#856 – Being Humbled/
- September 18, 2020
We chat about our Fat Fridays order, Tommy’s new place, Tony Abbott’s passport number, social engineering, being humbled and Tommy’s first job.
On today’s episode of The Daily Talk Show, we discuss:
- Fat Fridays
- Tommy’s new place
- Tony Abbott’s passport number and privacy
- Social engineering
- Being humble
- Tommy’s first job
Email us: hi@thedailytalkshow.com
Send us mail: PO BOX 400, Abbotsford VIC 3067
The Daily Talk Show is an Australian talk show and daily podcast by Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen. Tommy and Josh chat about life, creativity, business, and relationships — big questions and banter. Regularly visited by guests and gronks! If you watch the show or listen to the podcast, you’re part of the Gronk Squad.
This podcast is produced by BIG MEDIA COMPANY.
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It's the daily Talk Show Episode 856. What is happening? What's going on? gronk how are we Josh get in for real? For real? How it for real? For real? Look. I'm actually good today.
Friday so but also good because it was my birthday on Monday. Yeah, got messages, heartwarming messages.
Not as many heartwarming messages as compared to the messages I received after the story that I told yesterday, people in solidarity telling me their shit stories and made me feel good. What's more reliable shitting yourself for birthdays?
It depends how many times over the years. Oh, god, it's at least once a year, at least once a year. I mean, it is great. Like you want me to just sort of rate reel off. Remaining nameless. Some of these people I don't think would
Just sort of
your your your your continuing the stigma
This is great Instagram usernames
we don't want to be you know toxic toxic masculinity to mask who's shot themselves but this one came through this one came through I'm not gonna say the name I felt for Josh so much in this moment literally literally had this happened to me last Saturday while walking through a park thank God I wasn't walking with a friend Fuck my life so embarrassing love you JJ if that is not connection at a human level
I don't know what is
we've had some we've confirmation on the the method of cheating yourself which was take too much magnesium. Yeah dietitian who works at a hospital confirmed that magnesium can be a laxative. Yep. And also another friend to shout Yes, my mom used to take me
Every day, and we'd have liquid sheets every day, we thought she had something super bad, wrong, you know, wrong with it.
But stopped magnesium and it was okay.
He surprised with me learning a lot of the dmws what I learned is to is three is not better than to just, that's a good safe rule to to go on for now. Yes, because you took three instead of two.
I think your magnesium is the go to for when your body's saw when you're probably not stretching and doing a bunch of other things like ingesting something there's probably a bunch you could do without taking something or, and so there's that or just Lucas suggested the spray. I've got the spray. She's been saying you know spray your feet, spray your behind your knees, and that helps you go to nine eyes.
And so I think that
Maybe that would do it without you rotating the bow. Yeah, it's, I mean, it's anything you ingest, you just get in that funky feeling he got. I have to talk about it anymore.
That's not for fat Fridays do want to go first. What have you got for fat Fridays? Yeah, so I've got a this is a fantasy training special. like you'd definitely see blokes building houses into rack eating this. A bacon egg roll in a brioche bun and a Portuguese tart. Do you think smashing the Portuguese tabs? This is like
not all over again. You there is nothing
You're right, you're right. You've been eating Portuguese. It's like it so if I can slightly been any magnesium tablets. Yeah, we can get you out. You will shoot yourself. What is it? All?
Right. It is the cutest little thing. Okay.
yeah, but it's not like crazy doughnuts. Wait. It's like a custard tart sweet, but I don't it's got cinnamon notes through it. It's got like a sort of glazed top. But the pastries, you know, is where it's sort of it dies if it's bad pastry, you know, throw it in the bin, but this one is from a nice bakery and it's um, yeah, it's made by Portuguese. The Portuguese made it famous. I think.
I wonder if they just called tots in in Portugal. You would think, wouldn't you? Well, you hope so. We hope
well, you don't care. You having a stands for entertainment. You don't care.
To be I don't care. I don't care. I didn't. Bloody hopes. I hope that they change their name to Todd Kay baby. Exactly.
So I was I actually went for a walk this morning. You told me I should and so I listened to you and we got to come
And then I was I said debris I just need to go and get a toasted sandwich and she said oh you know we've still got the frittata in the fridge and I was like it was pretty cheesy like it could be a fat Friday thing and I said what about if I put more cheese on the top just so don't get called out for not having something indulgent for fat Fridays and so that's that's why I did it's got like fetter and stuff inside but then I just got a vintage cheese and just melted on top of that and so it is It was delicious beforehand
it's really like you know, it's real dense like like like the from the the cheese and stuff coming there we go. Yeah, it's a lot of density to that for Tada. Yeah. As it got like, um, pumpkin or sweet potato or something. And then what is it got in there? I should know. It's got some leafy greens, spinach and stuff. Yeah, thanks. Okay.
Yeah, it's it's good. Just have a taste. I mean,
One thing you're probably not that great at is, I think it's because you don't cook as much. So you don't know the food, like what's inside of things. But I've asked you a few times, like, what's it tasting like, and you've struggled to articulate what it is. It's, I mean, it's like, slam things down.
I'm not really considering you know, like, you don't I mean, one of the fastest burger is there's not in a burger eating competition. It's true. That has been its criticism when I was a kid, just slow down operation. Tell me what's in it. Yeah. Tomato, spinach and fed out. And why is that?
Because she made it I don't know why that means.
Sounds like we, Brady's worried that the consensus would be that we bought our border and she want to make a note, to be honest. To be honest, there wouldn't be anything in your house that healthy food bought it. I'd like I think that's if you know, you're eating healthy. It's because you guys have cooked it. Yeah. And so this is Yeah.
Cook roll this and all braided and it's it's great you know you cook it in a in a
What's it called? Like a bushing I put it Yeah, yeah put it in the oven and then you put in the fridge and then you can just slice it up and have it in the mornings. Got the tip from a Pete Shepherd he does a big yes if egg thing and cuts it up and has it as a slice in his lane. And so but you have sort of introduced more fat to it for fat Fridays. Yes, because of the chase. Appreciate that. What's been happening? How's it how's the new home? Oh, it's great. It's getting there with body's gone for the day, which is just means that we can you know, get some sort of solid work in plus it with urines Yeah, with mom and dad. No, he said the bakery where I got the portrait is
gonna play pin. No, no, we've, it's, it's coming together nicely. There's finally getting some stuff away. It's one of those sort of hectic moves where you
Slowly putting stuff away. I don't know if there's a move where, unless you're rich and you're paying someone to totally unload the whole thing and pack it away, but then then you don't know where everything is because you haven't packed it away, because you're living so close to where you're living beforehand. Any any, any hacks, the things that you didn't have to dismantle law. Ah, you know, I just be tempted to fucking carry things in their full form just Well, we did rather than having a fucking deal with dismantling stuff. Yeah, I mean, you push that to the limit, but then there's Do you take stuff out of the drawers
that address or would you just got here we got it. Here we go.
I removed the drawers with the things in them, put them into my car and took them to the house. And then the removalists just did the big frame of the you know, the cabinet or whatever. And then I just slid the drawers back in. And so that was very handy when you have to start sort of taking shit out of drawers, putting him into boxes and then making sure that don't break natural
is very handy. But I was on. I was reading an article this morning of a hacker, who I think you'll love this it will be a great read for you.
When you browse Instagram and find former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott's passport number, and that's the name of the article. This guy is a hacker and he had people reach out to him say, mate, can you hack this? And so you know that I mean, it's not happening now and I probably don't think it will happen. Maybe there'll be a big spark of it, but people posting photos of their passports I'm sure if we went back it's probably in your archives archives now. Definitely all over it like the boarding passes. Were a big one. Yeah. You know your tickets going to a concert you would post that. Even even people would just being like, um, you know, following barefoot, got my splurge card. So nicely. Yeah, photo.
debit card. Well, Tony habit. I mean, this is I like to just think about. I mean, we're we're nowhere near the size of somebody like America but you look at this is Bill Clinton. So Bill Clinton's taken a photo of his passport or sorry of his boarding pass and ticket and then instagrammed it. This is what the previous Prime Minister of this country has done. And then some hacker has gone. Ah, easy. And he's gone through the process of
finding Tony Abbott's Date of Birth phone number logging into his Qantas frequent flyer portal. And then before like he didn't really want to do anything he didn't want to do anything malicious with it. One of one of one of the things on these posts is do not get arrested challenge 2020 he said in this act.
He basically worked out, figure out whether I've done a crime notify someone maybe Tony
But get permission to publish this blog post and then tell cuantas about the security issues that they can fix. So it's almost like a white hat hacker at this point. But it took almost six months for him to get permission to post this. But what he did was he downloaded the image and then inspected the image. And then in that, in that image, he found all this information about Tony Abbott. Like full name like he's
date of birth. And so he's just used all of these to then engineering get into he's bad like Qantas frequent flyer portal. Like, there's so people don't post there. I can't. This is where I don't understand we've had this conversation about your car number plates. I saw this person this influencer one photo so they did a carousel one photo number pipe, like blanked out.
photo to the left. You can see the number five. I was not at what point like, why are you doing that? For one is someone What do you mean someone but Can someone why you left, swipe left and use, you know, a carousel of photos you swipe left. And you can see another photo. I said they blurred out one but nothing. Yeah, I blew that one. And then you swipe and then you see another photo of the car. Or there's definitely like a Yeah, I love when you see something that's blurred. I love to try and figure it out. Like I saw one big influencer from the UK. And she had re shared a friend's Insta story. Yeah. And in the Insta story, it's a throwback on her Facebook. And the influencer had whited out her her Facebook name because obviously she uses a different name than what she uses as an influencer. And I couldn't help myself. I
Just went to the friends instastory click through and saw it because it wasn't centred on the friends account. It was just friends it centred on the influences account. Yeah. Well, yeah, I mean, it's like when people I mean, I think a real problem one is the taking a photo of you in front of your sold board, you know, like you've just bought a house for one. Don't be a banker. I mean, you just flexing at that point that you've got some debt to, it's very clear where you live, because you just look at the real estate agency, like usually they wiped out the
the, you know, address or their area. But there's a copy, you could literally just write the copy from the board into real estate company, or whatever. Yeah, sure, you'd find them. And so the people that are doing this, I mean,
you just collectively seeing other people do stuff. And you've been thinking I'll do that. Yeah, but at the point of trying to be cyber safe, you just wouldn't pay
So what can you do so with the, the licence example, I guess there's,
you know that if I didn't like somebody if I didn't like somebody and I knew their licence plate, you could be an absolute flog and dive them in for littering. Sure. You could say like, if you are here we go.
You know me mate Terry, who I went to height and he's not my height, Terry, but Terry got a bloody Nissan Skyline. GTR are 32 kept it old school roll cage inside, you know, huge amounts of boost go into that engine from the turbines. And it sounds too loud. And I don't like Terry. So I'm gonna call the API or something is like an Environmental Protection Authority. Yep, yep. And I'm gonna dive in Terry and say that I saw him tearing past me and it injured my ears. And then he will get an A An email will start he'll get a letter in the mail that says, hey, Terry, you need to go take your
Gotta be tested to see if it's the right decibels for people's ear balls. That happened to me. He's
so I MW in yours No, no, no, no, no. It will make more sense when you know the cut. My vo Commodore my first car 1997 burgundy colour, original interior, one of the cleanest interiors, you'd say one of the worst exteriors you'd say it was you know, it was a trade off colour for low Ks and great interior. So I bought this thing from beric. And it was a Yeah, five speed manual. Very happy with it. Dropped 4k on it. First car and five speed manual there. A lot of four speed manual is not it's good to flex to say that it's a six speed. So five, but I was just I was just saying phosphate. Well, it's a manual. It was a manual. Anyway, I
Got an exhaust put onto it. Of course, fully sick. I got an exhaust. And it was loud. It was loud. But you know, I trusted the guys that put it on pay, you know, paid paid on card wasn't a cash job. Yeah. And, you know, I proceeded to be a young guy driving a vl Commodore around. And at one point I had a full car load and I was in that status, you know?
Having? Yeah, I'm playing status games, man.
Why is he doing that? He
and I had a car full of people and we were tearing around. I don't think I was being that naughty. I think I was and I just this guy looked at as indeed this arm action. I was like, what's he talking about? And maybe because I just dumped it and it sounded loud at the point. But sure enough, two weeks later, I go to
someone who ratted me in
Someone had taken my number flight and ratted me in and you have to go and get the test it's like you know it's obviously the law that once you get this letter you get to go did sort of and so
it cost me 300 bucks I think where they do something with a reduce the sound of the exhaust I've actually short stories like this with your mentioning the API a friend who there was a road rage incident yet with someone else and they just the the person said hey, they throw see your car don't even see like and had to go into like it had to fight the fine. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And so if you if you throw CDs out the window or you Lisa, your gronk and if you get caught or someone gets you a fine, you should be paying it but isn't this like don't know who's no one else is going to clean up your shit. Do it yourself. But if you do it with
That, you know, it actually happening like that's, that's I think more what's more drunky at least horror or a liar
yeah yeah yeah cuz then it will take it right I mean yeah cuz cuz you could lie about littering. You could.
That's where I went with it. Yeah, yeah Yeah, exactly. I mean this is social engineering stuff is fun I've spoken about it on the show there was a show back in the day called the broken was a web show and Kevin Rose who founded digg.com would do all of these different social engineering sort of experiments and one of them being how you get a free pizza would have which I've spoken a lot about, but there's a great if you're interested in all of this stuff. There's a guy named Kevin Mitnick. He was the first guy to ever been put in jail for hacking. And now he's a white hat hacker. So he are good
hacks for hacks for good. And yeah, he's got a book called The Art of deception, where so much of this hacking is not just about like to your point it's not, you know, hacking into systems just like brute force EDS, getting this bit of information that bit of information. Imagine a sinking one of
one of my mates had a video of them leaving in a car yesterday, right? They were in a car, and it was like a, like a private, like an Uber, basically. Yeah. And it had the number plate on there, and I was thinking, what you could do, you could contact the for one, you could try and find out stuff on your own in regards to the number plate. But then, like what happened with Georgia, Georgia boy. He had an incident where he
left his MacBook Pro in an Uber and he contacted
Cops are super helpful. And so through and then also contacted another company and they were super helpful. So you could contact you could find the, the name of the company that the limo
is from, say, Hey, I'm this person
I ordered this car, I don't actually have the details by lift something in there. Could you contact them getting details and then on the back end, reverse engineer, some sort of, I don't know what you could do actually, at that point, to be honest. just decided a few details via diary. They're not Yeah. Well, half of it's like, yeah, so this half of the social engineering stuff. So there's, there was, I was listening to a podcast without talking about
someone who was working at a like a store on a beach front. And there was these groups of people that would do this tactic without come up. And so there'll be young people by
on the counter, I was one of them. I was a young, young 14 year old working at a netball centre behind the counter using an old cash register. That didn't really work. And so I had to sort of I couldn't do math in netball centre to be honest. Yeah, me on calendar. So, you know, real job, sympathy job. I definitely ate more
killer pythons and sausage rolls. You know what I actually got paid.
folded a lot of bibs. Duck. bibs, smelly bibs, yeah. Had to fold them. Anyway, that sort of humbling at that point when you're, you know, working folding smelly bibs these things and interesting Can I just say that humble on the humbling thing. So many people misuse this like they say I you know, I got all this great feedback was really humbling. It's not really humbling, is it? Of course not. That's when you get like like it. I don't know if it's a US thing, but I just say like, I was humbled by it.
How much people would love to me what I yeah that point. Anyway go on so the bibs
past tense humbled paths. Participant humbled cause someone to feel less important or proud. So technically right, less important or proud. Well, cuz you can my run humbled base that yeah, I think you are you can be humbled, because, for one, I had a false sense of who I was probably, which I always have. So usually, right. So I used it right. I did. Yeah. No, but I think like the people who was like, I'm getting all this put like, the head so many people. Oh, yeah. I think like I was really humbled by the whole thing is that, well, no, that was it. Because if they felt wrong,
well, they felt less important than what people identified them to be. And so if you were to get so if you were to be a creator, who's humbled by the attention to video, you obviously thought
You weren't good enough to
experience or receive all of that love because you're the Creator, and if it's the right use anyway.
So it says the supporting opponent previously thought to be superior. So, that easy. Oh, yeah, I was humbled by the fact that only 1000 people watch my video that I thought was going to go viral. If you had Yeah, yeah, people view your video. You're not really humbled by that. It's it. You might as well just say, I was fucking embarrassed.
That's more suited that I I'm an egomaniac. And I thought it was. So that works. So the embarrassed bit like so that context works. What doesn't work is when people are humbled when they're you know, getting heaps of praise or something was successful, most humbled by the response. Yeah, definitely. I'm not sure. I think someone had email us hi the daily talk show calm.
Yeah, I'm thinking about a lot because we were using humbled as a as a term a lot lightly. And so the Yeah, I'm at the centre. And
I was using the cash register usually using like a calculator to get the numbers Right, right. And so there is a there is some scumbags in this earth that go up to counters and will hand over a $20 note, buy something so they have to actually buy something from you to back water. But the way they sort of articulate what they they force back more money than what they've handed over, no, no, I gave you a 50 so what I need back is a 20 Plus, if you could give me 210 just a five and then all I need is three $3. But if you could give me 250 cent coins and you know, and then the others in just two one dollars. By that point, the young, you know, kid is like,
on no but you didn't give me a 50 and like you're starting to panic and so
I've experienced this I've handed over more money without someone doing that to me.
Literally handing me more money. But then when you get to, I always loved it because I always knew I couldn't work it out. It always rattled me to the point where someone was like, Oh, can you give me back a note? without, you know, like, they've given me more money than it was. So they'd give me like a $20 and a $2 coin and a 50 cent. And they're like, Can you give me back this? And I'm like, ah, and so I worked out that you just put in the amount that they gave you on this 10 cash register and putting the thing in, you press it and it tells you so I outsourced it to the cash register, but if you but if you don't have a cash register that can do that. I see how I would be the guy handing over more money because I'd be freaking and I'd be like, I'm I'm I don't know math. So clearly this person is more smart than me. You know, that. Was that your first ever job? Oh, no, no, no, I had a paper round.
I had a pipe around, I'm in the morning, which I have to get off. Five 5:15am. And I was fucking grade six or something. Jimmy conspiracy Jimmy, my best man had that too. And so it was like a real thing down in gardenvale. And you do what you got paid.
Because you're not meant to have a job until you 14 nine months. So isn't one of these things where you don't ours? Nah, nah, it was just everyone. Everyone knew the local newspaper join as an agency that was a news agency. And then out the back there was a alleyway that you'd go in the smell. I remember the smell. It was an oily old machine that would wrap the papers in the plastic shell. And I remember packing it. And I just remember this one time, I was in a pipe around by myself and you've got this sort of, oh yeah, you take your bike and they would kick it out with the thing that would hold the cage on the back. Oh, that's good. That's right. I feel like 2020
I feel like five years or 10 years ago, when I was even stopped like 10 years ago when I was still in the suburbs you would see like it's a car seat show. Yeah, yeah. And the kids just throwing it out the soccer whatever is the show. So what I think that you may have been seeing was a Saturday morning round, because the Saturday morning round is big. And so you can do the the midweek round on your bike, Saturdays had to get mom and we take the car, and we'd feel at the back of the car, you'd fill up the whole entire boat with papers. But there's one time and this is I was humbled.
I was so humbled this one morning, I was crying. I got this huge, well, it's just two sort of two compartments in the back of my bike full of papers and I was early on my run. And the bike tipped over and I wasn't strong enough to get it back up. And then I was and then it fell over and the papers didn't come out. But they're all there and I was really struggling to pull the ball.
Back up to its standing position Am I just remember this directing there were
40 something around maybe 40 to 5025 each side like a lot man there's a lot and I just remember it was cold dark and I was young and I was starting to wait and know and but I got the bike back up Did you have a bike light
yeah I had like a little remember all that stuff was shipped back in the day now you can get bike like skateboard and all yeah yeah it was a really crappy one this is a fire yeah
and but but God it's good to think back like i did it i got the bike back up right and I finished off the round and in the box or was it a throw stitch? I couldn't imagine.
You would trust it without surely you broke a few windows or ruin defeating. I did heat a lot once I got out of it. I know who it is the boy
Anyway, it's good. It's humbling.
It feels good to say it's humbling when you don't even know what it means or if it's the right context. You know, did you were Did you ever run work at a fast food joint? No, no, no. So that was it paper round.
And then I worked at a at the nipple Centre for quite some time. And then I nearly got a job while I landed at the fruit shop, but then I ended up getting an apprenticeship. And then I moved into personal training, and then moved into radio. And now here, he says, I haven't had that question of a podcaster. Exactly, exactly. It's I I feel like that's a heap of jobs. But the thing is, like enough
young people will have a new job every sort of 12 to 24 months. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, definitely. Well, I kind of found by the time I'd found personal training
I did that for seven years. And so and then it was like media so I've had various jobs in the media. I mean, if you're looking at at a per job level at a video production point, I've had hundreds,
hundreds of different jobs.
Anyway, alright, I'm gonna go finish this for Tyler. I decided not to go baiting it. I just had one bite of my Portuguese tart. It tastes like a cinnamon doughnut. Yeah, in top form of what that's it.
But it's got custard in it. Yeah, yeah, but it's all the flavour flavours of cinnamon don't like the cinnamon, cinnamon, but then it just has just remind me of cinnamon diner, I think, right? It's a daily talk show. Hide the daily talk show calm is the email address, share on Instagram, please do it. Just Just take a screen grab and say that you're listening or whatever. Maybe you've got a theory on Portuguese tarts on being humbled. Or maybe
You can even share a photo of you doing a paper round. If you've ever done a paper round from when you were a kid, that'd be fun. Or if you ate magnesium, just take a photo of the bottle and yeah, and then just write if you know, you know, I do like that. Or the other thing is I'm taking
I'm wanting to get into some fish supplements, just wanting to get a little bit less inflamed. I'm feeling it. Like, that's, that's my big, you know, it's not all about weight loss and stuff like that. I'm trying to be a little bit more sensible and I'm just wanting to feel better. And I know services all on that he's fucking smashing the fish oil and things like that. So if you have any recommendations of vitamins, just gonna fucking start with a few. You know, do you have any vitamins? TJ, you're doing it. I brought him in say
what do you call it that? That that I'm I'm a force. The Army Forces more than you sick? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, vitamin D. I feel like
Maybe I could get around given the circumstances with ISO. And a can't be too expensive because remember they said, I asked the doctor, can you test me for vitamin D? And they said, it's actually cheaper just to buy vitamin D issues to get the test. assume you're deficient.
And then yeah, not even like it. I think it's just, it doesn't hurt. You'll just piece it out if you've got enough. Yeah, yeah, my mom's was already nine by the way. Yellow and what did I say? Yeah, I'm already nine. Yeah, you had llama nine. Yeah, that's why I misspeak because I was I was loving low nine as a kid. So good, good stories, and I can't or I can tell the rest of the day and we'll see you for weekend banter tomorrow. Have a good one guys say guys.