a job yeah. I think the one thing you have to put in there is some kind of personal note to the person. At least like Hi, you know, who you trying to get in touch with?
So the latest one I just got up 358 some half an hour ago or less than half an hour ago. Yeah. Do you sir? Madam? I would never
just naturally I've never seen
anyone in my life it Yeah. And then Bob said I wish towards express an interest in becoming full stack films. Next production assistant. I've attached all the required information for your perusal. perusal. Yeah. I said look at that word twice as I as per usual, no.
God, I never I'd never use that word too.
So anyway, good morning. Got another one. Hi, there, person's name. Really liked the look and feel the full stacks work. So I thought I'd reach out. That's okay. That's nice.
I tell you what, though. I've I've yet I've had some people send me stuff as well.
It's a real heat when you look at their work. And it's better than most it like a lot of these people are specialists in their field. And that's why they are production companies because they're like a director of photography. Yeah. So they need to be connected with production companies to get work.
What do you think 2019 is the year of
2019 is the year of getting off social media for a lot of people, a lot of people.
I mean, is it just in your is this just because it's in your peripheral now? Like I
mean, I I've told because I could say that it's the year of getting off alcohol? I don't think it is. I mean, if you think about it's probably not a bad thing to do, but I think that there is a is a push. I haven't seen anyone post content, like put content on YouTube around I'm going to quit drinking green tea.
I have seen and the other comedians have done it. I've just been drug addict reform, which is why I actually want to commit Canadian I'm watching say this is the I end up like fucking listening to some dude talk about how he's in AI. But he was like he's drinking habits. I've got 1010 minutes I could lose right now that have a big coke problem and and drinking problem than he does. And he's in AI,
and friends, and maybe we should take some help. Now I was listening to mark Marin's podcast with Mike Marin, and he was talking about that he's deleted Facebook. But I think it's I've noticed it on YouTube as well, a lot of people coming out and saying there's a trend, I think he's so I think 2018 was the year of all things to city signaling, maybe. So it was like people doing post trying to point out their flaws.
Okay, because I thought the flaws was the way you show authenticity online. Yeah.
So that was saying, Okay, well, I'll post my stretch marks or that on this day that I had my period I was bit bloated. So I'm going to post that picture. Yeah. And so I think that that was 2018 2019 will be here that maybe those people realize that that didn't give them the satisfaction that they needed, and they'll start to full off, they'll get off Sasha. Yeah.
One thing. How you gonna know? Where are you going to say?
That's what's awesome. My prediction? You'll never know. But I think that i think i should definitely him. That should be a project I definitely do this year. What's a documentary on quitting social media?
Well, there's the guy who wants a book that we've both read, and then he's writing another one. That's a work. No,
I know. You know, you mean, Jason frayed work doesn't have to be crazy. Whatever. It is
another one that the releasing one this year about quitting social media. You know it you know, it's a it's a new book. He is going to get him on the podcast.
Austin clown. Yes. I don't know if I think is it the date work guy or if it's killing you pop it. You haven't read deep work? Have you know, I've listened to So Cal Newport? Yeah, he's got a book called Digital minimalism coming out. Okay. And so that that,
yes, yes. That sort of thing. Yeah. So he's getting off as well.
He's already been off.
When does it become a fad, though the fat is in. It's now cool to be off.
If you if you delete your Facebook, you've deleted your Facebook.
I mean, that could be another another thing that pops up that you end up just going after?
But do you think that the I mean, I think the action of deleting it, especially like beyond, I didn't just deactivate? I've deleted okay. And so I downloaded all my stuff. And I've I'm off. You don't? Yeah, I don't miss it. I mean, how often do you go on Facebook?
I actually deleted off my phone, which decreased my usage. So much to come.
Can we celebrate that I was down 56% you're fine. You're pretty good.
I am I went down this way. This way. The fact that thing is, then I post something yesterday, which was the first time I have posted for the and, and it gets all these people commenting or writing to me. And so it's such a trap. And it's such a big thing for people who would have a big following. Yeah, I think it'd be so hard. Because there is so much validation is almost like because I was saying to I posted that video. Yes, a video yesterday that I just made over the summer, since my family having Christmas or whatever. Anyway. I thought Oh, shit. But then people don't say think of shit. And so there's the
film. I think that shit. I just don't see it.
True. Or that? Yeah, and I don't hear that stuff. Yeah,
but what are you negative outlook on life? Hi, dude. Really shoot video? I mean, you get there is a
that happens. You know, people don't say it in that. Why should my thinking was though, if I was to listen to my, my brain where I tell myself it's shit. So is there? Is there some benefit to the information you do get through social media that people are thinking it
could be I think they think self esteem is they're not good than bad. I think that it depends on how you use that energy. I was actually thinking about what I'm loving doing at the moment, which is having private information I selling Bry I'm like, I don't know whether when we move. I don't even think like I think I might not tell people what suburb I live in. I will drop it. Well, I just think like, even like, Ryan Sandringham guys. The reason is, is because I'm going to be Yeah, exactly. But I just thought like, I like the idea of privacy. I'm craving. Well, I love sharing stuff on the podcast. This is why I share everything now.
But no, I get it. There is we there's no privacy at the moment. So for you to be able to she wouldn't be able to register any mail going to this address. You're on the lease. So you are there is some connection to it. It's it's more
like the I think that maybe if I only just talk about it, like I would beforehand, with social media, I'd be posting all around. Like when I was living in Abbotsford, I'd be posting photos of being a doctor Morse at different cafes. I don't know maybe it's maybe it's silly, but because brain I were looking at rental places over the weekend, where we look at Josh, I don't want to be that guy. I actually don't like you know, there are people who I'm trying to think of examples where they just would be a bit funny about certain things about what they're trying to flaunt the suburb that they're no one no as in like being funny about how much something was mean. You're you are very much wired to ask people how much did it cost? Mr. 97 came in. And you said all those socks are really cool that you broke out you as a gift. How much were they
were as I that was an instant thing. And then I was thinking is like fast thought. Soon as I asked him as this was a prison from his brother. I wonder if he actually told him how much there. Sure enough, he knew 40 bucks online from America and made one pay if I can. That's a bargain. If you ask me. stitched in 1997 stitched into the sock about 100 times. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I know. I think I have a, I have a filter of asking people when I know it's getting more expensive and, and shit like that. I actually stepped out a lot. I asked a guy like leases, on leases on buildings. Yeah.
Would you ask somebody? Maybe yours? If they just got this Kalisa already paying?
How much you pay? What
I wonder. So this is the pushback I have on it. That detail? you asking that? Where is it coming from? I think that a lot of people will ask because they want to compare they want to be able to see they want to place people they want to say oh, well how well is that person doing? I how much is did you buy that place for how much of this? Like, I think that it may be has this underlying sort of thought that you are comparing or making a judgment I
can or could just be I wonder what you're getting for that. And I wonder how much we're spending you now
i think that i think that a commercial lease would be pretty safe. Who did you get in trouble from?
Just a madam I believe he didn't he just say I said something. Or you can ask that. Which
says that he's paying a shitload and doesn't want me to know. Yeah. Which is so he didn't tell me she didn't tell me. Nothing. I don't know. What sort of it was a big spice old get old studio. And so he's an artist, but it's like, and that's where it's like, yeah, maybe he's thinking, I'm thinking that's what
I was totally like, well, maybe he got a really good deal. He doesn't want to
say this is so much suspense. But I mean, for our it's interesting, I think these people don't mind talking about how much did you pay for a property when they bought it a long time ago, and I've killed it,
why I talk about rental like out how much we spent on rental stuff. But I think that the more information we give people, the more that they can use that as some form of comparison, or they will can be like oh, man this like, it's, it's fine. When you tell people it's not fine, when all of a sudden that's you never want to tell someone a piece of information. And then for them to use it later. I never complain about anything like this people who are like, Oh, I'm paying blah, blah for this or they're getting annoyed about it. Then it's putting them up for criticism down the track. Like I've never in my life, complained about money. This is not something I do. Because if I complain about money, I'm all of a sudden making it. Like when I've had a bunch of debt. If I was to talk about it, then I'm not I feel like I'm off. I'm complaining about not taking responsibility. And it also puts me in a position where it's like people will say oh man they complaining about money, but then they're doing x y&z and my whole thing is I'm like, I feel like that complaint is that not taking ownership.
I mean, I was thinking, we're just having a conversation ramp properties and and we're just thinking, isn't it funny how you, you actually never own? You can't buy something. And I wonder when this when this sort of stopped back in the day, you could live in the outback, buy a property and I don't know what it is like out in the real rural areas in Australia, where you can buy a piece of land but never have to spend another cent on the land. And if you don't want to, yeah, whereas here it's like you buy an expensive property. You actually have a lot of bills was thinking
and stuff like you have your I can corporate Yeah. Although
the better the apartment block, the higher the body corporate or the older it is. Sometimes if you get if you get royally fucked. And they need to do some big repair, you then have to drop in for the 20 grand.
But we so we went looking at rental places on the weekend. Yeah,
it's about as bad as fun as shopping for a car.
Yes. Speaking to I didn't actually shop for the car braided. That was I remember being like, you know what? I'm happy for this to your project. Yeah. I don't
like talking about money. as much. There's so much that you can go and spend the money. I don't even think about the money by the cat.
Well, it's like I think we just had like a Ryan just like, we don't want to spend X amount. Yeah. But the, the rental thing, looking super sort of hotspots in in Melbourne for rental property native includes everyone trying to work out where you're going to Richmond. We're looking at Richmond,
so we can take that off the table because he's not going to move there based on where
they were, like 70 people and one inspection.
Hey, man, it's hard to get a place
that there is a huge there's something like 30% of Melvin's apartments don't have anyone in them.
How the fact that makes sense. I don't know. Because the amount of people it's competitive. Maybe it's the type of area
I think it was also maybe has something to do with international investors, buying places. I
remember we were in New York, and we're in the cab with Brad blanks. Yeah. And he's pointing up at these unbelievable apartment blocks on the Hudson River is like, pretty much all of them are vacant. I know. It wasn't Brad legs. It was at quirky, a driver that was blowing up about how she was but he was
Oh, that's right,
Brooklyn, or Bronx or something. And he was saying, they're all bought by Rich people from overseas, and they literally have nothing in them. And I just hold them just what do they call it just money holding? Yes, I say it is just holding my butt. So yeah, there's a bunch of that shit going on here.
But the finding a rental place is just like with the amount of people that are going but so on Saturday, we went to four places. One where there was the most amount of people 70 people, right, we've all gone down into the foyer, the waiting for the real estate, like the property manager, she comes down goes through the Lyft doors, and we're all just waiting now I'm thinking like we're gonna have to go up in groups of five. I and she goes no, I don't have the right T for the property. So we're not gonna be able to go in and say I'm sure shaking, shaking. I'm shaking. And everyone's like no. Bad for a bit. It would seem like you know, one of those moments where you have to look like you're really upset and panicked. Otherwise you look like an asshole.
I'd probably look like so.
What would you guys not happening? I just be like, I'm out of fucking it. Well, I've blacklisted you know, I mentioned Dr. Moore's coffee. Yes. In Abbotsford blacklisted them today. haven't been there in a year and a half. Probably actually know year. Yeah,
I mean, remember, they always complain about the cold coffee. Remember that? Yeah.
It was it was realizing Abbotsford. Brain I loved Abbotsford. But there's actually not a huge amount in there in the way of like food.
Not because it used to be all industrial industrial like oh way has warehousing.
But we're being housesitting. And there's been hate. We're staying there. There's been heaps of food options, man.
There is one thing. I was literally walking I I went to the supermarket. No, sorry, I yeah, I went to the supermarket. I walked home then realized I fucking forgot something. And then I was walking back a second time in the supermarket. I just saw it as a nice time to go for a stroll with my, my headphones in. listen to a podcast.
Are you listening to a biblical podcast?
That's just it just to see what's going on the world of Christianity. How is it good? Sounds good. All it's a small chip still still pulling from now I like listening to just random shit. And so I was listen to that, anyway, wasn't about what I was listening to. Because I had a thought the moment thought about barefoot investor, I thought about him. For some reason, I was thinking about just moving out further and getting into the property game. And then I was thinking about how much I fucking love being able to just walk from my house to the shop. Yeah, it's something I think this is just good at, like,
I want to be walking distance from him. Anyway. So what we're looking at the moment is being a little bit further out, like a tiny but still walking distance to the office. And what I've kept the walking at is an hour and 10 minutes,
or so far.
But that's what that was what I was doing when I was working at in Bartow. And that was in the city. And I was in Abbotsford. That's that was the walk. It was perfect. If you're too close, it's too easy just go into the office all the time. Having that decent walk means that if you need to be in it Ah, I am I can actually do that hour and a half that Google Maps it I can actually sorry now in 10 minutes. I can actually do in an hour,
bro move down to my hood.
I think it'd be more walking wise
Yeah, it's far enough away Come in here enough
that my limits an hour and 10 minutes.
Or I can you could do it in life. You're you've got fat couldn't be insect legs. Just stepping out like a cricket.
We're being signed to go to the gym together. Yeah, you feeling it? Have you been? What do you What's the report so far? On what? Just how I'm going
on how you said the reports on you? Yeah, yeah, you doing well, man? Yeah, it's you know, like anyone starting out just let's ease into it.
I haven't been sleeping well. Because your soul dumbs. Yeah, what does it stand for? Again, delayed onset muscle soreness. It's it's a thing a bit like I can't like put my arms anywhere. That's Yeah, comfortable. But hopefully, how long before I have biceps? Like many of our longtime direct is 100%. It pissed me off and I found out that he had actually studied a talked about that he did a weight lifting unit as part of college. I think back what hope do I have Dave I was fucking gone to college for
you. One thing about white listing, you do not need to go to college. I think just go to the school of the fucking wine shed. Yeah, I mean, I learned most of I learned more in in the white room than I did it. The personal training course that I did. So you doing you're right, I think I think the the, the knowledge for anybody that they gain from actually starting is that you see how people try and you see how to advertise like, you know, this CrossFit stuff. majority of people couldn't actually successfully do a session of CrossFit at the level that it's kind of advertised the kipping, like pull ups over the bar and like fucking down into burpee is into 100 meter sprint into deadlifts. Yeah, it will kill you, it will fucking kill you, and you won't want to come back. And it was the thing that I can. That's why I had a really consistent client base of all the people within the area where I was training in Melbourne. And it's because of I understood that it's also about not doing something that you never want to do again. It's so yeah, you just gotta squat so
hard. Because the that's where I noticed, I felt like yesterday's workout had a bunch of squats, I found that to be a lot harder than all the sort of pushing and pulling exercise of the upper body. Hundred percent. So that's just a common thing. You feel that? Oh, yeah,
I think it
is that leg day with the squats of counters like day one. That's like that.
But you want to just that when you said let's start, let's do a split body routine.
I'm looking forward to putting you through a week of a split rodeo routine, but you actually won't sleep either. You won't be able to lift your arms like fully I think split but I could do split body a
split body arms only I couldn't do any split body anywhere else. As long as as long as the arms if not push push shops. If it was just what is that? It's literally just the fucking what was I'm doing a motion. Pull that one. It looks
like an old man. That's a chin up
know, the bars coming down with me. It's very hard to let pull down. Yeah, Latin port lat pulldown exercise. That's your back. Back. I'm gonna have a big back because I enjoy that one big muscular back, dude.
A friend of mine bodybuilder, professional bodybuilder. He said it took him 10 years to put on 10 kilos of muscle 10 years of consistent training like flat out and he doesn't take steroids and he's not. He's a pro bodybuilder. He's fucking ridiculous rig
but you probably don't need it. I mean, 10 kilos is probably a lot of muscle. Yeah,
but he doesn't he still doesn't look ginormous. But just putting on needs to
take steroids and he needs to fix his diet. But he's the cleanest eating it's not about being clean. Yeah, a scientific is a fuckin What do you call it is just a scientist genius with his diet. And, and yeah, he knows it. All given the time of year, Netflix have leveraged the opportunity to bring out a new show. What is it? It's called tidying up with Marie Kondo. Yeah.
So I didn't know who she was. But I her method.
Is that right? I heard you say on Mary. Con Mary. Yeah. So con Mary's. It's, she talks about it in her book. What was it the it's like the Magic of Tidying Up or something stand I'm just googling it. But I listened to the audiobook of that at all about here we go. The Unexpected joy of tidying up. Is that it tidying up.
She charges you shit up.
She's she a minimalist? Not she's not a minimalist. So she's from Japan. Not that minimalism is a nationality. But she she does this stuff where she'll get you to hold up a piece of clothing or whatever the item is. And you have to ask, does this spark joy? And if it sparks joy, you keep it? If not, you thank it for its time. And if I can place it and check it all. All right, yeah.
Okay. And the way what to do with that? Yeah,
same thing.
coming tomorrow, you
fuck you and your might not it doesn't spark joy. Joy. Your feet stink. Why the fuck out you wearing socks anymore? That's back joy.
But I think where's the limit? Well, I know because I think that there's a scale so underwear. If they've got fuckin rips in them and stuff like that. They're definitely not going to spark joy. And nice, crisp pair of underwear that is kept a shape. Yes. Feels good. That will spark a level of joy.
Okay, do you agree? Yeah. Yeah, I like a new pair of underwear. But then if you've got older brothers and they just wedgie, you may be ripped pairs great because I get as well out of that. I was thinking I'm definitely like the undies and socks thing. I want to get it all sorted hundred percent. You should have maybe five pieces of clothing in your wardrobe. Otherwise, you're just keeping all these old shit because you wear the same thing. So should you should be able to like fucking literally look like john wick. Yeah. Who's john wick? I know. What is
the guy from what is the Matt Damon?
The accountant? Is this artistic accountant who's like, just like so particular about his his house and it's just like,
it's like Dave Ella. Yeah, he's a minimalist, but he's also what is he? What was it called? It's a movie called the accountant with Ben with Ben Affleck. Good man. He's a real numbers guy knows how to use cooking the books for all these mafia people. But he was also just an absolute weapon but didn't conspiracy Jimmy say that. Ben Affleck's also CIA agent? Yeah. Because he got into Hollywood so young. Yeah. Yeah, that would be Yeah. Which is exactly like you. That's what you should be like, your house should just be factual. What we've got. Well, that's the other thing I'm trying to work out is. I'm all for of getting a very small apartment. Tiny, because we were saving to buy a house or an apartment or whatever. And so I want to get somewhere small so we can save more cash. But Bry also wants a space she doesn't want to have it. It's actually not her space. She says she wants to be get a place big enough that we can have people over it doesn't feel cramped.
I think you're gonna have to spend money for that.
OK, so the difference between we could get somewhere that's, you know, under $500 for the two of us, but if we want to entertain Yeah, looking in the areas we're looking you have to spend over 600
yet come doesn't kill the bro 400 you could probably get something for 50 good place. Because if
we tell you the problem is that we have fallen in love with newer style, like just new like I just don't like too much carpet or if there is carpet, and new applies is nice. Yeah, but they're all luxuries like you can't have it all. So we need to make it just like I'm not complaining. We've received emails. Yes. What a mouse Actually, it's good. Let's have international people coming out of the Woodworks thank you letter. I would like to know where you're listening from because there's only two of us in this room so it can feel like no one's fucking listening. Well James from the UK he was talking about key rings I think we mentioned him last Friday him and I were just having some banter about the open a case which was quite locked. first ever product bottle opener but I'd be worried that it's snap snap my iPhone or that it would spray into the port that was a big country especially back in the day
they sold a shitload yeah they did they like they did it through Kickstarter just quickly if you actually want to convert email because Josh has no social media.
But he's he's big on a man getting onto the email the emails great. And so like I have longer form email. Saturday, I just sat down, opened up a man went through all of our emails responding. Yeah, it's good fun. But so Jimmy James from the UK I feel like British people less likely to be a Jimmy and more James. James. My name is James callme. James that you just trying to do a bond. British British wine Peters. We doing first and last names. Fine paid it. That's okay. Yeah, cuz winds got two first names. Yeah,
I know. I knew a girl who's on the was Wayne.
Wayne. That's good. It's legit, legit, but we're trying to 2019 trying to address both names. I can't make any problem we didn't want to we had to re upload the show. Hey, Wayne is Wayne is saying it's an honor and a privilege to be part of the squeegee cold. Right. It's not something that he's going to take lightly, which we appreciate. also said, By the way in Episode 254. When we're talking about the Masons, the first thing that came to mind three masters. Yeah, exactly. The first thing that came to mind for him with the Flintstones and the buffalo lodge rather than Homer and the stone cutters. He said not sure if you're old enough to remember the Flintstones? Yes, for sure. Yeah. Not as deeply burned into my head. As Simpson was the Flintstones was seen as something that was old school, just like the Jetsons. The Jetsons would watch it and mom and dad liked it because like oh, this this is what we used to watch. Simon's what's which he poo what's which he pulled from which he poo, which he poo is which he put which EP which EP was like saying which EP I'm just typing in which he poo to work out what the HR Puffin stuff, which he never heard a chop off and stuff. HR Puffin stuff. Things that rough.
Maybe did it in Cancun.
Those Yeah. I mean, there was a bunch of great shows on when we regret regret old school,
but I chopped off and stuff. That was I should definitely scan to YouTube and saying all the saints definitely can can get into that. Yeah, so we got an email from wine. Also got it's hard for me to see the emails because I'm writing back to them.
We got one from Gabby.
You're going from Debbie as well. Hang on, say this to this to me yet. No. So Gabby, from Canada? She's part of our squeegee Alberta. Correct? Yeah. And she listens while she's driving to work. It would be cold as fuck right now. I looked it up. What is it? It's like minus degrees. Like one degree to to raise. So when we were saying 40 degrees, that's Celsius that we were in Melbourne. Very hot, extremely hot. We had a guy come out today to try and quiet us out what it would cost yet. Air Conditioning done anything this hours in a minute. Does he not respond? Isn't it written?
No. No. Who's it from Joel crane. Okay, I'ma say his name.
He was on TV. Joel crane here. Shepherd at
Golden Valley news. So yes, I Gabby, thank you for listening. All the way in kind of that we've actually got a few people who listen in Canada and also in the US. We've got I think, who said this is why should Chelsea who's from Columbia, who we talked about in Tennessee, and we also
Yeah, I got one wrong because I said women wouldn't carry the coin.
No, I think that was made. Did you say? I think I said so anyway, as
you think about my wife and her pants, and I just don't see them as being that coin friendly. Yeah.
And it's also Yeah, the I was a bit of a collector when I was a kid of buying dumb things. But this is the thing Ashley is putting a bunch more research and I have she's actually understands all this stuff and gave a great sort of explanation around the coins. She was said the one that she has is called a more fake it and it's a which means to love fade and all that it has to you. And she I was asking her because she said yeah, I've got a coin. I'm a chick like we definitely chicks have novelty coins. And I asked her where do you keep the coin she said I carry the coin with me daily in my wallet. zippered pocket. It's got to be stupid. has to be it's not stupid
job for us to wear a parachute. Thanks
ash by the way as a kid parachute parachute pants too fat the parachute pants and I
know they're very popular when I was a kid just just constantly walking through the halls. I was more this pockets were deep and slippery. And you put coins in and you'd sit up any and all your coins would come in.
So no coins no most wearing parachute shorts. Now these Lululemon yeah there but no I am. I was into the one of the Clippy ones cold. I like that stud pants, though added ass. I'm sure I had my she could rip him off. So when you play basketball and your benchwarmer like I was the coach would say Josh you're on? Yeah,
flick them on angellist I never had those Amy mo Yeah, I'm he said to me. My wife
might have done 255 episodes if I don't know who I am. Is are in trouble. So Amy's shoes are you would have been the top that had those never had them. But then again, I was a stripper that actually had
her own pants that would
they'll probably custom job. Yeah, I bet. Hi, the daily talk show.com if you want to send us an email, we got any plant like got to get into the Seth garden writing. family. I need to actually we've got 20 something days. 23
days. Yeah,
I've definitely got to, to start punching it out.
22 days is a long time. So just find yourself a little spot the parents place. Yeah. and steal a few little wagon wheels and get
to work. The Daily talk show Hi. Videla talk show again. If you just dot com Hi at the daily talk show.com if you want to send us an email because yeah, I don't have social media now. So it's nice to say you will get a response. Absolutely. We also need to Trevor Trevor long is in Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show. So I'm sure this week we'll be able to have him on he's gonna be what did I say flat yakker? Flat NACA flight NACA flight. Yeah.
But flight. Yeah. Could could probably work because they say hard. Yeah. Yeah.
So he'd be very busy right now, basically. But we will hopefully have him on this week talking about all of the latest tech gadget.
Just tell me because I'm not a techie. What's happening? Is there people is there some sort of show on there's
like, there's like 15 miles of expo floor, where the big companies so far behind the Samsung's the the high sense, all those big companies showing off things like TVs or could be robotic vacuums, all the consumer electronics, phones, fitness trackers. And so a bunch of the companies will have what are they called keynotes where you can go and watch and they'll announce things. But then there's also a lot of and so what it's used for is say if you work for a company, like an electronic store, say here it might be like a JB hi fi or in the States, it might be best buy. And so the best buy people will go and they'll go to all the stores that'd be like, oh, we'll buy 50,100,000 units or 10 million units of your mobile phone batteries. And then that's how they get them into store.
So what comes with it is cool announcements. Yeah,
so not only cool announcements, but also sort of speculative technology so like up and coming stuff so trivet along last year trial to this airbag that the elderly can wear so if they fall over it's got it's around their bout if they fall over the airbag goes off. I just imagine Trevor long doing demonstrate.
I'm falling over God. He did it. He did it.
Oh wow. We should try and find it and stick it up on the talk show everyone Hope you have a great Monday and we'll see you tomorrow. See you guys