#158 – Mums on social media/
- August 23, 2018
The Daily Talk Show — Thursday August 23 (Ep 158) – Josh Janssen & Tommy Jackett
Having empathy for a homeless guy that’s causing a bit of trouble, Tommy in pink underwear, Josh on four-wheelers, a reminder to pay car insurance and the ridiculousness that can be Mums on social media.
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conversation sometimes worth recording with Josh Johnson and Tommy jacket. It's a daily Talk Show Episode 158 Tommy jacket. How is it in your car right now? Like it's nice and warm, crispy. I was feeling sorry for myself until I drove to get a coffee and saw a homeless guy sleeping outside. And then I thought, shut the fuck up.
Good. Good thinking. Yeah,
he's an interesting one. There is a and I don't know how I would tackle it personally.
Because I would be I would have a mix of anger and empathy. There's the homeless guy I'm referring to he where he does what he does he he sleeps in like basically the doorways of businesses in in this little strip of show ops in St Kilda. And it's kind of like it's probably a good idea because it's like a bit of a knock but then it sort of half goes out onto the the walkway but the thing is for the businesses it's very frustrating because when they get there in the morning he's kind of like made a bit of a mess and he does piece right where he sleeps and my friends are in a business where he sleeps right and I've spoken to them before because I said this what like do you see that guy down there? Because he wasn't in their shop and I said you know do you see the dude down there he's like oh yeah he came he comes in he sleeps Now sometimes and he puts up a real fast when when we come in the morning and he said that he's called the cops couple of times because he's been bit disgruntled and anyway this morning I saw that he's in my friends doorway to the shop so he they it's a cafe so I was he'll be there in probably 20 minutes time because it's currently 5:40am but it's like what I mean what do you do it's a guy who probably isn't that mentally well and yeah is battling like how
would you deal with I mean yeah this is the thing that I'm really struggling with at the moment is
talking about my default thinking of what I think of straightaway of these things I
and versus the empathetic side so I think that empathy doesn't necessarily come like first I think sometimes first can be like critical thinking I was even thinking about like during the day today yesterday's show where there was like when ever I say anything slightly negative and actually nine people out I call call people out I literally spend the whole day yeah thinking do i do i think that enough to go on the record and say that I disagree with potentially How should ginsburg studies fucking health mag thing yeah or revealing to the general public that I think may Friedman's a bit of a pain in the ass and I've just done it for a second time
in a similar In a similar vein with something like this Yes you could default into may just at the very least don't piece in the door just find somewhere else but obviously if if you're at a point where you don't have a house and you're having to sleep on the streets then potentially the the thought processes aren't the same obviously as what our thought processes yeah hundred
percent I think for me my empathy comes from seeing this guy Hi I'm seeing him for years around the traps and he kind of see the state that he's in and and you know you just start feeling for the somebody who you're seeing from afar who's just obviously disturb like it's at one point he he's abused my brother's wife my sister in law was she being an asshole well definitely definitely not he said something absolutely repulsive but obviously not mentally well and not sex pest issues if you thinking that it was very much just like he's been angry like like you can tell he's just overweight and being angry. It's interesting seeing the homeless people come and go in St. Kilda. You and I have spoken about this we saw one in the city well You and I are walking in the same day and I just stopped me and here we go again tell me he's talking here What's going on? There's somebody in it's a homeless guy sitting down and it wasn't it was one of the ones from St Kilda that I'm moved on. And so you see you see them all my brother was
in Chapel street where there's quite a few hardness and he said one not one afternoon or somewhere where it was he saw this guy that he went to school with that he just said looked lock and absolute wreck. Like
he basically said, he looked homeless. Like what he was dressed in and just said, it was like, freaky. You know, seeing someone that you just you knew. And you know, obviously you're thinking about the taught you probably get, you know, memories come back about the times that you hang around them, or you're at school together and you just see how someone's life is just fall apart. So full on. Yeah, uh, well, I even I think what I've found the most difficult and I've seen specifically in Southeast Asia in the US in Turkey, where I am now ease
people who are homeless or that are begging that hat and have disabilities. So like, I find that really hard because like, and I mean, it seems like a bit I can reach to be like a little bit sense that JJ is a bit sensitive, JJ doesn't like what he sees things that makes them uncomfortable. And I realized that that comes from an epic level of privilege. But I know I think I feel more uncomfortable because I think that for whatever reason, I've sort of, I feel like I've been hustled enough traveling and stuff that I don't necessarily pull the wallet out and give. But when I do see someone who is clearly physically unwell, I think that that's a lot harder not to, you know, give them something. Yeah, I tell
you what, Turkey the moment is like the saying, don't think about mean pink underwear. It's like all I can. All I can think about is Turkey. And all I'm seeing is people in Turkey I've seen like, what, why, let's go back to this pink underwear. I you know when when the fuck you talking? So it's like, it's like when you say you can't, you know,
picture me and pink. It was a specific Yeah,
non stop thinking about Yeah, exactly. It's like, nice. It's very nice guy.
Okay, what else has my body look? That's about it. Yeah, that's
okay. It's it's very sort of specific to the region that I get with. The analogy I would have used is once you start like I remember hearing that old red cars drive together and so now right now if you if you watch red cars tend to like to be near a dry good I'm gonna think about that. old guys that I've never heard that
when you say one red car you're always saying Oh yeah. Well yeah.
So you're pretty much a red car and all of the other people that I know are just red cars with you into action so you're saying people in Turkey? Yeah it who's there
Dan from cloakroom. He's there are some way I know look at these Insta he he's there Penelope who are used to work with and shepherd and she's listened to the shock cones she's just been to capital archaea
awesome and then yeah and then what's his name who stone patch Tell me days I'll business partner yeah this couple of Ebola what's is it must be like it's either just because you're there I'm thinking about it or it's actually like a hip place to go at the moment you think it's on that scale at the moment oh yeah
I think it's got like a little bit of
I feel like there's a level of the hashtag zine Enos of going there maybe it's got that feel like it's the place that you want to go if you want to feel like you're a little bit fucking being a bit cultural it's like oh you know look on the smart travel warnings it's a little bit out there were being a bit risque when nearly as a doc travel up but the reality is you arrive and it's a fucking amazing place and you feel like we felt super safe but yeah no I think it is probably it's super inexpensive in regards to food and things like that so we probably for the two of us to wait it's costing us around 12 1512
to 15 bucks good and we're eating shit ton of food but yeah it's just beautiful great weather super friendly people talk talking about Kappa Tokyo or however the fuck you say it and we'll work it out actually just before we go on I did get some feedback from one of
breeze friends who very happy to send her flowers and she listened to the gift of giving episode and then
yeah contacted and said are just just wanted to say thank you again but she
also said that $100 Uber voucher probably was better
yeah exactly no but she she said something about swearing i think but it was something way more time that I've been saying like same shit I was thinking well like we say a lot worse than that. But the
what was that are yet Kappa Tokyo or however you say it break. We'll go through the itinerary and thank you. Bree. Bree said. I'm saying it right going through the itinerary. And it only just occurred to me to pray today that
the four wheel a four wheel is that we're on Is it like she didn't it didn't click to what it is. She thought it was like some sort of like big four wheel drive that we're all going to be rather than where we're going to be back into zoom along in some like sand or some shit. So she's driving by itself is that what is that? Yeah, I think so. Is it that you're scared of driving by yourself? Yeah, she's Can you please just even just tell Bri that I'm more concerned about you Josh driving. Then Bruce Oreck and he's got it covered but I think he's more scared about about me yeah well this is the thing if people if if people haven't haven't had JJ on their radar in the last couple of years and you're on the new to the podcast I've actually never mentioned this on the podcast but when brain I were in fade Jay about two years ago yeah I had GoPro footage of us at a golf course and I'm in a golf cart and I'm feeling flip the golf cart on he was screaming and she said Josh I told you as like cuz we went over a hill and I was going sort of had my foot all the way down and then came on the other side and just sort of yeah
yeah nearly role the role the Gulf of just gonna pull you up you you do the same voice for your mom and February
Yeah, it's very sort of grating it's only when I'm getting told off to be clear
yeah true. So you've never driven a four wheel four wheeler have you know the only
sort of the only sort of vehicle that I've driven outside of a car and a golf cart was a motorbike when I was probably about seven years old and we were on this property we didn't even know the people we It was like a friend of a friend and like I you can have a go without peewee 50 or 4150 or whatever it's called. And I got on the motorbike. And as I was going down the hill really fast. My brother jumped out in front because he wanted to turn on the motorbike and I just flips that and I broke all the front of like the mud God and I had like bruising so that's my only experience in sort of small last time vehicles just just go slow don't make had turns and just just yeah don't don't just
got to bake Be careful because four wheelers Can you can flip four wheels pretty easily. Just go go fast and turn left as hard as he can you flip it. Yeah,
it will be it will be interesting. See how it goes. What one of the one of the interesting things about being away is when you hear from people, sometimes you can be a little bit on edge. So for instance, if you if someone's looking after something, or you know you you're expecting some bad news, that type of thing. Yeah, anyway,
we were a couple of days ago. I just remember this story. I put it into a trailer
we were we would just leaving nice. This is when we're going into the Uber and Bray said
my mum's calling me on WhatsApp. And then we're like, well, we just Betsy and the Uber. She's like I'll cola back and Bray explained Hi. I'm just jumping into a taxi because guessing it's easy to explain them explaining what a very and so she she did that. And then her mom wrote back call me now all capital letters and about four exclamation marks.
Oh, I would be worried at that point
yet. You would like so we were thinking my my mind straightaway went to haha. Which is in her garage. Like, you know what, like, I knew it. It's been fucking stolen or something. JJ not renew the ridge. renew the insurance. Actually. I think it's out in August. So we better sort that out good and cheap. All my insurances. So I better do that. Bray said that. Okay. She's just told me the car insurance is dump. We should all know something about that. You definitely break just sort of like I wrote like, I should be doing something. Okay. I'll do something about the insurance but it's in it's in a garage. So hopefully that it's an eye 30. So we had them. Yeah, the biggest concern I think we have when you own a 930 is heating another car. You know like hitting a Beemer or something and having to pay for that. But anyway, yeah, so Bree calls her straightaway and like, our hearts are rising like, what's what's happened and breeze sister in law had just given birth. So her brother's wife had just given birth,
although we're like, really excited about it, and super happy for them. It was also one of those things where I was like, are like it could have probably waited like a few minutes. Yeah,
I think something like that. I think as you get older, and people around you are getting older. You've got it. I think a message just saying break. It's got some great news. Give me a call. Like it's Yeah, yeah.
For set with great news going for like breeze mom said it was the I knew that you would call straightaway. It's hot. Yes, we thoughts on it fucking die. What
I've noticed is people like as I've got older is everything. Or I like I even do it when Amy's been calling me a couple of times. My first thing is, is everything okay, like we are on edge. And then we don't need capital. Call me now. That's like, that's a heart attack. Yeah, it was. And like,
breeze over it. Like Bray takes everything on the so she was like, after the call shaking qubit which has happened. All right.
I have to watch like, I think now is a parent, my, my, my, the least I can do is always be available in terms of to me,
you know, on jobs I answer. And I just if I can I just if a time me calling. And I just say is everything you All good? Because if it could be Bodie, you know, I need to go pick him up or something. So it's like, yeah, you just, you are sort of not, I'm not living a life of fever like you. Do you just on the lookout, you just need to be present. And so it's yet that the nightmare
Yeah, I think it's also maybe just communications online in general, like, you know, messaging, it's just thrown in a whole new ball game for a lot of older people, right? Compared to what they're probably used to having access to. Oh, yeah,
young kids aren't even they're not even speaking on the phone anymore. We've got Matt Mason in the office. He's 18.
He hates phone calls. hi to them. Yeah, it's,
it's good to Mason if you listening. Phone calls are good. Like, yes, these skills are the ones that's like it. I think it's gonna be hard for a lot of people like with work. And I think especially like when I was working at invite are like, we didn't have phones at our desks or anything like that. You just you would slack people. So I think it's a good skill to have. Yeah, yeah,
pick up the phone. If that's the first thing that you go to. It's so rare that that's not happening. People just jump on the email train just in those Yes, slack. They will just thrown around. Shay one of my favorite social media posts I've seen in a while actually happened
today Bray showed me this post from her step mom on Facebook and it was a photo and it said made this to not like made this meal tonight right yeah and it's got it looked amazing it was like a beautiful like slow cooked meal and this part and there's like on a really nice wooden table and then praise like if you actually say in the photo my yeah it looks great. And she's like yeah she's taking a photo of the meal from the cookbook
so she's she hasn't lied she said I've made this tonight and rather than showing the food that she made she showed a cook she's taking a photo at a fucking Jamie all of his book
well I think she's got us on a technicality
I mean I guess you did sort of make it tonight yeah tonight and then it's like fine print has the ingredients you should make it so that's the best I can we just just another random update as yet
so braise so I braid did a nice post about me on Instagram and then
Nicole one of brace friends said put a ring on it and Bray what it what did you write back break?
I right. I'm sorry. Put me on the spot now and I said, If Josh Johnson wouldn't say peaky with these jewelry, then I would.
So she just made a made a joke if I wasn't if Josh wasn't so picky on the jewelry that I would and she did a diamond ring emoji braise mum has just rushing a comment on Instagram saying what he thinks is a fucking proposal Instagram posts I think we've got a band breeze map from social breeze mom and step mom cannot be on social media on fucking WhatsApp
wow that is a nice
ladies and praise praise a bit read that's okay right silly things yeah
wait till the the baby announcement that never actually is happening what's happening but
she she's just was said on WhatsApp. She said I thought engage and embrace it. Haha. No. As if and then mom said it's been a big week that would have kept it off
will get what she what she wants.
She wants to get down one day just
you know, wouldn't be able to get back up.
I need to work on my squats before before we do that.
Have you seen anyone? Because you're in places you've been to pretty much every place that people would take people to propose. Have you seen any proposals, proposals?
proposes and I haven't seen any proposals.
But yeah, it's very funny. We ended up we went to like a bad place for dinner tonight. About space off
proposal places. Yeah, exactly.
That's where you're going to do a book. It would impress Bray. I can tell you that much. But
hang on. No, we did you just get pulled up on how you sink or Bab. Yeah.
Well, the funny thing is my mate nice on who's Persian. He says kebabs. kebabs, and it's probably because they're going to send you Yeah, literally. Yeah, that's all it is. It's like do you say Afghanistan or Iraq? Afghanistan of kind of Afghanistan? I say Stan,
because we're Australian. Yeah.
So no, but we ended up sitting next to it. Like, what happened was, we arrived at this kebab join or whatever the fuck you want to say it right? And one don't put a caveat on the end of it. Yeah. And what's so hard, not putting caveats when I've got the producer on standby. You
just like what you said that she was
like, over, you know, she literally after like I mentioned to our Mike and I didn't know how I felt about the May mentioning the Asha ginsburg thing because I actually like him. I like what he's doing. I interact with him on social media. I was like my a bit of an asshole for just like disagreeing with him. I'm like, Nah, I think it's fun. But she was like, Yeah, I was listening to that. And I didn't know how I felt. I said, What about the May afraid? men think she like not like me? Afraid?
Well, I think that anything that polarizes people, or, like, makes people feel something i think it's it's fair. It's should you should say you should say the look that I'm getting about the mayor. Comment. Pray. loves
what she's part of a group on Facebook with Mayor
That's right. He's a thing though. So she does. If you're in the public eye, and you're doing what we're doing, people have a right not to like you and not walking you doesn't mean it's not like, it's not the same as saying I don't like my once best friend for all these reasons. It's, it's just like, No, no, what I'm saying is like, you know, it's like, if you and I became not friends. We aren't friends anymore. I was like, Oh, hi, Josh. It's a bit different. I've got a lot of history with you. Whereas these people, it's like, you know, you get to know them online. And you just don't like how they are putting themselves at, but it's not the it's not 100%, like you're getting it a good grasp of who I am through this podcast. But that's okay. If you don't like me, we don't like it. You know, you don't have to, like everyone. And it doesn't mean that you just like have this anger towards them. But sometimes you might. But it's like, you just don't like somebody. It's fine. Yeah. Now
on the on the topic of on the topic of technology, and maybe older people and the way they use technology.
I need to know the kebabs shop story. Or they can
just literally like all that happened was we we arrived there and some local guys saw straightaway. And they said are like, we know English. None of these people at the restaurant will. So come sit with us. Yeah. And yeah, there are great. They were
telling us all we need to order this. Like they were like, they paid for their meal. We paid for hours and what something that went like, at first I was like, a bit like, what's going on here. And like, they had been dodgy but they'll super lovely but they were like, you need to try this and try this now ordering for us. It was like
it was 66 layer. So it was like probably 1212 bucks or something for all of this food. Eric but it was just like we had had a pretty bad eating sort of time in France. like yeah, there's there's bad eating in the sense of
when we're in easily it was different in the sense of I was having pizza every day it was really good ingredients that was fresh where it's like would somehow on our road trip to to nice we've gone into like trash bag food territory where it's like we need some Doritos in the car. And that's like oh Have you tried Have you tried these these Ed dames chocolates like oh no it's like all we item it's like oh that's that's breaks out and then it's like oh this is a thing or do you know that you can actually oh my god I just found out that on at McDonald's you can add dame's t Mac flurry should we should we try that? And so it's like all will try that out. Oh my god. Did you know that you don't have to get vanilla ice cream in your app. McFly. Ray you can actually just click you can get chocolate self service like oh my god. So I will like using these novel excuses just to basically be fat Fox. And so the annoying thing was these guys were just like was sort of always just gonna have like Platt is we're going to keep it fairly late. Why? We're just going to have our maintenance salads and stuff and game and that will just like bringing out all this stuff like Bray was drinking this like that. We had something spicy. She the guy was like fading with a spoon. And they had like nine Yo yo yo Get Started drink. It was pretty. It's pretty outrageous. I didn't know what the actual story was. But it was just a it was a funny. That was a funny experience fading Brie with a spoon. It was feeding me as well. So I think that I can really like stuffing a fight like that really like cake at like the kebabs came out for us. Yeah. And
like they did that work with me. I handed over for us to have a bite. If he's kebabs even though we had coming. That's weed. So it's like, it's that's classic. Like, it was a good experience. But praise like, oh yeah. I'm always by being my being off you. And your eyes would darting a lot trying to like analyze the situation. What was going on? Oh, I would have loved to been there. Watch that. Yeah, I mean, I'm pretty, you know, I'm pretty awkward. And break things that I'm the she's a bit of a scaredy cat. But I'm for whatever reason, I'm just she's saying shout out the I'm I'm not a scaredy cat. But I'm very jumpy and for whatever reason in a symbol. There's all these like, must be water bottles or something that has air in them. And cars go over them and make life a loud bang. Like the sort of remember back in school when people would have Primus Yeah. And I would like jump on them and make a noise in the locker room. Yeah, big offender. And yeah, be very niche sort of example there for people who don't have our overseas audience premise like juice boxes. So you'd have like the, the Yeah, so anyway, I've been very jumpy anytime. Something bang. Like there's a bang I to just naturally do a jump. And then Bray doesn't react to the bang. But she reacts to me jumping. Yes. So
the weird thing is you jumpy, but next minute. You've got some random bloke feeding you with a spoon? Yeah. So this is where your, your your street smart level is, you know, not as bad web
experience that the thing is, like, I I like to my vibe on travel ease. I want to I am analyzing the situation of like, What do I have to lose right now. So even we were we bought some scoffs or whatever, for brain so she can go into the mosques and shit tomorrow. And the
was the first story went into. And as a general rule, I wouldn't buy out of a first store. I would like want to actually have like to be able to haggle. You need to at least know where to start. The starting point was, yeah, and so they were about I think, like 25 Leroy. Ah, that six six Australian dollars. Ah, and
Bray was getting two of them. And I said, are
40 lira. Like say? He said, 50. lira. I said, How about 40 lira. And then he said 45 lira as it. Okay, like the softest, the softest bargaining or haggling you've ever heard. And then we go next door, and like a guy has them for like 10 or 15 lira, so we paid more, but I feel like that was one of those examples where it's like, it's like, low risk. It doesn't really matter. At the end of the day. They they need them the money more than we do. That's what he says, but I might hang on. He owns a shop. We don't even own a shot. Like this guy's not doing to like he's got like, fucking like to say, oh, in that place is leasing like that's. That's just not cheap. Yeah, he's he's actually the boost juice of Nick Yeah, I scoffs expansion franchise. Janine. Janine Alice of Eastern ball doesn't need a break. Yeah, yeah.
Okay. Yeah. But ya know why? I wanted to say about the technology thing. I feel like I'm just getting out all of the things I've been thinking about of light the I was talking to my mate Chris who are who will just traveling with about people who he works with, who have really funny ways of doing a male and he saw that his boss basically had a folder of every single person that he works with. And when he gets an email from them, he drags that email into that person's folder. Um, it's not a bad idea.
It's not bad to have you know your communications with fable.
Dom Why me it's so damn because you can you can sort it out look like with Huth emails from you don't need to put it into a folder. So it's not so rich. It's not. It's not like, you know, 100%. It's so dumb. You can you can search I can't believe we're gonna have it. Like that was
that was meant to be a huge laugh from you, then I didn't. It's a lot better. Hang on. I like creating folders. It's fine, is it but
like, I know, for me, Gmail is a fucking piece of shit. When it comes to like, how it sort of lays everything out. It confuses shit out of me. I'm looking for an email for kinsmen owned by Google or you need to do is search the ship that in the email and it will come up. Yeah, sometimes. Sometimes I'm losing stuff, right? Yeah.
That shouldn't should never happen. Right? But what
I want to tell you why I tell you. What. Yeah. Why do you say me on a quad bike? Oh, absolutely real.
And say you've got the email Kevin and I ruin it. Unquote. quad. But the thing is, you'll never be able to find the reservation for the two because you won't be able to you haven't created a folder structure for the reservations. But it did. It did remind me of my boss. When I worked at the fiber guide, he would actually this is no joke. He had all of these physical folders in every time he received an email, he would print out the email and put it into a plastic pocket are okay.
That's isn't that outrageous? That will cause fires. Yeah.
Whoa. Yeah. Not only that, but I was just like, I used to always be like, what is this dude do like, what is I remember having it like he was in when I was working there. It was a lot older than me. He's probably double my age or whatever. I remember. I was a trainee, and I was having these conversations with him. This is when I was 19 and are saying to him, like, I I'll just make up a name. It's, I don't use his real name. George. Why, like, if you don't like it, why still here? Why don't you this is like, yeah, you know, like, I just,
you know, it's hard when you have a family and stuff like that. Just spend his time printing off. And so when would have meetings and stuff he'd be flicking through these folders to find a male's JS that's Oh, poor guy. I wonder if he's still a probably is like
it's pretty. Um, he's probably still got those. Maybe something's gonna happen to the internet. And then it's, um, it's gonna be worth something all of the emails that he has. But I actually just on a bit of trivia, I think that the way Google started Initially, the founders were trying to create a copy of the internet.
Really? Yeah,
I think that we're trying to actually school everything that's online. But that would be really, really expensive. If you think about the amounts of terabytes, millions or billions or trillions of terabytes of internet data. We have Jesus that is
when I've needed some technical help here. I won't get into it. But uh, yeah, definitely hanging around you. You do you do realize
our next
week it to Germany to quickly troubleshoot it on
one I'll just tell you, I troubleshooting myself, but I was putting in the right fucking password for my email. And it just wasn't working. But. Also Richard Jansen.
My dad I know. So I'm going to leave it there are right there are going to go back and get back into my code box and own it. Yeah,
just just reset the password. Actually Russkies did mention we were talking about Google Trends the other day, I able to see you can basically search trends and see if people are still you know when it peaked when people were talking about it. But he also mentioned way back machine which is sort of like
a smaller version of I guess what I was talking about with what Google is doing but they've basically archived a bunch of the internet so you can go back if you type in wave machine into Google you can actually find old websites that you may have made or that you went to and you can select a date and you can actually render that website from that time so it's just it like it takes a screenshot of each page of the website what's it's not even that it actually like loads up the code and stuff like that. So some things are broken sometimes but that's really what it won't do is
flash websites because I had one and it yeah and you can access it which is annoying
was that the one that you spent like 10 grand Yeah
What do you mean the idea wasn't investment
Do you think that was a good investment that was fee stripper business wasn't it yeah I mean it works we got business through it but it's it was slow and so was it something that you had to like pressure clothes and they'll slowly come off or something like some he could he doing flash no
I think it was like just a video it had like a logo which was like neon looking in it kind of like phased in you know like it was turning the nice teen fees didn't like it you know like a like a piece of TNT with a week on the end and it's sort of like birds in and then sort of she turned on it was great anyway that's it's all gone it's gone.
I'm feeling a bit hyperactive today if you haven't noticed yeah I
yeah sugar it's all
the food yes
it's what it's what was on the spoon that that guy was feeding you with? Yeah exactly.
Yeah it's probably on some sort of spade but no I was been eating a lot of Turkish Delight as well he's got again he's got he's got
a JJ food diary update let's let's finish with that that's
that's the time to wrap it up as the daily talk show everyone tomorrow we're chatting to Jules land and we talked about a lot of things including the blow up the you know we talked about way I decided to tell a client on set one of your clients that I wouldn't be working with them again
it's it's happened a few times it's the JJ blow up but i
think it's it's only happened once hasn't it well once in my presence yeah once once in your presence and I feel like I'm getting better at the the blob thing but yeah we talk all things business and Jules gives us a good insight on the how hard it is to run a business like he's doing at the moment with tribe Yeah, it's interesting chat. We'll catch you next week guys it's a daily talk show everyone height the daily talk show.com if you want to send us an email and it's only not long TJ until will be in the US as well October so and then. Then we'll be back in Melbourne shows in person which I'm very excited about. Have a good one guys say.