#040 – LIVE from the Krispy Kreme carpark/
- March 12, 2018
The Daily Talk Show — Monday March 11 (Ep 40) – Josh Janssen & Tommy Jackett. – Recorded Sunday March 10.
Celebrating episode 40 of The Daily Talk Show LIVE from the Krispy Kreme carpark
Send us mail: PO BOX 400, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Email: hi@bigmediacompany.com.au
Josh’s YouTube Channel – http://youtube.com/joshjanssen
Tommy’s YouTube Channel – http://youtube.com/tommyjackett
Episode Tags
We're going
to hang on. This is not going to be this is not going to be a mass here we got Oh, why did I wear yellow? Welcome
to the daily talk show.
This is a bit more snag than our usual studio where we do this show for this is perfect. We need to, we need to make sure that we're, we're live
the dream wasn't a ton. So just a little info aware right now at
Krispy Kreme donuts. Yeah, in nary Warren is an area where it narrower and curves this I was here we've got cars going look at us there we live right now. That's my children. What are you guys working
his nails really gonna confuse? people confuse the fuck out of people. I'm sharing this across right now you're going to share it to all of your friend. Yeah, yeah,
I will. All right. We're celebrating Episode 40 of the podcast that Josh and I do. So if you are watching, you might not have any clue that we even haven't spoken. But if you're listening, you probably listened to a podcast
or a new listener. That was I think this is going to be the opportunity for us direction and just step
out a little bit is this this is who's six foot two blokes just in the boot of
a cast hanging out just hanging so the reason why are we here? Well, we you
we wanted to like put a
like a goal in place of getting to like a milestone so miles This is the first real milestone as far as
is it Yeah,
I think that So for us it was like we we have been doing this every single week day. Yeah,
for the last what month and a half or so. And we were talking about how when I was a kid I lined up at this very Krispy Kreme that we're at so I got in my video Commodore and we got a bunch of boys together they go cruising just the lads the lads so that we had about three cars and we and we rocked up maybe like 10 o'clock because this is 24 hours this joint yeah so we rocked up and the line was Fox it we come out come out a little bit this is nice it was two and a half hours that we had to wait like and so we're driving the car like a meter and then stopping for 1520 minutes driving the car meter I'm trying
to get away in about the wind and wherever you can you let us know is the wind are we picking up the we've actually got me and Bray let's come on out we'll get them to come on out very quickly and so we're starting off slow or we're realizing that there's it's a live stream we've got Lynn Jansen watching say that mom Hi mom I know you must be so proud
so he's the plan yeah
just let's bring it back to what we're doing here we're Of course going to eat Krispy Kreme donuts yeah
our my watch to your girlfriend's here come into frame ladies please praise coming into looking at maybe I'm egos that side yeah because that we
don't Ray was thinking yeah there's
no part of swapping going on. Ah
Here we go. And they are all in black. Yeah, security for our obey.
All right. So girls, we need you to go in and get us some donuts.
what's what's mom saying? By the way? Oops. on TV. Hi, George. There's
nothing on TV. Perfect. So you're watching something on TV would you be watching that oh we will be watching if there was married at first sight on should be watching that right now. So we've just been to Mexican Cantina. Yeah,
one of my favorite restaurants I feel like the seas just a celebration of nostalgia for Josh I've just worked at we went to a restaurant that he's been going through since he was seven I brought a prop to that once we've got the Krispy Kreme so we can go through
may have
potentially thank you for driving all this way so we're now going to go up razor and Amy Can you please go just sort of like I think what we need a drink a drink okay I want to shake okay and then I would like just a bunch of donuts and me you know my thought you know what i like that's
not at least one plane well if you're getting a dozen
yeah so yeah good It doesn't yeah
maybe you should we get mixed I reckon I would have got half a dozen as a 18 year old with allies
I'm adult now so I want to do we want half a dozen of glazed half a dozen of assorted okay all right
he I'm gonna give you the camera so can you just feel
it? Is this a full stack purchase? Yeah maybe this is this can be tough on the company can I think so. Recording
okay this is riveting. We alright so we're just we're just warming up guys now we've got six people watching the live stream thank you and we probably had about 60 people drop off at this point listening to the bug yeah if you're listening pray like a as a recorded version it's probably not as exciting but it feels good right now paint the picture for everyone Joe so we are just after what is it sorry are you transferring money into different accounts get done a break
yeah it's just great like that you doing it on my personal one? Okay great. Alright thanks for the support
alright Donna Thomas
Can you can you feel Can you feel I'm getting the donuts you guys do a little long between you I'm gonna get back in here Richard says Josh guards who doesn't that's my dad
rich solid solid naughty boy thanks breezy and if they come out like Lynn us to get the donuts I'll be very upset yeah
what Tommy is referring to is
yes please chocolate I think what do you want
I want some we something not to weed but just kind of big cookie
cookie yeah yeah the almond milk era be going with this you're not gonna get almond but no So you went to so painting the picture yeah where yet nary Warren just off we're going off at Ernst wonky road but actually this one is the one up
doing horrible
when you when you
found you know Catherine Kim yeah I used to live in fountain guy aren't fountain likes what was that like a parody of okay so there are ripping them off so if you've ever seen fountain if you've ever seen Catherine key that's kind of like what this suburb is a few a look lane. You know what I'm talking about. So used to live in and call the second. Newlin did we call the second reason was a Coca Cola say
we did you dad had a hot rod that's why yeah he did and he sold the Hot Rod so we could get a pool which is very sad settle back let's get this conversation is really really not long I look real comfortable
so I feel like this is something kids would do
this is what I love about it that we're just having fun yeah and that we've got like if we were if we weren't radio net right now there would be caused from the content director saying playa fucking song. Yeah. And we would never
get any opportunities ever ever again. Yeah, you were waffling. But let's let's tell some story.
Tell a few stories. Yeah,
I think just really quickly the thing that I'm noticing right here is just how American it feels with the crispy cranes and there's a TJ I Friday's yeah and then there's like at TJ Maxx or whatever they call it here in Australia where you like it's just got all of these big sort of big shops now
so tell me when they would
break I gave you my wallet yeah this is this is a regular happens brings that
you've literally gave you my wall probably inside now I'm so sorry
the missus is always right Josh Jesus Christ no but breed to be clear Jesus Christ this obey is going really well to be clear Richie's writing something I feel like I need to do the occasional look over label right So how long does this last Richard says well Richard more than he does
sorry just a
first inappropriate joke about my dad my dad Richard yeah Richard Jansen the hell off the live stream Richard the modeling is already master the lights and we've got four people watching we're gonna need to cut this down for the the pre record any for the recorded version so fountain gate for me was where I went when I was watching movies or the movies and stuff with it village cinemas Do you we did you get Did you have like a curfew when you used to get laid out to go the show literally picked up did not need it literally there we go there's the narrower and locals which is good for all the know there's there was no need for a curfew. My brother Jake Johnson has just arrived Jake Come on in our first guest I jack Nice Nice to meet you too. Hello We're live right now. I think we've lit it's a bit of a family affair between Richard trolling us on the live stream and and Jackie Richie saying now we had to pick him up oh yeah that's true. Dad had to pick me up from the the village cinemas obviously but the thing to consider was they never had to do curfews I was never cool enough to like if I ever had a moment of like he's obviously gone and Krispy Kreme donut
donut yeah well done while city literally didn't know where we're here
Sunday night snack
know fountain gate with fountain gate was my local knocks became a little bit of my local for a minute Where was your local What was your local village cinema? My movies are jam factory say you're a
boy to Boise. But it's not. It's it's in a good area to chapel straight. Yeah, it's in the heart of it. We used to catch the train nails. Perfect. Yeah. Would you? What would you do about like the candy bar and stuff like that? Where you a big one on the candy bar back in the day when the candy bar was legit. Like the old school where you could just help yourself? Yeah, it's changed a lot of these places. Because we would fill out bags out and still should now we used to sneak into movies. And if my mom's watching, sorry, ma'am. But we would literally work out how to get past the person at the front. Yeah, and then we'll just drop drop into the cinema sit at the back and then we'll exit through the the exit door lock the fires gay alarmed, I was always they were alarmed. But sometimes we even would come through the fire escape into the cinema. And the weird thing was that this there'll be a cinema full of people. And you'd be walking in out in front of the screen and up into the store and then just sitting there so so you were the kids that would sit in a random state and then people would have to say hey, you're an essay you'd like to shuffle along like fucking idiot? Yeah. In the noise would be
from a parachute pants with her. She never. I was my outfits as a kid were the like, how would you describe them? I wore us a hoodie. And there's something about you went to JJ especially went now Jay Jay was later in my life. But before that, it was Daniel market mood. get big juice. hoodies remember juice and now probably fake as well. Yeah, they'll fake obviously. Yeah. No. I'll have I'll have a juice hoodie or a USA hoodie. I'd have the water with a pin pants. caught the like started pants?
pants? Yeah. had started pans. Reno girls used to have these pants? Cold Michiko pants. I just remember them know like they're almost like what the exercise pants of today. Yeah. And it was like a Christ. I was like, really? It wasn't like you were dressing up but it was like still you got away with it. Like puffy neither like skin tight spray on Mateos if there's any girls my age 30 years old they grew up teenager wearing those make sure you comment that sounds a bit weird now it's just I just remember those crisscross pants I've talked about them on this which is like I had a pair this color this color t shirt but you'd never wave that colored pants I never so I will. Those in my brother had a purple pay and I had and then we had a green pay like cool at that point brain
I was discussing today I saw this little girl who would have been like seven and she was dressed like she was like 30 not in like a skanky way or anything like that. But just like so fashionable and
ever getting trolled everyone's we're getting trolls chatting chatting. So these people who have actually come on a cruise to hear it's a Cockers isn't it I think this is something this is something that Richard Johnson would do but there's always sound like they always we are bringing attention to us right if you're not watching this live streaming listening we've got like this lights it up that we use for professional video shoot filming and just want to make sure we looked good
no but no going going back and closing that loop
that she was kids are so much more fashionable now way these that just a perception just because we're older now. Or like I feel like way was so dorky.
Yes, you very true. Well I think like I don't think my mom was trying to get her kids to dress like her. Yeah, maybe she was maybe she was dead now I don't think she was day but my point is I have bought clothes or Amy's book clothes for Bodie to be a mini me that it basically Michael Yeah like the shirts at the back that are longer some drop crotch pants and a handy for nappies and he's got like he's got like little little cons someone boarding little added asked I think do you pay full price for that sort of thing? It's it's not as much as an adult pair but still it's still ridiculously expensive. Yeah
Can you just tell that you don't not theme Yeah. Just tell that story one more time and
I want to Lynn reaction does
morning Jason if
you're in it. And I was discussing the other day about how upset that I would get mum would get a star nuts basically every day and I would be really wasn't the best in Lynn know, I made the judgment but I mean, probably a bit of judgment little bit. She she was saying that. We didn't know any better at the time. I think we did.
You weren't eating that shit way. Yeah. Bill. Mom's a yogi, though. Yeah. So she was she was
she's a yogi. Just a quick story. Sorry. Finished that. And then I'll tell you a story about what my mom did. Okay. So no, I I would get so upset when I would come home from school. And mom wasn't careful with the plastic bags. Mom said. It's about the icing. Yeah, it is. Mom. The fucking icing would be stuck to the plastic. And they in fact, the donuts and I get so upset about it. And here we go. They smell so good to their heart. Oh, they're
hot man. Cody is they get this on cam. Amy. Okay, here we go. He's out. My wife's a she's the she's the videographer. Here we go. I'm Josh. can film kitty music. Oh, it smells like America. Here we go. Oh, wow.
Why? We need to remember.
I remember the smell when I came with the boys. And we get
this in shot. Yeah. Okay.
Oh, there you go.
That looks amazing. Yeah.
So this is a glide. Oh, and don't answer what she sang on sorry.
So we got six of the original glides. And then we got to Reese's Peanut Butter Cup ones because you both like peanut butter and chocolate cookies and cream, chocolate sprinkles, vanilla slice, you know, and a camel into select one. Josh has already finished the donut that's the problem with these fucking things. And was the RCI delicious, but it's like, it's like, I haven't eaten one. Or I'm going to tell the story. And I don't think my mom will like it too much.
But my laptops or I brought us moving. It's gone. It's fine. It's only 6000 a laptop.
Anyway. So we're hitting. This is a secondhand story because I wasn't born at the time. That would happen. So my mom put on a birthday party for my brother. Yeah, this is my oldest brother. He is older than me. And so things have changed since my brother was having his first birthday. Like he's the parties this event. Well, he was born in 1981. I think it is sure 1990 so it would have been like 45. Yeah, maybe a six. So maybe you 69 a bit older. Yeah. Anyway, I don't know the exact either. It would have been in between five and 15 years of age. Haha. Anyway, let me just
let me finish this story. just gave you free one. Go on. So my mom made a cake for my brother's birthday party. What? What? What sort of carried back off? Yeah, say it's, it's not. It's not even sugar. It's like, you know what? Caribbean? Yeah, they give Carib two dogs as chocolates you know like you can you can go Ray has borne character
it's really delivered with my birthdays because you did she get over that I might we had ice cream cakes from dairy bill with like, this is like literally colored icing. That was like goo on it was the best thing ever. My
anyway, praise that. Can you just tell us what happened? Coming to fry them and tell us what happened? We've got Jake here as well. Holding the site. Thanks. Check.
So we went in there we ordered and they gave us a free Diana ah. What
would you like a free sample and was a whole Dinah
ah. And then I ordered a fresh
Why did I get the shake for free on
the shake? wasn't just the diagnosis where we got to fray
we ate them in there and then Jake got one tree because he came alone I think I've always done free I had thought
I'd do it on my face got it wasn't quite the
races. Yeah, I'm. I'm excited about the racist peanut butter. Um, how are we going percentage on a laptop? 75%. We're all good. I'm just going to talk about this don't have that. I made it. This is not a lie. Listen pied
like podcast say that for Krispy Kreme.
How much time we spend on donuts? How much
money I'm gonna get a call from? The accountant
got Krispy Kreme. Josh Are you okay are you having a breakdown
why okay okay if we were a publicly listed company would be on the front page of the Financial Review
they there Ah that I was about to eat that
brakes on
these are these are really good he's a really like fresh light and fluffy funny that you would describe the hold up for a second actually thank you so much you're you're in frame which I liked I move but there's sort of it looks funny it looks like there's two of us your
shadow the
which is just the paint but braise is a pain up by race want it we can't keep bringing people like audio is gonna be absolutely sheet has its we've already gone down here with it yeah after I want you to tell me your first memory as a kid and then after that brings it can you bring out the props that I brought with me
just off to Tommy tells his story
and a bunch of time thinking about these answers like juice sit around going what was my first memory and then you lock it in? I can't fucking remember I can't remember but I do we have a friend who told me that he thinks he can remember when he was in the womb
is this Captain
he said that was the captain
Captain things and governments following him as well he sound of a bitch night maybe maybe maybe he could Has anyone ever
is anything
him Why don't we as a perspective because you can have fun and remember your childhood is still a bit doc Dr. What was I like as a kid
would you say you are a pain in the ass would be putting very lightly
Jake is the old he's a middle child. middle child. If you haven't guessed based on his attitude. Yeah,
Definitely a pain in the ass. He just jumped into things
got super fixated on on things
received at school
did this was a difficult one because he seemed to be received relatively well from an outside perspective. But he didn't seem to have many friends.
Sorry. I mean,
I have a lot of acquaintances. All right, I can talk down to give a mouthful Yeah.
Was that one of the things he did? When you love when I'm watching movies? And I hear people eating and talking
that's fucking something real intimate about Lynn Did you don't teach your son anything
she told me how to eight and 12 decide
hey I want to ask you brothers and Christians because you're yours are all suede because you know the answer asking was Josh always is like fucking he thinking a million steps ahead
Ah Yeah,
I guess so. I guess I mean, he was always far more I wouldn't even call it mature because I didn't think it was mature he was just like a 35 year old film gates sort of stock you'd like a 13 year olds body? Yes. I've always called him a big kid he's also could potentially be a robot if we cracked his head open I was like Manny from modern family
that's accurate. That's very nice. Cool. Yeah.
Except these not positively like not in a good way
but it didn't look like Manny's Mama
Mama taught and that was
Who had a mom that was a mill. Yeah. Who was it for your school?
My friend. Mark I'm still mites with him now. Yeah, good one. Mark. And he's mom. Yeah,
everyone would talk about it. Everyone would say to him your mom's a meal. I think he fucking hated it.
It probably is. Because it's not like a gives a shit about his mom looks like during any ever went home and sort of like, yelled these mom for being attractive. Yeah,
maybe. Dammit. Mom.
good looking. Dude. Oh, my friends. Want to bang? Yeah.
He He was like, I was super short. He was super short during school. And then boom. He's like six foot three. Be like
you can have this by the way. just crazy. Can you bring out the props place?
I was okay. But I just feel like the cow. I think next time that we have a lot of structure. Now. We
have less people that are trying to say stuff to us. Yeah. Because then it's just like you can't hear the other side of what someone said. It's okay. It's all right. There was some good stories that are
you. Hi. Thank you. I've got props. Hey Joe has gotten
a case of the Nostalgia's tonight. He's brought out some I'm Scott magazines. What you said to me earlier I have a prop that I want to show you
here on millennials 2003 e book I've got all my ebooks I was looking at the other day and I've actually got the when I was the SRC
president. I can't remember what you say. This is where I probably should have flagged beforehand but literally I would I got to do the big like if you have a look like for instance most of the mags like had made like you look at this. This one
right. There's only four people on the front. Yeah,
you first Yeah. May and then just some other papers. But I was like the main attraction is you realize the property board
is visual. And this is an audio show. How about the most part I mean we're doing a live stream make it Oh, do some audio I'll read you out what I what. You wrote a book. Yeah, no. So I was a school captain. Right? So the funny thing is literally like look at the bottom of what I put under my name on mine. The toilet
okay. Josh Jansen, if George Clooney website Josh Johnson. Calm literally at the bottom so people can keep in contact. No one out. Everyone's hit
you with a race. That's amazing. When a week
sorry. On this piece on this in this magazine. Yeah. Is a photo of Josh wearing a wig and a dress. Yeah, I
dressed up as like a fairy on my last night. That much like a troll, dude. Yeah,
you could have chosen a bright blonde. Hey, for fairy you only week that we had. He's got it's it's like. It's like brown like yuck. Brown
started. Go on the whole nostalgia thing. Let's let me read you what I said. I feel like I was so professional. Ready. How old were you? Sorry, I was I actually was like 1717 a book a book. So this is the final year or 2000 and I brought many memorable moments. It was the year of the Beijing Olympics. The world economic crisis, the year that Britney Spears was submitted into a psychiatric ward light of release the award winning song, womanizer. And how can we forget the very last year of remembering Secondary College as I reflect on my at my time at how am I remember the friendships that were made, the things I learned and the experiences that we all shared. There were highlights in all areas of how I'm in the field of sports. We saw the establishment of the annual athletics and swimming days, the introduction of houses and not forgetting the success
of all my say, I'm not very good. Say, look how what badly this thing's design. It's so hard to follow,
not forgetting the success of all of our sporting teams, you know who you are, there was a big upgrade on computers and camera equipment in the arts areas. And in return, students produce the highest quality in work. All this was only possible with the support of staff and students. I would like to thank everyone that went beyond their expectations. In particular, Matt Pearson, Mr. Pearson, who many of you know as p so is one example of many dedicated staff going beyond their expectations to provide us students with the best school experience. Thank you to everyone that contributed such a such a fantastic Good Good luck in the future endeavors and remember life to garden dig it. Josh chance. And www.com Did you check the inbound traffic Effie that came out? Not sure I had a little little spike but I used to promote my website everywhere that was on it. I used to do a blog. I remember every single time I'll start some sort of weight loss program or do a blog post. I remember being in New 10 and dating someone in your eyes. And I was really conscious that I that it was a bit gross. Yeah, I remember doing a blog post about like, it was like, who is some justification of maturity
brothers, right? You're an old 35 year old filmmaker. I can be a unit in a 12 year olds buddy, I'm surprised at how many people have come into Krispy Kreme, like going into Krispy Kreme since you've been out right? The sun. What is it? Sunday night? Sunday night? Like, nearly 9pm. Was it i 30? Yeah,
it's it's 9050905. And there's loads of people. It's so busy. They do what what they do is they do these like car car meetups and stuff like that. That's what the cool kids did. And that's where I was. Yeah, like, you remember all the cruises that came here like when it just open the show. I remember there was just down the road. Nice. super cheap auto high because I worked on Rogers life that car show during the filming and stuff,
boys and had a live feed your Come
on. Come on. We're doing we're doing a live. This is the daily talk show. What's your What's your name? I'm Dylan Dylan. Surely there's more of us than there is audience right now. We have
Dylan what do you what are you doing?
Nine o'clock? What is the
what? what's what's?
What's the schedule? In regards to Krispy Kreme? How often do you go? what time of day? What's your order? It's normally a night and it's always an original place. This is the best
strawberry one's actually all of your eyes look like the original guys are you start? You know, I wish
bike for the first time today.
Good on you.
What? a motorbike or actual actually push bike. I'm Evelyn Whoa. Wow. Yeah.
Why not? Why not? just wasn't. You
never did it. More jumping off things
where we're getting a bit nostalgic. I went to school around this area. Where did you guys go to school? boxing. And I went to I went to one should ask.
Derek says
we had a bomb threat
in your seven. Really? Yeah.
That was what what happened? Well, I'm writing to actually that was the worst part. There was a suitcase in one of the classrooms and the teacher walked in. He had no idea where I was from, so they assumed it was bomb evacuated. I didn't like the SWAT team. Like the bomb squad. SWAT
dogs and ever. Did you ever find out who put it in there now?
Oh, yeah. Pretty cool as well. Oh, no one knows. Like, yeah.
Did you study prank calls? When
you? Yeah. Well,
you went Ronnie.
did one we call Nintendo once. They just told us they don't do that service anymore.
They used to do a service where you call them up for help with the actual game focus like the Pokemon game but that don't do it anymore.
Interesting. What
What year did you graduate from school today? So 15
like 2020. Look
and so Krispy Kreme do you actually remember when Krispy Kreme first iPad? Yes Oh my god it was the best day of my life
yeah no yeah look lines Wilson waiting yeah so way I was actually on the let me know if I got my phone here because there's a photo of me let's have a look. Here we go. This was May standby. Sorry for the delay guys. Great. A great online. He's a father of many guys
in 2000. And what was it 2006 2007
at the front of Krispy Kreme. What she goes in like, this was the day that it was we first in line or what I was what number way? Oh no. I was like I had to wait like an hour and a half to get him. But it was the day so bit. The thing is that you guys have stayed strong. So you didn't go the first day. But you are excited about it. And how often do you reckon you've had it since I know very often I really good trait. So this is a trait for the boys. This is like an every like
once every two weeks. And what are you getting? What does not so you gotta get to that. Just a big box of lights. That's what just oj like. Why just not even chocolate
one. Occasionally. I'll grab the odd
different flavors. One. But the average Joe guys are the best one.
What's this is competition between YouTube. What's the most doughnuts you've eaten? What's your name? Dana. Dane. How many donuts Have you eaten in one sitting for in
one sitting? I entire box. So 12? Yeah. What have you done? At least 24 outside you saw because they're so easy. Because they The thing is they just sort of mountain you may
24. It was a lot. I remember specifically as a kid. I remember when I first it's got them and I put them in the fridge. I'll just ate them and eat them and eat them. But sorry. Has the menu changed at all? Have they introduced Anything else? Since it all started? I think they introduce more new flavors every now and again. They're always displayed for different events. Christmas Easter? Yeah.
So they're always interesting, right? We've pulled the hell out of you. And thanks for being on the show. Can you just I'm just saying to the microphone and we give you permission to use your
audio you can use audio and thank you.
Thanks guys. Have a good one. Enjoy. Likewise he just looking out for the thanks by looking at for the legal legalities. You've got I've actually got Bray behind with an iPad game.
I think that's what that's gonna sponsor
tonight. He didn't even know how long we been painful. I know we've been going for 34 minutes or have you
got my camera What else should I so this is the first he's what you shouldn't do more nostalgic store Okay, now why
the outside shave? This one is up to full on oh hang on. Jake.
Jake. Jake This is one question I have for Josh is another Can you come out here coming up? He's in the car that's in front of us Jay and giving me microphone and don't you talk
Jake yes was Josh nostalgic as a kid or is that an adult thing because you know now he like fucking constantly talking about his childhood and what happened like was he talking about what happened in year seven when he was the new 12 or when he was in New seven talking about what a print yeah
I think so because he's been doing his video stuff for like four we I remember distinctly doing like we would have been like what 11 or 12 and we're doing the Home and Away stuff doing like like parody home and away so already the panel yeah yeah the panel yeah all that and so like we we'd always you know touch on that and and that sort of thing yeah since he was there for sure yeah
all right. You're talking with a mouthful let's let's wrap this hour
we've been going for like over 30 minutes Do you know how long the show she said? I'm gonna keep talking let's just try this one is a longer one if you haven't gone this far because thank you
know if we're if we're deconstructing it is a pretty fucking I'm so proud of us. Thanks, man. I just need a second pair on outside. I'm proud that we've been I would like even though this is shared. It's like not that fucking interesting what we're saying. The fact that we have like
saying that you're gonna do something and just doing it even though if I can. disorganized and it's not exactly what we want. Or like, this is the next step. This is our first this is our first outside broadcast. So I made a video I put it out Yeah, yesterday. Yeah.
And it was cool. What was it called embarrassing footage from my first camera? Uh huh. It's probably not as embarrassing as the footage you would have from your food chemical genetic
you know if it was Kevin when you like it? Yeah, yeah, I was like 11 but I had some pretty like that sovereign Hill stuff that you sort of may interviewing people trying to
get my point is that I made that video and I was all about like, how embarrassed I was watching back this footage of me walking around Barcelona in 2011 pretending to be a TV presenter because I really wanted to be a presenter and I was like I in my head I was like that is the worst it's so cringe worthy also sheet and the funny thing is 100% I thought it was the worst I can't even remember
I remember
like doing it and just thinking I'm fucking associate at this I'm so sure to this anyway, I put it out yesterday and it's so funny what you think you are and like how you think you are you comparison how other people see you because people will like that wasn't actually that all embarrassing those fine but in my head, the lizard brains just going your she said this. But then I've realized that it's like every time I've become better at something. I'm always looking back thinking I'll shoot it. And so in 10 years time no doubt. I'll be looking back going. Look how embarrassing that was. The audio is shaker some Bogan was riding passed on a motorbike and we were idiots but eating doughnuts, so it's like always when you reflective on something, you probably a psycho if you're looking back gun. I'm a fucking weapon. Yeah, I'm the best. I think it's fine to look back at shit. And just I mean, you know, I love looking back and
it's, um, no, it's that thing of doing stuff is always better than not doing stuff and you could over engineer at like, I spent, you know, we decided that we're gonna do this Krispy Kreme episode. And I literally like went online and thought of about 1500 bucks worth of shit that I could have bought just to bring up the prod value and I'm like, okay, we need to get out like the cameras set up. I want to live recorded with these different sort of audio. It looks awkward how we have the microphone so we need to change up our microphones. And I was just like, you know what, fuck it. And it's like, it looks all right. It's fine. It looks fine. It's
okay. It's it's you notice she does you think you are? Yeah. Well, I think that's the advice for myself. Yeah,
I think that and that, that's, that's the case for so many people. I think funnily enough, a friend of mine was catching up with someone the other day and this person my friend will is very successful and they were saying how they caught up with someone who said are I think I've I feel like I had imposter syndrome and all that sort of thing and I'm thinking yeah like you should have because there's some people who like there's gonna be points in your life which you're stretched right when you start a job somewhere you're probably like not ready to be in that position yeah and then what happens is over three years you then get to a point where you're you've improved and then you move on and then someone else is in that position right
man that foods making me but I think it was a Mexican contain at night. We just smashed 5000 calories. He is that all that was good now? Yeah, it was probably anyway. No, come on. We need to let's let's think about some. Let's calm calm Alphonse. I feel like with from an outside broadcast, I've been very exciting.
we've ever we've had everything. We've had guests. Let's just reflect on I know you fucking love for reflecting. Yeah, the 40 episodes that we've done. Yeah. of this podcast. The Daily talk show if you're watching now. Oh, you're listening for the first time? That's
a very good a good ID No, I closing with that. We've had podcasts where we've called each other afterwards and being like, now I can put that one up. That was shit but we have put it Yeah, and then we've spoken to each other It's hot. You know this is part of the process who gives a fuck like as long as we there's definitely gonna be episodes where will say something. And like, for me, it's about being as honest as possible. And at the same time it is it is Lynn Do you know about the squid? Your story is? I
don't think I'm does this crazy story. Asked Josh. Pull him aside. Next time he comes over family dinner. Say. Josh, tell me about the squeegee story. We'll move on. But no, it's it's rapid learning. When you when you do something like a podcast five days a week. Yeah,
it's like you learn very quick, or you fail very hard. And it is been and all of that. for both of us. There's been moments over 40 episodes of 40 days, we've done this. And there have been multiple times where we've been both flat out. You've got to be picking up. Bodie. You doing work, I'm doing work, whatever it is. And it's the last fucking thing that we have time for. And so I think that it's been great to be able to, we've made it a non negotiable. When I was up in Sydney we managed if I can get you up in Sydney and record an episode there. The few episodes what's crazy is like, you can have a conversation. Maybe guys don't do this as much. And I girls love to talk to each other. Yeah,
about stuff. But fuck, man. Like, there was some episodes that we did it. And I was exhausted after, like, emotionally exhausted from having to pull on memories for stories, or, like, talk about how I felt like about my friends committing suicide. And she's like that, like, it fucking drains you. Yeah. And it's and I think you just glide along in life. Not Not Not thinking and not bringing up those stories constantly. Do you think a weird thing? Is that a weird thing too? Is it a positive thing? Do you think it is pretty cathartic? Like, you get a lot more clear, I think and your thoughts because you're having to think about everything. So I might write so I feel like my mind is clearer, from getting it out. Getting these words out. Even if it is just, you know, having these conversations, but you
have to think about communicating to each other. So it's like it Yeah, communication. I think he's like the most complex thing and it's something that isn't going away. It's everything from our clients to us as friends to our relationships. It's Derek who hasn't written them by default it was it was a Dylan no coding derek derek no you doing you know you had a better deal dealing with Derek
he's like crazy and
you have but now you're right communication actually before before we do go I do want to bring up No I don't want to fucking God without wrapping it up. No, I'm loving this glad because I want to know what I should do. Brain I have a trip Yeah, we got your why and Bray wants to fuck and hold on to everything and put it in store well you know i want to sell everything okay
all I heard before was my wife saying we've got breeze What if
you guys
have won
the debt the daily talk show Oh yeah.com the daily talk show.com are you
awesome awesome thanks guys. I was it was it dealing with Derek way Dylan?
I said Dario Sorry dude
I say Derek yeah I can't remember I think yeah I think
yeah thanks guys awesome have it go ya boy job by
ride safely
the too soon when he's just he's still learning he's back he's still I'm
just quickly legend something that I never really like the full guys getting into car What don't you understand crimes I think it's just awesome like I didn't really have that never had like dude friends like that but that because you a walking around the school yard with the teacher
and you lucky that the teacher didn't take advantage of you
know lovely
the teachers were always so nice and supportive but not reflective again reflected let's go reflective and then never had a you know I never had the the the guy groups
I did it once I did the Pocono Judy you stay at home with the girlfriend which query and you really excited about it right sorry and there's nothing wrong with clear either show but as you've said I'm you'll most fame friend right I am. You're my friend now you are
but you you've got a lot to say and and we have a good conversation. That's why we started this podcast. So
so we have 60 more this shows until I go away. So we sue a hate See I never got 100 episodes. We're gonna hit 100 episodes before I go my big trip. That's a good milestone. And so we're very pumped about that. Anything else you want to say? And what he as we hit Episode 40 of the daily talk show in nary Warren at the Krispy Kreme
I know what I want to talk about tomorrow on the show yeah and I'll talk about
Tuesday this coming out Monday yeah
but it's about not taking sheets so seriously That's what I'm talking about
and this is part of it like having fun we're having this is stupid right we're gonna say that was so we watched him I was I born you guys last year growth and yeah we did the thing is that when you eternal like when you actually say it then it's like well yeah it is it's like I used to defend myself he sees like oh now we
know it's like this is not real boring for most people. Well that's the thing like taking not taking it so seriously just having fun with it I remember like when I was getting in my head about doing like interviews on a red carpet It was like I'll do my hating I'll
get so wound up and I was like with throw that out and just have fun yeah forget about if I had a bunch of questions to ask or if I was saying he was going to be shit I just had fun with it and it always wins yeah if you can just throw it out and have fun having like serious shit if you're in a legal situation it's probably not the best time but just when you were thinking when you're ever thinking something it's like fucking have fun yeah
that's a good one yeah it's definitely a tag line with this show to die talk show Phuket have fun No, I agree. I think it's a you can get sorry. Brought up about things. And so until like people's health, Fox up around you will things like that, that you realize it's like, oh, actually, we're just skin and barn. We're all gonna die and might as well have a laugh and a and a donut or have fun. Have fun. Have fun everyone. It's the daily talk show. And we're on camera. If you've watched this far and listened this far, thank you. You can subscribe to us. We're at the daily talk show.com and you can even review us on iTunes through the podcast app on the iPhone it's a it's all at the daily talk show. And we've even got this Facebook is facebook page I literally just set up that described like Lee but we couldn't get for some facts and reason couldn't get forward slash the daily talk show. So it's the daily talk show podcast which will have to do it's what it is the other side. The other things the other things that I would just like to say is that I've created a group for listeners of the show, which is the daily talk show straight team good timing for leaving and you can send us an email to it high at the daily talk. show.com. Yeah, thank you for listening to Episode 40 guys. This is Tommy
Nari Warren I'm gonna really area well good diets. Come get him to finish them.
Trevor. Sorry. If you've just watching you really didn't miss much. But you'll be able to watch it back soon. Yeah, me. Is that what I call him? Long body long tail dog. He's got big news coming up. We'll have to hear about that soon. Bye. Everyone. Say guys.